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Capricorn and Sagittarius: compatibility in love relationships. Compatibility of Capricorn and Sagittarius

Representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Capricorn are completely different personalities in their natural characters. As a result, companions rarely find a common language, so they do not often have the desire to create alliances. But, as you know, opposites attract, so sometimes tandems are created. But in any case, many difficulties arise between representatives of these zodiac signs. Good compatibility can only happen in the work sphere, and equality must be respected.

Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman – compatibility

Alliances between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman are not always successful. This is mainly due to different views on life and the fact that companions adhere to different rhythms of life. Even with sincere feelings, it will be difficult for people to find a common language with each other. For a sincere Sagittarius man, the Capricorn woman will always remain a mystery and this will weigh heavily on him.

In love relationships (love compatibility 67%)

Even though the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman in a love relationship is slightly above average, this is not a desirable union. But if the lovers nevertheless decide to create a love tandem, then they will be able to teach each other a lot.

With prolonged communication against the backdrop of sincere feelings, the partner will teach her loved one to have a more practical approach to life. Over time, a man next to a sensible beauty will begin to realistically perceive the events taking place in the world around him. He will learn to make decisions carefully and carefully, which will allow him to become a more successful person.

For his part, the partner will teach his beloved to relax after everyday work and not get hung up on life’s problems. A woman will learn to perceive life in more colorful tones and move away from traditional strict views.

In a love tandem, Sagittarius and Capricorn receive from each other everything they need, but at the same time they do not become closer. First of all, this is hampered by different attitudes towards love. The man is romantic and strives to turn love relationships into a holiday. But a woman by her nature cannot understand this; for her, love is more comparable to friendly relations. She strives to plan everything, and there is no room for romantic adventures in her life.

In bed (sexual compatibility 59%)

The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman in bed is not very high. Partners may be attracted to each other in the sexual sphere, but there is a high probability that their passion may very quickly weaken due to the rejection of each other’s spiritual world.

In intimate life, discord is usually associated with the fact that the Sagittarius man strives for romance, but the woman does not accept any games in bed. She is naturally shy and her sensuality is low.

The Capricorn girl always thinks that her partner demands the impossible from her. If a man puts pressure on her, she may withdraw into herself. It will be difficult to correct such a situation in the intimate sphere.

A Sagittarius man who is liberated in bed will not strive to re-educate his partner. But in fairness, it should be noted that this is, in principle, useless. Therefore, the partners may soon separate.

Married (compatibility in family life 63%)

Low compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn in marriage indicates that partners decide to start a family if there are good reasons for this. Most likely, life circumstances are such that representatives of these zodiac signs saw benefits for themselves in marriage. It is very rare, but it still happens that chosen ones create family tandems against the backdrop of falling in love.

Moreover, if a marriage is of convenience, then there is a high probability that family relationships will develop safely and last for a long time. But, unfortunately, when Sagittarius and Capricorn decide to start a family against the backdrop of fleeting love, there is no guarantee that the relationship will last. There is a high probability that divorce will soon follow. Most often, this outcome can be predicted when the spouses are young.

In any case, many difficulties always arise in the family of representatives of these zodiac signs. A wife, who by nature is a zealous housewife, will not like her husband’s squandering at all. Serious disagreements will arise on this basis.

Life stability in the family will always be disrupted by the hot temper and emotionality of the spouse. He does not like to obey life's rules, which will greatly irritate his punctual and correct wife.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 82%)

A fairly high rate of compatibility in friendships indicates that the companions who create a friendly tandem treat each other as sincerely as possible. They are ready to provide each other with all the necessary support.

Unfortunately, due to the dissimilarity of characters, a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman rarely intersect on their life paths. As a rule, strong friendships are formed when the girlfriend is older. In this case, she becomes a real life mentor for her young friend. She will teach him to react with restraint to various events in the world around him. A friend will demonstrate to her friend how necessary it is for success to be practical in life.

But at the same time, communicating with a sincere and open partner, a woman will be charged with positivity from him. Her life will be painted in bright colors and become more versatile.

Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman – compatibility

The incompatibility of the natural characters of representatives of these zodiac signs does not allow people to create successful tandems. A man has a conservative outlook on life, so the freedom-loving and unpredictable young lady Sagittarius is unlikely to be interesting to him. On the other hand, an emotional beauty always becomes bored next to a person who strives to live by strict rules.

In love relationships (compatibility in love 40%)

The low compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman in a love relationship indicates that lovers have difficulty building relationships, even against the backdrop of sincere love.

In a love tandem, it will be especially difficult for your partner. A representative of the Capricorn zodiac sign will have to learn a lot. He will need to broaden his horizons and not get hung up on work. If the relationship continues for a long time, the partner will teach him to relax. Low compatibility between Capricorn and Sagittarius in love emphasizes that this will not be easy to do.

On the other hand, the partner needs to learn to accept her chosen one as he is, with all his natural shortcomings and advantages. In order to maintain a relationship with a loved one, you will need to learn to perceive the world around you more practically.

If partners do not scatter in different directions in a short time after meeting, then they can eventually become one and achieve great success in life. But for this, the Capricorn man must stop striving to dominate the union. If partners go through difficult times, it will show that they really love each other very much.

In bed (sexual compatibility 29%)

Compatibility of Capricorn and Sagittarius in bed is very low. A man transfers his natural practicality to the sexual sphere. The Sagittarius girl is romantic and wants to receive a lot of attention from her partner in bed.

A pragmatic and realistic partner values ​​the traditional approach to intimate relationships. He is incapable of experimenting. Therefore, the partner’s emancipation may be perceived as promiscuity. Such a strict attitude towards sex offends a woman, as a result of which she may close down. This may quickly be followed by a break in the relationship.

