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How relevant is the business of raising turkeys at home? Home-breeding turkeys

Some terminology:

  • Turkey or turkey is a female bird, many do not know what the difference is between them, although both words mean the same thing. A more correct option is turkey.
  • The turkey is, accordingly, male,
  • Turkey poults are chicks.

Also, these birds are sometimes also called Indian chickens, because. they were brought from America after colonization.

Well, the taste and dietary qualities of its meat are beyond competition. It is suitable for almost all types of diets. The meat of young animals at six months of age has the greatest amount of useful substances.

Turkey grows and gains weight very quickly. According to this indicator, it is the leader among all poultry bred on private plots. Even geese and ducks cannot be compared with it, not to mention chicken. The weight of a heavy breed turkey reaches 25-30 kg, and that of a female turkey - up to 10 kg.

Therefore, if you live in a village, then you should definitely try raising turkeys. Why in the village? Because it is a large bird. It requires a lot of space for its content. And in such home conditions there is always a pasture not far from the house, where the turkey can easily find its favorite food. He will be able to take a walk, chase all kinds of living creatures, eat worms and midges.

Let's start with the poultry house

Requirements for a turkey poultry

They do not differ from those that are presented at the place where broilers are kept. That is, it is necessary to exclude drafts and dampness. It must be well lit and must be clean.

To ensure good ventilation, a ventilation duct with a damper is built under the ceiling with access to the roof. The approximate dimensions of the box are 25x25 cm. The damper allows you to change the amount of air coming from outside.

Pay special attention to the floors. Turkey is a heavy bird. Therefore, increased demands are placed on the floor in terms of strength. Lay the bedding of high quality, it is advisable that it is not dusty, not damp, not dirty and free of mold. The worst thing for a turkey is dust, as it contains many spores of fungal diseases. And the turkey is very susceptible to them.

It is better to place windows on one wall. It’s good if it’s on the south side, then the floor is illuminated all day.

You can make holes under the windows from which the turkeys can go for walks. Usually a hole size of 50x50 cm is sufficient.

There should be at least 1 m2 per adult turkey poultry. You can also place perches there. They must be durable and strong, at least 7x7 cm thick. Place them at a height of 80 cm from the floor.

For a turkey poultry house with an area of ​​15 m2, one 60 W incandescent light bulb is sufficient.

Turkeys are cold-resistant birds, but high humidity and drafts contribute to the development of various diseases in them. Therefore, small positive temperatures in the turkey poultry are undesirable. They lead to the formation of dampness. We must try to ensure that in winter the temperature there is from minus three to minus five degrees.

The health and egg production of turkeys decreases due to low mobility in winter. Therefore, they must be allowed outside in any weather. The only exceptions are severe frost and hurricane winds.

Snow in the walking pen must be cleared constantly. Cover it well with straw. To lure the bird outside, place feeders there. Pour grain into them. You can hang bundles of hay on the fence of the paddock.

Provide the bird with constant access to water. If the birds are thirsty, then the eggs they produce are of poor quality, the white becomes thick, and this negatively affects the hatchability of the young.

How to breed

If you are planning to buy turkey poults, do it in the spring or summer. It’s better to take three or four month old ones, it’s less hassle and the likelihood of survival is higher. By fall, a six-month-old heavy breed Big 6 turkey chick can weigh 21 kilograms. So your costs for purchasing grown young animals will more than pay off.

But in a homestead there is enough space to raise turkeys, as they say, from eggs. And for this you don’t even need an incubator. It can be perfectly replaced by the turkey itself. The females of this bird are magnificent hens and caring mothers. And if you give them the eggs of another bird, they will hatch and raise them for you too.

To get fertilized eggs you need to purchase a turkey family. It usually consists of one male and five females. Turkeys reach sexual maturity at approximately eight months. At this age they begin to lay eggs. Egg production depends on the breed. In a year they can demolish 20 pieces or 75 pieces.

How to improve egg quality

Egg laying in turkeys begins at the end of February and March. A month before, artificially increase daylight hours by leaving the electric lamp on for 14 hours. This increase in daylight hours will speed up the onset of egg laying.

During this period, feed sprouted oats and wheat as food. Oats have a good effect on the sexual function of birds. The turkey will lay more fertilized eggs.

The bird's diet should include harvested and dried herbs daily - clover and nettle brooms. Add root vegetables, shredded sauerkraut, carrots, and fish oil to your daily portion of the mash. Don't forget about small shell rock and chalk.

