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Head of Administrative Operations: what a specialist should know and be able to do. AHO specialist - who is he? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management



01.06.2009 _ № _37_ CEO

(date) (number) (manager position)

Moscow Ivanov

(signature) (signature decryption)


(date of)

Head of administrative and economic department


1.4. The head of the administrative and economic department is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director.

1.5. The head of the administrative and economic department reports directly to the Deputy General Director for General Issues.


Head of administrative and economic department:

2.1. Provides economic maintenance and proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection of buildings and premises in which the organization's divisions are located, as well as control over the serviceability of equipment (elevators, lighting, heating systems, ventilation, etc.).

2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets (buildings, water supply systems, air ducts and other structures), and in the preparation of estimates of business expenses.

2.4. Provides departments of the organization with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and management work, monitors their safety and timely repairs.

2.5. Organizes the preparation of the necessary documents for concluding contracts for the provision of services, receiving and storing office supplies, necessary household materials, equipment and inventory, providing them to structural units, as well as keeping records of their expenditure and drawing up established reporting.

2.6. Controls the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

2.7. Organizes reception, registration and necessary services for delegations and persons arriving on business trips. Supervises landscaping, landscaping and cleaning of the territory, festive decoration of building facades and entrances.

2.8. Organizes economic and logistical support for meetings, conferences, seminars and other events.

2.9. Performs work on organizing timekeeping, rational nutrition of workers during lunch breaks, drawing up vacation schedules and working hours.

2.10. Ensures the implementation of fire prevention measures and maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.

2.11. Takes measures to introduce communications, computing and organizational technology.

2.12. Manages department employees.

The head of the administrative and economic department has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization concerning the activities of the department headed.

3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed by him and the work of the department he heads.

3.3. Submit proposals to improve the department’s activities for consideration by the head of the organization.

3.4. Interact with the heads of other structural divisions of the organization.

3.5. Sign (endorse) documents within your competence.

3.6. Make proposals to the management of the organization to encourage department employees and impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.


The head of the administrative and economic department is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s duties stipulated by the employment contract and this job description.

4.2. For causing material damage to the organization.

4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated January 1, 2001 No. 25

(name of the position of the immediate supervisor

(head of structural unit) (signature) (signature transcript)


I have read this job description.

I received one copy

and I undertake to keep it at work Smirnov

(signature) (signature decryption)


Legal Advisor _ Chernova ___

(legal service officials visa) (signature) (signature transcript)


____________________________ __________ ________________

(legal service official) (signature) (signature transcript)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Head of the Economic Department.
1.2. The head of the economic department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.3. The head of the economic department reports directly to _____________________________.
1.4. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of Head of the Economic Department.
1.5. The head of the economic department must know:
- resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to administrative and economic services; structure of the enterprise (institution, organization) and prospects for its development; procedure for maintaining time sheets; means of communication, computing and organizational technology; procedure and deadlines for reporting; means of mechanization of manual labor; the procedure for purchasing equipment, furniture, inventory, office supplies and processing payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management; labor legislation; Internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.
1.6. During the temporary absence of the Head of the Economic Department, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.
Note. The functional responsibilities of the Head of the Economic Department are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of the Head of the Economic Department and can be supplemented and clarified when preparing the job description based on specific circumstances.
Head of the economic department:
2.1. Provides economic maintenance and proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection of buildings and premises in which divisions of the enterprise (institution, organization) are located, as well as monitoring the serviceability of equipment (elevators, lighting, heating, ventilation systems, etc. ).
2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets (buildings, water supply systems, air pipelines and other structures), and in the preparation of estimates of business expenses.
2.3. Organizes repairs of premises, monitors the quality of repair work.
2.4. Provides departments of the enterprise (institution, organization) with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and management work, monitors their safety and timely repairs.
2.5. Organizes the preparation of the necessary documents for concluding contracts for the provision of services, receipt and storage of necessary household materials, equipment and inventory, provides them to structural units, as well as keeping records of their expenditure and drawing up established reporting.
2.6. Controls the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.
2.7. Organizes reception, registration and necessary services for delegations and persons arriving on business trips. Supervises landscaping, landscaping and cleaning of the territory, festive decoration of building facades and entrances.
2.8. Organizes business services for meetings, conferences, seminars and other events.
2.9. Performs work on organizing timekeeping, rational nutrition of workers during lunch breaks, drawing up vacation schedules and working hours.
2.10. Ensures the implementation of fire prevention measures and maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.
2.11. Takes measures to introduce communications, computing and organizational technology.
2.12. Manages department employees.
The head of the economic department has the right:
3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
3.2. Monitor the implementation of tasks and work, timely completion of individual orders and tasks by subordinate services and employees.
3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Head of the Economic Department.
3.4. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the Head of the Economic Department.
3.5. Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations and institutions when resolving issues within the competence of the Head of the Economic Department.
The head of the economic department is responsible for:
4.1. Results and efficiency of the department's production activities.
4.2. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties, as well as for the results of the work of the economic department.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the state of the department's work.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the director of the enterprise.
4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that create a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.
4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by department employees.
5.1. The work schedule of the Head of the Economic Department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
5.2. Due to production needs, the Head of the Economic Department may go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. To resolve operational issues to ensure the production activities of the department, the Head of the Economic Department may be allocated official vehicles.
6.1. The exclusive sphere of activity of the Head of the Economic Department is to ensure the economic needs of the enterprise, determined by the functional responsibilities of the Head of the Economic Department.
6.2. To ensure his activities, the head of the economic department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

