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What are the reasons for feeling dizzy and weak? Frequent dizziness. Treatment at home with folk remedies

Dizziness is something that probably every person has had to deal with. And even completely healthy people are no exception. If you feel dizzy, the reasons for this can be very different. In some cases, you should pay special attention to this and perhaps even consult a doctor. After all, such a condition, especially if it is not a one-time, extremely rare, but regular, may indicate the presence of certain disorders in the functioning of the body, which often require treatment. Dizziness is a specific sensation of movement in space of oneself, or of objects around the person experiencing this condition.

Sometimes sudden dizziness with attacks of nausea may occur. In a completely healthy person, the sense of balance is formed through the vestibular, proprioceptive, visual, auditory systems, and even the olfactory system.

The signals that come from them are systematized and processed by the cerebral cortex. Further, from the same area, return signals go to the skeletal muscles, due to which a stable position of the body in space is achieved.

But if certain factors (hereinafter we will call them causes) “interfere” in this process, then the coordinated operation of this entire system may be disrupted. So why, after all, can you feel dizzy? Let's look at the most common reasons!

Causes of dizziness in a healthy person

Dizziness can be extremely rare and insignificant, or it can be a constant occurrence and have a strong impact not only on well-being, but also on the quality of life, and even on performance. In the first case, this is, as a rule, a natural reaction of a healthy person to strong external stimuli.

1. Severe fatigue

One of the most common reasons. The body can function optimally and harmoniously only if it is regularly psychologically and physically unloaded. That is, a person needs proper rest no less than water or food.

There is a powerful and sharp release of adrenaline into the circulatory system. Due to the influence of this hormone, in such large quantities, the blood vessels in the brain are compressed (a short-term spasm occurs), as a result, normal oxygen supply and metabolism are disrupted for some time. Dizziness is a natural result.

3. Fasting

And one should not think that only a long absence of food can provoke an imbalance, manifested in the form of dizziness. Quite the opposite: with prolonged fasting, the body has time to adapt to it and rebuild its metabolism to the current situation.

But with irregular nutrition, sudden changes in blood glucose levels can occur. There were carbohydrates - and there were no carbohydrates. The brain does not understand what is happening, because it requires a lot of energy. But she’s not there. This can make your head spin.

4. Rapid movement, loss of focus

For example: movement on carousels. This also includes “seasickness”. The brain receives information for processing excessively often, as surrounding objects flash before the eyes at breakneck speed. He does not have time to analyze it, and “confusion” occurs.

Regarding focus: if you look somewhere in the distance for a long time, and then turn your gaze to an object located nearby, your eyes may not have time to adapt, and your pupil may narrow. The result is fog before the eyes and slight dizziness. Here a lot depends on the tone of the pupils.

5. Dizziness while taking a lying position

If you suddenly change your body position from vertical to horizontal, specific dizziness may occur. Many people describe it like this: “It feels like I’m floating away.” Don't worry if this feeling is irregular. It may be a characteristic sign of such a benign positional disorder.

The fact is that the vestibular apparatus contains receptors. They die in the process of life, and a chemical reaction takes place with the release of particles of calcium carbonate. It is this substance, at a certain concentration in the blood, that provokes dizziness.

6. Bad habits

The world around us “floats” before our eyes as a result of alcohol abuse, smoking, and other bad habits. How appropriate it is to talk about a healthy person here is a rhetorical question.

After all, someone who smokes or drinks cannot a priori be absolutely healthy, at least psychologically. But, we will talk about health that is not directly related to dizziness. Fact: yes, alcohol and other psychotropic substances can make you dizzy, and very dizzy! The same applies to taking medications: side effects.

These are the main reasons why a healthy person may feel dizzy. But, in any case, even if you associate this condition with the factors listed above, but it appears regularly, it is better to consult a doctor. The first specialist you should go to is a therapist.

Dizziness due to brain pathologies

It can be a clear sign of physiological disorders in the activity of this organ. Being, in fact, the main thing in the human body, it does not give the right to let everything take its course! At a minimum, you should “know the enemy by sight.”

1. Multiple sclerosis

One of the most common reasons. Dizziness is its specific symptom. This disease is characterized by the development of a persistent inflammatory process in the brain, accompanied by degeneration and gradual death of nerve endings and blood vessels.

2. Migraine

It is a complex disease in every sense: both in terms of diagnosis and in terms of treatment. At the same time, as practice and statistics show, it is often accompanied by dizziness, especially during an exacerbation (attacks).

3. Thrombosis in the posterior cerebellar artery

This pathological condition, in addition to dizziness, can often be manifested by disorders of the speech apparatus, ataxia, and retraction of the eyeball on the affected side.

4. Benign and malignant brain tumors

Any tumor, regardless of its size, will provoke a certain pressure on nearby areas of the brain. The result is a possible deterioration in health, headaches, and very often this can also make your head spin. Much depends on which areas the tumor is pressing on.

5. Syringomyelia

This (the disease is more associated with problems of the spinal cord, but also affects the brain), Parkinson's disease, diseases of the cerebellum (in particular, its dystrophy). As these diseases progress, their symptoms will also increase almost proportionally.

6. Traumatic brain injury, stroke

In both cases, the brain is damaged as a result of mechanical stress. Therefore, they can be systematized in one paragraph. A striking example of external trauma is a concussion. Dizziness is its first characteristic symptom. A stroke is a rupture of blood vessels in the brain, accompanied by hemorrhage into the skull, and also does not go away without it.

Dizziness with pressure

Blood pressure is one of the most important physiological parameters of the human body. Do you often experience dizziness, but cannot understand: what is the reason? Measure your blood pressure. Perhaps it lies precisely in his indicators.

1. High blood pressure

The vessels can be very tense under its influence and, at the same time, narrowed. Almost all areas of the brain are susceptible to this influence.

2. Low blood pressure

With it, the brain may not receive the required amount of oxygen, since the blood flow slows down, and the bloodstream itself narrows.

3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (or VSD)

It is a symptom complex of various clinical manifestations that affect a wide variety of organs and their systems. It is not an independent nosological form, it is an abstract concept. However, it can provoke pathological conditions such as headache and dizziness.

Causes of dizziness and abdominal pain

Can the stomach be connected to the head? Naturally, the connection is the most direct!

1. Poisoning. Headache, general weakness, dizziness, stomach ache, digestion is impaired. Perhaps these are signs of poisoning, not necessarily food poisoning.

2. Intestinal infections: bacterial, protozoal, viral, fungal. Symptoms are similar to those that can be observed during poisoning.

3. Dysbacteriosis. Perhaps one of the most common complaints with it is dizziness. It occurs, in particular, due to a lack of nutrients in the body and brain starvation.

4. Severe pain in the abdominal area , combined with dizziness, is a potentially life-threatening condition. Its causes may include, among others: colorectal cancer, portal hypertension, acute heart failure, peritonitis, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, and abdominal abscess.

