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Categories of doctors by year. Certification of medical workers to obtain a qualification category: studying the new procedure

As is known, the presence of a qualification category confirms the qualifications of a medical worker and affects wages. A dentist in one of the clinics in Kirov decided to get a second category, asked his colleagues for advice, but, oddly enough, it turned out that no one had medical categories. The doctor contacted the HR department, but, oddly enough, he also did not receive an answer to his request. I had to contact the “Hotline” of the “Action” trade union.

The assignment of a medical category is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 N 240n “On the Procedure and timing of certification for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to obtain a qualification category.”

Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization.

Requirements for obtaining the second category:

At least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Requirements for obtaining the first category:

At least 5 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal appearance, including testing, participation in report evaluation, interview.

Requirements for obtaining the highest category:

At least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal appearance, including testing, participation in report evaluation, interview.

To obtain a category, a specialist must contact the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, department, committee, administration - each region has its own) and the executive secretary of the certification commission for his specialty. All questions regarding the category are resolved through the executive secretary. The doctor fills out an application addressed to the chairman of the certification commission (in case of recertification, the application is submitted four months before the due date). The application indicates passport data, the existing category (if any) and the date of its receipt, the qualification category for which the doctor is applying, consent to receive and process personal data, personal signature and date. Also, in printed form, a certification sheet and a report on the work done for the last 3 years, approved by the chief physician and the human resources department of the healthcare facility where the certified person works, are filled out. The commission is also sent copies of education documents (diploma, certificates, certificates, specialist certificates), work book and assignment of current qualifications (if any), in case of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of their change.

What is a doctor's certification report? It consists of three parts - introduction, main part and conclusion.

The introduction includes information about the identity of the doctor and the medical institution where he holds a position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, and the performance indicators of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

The main part consists of the following points: characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department; possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures; carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases; deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis; implementation of innovations.

The conclusion of the report consists of summarizing the results, indicating possible problems and examples of their solutions, and opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, copies of them are attached. A list of literature used and studied over the past few years is indicated.

If the head of the organization where the specialist works refuses to approve the report, the latter is given a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the application for a qualification category.

Documents are sent to the government body or organization that created the certification commission via postal service or are provided personally by a specialist to the executive secretary of this commission.

Certification is scheduled no later than three months from the date of receipt of information about the specialist. If the data does not match the requirements for it, the documentation will be refused (no later than 7 days from the date of its registration). After eliminating the grounds that caused the refusal to accept documents, the specialist has the right to re-send the documents to the certification commission.

The secretary agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the timing of the examination. Members of the expert group review the certification work of doctors for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data: the level of practical skills of the specialist; participation in social projects related to the medical field; availability of published materials; self-education of the certified person; compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors. The examination must take place within 30 days from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification.

The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, including the interview and testing (no later than 30 days before this date). The test is considered passed when more than 70% of correct answers are received. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification. The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. A document confirming receipt, promotion, reduction of category or refusal to assign it is given to the specialist or sent by mail by the executive secretary of the certification commission (no later than 120 days from the date of registration of the application for certification or recertification).

The decision of the certification commission can be appealed to the government body or organization that created the certification commission within one year from the date the certification commission made the appealed decision.

The certification commission may decide to extend the validity period at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear for the commission, his category is automatically removed after a five-year period from the date of assignment.

Also, the administration of a medical institution can send a request to the certification commission that the doctor be deprived of qualifications or that they be upgraded ahead of schedule (specialists can apply for a higher qualification category no earlier than three years from the date of receipt of this category). In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. Failure to appear without a valid reason allows a decision to be made in his absence. From the date of the decision, the doctor or medical institution can appeal the result within 30 days. To do this, it is necessary to fill out an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission under the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, etc.).

Attestation sheet

1. Last name, first name, patronymic (if available) ________________________________

2. Date of birth ______________________

3. Information about education*(1) __________________________________________


4. Information about work activity*(2)

from _____ to ______ ______________________________________________________________

(position, name of organization, location)

Signature of the HR employee and seal of the organization’s HR department,

whose employee is a specialist.

5. Work experience in medical or pharmaceutical organizations

6. Name of the specialty (position) for which it is carried out

certification for obtaining a qualification category ___________________

7. Work experience in this specialty (in this position)


8. Information about the existing qualification category in the specialty

(position)*(3) for which certification is carried out ______________________

9. Information about available qualification categories for other

specialties (positions)*(3) _______________________________________

10. Information about available academic degrees and academic titles*(4) _________


11. Information about available scientific works (printed)*(5) ________________


12. Information about existing inventions, innovation proposals,

patents*(6) _________________________________________________________________

13. Knowledge of a foreign language ___________________________________

14. Business address and work telephone number ___________________________________

15. Postal address for correspondence on certification issues with

certification commission ________________________________________________


16. Email (if available): _________________________________

17. Characteristics of a specialist*(7): _________________________________



Signature of the manager and seal of the organization of which he is an employee


18. Conclusion of the certification commission:

Assign / Refuse to assign ________________ qualification(s)

(highest, first, second)

(name of specialty (position))

"___" ________ 20___ N ______*(8)

Executive Secretary

Expert group signature I.O. Last name


*(1) The level of existing education (secondary, higher, postgraduate or additional professional education), the subject of the advanced training course or professional retraining (for information about additional professional education), the name of the assigned specialty, the number and date of issue of the education document, the name of the organization are indicated who issued the education document.

*(2) The start and end dates of employment in the relevant position, the name of the employing organization, and its location are indicated.

*(3) The existing qualification category, the name of the specialty (position) for which it was assigned, and the date of its assignment are indicated.

*(4) Available academic degrees, academic titles and the dates of their conferment are indicated.

*(5) Only information about printed scientific works is indicated, including the name of the scientific work, date and place of publication.

*(6) The registration number and date of issue of the relevant certificates are indicated.