I have read the instructions: ___________________ /________________
(signature) (full name)
"___"____________ ____ G.

The position of head of the administrative and economic department (ACD), as a rule, exists in enterprises with more than 100 employees. In other cases, the functions of the head of the administration and the entire department are performed by the secretary (up to 25 people), as well as the office manager or supply manager (up to 100 people).

The head of the maintenance department supervises the work of repair teams (locksmiths, plumbers, etc.), general workers, and cleaners. In relatively small organizations (up to 600 people), security, transport (drivers and mechanics) and warehouse services (storekeeper) usually fall under his command. At large enterprises and in educational institutions, the position of the head of the administrative department corresponds to the position of the deputy director for administrative and administrative department or administrative department (administrative department or work).

Responsibilities of the head of the administrative office.

The head of the administrative office is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of premises and associated areas, taking into account sanitary and fire safety standards. He organizes current and major repairs of buildings, enters into service contracts with utility and communication service providers. He provides workers with consumables for housekeeping and office supplies, and, in agreement with the director, with furniture and office equipment.

Work as the head of the administrative office assumes responsibility for servicing delegations visiting the enterprise.

The financial responsibility imposed by job responsibilities forces the head of the administrative office to work in close cooperation with the accounting department.

The head of the administrative office maintains reports on the activities of the department. Rewards, punishments, hiring and dismissal of department employees are carried out by the director on the recommendation of the head of the administrative office.

Such a variety of responsibilities requires the head of the administrative office to have high communication skills (the ability to communicate at any level), responsibility, discipline, punctuality, mobility, independence, and stress resistance. He must have skills in working with documents, universal engineering and technical knowledge.

Such a position can be applied for by a person with a higher professional or secondary specialized education and work experience in this field of at least 2 and 5 years, respectively. Most often, due to the specific requirements, these are males 30-45 years old (women occupy the positions of office manager and caretaker in small institutions). Depending on the region and the enterprise, the salary of the head of the administrative and maintenance department in Russia ranges from 1000 to 2000 in dollar equivalent.

Almost every large enterprise with more than 100 employees has an ACS. The meaning of this abbreviation is administrative and economic department. This service performs many functions in the company that are very important for ensuring the normal functioning of the company. The coordinated work of the employees of the Administration itself and its interaction with other departments are necessary for the prosperity of any organization.

The need for ACS

In small enterprises with a small number of employees and the volume of products produced or work performed, the functions of administrative management employees can be performed by secretaries and office managers. Medium-sized organizations also usually do not require the ACS service, the decoding of which is known to any student of the Faculty of Economics. At these enterprises, all issues related to ensuring the normal operation of the company are carried out by the supply manager. A full-fledged administrative and economic department exists only in large enterprises, where the number of employees is so high that one person simply cannot ensure the functioning of all departments in normal mode.

