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"Not children's problems." Discharge from a newborn girl. Bloody discharge in a newborn girl

You and your new daughter are at home. The first days in the maternity hospital are over, everything is behind you, a new stage in your life begins, now all the care for the child falls on you. And of course, the level of responsibility increases.

An infant cannot complain about anything; he can only respond to any discomfort by crying, which means you must be very attentive to any symptoms and changes in his condition.

Discharge in a tiny girl is one of the phenomena that mothers usually do not know how to properly evaluate. But they are always there, and in the first days a so-called sexual crisis occurs, and they can even become bloody, which is often frightening. Let's figure out what happens in the baby's body in the first month after birth and what changes are possible in relation to leaks and the contents of the baby's diaper in general.

Bloody discharge in a newborn girl

About 3-4 days after birth, you can find droplets of blood in the baby’s diaper and on the genitals, where do they come from and is it dangerous?

Before giving birth, the mother accumulates a very high level of estrogen - this is necessary for the initiation of active labor. Hormones pass through the placenta to the baby. If you are expecting a girl, her reproductive system is already able to respond to the mother’s hormonal levels with appropriate changes. The baby has a uterus - and the endomeria of this organ of the child grows in the same way as if we were talking about an adult woman, because even in utero in the last weeks of pregnancy this hormone-dependent organ already has the ability to respond to sex hormones.

The child is born. The connection with the mother's body is interrupted, and the mother's hormonal levels also change - now she does not need estrogens, active production of prolactin, a hormone that promotes lactation, begins. The ovaries of a girl who has just seen the light are still asleep and do not produce hormones; the amount of estrogen in the child’s blood decreases sharply, since they no longer come from the mother. And 3-4 days after birth, the baby’s uterus reacts to this in its usual way - liquid spots appear.

In little girls, blood spots from the vagina are not profuse, last 2-3 days and completely stop. The child’s uterus is still very small and underdeveloped; there is no talk of full menstruation. If you find red droplets in your little daughter, do not be alarmed; this is a normal, physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment.

White discharge in newborn girls

White accumulations may appear in the folds of the labia almost up to 3-4 weeks of life. Mothers often mistake them for remnants of vernix lubrication and try to get rid of them by all means, including cotton swabs.

There is no need to do anything about this other than normal care - this is the norm. The origin of these accumulations is the same as that of bloody ones. Their source is the vaginal walls, and they appear in response to stimulation by progesterone and prolactin, which come from the mother with milk.

Usually, whitish mucous accumulations in little girls stop on their own by the end of the first month and the genital slit clears. If you make excessive efforts to get rid of them, you risk getting an infection or even injuring the child - just wash it off.

Another interesting phenomenon of the neonatal period of life is the uric acid crisis. At the same time, you may find yellow spots in the diaper, sometimes so bright that you can even call them orange. This happens regardless of the sex of the child in the first days after birth. These are just salts in the urine; they also do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Daily care for a newborn girl includes regular washing, which very quickly becomes a habitual procedure. However, in most cases, the young mother is not ready for the sexual crisis, which manifests itself to varying degrees in the child on the 3rd–4th day after birth, and is frightened when she discovers unusual discharge from her daughter’s genitals. Since such discharge can be both normal and pathological, it is important to understand the reason for its appearance and know in which cases you should consult a doctor.

Different types of discharge in newborn girls

Vaginal discharge in newborn girls can be:

  1. Bloody. The cause of this phenomenon is a hormonal or sexual crisis, which is associated with the accumulation of maternal hormones in the child’s body. Before childbirth, the level of estrogen and prostaglandins in the mother’s body increases significantly, and these hormones enter the child’s body through the placenta. The reaction of a girl’s reproductive system to an increase in hormonal levels does not differ from the reaction of an adult woman’s body - the baby’s secretion of vaginal mucus increases and the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) grows. After childbirth, both the mother and the newborn’s estrogen levels drop sharply, since the mother’s body no longer needs this hormone, and the girl’s body is not yet able to produce it. A drop in estrogen levels causes the upper layer of the endometrium to be rejected, so a newborn, just like adult women, experiences bloody discharge. Such discharge in a newborn girl is a natural process of adaptation that does not require any additional treatment - as soon as the body is cleansed of particles of rejected mucous, the discharge will stop. In the future, the sexual crisis may have other manifestations, but there will be no more bloody discharge from the genitals.
  2. White and sticky. These secretions often accumulate in the folds of the labia and are perceived as remnants of grayish-white vernix. There is no need to remove such secretions with any special means - their appearance also provokes a sexual crisis, only they are produced by the walls of the vagina when the hormones progesterone and prolactin pass through the placenta. The efforts that mothers make to remove these secretions can lead to mucosal injury and infection, so the child should simply be washed. In most cases, the folds of the labia clear up on their own by the beginning of the girl’s second month of life.
  3. Whitish, light yellow or transparent, with a consistency reminiscent of leucorrhoea. They are observed in 60–70% of babies and are a manifestation of desquamative vulvovaginitis. This type of vulvovaginitis lasts about 3 days and is also a consequence of hormonal changes in the newborn - under the influence of estrogens, glycogen (a complex carbohydrate) accumulates in the cells of the child’s vagina, which is a nutrient medium for Dederlein’s rods. These rods, which are a component of the normal flora of the vagina, combine with glycogen to form light-colored discharge. Treatment consists of normal hygienic procedures; no additional medications are needed.
  4. Yellow. Bright yellow spots can be found on diapers during the first week of life in most newborns (such spots can appear not only in girls, but also in boys). These spots are a consequence of metabolic disorders in the kidneys (associated with the body’s adaptation to new conditions) and the deposition of salts. In the absence of renal pathology, by the beginning of the second week they disappear.