*(7) Includes information about the effectiveness of a specialist’s professional activities, his business and professional qualities (including an assessment of the level of responsibility, exactingness, existing skills, practical skills).

*(8) The details of the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Commission, at which the decision was made to assign a qualification category to the specialist, are indicated.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Legal support for employees of medical organizations in the Russian Federation and monitoring of current problems in the field of social and labor relations in the context of reforming the public health sector” using funds from a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.

Various categories are assigned to specialists who have the proper level of theoretical training, sufficient practical skills and a certain length of service. Let us consider in this article how the assignment of medical categories is carried out.

Doctors are to a certain extent interested in obtaining qualifications. The higher the category of a specialist, the more prestigious his work will be. Thanks to his professional qualifications, it will be easier for him to get a position in a health care facility. The material side also plays a significant role. A good salary increase is guaranteed to a qualified specialist.

What are the categories?

Depending on the doctor’s skills, the following medical categories are distinguished:

  • second - at least 3 years of experience for specialists who have higher and secondary vocational education;
  • first - at least 7 years of experience for specialists who have higher professional education and at least 5 years of experience for specialists with secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education);
  • higher - no less than 10 years for specialists with higher professional education and no less than 7 years for specialists with secondary vocational education.

Conditions that a leader must create

The head of the organization provides conditions for the specialist, namely:

The importance of paperwork

The documents included in the package for obtaining a medical category must be properly executed and sealed.

Papers for passing the competition are sent to the commission by mail, as well as directly by an official who has undertaken to interact with the certification commission.

To maintain a previously assigned qualification category, a specialist submits papers to the certification commission no later than 4 months before the expiration of the qualification period. If a set of documents is sent later than the above period, the exam date may be set after the expiration of the qualification category.

Receiving a category and additional payment for it may be an initiative of the medical worker, as well as his supervisor. As a rule, the discharge is valid for several years. After this, a person who holds the position of a doctor in a health care institution must re-certify. When resubmitting documents, a citizen can expect to be assigned a higher category.


Additional fees for the category are assessed after passing the doctor's certification. The commission includes an authorized representative of government bodies regulating the receipt of medical services by the population. Certification refers to the assessment of the employee’s skills and knowledge, which must be necessary in order to provide professional assistance to victims in different situations.

If a specialist in the field of medicine successfully passes certification, the commission makes a decision to assign the applicant the required medical category. The above information is published on the official departmental website, after which the specialist has the right to contact the employer to establish a salary increase. The head of the medical organization must set a bonus for the certified employee for the category received. This type of monetary supplement should be negotiated in advance, before concluding an employment or collective agreement. If this clause is missing from the agreement, then HR officers and lawyers must draw up an addition to the agreement.

It must be remembered that a citizen cannot receive the highest qualification category if he has never been certified before. There are also time frames when a health worker has the right to apply for certification. A person is not deprived of his rank even if there is a break in work, that is, a failure to provide medical services to the population for a long time.

What liability is provided for the refusal of a co-payment to a doctor for a category?

Is it true that medical categories are going to be abolished? More on this below.

Each manager is required to pay category allowances to doctors. In case of obvious refusal, administrative penalties are applied to him. Often these can include monetary fines and compensation for material damage to the employee. If the head of the organization flatly refuses to make the necessary changes, state inspection bodies raise the question of removing such a leader from his post.

Extra points

The specialist is awarded points for certain achievements:

  • published textbooks, manuals, monographs;
  • published articles;
  • obtaining a patent for an invention;
  • participation in the symposium;
  • speaking in the media;
  • obtaining a title;
  • successful dissertation defense.

Purpose of the commission

The main goal of the certification commission of doctors in Russia is to assess the professional skills of a specialist and his ability to perform official duties in his position. All this helps to place personnel with great efficiency, taking into account the level of complexity of the work, relying on the skill and experience of doctors. The consequence is the improvement of the activities of healthcare institutions and the provision of medical services to the population.

The composition of the committee and expert group is as follows:

Primary requirements

Basic requirements for specialists of the second and first categories:

Highest qualification category

  • it is necessary to have a high level of theoretical training and practical skills in the field of professional activity, knowledge of interrelated disciplines;
  • use the latest methods of diagnosis, health improvement, disease prevention and rehabilitation, possess health-improving and diagnostic equipment in the field of practiced professional activity - while the requirements for the highest medical category are much more serious than in previous cases;
  • the ability to give a high-quality and qualified assessment of data from special research methods in order to correctly determine the diagnosis;
  • the ability to navigate modern scientific and technical information, apply it to resolve strategic and tactical aspects of specialized activities;
  • have a duration of work in the profession (in a position) of at least 7 years.

How often do I need to undergo certification?

Certification of medical workers is carried out once every 5 years. The category that is assigned is valid on the territory of our country from the day when the order for its receipt is issued. Specialists have the right to strive to obtain a higher category of qualification, but only 3 years after the issuance of an administrative act on assignment. Allowances for medical categories are paid throughout the validity period.

When requalifying, the duration of work in the newly acquired specialization begins to count from the moment the work begins in the new category. Federal executive authorities create central commissions to certify doctors. Under departments, they are created by the executive branch (federal bodies), Russian academies of sciences and organizations that have subordinate pharmaceutical and medical organizations. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create territorial certification commissions.

Conditions for refusal to accept documents by the commission

Documents may not be accepted in the following cases:

  • if there are no necessary papers that are needed for the certification commission to analyze the issue of awarding a specialist with a qualification category;
  • the application or certification sheet of the specialist has been completed incorrectly.

The secretary of the committee, which is responsible for conducting the commission, sends the subject a refusal letter within 7 calendar days after registration of documents with a mandatory explanation of the reason for the refusal. As soon as these grounds are eliminated, the specialist has the right to send documents for certification of the medical category again.

At this time, there is no information about the cancellation of medical categories.