As already mentioned, walking is very important for turkeys. They need to be released every day. If it’s cold, then under a canopy, and when it gets warmer, then take it directly outside.

A healthy mother means healthy offspring. This rule applies here too. That is, only with proper nutrition and proper maintenance will a turkey produce a high-quality egg.

How to sort and store eggs

Turkeys are very patient mothers. Almost all incubated eggs hatch into chicks - 98%. But in order to get uniform young animals, you need to correctly sort the laid eggs.

It is better not to use large and small ones, as well as ugly ones, for breeding chicks. It is necessary to select medium-sized eggs of the correct shape. Soiled eggs are also not suitable for these purposes. To prevent the eggs from becoming dirty, the nest must be clean. And this can be the case if the hay in it is regularly changed. You also need to take into account that three to five turkeys require one nest. Its optimal dimensions are 50x70x60. It should stand in a quiet, secluded place in the turkey poultry.

Storing turkey eggs is the same as storing chicken eggs. That is, the temperature is from 8 to 12 degrees, they turn over every day and stand upright.

How a turkey incubates eggs

During the season, a turkey can incubate eggs up to three times. Turkeys who want to become mothers behave unusually. Some inexperienced bird keepers may even think that she got sick and fell on her feet. Because she is literally prostrate on the ground in front of the turkey and does not want to get up.

After one insemination, the female carries fertilized eggs for two months. Turkeys lay the most eggs in May and early June.

When the turkey has a desire to incubate, eggs are placed under it. In the warm season there are more - 17 pieces, in the cold season - 15. Usually they put an odd number.

Turkeys are such diligent hens. They literally exhaust themselves with this and forget about food. Then you need to take them off. Let them walk around, stretch their legs, eat some wheat and chopped grass, and drink some clean water. During this time, the eggs should be covered with a thick, warm cloth. Turkey poults are hatched for 28 days.

Caring for turkey poults

After hatching the turkey chicks, the mother hen herself takes care of their temperature. We only need to monitor the temperature in the turkey house. When it’s cold in the spring, it’s better to take the mother and her brood into the house and place them behind the stove, spreading cardboard on the floor.

The weak point of small turkey poults is their legs. They may freeze. In this case, the legs are wiped with tampons moistened with vodka.

Feeding turkey poults

Just like broilers, if you start with good feed, they will grow well. For the first month they can be fed chicken starter feed, as it contains a coccidiostat. Thanks to this feed, turkeys develop immunity to a disease such as coccidiosis, which they are at risk of contracting in the first months of life.

Dairy products are important for turkey poults; they get calcium from them. The milk must be fresh. They are given yogurt, cottage cheese, and skim milk. From the first days, you can include in your diet a mixture of boiled eggs, oatmeal and chopped herbs.

Turkey poults should always have clean, fresh water. You can add a little manganese or a couple of drops of iodine to it.

On the 28th, 30th day you can switch to another feed for broiler chickens - PK-6. The main thing is that the granules are large. Otherwise, your sinuses will become clogged, you will begin to sneeze and will not be able to eat. You can start feeding corn, large grains.

Turkeys' favorite herb is onion. They will always peck him first. But it is better not to give it at night, since onions require a lot of water, and at night there may be no water in the drinking bowls. Onions are very useful for improving intestinal function, so you need to plant more onions of different varieties on your greens. In the village you can always find a place for this culture.

Feeding frequency

Turkey poults must be fed at the same time, strictly according to the clock.

  • The first month - 7 times a day with a frequency of two hours.
  • Second month - 5 times.
  • The third month and beyond - 4 times.

Prepare fresh food daily. Throw away the sour ones immediately, otherwise you will ruin the young animals. Also wash and scald feeders and drinking bowls with boiling water every day.

Disease Prevention

The key to the health of turkeys is their proper maintenance. Everything depends on this. But if suddenly a turkey gets sick, then it must be immediately separated from other healthy birds. In the future, to receive quality treatment, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Thus, if everything is done correctly, there is a good microclimate in the poultry house, excellent feed - clean, high-quality, not moldy, there are vitamins and enough sun, then the bird will be healthy.

Turkeys are beautiful and majestic animals that are ideal for keeping on a home farm. However, breeding, keeping and caring for turkeys is a headache for many novice poultry farmers. How to properly breed turkeys?

