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How to use an electric toothbrush - step-by-step instructions and recommendations. How to properly brush your teeth with an electric brush Using an electric toothbrush

Mass production of electric toothbrushes began in the 60s of the last century. Modern devices are radically different from their predecessors, both in appearance and in the quality of cleaning tooth enamel. Despite the wide range of positive qualities and good reviews from dentists, not every person knows how to brush their teeth with an electric toothbrush. Let's look at this issue and learn about the main nuances of operating the device.

Typically, an electric toothbrush comes with detailed instructions, which indicate contraindications and care features for the model and provide recommendations for brushing your teeth. If you don't have such recommendations, use the detailed guide below. The tips described will help you avoid common mistakes and develop an individual approach to the procedure.

First of all, before you start using the brush, it is important to make sure that it has a sufficient amount of charge. If the model is powered by batteries, then they can simply be replaced, but if it is powered by a battery, then it will have to be charged in advance. Therefore, always monitor the charge level of the brush. The operation and efficiency of the device directly depend on this indicator. There are models that operate from the network, but the portable type of device is considered the most convenient.

How to apply paste to stubble?

Just as with a traditional brush, the head of the electric model must first be moistened with water. You can wet the fibers under running water. After this, squeeze out a small amount of toothpaste (the size of a “pea” should not exceed 5 mm). It is important to understand that an excessive amount of paste is not effective and will lead to increased foaming, as a result of which you simply will not be able to follow the enamel cleansing process.

Important! If you use an electric toothbrush, you should not use highly abrasive whitening pastes or powders with it. In this case, you will damage the enamel and cause increased tooth sensitivity!

Do you need to press down on your toothbrush?

Using traditional devices, we are accustomed to the fact that it takes some effort to get the desired result. In the case of the described models, external efforts can lead to undesirable consequences, for example, abrasion of enamel or the development of inflammation. The electric model itself guarantees high-quality plaque removal.

Rules for cleaning the tooth surface

When using electric models, you can start brushing your teeth from both the lower and upper jaws. It is better if the cleansing process takes you at least 2-3 minutes. In this case, you need to linger on one tooth for 2-3 seconds. During the procedure, do not make any additional movements with your hand, just smoothly move the brush from one tooth to another. The device is already programmed to perform certain rotational and translational movements.

Cleaning the outer surface of teeth- the bristles should be adjacent to the enamel at a right angle. Movements and pulsations should be as smooth as possible. The external cleaning procedure covers the entire surface of the tooth, right down to the gums.

Caring for the back surface of teeth- just as in the previous case, the brush should move smoothly from one tooth to another. For greater convenience, the device is rotated vertically. It is important that the bristles reach the gums without damaging them. The inside of the teeth is hidden from view, so maximum attention must be paid to it.

Cleaning the chewing surface- chewing teeth require careful attention, so when brushing, you can make movements by lightly pressing the brush. The procedure time for this part also increases to 3-4 seconds. Gradually you will learn to control the pressure.

Cleaning gums- as for cleaning gums, some models have a special attachment designed for this purpose. If there is no attachment, then you can massage soft tissues by turning off the device.

The advantages of using the model are the high quality of enamel cleaning, as well as ease of operation. In the absence of contraindications, such devices are recommended even for children. Correct use of the device facilitates the treatment of certain oral diseases.

When should you not use an electric toothbrush?

There are a number of situations where the use of the model leads to serious complications. First of all, contraindications include inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the oral cavity, including suppuration of periodontal pockets, as well as gingivitis. In addition, the list of contraindications includes:

  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel and tendency to wear off;
  • the presence of caries in the form of a white spot;
  • dentures and implants that suffer from aggressive influence.

Important! Since an electric toothbrush requires the user to have some skills, before you start using it, visit a dentist who will assess the condition of your teeth and oral cavity, give the necessary advice and recommendations, and also tell you how to properly brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush and toothpaste.

Precautionary measures

If a person chooses an electric toothbrush, he must remember the need to constantly monitor the pressure of the device on the tooth and gum tissue. It is important to understand that excessive pressure will not help you achieve a Hollywood smile overnight, but it will provoke serious complications.

