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Guidelines for drawing up business papers

Speech development lesson in 9th grade

Topic: “Business papers”

Lesson type: combined

Lesson objectives:


  1. consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge of the theory of official business style;
  2. develop the ability to draw up and execute various documents (application, power of attorney, appeal, autobiography) necessary in everyday life;
  3. improve students' speech and writing literacy.


  1. develop students’ coherent speech;
  2. to develop in schoolchildren the ability to think logically, highlight the main thing, and generalize what they have learned;
  3. develop students' teamwork skills.


  1. to develop schoolchildren’s business literary speech skills;
  2. encourage students to express their thoughts;
  3. develop interest in the subject


  1. continue the formation of general educational skills (answer planning skills, self-control);
  2. consolidate the studied material;
  3. develop the ability to listen and understand text;
  4. promote the development of mental processes (logical thinking, attention). Lesson structure
  1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Linguistic warm-up.
  2. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Drawing up official business documents:

1) the teacher’s word;

2) a conversation to familiarize students with one of the types of official business speech - a statement;

3) testing knowledge acquisition (comparing simple and complex statements);

4) consolidation of knowledge and development of the ability to draw up complex statements (collective statement writing);

5) familiarization with the power of attorney;

6) familiarization with the appeal, features of registration;

7) communication of information about autobiography;

8) consolidation of knowledge about autobiography, development of the ability to analyze and compose texts of autobiographies.

  1. Summing up the lesson.
  2. Homework assignment.

Lesson equipment:

  1. Samples of business papers.
  2. Handout.
  3. D.E. Rosenthal. Directory. Practical style.
  4. Notebooks.


In official relations between people, one cannot do without official expressions and words.

K.I. Chukovsky. Alive as life.

  1. Linguistic warm-up.

Exercise. Determine in what styles of speech synonymous words are used.

  1. a) eliminate the fire (official business), b) put out the fire (colloquial, neutral), c) win the battle with fire (artistic, journalistic);
  2. a) to sleep (colloquial, colloquial), b) to be in the arms of Morpheus (artistic), c) to be in a state of sleep (official business);
  3. a) meeting (artistic, colloquial, neutral), b) arrow (colloquial, slang), c) summit (official business, journalistic).

Explain the meaning of the word summit . (Meeting of heads of state and government)

  1. Repetition of information about formal business style.
  1. Remember what you know about formal business style.

(The official business style is used in official correspondence between citizens and institutions, as well as institutions with each other, for the preparation of government documents (decrees, laws) and business papers.

  1. Name the stylistic features of official business style.

(Precision of presentation: full name of government agencies, organizations, enterprises, specific designation of dates, values, quantities, sizes, etc. Standard (template) in the preparation of business papers.

  1. What is special about the use of linguistic means?

(Vocabulary: words only in their literal meaning, special terms (diplomatic, legal, etc.). Morphology: verbal nouns, verbs in n.f. and behavioral, prepositions: in business, for purposes, in connection, in view. Syntax: standard figures of speech.)

Clarifying the meaning of words using a dictionary business, official.

(Official - 1. Official, government, established by the government, associated with the performance of government functions. 2. Coming from the government, government body, official, completely authoritative. 3. Characteristic of government acts, business papers. Business – adj., by meaning related to official activities, work.)

  1. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson.

It is no coincidence that we settled on the definition of official business style and its features. The topic of our lesson is “Business papers”. You must learn how to draft various business documents needed in daily life.

  1. Drawing up official business documents.
  1. Teacher's word.
  1. So, the word is official means “government, official, official.” “The language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy and the impossibility of any false interpretations,” said L.V. Shcherba. Therefore, in official documents, words with a figurative meaning, as well as emotionally charged and colloquial vocabulary, are not used. The official style is characterized by precisely those specific words, stable phrases and phrases that are commonly called clericalism. For example: in pursuance of the decision, in order to avoid accidents, I attach to the application, present a certificate, place of residence, according to the order, state, cancel, make an offer(s), give preference, upon expiration of the contract, upon graduation, etc.

The form of each type of document is also stable, generally accepted, and standard. Remember, for example, the application form, certificates, receipts, etc.

A stamp in an official style is justified and appropriate: it contributes to the accurate and concise presentation of business information and facilitates business correspondence.

It is characteristic that even the implacable enemy of bureaucracy K.I. Chukovsky, in his book about language “Alive as Life” (epigraph on the board) wrote: “... in official relations between people, one cannot do without official expressions and words.”

But at the same time, he advised the compilers of the “Business Papers” manual to end the book with a stern warning: “Remember once and for all that the forms of speech recommended here should be used exclusively in official papers. And in all other cases - in letters to family and friends, in conversations with comrades, in oral answers at the blackboard - it is forbidden to speak this language.”

  1. A conversation to familiarize students with one of the types of official business speech - a statement.

In everyday life, very often you have to deal with the need to draw up various kinds of papers, write explanatory notes, powers of attorney, receipts, and various statements. Such documents must be drawn up competently, clearly, briefly and clearly, in compliance with certain standards.

When you entered school, your parents wrote an application for your admission. You will have to write your application for 10th grade yourself.

When and for what reasons are statements written? (The most common applications are for employment, dismissal from work, leave, admission to an educational institution or public organization, provision of living space, etc.)

Working with handouts. Reading statements.

  1. What are the components or details (details are mandatory components of a business letter or document) that make up the application?

Recording components in a notebook.

  1. To whom is the application? (Name of the institution or official to whom the application is addressed, in the A.P.)
  2. From whom? (Last name, first name, patronymic in R.p.)
  3. Title (statement)
  4. Text of the statement.
  5. What's included?
  6. Date and signature.
  7. Address. (Given at the top after the surname is indicated before the title or after the number is indicated at the bottom).

The name of the addressee is located in the upper right corner of the sheet, then the surname and initials of the applicant are immediately given. case without a preposition; sometimes the address and passport details of the applicant are attached. Word statement is written with a lowercase letter and placed in the middle of the line. The following is the text of the statement, short and clear. A little lower on the left is the date, and on the right is the applicant’s signature.

Sample application.

To the director of municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1"

Ivanova I.I.

9th grade student

Frolova Yu.P.


I ask you to allow me to miss school on November 17 and 18, 2004 due to participation in sports competitions

To the obligatory word for the application I beg no words should be added very, convincing . At the end of the statement you should not write“Please do not refuse my request”.

  1. Comparison of simple and complex statements.
  1. What is the difference between a simple statement and a complex one? (The complex one sets out in detail the request and its motivation, indicates the list of attached documents (their name, by whom, when, where they were issued and the document number is noted).

To the director of the Economic Business College, Sergeev Vladimir Vladimirovich Popov Igor Aleksandrovich, residing at the address: Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevo, building 10, apt. 5


I ask you to accept documents for admission to the Economic Business College in the “Management” department, because I want to become a public relations manager. This year I graduated from the 9th grade of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1” in Orekhovo-Zuyevo.

The following documents are attached:

  1. Autobiography.
  2. Certificate of basic general education No. (indicate the number) dated June 25, 2013, issued by the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1” in Orekhovo-Zuevo.
  3. Three photographs.
  4. Medical certificate.
  5. Certificate of residence.
  1. Collective preparation of an applicationabout admission to 10th grade.

Teacher's addition.

  1. Quite often, disputes arise about how M.I. Lvova should be written in her application. or from Lvova M.I. And there are no wrong people in this debate. Typically, authors of manuals on business speech prefer the first, more traditional form, without a preposition. But a form with a preposition is allowed. It is believed that the use of a preposition corresponds to the usual grammatical connection: a statement to whom from whom, as well as, for example, a letter to whom from whom.