Dizziness in other diseases

What other illnesses can cause destabilization of balance and sense of self in space? Answer: any, since every disease, even a minor one, leads to disturbances in physiological processes throughout the body. But the most common of them, which were not listed above, are below.

1. Spinal diseases , in particular - osteochondrosis. The main reason for its development in the modern world is a sedentary lifestyle, long periods of time spent in front of a computer monitor.

2. Heart defects , cardiomyopathy, hypovolemia, pulmonary hyperventilation, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, mental disorders, hypothyroidism, trauma and inflammation of the inner ear, increased eye pressure, menopause and so on.

3. Other reasons. In general, the causes of dizziness can be divided into the following groups:

- neurological reasons;

- psychogenic;

- otolaryngological;

- causes of metabolic nature;

- cardiovascular.

Diseases falling into each of these categories can cause dizziness. Therefore, there is no need to diagnose yourself, nor do you need to worry psychologically prematurely. Only a doctor can adequately assess your physiological condition and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Why do pregnant women feel dizzy?

Periodic dizziness is a normal “symptom” for this condition of the body. If it is combined with severe abdominal pain, then this may indicate:

- ectopic pregnancy

- problems with the fetus

— destructive changes in the placenta

In any case, panic is not appropriate, and the symptoms require examination by a doctor.

Can I feel dizzy after taking medications?

This is one of their common side effects. On many pharmaceutical drugs, in their instructions for use, this is indicated clearly and in plain text.

In addition, it should be noted that even if dizziness is not a specific symptom when taking the drug, if it is violated, it can be observed.

Here are listed and systematized the most common causes of dizziness in humans.

To summarize, we can say: if dizziness occurs only occasionally (for example: once or twice a year), then there is no particular cause for concern. Most likely, the reason should be sought in the paragraph “Causes of dizziness in a healthy person.” Although, it would not be a bad idea to consult a doctor.

If you feel dizzy regularly and severely, the reasons for this may be hidden in illness. In this case, consultation with a doctor (general practitioner, first of all) is very advisable. Be healthy!

Dizziness is considered common, and most people have experienced it at least once. In most cases it is harmless. However, if you feel dizzy for some time on a constant basis, then you need the help of a specialist. This phenomenon is recognized as one of the most common symptoms of various diseases. Many people have a question: what are the causes of severe dizziness? What to do? Actually, it depends on several factors.

What is dizziness?

First you need to define the concept. Vertigo (dizziness in medicine) is a sensation when surrounding objects rotate around a person, or he himself moves, while standing still. This feeling is familiar to everyone since childhood. For example, if you spin in place for a long time or ride on a swing.

True dizziness is considered a serious illness that is caused by disorders in the nervous system or vestibular apparatus. It is responsible for a person’s position in space, coordination of actions, stability, etc. This device is located deep in the ears.

And yet the brain controls all actions and feelings. Eyes and muscle reflexes are responsible for coordination in space. Receptors that are responsible for body position are scattered throughout the body. Therefore, when the head is dizzy, a person often feels sick.

What causes dizziness?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. There are many causes of severe dizziness. What to do? The first step is to determine exactly why this is happening. One of the most obvious cases is inflammation of the ear or a disorder of the vestibular apparatus. This symptom can be expressed in osteochondrosis, low blood pressure, or as a result of a mental disorder. It is very difficult to determine the exact cause, often simply impossible without the help of professionals.

First, it is recommended to visit a neurologist, in which case he will redirect you to the right specialist. However, often it is this doctor who is able to correctly determine the source of the disease and distinguish real, true dizziness from another disease.

In everyday life, this term refers to darkening in the eyes if you quickly stand up or turn around. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called orthostatic collapse. Translated into ordinary language, the disease, according to many people, is caused by a sharp outflow of blood from the head.

True dizziness is called damage or disruption of the vestibular apparatus. However, people most often suffer from another form of it. For example, it becomes bad due to impossible pain, it becomes dark in the eyes, etc. Doctors say that this is due to fatigue, decreased blood pressure, or impaired muscle tone.


Medical experts distinguish 4 types of dizziness:

  1. Central. In this case, the disease occurs due to damage or diseases of the brain, for example, all kinds of injuries, hemorrhages or tumors.
  2. Peripheral. This is exactly what is called true dizziness, that is, a disturbance in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus or inflammation of the ear.
  3. Systemic. Three systems are responsible for position and coordination in space: visual, muscular and vestibular. This type of dizziness occurs due to the failure of one of them. This disease requires careful examination and complex treatment.
  4. Physiological. The most common form of dizziness, it can be caused by ordinary stress, depression or extreme fatigue.

As already noted, when you suddenly get out of bed, you can also feel the rotation of your head. Here the reason lies in the discrepancy between visual images and physical sensations. This disease goes away on its own and does not have any consequences.

Causes of severe dizziness. What to do?

In most cases, the reasons for dizziness in women and men are the same. After all, the concepts of the human body do not have sexual properties. This disease occurs when the main systems of the body are disrupted: the visual, muscular and vestibular apparatus. If additional symptoms appear in the form of nausea and weakness, this indicates the existence of other diseases. Causes of very severe dizziness:

  1. One of the most terrible reasons for the occurrence of the disease is a brain tumor. If your hearing worsens due to dizziness, or blood or pus comes out of your ears, you should immediately consult a specialist. This is a suspicion of cancer.
  2. Teenage children may also experience dizziness, hearing problems, and vomiting. If this happens, then Meniere's syndrome most likely develops. It is dangerous because there is a possibility of turning into neuritis.
  3. The cause of severe dizziness in women and men can be a quick stroke. For several days, the person feels weak, drowsy, and is tormented by constant vomiting and headache.
  4. Your head may feel dizzy due to a concussion or any other injury.
  5. Due to problems with the vestibular system and determining position in space, dizziness also occurs. Such people cannot travel on public transport, they begin to panic.
  6. Also, this disease sometimes occurs as a result of taking various medications, especially antibiotics. If this happens, it is recommended to change the drug or reduce the dosage.

Dizziness in women

Representatives of the fairer sex often suffer from a psychogenic illness that causes drowsiness and fear. The cause of severe dizziness in women may be a problem called It is characterized by high irritability of a person, severe tension, noise in the throat and ears, and often ends with an attack of vomiting.

Quite often, women experience migraines accompanied by dizziness. It causes panic fear of light and noise and severe nausea. With a brain tumor, the dizziness is the most severe. At the same time, the muscles gradually stop working, and problems with vision and hearing begin.

Pregnancy can cause severe dizziness and nausea in women. Oddly enough, it changes the composition of the blood, which leads to a feeling of drowsiness and sometimes fainting. You may also feel dizzy due to low blood sugar. In this case, you just need to eat something sweet or drink tea. In addition, doctors recommend consuming plenty of water.