Caring for your electric brush

Caring for such a device is simple: the principle is similar to caring for a regular toothbrush. Rules of care include:

  • need to replace the cleaning head. Dentists recommend performing the replacement procedure at least once every 3 months. You can do this more often, for example, if you notice that the bristles have lost their shape or changed color;
  • daily cleaning. In this case, the bristles are washed after each brushing of the teeth. Soap and running water are suitable for this purpose;
  • special hygienic treatment. A couple of times a week, the brush head is soaked in a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine for 1-2 hours. After this, the bristles are thoroughly washed with clean water.

As you can see, using an electric toothbrush is not only convenient, but also simple. It is important to remember some rules and nuances that will make the process of getting to know the device easier.

site, together with Vera Konstantinova, dentist, candidate of medical sciences, decided to sort out the six most popular myths about electric toothbrushes and understand whether they have any benefit or not. According to our expert, an electric toothbrush can make caring for your teeth much easier and even reduce the risk of oral disease. Most people do not follow doctors' recommendations to brush their teeth with sweeping movements for two minutes and often pay little attention to oral hygiene. Meanwhile, the electric brush itself controls the brushing time, removing several times more plaque, including in hard-to-reach places, compared to a manual brush.

Myth 1: A regular toothbrush cleans as well as an electric one.

On this topic

Brushing your teeth seems like a simple task, but in fact, for it to bring results, several factors must be taken into account. Of course, if you can control the pressure of the brush on your teeth and brush each one thoroughly, continue to use a manual brush. Just keep in mind that, according to statistics, many Russians spend an average of 46 seconds brushing their teeth, while the norm is two minutes. In addition, instead of brushing their teeth in a sweeping motion, many people do it from side to side. Electric toothbrushes provide more uniform pressure on the surface of the teeth and gums, which reduces the risk of enamel abrasion, and the built-in timer helps to maintain the required two minutes. To achieve the wow effect you want, choose a model whose bristles move up and down at a speed of 31,000 movements per minute, removing plaque not only on the teeth, but also between them and along the gum line.

Myth 2: Electric toothbrushes are not suitable for those with sensitive teeth.

You will be surprised, but often such problems are associated with incorrect cleaning techniques. Moving from side to side can easily injure the gums, and most of the plaque along the gum line is not cleaned properly. To prevent bleeding gums and discomfort, many modern brushes have special modes for delicate cleansing and attachments with ultra-soft bristles arranged in a special way for the most gentle care. At the same time, attachments can be easily changed depending on individual preferences. Moreover, some models of brushes are equipped with a sensor that, during strong pressure on the teeth, vibrates to warn of the need for a more gentle effect on the gums. Great, right?

You will be surprised, but there are several types of electric brushes: simple, sonic and ultrasonic. The first ones brush their teeth with quick rotational movements of the nozzle. Sound - not only due to mechanical action, but also due to additional sound vibrations, which weaken the adhesion of plaque to the surface of the teeth. Brushes with this technology can restore natural whiteness to teeth within a week. Good news: models that operate at a frequency of 260 Hz can be used even by those who have crowns, fillings, and braces. Alas, those who have fillings and crowns will have to avoid ultrasonic brushes (the vibration frequency of the bristles is more than 20,000 Hz), although they are very effective.

Myth 4: Electric toothbrushes are dangerous for pregnant women, people with pacemakers, or braces.

There is only one type of electric brush that should be used carefully - ultrasonic. They cause vibrations that can negatively affect the interface between the enamel and the filling. Therefore, such brushes are strictly contraindicated for people with braces, crowns, veneers and implants. They can significantly reduce the service life of such orthopedic and orthodontic structures. They are also not recommended for use by people with pacemakers and pregnant women.

Myth 6: One electric toothbrush can only be used by one person.

Of course this is not true! One body is suitable for different attachments, which can be changed depending on the individual preferences of all “users”. For example, for Philips Sonicare you can choose any of seven attachments that differ in hardness: from ultra-soft to medium. Keep in mind that dentists do not recommend using hard brushes!

Text: Yulia Markova

Photo: press archives, Shutterstock.com

How you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush determines your oral health and the lifespan of the device. Compared to using a conventional tool, automated devices have key differences in application.

If you just purchased an electric brush and don’t yet know how to use it exactly, 6 rules will help you find your way.

Electric toothbrushes are powered by AA batteries or a rechargeable battery. Naturally, you will not be able to use the device if it is discharged.

If the power source for the device is batteries, then you should always have a couple of new ones in stock. Battery-powered devices need to be charged regularly - approximately once a week. They are placed at the station for 10–12 hours.

Note! A color indicator will indicate that the device is low.