In terms of stylistics, it is somewhat inconvenient to use the traditional form in cases where there are two surnames next to each other and both are in the genitive case: To the head of the workshop, Sidorova Lvova M.I. Statement. But with t.z. rules for drawing up business papers and grammatically it is absolutely correct. However, it will not be a mistake to overcome the stylistic inconvenience: To the head of the workshop Sidorova from M.I. Lvova. statement.

But there is another subject for debate: how to write the word statement – with a lowercase letter or with a capital letter? This question also cannot be answered unambiguously.

If we proceed from the grammar - from the fact that the entire initial part of the document is one sentence, then it is fair to note that the word statement should be written with a lowercase letter. But if you pay attention not only to the grammatical side, but also to the visual form of the document, then the word statement turns out to be the headline. After all, it is usually written in the center of the line, separately, after the name of the author of the statement, which is always written on the right (sometimes with additional information). And if the word statement – the title, then it can be written in capital letters.

And it won't be a mistake.

5 . Getting to know the power of attorney.

  1. Let's turn to the next document - power of attorney. The ability to draw up such a document will certainly be needed in life. In addition, many modern schoolchildren work in their free time. This means that a situation may arise in which you will have to entrust receiving money to a reliable person.

Power of attorney

I, Nikolai Pavlovich Zaitsev, trust Maxim Nikolaevich Zaitsev to receive the salary due to me for April 2005.

My passport: (data).

Passport details of Maxim Nikolaevich Zaitsev: (data).

  1. Familiarization with the appeal
  1. An equally important document is the appeal. Writing an appeal can be useful if you disagree with the assessment of a written examination paper. Of course, filing an appeal is a last resort; in most cases, such issues are resolved at the school where you study. Another thing is that drawing up such a document may be needed later, when you become university applicants.

Appeal translated from Latin appellatio - right, complaint.

To the Chairman of the Appeal Commission of the Kashira District, V.V. Sergeev.

student of secondary school No. 56 Nikulin I.D.


Please reconsider my grade in Russian due to the fact that I

I do not agree with the errors credited to me on the 2nd and 3rd pages of the essay.

  1. Communicating information about autobiography in order to familiarize students with this genre of business style

Autobiography (Greek Autos - myself, bios - life, grapho - writing) - a description of your life. This word has become entrenched in the Russian language; it replaces three words.

An autobiography is written when entering an educational institution, getting a job, etc. It sets out in detail the main, important moments of the writer’s life and work.

The outline of the autobiography is as follows:

  1. Title (autobiography) in the center.
  2. Full Name.
  3. Date and place of birth.
  4. Parents (full name of father and mother, parents' occupations).
  5. Date of entry into school and graduation date.
  6. Start and subsequent hours of work and indication of location (if working).

7) Social work (what work he has performed and is currently performing).

8) Indicate, if any, special incentives, awards for study (or work), and social activities.

9) Date of preparation and signature.

  1. Reading an autobiography followed by analysis, while drawing attention to isolated applications.


I, Andrey Nikolaevich Berestov, was born on December 5, 1989 in Moscow into the family of an employee.

My father, Nikolai Vladimirovich Berestov, is an engineer; mother, Berestova Irina Viktorovna, is a nurse.

In 1995 he entered school, where he studied for four years. After graduating from elementary school, he moved to St. Petersburg due to the transfer of his parents. Upon arrival at my new place of residence, I was accepted into St. Petersburg Secondary School No. 507, where, in agreement with the administration, I was enrolled in grade 5 B. Here for two years he was elected class leader. In 2000, due to an injury, he was relieved of his duties as a physical trainer.

In 2001, I was awarded a 1st degree diploma for participating in the Mathematical Olympiad.

I am currently in 9th grade and am involved in the school ensemble.

02/10/2002 A. Berestov

8. Consolidating knowledge about autobiography.

Writing an autobiography (orally).

  1. There are 2 types of autobiographies: autobiography - an official document and autobiography - a literary work.

The business autobiography is designed in a calm, business-like tone. It follows a strict chronological sequence of presentation of facts and is written in official language according to a specific plan. The answers to the plan items are accurate. The vocabulary is neutral, all words are used in their direct meaning. The word order is straight, the sentences are declarative. There is no colloquial vocabulary characteristic of colloquial speech.

Creative autobiographies are written very differently. Writers and poets are completely free to choose material and linguistic means for an autobiography, and to determine its composition. To create a true picture of life, they use a variety of artistic and visual means.

  1. Summing up the lesson.
  1. What did you learn in the lesson? What else are you having trouble with?

VI. Homework: write an autobiography in the form of an official document.



In response to your request, we will send you a catalog of our publications for 2013.

Application : one instance of the directory.

Confirmation letter

We confirm receipt of your letter No. ... from ..., in which you ask us about the long-term plan for our publications for 2013.

We inform you that the plan will be completed shortly. Once it is printed, one copy will be sent to you immediately.

Letter message

We would like to inform you that our publishing house has just published... (publications are listed).

Invitation letter

September 15 this year at 12 o'clock in the office of the editor-in-chief of the publishing house there will be a discussion of the long-term planpublications of translated literature for 2012 – 2013.

We are sending you a draft plan and asking you to send a representative to participate in the meeting.

To the director of secondary school No. 1 in Dalsk, P.S. Strizhov.

Explanatory letter

Due to the fact that bus traffic on the Volzhansk - Dalsk highwaywas stopped due to ice, I, a 7th grade student S. Sidorov, missed two school days (November 16 and 17).

To the boss

Construction site No. 6 Gavrilov A.M. technique Savelyev I.A.


According to your instructions, all work on the first floor of the house under construction should be completed during February. However, due to the lack of transport, construction was not provided with lumber. Contrary to the planned plan, the floors on the first floor have not yet been laid.

I ask you to take measures to provide construction with lumber.

Instructions for handling the watch.

  1. Before using the alarm clock, you should wind the spring, for which the key must be rotated all the way in the direction indicated by the arrow on the cover near the key hole.
  2. Turn the hour and minute button only in the direction indicated on the cover.
  3. The moment of the bell signal is set according to the signal arrow with the button, the direction of rotation of which is indicated by the arrow at the hole. First, set the arrow to the desired time, then wind the bell spring by turning the key in the direction indicated by the arrow on the cover.

To stop the ringing, press the call stop button. To first turn off the signal, you need to press the bell stop button and at the same time turn the strike key in the indicated direction until the first click.

  1. The watch must be handled with care. Sudden shocks and impacts can damage your watch.
  2. It is recommended to set the alarm clock at the same time every day.
  3. To avoid voiding the warranty, it is not recommended to open the watch mechanism, lubricate, disassemble or repair it yourself.

Document it is “a material object with information recorded on it in the form of text, sound recording or image, intended for transmission in time and space for the purposes of storage and public use.”

As a rule, the document is drawn up on a form in accordance with the requirements of the adopted standard. Form can be defined as a sheet of paper with permanent details or parts thereof reproduced on it in a typographical manner (details are mandatory features established by law or official regulations for certain types of documentation).

According to GOST 6.380-97, documents can contain 31 details, but practically in business letters no more than 17 are used:

2) logo of the organization;

4) document code according to OKUD;

7) telephone number;

10) date of writing the letter;

13) addressee;

14) title to the text;

16) signature;

Types of business documentation can be divided into three groups: personal business papers, official documentation and business correspondence.

Personal business papers

· statement

· explanatory letter

· receipt

· power of attorney (personal)

· autobiography

· characteristic

Service documentation:

· memorandum

· protocol

· announcement

· reference

· agreement (contract)

Business correspondence

· notice

· reminder

· confirmation

· offer

· request

· response to request

· invitation

· response to invitation

· Gratitude

· congratulations

· apology

· regret

Text personal documents may be arbitrary and drawn up by the author himself, but such details as the title and type of document, date, signature must be required.

