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Treatment of dogs with mastopathy. Mastopathy in dogs. Topic: fibrocystic mastopathy

Many dog ​​breeders make money from their pets by selling purebred puppies for very good money. Of course, making money is only possible if you take good care of your pet’s health and notice in time the dangerous signs of some unpleasant diseases. This, for example, is mastopathy in dogs.

This is the name for a tumor disease of the breast. As a rule, the neoplasm has a benign etiology, but in approximately 40% of cases, “mastopathy” refers to oncology. The pathology is especially common in females aged seven years and older, but young dogs can also get sick. If the animal is an animal, then the risk of such an outcome is reduced by about seven times. Breast tumors can be small, large, diffuse or nodular, and have aggressive, metastatic growth. It must be remembered that with early detection and adequate treatment, even serious tumors can be successfully treated.

There are different types of breast tumors in dogs. As we have already mentioned, in approximately 60% of cases they are of the benign variety, in another version we are talking about cancer. It should be noted that most often it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish mastopathy from oncology, since several types of cells may be “involved” in the pathological process. This is very often forgotten by specialists who categorically call mastopathy “benign.” Any breast tumor is extremely dangerous, since at any moment it can turn into a malignant neoplasm, and sometimes it already is!

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If we delve deeper into the jungle of histology, then in this disease at the “epicenter” there are simultaneously two types of tissue: glandular and connective. When the latter predominates, things are bad - this is fibrocystic mastopathy. In dogs, it is severe and always leads to the need for complete excision of most of the affected organ (even if the tumor is benign). If we talk about specific types of tumors encountered, then everything is somewhat more confusing: complex adenomas, adenocarcinomas, fibroadenomas, fibroadenocarcinomas, mammary duct papillomas, simple adenomas.

In the case of only malignant neoplasms, the most dangerous are:

  • Tubular adenocarcinomas.
  • Papillary adenocarcinomas.
  • Papillary cystic adenocarcinomas.
  • Osteogenic sarcomas.
  • Fibrosarcomas and malignant mixed tumors.


For a long time it was believed that progesterone was solely to blame for the development of mastopathy. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that bitches who were sterilized before have a significantly lower chance of getting sick. But, as it turned out as a result of many years of research, this has practically no effect on the occurrence of malignant neoplasms (although this is still controversial). Today, many scientists suggest that progesterone accelerates the development of tumors, regardless of their etiology. So there is still a connection, and therefore it is advisable to sterilize bitches that do not have breeding value.

And also about the connection between female sex hormones and breast tumor diseases. Approximately 50% of dog breast cancers have receptors for either estrogen or progesterone. In the case of benign neoplasms, the ratio is even greater. This means that removing the ovaries and breasts is important, even if the tumor has already developed. So the method of treating mastopathy in dogs, when surgical intervention is immediately used, is not only justified, but also can significantly increase the chances of survival of the animal.

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But what about other reasons? Is it really only hormones that are to blame for the onset of the disease? Of course not. Mastitis plays a huge role, which is practically guaranteed in the case of bitches whose puppies are born dead, or whose offspring die after birth. Injuries contaminated with pathogenic microflora or fungi are extremely dangerous. If you approach their treatment “carelessly,” then the inflammation goes deep and inevitably manifests itself in the future. So do not practice treatment with folk remedies, as this is very fraught! Some authors also argue that viruses play a decisive role in the development of tumor diseases of the mammary gland. In short, there are a lot of possible reasons.

It is interesting that mastopathy in a nursing dog is rare, but cases of this pathology in a pregnant bitch are not uncommon. So this disease practically does not threaten a happy mother (if it does not develop before childbirth, of course).


The symptoms are quite versatile: the tumor can manifest itself either in the form of diffuse “edema” (shown in the photo), thickening of the mammary glands, or in the form of individual lumps and peas in the thickness of the tissue. They are easy to detect by gentle palpation. Benign neoplasms are most often soft, “slippery”, since they have a dense capsule, they have regular shapes. Malignant ones almost always ulcerate, can be painful when palpated, have a lumpy, irregular shape, and often their boundaries cannot be determined at all; they do not roll under the fingers, literally fused with the surrounding tissue.

Mastopathy in dogs is a benign tumor of the mammary gland. This is a fairly common phenomenon (more than half of all tumors) in dogs, which, as a rule, is found in females older than 6-7 years.

Most often, tumors occur in the fourth and fifth pairs of mammary glands; they are rare in the first and second pairs. This is due to the fact that it is the fifth pair of mammary glands that has the greatest functional activity. At first, a single tumor appears, and if no measures are taken, the tumors can become multiple.