If sex for a partner is not a fleeting phenomenon, but is associated with deep feelings, then the girl must be patient and step by step liberate her partner. To be fair, it should be noted that not every representative of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is capable of this.

Married (compatibility in family life 43%)

The low compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman in marriage indicates that in this case family tandems are created solely on calculation. As a rule, such unions come as a big surprise to others. From the outside, everyone notes that the prospects for long-term family relationships are very illusory.

There will be many difficulties in marriage. First of all, they will be associated with the fact that the Capricorn man will strive to strictly dominate the family. But at the same time, it will not be possible to morally suppress a freedom-loving spouse. If the spouse does not understand this in time, then most likely a divorce will follow. A successful tandem is possible only with equality.

Conflicts in the family of representatives of these zodiac signs can occur for various reasons. Big disagreements usually happen in the financial sector. The wife strives for a luxurious life, and the husband is able to make do with little and does not accept wasteful expenses. He is not bothered by a monotonous life, and he will devote a lot of time to work, while his partner cannot live without entertainment.

Only precise calculation can keep spouses together. For example, it could be a general business. If Capricorn and Sagittarius are patient, they will be able to find a common language and build successful family relationships.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 10%)

Friendship between a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman is almost impossible. This is exactly the case when friends are completely incompatible with each other by nature. Even when accidentally bumping into each other on the path of life, representatives of these zodiac signs irritate each other.

If people have to work in the same team, then any little thing can lead to serious disagreements. To a Capricorn man, who always follows all the rules of life, his Sagittarius girlfriend will seem very cheeky and fussy. And to a freedom-loving beauty, a person born under the zodiac sign Capricorn will seem boring and uninteresting.

It is always difficult for a Sagittarius woman to win the heart of a Capricorn man. But in fairness, it should be noted that such a desire rarely arises in an emotional and freedom-loving beauty. But if a purposeful companion truly falls in love, then she can do anything.

Firstly, you need to try, when you are next to your chosen one, to demonstrate a serious attitude towards life. It is important to remember that the chosen one is very careful in his choice, so you need to be patient; you won’t be able to quickly establish relationships.

The chosen one of Capricorn likes practical women who are able to solve everyday issues. You should prepare for the fact that he will evaluate every step of his chosen one in order to understand how much she meets his requirements.

If Capricorn has a certain social status, then he will certainly quickly make his choice. This will be due to the fact that he decides that there should be an attractive and original chosen one next to him. With this in mind, the Sagittarius woman needs to behave appropriately. It is important to convince your chosen one that you will not become a burden for him, but will shade his personality.

How a Capricorn man can win a Sagittarius woman

For a Capricorn man, the desire to conquer a Sagittarius woman can arise only against the background of calculation. He will hardly be able to truly fall in love with the extravagant beauty.

In order to attract the attention of your chosen one, you need to surround her with care and warmth. Representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign like persistent men who demonstrate their wealth. You should definitely give beautiful gifts and spend your free time in beautiful places.

If you manage to keep a freedom-loving lady next to you, then there is a high probability that you will be able to win her heart. After all, the beauty is also very calculating, and she will be able to appreciate the natural abilities of her chosen one.

A Sagittarius woman will always appreciate sincerity and directness in a man. She will definitely feel that with him she will be like behind a stone wall. It is important to always look well-groomed, since beauties who were born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius do not tolerate sloppiness. Important attractive factors are good physical fitness and a high level of intellectual development. The young lady should be interested in her chosen one.

Based on the signs of the Zodiac, you can roughly determine how future relationships between people will develop. One of the interesting couples is the Sagittarius man and the Capricorn woman, whose union has many features.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

It is difficult to say with certainty how the relationship between a Sagittarius man, who belongs to the element of Fire, will develop with a Capricorn woman, who belongs to the element of Earth. In some cases, a couple manages to get used to each other and they can safely live a long, happy life, but if none of them compromises, then the union is doomed to failure.

How things work out in real life depends on the personal qualities of each partner, as well as on the type of relationship between these two people, for example, love, friendship or career. Capricorn and Sagittarius are initially strong signs, with differences in worldview, interests and temperaments.

Overall compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Love between Sagittarius and Capricorn, turning into a real relationship and a happy marriage, is rare. Only with strong feelings, especially from the man, can a couple succeed and have a happy future and children.

A Capricorn woman can ignore an active and romantic Sagittarius man for quite a long time, but only if at that time she is passionate about her own affairs. This could be career, study or other activities. A man will have to make every effort to arouse the Capricorn girl’s interest. If at this moment it seems to her that the young man is not erudite enough for her, then there will be no further acquaintance. If he was still able to hook her, then a happy family life is quite likely.

A man of a fire sign will like the Capricorn woman for her external restraint, patience, ability to listen and support. Sometimes all these traits are only superficial, but inside she has many emotions and contradictions. If a serious relationship nevertheless begins, then over time the Capricorn woman will open up and not a trace will remain of her restraint.

Long-term marriages between Capricorns and Sagittarius are rare, since their compatibility in love relationships is questionable. Mostly relationships are based on common interests, aspirations, and love begins to arise in them. Husband and wife must work hard on their union in the initial stages. This is not only trusting each other when making decisions, but also the ability to restrain yourself in expressing your opinion.

Compatibility in love relationships: 3 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

Relationships in bed between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman can develop differently, it all depends on how much the woman is ready to open up, including the emotional side. Both signs are distinguished by their sexual activity and are ready for both romance and experimentation.