If you have chosen turkeys as a bird for breeding, the first thing you need to do is decide on the breed. It is usually chosen in accordance with the goals, method of content and personal desire. Before buying an individual, you need to learn to navigate the characteristics and main features of the chosen breed - this is the only way to organize proper care. There are several of the most common breeds in Russia.

BreedDescriptionTurkey weight, kgTurkey weight, kgNumber of eggs per year

Red and brown feathers with stripes, black neck on males. Females have a more modest color. They take well to being kept outdoors and do not require special conditions.13 7 up to 100

Hardy individuals, intended both for breeding in production conditions and for the home farm. Relief chest, elongated torso. They feel good when walking pastures.15 9 100

They are similar in appearance to their bronze ancestor, but larger and larger in body. Low egg production, unsuitability for walking. Designed more for industrial use.14 8 70-80

They appeared for the first time in the USSR in 1946. One of the most common breeds for growing at home. Large birds adapt well to any conditions.14 7 80

Oval body with a large chest and wide back. They are characterized by rich plumage and strong legs. Raised to produce healthy dietary meat and eggs.15 7 100-120

Hardy birds with good performance and rapid weight gain. They are well kept in pasture conditions and are not picky about food.13 7 up to 180

Read also: Turkey breeds

Negative and positive aspects of breeding

Backyard farmers are increasingly choosing to raise turkeys. Some raise turkeys for personal consumption, while others make a profit from selling meat and egg products. One way or another, raising turkeys has its advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding whether to engage in this business, you need to know them.

  • dietary turkey meat is very healthy for humans, all thanks to low cholesterol, vitamins, amino acids and microelements;
  • the costs of a turkey farming business quickly pay off;
  • In order to earn money, you can sell not only meat and egg products, but also down and feathers;
  • turkeys gain weight quickly and rapidly;
  • undemanding to living conditions and unpretentiousness to food.

Turkeys are excellent pets for keeping at home and running a business selling meat, eggs, and fluff. But some livestock breeders refuse to keep turkeys. They justify this with the following disadvantages of keeping turkeys:

  • low productivity - turkeys produce much fewer eggs than chickens;
  • risk of death of chicks after birth;
  • demanding on water - use only fresh liquid at room temperature;
  • turkeys often get sick, especially if hygiene rules are violated when caring for them;
  • turkeys' tendency to become obese.

The note! Turkeys first appeared in America and were domesticated about a thousand years ago. Europe saw birds only in the 16th century.

Features of caring for turkeys

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of caring for young animals. During the first period of life, provide the chicks with a dry and warm room. For these purposes, you can use a cardboard box or box. In temporary housing, the temperature must be no lower than 36 degrees, in addition, it must be constantly illuminated. When the chicks mature, you can move them to a common stall. When arranging a nest, you need to raise its walls high, isolating the hen from other individuals.

Read also: DIY turkey nest

Premises requirements

Experienced livestock breeders identify certain requirements for premises for comfortable keeping and profitable breeding of turkeys. To set up a comfortable poultry house, follow the following instructions.

Step 1. Decide on the size of the room. The correct calculation is: at least 1 m2 for two turkeys. Ideally, there should be 1 m2 per individual.

Step 2. Once the house is set up, check the room temperature. Acceptable temperature in summer is 20°C, in winter – no colder than 5°C.

Step 3. Adjust the lighting. You can light the poultry house with a regular 60-watt electric lamp.

Step 4. Be sure to provide ventilation, this will help eliminate dampness.

Step 5. Equip perches according to the number of birds in the pen (one perch per bird), the distance between them is 60 cm or more.

Step 6. Check the height of the perches. Correct indicators: about 70-80 cm from the floor, width - from 5 to 7 cm, height - from 8 to 10 cm.

The note! If you keep all the hens in one pen, the flock should consist of no more than 5 females per male, otherwise not all the hens will be covered.

Do turkeys need walking?

Turkeys are prone to obesity, so they need to spend a sufficient amount of time walking. While walking, the bird eats healthy food, finds worms, beetles, and eats greens, seeds and nuts. The ideal place for walking in summer is dry soil with bushes and green grass. Make sure that the bird can find shade and hide there from the heat. For walking turkeys, you can equip special outdoor enclosures. Provide feeders with oats and barley, drinking bowls, and change the water regularly.

