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Blood in the dog's urine. A terrible symptom is the appearance of blood in the dog’s urine. The dog does not eat red urine.

Every animal, like a person, has the right to a comfortable existence without health problems. Unfortunately, not everything always goes smoothly and no one is immune from all kinds of diseases. There is a difference in the relationship between man and animal; man is responsible for the favorable existence of the animal. Animals largely depend on humans. Below we will look at a phenomenon that is unpleasant for both sides. It is associated with diseases and is characterized by the appearance of blood in the dog's urine. If

Why does a dog pee in blood: reasons

Why does a dog pee blood? Blood in dog's urine– this is a very serious reason to start worrying, since the genitourinary system in an animal’s body is one of the main ones responsible for its normal existence. The very appearance of a purple tint in the urine is called hematuria. There can be many reasons for hematuria, ranging from mechanical influences and ending with cancer. Mechanical impacts can be various types of shocks and falls. Nutrition also underlies favorable kidney function. If it is bad, then the body will repay in the same currency.

As you already understand, this list is very large and a specific diagnosis should only be made by a qualified specialist! Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, since “amateur activity” can lead to serious complications that can be fatal for your beloved pet.

The presence of blood clots in urine is dangerous because that the owner may not immediately see this and the dog may behave for a long time as if nothing had happened. If in the winter season it is possible to notice impurities in the snow, in the summer it is very difficult to do this, sometimes even impossible in principle. Shades of blood impurities have different patterns of appearance. The blood may be scarlet, purple, or have the color and consistency of tomato juice, as is the case with leptospirosis. There are also a number of symptoms in addition to blood discharge that will help the owner react correctly.

Dog peeing blood: symptoms

A dog cannot tell us verbatim how it feels. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish between behavioral characteristics that change in the presence of a certain illness. If a dog defecates blood, this is a clear symptom of the disease.

    If you don’t notice any blood discharge or your dog is peeing blood, you may notice the following changes in your pet’s behavior:
  • the animal does not eat with proper appetite;
  • dog urinates at home;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • exhaustion;
  • increased anxiety;
  • frequent barking for no reason;
  • hard breath;
  • increased flow of saliva;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain on palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • painful urination.

When dogs are pregnant, special attention is usually paid to their health. Unfortunately, even in this situation the animal is not immune from disease. The difficulty of treating a pregnant dog lies in the contraindications for the use of many medications, but this does not mean that treatment is impossible. The listed signs will help you navigate correctly in order to take the necessary measures. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Our “YA-VET” center can guarantee you that any of more than 10 highly specialized specialists are ready to come to you at any time. You can also use the expedited testing service. Test results in 45 minutes on site.

Dog peeing blood: first aid

Seeing certain symptoms is one thing, it is also very important to provide the necessary first aid if possible. It is also necessary to understand that first aid and self-medication are completely different things. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Follow this “rule” and you will be pleased with the result. So, if you notice a change in your pet's behavior or see blood clot in urine- this may mean the presence of a disease. First thing you need to call a veterinarian, then place the animal on soft bedding in a warm room. If necessary, you need to give an anesthetic (Bral, No-Shpa). If the dog refuses to eat, give it something to drink. These are the main actions of the owners before the doctor arrives. Upon arrival of the specialist, the dog must be hospitalized at the veterinary center, where all the necessary procedures will be carried out and a diagnosis will be made. Here are some of the procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • X-ray.

You will receive further recommendations depending on the results of the examinations. Our center “YA-VET” provides the service “accompanying your pet after recovery,” this will allow you to keep peace of mind about your pet’s health even after discharge.

Dog pees blood: conclusion

    Let's look at the sequence of actions in case of illness if the dog is peeing blood:
  1. observing the behavior of the dog;
  2. comparison with characteristic symptoms;
  3. presence of blood in the urine;
  4. calling a doctor;
  5. provision of first aid;
  6. hospitalization of the animal;
  7. examination;
  8. treatment;
  9. discharge;
  10. preventive actions.

Our four-legged friends give us a lot of positive emotions every day, demonstrating their devotion and love. We must pay them back. The most important thing is a decent attitude towards our smaller brothers. You shouldn’t treat their health with disdain, relying on “regeneration.” You need to take the characteristics of a particular breed seriously. After all, if you go for a walk in winter with a dog whose coat is not designed for very low temperatures, this may lead to the development of diseases due to hypothermia. Also, a separate topic should be given to nutrition; it should be balanced. Of course, in addition to all this, preventive measures and timely medical examinations should be carried out. Untimely help can cost your pet's health and even life! Any examinations and procedures must be carried out properly and only by certified specialists.