When should you see a doctor? Not all discharge from the genital organs of a child is absolutely harmless - the mucous membrane of the labia of a newborn is very delicate and easily injured, and the slightest cracks and wounds can serve as a “gate” for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The reason to consult a doctor is discharge that does not stop for a long time (what is normal for a newborn up to 8 weeks, in a later period is a sign of pathology).

You should also contact a pediatric gynecologist if:

  • the child experiences painful urination (cries, writhes before, at this moment, or after urination);
  • The girl’s discharge has an unpleasant odor;
  • The newborn has swelling and redness of the labia:
  • there is pus in the discharge of a newborn girl (the discharge has acquired a greenish tint);
  • The child’s discharge is profuse;
  • leucorrhoea-like mucous discharge does not stop for more than 3 days;
  • the newborn’s urine has changed color or contains blood;
  • It seems to the mother that the girl has disturbances in the anatomical structure of the genital organs.

If necessary, the pediatric gynecologist will take a smear from the vagina, and after sowing and determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, he will select the appropriate medications and course of treatment.

Careful care of the child's genitals is necessary regardless of whether he currently has any discharge or not. The baby must be washed with boiled water every time the diaper is changed (if there is no allergy, you can use a chamomile decoction in a very weak concentration).

It is not recommended to use herbs for regular washing, as they dry out delicate skin and mucous membranes. When washing, the hand movement should be carried out in only one direction - from front to back. Air baths will also be useful for the child, preventing the development of diaper rash.

In the first days after birth, newborn girls may experience various vaginal discharges. Don't worry if you notice white or bloody discharge from the genitals of your newborn baby girl. Many mothers believe that a newborn girl should not have any discharge from the genitals. Hygiene for newborn girls should be sufficient, but not excessive.

Discharge in a tiny girl is one of the phenomena that mothers usually do not know how to properly evaluate. But they are always there, and in the first days a so-called sexual crisis occurs, and they can even become bloody, which is often frightening. In little girls, blood spots from the vagina are not profuse, last 2-3 days and completely stop.

Discharge in newborn girls

White accumulations may appear in the folds of the labia almost up to 3-4 weeks of life. Usually, whitish mucous accumulations in little girls stop on their own by the end of the first month and the genital slit clears. This is the so-called hormonal or sexual crisis. It may also occur in boys in the same manifestations. For new parents, hygiene of the child’s genital organs often becomes a certain difficulty when caring for a baby.

Thrush in newborns

They occur in both girls (the labia minora are fused) and boys (the foreskin and glans penis are fused). This can lead to difficulty urinating and infection. In girls, the occurrence of synechiae is associated with low levels of estrogens (female sex hormones), as well as with the presence of inflammation of the vulva. This sexual crisis is a normal phenomenon in girls in the first month of life, the cause of which is the mother’s hormones entering the child’s body through milk.

White discharge between the labia majora and minora in a girl: what to do?

If a girl worries or cries before she is about to pee, this is most often due to inflammation in the urethra or the canal itself. If you notice that your daughter’s labia are “glued together”, consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications - an infection can easily develop in the accumulating secretions.

In case of incomplete fusion, if it does not interfere with urination, topical medications will be offered, which parents can use to treat the girl at home on their own. Prevention of synechiae and the inflammation that precedes it involves regular examination of the girl’s genitals, maintaining hygiene and monitoring food allergens. Girls, good day everyone!! The discharge may be in the form of a sticky secretion, similar to the vaginal discharge of pregnant women.