Not all brushes can be kept on the charger all the time. But some models allow this to be done - for example, products from Oral-B, Braun.

The device should be stored near the sink, but at a sufficient distance so that it does not fall. Otherwise, it may split, and if water gets on the broken device, it may break or cause an electric shock.

Before cleaning, the nozzle is moistened with water - this way the impulses will pass better. Squeeze a little paste onto the head. You need a strip the size of a pea, approximately 5 mm.

You don't need to use a lot of cleaner. Since the mechanical device makes many rotations, the paste will foam a lot, which will complicate the cleaning process.

Important! The abrasiveness of electric toothbrush paste should not exceed 75RDA.

It is first recommended to remove food debris and plaque from the interdental spaces. Despite the fact that electric brushes clean the surface several times better than regular ones, they are not able to penetrate deep between the crowns.

You can also use floss at the end of the procedure. But food particles will enter the mouth, and beneficial substances from the paste will not be able to penetrate the contact surfaces located between the teeth.

When brushing your teeth, you need to change the angle of inclination in different areas. So:

  • the device is held vertically at an angle of 45° when cleaning the outer surface of the anterior crowns;
  • the head is turned horizontally when the outer side of premolars and molars, the inner and chewing surfaces of the teeth are treated.

There is no need to press on the brush or make any movements. She will handle the task herself. You just need to move it smoothly from tooth to tooth, pausing at each section for 1 to 2 seconds.

Additional Information! Only when cleaning the chewing surface can you apply light pressure on the crowns.

Moreover, “smart” modern models with a professional round attachment will not allow you to put too much pressure on your teeth. Devices from leading companies (for example, CS Medica, Donfell, Emmi-Dent) are equipped with a sensor. It beeps if the pressure exceeds the norm. This was done to protect the enamel from damage.

To properly brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, follow these guidelines:

  • visually divide the jaws into 4 parts, drawing an imaginary line on each part between the two frontal incisors;
  • apply the brush with paste to the teeth and only when the bristles touch the enamel, turn on the device;
  • They begin to clean the crowns from plaque from the front surface, then move on to the inner, and then to the chewing surface.

Note! It is advisable to strive for the bristles to extend completely from the top of the crown to its base, touching the gum margin.

The entire brushing of your teeth should take about two minutes - 30 seconds for each quarter of the jaw. At the end, rinse your mouth with clean water.

After the main procedure, it is necessary to clean the mucous membranes of the mouth from plaque.

This can be done in 2 ways:

  • walk with the brush turned off along the gums, tongue, palate, inside of the cheeks - make sweeping movements from the back to the vestibule of the mouth;
  • use a special nozzle.

At the end, the mouth is irrigated again with clean water, and then with an antiseptic rinse.

Electric toothbrushes help improve oral hygiene. But they are prohibited from being used by patients:

  • with multiple fillings, crowns, bridges, veneers - electrical impulses pass differently through dental tissue and artificial materials, which can lead to premature loss of dentures;
  • who have been diagnosed with gingivitis in the acute stage, periodontitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa or neoplasms;
  • suffering from bruxism, pathological abrasion of enamel, wedge-shaped defect;
  • children under 6 years of age due to incompletely formed enamel; devices should also be used with caution by teenagers - their degree of dental mineralization is several times lower than that of adults;
  • pregnant women;
  • with pacemakers.

Important! Even if a person is healthy, it is necessary to brush his teeth a couple of times a week with a regular appliance. This will reduce the stress on the enamel.

Tip 6: Keep your electric toothbrush functional and clean

In order for the device to last as long as possible, it needs to be looked after. Adhere to the following recommendations:

  • after the procedure, remove the nozzle and rinse it thoroughly under the pressure of warm water, removing any remaining paste with your fingers;
  • shake off the water from the nozzle, attach it back and place the brush with the cleaning head up to dry;
  • the device is not covered with anything;
  • if the device has a sterilizer or disinfectant, it is turned on to destroy germs and bacteria;
  • nozzles must be changed every 3 – 4 months;
  • If the bristles are worn out, the villi begin to bristle, fall out, or lose their bright color, then replaceable attachments are purchased ahead of schedule.

Modern devices improve oral hygiene several times. But it's not enough to just buy an electric toothbrush or use it occasionally. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, you must follow the correct cleaning technology and carefully care for the device. This is the only way it will last a long time, and each procedure will be carried out with the highest quality possible.