A change in the color of a dog's urine indicates the presence of some pathological process in the animal's body. The exception is when the dog consumes products with coloring ingredients. The appearance of blood in a dog’s urine is a serious problem and requires immediate identification of the cause of the disease and urgent treatment.

Blood in a dog's urine: causes


If the animal has been subjected to external physical impact (a fight on the street, an accident), which has led to the dog’s inability to stand on its feet, a hunched back, pain in the abdomen and perineum, as well as blood in the urine, you must immediately take the pet to a veterinary clinic. In this case, the kidneys and bladder are most likely damaged.

2. Diseases of the genital organs.

In males who have avoided castration, blood in the urine occurs with pain, fever, lethargy or excessive activity, and lack of appetite. In females, pus with impurities accumulates in the uterus and is released through urination. Delaying contact with a specialist can lead to disastrous consequences; moreover, treating advanced cases is much more difficult and expensive.

4. Poisoning.

Intoxication of the dog leads to the appearance of blood in the urine. A similar condition can occur if an animal eats a poison used to kill rodents. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, discharge from the eyes, and pain. In such cases, gastric lavage and deintoxication treatment are prescribed.

5. Neoplasms and tumor processes.

This is more common with older dogs. Accompanied by blood in the urine and the general serious condition of the animal.

6. Cystitis.

The inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of a dog’s bladder is characterized by blood in the urine, pain, and an acute unpleasant course of the disease. Bacteria that cause irritation to the walls of the bladder get there from the anus located next to the urinary canal or even from the oral cavity. Hypothermia or stress can cause cystitis. Bacteria, which are normally found in the urethra, then begin to actively multiply and rise higher up the urethra, causing inflammation. Cystitis most often occurs in females. Treatment of the disease requires effort and patience and should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Why should you go to a veterinary clinic?

The difficulty in independently determining a dog’s disease is that the presence of blood in the urine cannot always be determined visually. Dogs' urine is a rich yellow hue, and it is far from possible to distinguish a small number of red blood cells. Also, due to the fact that dogs most often relieve themselves on the street, owners do not even suspect the presence of signs of ill health in the animal’s body. But in veterinary centers they carry out tests that highly accurately detect the presence of blood elements in a dog’s urine, which allows you to avoid the suffering of your beloved pet in the future.

If you notice blood in your dog's urine, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

The Biryulevsky Veterinary Center employs qualified specialists with many years of experience in treating animals.

We guarantee:

- 24-hour assistance, including on weekends.

- Availability of high-tech equipment that allows diagnostics, laboratory tests and operations to be carried out at a high level.

- Individual approach to the pet and choice of anesthesia.

- Affordable prices.

- Availability of profitable promotions and discounts.

To make an appointment with a veterinarian, call the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section.

Any change in the dog’s behavior or deviation from normal (lethargy, restlessness, refusal to eat, nausea, diarrhea, blood in the urine) makes the owner worry and worry.

In this article we will look at why a dog pees blood and where it comes from in the urine.

Causes and symptoms

There are 3 types of hematuria:

  1. Initial or primary. A dog's urine is stained with blood at the beginning of urination and then returns to its normal color.
  2. Average. Blood is released from the urethra even when the animal is not peeing.
  3. Finite. At the beginning of the urination process, no changes are visible; blood cells appear at the end.

If your pet has one of the three listed symptoms, you need to seriously concern yourself with its health. The reason why a dog has blood in its urine is due to inflammatory processes occurring in its body.

There are many abnormalities and diseases, for example, cystitis, poisoning, leptospirosis. Every ailment requires immediate and high-quality medical intervention.


Cystitis is a fairly common disease among domestic dogs. It affects the dog’s genitourinary system, and when the form is prolonged, it begins to switch to other organs, infecting them with infection.

The causes of cystitis may be:

  1. bacteria that multiply in the urethra and enter the bladder;
  2. mechanical injuries of the bladder;
  3. kidney diseases;
  4. hypothermia;
  5. weakened immunity after surgery;
  6. improper feeding of the pet and poor quality of drinking water;
  7. the appearance of worms in the dog’s body.