When applying for a job, citizens submit a written statement , in which they state a request for enrollment in an enterprise, organization, institution, indicating their profession, qualifications, specialty, position. Currently, the basis for hiring is also a contract. The job application is drawn up in any form, written by hand. It is recommended to write it on A4 paper - the format of sheets of personal file documents, in which the job application is also filed.

Explanatory letter. This document contains an indication of the addressee, text, most often compiled in free form, explaining the reasons for any violation in the production process, the date and signature of the originator.

Receipt- This is a document certifying the receipt of something. Schematically, the receipt can be represented as follows:
Summary - This is a description of a person’s professional path in writing, which is designed to create a positive opinion of the employer about the candidate for a certain position. When creating a resume, you need to remember that it will become your business card and should set you apart from the entire stream of people looking for work.
A good resume is one of the most effective tools for finding a job. Therefore, there are three key points to remember:

1. Your only chance to succeed with a resume is the first time it is read. As a rule, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to review a resume. If you couldn’t attract attention, it means your resume didn’t work.

2. When writing a resume, you must follow the principle of selectivity: your resume should include a description of exactly those aspects of your experience that are significant for the position for which you are applying. 3. A successful resume can become a reason for an interview, i.e. a personal meeting with the employer or his representative, but does not guarantee getting a job. Your goal is to make the reader want to meet you in person.
The resume consists of the following blocks:
1. Your name, address, telephone number (including area code).
2. Purpose (optional, but desirable): a brief description of what position you are applying for and why you are applying (no more than 6 lines, preferably 2-3).
3. Work experience in reverse chronological order (last place of work is indicated first).

4. When describing your achievements, use action verbs such as developed, saved, increased or reduced. Indicate the start and end dates of work, the name of the organization, the title of the position (there may be several of them if your career has developed successfully), and briefly describe the position responsibilities and production achievements, if you had them.

5. Education, the more time has passed since graduation, the less space this item should occupy in the resume; for graduates and students it should be placed before the previous one, since work experience, if any, is less significant. You can report awards, highlight those disciplines studied that correspond to your goal.
6. Additional information: knowledge of foreign languages ​​and a computer, a driver’s license, membership in professional organizations, etc. (a hobby should only be mentioned if it is closely related to the desired job).

Autobiography - a biography of a person, which he himself compiled in the form of a document. There is no standard form for a biography and it is compiled in any form. However, individual components and details must be contained in the autobiography. Writes an autobiography by hand on a sheet of A4 paper or on a special form. The form of presentation is narrative, in the first person. All information is given in chronological order and so that one can get an idea of ​​the life path, business qualifications and social and political activities of this person.
Power of attorney - this is a written authority issued by one person (principal) to another person (trustee, representative) to represent the interests of the principal before third parties, a power of attorney is a one-sided transaction, it fixes the content and limits of the powers of the trustee, whose actions on the basis of the power of attorney create rights and obligations directly for the principal. It is worth noting that a notarized power of attorney is a legal document. Current legislation provides for several types of powers of attorney. Depending on the scope and nature of the powers expressed in the power of attorney, three types of powers of attorney are distinguished:
- general (general) power of attorney to represent the interests of the principal in all areas;
- a special power of attorney to perform certain similar actions;
- a one-time power of attorney to perform a certain specific action.
Documents for external use often call business(official, commercial) letters. They serve as the most important means of communication of a given organization (enterprise, institution) with the outside world. Through their organizations, they establish and maintain contacts, sort out relationships, exchange information, conduct preliminary negotiations, clarify the details of the proposed transaction, make claims, etc.

The unification of business correspondence covers the vocabulary of relevant documents, morphology, syntax, graphics, punctuation, style, and even their external design. As already mentioned, according to GOST 6.380-97, documents can contain 31 details, but practically in business letters no more than 17 are used:

1) state emblem (for forms of state organizations;

2) logo of the organization;

3) enterprise code according to OKPO (for intra-republican correspondence);

4) document code according to OKUD;

5) name of the organization (full and/or abbreviated);

6) postal and telegraph addresses;

7) telephone number;

8) fax number, teletype, e-mail, Internet address;

9) bank account number;

10) date of writing the letter;

13) addressee;

14) title to the text;

16) signature;

17) surname and telephone number of the performer.

The set of considered details that may be in a particular document is called form.

In recent years, in office work practice, the TIN is also increasingly indicated before the current account number - the taxpayer identification number, which is assigned by the tax inspectorate during registration, and paragraph 9 is understood in an expanded manner, indicating in it, in addition to the current account number, other bank details, namely : name of the bank, its BIC (bank identification code) and correspondent account.

In correspondence with officials or private individuals - foreign citizens - it is written before the surname G. or Mr. (Mister). This appeal is increasingly spreading in correspondence with domestic partners. Use of address citizen allowed only in the field of legal and administrative relations (judicial, law enforcement agencies, local government, etc.). Written appeal comrade has fallen out of use.

In the title of the text only the construction with the preposition is used o/o(For example " On the creation of a joint venture"). It is not recommended to start the title with words like concerns, on the matter and so on.

In the main details of a business letter - in the text - the length of lines should not exceed 60 characters, including spaces between words.

Depending on content and volume Business (commercial) letters are divided into simple and contract letters.

Simple business letters include documents that are simple in content and small in volume, sent for commercial purposes. They typically contain a request, message, thank you, invitation, accompanying information, or acknowledgment of receipt of some information or product. They may lack a title to the text or an appeal, but stereotypical expressions are widely used.

Letter of request contains a request to send product samples, catalogs, price lists, and any other information. In this case, certain standard expressions are used, for example:

– We are asking (you) to .................................. send

– I ask (we ask) you................................................... ........send

– We would ask (you).................................................. .......send us

- Could you............................................. .............. to report

– We will be grateful if you can ................ inform

- We would like.............................................. ............... confirm

– It would be desirable......................................... .... get

– Please let (us).................................. get acquainted with...

If a document is sent to an organization in response to its letter or preliminary conversations, the request letter may contain the following reference:

– Referring to your letter (your fax, your request) from...

– In accordance with our agreement... we ask...

– Based on our telephone conversation...

Letter message contains a notice, notification, information about a subject of mutual interest; it uses standard expressions. These include:

– We notify, we notify, we inform, we inform,

– We will inform you; We would like to inform you that...

- We are pleased to announce that...

A message letter can be a reaction to a received letter containing consent or refusal of something. In this case, a reference to previous correspondence or a telephone conversation that took place would be appropriate:

– In response to your letter (to your fax), we notify, inform...

– In addition to our letter, we inform you that...

– In continuation of the telephone conversation, we inform you...

If the letter contains a refusal of a request, then it has three parts: in the first, the request is repeated, to which an answer is given; the second part provides a rationale for the refusal; The third part provides the wording of the refusal. For example:

– We received your letter with a request to include your manuscript in the thematic plan of our publishing house.

– According to the reviewer’s assessment, with which the editors agree, the manuscript was not written in accordance with the stated topic and contains a large number of factual errors.

– In this form, the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication. We return it to you along with a review and editor's conclusion.

Invitation letter contains an invitation to any event (exhibition, fair, preliminary negotiations, etc.). Some stereotypical expressions are used:

– We invite (you), we have the honor to invite you to..., visit.... to take part in...

– We will (you) be grateful, grateful, obliged if you can visit..., take part in...

For official invitations, letters printed by offset (typographic) method, as well as stencils, can be used.