It is especially important to walk turkeys in winter - take daily walks of several hours, but not in too windy weather. Cover the run area with plenty of straw to prevent turkeys from freezing their feet. You should also scatter food to entice your pets to go for a walk. If there are too many turkeys, divide the flock into small groups (each with one breeder).

Turkey breeding

For beginners, experts recommend starting breeding with mature young individuals. The best option is three or four month old individuals. By this point, they get used to the classic food, and their immunity becomes stronger. When breeding from scratch in a poultry house, it is necessary to have different sexes. One male for 8-10 females. If there are more of them, the male will not be able to properly perform his duties.

The females incubate the eggs for about a month. The bird should be roosted in the spring. Ideally, there are about 17 eggs under one turkey, and all are freely located under the female. It is better not to place a large number of eggs under an inexperienced turkey that has become a mother for the first time. Place a thin layer of soil at the very bottom of the nest and place dried straw on top. Place the nest in an isolated place, place a drinking bowl and a feeding plate with food nearby.

The note! Female turkeys can raise about 80 babies. A turkey is capable of hatching even other people's chicks - chickens or ducks.

Using incubators and brood hens

Turkeys are wonderful mothers who responsibly hatch, and then raise and protect their offspring. Sometimes they are so devoted to their duties that they forget to eat - in this case, forcefully remove the hen from the nest and take her to food. While the turkey is feeding, you can inspect the eggs for scratches or dents. After hatching, it is recommended to immediately place the babies with the hen and keep them with their mother for about 6-8 weeks.

On a home farm, you can use an incubator. Eggs that are intended for incubator rearing must be removed from under the bird and transferred to storage. Place the eggs on the tray with the pointed end down - this saves a lot of space. From the moment the eggs are placed in the incubator until they hatch, approximately 28 days pass. Until day 22 inclusive, turn the eggs 12 times a day so that they heat evenly. Strict temperature conditions must also be observed.

DayDry bulb temperature, °CWet bulb temperature, °CVentilation flaps
1-3 37,8-38 29-29,5 closed
6-12 37,6-37,8 29-29,5 slightly open 15 mm
13-25 37,5-37,6 28-28,5 slightly open 15 mm
26 37,2 29-30 slightly open 20 mm
27 37-37,2 30-33 slightly open 20 mm
28 37 35 slightly open by 20 mm, 3 hours before sampling, open completely

Video - Turkeys: breeding and maintenance

In the video, an experienced livestock breeder tells viewers where turkeys came from in Russia. You will learn how to organize the care of a bird from egg to adult. The video discusses the incubation process, as well as the main problems of care and maintenance. You will also see how to properly set up an enclosure and how animals behave on a walk.

Nutrition for proper and complete growth

To successfully raise turkeys on a home farm, organize their nutrition correctly. In most cases, poultry farmers use a combined type of nutrition. Feed birds sprouted grains, dry or wet mash. In autumn and spring, take your pets for a walk in the pasture so that they can enjoy the greenery. Use vitamins and nutrition: add chopped carrots, chopped cabbage and beets. Food can be diluted with dried steamed herbs.

Turkeys love oats, various grains and barley, but sprout them first. During breeding time, feed your pets about four to five times daily, at other times - three times. In the morning and afternoon you can feed with wet food, and in the late afternoon with dry grain. To make turkey meat tastier and more tender, experienced livestock breeders recommend increasing the concentration of juicy mixtures, gradually reducing the number of grains.

Small chicks need to be fed eight times - this ensures good health of the brood in the future. Three days after hatching, give dry flour, which is mixed halfway with crushed hard-boiled eggs. For up to a month, feed your babies small cereals mixed with a variety of nutritious greens - lettuce, cabbage leaves, nettles and clover. You can also use a combination feed containing all the elements required for healthy growth.

Feeding during puberty

Puberty in turkeys occurs when they reach 8-10 months. Females lay eggs starting at 10 months. Monitor the birds closely during this time, feeding them about five times daily. In winter, provide moistened grain feed, finely chopped carrots and grass meal. In summer, any grain crops mixed with fresh herbs are suitable. Mature individuals should be fed with a mixture of yeast, carrots, herbs, sprouted grains and cottage cheese.

The note! The weight of one egg laid by a turkey ranges from 70 to 90 grams - this is much more than that of chickens. The eggshells are pockmarked and not brown or white.

Video - What to feed turkey poults?