Why do men get dizzy?

Unlike women, this problem rarely occurs among representatives of the stronger sex. However, if it appears, you need to check with a doctor; perhaps this is a symptom of a serious illness. So, the causes of severe dizziness in men:

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption. Probably the most common case. When a man drinks too much, he feels dizzy and may experience vomiting. In especially severe cases, he faints.
  2. Poisoning of the body, as a result of which darkening appears in the eyes and there is a possibility of losing consciousness.
  3. Unsteady blood pressure, sudden changes.
  4. As a symptom of cardiovascular diseases. In this case, it is usually accompanied by pain in the heart area.
  5. Stress, extreme fatigue, lack of sleep. These reasons look quite serious when it comes to men, because, unlike women, they keep their emotions to themselves. As a result, pressure on the brain increases, which leads to dizziness.
  6. Physical activity, climate change, moving.

We can conclude that there are quite a few reasons, but to be confident in your health, it is better to ask a specialist for help.

Nausea with dizziness

Nausea very often accompanies dizziness. The fact is that a person, having lost control over the position of the body in space, cannot maintain balance, and therefore such attacks occur. The causes of severe dizziness and nausea may be disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems with the nervous system and blood circulation, and osteochondrosis.

When you feel dizzy combined with elevated body temperature, severe pain, weakness in the limbs, and regular vomiting, you need to go to the doctor. You should undergo an examination, including tomography. In some cases, depending on the causes of severe dizziness and nausea, you will have to take an x-ray of the spine and skull.

These disorders can occur due to improper nutrition, among other things. It is best to give up salty foods, chocolate, strong coffee and tea. Dizziness and nausea are common in people with low blood pressure. In this case, there is a loss of strength, fatigue, and blurred vision.

The cause of severe dizziness and vomiting in women is pregnancy. In the early stages, weakness appears, then it develops into nausea.

Why do you feel dizzy at normal blood pressure?

This is probably the most popular question regarding this disease. People wonder why they feel dizzy if the blood pressure monitor shows normal blood pressure. The point is that this is not the only cause of this symptom. The head can feel dizzy when a variety of situations arise. For example, he quickly got out of bed.

The causes of severe dizziness at normal blood pressure can be seasickness, intolerance to attractions, and public transport. In addition, the disease is caused by stress, or existing diseases, such as osteochondrosis. If a person feels weak with these symptoms, this may be a sign of an impending stroke. This condition can occur with a concussion.

One of the causes of severe dizziness at normal blood pressure is taking medications. Before using medications, it is necessary to establish their compatibility with the body.

If you suddenly feel dizzy, you need to remain calm, look at one point and breathe. If speech problems arise, you should call an ambulance. Normal blood pressure is not an indicator of human health. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting and weakness are symptoms of a chronic disease. At the same time, it is very important not to delay the examination and determine what exactly causes such a reaction in the body.

Dizziness and weakness

A feeling of weakness combined with dizziness are symptoms of diseases associated with infectious processes affecting the brain and spinal cord. In most cases, the temperature rises and the person shudders.

Severe weakness and dizziness may be caused by an impending stroke. Very often this causes pain in the temple area. The person feels physically weak. This condition can be caused by the general position of the body.

These ailments occur due to inflammatory processes in blood vessels. In this case, a metabolic disorder appears in the hands. In addition, numbness of the limbs is often observed, which can lead to serious consequences.

Pain from dizziness

This is a fairly common situation. Headache can be of two types. The first type is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the back of the head. This pain can be acute and is caused by infectious diseases and migraines.

The second type is caused by hypertension, concussion, eye or ear diseases. Sometimes headaches occur when you cough or drink too much alcohol. This kind of pain does not need to be treated, it will go away on its own.

This disease is more common in people whose age exceeds 40 years. To prevent headaches, you need to eat right and exercise. In addition, be calm, do not overwork yourself either physically or mentally. Causes of headaches and dizziness:

  1. Migraine. A pulsating sensation occurs, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This pain lasts about three days. At this time, the person is more irritable, his eyes often darken.
  2. Severe dizziness and poor coordination of movements can be caused by stress and depression. In this case, an intense headache appears. Unpleasant sensations manifest themselves physiologically, that is, the cheekbones.
  3. Hypertension. The cause of severe dizziness in women in the morning is precisely this illness. The headache peaks early and subsides during the day. In addition, congestion in the ears is often observed. This can happen if a person is very tired and chronically does not get enough sleep.

Why do you get dizzy when you get up quickly?

Many people have encountered a problem when, with a sudden change in body position, the head begins to feel very dizzy. If this happens rarely, there is no cause for concern. However, in case of regular violations, you must contact a specialist. Most likely, a disease will be discovered - It is characterized by constant dizziness, even when standing on your feet, your vision becomes dark. When the brain does not have enough oxygen, and a person does not take a horizontal position, fainting occurs. This means that if it gets bad, you need to go to bed immediately.

The causes of severe dizziness, if you quickly change the position of the body, may be disorders of the vestibular apparatus, the occurrence of neuritis, stroke, or the consequences of injury. This ailment is also common in heart disease. Teens may feel dizzy if they stand up quickly. This is associated with puberty. This condition is typical for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to get up regularly and do basic exercises.

Do you feel dizzy when standing upright? Of course, yes, and many have experienced this themselves. Causes of severe dizziness in a lying position can be diseases of the hearing aid, pressure surges, diabetes mellitus, and concussion. Unfortunately, when you feel dizzy, you can’t always “just lie down.” The process will continue in this situation.

First aid for dizziness

This disease can occur suddenly and take a person by surprise. First of all, there is no need to panic, you need to calm down. If the dizziness is quite severe, it is best to sit down and look at one point. If new symptoms appear in the form of numbness of the limbs or nausea, you should call a doctor and, if possible, take a horizontal position. At the same time, the head cannot be turned and twisted, it must be calm.

At home, when the first signs of dizziness appear, the patient should be placed on a sofa or bed. You need to place a pillow so that your head, shoulders and neck lie on it. This option prevents bending of the spine. To relieve the patient’s stress and alleviate his condition, apply a cold towel moistened with a vinegar solution to the forehead.

Symptoms such as dizziness, increased blood pressure, sleep problems, and excessive irritability are very dangerous to human health. Tolerating them is strictly prohibited. If the causes of severe dizziness are discovered, what should you do? You should immediately consult a doctor for help. A specialist will examine and prescribe treatment.

The fact is that such symptoms lead to a stroke. Recently, this disease has begun to affect young people. Executives, heads of large families, and senior managers are targets for strokes. If such signs are detected, you can take combination medications, for example Vasobral.