Mothers of daughters need to be especially careful, because due to the specific structure of the genital organs, they can easily become infected. A girl's intimate hygiene is carried out only by using baby soap. It is used only in cases of severe contamination.

When washing, you should not use washcloths, as this can injure the delicate skin of the genitals. However, there is no need to worry too much if we are talking about an infant in the first weeks of life. Discharge from the genital organs of a child at this age is caused by a sexual crisis. Normally, they can be white, yellowish, transparent and even bloody, similar to menstrual fluid.

Girls should be washed very carefully; the labia should be parted only for a significant reason, while acting very delicately. This is a secretion secreted by the glands of the labia. It is necessary to protect the genital tract of newborn girls from various types of infections; it should not be cleaned out. Time passes - the girl grows. A girl’s hygiene at 3 years old can be carried out under the supervision of her mother, but on her own, if from the age of 2 the baby was explained how to wash herself properly.

How to properly care for a girl's external genitalia

At this time, a creamy (beige) or light gray coating is noticeable on the labia of the newborn. This is smegma, vernix, and its presence is completely normal. This experience in caring for a newborn baby will be useful to you both during his infancy and in early childhood.

And the pediatrician from the district clinic looked at my daughter in the 3rd week and said that at least a couple of times a week you need to treat the lip and sponges with oil, such as Johnson... 1 time, after that the whitish layer of “plaque” became smaller, but curds appeared in the folds of the lip yellowish grains?

An infant cannot complain about anything; he can only respond to any discomfort by crying, which means you must be very attentive to any symptoms and changes in his condition. If you are expecting a girl, her reproductive system is already able to respond to the mother’s hormonal levels with appropriate changes.

There is no need to do anything about this other than normal care - this is the norm. The origin of these accumulations is the same as that of bloody ones. Their source is the vaginal walls, and they appear in response to stimulation by progesterone and prolactin, which come from the mother with milk.

Condition of the girl's genitals after birth

Another interesting phenomenon of the neonatal period of life is the uric acid crisis. At the same time, you may find yellow spots in the diaper, sometimes so bright that you can even call them orange. This happens regardless of the sex of the child in the first days after birth. These are just salts in the urine; they also do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Free delivery by courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg on the day of order. Sending orders to other regions by Russian Post and various transport companies. Let's try to figure out what this process does, how to properly wrap a baby in a diaper, and in general, whether it's worth doing. However, the granite of the science of child hygiene becomes pliable after mastering the theory and several practical sessions.

What's next? – After washing, you need to cover the child with a towel and carefully blot the moisture in the perineum. To do this, you need to rub a small amount of the product on the skin of the elbow and observe the reaction. The labia come into contact, and as the mucous membrane heals, conditions are created for their fusion. In boys (if there is no inflammation), it is recommended to separate synechiae after 5 years and later, since there is a possibility of their “self-destruction.”

However, at the time when they appeared, it should be remembered that she needs special intimate hygiene for a newborn girl. A newborn girl should have her own soap and towel. The intimate hygiene of a 2-year-old girl should be based on the same principles and rules as the hygiene of a newborn baby. No matter how it is! - the parents of a newborn girl can safely say when they struggle with a full diaper for the first time.

Vaginal discharge in a newborn in the first days of life is often mistaken for pathology. In some cases, they are mixed with blood, which frightens mothers and forces them to contact a pediatrician. In most cases, the appearance of a secretion is normal and does not require specialist intervention. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene of the baby, and the leucorrhoea will disappear on its own in a few weeks.

Causes of discharge

Vaginal discharge is associated with a sexual crisis - the process of adaptation of a newborn to the environment and normalization of its hormonal levels. This condition occurs within the first month after birth and does not require treatment. The secretion of secretion is due to the need to remove estrogens, which the girl received in excess from her mother.

For normal fetal development, a regular supply of female hormones is required. They participate in the formation of the genital organs and glands and are responsible for the implementation of their functions. To prevent hormonal deficiency, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the mother's body automatically increases. This, in turn, often leads to an overabundance of active substances, manifested in the form of a sexual crisis.

Discharge also occurs in children whose mothers had problems conceiving. To achieve pregnancy, women undergo hormonal therapy to increase the embryo's chances of survival. The risk group for a pubertal crisis also includes children born to mothers with late toxicosis and concomitant pathologies (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, etc.).

Despite the fact that sexual crisis is not a deviation, its occurrence is associated with a hormonal imbalance that arose during gestation. If a woman plans her pregnancy and regularly visits the doctor, discharge from the child, as a rule, does not occur. Hormonal screening allows you to timely identify estrogen imbalance and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.