Functions of the unit

ACS performs many functions. The decoding of this abbreviation indicates the main issues that are within the competence of the department’s employees. They solve various economic problems, i.e., ensure the functioning of all other departments of the company. The employees of the administrative and economic department are in charge of:

1. Timely provision of the company with various material assets used for the work of the organization’s employees.

2. Organization of storage, issuance and accounting of various valuables acquired for the needs of the enterprise.

3. Organization of full maintenance of all company premises, control over the implementation of this maintenance, elimination of deficiencies.

4. Search for organizations and conclude contracts with them for the provision of utilities, maintenance of electrical networks, communication networks.

5. Timely repair of company premises and various property.

6. Monitoring compliance with fire safety rules.

7. Ensuring the necessary protection of company property.

8. Providing material and technical needs during meetings and meetings of delegations of other companies for negotiations.

9. Organization of favorable conditions for work and rest for employees provided for by law.

10. for received goods and materials.

Some of the listed functions may be assigned to other departments or performed jointly with them. For example, protecting property and order in an organization may be the responsibility of the security service.

Department structure

The department is headed by the head of the administration. As a rule, he has a deputy who takes control of the execution of part of the work and also replaces the boss during his absence. There are several more employees subordinate to them. An ordinary AO specialist may be responsible for a specific area of ​​the company’s activities, or he may simultaneously solve several problems together with his colleagues. The list of functions of both the head of the calving department and his entire team is determined by the job description of the Administrative Office for each of the employees.

Head of Administrative Operations

The head of the administrative office bears full responsibility for the performance of the functions of the department. The decoding of this abbreviation is found in many orders of the general director of the company, since the division is assigned an extensive list of responsibilities. The head of the administrative and economic department must not only organize its work, but also monitor the implementation of all instructions given to employees.

Manager's powers

The head of the administration usually reports to the general director of the organization and has a large number of powers that allow him to carry out the instructions of the head of the company. In many organizations, he can, acting on behalf of the general director, independently resolve the following issues:

1. Conclude contracts for the supply of material assets and the provision of necessary organization of work with various third-party companies. The choice of these companies and the terms of cooperation are entirely under the control of the head of the administrative office.

2. Distribute official responsibilities among employees within their department and in accordance with the labor regulations adopted in the organization and job descriptions of employees.

3. Conduct personnel selection for the administrative and economic department, evaluate the quality of work of your employees.

Material liability

Employees of the AHO (this abbreviation means administrative and economic department), including the head of the department, are financially responsible for the valuables or funds transferred to them for temporary storage. Despite the fact that most payments to suppliers are now carried out by bank transfer, specialists can receive quite large sums for the purchase of various materials. If the enterprise has a warehouse in which items necessary for the organization’s activities are stored, then the administrative management employees who have access to it and are responsible for issuing valuables to other employees of the enterprise bear financial responsibility for it.

Collaboration with other departments

Almost all employees of various departments of a large organization have at least once encountered the abbreviation AHO, the decoding of which is familiar to everyone. Each structural unit of the company is associated with certain aspects of its activities:

1. Production department. Enterprises usually supply equipment and various materials for the production of finished products. However, the administrative and economic department ensures the functioning of the purchased means of labor. Its specialists monitor the uninterrupted supply of water and heat. AHO employees are also responsible for cleaning production areas.

2. Legal department. Employees of these structures are in constant contact with each other. The contracts that the head of the administrative management company plans to conclude are subject to verification and approval. In turn, employees of the economic department provide normal working conditions for legal service specialists.

3. Accounting. AHO employees report to accounting employees for funds issued to them for the purchase of material assets or payment for contractors’ services.

It is impossible to imagine an office without administrative workers: secretaries, clerks, clerical workers... Often employers think that administrative vacancies are easy to “fill.” But it should be borne in mind that the requirements for secretariat employees vary significantly: different professions require different experience, knowledge, skills, personal qualities, and provide different career opportunities.

State operatorscall-center calls potential clients with offers of goods or services. When visitors arrive at the office, they are greeted by receptionist. The office manager, while the visitor is waiting to be received, will offer him tea or coffee. And if at some point the flow of clients stops, then he cleans up the room for visitors, lays out magazines, and waters the flowers. At the same time, there is an employee administrative and economic department, who dispatches couriers and drivers and monitors the availability of office supplies. Every leader has personal secretary, and among senior managers - also personal assistants. To complete the picture, you can add PC operators filling out databases, printing all documentation, price lists; office workers those involved in preparing internal documentation and issuing certificates; clerks, maintaining documentation, performing accounting; and archivists. Well, if a company works with foreign clients or enters the international market, it also needs competent translators.