The disease described is very insidious and is accompanied by severe pain.

For bacterial reasons, the dog’s temperature rises, it refuses to eat, and on the contrary, it begins to drink water greedily and a lot. When urinating, the animal suffers, often sits down, unable to squeeze out even a drop. When this succeeds, there is no satisfaction because the bladder is not completely emptied.

The process of defecation itself is accompanied by severe pain. Because of them, the dog tries to choose a position that is not always comfortable for it, but which will give it as little discomfort as possible.

As the disease worsens, the pet may completely refuse to urinate for a while and endure it until the last moment. Thus, he avoids the pain, unable to bear it. Urine with cystitis turns red due to the presence of blood in it. The belly is inflated, the pet does not allow you to touch it. Some dogs become aggressive when the owner tries to palpate.


When a dog swallows toxic substances or is bitten by poisonous snakes and spiders, the process of destruction of red blood cells occurs, which leads to the suspension of blood clotting in the animal. A possible consequence of intoxication is that the dog begins to urinate blood.

What substances are dangerous for a pet’s body? This could be arsenic, rat poison, or some types of inedible mushrooms.

Symptoms of poisoning appear almost immediately. The animal begins to have convulsions, vomit, suffer pain, blood clots come out along with urine, there is incessant diarrhea, and moisture is released from the eyes. In this case, the time during which the dog can be saved is calculated in hours, and sometimes in minutes.


The development of tumors is not an immediate process and begins long before the appearance of blood in the urine. Before this, the animal is sick for a long time.

The symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced, which makes it possible to diagnose a neoplasm in a particular organ. Red urine is a symptom that signals that the tumor has already reached a serious size.

Tick ​​bite

From the end of March to November, dogs are in danger of being bitten by ticks, which are carriers of various types of infections. Diseases contracted from tick bites are very dangerous. This piroplasmosis, babesiosis.

In the body of a bitten animal, active destruction of red blood cells occurs. At the same time, hemoglobin begins to enter the urethra through the kidneys.

With babesiosis, the liver takes the hardest hit, as it acts as the body's main filter. Babesiosis is a very terrible disease. Every second infected dog dies from it.

Symptoms of tick-borne infection are as follows:

  • presence of blood in the urine;
  • high body temperature;
  • yellowing of the sclera area;
  • lethargy;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite.

Problems of the genitourinary system

When an infection enters the genitourinary tract, bitches develop a disease called pyometra, in males – prostatitis.

With pyometra, purulent fluid accumulates in the uterus, which can be released along with urine and blood when urinating. The causes of blood in the urine of bitches can also be diseases such as vaginitis and endometritis.

In male dogs, prostate disease is accompanied by an enlarged prostate gland. Its increase makes it difficult for urine to flow through the urethra. All this leads to dangerous and sometimes sad consequences, especially when the disease develops into a chronic form.

In addition to the fact that the dog often urinates blood, with the described diseases of the genitourinary system, it begins to lose appetite, becomes lethargic, has difficulty emptying its bladder, and anxiety increases because of this. The accumulation of pus leads to an increase in the animal’s body temperature and vomiting.


Leptospirosis is an extremely dangerous disease caused by the bacteria Leptospira. They are very tenacious and easily tolerate adverse environmental factors. The disease is fatal in most cases.

In addition to her Not only dogs, but also their owners can become infected. That is why veterinarians, if they suspect a diagnosis of leptospirosis, almost always suggest euthanizing the animal. If the owner insists on treatment, he must understand that the recovery process will drag on for a long period with subsequent complications in other organs.

In addition, the dog will be a carrier and distributor of bacteria for the next 4 years.

Infection of the disease in other individuals occurs through:

  • saliva, urine, feces of sick and recovered animals,
  • when mating with sick dogs through discharge from the genitals,
  • while feeding puppies with milk from an infected bitch,
  • through the bites of ticks carrying Leptospira.

Symptoms of leptospirosis are as follows: an admixture of blood cells in the urine, feces, and saliva. In the icteric form of the disease, malfunctions of the liver occur, accompanied by yellowing of the mucous membranes and skin.

What to do if your dog has bloody urine? It is necessary to immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic for examination, collection of tests, identification of the cause, diagnosis and prescription of a course of treatment.