For some couples, sex may be the only connection from which a deeper relationship will begin to develop. Much depends on whether the man can eliminate the girl’s secrecy and feel her desires.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

These signs can be truly friends only if they share common interests. These could be interests, hobbies, views on life or joint projects. If there is disagreement, this friendly union may fall apart. Only if people value each other can they maintain friendship and become reliable support for their partner.

The Sagittarius guy can become a support. A man with whom girls will never be bored. In turn, she will teach him to look at the situation soberly, not to rush to conclusions and react emotionally to events.

If there are no coincidences in needs, regardless of their type, Sagittarius and Capricorn will separate. They will seek compromises only in exceptional cases.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Working relationships between representatives of Fire and Earth can develop effectively, in relation to the desires to achieve their goals. In work they find a unifying interest, both make efforts to achieve planned achievements. If we consider the relationship as a boss and a subordinate, then there is a possibility of conflicts, more often if Sagittarius has to listen to Capricorn.

If a Capricorn woman is involved in planning actions, then it will be a clearly drawn up scheme in which logic can be traced and all possible risks are taken into account. The Sagittarius man can come up with non-standard ideas and sometimes develop projects that are difficult to implement. General compatibility of signs in business is considered normal, provided that people equally want to achieve good results.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

Even zodiac signs that are less compatible, according to astrologers, find a certain mutual understanding if they know each other’s character and characteristics.

It will be useful for a Sagittarius man to know the following features about his companion under the sign of Capricorn:

  1. A girl's gentleness and complaisance are not always a true character trait. There is a possibility that she is not ready to open up and will soon surprise you with her difficult disposition.
  2. Capricorns value intelligence and erudition, stupid jokes and lack of awareness can push their companion away from further communication.
  3. A girl may perceive compliments with slight irritation, although for her own satisfaction she enjoys flattering words and confessions.
  4. Listening is a positive trait that often attracts the opposite sex.
  5. Capricorns do not accept deception in relationships; having lost trust, it will be difficult to restore it.

To attract attention and interest a Capricorn woman, you need to make a number of efforts. Even after a certain arrangement, you should not give up, since until the lady is completely conquered, she will not open up to a full-fledged relationship.

For a Capricorn girl, if she is planning any relationship with Sagittarius, she should know the following qualities of a man:

  1. A guy can be romantic, sometimes plunge into fantasies and drag the lady into them.
  2. Curiosity and the search for adventure are present in the life of Sagittarius. This allows you to diversify the lives of people who are close to such a man.
  3. Flirting and wanting to be liked does not always indicate a partner’s infidelity. For new sensations, Sagittarius can go further, but only in the absence of stability and reciprocity in the existing union.
  4. The desire to give advice and recommendations is a sign not only of caring, but also of some self-affirmation in front of your partner.
  5. Sagittarius men can become reliable support in difficult situations; they will not remain indifferent if they are able to help.

The personal characteristics that a horoscope gives are not unambiguous, since each person has his own behavioral characteristics.

Relationship Benefits

The union of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman has some positive aspects. They consist in the ability to regulate each other and direct each other. For example, Capricorn can “open his eyes” to the real situation, since this zodiac sign is characterized by clarity and factual perception of the situation. Sagittarius is more susceptible to emotions and fantasies, which sometimes leads him to failure.

The activity and determination of a man and a woman makes them excellent parents, since children become their common life interest. Career and material wealth are also one of the goals of Sagittarius and Capricorn; together they will be able to effectively achieve them.

Disadvantages of Relationships

Since in general the signs of the Zodiac are not very suitable for each other, frequent conflict situations occur. It is difficult for each of the couple to give in to each other, and only many years of work on the relationship gives results. Some people have to “break” themselves in such relationships. For many, this time becomes wasted, as the union breaks up anyway.

A horoscope helps determine the compatibility of zodiac signs, not personalities, so there is no need to definitely break up if a low percentage of successful relationships is predicted. Every union requires the work of each half and if there are feelings, then there will be a future.

Sagittarius and Capricorn can make a good match in any relationship. Representatives of these constellations hold opposing views on the world, but it is precisely because of this that they complement each other perfectly. In this union, Capricorn opens up mentally, becomes more sociable and open to communication. Sagittarius learns restraint and practicality from the partner.

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In love relationships, they do not immediately reach mutual understanding, but with a mutual desire for harmony, both are ready to make compromises. Over time, these partners find common interests and have fun spending their leisure time together.

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    General characteristics of relationships

    Dates of birth

    The love horoscope of these zodiac signs indicates the incompatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn. But astrologers have noted that the chances of a happy future in such a union are quite high. The development of relationships largely depends on the behavior of Capricorn. It is difficult to get along with a representative of this constellation if he is not committed to productive work on himself.

    These signs have common traits that often repel people from them:

    • criticality;
    • straightforwardness;
    • sharpness.

    These partners do not flatter each other, but speak openly about noticed shortcomings. If Sagittarius does not like Capricorn's instructive notations, he will easily call him a bore, without trying to smooth out the wording. In response, he will hear fair criticism addressed to him. However, it is precisely this honesty that they value in people, although at the initial stage of a relationship, rigidity in communication can pull them in different directions.

    Their disagreements on many issues are due to the control of different elements. The constellation Sagittarius is ruled by fire, and Capricorn is ruled by earth. Therefore, when one is fired up by some idea, the second one skeptically considers it from a rational point of view.

    A representative of the earth element carefully considers every action, plans steps and calculates possible outcomes. Sagittarius is characterized by impulsive impulses. He does first, and then thinks, for which he constantly receives scoldings from his partner.