Finding a specialist who will ideally meet certain requirements is not easy. The responsibilities of the same positions in different organizations can vary significantly. For example, in a small company, a secretary often combines the duties of a receptionist, office manager, secretary-translator and assistant manager. A large organization, for example, may have an extensive administrative service, where each specialist is engaged in solving a fairly narrow range of tasks.

Call center employee

This is perhaps one of the lowest paid, but at the same time very popular positions of all office services. A call center employee must answer calls and call potential clients. Five working days a week from morning to evening, dialing number after number from a telephone directory or database, he hears the answer to a pre-prepared phrase: “Thanks, no need” - and this is in the best case. No matter what, you need to speak correctly, explain clearly, carefully record all information, systematize it, and regularly report to management. Not everyone can withstand such a load. In addition, for an employee holding this position, such personal qualities as resistance to stress, patience, optimism, friendliness are important; he must have good diction, the ability to negotiate, expressive, competent speech, and most importantly, the gift of persuasion


As a rule, the minimum requirements are: education at least secondary specialized, basic computer knowledge, no work experience possible. The personal qualities most often listed in advertisements are sociability and friendliness. Highly paid vacancies require special knowledge and proficiency in English. If we talk about age, the lower limit is often 20 years (many believe that young ambitious girls will not be able to do painstaking, monotonous work), the upper age limit is 40–55 years.

Reception secretary

Typically, the vacancy of a receptionist (reception secretary) is opened by companies whose offices receive a large number of telephone calls or many visitors. Typically, a receptionist answers incoming calls, distributes and switches calls to company employee numbers, receives faxes, makes appointments for clients, escorts visitors or explains how to get to the desired room, in addition, receives and distributes mail, including email . Sometimes, with a large flow of both visitors and incoming calls, two girls are invited to the positions of reception secretary and telephone secretary; in some cases, the reception secretary performs additional functions, for example, office manager.

For many, the position of a receptionist is the first step in their career; the next are assistant secretary, office manager, executive assistant, assistant manager or manager.


For a receptionist, external appearance, charm, and speech culture are of great importance, which means that young (in 99% of cases under 30 years old) girls with a pleasant appearance are invited to work. For offices where there are foreigners among visitors, knowledge of languages ​​is required. Education not lower than secondary specialized (again, depending on the contingent of visitors). Work experience is not one of the mandatory requirements for applicants, but is their competitive advantage. Among the personal qualities required are kindness, the ability to restrain one’s emotions, and patience. If your responsibilities include working with documents, then knowledge of the basics of office work and a computer at the user level is required.

Office Manager

The office manager is responsible for ensuring the functioning of the office. He coordinates the work of secretaries and other “junior” office employees, and can deal with issues of renting and repairing premises. In small companies, there is often only one office manager, but in large companies there are administrative and business departments, each employee of which has a narrow specialization, for example, he deals with booking tickets and hotel reservations for management or controls a certain group of service providers for the office.

The profession of office manager opens up broad career horizons. Firstly, a successful office manager, if desired, can become, for example, an administrator of a large hotel or store. Secondly, he is an excellent communicator and can find his own expression as an HR manager (with the appropriate education, of course). Thirdly, he can become a manager’s assistant or a major economic figure, for example, the head of the supply department.


Mandatory requirements for applicants for this position include higher education, knowledge of English and work experience.

Secretary (referent secretary)

Secretary-assistant is the most in-demand profession among administrative personnel (45% of requests on the vacancy market). True, many applicants believe that this position does not require special training and professionalism; some imagine that secretarial work means making coffee and answering calls.

In fact, today the range of responsibilities of secretaries is much wider. Thus, 63% of employers require computer knowledge, a quarter - office management, 16% - English. Moreover, it is noted that in this case the “cost” of the employee increases by approximately $300.