Severe dizziness: causes, treatment with folk remedies

Drug therapy will be prescribed by a doctor. But there are folk remedies to solve this problem, which are sometimes superior to traditional ones. However, they should only be used after consultation with a specialist. You should also find out if you are allergic to any components, otherwise your dizziness may worsen.

Let's look at several methods that are most effective for this problem:

  • Take juice from beets and carrots on an empty stomach.
  • Pomegranate is an excellent food that increases hemoglobin levels. This improves blood circulation, which in turn minimizes dizziness.
  • Sea kale. It is useful in any form, be it powder or regular salad, which can be purchased at any store. This product saturates the body with iodine, phosphorus and other trace elements that are responsible for the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Ginger tea is an excellent sedative and is widely used in solving this problem.

Prevention of dizziness

If this disease often torments you and you want to get rid of it, you need to follow some rules:

  • give up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • do not use table salt;
  • drink coffee as little as possible;
  • to physically load the body, even just with gymnastics;
  • do not overwork, relax in the fresh air;
  • do not make quick sudden movements of the head;
  • If desired, you can purchase an orthopedic mattress, which increases comfort while resting.

The fact of dizziness in itself is not very dangerous, but it cannot be ignored. In the worst case scenario, this can lead to huge health problems. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear, who will advise further actions.


Dizziness is a fairly common unpleasant sensation. Without exaggeration, we can say that it occurred to absolutely everyone once in their life. And those people who constantly experience dizziness know how much they can reduce their quality of life. But what is dizziness and why can you feel dizzy? Candidate of Medical Sciences, neuropathologist at the Health City diagnostic clinic, kindly agreed to answer these questions Aigul Serikovna KUDAIBERGENOVA.

What is dizziness?

Dizziness is primarily a very subjective sensation. Of course, we cannot literally “breathe into our own back.” A person feels an imaginary rotation of objects around him or an imaginary rotation of himself relative to these objects. In other words, this is a condition in which it is quite difficult for a person to determine the position of his body relative to space. However, each person describes the feeling of dizziness differently. This may include staggering, lack of coordination, and a feeling of rocking, as if the person is on the deck of a ship. People often describe dizziness as “the ground disappearing from under your feet.” And every complaint, every description is very important information for a specialist.

What structural lesions can cause dizziness?

The most dangerous, one might say life-threatening, are organic brain lesions: strokes, tumors, injuries and complicated conditions after a neuroinfection. Less dangerous are damage to the structures of the inner ear, dizziness, which may be accompanied by noise and hearing loss. Dizziness can also be caused by: intoxication, metabolic disorders, changes in blood pressure, cardiovascular pathologies, seasickness, etc.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to find out from the patient what he understands by “dizziness”: Withsystemic(true, rotational) – a very heavy sensation of rotation of surrounding objects or oneself in space; non-systemic– a feeling of instability, sickness, nausea, a feeling that a person is fainting.

In total, more than 80 diseases are known that are accompanied by dizziness. We will look at the most common of them.

Unsystematic dizziness

Dizziness due to intoxication

Intoxication in the body can be caused by various reasons: food poisoning, viral infection (for example, ARVI), exposure to toxic substances at work, or drinking large amounts of alcohol. Moreover, the latter occurs most often. Alcohol breakdown products negatively affect the structure of the brain and cause dizziness, which can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and general weakness.

Dizziness in stressful situations

Stress can also be accompanied by dizziness. For example, if a person experiences severe fear while going to the dentist or witnesses some terrible sight - an accident, fire, etc. Because under stress, a huge amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, which causes vasospasm and, as a result, disruption of brain nutrition. But still, more often under stress, general weakness, paleness occur, and cold sweat may appear, i.e., a faint state. To quickly bring a person to his senses, you can let him inhale ammonia or perfume with a pungent odor.

Dizziness due to orthostatic hypotension

One of the most common causes of dizziness is orthostatic hypotension, a condition that occurs when there is a sudden change in body position. For example, a person suddenly got out of bed after sleep or squatted for a long time and then suddenly stood up. Usually such dizziness is accompanied by darkening of the eyes, and sometimes cold sweat appears.

Normally, when a person assumes a vertical position after a long stay in a horizontal position, the blood vessels must respond quickly. According to the law of hydrodynamics, when a body quickly changes position from horizontal to vertical, blood flows into the lower part of the body, and so that the brain at this moment is not “deprived” of blood, the peripheral vessels must narrow in time. If there is some problem in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system (this is primarily the body’s adaptation system) and the vessels do not have time to narrow, blood outflows from the brain and a state of hypoxia occurs, which will be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of instability, darkening of the eyes, and sometimes fainting.

How can you diagnose orthostatic hypotension yourself at home? You need to measure your blood pressure while lying down, and then suddenly stand up and measure it again. Normally, with a sudden change in body position, the level should (for a split second) decrease by 10–20 mm Hg. Art., and then quickly return to normal or become slightly higher than the original value. If the initial blood pressure level decreased by 20 mm Hg. Art. or more and does not return to normal for a long time, there is a problem of orthostatic hypotension and it is better not to delay consulting a doctor.

Dizziness due to hypoglycemia

Dizziness is often observed in people suffering from diabetes. When a state of hypoglycemia occurs due to improper use or overdose of glucose-lowering drugs.

Also, attacks of hypoglycemia often occur in women on a strict diet with a sharp restriction of carbohydrates. In addition to dizziness, they can manifest as mild nausea, darkening of the eyes, pale skin and cold, sticky sweat. Easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey, sweets, etc.) will help you quickly cope with hypoglycemia; diabetics, as a rule, know this.

Dizziness due to irritation of the carotid sinus

This type of dizziness occurs mainly in men. For example, during shaving, when a man turns his head strongly to the side and holds it in this position for a long time, or if a man constantly wears shirts with a tight collar, he experiences compression of the neck vessels and irritation of the carotid sinus. This causes a sharp drop in blood pressure, which may be accompanied by dizziness and other unpleasant sensations.

"Female" dizziness

In addition to all of the above reasons, dizziness in women can be caused by physiological conditions such as pregnancy, menopause or puberty. That is, it occurs at moments when hormonal levels change in the female body. Dizziness is often experienced by women who experience heavy menstruation. Large blood loss causes anemia and then temporary hypoxia, which will be accompanied by dizziness.

Dizziness due to cardiovascular pathologies

Dizziness can be caused by sudden changes in blood pressure. For example, when a hypertensive patient does not adhere to systematic antihypertensive therapy, but if an increase in blood pressure is accidentally detected, he tries to reduce it just as sharply.

Very often, dizziness is observed in patients with cardiac arrhythmias. Improper functioning of the heart leads to impaired blood circulation and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the brain.

Dizziness due to ophthalmic pathologies

Frequent dizziness may be a sign of pathology of the eye muscles. A person begins to feel dizzy when he looks at fast moving objects. As a rule, the condition quickly returns to normal as soon as he looks away. Also, non-systemic dizziness may appear when the patient gets used to new contact lenses or changes in diopters in glasses.