The owner of a small brood talks about the basic principles of feeding turkey poults. From the video you will learn what to feed babies from 0 to 7 days inclusive. The farmer also considers the following questions: what percentage of feed should be added, whether it is worth introducing greens into the diet, and how to properly give water to turkey poults.

Raising turkeys for meat

To raise turkeys for meat on a farm, use hybrids (individuals that were born from crossing representatives of different breeds). Buy chicks weighing at least 50 grams that were taken out of the incubator no more than eight hours ago. According to the most common technology for raising meat, which is used by many Russian farmers, young turkey poults should be kept in cages until they are eight weeks old, only then can they be moved to the floor. Babies should eat fortified feed. Feed the birds about eight times daily, but gradually reduce the amount of feeding to four times. Otherwise, the rules for caring for individuals intended for slaughter do not differ from the rules for maintaining other individuals. It is recommended to slaughter animals at 16 weeks, males at 22 weeks.

Main diseases of domestic turkeys

Some diseases are contagious and can be transmitted from other animals on the farm. More often, illnesses are caused by certain infections and viruses, and in many cases they can be prevented. Experts identify several main infectious diseases of turkeys:

  • respiratory mycoplasmosis. Runny nose, which occurs due to excessive humidity in the pen, as well as due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • tuberculosis. One of the most dangerous diseases. Acts on the upper respiratory tract, lungs and other organs. Transmitted through dirty water, eggs, soiled litter and tools;
  • histomoniasis. Damage to the cecum. The disease spreads in the digestive organs. Develops in individuals that were placed in an untreated room where chickens or geese were previously kept;

  • worms. The most common disease that affects not only the digestive organs, but also the respiratory system. Infection occurs through soil, food, water, and also from other birds;
  • smallpox If there is no treatment, the dead bird is burned. It is transmitted to turkeys from chickens through food or water, as well as during contact with sick animals. Sometimes transmitted through insect vectors.

To avoid the development of diseases, feed your pets only proven food, provide turkeys with decent conditions, periodically clean the pen, keep food dishes and drinking bowls clean, and also periodically inspect the animals and vaccinate them. Proper care will help save your pets from the most common diseases.

Turkey breeding business

Some novice farmers often think about starting to raise turkeys. They are attracted by the low competition, as well as the high return on investment of this business. This is more profitable than raising chickens - the turkey is larger, and its meat is more nutritious and tastier. One individual produces about 100 eggs annually and more than 600 kilograms of meat when fattening the offspring. However, there are important points to consider when planning your business.

Step 1. Decide why you want to create a business. Choose a breed, carefully study all the rules for caring for turkeys, purchase useful equipment and collect initial capital.

Step 2. Draw up a competent business plan for your business, in which you consider all aspects. Determine the main stages of the business, analyze all financial expenses, indicate possible risks and expected profits.

Step 3. Register your farm with the relevant authorities. Obtain quality certificates and all permits from sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary services.

Step 4. Rent an area, plot of land or farm. Set up a poultry house and create all the conditions for proper care of your pets. Buy turkeys from specialized farms. For self-breeding, purchase an incubator.

Step 5. Get involved in selling your products. It is best to determine your marketing methods in advance. You can choose to sell on the market or make contacts with retail outlets - shops and restaurants.

The note! Place an ad in your local newspaper to sell your products. If possible, place ads on the Internet - this will increase your chances of selling the product several times.

Benefits of Turkey Breeding Business

Turkey breeding is a fairly profitable business that requires large investments at the initial stage. In the first few months, you will be raising the purchased young animals, which requires constant financial investments. First you need to pay for the construction of the pen, its insulation, the purchase of turkey poults, feed, and electricity. In addition, you will need to pay for utilities and food every month.

After about six months, the profit received from the sale of products will cover the initial costs. Soon your farm will acquire new livestock, which will bring new income. For example, if you purchase 30 turkey poults and several adults at the beginning, you will receive approximately 150 thousand rubles after six months of work. At the same time, by increasing the number of birds, you will increase your profit.

Turkey breeding is a profitable business

Raising turkeys on a farm is an interesting and profitable process even for an inexperienced and novice farmer. This is not at all difficult if you know the theoretical information well. Observe all conditions of detention, properly care for the birds, feed them on time and take care of your pets, then they will grow strong, healthy and bring you long-awaited profit.