Stencil- this is a type of formalized text in which a typical situation is provided in advance, standard language forms and expressions are used, and at the same time there are gaps that are filled with variable information - specific data (last name of the invitee, date, etc.), possibly even by hand. For example:

1. Dear_____________________

The administration of the St. Petersburg State Technical University, in connection with the 100th anniversary of its founding, invites you to take part in a ceremonial meeting dedicated to this date.

The meeting will take place in the university assembly hall... 1999

Entry by invitation.

Rectorate of St. Petersburg State Technical University

Letter of gratitude contains gratitude for something (for product samples received, catalogue, information, invitation, hospitality provided, etc.). Certain standard expressions are used here, for example:

Thank you)…

- We are grateful to you for...

- We express our gratitude for...

-Thank you in advance

– Expressing gratitude

for your letter,

(Your invitation) from... we inform you that...

– We received your fax

(message by email

mail...) from... for which we thank you.

for which (you) are very grateful.

for which (you) are very grateful.

Covering (transmitting) letter contains a message about sending someone (the addressee) some materials (contracts), products, product samples, catalogs, etc. and is sent if it contains new information compared to travel documents.

Some standard expressions are used:

– We are sending (sending, sending, forwarding to you)...

– We are happy to send (send, send, forward to you)...

– We express our satisfaction with your letter No. ... from ... and send (send, send, forward to you) ...

– We send (send, send, forward to you)... and enclosed... (with this letter..., a separate package..., registered parcel..., express mail..., a separate postal parcel...)

– In this regard, we are sending you for approval (for information, for consideration, for conclusion, for signature, for further elaboration)...

The cover letter may contain references to previous contacts:

– In response to your request (to your letter No. ... from...)

– In accordance with our agreement (telephone conversation, request expressed by you, with an additional protocol for... a year), we send, send, send, forward (to you)...

We carried out an examination of alcoholic products seized from the warehouse of the Salun company, which does not have a license to sell these products. We send the results of the alcohol analysis and witness statements along with the act of seizure of goods.

Confirmation letter contains confirmation of receipt of goods, requested materials (catalogs, price lists, product samples), and, if necessary, important correspondence. The following standard expressions are used in such documents:

– (With gratitude) we confirm receipt...

– Thank you for the letter from... No. ... (for the fax, for the sent copies of the advertisement)...

– We have received samples of your products. Thank you for your efficiency and kindness.

If it is necessary to confirm the validity of any agreements or previously sent documents, the following stereotypical expressions are used:

We confirm the action...

– In confirmation of our previously assumed obligations under the agreement dated... No. ...

Among management documents organizational and administrative are distinguished (therefore they are also called organizational and administrative). The first of them include: the charter, structure and staffing levels of the management apparatus, staffing schedule, internal labor regulations or personnel regulations, regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise, job description. Administrative documents include: order, order, instruction, instruction. Separately, information and reference documents are also distinguished, such as a protocol, act, reporting and explanatory notes, certificates, etc., and documents on the personnel of the enterprise: a standard employment contract, application, questionnaire, characteristics, etc.

Job description. This document specifies the functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee of a certain category. The main provisions of the job description are the basis of the employment agreement with a particular employee. This instruction is also necessary in the event of labor disputes or conflict situations in the relationship between employees and employers.

There is no single job description for workers and employees working at different enterprises. Typically, specific instructions are created by employees of the enterprise’s personnel service, agreed upon with the legal adviser and approved by the head of the enterprise. If it is necessary to make significant changes to it, a corresponding order from the head of the enterprise is issued.

Order - This is a legal act that is issued by the head of an enterprise or institution (or the heads of their departments), acting on the basis of unity of command. The order is issued for the purpose of carrying out certain activities aimed at improving the activities of the organization or solving personnel issues.

The title of the order begins with a preposition o (about) with adding a verbal noun: On appointment, On approval.

An order, like other management documents, usually contains two parts: stating And administrative. The first is an introduction to the essence of the issue at hand. The second part begins with the word I ORDER, which is printed in capital letters; then the order itself follows on a new line. It must be specific, clear, with wording that does not allow for different interpretations, indicating the executors and deadlines for execution, as well as the person who is entrusted with monitoring the execution of the order.

The details of the order include: the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the name of the department or organization, the type of document, as well as the date, index, place of preparation, title, text, signature, and, if necessary, a mark of approval.

Order. In its purpose and nature, this document is close to an order, but is usually issued on operational issues of the daily production, economic and administrative activities of the enterprise. Its text must contain: a specific task, indications of the responsible person and deadline. Orders should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise; they are signed by the manager or his deputy.

Protocol. There are full and short protocols. A full protocol is drawn up if a particularly important meeting, meeting, or meeting is taking place. The main part of it is occupied by sections, each of which is directly related to the agenda item, built according to the scheme: LISTENED, SPEAKED, DECIDED (DECIDED). The last section is the most important and should contain strict, clear formulations that guide the implementation of the issues considered.

The brief minutes only indicate the issues under consideration, the names of the speakers and the decisions taken collectively.

The minutes must be signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting (meeting).

Act. It is a document that is drawn up by several persons to confirm an established fact, action, or event. Usually, to draw up an act, a commission (permanent or temporary) is created by order of the head of the organization. This document is drawn up on a common form, often having a unified, stencil form. Acts may relate to different cases: liquidation of an institution, acceptance and transfer of any material assets, acceptance of construction projects, inventory, various types of incidents.

The text of the act usually contains three parts: 1) introduction, where the basis for drawing up the document is formally indicated and the persons involved in drawing up the act are listed; 2) the stating part, which sets out the tasks and essence of the work carried out by the members of the commission, its results; 3) the final (optional) part, which contains the conclusions or recommendations of the commission.

Memorandum - a document that is addressed to the head of a given enterprise or a higher organization with notification of the current alarming situation, of any facts or phenomena that interfere with production activities, and contains specific proposals for correcting the situation. Reports can be written at the suggestion of management or on the employee’s own initiative.

The text of the report must be preceded by a title starting with a preposition o (about). An internal report is drawn up on a simple sheet of paper indicating the main details, signed by the compiler, an external report is submitted on the organization’s general letterhead and signed by its head.

Employment contract. As the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes, an employment contract must be concluded with a person applying for work, and in writing. The contract must indicate:

– place of work (name of the employer, its address);

– specific work in a specific specialty or position;

– start date of work and its completion (if concluding a fixed-term contract);

– terms of remuneration;

– responsibilities of the enterprise to ensure labor protection.

The contract may also contain additional conditions that specify the obligations of the parties, for example, leave without pay, advanced training, various kinds of bonuses to the basic salary, etc.

The agreement is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept at the enterprise, the second - with the employee.

Questionnaire. This is a document, the form of which is filled out by those applying for work. The records he makes are documented, after which the personnel service employee certifies their accuracy with a signature and seal. The questionnaire is an integral part of the employee’s personal file (dossier).

Among the main contractual (legal) documents include: request, response to request, proposal (offer), response to proposal, agreement (contract), complaint (claim), response to complaint. These documents reflect the most important stages of the production process of any enterprise (both public and private) of this process. To operate successfully, a manufacturing enterprise must first of all acquire equipment and raw materials for the manufacture of its products, and then sell them. But if this does not bring benefits, it means that the enterprise is functioning idle, and therefore is moving towards bankruptcy. In order to avoid collapse, it is necessary to conduct business this way, i.e. buy and sell in such a way that it is possible not only to pay wages to workers, but also to allocate funds for the development of production. But to do this, you need to know how best to purchase equipment and raw materials, how to sell your products more profitably. All these operations are inevitably accompanied by the execution of certain contract documents. Consequently, any entrepreneur or simply manager needs to have an idea of ​​the standard samples of such documents, understand their details, and be able to draw them up or fill them out, taking into account all the circumstances accompanying commercial transactions. In addition, to carry out external activities, contract documents must contain additional information related to foreign exchange controls by the state.