The minimum offer for a secretary position in Moscow is 9,000 rubles. As a rule, it is mainly students and applicants who have lost time during admission who agree to such a salary. This requires general computer knowledge, ability to conduct telephone conversations and serve coffee. The maximum offer is 45,000 rubles. This is actually a secretary - assistant manager. To get this position, you need not only to be an excellent professional, but also to understand the specifics of your immediate boss’s business. As a rule, such secretaries are the right hand of the manager. They may get a call at three in the morning and be asked to urgently send important documents or book a plane ticket.


The list of requirements for secretaries and assistant secretaries is quite extensive: punctuality, discipline, organizational skills, attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, goodwill, knowledge of etiquette, optimism, energy, high typing speed, ability to handle office equipment and mini-PBX, knowledge of 1C. The secretary must have a presentable appearance, competent speech and good diction. Three quarters of job advertisements contain age restrictions. The age range is quite wide – from 18 to 45 years. However, most vacancies are addressed to secretaries aged 20 to 30–35 years. Slightly more than half of employers give preference to women; for the rest, the gender of the secretary does not matter.

In recent years, it has become important for employers that the secretary fits harmoniously into the company's style. Applicants are already accustomed to the fact that in serious organizations, during an interview, the employer is interested not only in the professional knowledge of the applicant, but also in his horizons. Managers often ask non-standard questions to test the logic of thinking, test analytical skills and the ability to answer questions reasonably, and pay attention to the ability to make independent decisions and professional potential.

Personal assistant

This is the highest level of a secretarial career. In the Russian table of ranks, the position “personal assistant” appeared at the dawn of the 90s, when business actively borrowed and adapted Western models. Since then, the personal assistant has gone through a long journey of transformation, turning from a doll-like beauty who sat in the reception area and served, first of all, as the face of the company, into a proven professional, the “right hand” of the boss. But it is too early to talk about the flourishing of this profession in Russia: its popularity is relatively low. The universities that provide relevant specialized education can be counted on one hand. Personal assistants themselves often view their position only as a step in their career. As a result, today there is a shortage of qualified specialists on the Russian market.

The responsibilities of a personal assistant include planning the manager’s working day, conducting office work and business correspondence, visa support for the manager, and monitoring the execution of his orders. Often the assistant acts as a simultaneous interpreter during negotiations.


In some companies, personal assistants perform part of the functions of a personnel manager and PR manager. Accordingly, a candidate for this position is required to have the ability to find contact with a manager, independence, and social maturity, which is why today many companies are raising the age limit for personal assistants to 35–40 years. One of the requirements for a personal assistant is psychological compatibility with the manager and willingness to work in irregular hours. The boss may work on weekends and holidays and stay late. A personal assistant has to work at the same pace, and not every candidate agrees to this.

PC operator

Some managers sometimes call PC operators typists in the old fashioned way, or, at best, typists. However, the difference between the requirements for a Soviet typist and a modern PC operator is quite significant, since for the first the main criteria for professionalism were typing speed and literacy, and today the ability to type text, albeit at high speed and without errors, is clearly not enough.

If an employee copes with all assigned responsibilities, it is possible that over time he will begin to move up the career ladder. Therefore, the profession of a PC operator can be considered to a certain extent as a starting one, because not everyone’s health will allow them to sit at a computer all their lives.


In addition to accuracy, attentiveness, and diligence, employers highlight such requirements as work experience, higher or secondary specialized education, knowledge of the 1C program (this is in addition to the basic computer programs - Word, Excel, MS Office, Corеldraw, Photoshop). At the same time, 74% of employers prefer to see women as PC operators. Additional requirements include knowledge of office work, primary accounting documents and English, good memory, ability to work in a team, high efficiency and good appearance. Of personal qualities, the main thing is attentiveness. Ability to learn, determination and resistance to stress are also valued.

Employers are quite liberal only in relation to the age of applicants, although the most popular age can be considered from 22 to 35 years. At the same time, the age corridor can be expanded to 18–50 years.

Head of Documentation Management Service (DOU)

Perhaps every office has this service or at least an employee responsible for documentation support for management. In small companies, all document management falls on the shoulders of one person, who sometimes combines this work with other administrative functions. In larger companies, the structure of the preschool educational institution includes a secretary-clerk, an archivist, a manager and a director.