To monitor the normal development of the fetus and prevent the sexual crisis of the newborn, a pregnant woman should regularly visit a gynecologist throughout pregnancy.

Types of discharge and accompanying symptoms

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In the first days, newborns most often experience white, sticky mucus. The secretion accumulates in the folds of the genital organs and can be mistaken for the remains of vernix lubrication. It should not be removed with antiseptics; it is important to wash the child more often with warm water without soap. There is no need to scrub off the plaque - it disappears on its own a few weeks after birth.

There is no need to worry if your newborn has bleeding. The appearance of pink secretion is associated with the rejection of excess endometrium. Under the influence of prostaglandin and estrogen, the walls of the girl’s uterus increase. After childbirth, the amount of hormones in the body decreases sharply, which is manifested by mucous membrane separation and slight bleeding.

The secret of a rich yellow color is not a deviation either. Such discharge indicates a uric acid infarction in a newborn and does not harm her health. The occurrence of this condition is associated with an increased concentration of uric acid, which is why the child’s urine takes on a brick color. The plaque disappears a few days after the start of breastfeeding.

During the newborn period, discharge is a variant of the norm

Hormonal imbalance in the mother's body contributes to the accumulation of glycogen in the fetus - a complex carbohydrate that provokes the proliferation of Dederlein's rods. Lactobacilli are normally included in the microflora of a girl’s vagina, but in combination with polysaccharides they form a light yellow coating, which quickly disappears if personal hygiene rules are observed.

You should be wary if a girl has abundant secretion mixed with pus. This deviation indicates an inflammatory process in the genital organs.

With inflammation, gray-green discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness and swelling of the skin in the groin area;
  • burning and itching when urinating.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

To prevent complications of a sexual crisis, you need to monitor the condition of the baby. The hormonal levels of a newborn normalize during the first 8 weeks of life. If girls older than 2-3 months continue to have discharge, this is not normal. In case of prolonged or complicated adaptation, you should consult a doctor. The following symptoms are grounds for specialist intervention:

  • bloody spots in the urine;
  • painful urination, during which the girl screams and writhes;
  • copious secretion;
  • putrid odor and secreted pus;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the girl’s genital organs;
  • anatomical abnormalities in the groin area.

If the discharge continues in a girl older than 3 months of age, it is necessary to see a pediatric gynecologist

How to get rid of the problem?

To get rid of discharge, no special treatment is required. The hormonal levels of the newborn normalize within a few weeks after birth, and unpleasant symptoms disappear. Drug therapy is carried out in case of complicated sexual crisis. If leucorrhoea alternates with pus, careful diagnosis and prescription of antibacterial drugs is necessary.

With normal adaptation of the child's body, careful care of the baby is sufficient. Clothes should be dry and clean, not rub or squeeze the baby's skin. To quickly get rid of a hormonal crisis, you need to adhere to the following rules of personal hygiene for a girl:

  1. Wash the child in the direction from the groin to the anus (we recommend reading:). This measure helps prevent feces from getting on the genitals.
  2. Gentle cleansing. In order not to cause irritation and prevent infection from penetrating into the mucous membrane, there is no need to vigorously rub the baby’s skin.
  3. Do not remove white deposits. There is no need to spread the labia to clean the mucous membrane from the white layer. Frequent washing is sufficient to remove secretions.
  4. Using warm boiled water for bathing. The newborn should be washed in a slightly cooled liquid, a decoction of chamomile or string. It is not recommended to wash leucorrhoea with soap, which dries out the skin.

Vaginal discharge in newborns is a manifestation of the sexual crisis - the process of normalizing the level of estrogen in the body of girls. This condition does not require treatment and disappears by the 8th week of the baby’s life. In some cases, it may be accompanied by the release of pus and swelling of the mammary glands. If there are complications, you should consult a doctor to prescribe additional diagnostic methods and therapeutic agents.