The appearance of a tumor is usually associated with estrus, or false whelping. With these functions, the mammary glands always enlarge, and then return to their normal state. However, with pathologies, abnormal formations appear in the tissue. They can be elastic or soft, and can be visible through the skin.

Forms of mastopathy in dogs

Mastopathy can be diffuse and fibrocystic.

  • Diffuse form begins with the appearance of pain in the mammary glands, which occurs a few days before estrus. This form may precede fibrocystic. When palpated in the mammary glands, a sensation of a bag of shot is noted.
  • Fibrocystic form Characterized by the formation of dense painful nodes, which without treatment grow quite quickly. This form of mastopathy is more common in older dogs over 6 years of age. Seals in the mammary glands can be single or multiple and are always pronounced.


Since the fibrocystic form of mastopathy can have quite different symptoms and the most unpleasant consequences (including the formation of precancerous tumors), if signs of mastopathy are detected, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible or. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by examining the contents of the formation using histology.

Treatment of mastopathy

  • At the initial stage of the disease, the doctor simply observes the animal and regularly examines it during pregnancy.
  • It is also possible to use homeopathic medicines, which in a stable state can keep the nodes for a long time or even lead to their disappearance.
  • Hormone therapy is also often used to treat the diffuse form of the disease.
  • If mastopathy has a fibrocystic form and the tumor grows, surgical intervention is necessary. True, not every old animal will undergo surgery; it depends on age, concomitant diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys and the degree of tumor spread.
  • As a result of the operation, the prognosis for further recovery is not always favorable; relapses and individual metastases may occur.

If it is large and metastasis processes have begun, the operation is already pointless. However, sometimes the doctor even in such a situation performs a so-called palliative operation: he removes the largest part of the bleeding or disintegrating tumor, and the remainder is treated with antitumor drugs. True, such actions lead to a slight prolongation of life, but not to the cure of the animal.

Mastopathy in dogs is a tumor disease that develops in the mammary gland. Veterinarians encounter this tumor quite often in their practice. In the vast majority of cases, it is diagnosed in females whose age exceeds 6 years.

Often the 4th and 5th mammary glands are affected by this disease. The reason for this is their increased functional activity. Initially, one tumor begins to develop, but if treatment is delayed, it can develop into multiple ones.

Lumps in a dog's mammary glands are most often associated with estrus or pregnancy. At this time they increase. Normally, after this period they should return to their original state. In cases where this does not happen, pathology begins to develop, expressed in the appearance of abnormal formations.

Forms of mastopathy

Tumors in a dog's mammary glands can be of several types. They are often benign (60%), but some may be cancerous (40%). Since different types of cells are involved in the process, visual examination of the tumor does not make it possible to determine whether the neoplasm is benign or malignant.

Some scientists have argued that mastopathy in dogs is not a particularly dangerous disease. However, this is a misconception, since even a benign tumor without proper treatment can develop into a cancerous tumor.

Mastopathy is divided into fibrocystic and diffuse. With the development of the fibrocystic form, rapid proliferation of nodules occurs. This most often occurs in older animals. Such a seal can be single or multiple.

Often, diffuse mastopathy begins to develop before estrus (several days before its onset). In the absence of necessary therapy, it can develop into a fibrocystic form.

Most veterinarians consider mastopathy to be a disease that precedes cancer. That is why you should not delay contacting a specialist.

A photo of mastopathy in a dog is presented in the article.


Mastitis is considered the main cause of the disease. Most often, this pathology can be observed in females who gave birth to dead puppies. Another possible cause of mastitis is the contamination of the glands with pathogenic microorganisms or fungi. In the absence of timely treatment, inflammatory processes begin to spread and become the cause of mastopathy. In addition, a false pregnancy can provoke this disease. It is quite rare to see the development of mastopathy in a nursing female.


Symptoms of mastopathy in dogs can vary. However, the disease can be confidently identified by the following symptoms:

  • significant enlargement of the mammary glands;

  • granularity or veininess of the glands, detected upon palpation;
  • presence of ichor discharge from the nipples;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary gland, accompanied by the dog’s attempts to lick it;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • complete refusal to eat and drink;
  • manifestation of apathy and weakness;
  • hair loss in areas where tumors form and increased skin temperature;
  • the occurrence of ulcerative lesions.

The main sign that the disease has reached the malignant stage is a cough. The occurrence of this symptom indicates metastatic damage to internal organs.

Stages of mastopathy

Tumors often affect the 3rd-5th lobes of the mammary gland. The reason for this is their structure, namely the large volume of glandular tissue in these parts of the organs. Mostly the disease begins with the development of single small formations. If other lobes are involved in the tumor, then this indicates the occurrence of a serious pathological process, which indicates that the tumors have begun to spread. The consequence may be damage by metastases to the lymph nodes and internal organs.