We are all used to brushing our teeth every day. Every day begins and ends with this simple procedure. For many decades, people made do with simple brushes - first only with natural, and then with synthetic bristles. However, progress does not stand still. New technologies have also invaded this conservative method of oral care. The problem of choosing a brush from modern samples is not as simple as it might seem. Are they necessary, or should we leave everything the same? If you keep up with the times, then which brush should you choose? How is ultrasonic different from electric?

Operating principle of an ultrasonic toothbrush

The brush is a type of electric brush; they should be distinguished from mechanical brushes with rotating heads and sonic brushes. All of these devices are powered by mains power, batteries or batteries, but the way they clean teeth is different.

The vibrations of the ultrasonic brush bristles are provided by a piezocrystal, to which an electric current is applied. The operating principle is based on the inverse piezoelectric effect, when a charge on the crystal faces leads to mechanical stress. The oscillation frequency of the crystal depends on the frequency of the pulses applied to its edges. The vibrations of the crystal are transmitted to the bristles, which clean the surface of the teeth. Typically, the oscillation frequency is 1.6 MHz - this indicator is recognized as therapeutic.

In addition to the usual cleaning of enamel with moving bristles, the device acts on the teeth with ultrasound. At the same time, the temperature inside the oral cavity increases by about 10C°, the person feels pleasant warmth. Ultrasound vibrations have a disastrous effect on pathogens and help remove soft plaque. They also help get rid of food debris stuck between teeth and clean hard-to-reach places. Cleansing occurs due to the fact that ultrasound is absorbed differently by bone tissue and dental plaque. This difference causes the plaque to flake off and be removed.

However, it will not be possible to deal with tartar using an electric ultrasonic toothbrush. To remove it, you will have to contact your dentist and have it professionally cleaned.

Pros and cons of using

An ultrasonic toothbrush has a number of advantages over devices that operate on a different principle. The advantages of using it include:

  • correct movements of the bristles, eliminating the need to decide how to brush the tooth;
  • effective against soft dental plaque and pigmentation – use provides noticeable whitening;
  • ultrasound has an antibacterial effect on the oral cavity;
  • Saves toothpaste and time for brushing your teeth;
  • Ultrasound promotes the penetration of the medicinal components of toothpaste into the tissues of teeth and gums;
  • The device is convenient if you have dentures or braces in your mouth.

However, this hygiene item also has its downsides. When choosing a device, you need to take into account possible side effects:

How to choose?

When choosing an ultrasonic brush, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the product and the manufacturer. More expensive than their analogues, Megasonex, Emmi-dent, Smilex have a good reputation. Chinese ones with the same characteristics are much cheaper, but a positive result from their use cannot be guaranteed. A good solution may be to purchase a domestic product. It will cost less than American ones, but the quality is at the same level.

The choice of a battery- or battery-powered device is a matter of taste. There is no difference in their functioning, but the battery will have to be recharged frequently.

As for the head, it is recommended to give preference to round ones. It is believed that they clean the enamel surface better and more gently. However, experts do not recommend using an ultrasonic brush constantly, and some generally object to using it at home.

Main characteristics

When choosing a device, you need to take into account a number of parameters in which they differ from one another. These include:

  • the composition of the materials from which the device is made and the convenience of the model;
  • the presence of a sound signal indicating that this area has been cleaned and it’s time to move the brush;
  • the presence of a rotating head - in devices of this type does not matter, since the main effect is exerted by ultrasound;
  • the presence of a device for recharging the battery;
  • for whom a particular model is intended - for children or adults.

Rating of the best brush manufacturers

The choice of ultrasonic toothbrushes is huge, but among this variety, some brands have gained the greatest popularity. Let's try to make a rating, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. Let's look at the best:

Unfortunately, it is not possible to review all brands on the market. However, the selected brushes have proven themselves to be reliable and effective devices for combating dental plaque and harmful microorganisms.

How to use it correctly?

The ultrasonic brush is used 2 times a day. Before use, make sure the battery is charged.

Toothpaste is applied to the bristles, each jaw is divided into 3 zones. Cleaning one zone lasts 40-60 seconds. Devices equipped with a sound signal themselves inform the user that it is time to move to the next zone. Not only the teeth are treated, but also the gums, the adjacent part of the cheek, and finally the surface of the tongue, starting from the root. After cleaning, rinse your mouth thoroughly or use an irrigator.