The category of a doctor is an important indicator of the level of his qualifications and competence. It is assigned based on theoretical training, practical skills and length of service as a medical specialist. Certification is a way to assess a doctor’s qualifications, improve them and confirm them.

Qualification categories: ascending classification

The competence of a health worker is determined during certification procedures. Assignment of a category indicates the professional growth of a doctor, contributes to his further advancement, increases prestige, and has a positive effect on salary.

In this case, the qualification is established for the main or combined position; it can be obtained in several specialties at the same time, if they are related.

Depending on the level of theoretical skills, practical skills, length of service, in medicine a classification of categories is used in ascending order:

This means that the most qualified medical category is the highest. They are usually received sequentially, but exceptions are possible. The general requirements for assigning a qualification category for doctors of various specialties (therapist, emergency medical assistant, surgeon, dentist, gynecologist, neurologist, and so on) are identical and include passing tests in theory and practice, as well as an assessment of work experience.

How to get

In medicine, there are types of certifications:

  • obtaining the title of “specialist” as a result of assessing knowledge in theory and practice;
  • assignment of the appropriate qualification category, which is possible only after certification;
  • her confirmation.

Consideration of candidates for appointment as “specialists” is carried out in institutions of postgraduate education. This is a mandatory procedure for becoming a doctor.

The event is attended by students after master's degree, internship, postgraduate school, residency, if there is no certificate of “doctor-specialist”, persons who have not worked for more than 3 years in their specialty, who were not awarded a qualification within the required time frame or were denied it.

Certification of a doctor, nurse, emergency paramedic, and so on allows one to obtain a qualification category and is considered by the state as a mechanism for monitoring the quality of personnel training and services in this area. This event is considered voluntary.

Certification and recertification evaluates the competence of a medical worker and his compliance with the qualification characteristics of the position.

General list of requirements for obtaining categories 1 and 2, in addition to length of service:

  • knowledge of theory;
  • confident practical skills;
  • application of modern methods and techniques for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of patients;
  • ability to use health-improving diagnostic equipment in the practiced area, analyze qualitative and quantitative performance indicators, and draw up reports;
  • educational activities, improvement of practical skills, and so on.

General requirements for candidates for the highest category, in addition to work experience:

  • high level of training in theory and practice;
  • knowledge of interrelated disciplines;
  • application of the latest methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation;
  • use of modern health-improving diagnostic equipment in the field of practice;
  • in-depth analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators in work, drawing up reports;
  • educational activities, improving one’s own skills and abilities, and so on.

Procedure for certification of medical workers

The director of the clinic is directly involved in the procedure for assigning a category to a doctor, who:

  • facilitates the collection and submission of documents;
  • interacts with the certification commission;
  • provides information on the number of employees in a medical organization who have passed the certification procedure or are planning to do so next year;
  • brings up to date the employee who is seeking to receive a category.


If a specialist is interested in conducting certification, he fills out an application 4 months before the end of the qualification period. His sample for receiving, confirming or upgrading a category is presented in the photo.

The list of documents includes copies of a diploma, work book, certificate, certificate of internship, professional training, and qualification category.

The papers are sent to the commission by mail or delivered by an official.


The introduction to the category report includes information about the identity of the medical worker and the institution where he works.

The report is prepared in free form, its volume does not exceed 20 pages of printed text.

If the doctor has changed jobs over the past 3 years, information is also provided from the last places. The total period of downtime should not exceed 3 months. If the doctor has published works, copies of them are attached to the report for assignment of category. Attached is a list of recently researched references.

The commission sends the finished document to highly qualified personnel for review. The decision to assign a new or confirm an existing category is based on its assessment, analysis of documents and interview results.


During certification, each participant is awarded points, which are taken into account when deciding to assign a category. The indicators are higher for people who participate in conferences, which are held in Russia or abroad, give lectures to colleagues or nursing staff, undergo distance learning or take part-time courses.

Points are also awarded for:

  • publication of articles;
  • publishing of manuals, textbooks;
  • public reports at symposiums and in the media;
  • dissertation defense;
  • obtaining a title, awarding by government agencies.

Certifying commission

The commission conducting certification of employees of medical institutions includes:

  • Committee- carries out activities during breaks between meetings;
  • expert group- participates in the examination and testing of a specialist.

Among the positions included in the certification commission are:

  • chairman- controls the activities and distributes tasks among the members of the commission;
  • deputy chairman- if necessary, performs the function of the head;
  • secretary- registers documents, collects and forms materials, records assigned categories and results of the commission’s work;
  • deputyI'm the secretary- during the absence of the secretary, performs his tasks.

The expert groups include doctors of related specialties, which exist in this field. For example, when receiving a category as a dentist, the participation of a periodontist, orthodontist, therapist, and pediatric dentist is required.

The purpose of the commission is to evaluate the professional skills of a medical worker and their suitability for the position held.

Validity periods

According to the rules, certification activities for assigning categories to medical workers are carried out once every 5 years. A qualification is considered valid from the moment the order on its appointment is issued. After 5 years, the category should be confirmed. Otherwise it is lost.

It is advisable for an employee to strive to obtain a higher category, but only 3 years after the issuance of the order to assign the current one.

Since 2012 and this year 2018, a number of pre-existing social benefits (preservation of the category for 1 year upon dismissal due to reduction, completely during maternity leave, child care, deferment of re-certification for 3 months in case of temporary disability, and so on) according to the current order is not taken into account.

Currently, it is possible to extend the period without a retake at the request of the chief physician before the certification commission, on which the final decision depends.

The administration of a medical institution may send a request to promote a doctor or deprive him of his qualifications ahead of schedule. In this case, the reason is objectively substantiated, and the commission examines the situation in the presence of a specialist. If he fails to appear without a good reason, the decision is made without a medical professional.

Upgrade and confirmation of category

The activities of the certification commission to assign a qualification category occur no later than 3 months from the moment information about the doctor is received by the committee.

Failure to comply with the requirements for documentation may result in refusal to accept it (no later than 2 weeks after receipt).