Request is a commercial document that represents an appeal from the importer (buyer) to the exporter (seller) with a request to provide the necessary information about the latter’s goods (services) and/or to send an offer for the supply (sale) of these goods or provision of services.

The request usually indicates what goods the importer would like to purchase and under what conditions. These are, first of all, the quantity and quality of the product, its brand or model, price, delivery time and means of transportation, terms of payment.

If an enterprise makes frequent purchases from outside, then to speed up the preparation of the request and during commercial correspondence, a unified (standardized) form of this document is used.

Proposal (offer) – a commercial document, which is a statement by the exporter (seller) of the desire to enter into a transaction, indicating its specific conditions. The proposal can be sent to the importer in response to his request or on the initiative of the exporter himself.

The offer usually indicates the name of the product offered, its quantity and quality, price, delivery time, terms of payment, type of packaging and other conditions depending on the nature of the product.

There are fixed and free offers.

If an offer for a particular product is made to only one buyer and a period is specified during which the seller considers himself bound by the terms of the offer, it is called hard. Failure to receive a response from the buyer within the established period is considered a refusal and releases the seller from the offer made.

If an offer is made without any obligation on the part of the seller and is directed to more than one buyer, such as an advertisement, it is called free.

In order to speed up the preparation of proposals, a unified form is used in business correspondence. The characteristics of the details of the proposal form are usually identical to the form of the request form with the exception of three points, namely: instead of Request No., Request Text and Importer Signature is put Proposal No., Proposal Text and Exporter’s Signature.

Response to proposal. There may be two options:

1) the buyer agrees with all terms of the offer. He confirms (accepts) its acceptance to the seller, and the transaction is considered concluded. After this, an order is issued or a contract is concluded;

2) the buyer does not agree with any terms of the offer (quantity, quality, price, terms), which he informs the seller about. The consequence is lengthy correspondence or negotiations.

Contract– a commercial document, which is an agreement for the supply of goods (provision of services, etc.), signed by the seller and the buyer (exporter and importer).

If the products received under the contract do not meet any of the parameters specified therein. In the event of serious violations of the contract in this regard, the buyer company sends a complaint to the seller company.

1) the basis for filing a claim;

2) evidence (examination report, acceptance report or test report and other documents);

3) specific requirements of the injured party, in particular, in the event of a shortage of goods, additional delivery or payment of a certain amount for the missing quantity; in case of poor quality of the goods, replacing it with a high-quality one or marking down the goods already received; in case of other gross violations (delivery deadlines, packaging, etc.) termination of the contract and compensation for direct losses and lost profits.

The complaint must be submitted in writing with the necessary documents attached, which, in support of the claims of the injured party, must have full evidentiary force for both parties. The deadlines for filing claims are determined by law and depend on their nature: in relation to the quantity of goods, their quality, in relation to goods with and without a warranty period, etc.

If the complaint is justified, the result may be: additional delivery of the missing product or a reduction in the total amount of its cost; replacing a low-quality product with a high-quality one or marking it down; payment of a fine, penalty or penalty, if they are provided for in the contract; warning, etc.

If the parties are unable to agree on compensation for damage, the case is referred to the courts provided for in the contract, most often to the arbitration court.


(a brief description of)

The journalistic style functions in the socio-political sphere and is used in public speaking and in the media: on TV, radio, and in periodicals. It is implemented both in written and oral speech. One of the main characteristic features of this style is the combination of two trends expressive tendencies And trends towards standard . This is due to the functions that journalism performs: informational and content function and the function of persuasion, emotional influence . They have a special character in a journalistic style. Information in this area of ​​public activity is addressed to a wide range of people, all native speakers and members of a given society (and not just specialists, as in the scientific field). For the relevance of information, the time factor is very important: information must be transmitted and become publicly known as soon as possible, which is not at all important, for example, in an official business style. In the newspaper-journalistic style, persuasion is carried out through an emotional impact on the reader or listener, therefore the author always expresses his attitude to the information being communicated, but it, as a rule, is not only his personal attitude, but expresses the opinion of a certain social group of people, for example some party, some movement, etc. The tendency towards a standard means the desire of journalism for rigor and information content, which are characteristic of scientific and official business styles. For example, standard for newspaper-journalistic style include steady growth, wide scope, official visit and so on. The tendency towards expressiveness is expressed in the desire for accessibility and figurativeness of the form of expression, which is characteristic of artistic style and colloquial speech - features of these styles are intertwined in journalistic speech. This style is both conservative and flexible. On the one hand, journalistic speech contains a sufficient number of cliches, socio-political and other terms. On the other hand, the desire to convince readers requires more and more new linguistic means to influence them. All the riches of artistic and colloquial speech serve precisely this purpose.

Vocabulary newspaper-journalistic style has a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring, includes colloquial, colloquial and even slang elements. Here we use lexico-phraseological units and phrases that combine functional and expressive-evaluative connotations, for example duping, yellow press, accomplice and so on.; they not only show that they belong to the newspaper-journalistic style of speech, but also contain a negative assessment. Many words acquire a newspaper-journalistic connotation if they are used in a figurative meaning ( This article sparked a discussion). Newspaper and journalistic speech actively uses foreign words and elements of words, in particular prefixes a-, anti-, pro-, neo-, ultra- etc. It is thanks to the media that the active dictionary of foreign words that make up the Russian language has recently been significantly expanded: privatization, electorate, denomination etc. The functional style under consideration includes even proper names, titles of literary works, etc. in the sphere of evaluation. (Plyushkin, Derzhimorda, Man in a Case, etc.). The desire for expressiveness, imagery and, at the same time, brevity is also realized with the help of precedent texts (texts familiar to any average member of a society), which today is an integral part of journalistic speech.

Syntax newspaper and journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with the active use of emotionally and expressively colored constructions: exclamatory sentences of various meanings, interrogative sentences, sentences with appeal, rhetorical questions, repetitions, dissected constructions, etc. The desire for expression determines the use of constructions with colloquial coloring: constructions with particles, interjections, constructions of a phraseological nature, inversions, non-union sentences, ellipses (omission of one or another member of the sentence, structural incompleteness of the construction), etc.

3.6. Language of fiction(a brief description of)

The main distinctive feature of the language of fiction is its purpose. The entire organization of linguistic means in fiction is subordinated not simply to the transfer of content, but to the transfer of artistic means. The main function of the language of fiction is aesthetic (or poetic), for the implementation of which elements of all functional styles and non-literary forms of the national language can be used. The special position of the language of fiction in the system of functional varieties of language also lies in the fact that it has a huge influence on the literary language as a whole. It is no coincidence that the name of the standardized national language includes the definition “literary”. It is writers who form the norms of literary language in their works. When you think about the language of fiction, then, apparently, it is more appropriate to talk not about the culture of speech, but about the talent and skill of the writer in using all the riches and possibilities of the national language.

World of Fiction- this is a “recreated” world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, which means in the artistic style of speech, the most important role is played by the subjective moment. The entire surrounding reality is presented through the author's vision. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. Related to this emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, meaningful diversity of artistic style of speech.