The early stage of development of mastopathy in dogs is characterized by the presence of small single mobile formations in which there is no pronounced pain. The severity of the pathological process depends on the size of the tumors and their spread.

The cancerous process is characterized by a painful reaction, severe local hyperthermia and redness. The tumor does not have clearly defined boundaries, since the growth of malignant cells spreads to the surrounding nearby tissues. In this case, it is not possible to identify foci of inflammation. This is a consequence of the fact that the formation of a barrier between healthy and diseased tissues does not occur. A feature of malignant tumors is that they are immobile, as they grow together with muscles and skin.

The late stage of mastopathy development differs from others in the large size of the tumor. Its diameter can reach more than 20 cm, and its weight can reach several kilograms. At this stage, the site of tumor development is covered with skin defects in the form of non-healing ulcers and ulcers. There is a significant enlargement of the lymph nodes and when pressure is applied the dog feels severe pain.


Diagnosis of tumor pathology in the dog’s mammary gland is carried out as follows:

  1. Feeling the mammary glands of a female, who is first in a standing position, and then in a lying position. This is necessary to exclude the diagnosis of a hernia and detect the affected lobes.
  2. Determination of pain, consistency, size and mobility of the affected areas.
  3. Examination of all lymph nodes to which there is access in order to exclude the spread of metastases.
  4. Carrying out tissue biopsy and morphological examination of material susceptible to pathology.
  5. X-ray examination of the abdominal and thoracic cavities to exclude the presence of metastases in the internal organs.

In the initial stages of mastopathy there is rarely pain, even in cases where the diameter of the tumor reaches 10 cm and several lobes are involved. The formation has a clearly defined shape without inflammatory processes affecting surrounding tissues. The level of mobility and consistency density depend on the size of the formation.

Involvement in the pathological process does not occur immediately. With the development of mastopathy, an increase in lymph nodes and loss of their mobility is observed. However, no pain is observed. Also, to diagnose mastopathy, biochemical studies are carried out for the following hormones:

  • follicle-stimulating;
  • luteotropic;
  • progesterone;
  • estradiol

An increase in their level may be a sign of the development of mastopathy in a dog. However, it should be clarified that these same signs are not characteristic of developing pathologies of the reproductive organs. Thus, making a diagnosis based solely on biochemical results will not be correct. To be completely sure, a biopsy is necessary.


A biopsy is the most accurate way to identify a tumor. Imprint smears make it possible to conduct diagnostics, which will help choose the optimal treatment method. Carrying out a biopsy involves fixing smears with an absolute solution of alcohol and their subsequent staining according to May-Grunwald and azure-eosin.

Treatment regimen

In the initial stages, the veterinarian observes and examines the dog before and during each heat. Treatment of mastopathy in a dog can be carried out using homeopathic medicines that maintain a stable condition of the nodes or remove them.

If a diffuse form of the disease develops, the veterinarian prescribes hormonal therapy. If a fibrocystic form of mastopathy develops in a dog, surgery cannot be avoided. For older dogs, surgery is contraindicated. It can only be performed in case of heart or liver disease. Surgery does not always guarantee a complete recovery, as relapses may occur.

In cases where the dog’s tumor is very large and metastasis has already begun, there is no point in performing surgery. In rare cases, if it makes sense, the veterinarian may prescribe surgery to remove part of the growth. This will make it possible to prolong the dog’s life, but does not guarantee a complete cure.

Treatment at home

If for some reason it is not possible to visit a specialist, you can treat mastopathy in a dog at home. However, this should not be continued for a long time and the dog should be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Since it is impossible to conduct at home the tests that a doctor will conduct to determine a treatment regimen, this visit should not be delayed. In addition, the owner may simply not know how to treat mastopathy in a dog, and his treatment will be ineffective, which will bring even more harm to the pet.

Self-treatment of the disease involves regularly applying a cool compress to sore nipples. You can massage them twice a day. To prevent stagnation of milk, it is necessary to apply it to the nipples of puppies. If purulent discharge appears from the nipples, it is forbidden to use puppies.

Possible complications

Lack of timely treatment can lead to the development of a number of complications in the dog. First of all, there is a threat of the formation developing into a cancerous tumor. If the tumor has reached the metastasized stage, then in most cases it is not possible to cure the animal and only proper care can help prolong its life.

Advanced mastopathy can cause the development of sarcoma, mixed tumor, adenocarcinoma.

The transformation of a tumor into a malignant one most often occurs in poodles, shepherd dogs, giant schnauzers and cocker spaniels.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid the development of mastopathy, it is necessary to regularly bring the dog for examination. Two visits a year will be enough. You can also give your dog medications to prevent the formation of nodules and cysts. One of the most reliable preventive measures is sterilization. Proper animal care and a balanced diet will also help prevent the occurrence of mastopathy.