Dizziness as a side effect of medications

This cause of dizziness is perhaps the most common. A similar side effect can be caused by drugs that regulate blood pressure, anticonvulsants, antibiotics and some others.

Therefore, if you experience dizziness while taking a new medicine, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Dizziness with osteochondrosis

Dizziness, which is caused by the cervical spine, is also a fairly common phenomenon, but, unlike all of the above reasons (in medicine they are called non-systemic dizziness), they manifest themselves somewhat differently. If, for non-systemic reasons, a person describes dizziness as an unpleasant sensation inside (in the head or chest), then dizziness due to osteochondrosis is usually manifested by loss of coordination of movements and a feeling of rotation of surrounding objects. A person complains that he is thrown to the side when walking. If dizziness is caused precisely by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, then it will certainly be accompanied by pain in the neck, which intensifies with movement and turning the head. There may be numbness in the hands.


Dizziness caused by damage to the structures of the inner ear

The human inner ear contains the main navigation system, which determines the position of his body in 3D space: horizontal, sagittal and vertical. It is a very complex structure in which three semicircular canals are located (bone, and membranous inside), the membranous canals are covered with “hairy” neuroepithelial cells. Depending on the direction in which plane we move, the neuroendoepithelial cells of one or another semicircular canal begin to move. This information enters the brain, is processed, and thanks to it a person can navigate in space and coordinate his movements. When a malfunction of this system occurs, a person experiences dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, etc.

Lesions of the structures of the inner ear are divided into two main groups: with hearing impairment and without hearing impairment.

  • Meniere's disease - one of the most striking manifestations of disorders of the structures of the inner ear, accompanied by dizziness and hearing impairment. A non-purulent disease of the inner ear, characterized by the accumulation of fluid inside all semicircular canals. Under fluid pressure, the neuronal cells of the channels are in constant tension, and the brain receives information that a person is moving simultaneously in all three planes, i.e., rotating. Meniere's disease is accompanied by severe dizziness, intense noise in the affected ear and progressive hearing loss. In itself, this disease is not life-threatening, but subjectively it gives a person so much discomfort that even after treatment there remains a fear that the attack may return. This, of course, greatly reduces the patient’s quality of life.

The great artist Vincent Van Gogh once suffered from Meniere's disease. The unbearable noise and frequent dizziness brought him such suffering that in despair he cut off his ear, hoping that the terrible noise would stop. Unfortunately, the disease progressed and at the age of 37, unable to withstand the torment, Van Gogh committed suicide.

Other diseases of the inner ear can also lead to dizziness and tinnitus: various inflammatory processes, labyrinthitis, neuromas, etc.

  • Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) – one of the most common conditions, characterized by disruption of the structures of the inner ear, but occurring without tinnitus or hearing loss. BPPV attacks most often occur when a person lies in a horizontal position and turns towards the affected ear, or, while in an upright position, throws his head back strongly. Many patients note that their first BPPV attacks occurred during sleep. Why is this happening?

One of the concepts is canalolithiasis - when native “salts” (otoconia) are torn from their places for a “walk” (after minor traumatic brain injuries) or changes in their chemical composition (against the background of osteoporosis, after suffering ear inflammation, problems with blood circulation).

With BPPV, so-called salts form on the walls of the semicircular canals, which, with certain movements of the head, come off the wall and begin to irritate the nerve receptors. In this case, the brain receives false signals about the person’s rotation.

Fearing a recurrence of the attack, many patients try to minimize all head movements. Some even buy special corsets and fix their heads in one position. This is the wrong position. Treatment of BPPV, in addition to drug therapy, must necessarily include exercise therapy, in particular the Epley maneuver. This is a specially designed set of exercises that provokes attacks of dizziness, but it is the most effective method of treating BPPV. Without it, it is impossible to get rid of this disease.

  • Perilymphatic fistula

Dizziness that occurs as a result of a head injury or after its treatment may indicate a perilymphatic fistula - a small fistula (rupture) in the membrane through which fluid (perilymph) will gradually leak out of the inner ear. As a rule, the symptoms of a fistula are more pronounced during intense physical activity, while flying on an airplane, with a hysterical cough, etc.

Perilymphatic fistula is not life-threatening; however, it requires mandatory treatment, and in some cases, surgical intervention.

Dizziness as a symptom of a life-threatening disease


Sudden dizziness (systemic or non-systemic), accompanied by loss of orientation in space, nausea, vomiting, double vision, numbness or weakness in one half of the body, impaired coordination of movements and speech impairment, may be a sign of ischemic heart disease.

If all of the above symptoms develop against the background of a severe headache, then the patient’s condition may be even more threatening. This is how an acute disorder of cerebral circulation of the hemorrhagic type manifests itself, i.e., hemorrhage in the brain.

If such signs appear, it is very important not to waste time and immediately seek medical help.

Infectious lesion of the brain

Sudden attacks of dizziness with motor and/or behavioral disturbances in the patient, which appear after an infectious disease or are accompanied by high body temperature and a number of other symptoms characteristic of a particular disease, may indicate an infectious lesion of the brain.

Myocardial infarction

Dizziness accompanied by general weakness and pain in the chest area may indicate acute coronary syndrome ().

Brain tumors

If the patient has been bothered by headaches for a long time, accompanied by dizziness and impaired coordination of movements. If pain and dizziness appear or intensify after a person has been in a horizontal position for a long time, for example after sleep, it is imperative to exclude the presence of a space-occupying lesion in the brain.

First aid for dizziness

If you or someone in front of your eyes has an acute attack of severe dizziness, you need to at least let the person sit down. If possible, it is better to lay the person down with his head raised 30 degrees. Open a window and help loosen or remove tight, constricting clothing to improve oxygen flow. And of course, urgently call an ambulance. The most important thing is to exclude life-threatening conditions in the first minutes.

Which doctor should I contact?

First of all, see a neurologist or general practitioner (GP). Despite the fact that more than 80 diseases are accompanied by dizziness, an experienced neuropathologist, based on a person’s gestures and sensations, having collected a detailed history, carefully studying the symptoms and nuances of attacks, will be able to prescribe the necessary range of diagnostic and laboratory tests and refer for consultation to the appropriate specialist ( cardiologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, etc.). And most importantly, prescribe individual correct treatment.

Each of us has experienced dizziness at least once. It can be caused by both serious illnesses and minor external irritants, and can be either an alarming symptom or a harmless short-term sensation.

Sometimes this disease can manifest itself sharply, in an intensified form, with an attack of nausea.

In another situation, dizziness is observed over a long period, without causing much trouble to the person.

This article describes in detail why you feel dizzy, what types of this disease there are, what to do if you feel dizzy, and what can cause it.

