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Numbness of the cervical region. Possible causes of neck numbness and ways to eliminate it. Regular hand numbness

Signs of hypothyroidism

The main signs of hypothyroidism - decreased activity of the thyroid gland - are associated with a slowdown in the main physical processes in the body, which causes a deficiency of thyroid hormones . The most common signs of this thyroid disease include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, low blood pressure, fluid retention, depression, and slow reaction time.

Signs of hyperthyroidism

Signs of hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland, are associated with increased metabolism caused by excess thyroid hormones. The most common signs of hyperthyroidism include increased irritability , insomnia, sudden weight loss, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, eye sensitivity or blurred vision.

Signs of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

The so-called Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease are two autoimmune diseases that directly affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. Signs of Hashimoto's thyroiditis usually appear along with signs of hypothyroidism caused by this disease. In rare cases, however, thyroid dysfunction may be accompanied by short periods of increased activity, a condition called hashitoxicosis. In this case, the signs of the disease may change to the exact opposite. Signs of Graves' disease are usually similar to those of hyperthyroidism.

Signs of goiter and thyroid nodules

The main signs of a goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, include a swollen neck, tenderness, a tightness in the throat, coughing, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. In some cases, a goiter is noticeable upon direct examination.

Symptoms of thyroid nodules depend on the type of formation. Some thyroid nodules cause no symptoms, but others may cause difficulty swallowing, pain or pressure in the neck, or neck tenderness. In some cases, the signs of thyroid nodes are similar to the signs of hyperthyroidism - these may be insomnia, a sharp decrease in body weight, increased irritability, and tremor. In addition, the formation of thyroid nodes can cause hypothyroidism - in this case, characteristic symptoms appear, including weight gain, increased fatigue, depression .

Signs of thyroid cancer

Although there are no clear symptoms in the early stages of thyroid cancer, the most common signs of thyroid cancer include changes in voice, difficulty breathing or swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, and noticeable lumps in the thyroid tissue.

Numbness in osteochondrosis, when various parts of the body go numb, occurs due to degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, which become smaller in size.

Therefore, pressure begins on the nerve endings, which results in swelling of the neck and burning of the face or numbness of the limbs. Cervical osteochondrosis is almost always complicated by these symptoms.

Loss of sensitivity, swelling of the face, neck, head, hands are frequent accompaniments of the disease.. This condition requires urgent help, since due to impaired blood supply, the muscles begin to atrophy.

A huge number of vessels supplying the brain and other organs, as well as nerves innervating the upper body, pass through the cervical spine. Due to the destruction of the discs, the vertebrae become closer to each other, osteophytes often grow on them(bone processes).

The cervical region is the most mobile; when turning the head, nerve endings are pinched and blood vessels are compressed. The result is a disruption of blood supply in this area, the organs experience hypoxia(oxygen starvation).

The result is loss of sensitivity, a feeling of numbness above the collarbone and in other parts of the body., tingling and goosebumps in the head, neck, face, pain in the left or right arm and legs.

Due to poor blood supply, they intensify, and even greater compression of the arteries and nerve roots begins. It turns out to be a vicious circle, from which it is difficult for the patient to break out on his own.

In addition to numbness, patients complain of the appearance of significant swelling, especially in the face and collar area. Often after sleep, patients notice swelling of their fingers. This is due to stagnation of lymph in the affected area. Due to compression of the arteries, tissue metabolism is disrupted and venous outflow worsens. As a result, fluid retention occurs and swelling forms.

The second reason is muscle spasm. Pain syndrome leads to it; the body, as it were, protects itself by reducing the mobility of the spine. Spasmed muscles are less well supplied with oxygen, and swelling forms.

Important!With cervical osteochondrosis, the area of ​​the mouth, cheeks, and tongue is susceptible to swelling and numbness. The patient's facial expressions are impaired, he begins to speak worse, loses his sense of taste, and it becomes difficult for him to chew food. If the swelling is closer to the larynx, it causes difficulty breathing and problems with swallowing.

Differences between edema and swelling

The concepts of edema and tumor should be differentiated. Despite their external similarity, they have fundamental differences.

Swelling is the result of fluid accumulation extracellular spaces due to impaired blood supply or damage to small capillaries. When the provoking factor is eliminated, it goes away on its own.

A tumor is a new growth, developed due to pathological cell division. This is caused by an altered genetic apparatus of cells, as a result of which the process of regulation of their growth and division is disrupted.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, swelling is most often observed. A spinal tumor is not a consequence of osteochondrosis, but an independent disease that has different causes.


First of all, the doctor needs to make sure that the cause of swelling and numbness is osteochondrosis, and not other pathologies.

For this, the following diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  1. X-ray of the spine. It allows you to identify the degree of disc destruction and the growth of osteophytes.
  2. Angiography(X-ray with contrast). Examines the state of blood flow, records process disturbances.
  3. Dopplerography. Identifies problems with vascular patency.
  4. MRI. Gives an accurate answer about the presence or absence of a hernia, neoplasm in the spine, traumatic changes.