    In this union, Capricorn acts as an angry mentor, and the fire sign behaves childishly and constantly tries to make the chosen one emotional. Over time, the representative of the earth element finds delight in the carefree behavior of Sagittarius and sometimes allows himself to relax. However, Capricorn cannot completely get rid of gloominess and pessimism. He always thinks about the future, unlike his partner, who prefers to live one day at a time and solve problems as they arise.

    Sagittarius does not hold back his feelings. From the very beginning of the relationship, he splashes out a lot of emotions on the withdrawn Capricorn, scaring him away with such behavior. Sagittarius loves physical contact and does not hide passion. If he is overwhelmed by feelings, he kisses and hugs Capricorn in public, but the latter categorically rejects such behavior. He is conservative, so he believes that showing emotions in public is indecent. However, even after several warnings, Sagittarius continues his tactics. Capricorn can only come to terms with this behavior.

    Joint leisure becomes a big problem in this union. Restless Sagittarius does not like to sit at home; he is attracted by cheerful companies and extreme entertainment. Capricorn prefers to spend his free time usefully, he likes:

    • to fish;
    • pick mushrooms and berries;
    • handicraft and tinkering.

    Windy Sagittarius is unlikely to be able to captivate the representative of the earth element with his activities, so the partners will have to look for a compromise. Capricorn is quite jealous, he does not let his chosen one walk alone in an unknown place, but allows him to receive guests. The optimal solution for this couple is spending leisure time at home. However, Sagittarius should not completely give up positions. The limited Capricorn sometimes needs to be pulled out into public, otherwise he will completely withdraw into his “shell.”

    Harmony in this couple is possible only with a prudent desire to make concessions.

    Sagittarius should be patient and wait out the long-term intractability of the partner. Capricorn knows how to appreciate what he has. He will definitely pay attention to his partner’s complaisance and try to thank him in the future. Astrologers note that the earth sign is quite self-critical; it is well aware of all its shortcomings. If Sagittarius shows himself on the positive side, he will definitely be rewarded in this relationship.

    Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

    The love horoscope indicates that the percentage compatibility between a Sagittarius guy and a Capricorn girl is 75%. A shy lady of an earth sign is instantly captivated by the gallant advances of her gentleman. Sagittarius knows how to win women over; he sincerely admires his chosen one and directly tells her about it. However, the chances of successful development of relationships largely depend on the man’s intentions. If he is counting on a short affair, then nothing will work out for him. The girl is serious and far-sighted; she will not agree to a fleeting romance.

    A guy with a fire sign is suitable for a Capricorn lady as a husband if she accepts him with all his shortcomings, because she will not be able to re-educate him.


    A Sagittarius in love is romantic and sentimental. He showers his chosen one with flowers and gifts. If financial capabilities allow, then Sagittarius will definitely invite his beloved to expensive restaurants and take him to luxury resorts, but more often than not this guy is not too rich. Even with a small income, he tries to show his chosen one his generosity as much as possible.

    For Capricorn, such an attitude is important; this woman knows her worth and welcomes attention, expressed in material investments. However, the practicality of the earth sign makes itself felt very soon. Receiving chic bouquets as a gift, a Capricorn girl estimates their value in her mind and tells her lover that with this money he could have bought her something more valuable. She also smoothly transitions trips to restaurants into home-cooked dinners. With this cunning move, she simultaneously “kills two birds with one stone”: she shows her culinary abilities and saves money.

    If Sagittarius does not get bored with such a pastime, he quickly realizes that he cannot find a better life partner, and proposes marriage to the lady. However, often at this stage the guy sees in the behavior of his chosen one an encroachment on his freedom, and he does not like this. Sagittarius values ​​his independence, so a woman should be very careful in luring him into the family pool, otherwise he will simply run away.


    In love relationships, the compatibility of this couple is much higher than in marriage. A Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman have different attitudes towards family. After marriage, nothing changes in a guy’s life. He sincerely believes that the stamp in the passport is just a formality, and the main thing in a relationship is to live happily.

    Capricorn sees family as something new. The woman is sure that after marriage, Sagittarius will become more serious and responsible, and when she realizes that this is not happening, she begins to “nag” her husband. She always has reasons for reproaches, but her husband very soon stops paying attention to the nagging.

    Capricorn's requests spur Sagittarius to self-development and move up the career ladder. This man is able to provide for his family. For the sake of his wife and children, he finds several types of income if the income from his main activity is insufficient. In everyday life, these partners have no disagreements. The Capricorn wife is a good housewife, but the Sagittarius husband is also excellent at handling household chores. They do not share responsibilities, each does what is necessary of their own free will.

    Big disagreements arise before vacations, when the spouses cannot agree on the location of the vacation. The wife strives to make repairs or spend her free time working at the dacha, while the husband dreams of seaside resorts, hikes in the forest or mountains. Most often they spend their holidays separately, but this allows them to take a break from each other and get bored.

    A Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man are capable of living a long life together. They get divorced quite rarely, and the reason is always the husband’s infidelity. If Sagittarius manages to hide his affairs from his wife, the marriage is successful.


    For a Capricorn woman, intimate life is not the main thing, but Sagittarius considers sexual compatibility to be the most important component of a relationship. It takes a long time for a man to kindle passion in his partner, but most often he succeeds.

    If at first Capricorn behaves tightly, then with the skillful approach of her chosen one, she quickly loosens up. In sex with Sagittarius, she doesn’t have to invent anything, the man is ready to do everything himself, so the lady relaxes and enjoys it. However, Capricorn’s nature does not allow a woman to remain in the role of a consumer, so she actively joins in bed games, and in the end both remain satisfied.