The domestication of turkeys occurred ten centuries ago in America. This beautiful and majestic bird was very freedom-loving and not as calm and slow as its modern relatives. In the process of domestication, quite a number of new breeds arose, the main differences of which are the weight and color of the plumage. A frequent question is what is the difference between a turkey and a turkey - it is a mistake to think that these are different birds, in fact, both one and the other are females of this species of bird. The use of the word turkey is more popular in foreign countries, but the second in our country.

The weight of an adult turkey can reach 30-40 kg. In addition to the fact that the meat is tasty, it is also dietary and very healthy. Each carcass contains more than 50% meat, 15% subcutaneous fat and a little more than 10% internal fat. Turkey eggs, down and feathers are no less valuable.

Raising turkeys is quite a troublesome and expensive task, requiring certain skills. Many people are afraid of not knowing how to properly care for turkeys, as well as the opinion that turkey poults often die due to poor adaptation to new conditions. However, by providing careful care, even an inexperienced farmer can avoid such negative consequences.

Turkey chicks require the greatest attention and special care - rearing and feeding is required in the first month of life. You should not refuse to raise turkeys because of their possible diseases. Proper living conditions and nutrition will help to avoid and overcome initial difficulties, and soon the babies will become adult turkeys and turkeys that grow almost every hour.

In fact, no more than two or three turkey poults die due to the disease. And following the rules will help to avoid such annoying cases and ensure the quality development of the chicks.

Methods of content

There are several ways to keep turkeys at home; it is better to choose the most suitable one before you start equipping the premises. Each of them is influenced by climate and the purpose of breeding.

There are three such ways:

Poultry house arrangement

When wondering how to raise turkeys, proper arrangement of their housing requires a lot of attention. For starters, a box, a small pen or a cage will do, which will eliminate the risk of all sorts of ailments.

The box with the bottom is covered with straw or shavings. The average daily temperature should be approximately 37 degrees, later in the process of growing up the turkeys it will change. The right thing for beginners includes mandatory ventilation of the house - chicks are especially sensitive to odors and gases.

The habitat of turkey poults must be equipped with a drinking bowl and feeder, a heater and a thermometer.

You also need 24-hour lighting and regular replacement of bedding.

Not the last requirements on which the choice of premises depends are:

  • Climatic conditions. Although in the wild turkeys can withstand temperatures down to minus 15°C, a temperature regime of at least 32°C for young birds and 17°C for adult birds is very important for their health.
  • Method of maintenance.
  • Number of poultry raised.

Rules for keeping turkey poults

A common question from breeders: is it possible to keep chickens and poults together in the same room? As experts and veterinarians advise, you shouldn’t do this. But if this is not possible, and the chickens, roosters and turkeys are in the same room, the best option would be to make a fence.

In addition, for beginners it provides a number of important rules:

Feeding turkeys

To ensure rapid weight gain, it is important to know how to properly feed turkeys at home; in addition, with a complete, balanced diet, you can be sure that the birds are healthy. A sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals - all components must be present in the diet of turkeys.

The correct percentage of food for turkeys is grains and legumes of about 70%. The best option would be to prepare the feed before purchasing the young animals. The optimal choice would be ready-made complete feed. Its undeniable advantage is that it does not require any additional mixtures. In addition, feeding with compound feed reduces possible losses among turkey poults, and also significantly increases their vitality.

Feeding turkeys differs from feeding other types of farm birds in the large amount of protein and vitamins.

Otherwise, with a sedentary lifestyle, the turkey will gain too much unhealthy fat.

In addition, turkey poults will enjoy a variety of mash based on skimmed milk or sour milk. Additives can include fish, herbs, potatoes and cottage cheese. But it is worth considering that mash is a fairly quickly perishable product, and they should be prepared immediately before feeding and in not very large quantities. The frequency is seven times a day, and later decreases to four.

The number of feedings for adults is three. In the first half of the day it is best to give mash and greens, and in the evening grain. Compound feed can be either added or given in its pure form.

An excellent option is to graze turkeys on pasture during the warm season. Greens as food will not only be a source of minerals and vitamins, but will also allow the owner to save on the purchase of food. In addition, such an active lifestyle will prevent the bird from gaining fat.

Experienced breeders who already know everything about turkeys know how essential supplements are animal proteins, as well as vitamins E and A. In winter, to avoid vitamin deficiency, brooms from branches, green hay and even sauerkraut are given. Brooms made from linden, poplar and acacia, prepared in the summer, can simply be hung indoors or wiped and added to porridge.