Let's analyze a short excerpt from N. Tolstoy's story "A Foreigner Without Food": “Lera went to the exhibition only for the sake of her student, out of a sense of duty.” "Alina Kruger. Personal exhibition. Life as loss. Free admission." A bearded man and a lady were wandering in an empty hall. He looked at some of the work through a hole in his fist; he felt like a professional. Lera also looked through her fist, but did not notice the difference: all the same naked men on chicken legs, and in the background there were pagodas on fire. The booklet about Alina said: “The artist projects a parable world onto the space of the infinite.” I wonder where and how they teach how to write art criticism texts? They're probably born with it. When visiting, Lera loved to leaf through art albums and, after looking at a reproduction, read what a specialist wrote about it. You see: the boy covered the insect with a net, on the sides there are angels blowing pioneer horns, and in the sky there is a plane with the signs of the zodiac on board. You read: “The artist views the canvas as a cult of the moment, where the stubbornness of details interacts with an attempt to comprehend everyday life.” You think: the author of the text spends little time outdoors, relies on coffee and cigarettes, his intimate life is somehow complicated."

What we have before us is not an objective presentation of the exhibition, but a subjective description of the heroine of the story, behind whom the author is clearly visible. The text is based on a combination of three artistic plans. The first plan is what Lera sees in the paintings, the second is an art history text interpreting the content of the paintings. These plans are expressed stylistically in different ways; the bookishness and abstruseness of the descriptions are deliberately emphasized. And the third plan is the author's irony, which manifests itself through showing the discrepancy between the content of the paintings and the verbal expression of this content, in the assessment of the bearded man, the author of the book text, and the ability to write such art criticism texts.

The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of the style of artistic works includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the verbal polysemy of a word is very widely used, revealing meanings and shades of meaning in it, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meaning. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in a literary text. Many words, which in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory ideas. Thus, the styles are complementary to each other. For example, the adjective “lead” in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning - “lead ore”, “lead bullet”, in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor - “lead clouds”, “lead night”. Therefore, in artistic speech an important role is played by phrases that create a kind of figurative representation.
Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of the word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring.

The syntactic structure of artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative and emotional impressions of the author, so here you can find a whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible in order for the author to highlight some thought or feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. But shaking norms is not the task of writers (with the exception of futurists), it’s just that a creative person is interested in experiments with words, puns and play on words. And all possible deviations in speech serve the law of artistic necessity.

Questions for self-control for section No. 3:

1. What are the grounds for distinguishing functional varieties of language?

2. What are the main functional styles (according to Shmelev’s typology)?

3. What is the fundamental difference between spoken language and other varieties of language? What are the lexical, morphological and syntactic features of spoken language?

4. In what sphere of social activity does the scientific style function? What are its distinctive features?

5. What main scientific genres do you know?

6. What is scientific terminology?

7. What is the scope of functioning of the official business style?

8. What is a document, form, details?

9. What two groups are documents divided into depending on the needs of enterprises and the scope of their use? List the main genres of official business style.

10. What is unique about the language of fiction?

2.1. A stationery document as a special type of text and its linguistic features

The basis of business communication is written texts of a special type, documents. The concept of "document" comes from the Latin documentum(certificate), a material recording medium with information recorded on it, intended for its transmission in time and space. In a narrower sense (official) document is a business document that legally confirms someone’s fact or right to something. The official business style, the main area of ​​application of which is the document, is sometimes called “documentary”.

A comparison of business, scientific, journalistic and artistic texts allows us to identify some general requirements for a document text:

1. All official documents are drawn up in strict accordance with the officially accepted or legalized form.

2. A business document must be precise, concise and specific; The main task of the document compiler is to clearly reflect information that has legal force.

3. The document is designed for written recording and therefore is internally opposed to the colloquial type of speech, which is freer from prohibitions.

4. The document is characterized by frequent repetition and uniformity of speech means due to the fact that the thematic range of business speech is strictly defined, limited, and the situations of its use are relatively few and of the same type.

The limitation of the types of linguistic units used in business texts and the general regulation of the form of documents determine the most important feature of business speech - the high frequency of individual linguistic forms in certain sections of document texts, for example: the absolute predominance of nominative case forms in elements of document design, in texts constructed according to the principle questionnaires and tables. L.V. Shcherba formulated the uniqueness of the business style as follows: “The language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy and the impossibility of false interpretations: speed of understanding is no longer exclusively important in this case.”

The linguistic specificity of a business document is to a large extent a reflection of the originality of its form, which tends towards a template or stereotype. The stereotyping of official business speech is caused by the peculiarities of communication: the repetition of the situations described, taking into account the principles of perception and understanding of speech, its terminology. It is customary to say that a document is not “written”, but “drafted”. Indeed, there is no point in coming up with original introductions, headings, and appeals every time for recurring typical situations. Here it is both more convenient and natural to use a ready-made formula. This is why business style language cliches are an objective necessity. When preparing a document, the following principles must be observed:

1) objective reflection in the text of the content of the official situation;

2) strict correspondence between the composition of information and the type of document;

3) the use of unified speech means - stable phrases, phrases, sentence models, terms that are provided for by state standards, accepted abbreviations, symbols of units of measurement, etc.

The linguistic features of everyday business documentation include:

1) the presence of specific word usages:

a) a person or institution receives a designation in documents taking into account the role they perform in the relevant situation: employer, designer, contractor, supplier, recipient, investor, tenant, plaintiff, defendant, victim, witness, etc.;

b) individual words are used with a special meaning: person - a person, sale - sale, party - a person or institution entering into business contact, matter - a set of documents etc.;

c) some words in phrases turn out to be very common: quality indicator, implementation method, manufacturing method, technical level, production level and so on.;

d) the same type of formula appears many times: bearing in mind, taking into account the above, taking into account, on the one hand... on the other hand, the contracting parties and so on.;

2) writing numerals in digits, with the exception of amounts of monetary documents (invoice, power of attorney, receipt); writing the endings of ordinal numbers, indicated by Arabic numerals, through a hyphen, excluding Roman numerals, after which endings are not written;

3) the use of prepositions to indicate any time limit from – to, but not From to, as well as writing the names of the months in words, for example: from November to December;

4) use of a personal pronoun You and possessive pronoun To you as a form of polite official address, written with a capital letter;

5) highlighting the listed names, preceded by a colon even in the absence of a generalizing word ( I am attaching to the report: a) working drawings, b) fastening calculations); frequent use of capital letters after colons instead of lowercase ones, etc.;

6) widespread use of professional terminology (legal, diplomatic, accounting, etc.), abbreviated words, abbreviated names of various institutions and organizations (see below appendix “Some general rules for the use of abbreviations in the texts of documents” (pp. 139–143) );

7) primary use of means of logical rather than emotional-expressive assessment and the associated rare use of means of figurative speech (metaphors, comparisons, hyperboles and other tropes); absence of dialectisms, slang and colloquial words; very rare use of exclamatory sentences; minimal use of interjections, modals, nominal forms with suffixes of subjective assessment;

8) widespread use of verbal nouns in business texts, especially in – nie(preferred use I ask permission, but not please allow);

9) frequency of constructions with sequential subordination of case forms, usually the genitive case: order of the director of the metal products plant;

10) the use of participial and participial phrases, passive constructions such as: opportunity presents itself, the commission has discovered;

11) the use of impersonal and infinitive sentences with an imperative meaning, for example: must be considered, be ordered to be carried out, must be considered;

12) the absence, as a rule, of direct speech in business texts;

13) frequent presentation of the text in the third person: the board decided, the management petitions; writing orders, statements, reports and explanatory notes in the first person.

2.2. Form of office documents (business papers)

Each document has a certain form of recording texts: linear recording (application, power of attorney), stencil recording (certificates, contracts, educational documents), table (financial statements), questionnaire (personal sheet for personnel records), analogue texts (orders, resolutions).