    The Sagittarius man maintains friendly relations with many ladies, but his irrepressible sexuality always prevails over friendly motives. This guy flirts with every woman, so the Capricorn girl does not see him as a friend.

    If a friendly connection arises between them, then this only means that both feel the desire to be in the same bed. Otherwise, the lady of the earthly constellation will not allow herself to communicate with this guy.


    You shouldn’t expect high results from the joint work of a Sagittarius guy and a Capricorn woman. A lady takes work seriously, but for a man, all life is a game. Sagittarius is capable of excellent development of an idea, but it is boring for him to translate it into reality. He immediately understands that routine work can be transferred to Capricorn, and he does it with joy.

    However, the lady of the earth sign cares about justice, so she expresses to her colleague everything she thinks about his behavior. In the end they just quarrel. The same thing happens when they try to organize a joint business. In business relationships, everything works out well for them if they immediately agree that Sagittarius will generate ideas, and Capricorn will implement them.

    Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man

    In the love relationship of this couple, difficulties do not arise immediately. At first, the Sagittarius lady is drawn to a serious guy and shows herself from the positive side. But over time, her true nature reveals itself in all its glory, disappointing the man. Capricorn does not like to give up, so he continues the relationship with his chosen one despite her shortcomings. However, partners have disagreements that cannot be resolved peacefully.

    The man of the earth element is quite despotic; he demands submission from the lady, but Sagittarius fiercely resists. She doesn’t like it when someone leads her, and besides, she tries to take a leading position in a couple. If in the end they do not come to equality, then they separate.

    The compatibility of men and women in this union barely reaches 60%. But if they want to compromise, they can make a good couple.


    Most often, the woman becomes the initiator of the relationship. The Sagittarius girl is drawn to strong and self-confident men, and she sees Capricorn as an ideal life partner. If the guy reciprocates her feelings, then he takes the initiative into his own hands. He does not like to talk about relationships; Capricorn shows his feelings through actions. This guy will always meet and see off his chosen one, help her in any matter, surround her with care and attention. Next to him, a woman feels confident, she does not have to doubt the reliability of her partner.

    There is no special romance in this novel. The Capricorn man is unlikely to sing a serenade under the windows of his beloved, but he will definitely present her with stingy compliments and bouquets of sweets. This guy does everything according to the rules, he carefully looks after his chosen one. Even if he desperately wants to quickly throw a marital bridle on her, he patiently adheres to the deadlines set for the affair.

    Sagittarius should not expect a marriage proposal from him earlier than in six months. But if a guy dates her regularly for several months, we can safely say that he is purposefully moving towards marriage. The love of this couple cannot be called bright and passionate, but if a woman of a fire sign intends to start a family with Capricorn, she will be able to light a fire in him. The ice in the guy’s soul melts from the caresses of a mischievous Sagittarius girl. She, like no one else, is able to stir him up and open up new horizons of sensuality and tenderness for him.


    In family life, the Capricorn man behaves quite harshly. He immediately sets clear rules that must be strictly followed by all members of his family. If a Sagittarius wife ignores his decrees, he will say goodbye to her very soon. In this family, the husband will always be at the head. Even if from the outside it seems that equality reigns between spouses, the last word always remains with the man.

    A fire sign lady can live happily ever after with Capricorn if she at least pretends to be submissive. The fact is that it is important for Capricorn to be respected and agreed with, but he does not look into the depths of the relationship. It can be easily controlled if you do not do it openly. Capricorn values ​​homeliness and comfort. Sagittarius only needs to provide her spouse with delicious food, clean clothes and order in the house, and he will immediately rush to fulfill all her wishes.

    This is a simple and hard-working man, he is responsible for the material support of his family, placing this responsibility on himself. Capricorn does not require anything supernatural from his wife, but the Sagittarius woman in this marriage has to give up frequent meetings with friends. The husband believes that a married woman should stay at home and take care of the children. He persistently limits the freedom of the chosen one. If Sagittarius cannot come to terms with the encroachment on her independence, then she divorces this man, because the spouses cannot come to a compromise on this issue. The marriage union of these signs either becomes strong and durable, or breaks up in the first years of life together.


    In bed, Capricorn behaves coldly, but thanks to the skills and efforts of a passionate girl, he gradually warms up. This man is conservative in sex; you should not expect variety from him. But the Sagittarius woman is capable of inventing intimate games on her own, and the guy of the earth element never refuses her tempting offers. Over time, they achieve complete harmony in bed.

    But Sagittarius should not consider Capricorn as a lover or one-night stand. This guy opens up intimately only after he has established a trusting relationship with a woman. In other cases, he is only capable of quick and unemotional sex.


    Friendly couples of Capricorn men and Sagittarius women are rare; they do not see the point in such relationships. Capricorn is sincerely convinced that there is no such thing as friendship between a man and a woman, and the Sagittarius lady is not at all interested in spending time together with a partner who is tedious and boring, in her opinion.

    If they communicate somewhere, it is a necessary measure. After meetings with Capricorn, Sagittarius feels relief and joy that everything is finally over. And a man doesn’t even attach importance to such contacts if he has no sexual interest in this lady.


    A Capricorn boss and a Sagittarius subordinate can work well together. A woman of the fire element works fruitfully under the competent guidance of a man. But if the leadership position goes to her, then it is unlikely that the guy of the earthly element will stay for long in the role of her subordinate. This man adheres to patriarchal views; he considers women’s management to be overly emotional and illogical, therefore he criticizes all the decisions of the boss.

    As ordinary employees or in a joint business, they are able to work together, but Capricorn will have to carry out the bulk of the responsibilities. The Sagittarius lady is quite frivolous about work, so a man will not be able to rely on her for everything.