Basic food for turkeys includes:

  • cereals and beans;
  • cake and soybean meal;
  • straw and greens;
  • fish, meat and bone meal and blood meal;
  • pine and fir needles;
  • acorns, nuts and vegetable oil make poultry meat unusually soft and tender.

It is important to know that during the breeding stage, males lose their appetite, and when a turkey cries, the whole neighborhood hears it. And to avoid weight loss, they are fed legumes and cottage cheese, carrots and nuts, as well as sprouted grains. But for females, to increase egg production and improve the quality of eggs, it is recommended to add yeast, fresh herbs and also sprouted grains to the diet. By the way, there is no need to doubt whether turkeys and turkeys are different birds, what is the difference between a male and a female - representatives of the same species of birds.

In addition to the important question of how to properly feed turkeys, the bird’s drinking water is no less important - the water should not be too warm, but cool, otherwise the chicks may refuse. It is recommended to replace it every 5 hours. A weak solution of potassium permanganate can be given a couple of times every 7 days for disinfection purposes.

Caring for drinking bowls requires rinsing and wiping with clean cloths.

The turkey is a finicky bird and its rearing is different compared to other birds. It is worth spending time studying specialized literature or expert advice.

One such recommendation is to place the drinking bowl in a shaded area. As for the feed of young animals, in addition to minerals and vitamins, it is recommended to add oatmeal, corn flour and milk powder. Gravel is poured into a separate bird feeder.

Taboos include too high perches for turkeys and living together with other birds or animals. Also, the poultry house must always be clean.

When choosing turkeys, you should pay attention to the most active chicks.

Thus, although young turkeys require special care and will have to be tinkered with, there are often no problems with adult turkeys - they grow quickly and gain weight. This can eventually grow into a great way to generate income for beginners.

Domesticated turkey is not a dish, but a bird from the order Galliformes. Let's summarize information about this bird in this section.

These birds are beautiful, have a slender figure, a small fluffy fan tail and wings, as well as long strong red legs.

The weight of adult individuals is 9-30 kilograms. Domestic turkeys are considered large birds, which are second in size only to ostriches. Birds are black-red, white-black, etc. Quite aggressive when they reach the slaughter period or the period of maturity, but love care and warmth when they are in the infancy period.

Turkeys are majestic birds, one of the meatiest and largest domesticated birds, raised for the hobby, for sale or for meat.

It is very inhumane to raise and raise turkey poults for meat, but many people do this. After all turkey meat is more satisfying than chicken, and it is expensive on the retail market. Also contains a lot of protein and healthy fats. Let's take a closer look at the topic of raising turkey poults at home and raising and breeding turkeys.

Keeping turkeys at home and raising them for meat

Raising turkeys for meat at home. The first thing to do is to build a place where turkeys will breed, live and grow. Despite the fact that birds are not picky about weather conditions and living conditions, you still need to create a good place of residence for turkeys with sufficient insulation, otherwise the birds may not survive the cold Russian winter or will be underweight.

Perches for turkeys should be large in size. For example, for an average turkey you need one pole 50 centimeters long, and the height from the floor should be no less than 80 centimeters. The nests should be the same length, 70 centimeters wide, and the height from the floor should be at least 80 centimeters, as for the pole.

The following rules must also be observed:

  1. There should be no large drafts in the room for keeping and raising turkeys. This problem can be solved in one way - to build a house for birds in a lowland, in a place that is protected from the wind by obstacles. Also, after construction, insulate the walls and seal all holes with cotton wool, moss and other insulation materials;
  2. there must be sufficient ventilation. A simple and easy to implement method is to create a window. This method of ventilating the space is suitable for summer, but not suitable for winter. The bottom line is that when creating holes or vents for ventilation, it is necessary to create a “plug” that will allow the turkeys to maintain the temperature they need within room temperature;
  3. the floor must be dry; during construction, pay attention to whether the ground is sinking, whether the soil is loose, whether water is leaking at the construction site, etc. If the turkey shelter is temporary, you can line the floor with straw or sawdust. If there is a permanent place for turkeys, the floor is made of wood, with a slight slope, like in a bathhouse, and an additional insulating pad is created;
  4. There must be a feeding trough and drinking bowl in the place of detention. Of course, there should be two containers for liquid and feed per turkey. For wet food, choose containers made of plastic or steel. For dry ones - wooden ones. Pay attention to the fact that the containers are of high quality without sharp corners, do not emit toxins, etc.