The unification of the texts of official documents is carried out on the basis of GOSTs and other instructional materials. They fix: requirements for the content of the document - its volume, internal structure; samples of the general form of documents - the composition of the details, their location on the form field, etc.; requirements for the language of documents.

Samples of documents can be found in the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation, as well as in the State System of Documentation Support for Management.

On July 1, 2003, by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated March 3, 2003 No. 65, GOST R 6.30–2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation” was approved and put into effect. The main difference between this state standard and the previously existing standard is its advisory nature. For the first time in the history of domestic standardization, the legislative act does not focus on the mandatory nature of standard requirements.

For the production of official documents, there are two paper formats - A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (148 x 210 mm). All details of the document are placed within the working area of ​​the page, i.e. area of ​​a unified form or form intended to be filled out with basic details. At the edges of the page, a free space is left unfilled—the margins, or edges, of the document. They are designed to secure documents in technical storage devices, as well as to apply special marks and images. The following dimensions of the edges of the sample form for paper size A-4 are established:

o left - 30 mm, and right - 10 mm;

o top - 20 mm; lower - 20 mm.

The details on the document page are placed parallel to the short side of the sheet. In documents that are prepared on A4 sheets and the content of which is in the form of tabular forms, it is possible to place the main details parallel to the long side.

Documents are drawn up mainly on one side of the sheet. If the document is also drawn up on the reverse side, then the left and right banks are swapped accordingly, while the lower and upper remain unchanged.

It is not always possible to place a document on one page. If the document takes up more than one page, you should remember:

o only the signature cannot be transferred to the next page. There must be at least two lines of text;

o only the first page of the document is drawn up on the form. The second and subsequent pages are blank sheets of paper of the same size and quality;

& It is not advisable to tear off one line or word of a sentence from a paragraph and move it to the next page or leave it on the previous one.

Pagination. In documents drawn up on two or more sheets of paper, the pages are numbered. When numbering, you should be guided by the following basic rules:

o numbering starts from the second page;

© numbers are placed in the middle of the top margin of the sheet in Arabic numerals without any dotted marks and the word “page” at a distance of at least 10 mm from the edge;

© if the text is drawn up on both sides of the sheet, then the page numbers are placed at the top along the edge: even numbers on the left, odd numbers on the right.

Categorization of the text. Various types of rubrication are used. The simplest of these is the division into paragraphs. It is possible to use traditional and new rubrication systems. Traditional rubrication is based on the use of Roman (for sections) and Arabic (for paragraphs) numerals. The same type of rubrication means are used in homogeneous parts. The new rubrication system is based on the use of only Arabic numerals. The number of each part includes all the numbers of the corresponding parts of the higher stages of separation, for example:

Traditional rubrication system New rubrication system

Section II 2.

Features of the language of business papers. The language of business papers corresponds to the literary norms of the modern Ukrainian language, which are not directly related to the characteristics of a particular functional style. The requirement for understandability of the language of business papers means the use of well-known words, understandable to all speakers, and official terms in the meaning assigned to them by dictionaries.

However, language is not a passive fixer of the content of a document, but performs an active regulatory function, that is, the selection of linguistic means directly affects the effectiveness of documents. “Business papers are not reading material,” notes A. Koval, “but a means of inducing action. The language of a business document should be subordinated to this goal” 6 .

The person who compiles them must have a good command of the Ukrainian literary language, in particular that version that serves the sphere of business relations and has a written form of expression.

The language used in documents must meet the following basic principles:

1. Oh "objectivity.

The personal aspect in the documents is kept to a minimum. This is achieved by using linguistic units that do not name the face of the speaker or interlocutor and the actions they perform. Here the first person lays out a request (less often a proposal) expressed in a statement, information presented in an autobiography, a report or explanatory note, administrative documents, a letter of recommendation, for example:

Please excuse me from classes...;

I, Vasylishin Bogdan Pavlovich, was born...;

I bring (bring) to your attention...

I didn't show up for class...

I order... I suggest...

I know the applicant...

The objectivity of documents is associated with the use of impersonal constructions - one-part impersonal sentences, the predicate of which is expressed by the infinitive form of verbs, impersonal verbs and predicative forms of verbs na-ka, -that, predicative adverbs, for example: It was proposed to submit for consideration the issue of...

Objectivity provides documents with text presented in a third person, for example: The Commission adopted...; The university guarantees...

2. Standard.

The standardization of documents at the level of linguistic means presupposes the use of ready-made, practice-tested verbal formulas that are easily perceived and accurately describe a situation that is repeated many times. Standardizing the language of documents allows you to reduce the amount of unnecessary information and process it quickly and efficiently. According to engineering psychology, a unified text is perceived 8-10 times faster than the original one. Standardized speech patterns act as a signal of a certain type of information, for example: In order to provide technical assistance...(request letter). If an official refuses a standard presentation, this may mean that this document or case is given special significance due to the exclusivity and unusualness of the situation.

Standardization of the language of business papers occurs mainly at the syntactic and lexical levels. Standard sentences are a type of sentence of a general standard, with a clearly defined order of placement of its constituent parts, sentence members and verbal content of a specific syntactic model, for example: Having heard and considered...; The commission concluded; The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

The main lexical means of standardizing the language of business papers is clericalism!, or cliche.

Clericalism is a word or stable phrase, grammatical form or construction that determines the specifics of the administrative-clerical substyle of the official business style of the literary language. They are characterized by dryness, lack of power, monotony of words, for example:

Statement. Memorandum. Extract from the protocol. Bring to your attention... This fact confirms...

The current trend in most developed countries is to “eliminate red tape.” The clerical style becomes anachronistic and therefore hinders clarity and causes discomfort. One should not be afraid to “allow” into the professional sphere forms characteristic of live speech, which not only will not spoil the style, but, on the contrary, will make it communicatively complete. For example, the expression To date, there is no clarification from the National Bank and DPAUz on this issue can be submitted in this truncated version: There are still no corresponding explanations from the National Bank of TaDPAU regarding this.

The mechanical transfer of verbal formulas (clichés), terminological compounds from business papers into oral speech, journalistic or artistic style gives rise to a linguistic stamp (stencil, pattern, linguistic stereotype with a negative connotation) - an expression that is mechanically reproduced and, as a result of repeated repetition, has lost its imagery and stylistic expressiveness. The use of speech cliches in an inappropriate context is considered a violation of language norms, for example: We need to meet to discuss the issue... instead of We need to meet to discuss...; or I arrived at the rally instead of I came (arrived) at the rally. In a literary text, cliches serve as a stylistic means of creating comedy (Vozny from the play “Natalka Poltavka” by Y. Kotlyarevsky confesses his love to Natasha with the words: I am not able to show you the strength of my love!..").

3. Logical sequence.

All parts of the document are logically connected. This turns out to be within the sentence or text of the document, which are constructed with strict adherence to the sequence of presentation of the material, motivated by the order of arrangement of the semantic parts of the text (introduction, main part, conclusions) and dividing it into paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs.

Linguistic means of implementation are words that indicate cause-and-effect relationships (because; since; since; due to the fact that), emphasize continuity, sequence of events or phenomena (first, together, simultaneously, then, finally), expressing opposition ( not...a), indicating the effectiveness of actions (so, thus, as a result).

Logical consistency presupposes the ability to highlight the main points in a document and make it obvious to the recipient.

4. Clarity of presentation, accuracy of description.

The document must be understandable and not cause ambiguity. This is achieved when the employee penetrates deeply into the essence of the matter and knows how to choose words and expressions that allow him to accurately describe events or phenomena of objective reality, uses terms correctly, and avoids narrowly used professionalisms.

The wording of orders, requests, and instructions requires special precision and clarity.