Capricorn and Sagittarius will always be able to come to an agreement, but no one wants to come to the negotiating table first. These are wise and strong zodiac signs that very often build successful couples. Their love is very peculiar, but no less strong for that. Astrologers advise such couples to control themselves, because each of them has a difficult character. A young girl and a guy, or an adult man and woman. Representatives of these signs face the same problems in relationships at any age. If you recognize yourself in one of these signs, and your partner in the second, then be sure to take the astrologer’s advice seriously. They will help preserve love for many years.

When do strong zodiac signs meet?

They are very different. Capricorn will always be one step back, because he is very conservative, wise beyond his years, and has his own opinion on any issue. Sagittarius also does not lag behind, only he is always one step ahead, because representatives of this sign love to be the first, innovators, inventors. This is a tough sign, just like Capricorn, however. It seems that he is very easy to curb, but this is only the first impression of a person. Capricorns have an unbending will and stubbornness that even Taurus would envy. Their compatibility horoscope is based on mutual respect, love and understanding.

If these three components exist, no one can break such a pair.

In ordinary life or marriage, in bed or at the negotiating table, they must recognize each other as strong individuals. Don't be afraid to show your flaws, don't hide your strengths. This is the only way to build a very successful union that will be blessed by the Stars. The compatibility of these zodiac signs is questioned, because there are very few cases when everything goes smoothly from beginning to end.

Sagittarius man, Capricorn woman

Capricorn will look in Sagittarius' direction with distrust. A man and a woman can pass by without looking back. And all because they belong to different worlds. But all this does not mean that the Stars are dissuading you from building an alliance. Completely mute. This difference produces very successful couples who achieve harmony in love and marriage. They are never bored, because everyone knows how to have fun in their own way. They don’t get tired of each other, because they spend a lot of time apart.

There are no taboo topics for these zodiac signs; if they manage to find harmony, they will talk about anything at home. They are comfortable with each other when each respects the other's privacy.

There will never be complete unity between them, unfortunately, but the relationship that is being built is ideal for both. When drawing up a relationship horoscope for such a bright couple, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of each partner. It’s always worth a try, because the stars will never give up on anyone. Try it, your couple and her horoscope will be able to beat the sad statistics.

Love and marriage

In marriage, they must “get used to” each other. This process may take a long time. The Sagittarius man really wants activity and entertainment. He is trying to stir up the Capricorn woman, to get her out of the house, from her serious, wise thoughts. This is not easy to do, because she is already used to living like this. For her, all this is a novelty, which may, in the end, do its job. She will also want to go to a party sometimes. For a man, such experience is also useful. He was used to active entertainment, dating and frivolous romances. The Capricorn woman will show him how people can live together without infringing on each other's rights. The horoscope of such a couple always says the same thing: give each other space and time “for yourself.” It’s not tedious to “pull the cart sideways.” If your beloved man or woman does not want something, is strongly opposed, just leave him/her and go where you wanted. Your significant other will not be offended, but will only wish you good luck from the bottom of their hearts. If you want joint activity, it’s worth making a big plan - interests are very different, and it’s not always possible to combine them. Speaking about them:

“Sagittarius: fell in love - achieved it!

Capricorn: fell in love, and made you fall in love with yourself.”

And you can’t argue that this is their entire ability to love.

Sexual forecast for a couple

In bed and carnal love with a Sagittarius you always feel relaxed. This is a new thing for Capricorn, because she is not used to this. But the passion and love of her partner will help her open up. She also knows how to feel, loves sex, and is ready to experiment. Its flame needs to be kindled, and this is the task of Sagittarius. A woman will be grateful to you for your patience and understanding, especially if you respect her sexual temperament and preferences. The sexual horoscope of this pair of zodiac signs develops successfully some time after the start of the relationship. The first time can be disappointing for both. A man will be afraid of his partner’s coldness, and a woman, on the contrary, will be afraid of too strong a fire of passion. Over the years, the situation may change, because they will find how to like each other in bed. She will come out of her shell, and then surprise her partner with her hot temper. The horoscope of this couple’s family life is heavily tied to sex.

The horoscope of family happiness is simple. Respect each other. It's simple, just get started:

  • do not insist when your partner tells you “no”;
  • let him or her go free swimming for a while;
  • support and listen, even if it seems to you that this is complete nonsense.

So a couple of these zodiac signs can say with confidence that their marriage was very successful.

Capricorn man, Sagittarius woman

He can attract her at first sight. Literally bewitch him, because he is so special, a little dark, but very unusual. This type attracts the Sagittarius woman. She's been in the clouds all her life, and then He appears - the Capricorn man. He may become interested in her thirst for life, youth at any age. She is the flower that blooms in his hands. The Capricorn man is ready to come to terms with the fact that his partner has no ground under her feet, but it is rare to love her with true love. This couple has little chance in love, but if it does, then no one can hurt the couple. There will be a lot of mutual grievances, misunderstandings, and claims. A Sagittarius woman may become despondent around such a partner. She expected miracles from an unusual, wise man, but he invites her to watch an old historical film, drink tea and snack on the most ordinary sweets. And the worst thing is that by “watching a movie” or “drinking tea” this is exactly what he means. The relationship horoscope for this couple is always approximately the same: an interesting acquaintance, the development of events up to a certain point, the escape of one of the partners. Relationships can leave a bitter taste of disappointment. Nobody lived up to expectations.