Often this term means something completely different. Feeling darkening in the eyes, flickering, bright light, ringing in the ears,. Some may mistakenly say that they constantly feel dizzy.

Decreased hearing sensitivity in special situations, muscle weakness can be perceived as dizziness.

In fact, this term characterizes only the sensation of apparent rotation, general or “inside the head.” True dizziness is also called “vertigo”.

Why do you feel dizzy and stagger when walking?

This condition can occur from taking medications, various diseases (dental or ear disease), due to an unstable emotional background, or due to overwork.

However, there are two main types of this disease: peripheral vertigo and central.

  1. Peripheral (not systemic). It comes with a sudden headache and lasts from a few moments to a couple of hours. At the same time, the person feels suddenly dizzy. He may also feel loss of balance, sweating, thirst, and nausea. Very often this is accompanied by pain in the ear on one side, as well as significant worsening with sudden movements of the head. Focal neurological symptoms are absent.
  2. Central (systemic). Most often associated with brain diseases. Characterized by an abrupt onset and long-lasting action. A person may feel dizzy from time to time. In this case, there is a lack of coordination of movements for weeks and even months; dizziness almost does not increase when turning the head. Focal neurological symptoms may appear.

When visiting a doctor, it is important to be able to correctly explain the nature of your sensations, which will help you quickly make a diagnosis and apply the appropriate treatment.

If you always feel dizzy, then talk about it, remember exactly when these signs of illness began to appear, and when dizziness is most noticeable (in the morning, evening or night).

It is important to understand that dizziness is not an independent disease, but only a syndrome, and depends on the nature of the disease that caused it.

Manifestation of pathology or reaction to an external stimulus: how to determine

In some cases, when the head hurts or feels dizzy, it may not be related to pathology, the body’s natural reaction to external stimuli, for example:

  • Water, land and air transport. Just like motion sickness, dizziness all the time while in a moving vehicle is absolutely normal for people with a sensitive vestibular system. According to statistics, this most often occurs in children under 12 years of age, whose vestibular apparatus has not yet fully developed.
  • Carousels. Riding on a carousel is often accompanied by dizziness, which is a normal reaction of the brain to the rapid change of images and rotation of the body. After you've been on the carousel, your head may continue to spin throughout the day.
  • Stress. Typically, strong positive or negative emotions are accompanied by a surge of adrenaline, which can cause dizziness. A sudden surge of adrenaline in stressful situations is also normal. There are many diseases that cause a person to be in constant fear, panic, rage, and they should not be confused with ordinary stress. They provoke a surge of adrenaline and dizziness. Such diseases include, for example, pheochromocytoma.
  • Height. When a person rises to a significant height, his gaze is directed into the distance and does not have the ability to sharply switch to surrounding objects. Dizziness in such situations is normal, especially if the person has a fear of heights.
  • Exhaustion, severe fatigue. Usually accompanied not only by dizziness, but also by headache, which is concentrated in the temporal lobe. After a healthy, sound sleep, such dizziness goes away the next day.
  • Lack of food and drink. Dizziness can occur due to a sharp lack of food and water. If a person gradually limits himself, over weeks or even months, then the body calmly adapts. Even if you haven’t eaten for only 8 hours, but before that you constantly had a hearty breakfast and lunch, this can even cause loss of consciousness. Usually, this is not a pathology, but irregular nutrition can be accompanied by serious gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, the head does not become more dizzy with sudden movements. If you have been dizzy all day and haven’t eaten anything, then you just have to eliminate the cause and your condition will return to normal.
  • Sudden change of position. A common reaction when you suddenly get out of bed in the morning is a darkening of your vision, especially if you haven’t slept well before. In such a situation, you should drink a glass of cold water and lie down for a while, try to get up again, not so abruptly.

If you sometimes feel dizzy in the above situations and have no other complaints, then there should be no cause for concern, and medical help is not necessary.

Dizziness due to medications

Often, some medications have such a strong effect on a person that he begins to feel discomfort in everyday life: headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, nausea.

The instructions for many medications indicate that taking this medication can cause dizziness.

In this case, if the patient strictly followed the instructions and did not use the drug in large doses, this is not a pathology and does not require separate treatment.

The following are some categories of drugs that may cause dizziness:

  1. Antibiotics. Many drugs in this category can have a strong effect on the body, causing nausea, lack of appetite, headache and dizziness.
  2. Allergy medications. Most often, taking this particular category of medications is accompanied by dizziness, since they have an extreme effect on the vestibular system.
  3. Sedatives. They lower blood pressure and pulse, causing muscle weakness and dizziness. Sometimes a severe headache or a feeling of pressure in the ears may develop. This usually happens with overdose.

If you begin to feel dizzy when taking one of the above medications, and the instructions indicate this side effect, then it cannot be considered a pathology and does not require special treatment.

If this sensation bothers you greatly, contact your doctor and ask to reduce the dosage of the medication or replace the drug with another one.

Dizziness as a symptom

Feelings of spinning yourself in space or other objects around you, when everything is spinning, can often indicate dozens of dangerous diseases.

Fortunately, dizziness is not their only symptom, and the disease is diagnosed based on the study of a set of symptoms. Below is information about which diseases may cause spinning sensations.

Ear diseases

What makes you dizzy if your ear hurts? The reason is that inflammation of the middle and inner ear also affects the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

This is a special organ responsible for a person’s specific position in space, from which any inflammation or other disturbances in its function are necessarily accompanied by dizziness and disorientation.

Such disorders include otitis media, labyrinthitis, or inner ear injuries. Dizziness in such cases can occur with a sharp tilt of the head or torso.

With otitis media, the inflamed areas tend to increase in size and put pressure on the inner ear, where the vestibular apparatus is located.

At the same time, the brain receives erroneous signals about the person’s position in space, which causes a feeling of rotation. If you feel dizzy and have ear pain for the second day, consult an otolaryngologist.

How to treat this disease in such cases? One has only to find the true cause and remove it, that is, the cause of the inflammation process.

Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory process of the inner ear, which is in direct contact with the vestibular apparatus. The patient has severe dizziness for several days, there is congestion in the ears and a feeling of pressure, headache, as well as nausea and vomiting.

When you feel dizzy when eating food, especially hot food, and there is severe pain in the ear, this may be caused by inflammation of the inner ear.

Injuries to the inner ear are accompanied by impaired blood flow, rupture of the eardrum, increased pressure in the inner ear, and mechanical damage to the statolith apparatus (part of the vestibular apparatus).

One way or another, this leads to severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting and severe pain. These symptoms occur immediately after injury.

There are also pathologies associated with tumors near and directly in the VA, damage to the vestibular nerve, etc. All of them are also accompanied by a feeling of losing oneself in space.

By the way, in this case they can be assigned.