5. Freedom from contradictions.

There cannot be a semantic contradiction in a document when the arguments contradict each other.

At the same time, the form of expression should not contradict the content of the statement, for example, a request made in the form of an order: Allow me will return to fulfilling their both “connections!

The text of the document is an example of an official business style. Therefore, words and expressions that are colloquial or emotionally charged contradict the stylistic requirements of this style.

6. Persuasiveness.

It is provided with substantiation of the opinion expressed in the document, evidence of the material, accuracy in the selection of digital information and facts.

What makes a business paper convincing is also the ability to place the material - everything important should be presented in the document, and the rest will be presented in the form of attachments.

7. Conciseness,

A document that is laconic is respected if it does not contain a wealth of argumentation, unnecessary words, and is repeated.

Conciseness can be achieved by using simple sentences, generally accepted abbreviations, symbols, and standard figures of speech.

Make sure that each aspect of the coverage of the issue takes its place in the text of the document and is not repeated. & Completeness of information.

A document is called complete, the content of which exhausts all the circumstances related to the resolution of the issue.

The purpose of a business paper is to convey information correctly and unambiguously. Therefore, when drawing up an official paper, it is important to know and take into account features of language and style modern correspondence, as well as compliance with the requirements design requirements. Failure to comply with these conditions makes it difficult to work with documents and deprives them of legal and practical significance.
Features of the form and content of the document
The text of any document must meet the following requirements:

1.clarity and understandability,
2.brevity, 3.completeness,

The requirements for the written execution of business papers consist of the requirements stipulated by regulatory documents; norms and rules of the Russian language; taking into account the peculiarities of business style; norms and rules of business etiquette, manifested in the form of presentation of linguistic material in the text.

The manual examines in detail the requirements for the preparation of personal documents, taking into account their genre specificity, and also provides samples of personal papers: statements, applications, autobiographies, resumes, receipts, powers of attorney, memos, explanatory notes, business letters

4. Oratory speech. Types and causes of language errors and communication failures. Oratorical speech is a type of monologue speech used in a situation where the speaker addresses a large audience with the goal of persuasion. The speaker’s speech has its own characteristics of composition and style, as well as a special relationship between linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication. There are several main qualities that distinguish oratory from other types of speech. The speaker addresses the people with an oratorical speech - not only to convey information to the listener, but also to receive a response in the form of interest (to convince) or some kind of action (to motivate).

23. Main types of management documents, rules of execution and preparation.
Among management documents, organizational and administrative documents are distinguished (therefore they are also called organizational and administrative documents). The first of them include: the charter, structure and staffing of the management apparatus, staffing table, internal labor regulations or personnel regulations, regulations on the structural unit of the enterprise, job description. Administrative documents include: order, order, instruction, instruction. Separately, information and reference documents are also distinguished, such as a protocol, act, reporting and explanatory notes, certificates, etc., and documents on the personnel of the enterprise: a standard employment contract, application, questionnaire, characteristics, etc. Next, we will talk only about the main documents that any employee of an enterprise or institution encounters in one way or another. From the organizational subgroup we will focus only on the job description, from the subgroup of administrative documents - mainly on the order, and from the information and reference subgroups and on the personnel of the enterprise - on all of the above.

Job description. This document specifies the functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee of a certain category. The main provisions of the job description are the basis of the employment agreement with a particular employee. This instruction is also necessary in the event of labor disputes or conflict situations in the relationship between employees and employers.

There is no single job description for workers and employees working at different enterprises. Typically, specific instructions are created by employees of the enterprise’s personnel service, agreed upon with the legal adviser and approved by the head of the enterprise. If it is necessary to make significant changes to it, a corresponding order from the head of the enterprise is issued. We present a possible form of job description (Fig. 8).

Order. The most common type of administrative document found in management practice. An order is a legal act that is issued by the head of enterprises and institutions (or the heads of their departments) operating on the basis of unity of command. The order is issued for the purpose of carrying out certain activities aimed at improving the activities of the organization or solving personnel issues.

The title of the order begins with a preposition o (about) with adding a verbal noun: About appointment, About approval..

An order, like other administrative documents, usually contains two parts: stating and administrative. The first of them is an introduction to the essence of the issue under consideration. The second part begins with the word I ORDER, which is printed in capital letters, then the order itself follows on a new line. It must be specific, clear, with wording that does not allow for different interpretations, indicating the executors and deadlines for execution, as well as the person who is entrusted with monitoring the execution of the order.

The details of the order include: the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the name of the department or organization, the type of document, as well as the date, index, place of preparation, title, text, signature, and, if necessary, a mark of approval. A sample order is shown in Figure 9.

Order. In its purpose and nature, this document is close to an order, but is usually issued on operational issues of the daily production, economic and administrative activities of the enterprise. Its text must contain: a specific task, indications of the responsible person and deadline. Orders should be drawn up on the general letterhead of the enterprise; they are signed by the manager or his deputy. A sample order is shown in Fig. 10.

Protocol. There are full and short protocols. Complete minutes are drawn up if a particularly important meeting, meeting, or meeting is taking place. The main part of it is occupied by sections, each of which is directly related to the agenda item and is built according to a scheme. WE LISTENED, SPEAKED, DECIDED (DECIDED). The last section is the most important and contains strict, clear formulations that guide the implementation of the issues under consideration.

The brief minutes only indicate the issues under consideration, the names of the speakers and the decisions taken collectively. Only in cases of special necessity can completely separate speeches or proposals be included in the summary minutes.

The minutes must be signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting (meeting).

Sample protocols are shown in Fig. 11 and 12.

Act. It is a document that is drawn up by several persons to confirm an established fact, action, or event. Usually, to draw up an act, a commission (permanent or temporary) is created by order of the head of the organization. This document is drawn up on a common form, often having a unified, stencil form. Acts may relate to different cases: liquidation of an institution, acceptance and transfer of any material assets, acceptance of construction projects, inventory, various types of incidents.

The text of the act usually contains three parts: 1) introduction, where the basis for drawing up the document is formally indicated and the persons involved in drawing up the act are listed; 2) the stating part, which sets out the tasks and essence of the work carried out by the members of the commission, its results; 3) the final (optional) part, which contains the conclusions or recommendations of the commission. An example of an act is shown in Fig. 13.

Memorandum. It is a document that is addressed to the head of a given enterprise or a higher organization with notification of the current alarming situation, of any facts or phenomena interfering with production activities, and contains specific proposals for correcting the situation. Reports can be written at the suggestion of management or on the employee’s own initiative.

The text of the report must be preceded by a title starting with a preposition o (about). An internal report is drawn up on a simple sheet of paper indicating the main details, signed by the compiler, an external report is submitted on the organization’s general letterhead and signed by its head. A sample of an internal memorandum is shown in Fig. 14.

Explanatory letter. This document contains an indication of the addressee, text, most often compiled in free form, explaining the reasons for any violation in the production process, the date and signature of the originator.

Employment contract. As the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes, an employment contract must be concluded with a person applying for work, and in writing. The contract must indicate:

– place of work (name of the employer, its address);

– specific work in a specific specialty or position;

– start date of work and its completion (if concluding a fixed-term contract);

– terms of remuneration;

– responsibilities of the enterprise to ensure labor protection.

The contract may also contain additional conditions that specify the obligations of the parties, for example, leave without pay, advanced training, various kinds of bonuses to the basic salary, etc.

The agreement is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept at the enterprise, the second - with the employee.

Questionnaire. This is a document, the form of which is filled out by those applying for work. The records he makes are documented, after which the personnel service employee certifies their accuracy with a signature and seal. The questionnaire is an integral part of the employee’s personal file (dossier).

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