The commission agrees on the date of the examination. An expert group evaluates the certification work of doctors taking into account the requirements and issues a review for each review. The examination takes 2 weeks after receiving the report.

The decision of the expert group serves as an indicator of the possible result of the employee’s certification. The latter is informed of the date of the meeting, which includes an interview and testing.

The health worker survey includes theory and practice, according to the requested qualifications.

The test is passed if 70% of the answers are correct.

Certification is accompanied by the execution of a protocol, which is signed by the expert group and the chairman. The final result is recorded in the qualification sheet.

Retaking the exam is only permissible after a year. Within a week, the medical worker receives a document confirming the promotion, confirmation of the category, or refusal to assign it.


After the final decision is made by the certification commission, the doctor or medical institution has the right to appeal it within a month.

To do this, write a statement justifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the Central Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation or to the body under which a certain certification commission has been formed.


An additional bonus to the salary of a doctor, nurse 1, 2, highest category is accrued after the decision of the certification commission on the assignment of qualifications. The specialist has the right to contact the employer to establish an additional payment to the rate.

The head of a medical institution must assign a bonus to an employee. In case of refusal, administrative penalties are applied to him: monetary fines, compensation for material damage to the employee. The manager may be removed from his position.

Bonuses for qualifications are paid throughout the validity period of the category.

How to check qualifications

It is important for the patient to know the category of the doctor providing him with medical care. The employee's specialty and qualifications can be clarified at the reception desk; information is often indicated on the office sign. A document confirming the data is requested from the doctor himself or the head of the medical institution.

The Ministry of Health is developing federal registers of doctors and the clinics where they work. The first contains information about the doctor’s education, specialization, position, and qualifications. This solves the question of how a person can check the category of a medical worker. However, the Ministry of Health has so far refrained from commenting on whether the information will be available to ordinary users.

What is the difference between a doctor and a doctor?

It is believed that the concepts of “doctor” and “doctor” are synonymous, which most patients do not doubt and do not see the difference. However, it is not. A doctor is defined as a medical practitioner who has the appropriate qualifications. Doctor (even in medicine) is an academic degree that follows kmn (candidate of medical sciences). At the same time, the person is characterized as a researcher, scientific worker.

Therefore, a doctor does not have to be a doctor at all, just as the latter does not have to have an academic degree, which is the main difference between the concepts.

A doctorate degree for Russia and the CIS countries is the highest scientific level. Therefore, calling a doctor “doctor” is considered unethical. It’s the same as calling any military man a “general.”

To become a doctor, a doctor must defend a dissertation that meets certain requirements. It is believed that a doctor is more of a practitioner, a doctor is a theorist.

Outline and content of a doctor’s certification report

A doctor’s certification report on the work done is, in fact, a scientific and practical work in which the doctor analyzes the results of his professional practice and work activities over the past three years on all issues of his specialty.

Below are the sections that a normal doctor’s certification report should consist of.

I. Introduction

Briefly and discreetly provide information about your medical institution: number of beds, number of visits, types of diagnostic and treatment procedures, etc. Focus on the features of the institution.

3. Characteristics of your structural unit (for example, department)

Again, in a lapidary style, present the characteristics of the department: the main tasks and principles of organizational work. Equipment of the department (for functional, laboratory, physiotherapy, etc.) Staffing structure of medical personnel and the place occupied by the doctor in the described structure. Performance indicators of the department for the reporting period by year.

II. The main part of the certification report is the doctor’s personal work over the past three years.

All indicators are presented in comparison with annual data analysis for the last three years. It will be appropriate to compare your data with similar indicators for the institution, region or country. Each digital material (table, graph, diagram) should be followed by an analytical explanation that reveals the essence of the dynamics of the numbers (or lack thereof), which will demonstrate your ability to critically analyze.

1. Characteristics of the contingent

The structure of treated patients by age, gender, and groups, highlighting the most common nosological forms and complex cases. Features of the clinic, age-related pathology. Analysis of the contingent (in comparison with previous years).

2. Diagnostic system

Display the diagnostic system (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Demonstrate your knowledge of modern diagnostic methods: capabilities, limitations, indications, interpretation. Give examples of the most difficult diagnostic cases from practice.

3. Therapeutic work

Display treatment work (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Analysis of treatment results with an assessment of the world and our own experience in using certain methods. Describe clinically interesting cases from practice.

4. Mortality analysis

Analysis of fatal cases by nosological units.

5. Innovation

Rationalization work or development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. It is especially important to describe the therapeutic and diagnostic effect achieved as a result of the introduction of new methods.

6. Advisory work

See treatment work analysis

7. Organizational and methodological work

As a rule, this section of the certification report is intended for heads of departments. Development of guidelines, instructions, implementation of a system for monitoring and analyzing the quality of work, etc.

III. Sections of the certification report that may be required

Different regions may set their own rules of the game and require additional disclosure of certain issues in their certification report.

IV. Conclusion

V. References

Requirements for preparing a doctor’s certification report

The information provided below corresponds to GOST 7.32–91 and the international standard ISO 5966–82. For more details, please refer to the relevant documents.

At the first stage of writing a certification report on the work done, it is convenient to put the printed sheets in a folder with multicolors (“transparencies”). At the final stage (depending on the requirements of the regional certification commission), the certification report along with all collected documents (except for the certification sheet) will need to be bound, bound, or left in a binder.

General requirements

  • The certification report must be printed on a typewriter or printer. The text must be black and located on one side of a standard sheet of white A4 paper (210 x 297 mm).
  • Detected errors and typos should be corrected by shading with white paint (corrector) and then writing the corrections in black ink.
  • The pages of the certification report must have the following margins: left - at least 30 mm, right - at least 10 mm, top - at least 15 mm, bottom - at least 20 mm.
  • Paragraph indentation is 1-1.5 cm.
  • Line spacing is 1.5.
  • The main text of the work should be justified.
  • A standard font in a “regular” style should be used. For example, Times New Roman. Font size (size) is at least 12 points (lowercase letter height is 1.8 mm).
  • Dangling lines (single lines at the beginning and end of the page) should be avoided.