Typically, the head of a preschool educational institution is responsible for the functions of general control of office work and document flow, archive work, as well as the activities of department employees.

Often, former clerks or secretaries with extensive work experience and document management skills become the head of a preschool educational institution.


As a rule, the age and qualification characteristics of applicants for this position are important for employers. Thus, you need at least three years of work experience, education corresponding to the company’s profile, knowledge of regulatory documents and GOSTs, diligence, accuracy, and punctuality. In rare cases, knowledge of English is required. The usual age range is 30–50 years.


The position of office secretary exists in some banking, financial institutions, law firms and large organizations with a significant volume of document flow.

Typically, a clerk receives, sends and sorts documents, letters and other business papers by importance, keeps records and controls them in special journals, and prepares materials for the manager.


For excellent work, a clerk needs good long-term and operative memory, emotional stability, high noise immunity, the ability to concentrate for a long time, as well as tolerance for numerous contacts, business communication skills, constructive perception of criticism addressed to him, specialized education and skills in working with documents. In rare cases, employers require knowledge of electronic document management systems.


Not all companies have the position of archivist; often the clerk takes over his functions. But if the volume of document flow is significant, then a separate employee is needed to maintain the archive.


The position of an archivist in an office requires knowledge of computer programs (sometimes electronic document management systems), higher education, work experience, and the ability to use databases. Personal qualities that are important are perseverance, diligence, accuracy, and attentiveness.

Head of the office

The manager (or manager) organizes the work of the office, ensures timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to its destination, monitors the deadlines for the execution of documents and their correct execution (that is, partially assumes the functions of a clerk), organizes registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural units of documents of current office work, including orders and instructions from management, on the formation of cases and their depositing, ensures the printing and reproduction of official documents, participates in the preparation of meetings convened by management and organizes their technical maintenance, execution of travel documents , registration of employees arriving on a business trip is managed by office workers.


The head of the office must know the workflow schemes; regulatory documents and GOSTs, the procedure for compiling a nomenclature of files, inventories of permanent and temporary storage cases, established reporting; deadlines and procedure for submitting files to the archive; systems for organizing control over the execution of documents, labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection. Employers also require compulsory secondary vocational education from the applicant, but are not critical of work experience. If the candidate has primary vocational education, then work experience in the specialty must be at least three years. Some organizations require knowledge of English.

Employees of the administrative and economic department (AHO)

The Administrative and Maintenance Department is responsible for the economic support of the office. In a small company (10–30 people), as a rule, all issues related to its supply and solving other administrative and economic tasks fall on the shoulders of the manager and secretary. Typically, the secretary is delegated the authority to purchase office supplies, consumables, and control the cleaning of premises. All other problems fall on the shoulders of the company’s management: this includes resolving issues related to the improvement of the office, and contacts with utility, state and municipal regulatory authorities.

The need for a separate employee involved in administrative and economic activities arises in companies with a staff of 30 or more people. In companies with a staff of 100 or more employees, the administrative and economic work is already handled by the department. All tasks assigned to this or an employee are clearly stated in the job description.

As a rule, the head of the administrative office is responsible for the smooth functioning of the office. His responsibilities include general monitoring of the condition of the office, other premises and territories of the company, planning major repairs, and drawing up cost estimates for business needs. He also conducts all contractual work with service organizations and interacts with state and municipal regulatory authorities.


In most cases, men aged 30–45 are invited to administrative and economic work, not necessarily with higher education, with 2–3 years of work experience and the ability to lead a team. Such qualities as honesty, loyalty to the company, and independence are also required.


The profession of a translator is considered one of the most prestigious and in demand. And nowadays, knowledge of a foreign language is an indispensable guarantee of a high salary and rapid career growth. However, first you need to get a linguistic education, which at all times has been a task of increased complexity. Now in prestigious universities the competition for translation departments sometimes reaches 30 people per place. In addition, admission and subsequent training require significant material costs.

Often employees have to combine the functions of a translator and a secretary; manager, assistant manager and translator.


Mandatory requirements: work experience, knowledge of two languages, business translation skills, literacy.

Market Trends

So, nowadays more and more administrators are needed, and companies, according to the Vivat Personnel personnel center, are ready to offer them promising jobs with very decent pay (see Table 1).