Brain tumor

A tumor, malignant or benign, is a dense formation that puts pressure on nearby areas of the brain, thereby impairing blood circulation, causing disruption of the functions performed by these areas, the occurrence of edema and increased intracranial pressure.

If there is only one tumor and is localized in a zone of the brain distant from the center, then pathological symptoms often arise on one side - on the side where the tumor is located.

If a person has a brain tumor, they experience short attacks of dizziness, which are accompanied by an unpleasant feeling as if the ground is disappearing from under their feet, or a feeling of constantly falling.

If you often feel dizzy for no reason, the source of this illness may be a brain tumor, especially if it happens every day.

Meniere's disease

This disease is characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of fluid in the inner ear, which leads to an increase in intra-ear pressure. The disease can cause loss of balance, an unpleasant feeling of buzzing in the ears, and congestion.

Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The most striking symptoms are observed from the musculoskeletal system. At first it is difficult for the patient to walk and navigate in space, then he loses the ability to move independently, his gait becomes unsteady.

All this is accompanied by severe dizziness.

Pathologies of the nervous system

In diseases of the nervous system, general weakness and slight dizziness are observed. There is almost never any nausea, loss of consciousness, increased heart rate, vomiting, or increased or decreased blood pressure.

If you constantly feel dizzy and everything is floating, but there are no other signs of pathology, the reason may be precisely a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. If this happens every day, you should consult a doctor. He must prescribe treatment.


This disease is associated with high cholesterol levels. Plaques form from cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the lumen of the blood vessels narrows and the blood supply to certain areas of the body deteriorates.

If cerebral vessels are narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques, a person experiences not just dizziness, but a feeling of loss of balance, he is constantly swaying, and can become dizzy at any moment.

The patient feels as if the ground is disappearing from under his feet, and he himself is constantly falling. In addition, atherosclerosis is accompanied by headache, increased blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.

Skull injuries

These are serious mechanical defects that often damage not only the skull, but also the brain itself. This injury is accompanied by dizziness, unbearable pain and increased pressure inside the skull.

Nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness are also often present. When a concussion occurs, a person experiences all of the above symptoms. Unfortunately, more serious damage often occurs.


Manifestations of the disease are very diverse. In some cases, these are convulsive seizures, in others (in the case of temporal lobe epilepsy) - severe dizziness.

Before a seizure, a person with epilepsy experiences dizziness, which is accompanied by numbness of the head and muscles responsible for facial expressions.

If you look closely at the patient, you will notice that his face is calm and his gaze is empty. After such a state, a seizure usually occurs.

In the case of temporal lobe epilepsy, dizziness, and not seizures, is the only symptom.

Multiple sclerosis

It involves inflammation of the nerve endings in the brain, causing the person to feel faint and dizzy in attacks.

It is often accompanied by more severe symptoms: nausea, muscle weakness, impaired speech, hearing, vision, movement, skin sensitivity, and so on.


The disease is characterized by severe unilateral headache. But few people know that people who suffer from migraines also experience dizziness.

At the same time, it is felt more when the pupils move, when trying to say something, raise or lower the head, lie down or sit down. Any movement during a migraine provokes increased pain and dizziness.

According to statistics, migraines occur more often in women than in men.

Cervical osteochondrosis

It involves damage to the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Often, after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, people suffering from osteochondrosis experience severe dizziness throughout the day.

And you feel dizzy with this disease because the nerve endings running in the discs can be damaged.

Vascular pathology

Both a strong narrowing and an increase in the diameter of blood vessels contribute to the occurrence of dizziness. When the blood vessels are overly narrowed, it is difficult for the heart to pump blood, and the body lacks oxygen.

The same symptoms are observed when blood pressure is too low, when a person may experience oxygen starvation. Such manifestations are often accompanied by dizziness, general weakness, sweating, and nausea.

Loss of blood provokes a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the number of blood cells that are responsible for the delivery of oxygen, which is also accompanied by headaches and dizziness.

Anemia (decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cell count) is often accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and lethargy. Anemia can be congenital or acquired, for example, during long-term dieting for weight loss.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Abdominal pain and dizziness can be the first symptoms of severe poisoning, dysbiosis, intestinal infections, and impaired absorption of beneficial components from food.

One of the manifestations of this type of pathology is.

Other diseases

Dizziness can also be a sign of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the optic nerve, vitamin deficiency, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, thrombosis, etc.

Often this symptom is combined with others, and to diagnose the disease it is important to evaluate the entire complex of clinical symptoms.

Dizziness often occurs in women when carrying a child, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Women may also feel dizzy during menstruation or for 1-2 days after ovulation.

There are dozens of illnesses that cause dizziness, and it is difficult to determine which one caused this illness based on this complaint alone. The doctor takes into account the complex of signs of the disease and the dynamics of the patient’s condition.

There is also dizziness, which is actually caused by ordinary events, actions that do not harm a person. These are, for example, riding on a carousel or traveling in public transport, severe stress, exhaustion, fasting, climbing to heights.

Prolonged dizziness

What to do if you feel dizzy for a long time?

It is necessary to consult a doctor if, along with dizziness, a complex of painful symptoms is detected, such as headache, nausea and vomiting, poor coordination of movements, sweating, exhaustion, lethargy and others.

If you feel dizzy, but there are no other symptoms, then it is best to drink coffee, lie down, take a deep breath and lie there for five minutes with your eyes closed.

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The symptom of vertigo is a condition when a person has difficulty maintaining the balance of his own body in space due to dizziness. Why do you feel dizzy? The reason for this may vary.

This is often observed in people who have problems with the vestibular organ, which is located in the inner ear of the bony labyrinth. Dizziness can occur due to physiological reasons or as a result of a serious illness.

What can make you feel dizzy? What this could be, to find out, you need to go to your doctor, telling him all the necessary details of your ailment. Including all those additional symptoms that may be present with dizziness, their duration and initial period.


If you feel dizzy very often, the reason for this is poor nutrition of the brain. When any parts of it receive insufficient oxygen. You shouldn’t be afraid if they started due to the following reasons:

  • Perhaps dizziness and weakness appeared as a result of negative emotions experienced against the background of an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood; this hormone causes a spasm in the blood vessels of the brain. People working in large companies are very susceptible to this. Sometimes you feel dizzy, perhaps due to a stern reprimand from your superiors after an important performance on stage.
  • Some people constantly feel dizzy during strong rides on attractions, riding land or air transport, or a sailing vessel. This problem can be solved by training the vestibular apparatus. In this case, if a person is in unusual conditions, his body begins to sound the alarm in the form of dizziness.

  • A person suddenly becomes dizzy, perhaps when climbing to a height, when his gaze is directed downward.

Women who prefer to go on a diet are also more susceptible to this symptom. The reason for this is a lack of glucose in the hematopoietic system and nutrients.