Mastopathy, a disease of the mammary gland, occurs in bitches. This disease is characterized by benign formations in the mammary gland, as well as pain. In this case, the animal’s mammary gland can increase significantly in size.

Signs of mastopathy

Breast enlargement can be both physiological (during pregnancy or lactation) and pathological. A physiological character is the norm, but a pathological character signals a dog’s illness.

This disease can be fibrocystic or diffuse. You should not think that mastopathy necessarily precedes breast cancer, but every animal owner should know how to treat mastopathy in dogs.

Treatment of mastopathy

This disease should be treated based on the form, as well as the nature of the occurrence of mastopathy. If a dog has a diffuse form of the disease, it must be treated with hormones. But if the animal has a fibrocystic form of the disease, surgical intervention will be required. And in any case, the sick animal is prescribed a special diet.

Disease prevention

Today, there are special preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Mastopathy in dogs can be prevented by regular examinations by a veterinarian and following his recommendations.

The mammary gland can become a source of trouble for a dog if the owner does not pay due attention to preventive measures.

At least fifty percent of benign tumors in dogs have the common name mammary mastopathy. Bitches over seven years of age are at risk. The neoplasm develops mainly on the most functional and active 4th and 5th pairs of mammary glands, much less often on the 1st and 2nd pairs.
The appearance of a tumor occurs during periods when the animal’s mammary glands enlarge. This always happens after estrus, as well as sterilization, during normal and false pregnancy. The very first signal of mastopathy is the appearance of the first barely noticeable tumor in the dog, visible through the skin. If treatment is not started immediately, the development of new tumors and their degeneration into a malignant tumor cannot be avoided.
In dogs, like in all mammals, there is a diffuse mastopathy, which turns into a fibrocystic form. Diffuse mastopathy causes pain and is palpable as a small shot. This form of mastopathy, as a rule, precedes fibrocystic mastopathy with dense painful nodes that tend to grow rapidly in the absence of treatment.

Symptoms of mastopathy in dogs

In order not to miss the moment when the first signs of the disease appear, pay attention to the behavior and general condition of the dog after estrus, during pregnancy and feeding:
The very first sign is breast enlargement. When palpated, it becomes heterogeneous, stringy, granular;
Mastopathy is also manifested by external discharge from the nipples. The dog tries to lick the painful discharge thoroughly;
a dog in pain becomes restless. Often, on the part of the diseased mammary gland, the animal “pulls its paw”;
the tumor nodule can maintain its size for a long time;
If you did not notice the first signs of mastopathy in a dog in time or have not yet started treatment, the animal becomes apathetic, quickly loses weight, weakens, refuses food, and drinks too much. When palpating the mammary gland, an increase in the lymph nodes located next to it is also observed;
If left untreated, the tumor attacks surrounding tissue. The skin loses hair, becomes covered with suppuration and ulcers, and becomes hot and tense to the touch;
A cough in a bitch with mastopathy is clear evidence that a previously benign tumor has degenerated into a malignant one with metastases affecting internal organs.

Causes of mastopathy in dogs

Mastitis most often appears during the period of active milk production due to damage by staphylococci and streptococci. The inflammatory process can begin to develop as a result of:
injury to the mammary gland, for example, from a puppy’s claws during feeding;
stagnation of milk. Congestive mastitis develops with intensive lactation, the birth of a stillborn offspring, early cessation of milk feeding of puppies;
postpartum infection;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication of the body;
blockage of the nipple duct;
hypothermia or heat stroke;
stressful situation;
hereditary predisposition.

Treatment of mastopathy in dogs

Mastopathy is not a death sentence and can be successfully combated. The sooner you contact us, the sooner you contact us, the higher your chances of successful treatment. Self-treatment of mastopathy in a dog at home using folk remedies will not lead to anything good. You will still have to see a doctor, but it is often too late.
With timely treatment, active therapeutic measures are prescribed after monitoring the animal and examining it during estrus. Often, the use of homeopathic medicines not only maintains the nodes in a stable condition, but also contributes to their gradual disappearance.
Hormonal therapy is indicated for diffuse mastopathy. Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy in dogs usually requires surgical removal of the tumor, especially if it is growing. But if the dog is old, with a diseased heart or kidneys, then the operation has to be abandoned. If surgery is indicated, then the probability of a complete recovery of the animal is not one hundred percent, due to the possible occurrence of relapses.
If the tumor is extensive, with metastases, then there is no point in performing surgery. Unless it is possible to remove part of the disintegrating tumor. But even in combination with antitumor drugs, this will not cure a sick animal, but will only prolong and aggravate its suffering.