Title page of a doctor's certification report

  • At the top right is a statement signed by the chief physician, certified by the round seal of the medical institution in which the doctor works (or worked).
  • In the center is the heading: “Report on the work of such and such a medical specialist or the head of the department of such and such a medical institution (name of institution), full name. doctor (write in full), for such and such years (indicate the reporting period).
  • At the bottom of the sheet - the name of the locality, the year the work was completed.

Second page of the doctor's certification report

The second page of the certification report must contain a table of contents indicating the page numbers of the main sections of the certification work.

A strict table of contents style should be followed. Page numbers are entered without a period at the end, and the number “1” is never placed on the title page, but it is taken into account that the next page has the number “2”.


  • Headings in the report are highlighted in a richer and larger font, never underlined or ending with a period. Hyphenations in headings are not allowed. There should be a gap of at least 6-12 points between the title and the text.
  • Higher level headings are centered, lower level headings are left aligned. It is possible to highlight high-level headings in capital letters or with special effects (shadow, prominence).
  • It is advisable to number the headings and start the chapter on a new page. Headings are numbered with Arabic numerals, nested subheadings are numbered with a dot (“1”, “1.1”, “2.3.1”, etc.).

Design of tables, figures, graphs

The doctor’s certification report must include such elements of non-text information as pictures, graphs, and tables.

For all these types of additional information, continuous numbering is used throughout the work. For example, if there are two diagrams in the first chapter, then the first diagram in the next chapter will have the third number, not the first number. All these elements of non-textual information are numbered if the corresponding element appears more than once in the work. For example, if there is only one table in a work, then it is not numbered and the designation “Table 1” is not written above it.

Table design

The table is indicated by the word “Table” and a number written in Arabic numerals in the upper right corner (the “No” sign is not indicated). This should be followed by a centered table title. Tables, depending on their size, are placed after the text in which they are mentioned or on the next page.

The link to the table in the text is formatted as follows: see table. 1. If there is only one table in the work, then the word “table” is not abbreviated: see table. Usually the first reference uses the word “see.” not written: From table. 1 it is clear that... For further references, mark in brackets: see table. 1.

When using tables, consider the following recommendations:

  • If possible, you should not use the “sequential number” column (“number no.”), since in most cases it is not needed.
  • Numbers are aligned to the right (for easier comparison), text is aligned to the left, and heading text is aligned to the left or center.
  • All table cells are vertically aligned to the middle.
  • Repeating elements, for example, the percentage designation (“%”), are placed in the column or row heading.
  • One repeated word in the table is abbreviated with quotation marks, two or more - with the phrase “the same.”
  • There should be no empty cells in the table. If you do not have the necessary data at your disposal, then it is written as “no information.”
  • If the table does not fit on one page and it has to be moved to the next, then on the new page write the words “continuation of the table” and indicate its serial number, then repeat the cells containing the column headings and then the continuation of the table follows.
  • Footnotes to text or numbers in the table are formatted only with asterisks (to avoid confusion with the exponent) and are printed immediately below the table.
Design of drawings

The name is written under the picture, preceded by the abbreviation “Fig. " and a serial number written in Arabic numerals (the "No" sign is not indicated). All this designation is centered below the picture.

Application design

Applications, unlike other types of additional information, are located outside the text of the certification report. Applications may include text, tables, pictures, photographs, and drawings. All types of additional information in appendices are numbered in the same way as in the main part of the work.

  • Each application must start on a new page.
  • Applications are identified by the word "APP" in capital letters and a serial number (Arabic numerals) in the upper right corner (without the "#" sign). This is followed by a centered application title.
  • Links to applications in the main text of the work are as follows: see Appendix 5.

Good luck!

List of documents for medical certification

In different regions, the list of documents that a doctor must submit to the certification commission may be supplemented or slightly modified.

List of documents submitted to the certification commission for assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category of a medical specialist

1. Personal statement addressed to the chairman of the certification commission.

Well, for example: I ask you to certify (or re-certify) me in the specialty “Therapy” to the second (or, for example, highest) category. Not previously certified (or have the first/highest qualification category of a general practitioner, confirmed in such and such a year). I am familiar with the regulations on certification. Date of. Doctor's signature.

In law enforcement agencies, they write a report (application) addressed to the head of the department (institution), who himself draws up a referral to the certification commission.

2. Certification sheet of the established form.

The correctness of the information specified in the certification sheet is certified by a specialist from the human resources department and the seal of the institution. By the way, the person being certified and his supervisor are personally responsible for the accuracy of the information in the certification sheet and report.

The certification sheet can be obtained from the secretary of the certification commission.

3. Photocopies of the following documents, which must be certified by a HR specialist and the seal of the institution:
  • diploma of completion of a medical university;
  • marriage certificate (if the surname was changed after receiving various kinds of diplomas, certificates, etc.);
  • certificate of completion of specialization/internship in the certified specialty;
  • certificate of completion of advanced training in the certified specialty over the last 5 years;
  • specialist certificate;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of the existing category.
4. Original certificate of the existing category.
5. Certification report on work for the last 3 years.

The certification report must be an analysis of the indicators of the doctor’s professional and performance activities on all issues of his specialty. The certification report is approved by the head of the institution and certified with a seal. The volume for the highest category is 30-35 sheets, for the first and second categories - 20-25 sheets of A4 format typewritten text at 1.5 intervals. Regarding the reliability of information, see above.

6. Review (feedback) of the certification report.

A review (feedback) of a doctor’s certification report is given by a highly qualified specialist of the relevant profile who is not the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, preferably a member of the certification commission.