This includes the sudden onset of symptoms of dizziness when performing rapid body movements, for example, during intense exercise, spontaneous throwing back of the neck, bending the body, or getting up suddenly in the morning.


Always read the instructions before taking any medicine. Many of us know about this, but, alas, not everyone follows these conditions. When someone suddenly becomes dizzy as a side effect of the medication they are taking.

This symptom can be especially pronounced when treated with allergy medications. Diphenhydramine is also capable of causing a similar phenomenon, because under its influence the organ responsible for the balance of the body begins to suffer greatly. Since its substances can cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

The same drugs include sedatives with high inhibitory properties and tranquilizers. Which may also include other medications, mainly this is the range of drugs that are aimed at eliminating pathologies of the nervous system.


Recently, as experts note, many of their patients have complained of dizziness while smoking. This is obvious, because nicotine, when entering the brain through the respiratory system, not only deprives the brain of normal nutrition, but also promotes the dilation of brain vessels.

Alcohol can also cause this, where in addition to dizziness, a person who smokes and drinks alcohol at the same time will also have a headache. Symptoms can often get worse the next morning if you have a hangover.

Why do I have a headache and dizziness? The reason for this is often a consequence of poisoning the body with the poisons of alcohol and tobacco. Often the result is that intracranial pressure increases, blood clots form, and swelling of the brain substance occurs. In this case, there will be a decrease in the emotional background all day, and a feeling of weakness in the body will be felt.


Often this pathology occurs due to a head injury. A person often experiences other symptoms in combination with dizziness. This feeling may persist for a long time in the absence of medical assistance. For example, you will feel constantly dizzy for at least 1–2 weeks.

The whole point is that a person’s blood circulation in the area where the inner ear is located is disrupted. Fluid accumulates in this area and begins to press, creating additional pressure against the background of destruction of the temple bone due to injury to this area. Where the nerves leading from the brain to the inner ear are also damaged.

The risk of developing Menior's disease increases. When at first the head begins to feel dizzy only slightly, but only after some time it gradually intensifies. Here, a lot depends on the strength of the injury, the more serious it is, the more complex, naturally, its symptoms.

This may include signs of nausea, vomiting, headache, and even loss of consciousness for the victim. Sometimes this is bleeding from the ear canal or the discharge of clear fluid, usually this happens in those people who have suffered severe trauma in the form of a fracture of the main bone of the skull.


Epilepsy, such a disease does not always begin with the manifestation of a convulsive seizure. In fact, its symptoms can be completely varied. For example, a patient with epilepsy becomes very unsteady with symptoms of dizziness.

The first option is an increase in the aura with dizziness - this is a harbinger of epilepsy. Further, if you do not pay attention to this, the patient may experience convulsive seizures. But if you look closely at such a person, you may notice the lack of lively facial expressions on his face, natural movements in his arms and legs.

And the second option is when, in epilepsy, dizziness replaces convulsions. That is, epilepsy can be determined by one main symptom of dizziness. This is temporal lobe epilepsy, which occurs due to an increase in excitation in the temporal lobe of the brain.


Cardiovascular diseases are often the cause of dizziness. These include: stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, hypertensive crisis.

To describe a stroke, it occurs with a sharp increase in blood pressure, signs of dizziness, weakness, headache, nausea and speech impairment. The result is atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, blockage of the cerebral arteries with a blood clot, rupture of an aneurysm, and high blood pressure.

What are the symptoms of a stroke:

  • My head hurts and I feel dizzy.
  • Sleepy.
  • Sensitivity is impaired.
  • Visual and speech abilities deteriorate.
  • The patient staggers and loses motor control in space.

If your loved one has these symptoms, don't hesitate to call an ambulance for them. It is advisable to do this in the near future, otherwise it may lead to his sudden death. After all, it is precisely because of the extent to which medical care is provided for a stroke that doctors will be able to quickly achieve a positive prognosis in the patient’s recovery.

That is why you need to be extremely attentive to a relative who often suffers from high blood pressure, especially if he is suffering from a hypertensive crisis. When the patient’s blood pressure readings can rise to the very limit, to such a state that it is impossible to cope on their own until a doctor arrives.

For example, if you eat a lot of fatty foods, there is a risk of cerebral atherosclerosis, accompanied by dizziness and gait disturbance. What happens against the background of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.


If you periodically feel nauseous and feel very dizzy while at home, you can use the following tips:

  • Lie down on the bed. It is very important that the room is dark and quiet. This way, you can improve blood flow to the brain and calm down.
  • Soak a terry towel in cool water, wring it out and place it on the frontal or back of the head for a while. Next, the procedure can be repeated.
  • The head hurts and feels dizzy; it is painful to move your eyes; to alleviate this condition, it is advisable to focus on one fixed point in the distance. Or you can lie down for a while with your eyes closed.
  • A chilled coffee drink may help relieve lightheadedness.
  • If you feel dizzy in the morning, one glass of mint infusion will help. Further, to enhance the effect, this decoction can be brewed again.
  • You may feel dizzy, perhaps due to a lack of phosphorus in the body. It is found in fish, nuts, cheese and eggs.

Sometimes, due to low immunity, signs of dizziness begin to appear; in this case, a positive effect can be achieved through hardening. To do this, you need to take water procedures daily, gradually lowering the water temperature.


If often feel dizzy You can use the following folk remedies:

  • Brew 15 g for 250 ml of water. dry lemon balm.
  • Before each meal, eat 1 tbsp. l. seaweed.
  • Suddenly my head began to feel dizzy, drink nettle infusion. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. nettle and pour 500 ml of hot water over it, leave for 4 hours. After straining the broth, add 100 ml of apple juice. Use every time before meals.
  • Mix half a glass of camphor oil with 1 tsp. juniper and 2 tsp. fir oil. The prepared extract should be smeared during dizziness on the area above the lip, eyebrows, temple area and ears.

In particular, if you feel dizzy several times a day, the following set of exercises that need to be performed regularly may be useful:

  • Slowly tilt your head all the way to your chest with your chin forward. The exercise is recommended to be done every day.
  • Slowly alternate bending your head to the right and left to the shoulder.
  • Turn your neck first to the left, then in the opposite direction, down. Then take the starting position.
  • The exercise is similar to the previous one, but everything is done in reverse.


If you notice for the third day in a row a manifestation of weakness in the body, deterioration of vision, as well as noise in the ears accompanied by headaches. There is no need to tolerate them; in this case, medical assistance is needed, preferably a home call. Because against the background of such symptoms, along with increasing dizziness, there is a risk of losing consciousness. What often happens in people with poor blood circulation in the brain due to a stroke of the brain.

For example, if you receive a severe intracranial concussion, the sick person may suddenly develop a headache, be constantly tormented by tinnitus, nausea, and feel dizzy for several days. This should not be overlooked; sometimes this indicates toxin poisoning or acute migraine symptoms.