How to raise turkeys at home

Let's talk about how to raise turkeys at home. After you have successfully set up a place of residence for turkeys, it’s time to think about replenishing these places with turkey poults. Otherwise, why was so much effort invested?

First, you need to buy your first turkey stock from poultry farmers, and also purchase an incubator from a specialized store. You can create an incubator yourself. Its main function is to maintain temperature and light at the same high level, so it’s not difficult to come up with your own mechanism.

After several weeks, the chicks will hatch and will need to be provided with proper housing conditions. The main factor in the excellent growth of turkeys is simple human care and attention. Turkey poults cannot live together with birds of other breeds and species. Turkeys are a separate family group of birds that develop only in favorable, comfortable conditions. In addition, it is important that there are few turkeys in one room.

At first, turkeys must live at temperatures above 37 degrees Celsius. This will help them recover and get used to the anti-hatchery conditions. The temperature is reduced by 1-3 degrees every day so that the babies gradually get used to the cold, become more resilient and gain weight. A room heating system can be purchased in specialized stores or created independently.

It is also important to observe the behavior of the chicks. If, when temperatures drop, it becomes non-standard (diet, sleep patterns are disrupted, etc.), it is worth holding off on lowering the temperature level for a few days.

You can create a separate place for each of the chicks. It is a wooden box with a net, a feeder, a drinking bowl and lighting for warmth.

Adult turkeys cannot be housed with poults. This is an unjustified competitive risk.

I’ll say a few words about nutrition: For turkey chicks, at first, a mother is needed to teach the chicks how to eat properly, since turkey poults are children and do not have swallowing reflexes in the early stages of life. The mother will teach how to eat properly, and the person must teach the chick to drink water. It's quite simple: just take the turkey's beak and dip it in a bowl of water.

As for later feeding, it is up to the owner of the turkeys to decide. This could be: feed, grains, even cottage cheese and eggs. The main thing is to follow a diet. For example, in the first week of life, feeding and watering of chicks occurs every 3 hours in small portions. This means that food and water are not left in the public domain.

Turkey breeds for breeding turkeys at home

There was already talk about the stages of breeding, about keeping turkeys, but there was no talk about breeding turkeys, or rather, the breed of turkeys for breeding at home.

Breeds for breeding at home There are different types:

  1. those raised for meat;
  2. egg-laying turkey breeds;
  3. mixed breeds for eggs and meat

Let's talk about meat breeds.

White Broad-chested. Indeed, majestic birds with gorgeous snow-white plumage. In turn, the breed has 3 subspecies for breeding: from small cross to heavy cross. Heavy turkeys gain weight of 8 kilograms in 4 months, but when the bird becomes completely mature, its weight remains on average at least 25 kilograms. With a decrease in the fat layer and subtype, the weight also decreases by 1.5 kilograms over the indicated periods.

Birds were bred to obtain a large amount of dietary meat in the shortest possible time, which is what happened as a result. An excellent meat breed for breeding at home.

Big-6 heavy cross turkeys. This is a hybrid breed of turkey that is quite in demand on the poultry market, bred by crossing the strongest turkey breeds. Birds grow for up to 100 days, quickly gain weight, and are slaughtered immediately after reaching the growth limit. They have one distinctive feature from other turkeys, by which it is easy to identify this prolific breed - a black tuft of feathers in the chest area.

About turkey egg breeds.

These include: Virginia breed, heavy crosses Big 9, station wagon cross, chiton breed, etc. Almost all rocks do not reach a high mass value. Their weight varies between 7-15 kilograms. In just one season, these representatives of different breeds can lay from 60 to 120 eggs, and they grow quickly. The most unpretentious and best-selling are station wagons. They are physically well developed, tolerate cold well and breed quickly; also, generalist chicks immediately recover from the incubation period.

As for egg-meat breeds, these are mainly hybrids from crossing heavy crosses and station wagons.

Concerning keeping and caring for adult turkeys, they are a little different. Meals are less frequent, but the portions are larger, and the same goes for drinking. The location changes, the turkey is given its own large perch, etc.

Don’t forget, to grow, you need to care for turkeys, buying various pharmacy vitamins and medications for bird flu, you also need to trim feathers and clean the plumage of turkeys.

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