7. Service characteristics.

The job description must reflect the performance of the medical specialist, his business and professional qualities (responsibility, exactingness, volume and level of knowledge, practical skills, etc.) and certified by the seal of the institution.

8. Additional materials.

Some regions may require certificates of passing tests within the previous 12 months for the following questions:

  • HIV infections;
  • organization and tactics of the civil defense medical service, organization of emergency medical care and provision of emergency medical care;
  • disinfection and sterilization.

When certifying (re-certifying) privately practicing doctors or working in privately owned institutions, they may require a copy of the license to practice medicine for individuals or legal entities

Good luck!


Service characteristic

Word " characteristic" comes from the word "character" [< лат. charactër отпечаток, особенность, своеобразие < греч. charaktër печать, клеймо; особенность, своеобразие]

(from explanatory Dictionaries)

Service characteristic- this is an official document containing feedback on the official, scientific and other activities of an employee, which includes an assessment of his business, psychological and moral qualities.

The official description is written in free form in the third person. As a rule, the job description is drawn up by the head of the structural unit, and approved by the head of the institution, affixing his signature with the seal of the institution.

In the text of the service description, three blocks can be distinguished:

1. Personal information, where the employee’s first, middle and last names and date of birth are indicated; position held and date of appointment to this position, academic degree and title (if any). Additionally, you can provide information about the education received (which educational institutions, where and when you graduated), duration of work in this institution, career growth (what positions you held).

2. Evaluation level of professional skills, business and personal qualities. The indicators by which this assessment is carried out are given below.

3. Final part service characteristic contains a conclusion indicating the purpose of the characteristic.

Performance indicators

Typically, assessment is carried out using the following indicators.

Work experience and practical skills, professional knowledge in their specialty, erudition in other official matters, self-education, interest in best practices, knowledge of the necessary regulatory and legislative documents, knowledge of their rights and responsibilities.

Performance. The degree of activity in work, the quality of work, the timeliness of fulfilling job duties, the organization of personal working time, the degree of responsibility for work results, the effectiveness of solving assigned tasks, the ability to adapt to innovations, behavior in difficult situations.

Business qualities(for management staff). The ability to organize a team to perform official tasks, exercise control over subordinates, the ability to resolve conflicts in a team, establish business relationships with the heads of related departments, the ability to analyze the effectiveness of one’s structural unit, and engage in planning.

Level of general culture, relationships with colleagues and clients, sociability, friendliness, responsiveness, modesty, psychological stability, ability to self-esteem.

Job description-2 or what the official document hides (be careful!)

Service characteristic - 2

The most interesting things about musical notation are between the lines.
Gustav Mahler, Austrian composer.

How to read service specifications correctly

The following text is compiled from various sources found on the Internet.

Professional competence

  • Has exceptionally high qualifications: does not do big stupid things
  • Uses every opportunity for his development: a sycophant, knows how to serve his superiors
  • Doesn’t always accurately follow management’s instructions: thinks better than his superiors
  • Accurate, pays attention to every detail: boring
  • Expresses thoughts clearly: can string two phrases together
  • Compares favorably from others: 200 times smarter than a single-celled organism
  • Possesses alternative knowledge: stupid ignoramus


  • Zealous and diligent worker: stubborn as a donkey
  • Shows zeal at work: self-confident type
  • Has unlimited potential: looks like it will stay with us until retirement
  • Works a lot: has no idea about ergonomics
  • Inventive: always finds explanations for his mistakes
  • Uses resources efficiently: delegates work to others
  • Original thinker: jerk
  • Independent Thinker: Crazy
  • He approaches problems creatively: he will always find someone who will do his job
  • Ready to work after the end of the working day: wife is a bitch, family problems
  • Shows diligence: able to work only under supervision

Business qualities

  • Has the qualities of a leader: a boor with a loud voice
  • Subtle analyst: capable of confusing everything
  • Great organizational skills: easily distracts other employees for “smoke breaks”
  • He knows how to inspire others and lead: his subordinates follow him in droves, but only out of pure curiosity
  • Frequently consults with colleagues and management: everyone is already fed up
  • Promising, will go far: has a “furry paw” among his superiors

Psychological qualities and work ethics

  • Proud of his work: self-righteous egoist
  • Sociable character: often drinks with colleagues
  • Tactful: knows when to shut up
  • Witty, with a great sense of humor: he constantly hangs out on joke sites
  • Charming: cunning bastard
  • Uninhibited, dynamic: psychopath
  • Helpful, polite: shy coward
  • Strict, disciplined, true to his principles: just an asshole
  • Visually oriented: deaf as a wood grouse
  • Impressively athletic: fat or dystrophic
  • Young at heart: a rejuvenating old fart
  • Follows the development of the company: the main local gossip
  • Extremely loyal: incapable of getting a job anywhere else


  • Deserves a promotion: get this idiot away from us!

Impression of performance characteristics

When writing a job description, it is very important to choose the right words, because the overall impression of the language in which the job description is written can create a positive or negative impression.

Top 10 words: activity, individual, evidence, achievement, skills, experience, planning, development, participation, effect.

10 worst words: always, hate, never, nothing, mistake, panic, bad, problem, failure, terrible.

Thank you - http://kzpo.io.ua/

Photo from doksmed.com

The Ministry of Health clarified certain issues of certification for the qualification category of medical and pharmaceutical workers; a document defining the features of labor relations with medical workers was published on Friday in the ConsultantPlus system.

From January 25, 2013, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers, in force since October 2011, qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have the necessary knowledge, practical training, as well as work experience in their specialty, in the following sequence:

The second is for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education with at least three years of work experience;

The first is for specialists with higher professional education with at least seven years of work experience and specialists with secondary vocational education with at least five years of work experience;

Higher - for specialists with higher professional education with at least ten years of work experience and for specialists with secondary vocational education with at least seven years of work experience.

Having the required work experience allows a doctor or medical specialist to immediately receive the first or highest qualification category, without first completing documents for the second or first category, respectively.