Well, let's meet my "wonderful" friends. They are peaceful, but sometimes the chalk “Mashenka” cannot calm them down
1) the most, at times, infuriating appearance... for some reason it shows its activity when visiting... I cannot drink anything from cups and mugs except tea and coffee. All other drinks require a glass. And it is imperative that the cup/mug/glass is dry
2) this species is peaceful and does not annoy anyone. I cannot eat wet fruits, vegetables, berries, or lettuce. I wipe everything down. The taste of water prevents you from enjoying the taste of vegetables and fruits.
3) I don’t finish eating after the children and stop eating if someone (even if it’s the most beloved and dearest person) gets into my plate. If you want to try what's on my plate, no problem. Give me your plate, I'll put it for you myself. But no need to climb. I also don’t let anyone take a bite of my apple.
4) You cannot take my things without permission. None! Even an elastic band lying under the table. No, it’s not lying around - it’s lying there and it’s mine. Do you need my pen and paper - that's that bullshit - ask!
5) I don’t like being forced to do something, they really put pressure on me... I’ll do it, but I’ll put a big tick in it. Yes, I have a notebook where I put ticks (hand smiley face)
6) Food should not be in the refrigerator... therefore, if I’m not at work, I cook a lot (5-6 times) a day in portions. Cooked, ate, washed the dishes. The refrigerator contains only yogurt, milk, juices, water, cheese, vegetables and fruits.
7) My stupidest cockroach is “right now”... I fight with it all the time... My husband used to get big eyes and didn’t understand what difference it made when the tea was made. But the tea, which was made 5 minutes after my request, was poured into the sink... Honestly, I’m making a lot of efforts to destroy this barbel!
Tell us about your "comrades". Are you friends? Ways to fight? Who wins?
Happy spring exacerbation, lady. Let the weather, mood, feelings be warm and joyful.



Good evening dear forum members! This topic was inspired by a conversation today with a friend who called and was interested in my health. I had lunch and ate herring with fried potatoes, to which the friend so violently expressed her Fi... about herring, she doesn’t eat it at all and said that even the smell of it is not tolerates(((I love herring and fi... somehow I missed it, but then I thought about it and started to remember that I never eat it either and fi... I will never touch the foam from milk, I couldn’t do durian I tried it in Tai, I couldn’t try the snake, I don’t eat semolina porridge, apparently I was overfed as a child, and cottage cheese is also fi... I never eat kidneys, for me it’s terrible. And you also have fi... Chatty topic


Sofiko Sofiko

Good day everyone!

It's time to sum up the results of the competition for the title of the most handsome man

I didn’t expect anything like this when I created the topic with voting, and first of all I want to thank everyone who responded: who added candidates, who voted, and who brought liveliness and fun to the topic with their discussions. We probably broke all the records that have ever been here. Thank you all so much!


Madame N.D.

Today we summed up the results of a wonderful vote for the title of the most handsome man. BUT - most of them are “imported” comrades! And I want to support our relatives and loved ones, Russian and Soviet men, and add additional nominations. After all, beauty is an advantage for ladies, and men differ in other qualities too!
Add your favorites. And I'm starting!



There were already many topics with photos of cats on the forum. But today is their day, let's show our favorite pets once again.
This is our Princess Grassie. At the end of September she was picked up on the street. The former indoor cat spent about 8-9 months on the street. In the first photo, this is how we picked her up. It's on others now. Consider me bragging. I am very happy for her and us that we found each other.
Post photos of your pets and tell interesting things about them.


Lioness Passionate

Have you heard that a festive concert took place in St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg on February 23? The last song was “On a submarine with an atomic motor.” It was written back in 1980 by the bard A. Kozlovsky. Then it was perceived as a joke and even a Soviet satire... But now, even in such a super-serious performance, after “shaking the rockets” it’s not funny. I definitely don't...
Here's a snippet of the song:
On a nuclear-powered submarine
Yes, with a dozen bombs worth a hundred megatons
Crossed the Atlantic and called the gunner:
“Point, I say, Petrov, at the city of Washington!”
Tru-la-la, Tru-la-la,
I can do everything for three rubles!
Hello new land
The enemy!
By the way, the performers and organizers explain that this is a joke! And I’m thinking, maybe our modernity (and laws) will then be perceived as: “So this is a joke! Well, you fools, did you believe it?!”...and a slash for scaring!)))

Well, after all, this is a culture-multur. Will we also strengthen cultural values? Let's be "lousy intellectuals" today?
The cheesecake is bookish, humorous. My “turning point” books:
-Lord of the Rings. D. Tolkien. 1954 (taught me to love the world in all its glory)
-Blindness of J. Saramago (taught him to protect and defend himself)
-Where dreams lead. R. Matheson.1978 (taught the infinity of being)
-Master and Margarita. M. Bulgakov. 1940 (taught to love by giving)
-1984. D. Orwell 1949 (taught to be free)

How did the “letters” influence you? Favorite works, quotes are welcome... and maybe even unloved ones: Here is “100 Years of Solitude” by Ha. Ga. Marquez is not my book. Well, who was the “killer”, I still read it, got into the last pages...)))