Table 1

Salaries of administrative specialists (Moscow and regions)

Job title

Suggested salary$




Personal assistant


Office Manager

Reception secretary

Call center operator

PC operator


Head of the Office

Head of preschool educational institution



Head of Administrative Operations

AHO employee

At the same time, the offered salaries often exceed the requests of applicants (with the exception of employees of the administrative and economic department, who assess their “worth” based on their terms of reference, while the offered salaries depend on the size of the company) (see Table 2).

table 2

Salaries of administrative specialists: proposals and expectations (Moscow and regions)

Employers' offer

Applicant Expectations

Personal assistant


Office Manager

Reception secretary

Call center operator

PC operator


Head of the Office

Head of preschool educational institution



Head of Administrative Operations

AHO employee

The situation in Moscow and the regions is different

If in Moscow students often go into “administration” and look at these positions as a springboard at the beginning of a career path, then in the regions the percentage of working students is lower (administrative positions are perceived there as a permanent place of work). Often, workers purposefully build a career in the administrative sector, growing from a telephone operator to the head of the secretariat or the head of the office. Therefore, on the regional market, applicants offer their experience (standardly 2–3 years) and qualifications. Many candidates know accounting programs, English, the basics of document management, GOSTs and regulations. In many ways, this situation is due to the fact that in Moscow, unlike in the regions, there are more offices and the terms of reference of each employee are narrower. Accordingly, companies in the capital can hire a presentable-looking student as a receptionist to meet visitors and answer calls. In the regions, this position will also have to perform some administrative functions, for example, supervise office cleaning, purchase office supplies, manage couriers, and manage paperwork. All this creates a situation of “staff shortage” in the regions: there are specialists, and qualified specialists, but with traditionally lower wages than in Moscow, companies cannot provide a level of income that corresponds to their functionality.

Salaries in the administrative sector are growing steadily: over the past six months they have increased by an average of 9–11% (and wage growth in the regions is more intense than in the capital). But there is currently a shortage of qualified candidates in the market, especially receptionists and, oddly enough, executive assistants. Although this position is the most popular among job seekers, often their experience and professional skills do not match the employer's requirements.

Accordingly, the demand for professional secretaries always exceeds supply. There are no seasonal fluctuations in the administrative sector, with the exception of the summer months. Then the excess of demand over supply for low-skilled positions (call center operator, PC operator, receptionist) is reduced due to students wanting to “earn extra money.”

If we talk about the state of the job seeker market, it can be noted that competition in the administrative sector is quite low. Firstly, men practically do not participate in competition, except for the position of assistants or personal assistants to managers. Secondly, serious competition exists only in the middle range of the salary bracket, and the presence of minor competitive advantages (experience, higher education, knowledge of a foreign language) makes it possible to realistically qualify for the upper limit of the range.

Looking through the eyes of the applicant

Most companies experience turnover of administrative staff. “Good places” are vacated due to career growth and maternity leave of their owners. According to the observations of the Vivat Personnel personnel center, recently the length of time a candidate can work in one place has been reduced from one and a half years to six months, and often to 2-3 months (for example, administrative personnel in the media). This is largely due to the fact that applicants often view the position of secretary, clerk or office manager as “temporary” (40% of candidates).

If you look at the supply market through the eyes of candidates, then for them an important characteristic of a potential job is the prospect of career growth or professional development. This is especially true for applicants for the positions of reception secretary and assistant. Secretarial positions are often, and with good reason, considered entry-level positions. It is in those organizations where there is an opportunity for growth that the most active, trained and educated employees come. This trend is not typical for the position of a personal assistant, since it is gradually becoming an independent profession that requires high qualifications.

And therefore, many job seekers believe that the position of a personal assistant is the “ceiling” of a career in the field of office administration, but this is not so. In a large company, an executive assistant may rise to become the head of the secretariat, executive director, or deputy director for administrative matters. An office manager also has chances for career growth, for example, he can become an administrative director.

In addition, work in the administrative field provides an opportunity to become familiar with all areas of the organization's activities and understand what exactly is most interesting. You can get additional education (if necessary) and further develop your career in your chosen direction.

O.M. Khmel, Head of Administrative Personnel Recruitment, International Personnel Center “Vivat Personnel”