Experts from the Ministry of Health emphasize the need for regular and timely certification and confirmation of the qualification category obtained. If the deadlines are not met, the doctor is deprived of incentive payments for its availability.

Comments (44)

    25.01.2013 17:07

    Only money!

    If the deadlines are not met, the doctor is deprived of incentive payments for its availability.

    Oh, how scary... We have a whopping 512 rubles extra for the first one.

    25.01.2013 20:31


    we have 200 rubles

    25.01.2013 22:26

    Nadya Shcherbinka

    Ugh, how dirty, a surgeon, a military man.:(I’m not going to blush in front of the commission in my old age, I see these exams in my dreams! I saw how old women over 60 ran out with tears from miracle professors. Thank you for the salaries, I should it hurts to be stimulated for another 500:(:(:(

    26.01.2013 08:34


    Well, we must give it its due - one of the few more or less intelligible news. I would like to clarify: will the procedure for obtaining/confirming a category be simplified or remain the same, with mandatory formalities, such as testing in civil defense and emergency situations, sanitary education work, subcommittees and mandatory “approval” of officials from the city health department? Or will a simple “guessing game” on a computer be enough?

    26.01.2013 12:10


    Incentive payments must justify their name and their purpose, but can a premium of 600 rubles stimulate a doctor of the highest category?

    26.01.2013 12:10


    Something (life experience) tells me that all your brains will dry out before you get a category. For example, with us, it always turned into a circus performance, 30-40 people, half of them - “I’ve never been a doctor,” and you’re in the center on a stool answering their questions. And our “guessing game” is fun, if you answer all the questions really correctly, and not as they have it, then you won’t get any points. They also required a report on the work done with pictures (they love it) over the last three years. I know absolutely for sure that the presence of a category in no way reflects the real quality of a specialist, this whole entourage repels many, but it is really disgusting, and people - highly qualified doctors - forget about the category.

    26.01.2013 12:48


    And yet, a person always hopes for the best. What if a miracle happens and the “circus show for 40 people” turns into something elegant, perfect, nanotechnological and completely unburdensome...R-r-r-r-time! and, after 20-30 years of hard work “on the ground”, a beautiful certificate in which you are designated as “Doctor of the highest category” will appear in your portfolio... But something tells me that, alas, there is little hope... the notorious "hari" won't be allowed...

    26.01.2013 13:34


    In order for a miracle to happen, all that was needed was to clearly describe the procedure for passing the exam. For example: an exam for a category is carried out in a computer lab according to a single program developed by the Ministry of Health for each specialty; for admission to the exam, the following is required: labor record, passport. The computer produces the result immediately, the category is immediately assigned and a record is made in the labor report. All. For failure to provide conditions or violation of the procedure, the person responsible is “on the horns.” Tests must be published on the Ministry of Health website. In general, in friendly republics it was like this: 5 years - 2nd, 10th - 1st, 15th - highest, there there were significantly fewer creatures lashing out at their breadwinners. That's what immigrants told me.

    26.01.2013 14:01


    You can move on - the exam is remote, via the Internet.
    But we won’t wait for this, because the crowd of inspectors-examiners-allowing them to eat something more like ours, and they are much closer to the feeding trough.
    PS You can conduct distance learning in a lot of specialties. This will also save money. But this is complete fantasy. The Ministry of Defense and the FUVs will hang themselves.

    26.01.2013 14:06


    2_Endosurgeon Can you imagine how someone from the TTP category (like a doctor too) is now crippling someone reading your wishes, because for them it’s like pouring a good portion of boiling balm on their “back head”... A computer that replaces 40 bureaucratic mugs is worse than anything you can imagine you can't... APOCALYPSE!!!

    26.01.2013 14:42

    Federal doctor

    “If the deadlines are not met, the doctor will lose incentive payments.” And in the Ministry of Health itself there is still no (after the separation of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health) an attestation commission. And we, the so-called “federals” from all over our vast Motherland, must go to this commission at the Ministry of Health in Moscow. Not only are these trips generally absurd from the point of view of financial costs, but there is no travel commission itself. The dream is to see test tasks in your specialty and pass the computer exam in your nearest city!

    26.01.2013 14:45

    doctor (working)

    I actually sent everyone, it’s time to get the tower. I’m neither cold nor hot from the category - one consultation costs more than the extra charge. My patients don’t care what category I have, whether I’m a chief or a resident - as they went, so they will go. When there was a break in management and I worked as a simple doctor for 2 years, it was absolutely ice.

    26.01.2013 15:05


    In Rostov, the FUV is complete bullshit. My classmates from all over the region, with whom I studied and graduated from the RODNMI university, came, and to the question - what tests or questions in the specialty will there be? - the answer was the same: take the cabbage and don’t be smart. There is no other alternative and there never will be.

    26.01.2013 16:24

    doctor (working)

    and how much is opium for the people today?

    26.01.2013 16:40

    Rostov resident

    I confirm about Rostov. I myself have 4 certificates. I have never taken any tests (without categories).
    Isn't that true in others?

    26.01.2013 17:50

    2 simpletons

    Doesn't distort them. They're purple. They won't give up the feeder.

    26.01.2013 19:44


    Everything will work out as always: according to Chernomyrdin.
    In Russia, any attestation-certification-qualification means the same thing: the loot will come from the pockets of patients/population/, through the hands of doctors/collector/, and will migrate into the pockets of bureaucrats/i.e. beyond the borders of the Russian Federation/.All.Curtain.

    26.01.2013 21:04


    Residents of Rostov, why are you writing this, think about your colleagues who will study after you, because they will close up shop! And who will get better? I didn’t pay either for the category or for the tests, only “gratitude” to the teachers, for how much we decided ourselves, no one extorted, I studied at Rostov-MSU in ’11.