Love and marriage

If it happens, marriage for these signs, then be prepared for the fact that Sagittarius and Capricorn will hide their compatibility from everyone. Something can only come from great love, in spite of everything. They can hide the relationship for a long time and not invite anyone to the wedding. Here the passionate Sagittarius woman is ready to follow her lover’s lead, if only he is happy. It’s not easy to make him happy; you’ll still have to suffer with this. In marriage there will be distance in any case. It is not easy for them to be together in the same room, because there is contradiction in the air. Renovating can be a serious challenge for a couple. Both in repairs and in life - Capricorn already has his own clear plan, and Sagittarius comes up with ideas on the fly, changes, re-paints wallpaper, and rehangs shelves. For Capricorn this is wildness, but for a woman under the zodiac sign Sagittarius it is the norm. This is how their strange love is built. Quarrels and reproaches are replaced by declarations of love and promises to improve. Both are ready to promise, but no one keeps their promises. Either put up with such relationships or don’t build them at all. There are few signs more different than Sagittarius and Capricorn. The horoscope of marriage is always not simple, but the appearance of children can smooth out rough edges and give the couple new horizons for development. Contrary to all opinions, good unions between these zodiac signs develop, but very rarely.

Sexual forecast for a couple

Sometimes friendship sex becomes the first step to a relationship. The Sagittarius woman is crazy about Capricorn and believes that he is unique in bed. He's really not bad, but he's very self-absorbed. For him, on the one hand, it is important how his partner feels there, and on the other hand, here he is the only one, unique. She, in turn, really wants to attract attention. The Capricorn man will be pleasantly surprised by such efforts and will appreciate your new underwear, intricate accessories and aromatic oils. He knows what nonsense all this is, but your attention is pleasant. There are two options - the end of friendship, the beginning of love, or the end of everything. For such less compatible zodiac signs, good sex can be an excellent cure for all problems in marriage. There will be unity and real enjoyment of each other. Over time, if the couple endures, the sex will be just great, sensual. This is something worth striving for.

The love horoscope for these dissimilar zodiac signs is very weak. They need other partners for real, complete happiness. If two people meet on the way, so different, then the future of the couple will depend only on the strength of their love. A man and a woman must understand that they cannot change each other. Just love him as he is, just accept her with all her flaws and virtues. That's all. There cannot be any special advice from the stars; only your personal feelings and desires will tell you whether the couple can exist or not. And also - a lot of patience, tenderness and forgiveness. It is important to forgive your partner’s mistakes, because he did not want to offend you at all. It’s just that you are different - this can become the advantage of your couple.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius man with a Capricorn woman can exist under one condition: very strong love. Objective factors are clearly not on the side of this couple. For Sagittarius, the natural habitat is the epicenter of events with a large number of participants; Capricorns prefer solitude, silence, and predictability. Capricorn plans expenses in advance, Sagittarius cannot resist surprises, because his main task is to enjoy life. Capricorns cannot understand where their partner gets so much passion, sociability, cockiness, and luck; they themselves are used to using energy sparingly. The union looks intriguing in the eyes of others: what connects such dissimilar people? Astrology will help solve this mystery.

Character compatibility of Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man in the family

In family life, compatibility is formed according to very peculiar laws. The Capricorn woman does not openly pretend to be a leader, assuring others that she feels most comfortable in supporting roles. But the former, in her opinion, are never in place, so she herself has to lead everything around her. She often sits behind the Sagittarius man’s back, skillfully directing his actions. Thanks to a wise, persistent companion, he achieves financial and social success. The Sagittarius man sees no point in fighting for power: why, if any fortress can be taken by charm.

The family boat is constantly stormy; the spouses are trying to row in different directions. The Sagittarius man is driven by momentary hobbies, while the Capricorn woman adheres to a previously chosen, carefully thought-out course. Paradoxically, such opposition only benefits compatibility: impulsiveness brings positivity and variety, and common sense serves as a deterrent that prevents you from becoming broke.

The Sagittarius man is not at all unmercenary; he often sees social and material advantages in this marriage. Both are outward-oriented: they are more interested in their career and position in society than in making their home comfortable. Spouses spend their leisure time together whenever possible, despite the difference in tastes. It is better to avoid joint shopping: the likelihood of a disagreement regarding the appropriateness of purchases is too high.

Compatibility at work

Successful examples of business compatibility of such a tandem can be counted on one hand - they are so rare that it is very problematic to work together. A strict, collected Capricorn woman begins to feel that the Sagittarius man has forgotten why he came to work: he jokes around with colleagues, flirts with pretty employees, is constantly distracted, and organizes spontaneous coffee breaks. He, in turn, shrugs his shoulders in bewilderment, looking at his Capricorn colleague: people who do not know how to enjoy are akin to aliens for Sagittarius. If such dissimilar colleagues find themselves on the same team, assistants - representatives of other signs - are desirable in order to neutralize mutual irritation. At the same time, such couples quite successfully run their own business. Direct interest in the result requires tolerance, hard work, and coordination of actions.

The Capricorn boss often gets offended by her Sagittarius subordinate: he simply ignores her orders along with his immediate job responsibilities, but manages to tire her out during the day with unexpected ideas of a business or not-so-business nature.

Employees simply adore the Sagittarius leader for the complete absence of despotism, corporate parties for any reason, bonuses for everyone, free training. In such an environment, only Capricorn continues to work conscientiously until she understands that she is unlikely to receive justice or the privileges due to her for her special diligence.

How a Sagittarius man can win a Capricorn woman

A Sagittarius man who decides to conquer a Capricorn woman will have to deal with his complete opposite. Conquering a Capricorn girl begins with respect, which can only be aroused by worthy actions; representatives of the sign do not really trust speeches that are not backed up by action.

Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns are full of suspicion towards the world around them; they see certain restrictions as a refuge. Most often this is a kind of code of conduct, hard work, modesty. It is quite natural that asceticism, constant self-control, and a sense of duty tire. The appearance of a man, free from this burden, and at the same time quite prosperous for Capricorn, is a real breath of fresh air, a gift of fate. A woman unwittingly tries on an unfamiliar lifestyle, trying to master and open new horizons.

A Sagittarius man should take care not to scare off his chosen one. At first, he runs the risk of seeming too frivolous, imprudent, and unprincipled. Take into account the fact that Capricorn women love to feel useful. Learning that following her advice or life values ​​was beneficial. The girl will certainly want to repeat it, and the communication will continue.

How a Capricorn woman can win a Sagittarius man

Conquering a Sagittarius man can be divided into minimum and maximum programs. If you are satisfied with the minimum program - a pleasant pastime, gallant courtship, a surprise on every date, it will not be difficult to get all this: this guy is always happy to be in the company of a beautiful lady.

To bring relationships to a more serious level, you will have to make an effort, connect intuition with empathy, and show patience with some habits and views that are so different from your own. Haste gives the opposite result: pressure, appeal to feelings that the man has not yet realized, causes a protest that develops into a psychological attitude; the chosen one will begin to fear for his independence and close himself off from any manifestations of intimacy.

All kinds of tricks, frankly speaking, are not the strong side of the Capricorn woman; the more insightful Sagittarius man easily recognizes them. In her case, delicate but fairly clear arguments in favor of the advantages of compatibility, for example, the opportunity to shine in society with an elegant companion who knows how to present herself, increase social status, and make useful connections, are much more effective.

Who and how raises children in a family?

The Capricorn woman tries to give her children everything that, in her opinion, parents should. The kids are perfectly groomed, surrounded by care, and their development corresponds to their age level. Capricorn mother loves to give gifts, although often according to her own taste, it is not bad, but does not always coincide with the children’s desires. Mom teaches fairness, confidence, and the ability to rely only on herself, so she doesn’t spoil her little ones too much, even when financial capabilities allow.

Thanks to their mother’s strong character, the children are fully confident that the house is an indestructible fortress. This feature of upbringing, while certainly valuable at an early age, is not always to the liking of teenagers: mother’s conservatism and the abundance of vague restrictions force them to destroy the foundations. The other extreme is no less dangerous: the younger ones copy the habits of their Capricorn mother, cultivate them and take them to the point of absurdity: the periodic need for silence and solitude develops into incommunicability, isolation, reasonable economy into stinginess, restraint into asceticism, fortitude into aggressiveness.

At the same time, it is from their mother that children inherit their commitment to family values, iron will, independence, and common sense.

Although the Sagittarius man is convinced that parents should not divide responsibilities into male and female, it is better to free him from changing diapers, heating bottles with formula, and cleaning the nursery. But there are activities in which the Sagittarius dad has no equal: when it gets dark, climb the nearest hill to study the constellations, grabbing a couple of neighbor kids, go to the stadium to cheer for your favorite team, attend a noteworthy cultural event - no matter what it is for adults.

Children from an early age are infected by their father's interests, grow up versatile, as a rule, study in several sections and circles, and often their erudition allows them to participate almost equally in intellectual conversations between their parents and friends. Children are open to a world full of interesting things; they do not need to be forced to learn foreign languages ​​or comprehend exact or natural sciences. They are drawn to art, sports, and improve in their favorite sports.

One paradox is clearly expressed in paternal upbringing: Sagittarians sometimes sin by distorting information, understatement, and embellishment, while at the same time, they demand crystal honesty from their children. An example of the most famous Sagittarius dad is Brad Pitt.

Intimate compatibility of Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

For Sagittarius, intimate compatibility will be a pleasant surprise: behind a woman’s cold appearance hides a whole volcano of passions. Capricorns are restrained anywhere, but not in sex; the courage of their fantasies and the ingenuity of their partner can capture the imagination of even the loving Sagittarius.

Capricorn skillfully uses a special female secret: unlike an emotional, impulsive man, the lady acts purposefully, her task is to fall in love without allowing her feelings to overwhelm her. When the relationship becomes stronger and more trusting, the woman allows herself to enjoy intimacy, while not forgetting the age-old wisdom reminding that a man’s interest must be constantly maintained, regardless of the length of time they have been living together. Thanks to a simple truth, intimate life turns into another powerful connecting link, of which this couple does not have many.

Pros and cons of Sagittarius men and Capricorn women

Compatibility will become less problematic if each gives up trying to change the other. It is the dissimilarity of the spouses that makes their union so versatile. When the Capricorn woman is ready to give up in despair, the Sagittarius man suggests a completely extraordinary solution. In turn, the Capricorn woman is absolutely not afraid of routine, everyday life, additional obligations - the nightmares of the Sagittarius man. Compatibility is significantly higher between partners who do not forget to thank each other for the support provided.

To be fair, these two do have similarities. Both love to form relationships and be the cause of events, rather than go with the flow. The Capricorn woman patiently watches for a favorable moment, the Sagittarius man is confident that any decisions are good as long as they are fresh. By acting together, the spouses achieve the material and social position they strived for, and the mutual exchange of valuable qualities occurs gradually, and therefore unobtrusively.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman?

It is impossible to deny that Sagittarius irritates Capricorn with his playfulness to the point of immaturity, and besides, he openly considers his other half a bore. Nevertheless, a woman is forced to admit that it is frivolous support that best relieves accumulated stress, and a man’s feeling of reliable support and a little organization gives him confidence. The astrological compatibility forecast still gives these two a solid A, although only on a ten-point scale.