The useful abilities of ultrasonic toothbrushes are due to the strong influence of high-frequency waves on the human body. The same reason leads to a number of contraindications. Ultrasonic cleaning should not be used if:

The difference between an ultrasonic toothbrush and an electric one

An ultrasonic brush is powered by electric current and is therefore a type of electric brush. There are 3 types of teeth cleaning devices driven by electric current. These include mechanical, sonic and ultrasonic brushes.

Mechanical ones clean the enamel using a head with bristles. The head rotates at a speed of more than 5 thousand revolutions per minute. Some models are equipped with 2 heads that rotate towards each other.

Sonic toothbrushes are so called because the frequency of pulsation of the bristles or the speed of rotation of the head, depending on the model, reaches the frequency of vibrations perceived by the human ear. Sonic electric toothbrushes make more than 16 thousand vibrations per minute.

Mechanical devices clean teeth well, but when using electric toothbrushes, some contraindications should be taken into account. It is not recommended to use them in children under 3 years of age. It is also dangerous to use a sonic toothbrush for those who have thin, easily abraded tooth enamel, or have light spots on the surface caused by demineralization. Vigorous brushing may damage veneers or crowns. The use of a sonic toothbrush is also contraindicated for persons with wedge-shaped teeth, since the defect is aggravated by mechanical action.

Oral b brand devices are rightfully considered one of the best among sonic brushes. Occupying an entire sector in a certain price niche, the manufacturer allows you to purchase both an inexpensive and simple device and a complex model with adjustable pressure force and a battery life of 40 minutes.

A sonic toothbrush operates at a higher frequency. Cleaning occurs by mixing water, saliva and toothpaste and moving the flow of the resulting mixture. Thanks to high frequency vibrations, plaque and acquired pigment are exfoliated and removed. However, the ability to remove plaque from deep places and hard-to-reach areas of the teeth is much higher with an ultrasonic brush.

An irrigator will be an excellent addition to cleaning devices of any kind. An irrigator will allow you to wash away loose pieces of plaque and tartar from the spaces between your teeth and gum pockets.

What do you need to know when choosing a brush for your child?

  • Children under 3 years old are not recommended to use an electric toothbrush. For older adults, you can purchase a comfortable device with a rubberized handle and soft bristles.
  • To determine which is better, you need to remember: the cleaning head should be small. The height of the bristles should not exceed 11 mm, the material is high-quality synthetics.
  • It is worth paying attention to Oral b brand products. Unfortunately, the well-established Megasonex brand does not produce children's models.
  • Children should not buy sonic brushes; they are harmful to fragile teeth.


Apply a little toothpaste to the brush and turn on the device. Place the brush head against the tooth without applying any pressure. Hold the brush in this position for 3-4 seconds. The device will perform reciprocating and vibrating movements. Then move the head to the next tooth. Move the hand holding the electric toothbrush in one direction - towards the gum line. Don't help the process by trying to replicate the motions of brushing your teeth with a regular brush.

When brushing the inner and outer surfaces of the chewing teeth, hold the brush head horizontally, and when brushing the central teeth, place it in a vertical position. Clean the front walls of the teeth of the lower or upper jaw first, and then the back walls. In this case, it does not matter which jaw you clean first and which jaw second. Brush your gums in the same order as your teeth: start on the outside and then brush the inside. Most electric brushes have a built-in timer for 2-3 minutes. - the minimum time that needs to be spent on the procedure. Proper cleaning with an electric brush will not cause abrasion of hard tissues or hypersensitivity of teeth.

After brushing your teeth, turn the brush back on and wash it with soap and running warm water. Remove the head, wash the inside, then wipe the drive shaft. Then leave it to dry. You can periodically wash the nozzle in a chlorhexidine solution to prevent germs from accumulating on it. If the brush was sold complete with a storage container, keep the device there. Change cleaning heads once every 3 months. Some models have colored bristle indicators. With mechanical action, the dye of the bristles is gradually washed out; when they become pale, change the nozzle.

Using an electric toothbrush does not exempt you from using dental floss, which can be used to remove food debris stuck in the spaces between your teeth. It is not advisable to use an electric brush for people who have undergone surgery on the periodontium (the tissue surrounding the tooth), as well as operations due to cancer of the oral cavity. Contraindications to it are also: stomatitis, stage 3 tooth mobility, hypertrophic gingivitis and other gum diseases. An electric toothbrush is a great way to get your child used to brushing their teeth. There are special models of these devices for children.