Urine collection and treatment

Before taking your dog to the veterinarian, you need to collect urine for analysis. To an owner unprepared for this procedure, the collection process may seem difficult, although this is not the case. It is clear that it will differ between females and males. Before collecting urine, it is advisable to treat the genitals with warm water, or better yet, with an antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine.

If it comes to a male dog, then during a walk while urinating, you need to approach him from the side and place a wide-necked jar under the stream. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times until the container is filled with a sufficient amount of material.

It is more convenient to use a plastic container to collect urine from a bitch. Without scaring the dog, you need to calmly approach it while it is peeing and carefully place the container under the stream.

More informative urine for diagnosis is that which has accumulated in the bladder overnight. Therefore, it is recommended to collect it on a morning walk. The required amount for analysis is at least 200 ml. It is very important not to store the collected material at home until the evening - the properties of urine change quickly, so the maximum time for its delivery to the laboratory should not exceed 2 hours after collection.

If you can’t collect urine on your own, then a veterinarian can help with this. He will collect urine using a catheter, painlessly for the dog.

For infectious diseases and cystitis, the veterinarian prescribes a course of drug treatment for the pet and prescribes preventive measures aimed at maintaining the psychological and physical comfort of the animal.

In case of poisoning, you need to act quickly. In cases where the poison affecting the dog is known, a certain sorbent is first introduced into its body. If the animal has recently eaten poison, then it is given a gastric lavage. If more than 8 hours have passed since the absorption of the toxic substance, the dog is given drips with various kinds of drugs, and, if necessary, a blood transfusion is performed.

When the cause of blood in a dog’s urine is a neoplasm, treatment consists of removing it.

When an animal is bitten by an infected tick, a course of antibiotics, immunostimulants, sorbents and medications that support liver function is prescribed. To facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, a diet is prescribed.


A routine visit to the veterinary clinic should be made once a year. Only in this case can you reduce the risks of diseases of your four-legged friend and provide him with a life full of physical health.

The appearance of traces of blood in an animal’s urine is an alarming sign. This symptom may indicate illness or injury in your beloved pet. If you find blood in your dog’s urine, you need to contact your veterinarian to determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe treatment.

Causes of urinating with blood

Urine with blood in a dog indicates the presence of health problems and necessarily requires treatment. Except in cases where the animal is taking medications or food products that contain any dyes.

Depending on the underlying cause, the color of urine may vary from light pink to brown. In addition, different diseases have different manifestations and symptoms. Accordingly, the treatment required is also different.

Urinary tract infections

The most common cause of a dog peeing blood is inflammation of the urinary system. With diseases of the urethra and bladder, the color of urine changes noticeably. Pets may also exhibit other unpleasant symptoms, including frequent urination, painful urination, or incontinence.

In case of inflammation of the ureters, it cannot always be detected without laboratory tests. Urination itself, as a rule, remains unchanged and painful. However, the daily volume of urine and the animal’s well-being may change, up to a sharp increase in temperature, vomiting and refusal to eat.


If your dog is urinating blood, it may indicate severe poisoning from a rodent poison. When deratization, poison with anticoagulants is often used. They affect red blood cells, destroying them. Other signs of poisoning include weakness, refusal to eat, pale mucous membranes, bleeding, and abdominal pain.

Diseases of the genital organs

If your dog urinates blood and also bleeds between urinations, then the problem is in the genitals. Diseases of the uterus, prostate, and vagina may be accompanied by bleeding, pain, and increased body temperature. In male dogs, if there is inflammation of the prostate gland, even whole blood clots may come out at the end of urination. This condition requires immediate treatment.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect such a symptom immediately. After all, man’s four-legged friends pee on the street, and the coloring itself can be a pale pink, barely noticeable shade. To find out why this happened, you should consult a doctor. Before the visit, you need to collect urine and bring it to the veterinarian.

To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe productive treatment, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies. First of all, you need to get tested. It is also necessary to give the dog an ultrasound or x-ray examination.

What to do before visiting a doctor?

If the owner notices that the pet is peeing blood, it is better to go to the doctor as soon as possible. It is important to remember that this is serious and you cannot do anything on your own and it is even dangerous. Before visiting the veterinarian, you should pay attention to the following points:

Video “Bleeding in Dogs”

This video tells what an owner should do if he notices blood in his pet's discharge.