    26.01.2013 22:06


    I never paid, and they didn’t offer it, although the last time my senile grandfather almost knocked me down. What method do you use to stop bleeding from VRVP? There are a lot of theoretical things described in the book, I tell him, but there are only one or two practical ones, just a Blackmore probe followed by bypass surgery. Have you ever seen a picture in the esophagus? Especially with bleeding,” I already ask him. The cause of portal hypertension must be eliminated, not its consequences. And floundering in the esophagus with an endoscope at the height of bleeding is just a waste of time. If we are talking about actual bleeding from VRVP. The cathedral grandfather hears only what he wants, but he wants about sclerotherapy, he gave a lecture about it, in short, he is dissatisfied with this answer. Okay, the chief surgeon intervened. I'm about to go for re-certification soon, so I'm thinking about giving it up, I'm so tired of all this, but 600 rubles a month for 5 years seems like a shame to lose.

    26.01.2013 23:20


    Laura, friend, no need to la-la. It’s better to remember: philosophy, sociology and other non-medical garbage, the guys have military training, and in the 4th-5th year clinical disciplines in city hospitals: 20, emergency hospital - 2.8 , regional, etc. And at FUV there are 2 chapter questions on the specialty: ¨Lap-hop?¨ and ¨Why so many this time?¨

    26.01.2013 23:36

    The established system is vicious and fixated on itself, supports itself and corrupts itself from the inside. Like a driven horse: there is no strength to run forward, and you can’t stop - you’ll die. But what to do? - I personally don’t know. However, this feeding trough will not be covered. B in the worst case scenario, they will get rid of 1-2 people they don’t like, for the sake of detachment and for the edification of others. What kind of things are being done: reforms, modernization, improvement, raising the level of MO services, struggle, etc. etc. words are excuses.

    27.01.2013 10:08


    But we don’t take offense at our own people. During advanced training, the lectures are very worthy: to the point and clearly, without fluff. During certification, they also ask questions that are substantive and do not show off. They ask: “What are you doing in this case, what is your opinion about other methods of treatment?” If you are a gynecologist for certification, then most likely there will be questions about gynecology; if you work as an obstetrician, there will be a corresponding demand for obstetrics. So far no one has complained. The atmosphere is very calm. By the way, no one is extorting money. But there will be a small problem with the tests. Most likely, they will mix everything together: obstetrics and gynecology, radiology and ultrasound diagnostics, etc. There's nothing to do here "floating".

    27.01.2013 14:05


    And in Rostov we don’t take offense at our own people. Business - nothing personal.
    PS I have one crust from Novokuznetsk. 4500 to the cash register. Two dates with the teacher: the first - getting to know each other and filling out the papers, the second - saying goodbye and receiving the crust.
    So Rostov is far from being a runaway crow here.

    27.01.2013 19:51


    to Endosurgeon.
    I don’t know how it is with you with “40 mugs”. I confirm my highest category without communicating with them. I submit a package of documents to the regional health department on time. A month later I come back to get my ID. That's all. I hope the procedure doesn't change too much. I sympathize with the feds from the former 3rd and 4th departments of the Ministry of Health.

    27.01.2013 21:42

    Federal doctor

    for Bogus
    Federal doctors and nurses institutions (and these are FMBA, clinics of institutes, the Federal Penitentiary Service, military units and hospitals, tuberculosis, Rospotrebnadzor - former SES) from all over the country (from Kamchatka to the western borders, from the Far North to the south) suffer from trips for certification to Moscow, to the “favorite Ministry of Health ". This is what Golikova once decided, apparently not trusting the local certification commissions of her vassals. Before her, we also handed over everything to local regional health centers. Unfortunately, we have nothing to do with the 3rd and 4th controls. The financial absurdity of these trips was aggravated by the absence of an attestation commission in the Ministry of Health with the departure of Golikova. The regional health departments do not accept our documents!

    28.01.2013 07:04


    Lucky, we have such a freebie only for people with a burdened pedigree. The tower can only be confirmed in person.

    28.01.2013 11:45


    28.01.2013 12:10

    Simple doctor

    A beautiful picture in the corridor of the clinic with inscriptions on the doors: a doctor of the highest category, next to him - the first, on the same door - the second! What should a patient think: the last doctor is already rotten?! When will we get rid of the Stalinist legacy, when everyone was divided into categories! And there is also a well-deserved one! Yes, it’s a pity that PEOPLE’S was cancelled! And such was the hope during perestroika that everything would be cancelled! Nooo! The bureaucracy became stronger, the scare passed, and everything started all over again! And the coolest thing: the consent of the workforce! And you only need to take regular tests, if possible, prepare for them! A normal library with the Internet, etc.! And with a decent salary, social security and normal labor protection!

    28.01.2013 14:46

    28.01.2013 14:46

    And if suddenly someone has to apply for a certificate in outpatient surgery in Moscow, know that a greedy swindler can easily be cheated out of the entire amount with a clear conscience.

    28.01.2013 19:31

    Old surgeon.

    And when I turned 58, I just put myself in for recertification and I don’t regret it at all. Colleagues, no one can take away our experience, skills, and knowledge. Well, I was a surgeon of the highest category almost 7 years ago, so what? When a doctor is underpaid tenfold, believe me, 640 rubles does not matter. And in the operating room I still sweat five days a week, not counting the nights, and I operate not less, but more. Doctors, let’s forgive them, let the guys get fancy, they don’t know how to do anything else,... I feel a little sorry for them...

    29.01.2013 00:00


    It seems that in the Ministry of Health there are no people left who understand the needs of medicine.
    But we still relied on you, Ms. Skvortsova.
    Did you also join the junta gang?

    29.01.2013 11:20

    Retired doctor

    29.01.2013 11:21

    Retired doctor

    In order to confirm the category, in the Novosibirsk region N number of times you need to go to the regional center: register the work with the Ministry of Health, personally give the work to the chief specialist, pass computer testing, pass the pre-certification commission at the department, pass the certification commission and after all To do this, personally obtain the documents from the HR department of the Ministry of Health. And you still live well.