Cervical osteochondrosis causes complications in the form of swelling and numbness of the organs of the upper body. Most often they suffer:

  • Head, especially the occipital part. First, the patient feels a tingling, burning sensation that occurs after sedentary work or straining the neck. At the initial stage, it may go away after some time, but more often it persists for a long time. Then the sensitivity of the back of the head disappears, and unpleasant sensations arise when running your fingers over the scalp.
  • Neck. She swells and goes numb very first. The swelling may be one-sided; a slight swelling is visualized at this site. When touched, goosebumps are felt, sensitivity is muffled or disappears altogether. The patient has difficulty turning his head.
  • Tongue, jaws, lips, cheeks. The patient feels the organs “as if they are not his own,” it is unpleasant to touch the face, it becomes puffy. There are also difficulties with swallowing and chewing food, taste and olfactory sensations are lost, facial expressions are disrupted, and facial features are distorted. If treatment is not started, the situation will be aggravated by decreased hearing and vision.
  • Supraclavicular region. Swells due to impaired blood circulation. Symptoms usually appear after sleep, swelling is visible to the naked eye, and touching this area is unpleasant. The patient experiences difficulty raising his arms, and there is a feeling of weakness and stiffness in the joints.
  • Hands and fingers. Paresthesia is a constant companion of cervical osteochondrosis. Usually only one hand or the fingers of one hand become numb. By this sign you can judge in which vertebra the pinched nerves occurred. For example, the ring finger suffers if the 8th vertebra is damaged, the middle finger - 7, the index finger indicates a problem with the 6th vertebra.
  • Legs. If a large vessel is pinched, the numbness may spread to the legs. Usually the symptoms are not so pronounced, so they may go unnoticed. They are expressed in a slight loss of sensitivity in the toes, swelling at the end of the working day.

Attention! If degenerative changes spread to vertebrae 3-5, then the entire arm goes numb. A person cannot grasp small objects, hold something heavy, or raise and hold his arms.

First aid

If unpleasant sensations arise on the face or neck, the patient can independently give himself a light massage of the collar area. This will increase blood flow and help eliminate symptoms.

You can perform several simple exercises, but you should not sharply rotate your head or throw it back, so as not to provoke even greater damage to the nerves. They will help alleviate the condition, they relieve muscle spasms and increase blood flow.


Therapy for paresthesia and swelling is no different from the standard treatment of osteochondrosis. The following methods are used:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Exercise therapy.
  • Swimming.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Massage.
  • Traditional medicine.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Wearing orthopedic products.
  • Diet therapy.

Drug treatment

Drugs such as:

  • Vasodilators. They eliminate muscle spasms and normalize blood flow by increasing the vascular lumen. The effect is achieved by blocking the nerve impulse, causing muscle contraction. This group includes: Vinpocetine, Piracetam, Trenal, Nicotinic acid, Actovegin.
  • Muscle relaxants. Their action is based on muscle relaxation, due to which decompression of blood vessels and nerves occurs and normal blood supply is restored. These drugs cannot be taken for a long time; usually a single administration is enough.

With prolonged use, you can achieve a complete loss of muscle tone.

  • Vasodilator ointments. Prescribed in combination with tablets or injections. Local remedies cannot cope with the problem on their own. Ointments restore capillary blood supply, prevent vascular fragility, relieve pain, and have a mild muscle relaxant effect. Typically, all such products have a warming effect, so they should not be applied to affected skin or if you are prone to allergies. Preparations based on camphor, cayenne pepper extract, snake venom, menthol (Gevkamen, Menovazan, Abiflor) help well.
  • Diuretics. Diuretics are indispensable for eliminating edema. Remove excess fluid and relieve tissue swelling. Most drugs provoke the leaching of calcium and potassium from the body. Therefore, preference should be given to modern potassium- and calcium-saving products: Amiloride, Aldactone, Pamid. They act more mildly than Furosemide, but lead to the desired result.


Acupuncture has long been successfully used to treat osteochondrosis.. The principle of treatment is based on influencing active biological points using thin needles. This helps relax smooth muscles, restore blood flow, and relieve swelling. Therapy is prescribed even during the period of exacerbation of the disease, the patient’s condition improves after just a couple of sessions. Sensitivity is restored, swelling goes away, pain is relieved.

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed after the acute period has passed. The task of exercise therapy is to decompress blood vessels, normalize blood supply to the affected area, and restore metabolic processes.

All exercises are selected by a specialist and performed under the supervision of an instructor. In the future. The complex consists of exercises aimed at stretching the spine and restoring neck mobility.

You should not allow pain to increase and discomfort to arise during exercise. If pain occurs, you need to reduce the intensity or stop exercising.

A few simple exercises:

  • Smooth rotation of the head.
  • Circular movements with your hands.
  • Shoulder rotation.
  • Tilt your head forward, slowly turn it to the right, left, without lifting it.
  • Tilt the head alternately to the right and left shoulder.


Therapeutic swimming helps stretch the spine and relieve compression. Metabolism is also restored and blood circulation improves.

Allowed styles are crawl and breaststroke. Butterfly puts a lot of stress on the spine, so it is not used for medicinal purposes.

It is best to conduct classes in the pool, gradually move to open water bodies.

It’s useful not just to swim, but to do some exercises:

  1. Hanging on the side. Helps stretch the spine.
  2. Swing your legs while holding onto the side.
  3. Easy running in shallow water, jumping, jumping in the water.


Massage of the collar area is a prerequisite for getting rid of unpleasant sensations. The patient can perform self-massage by kneading and stroking the neck and back of the head. However, it is better to trust a specialist.

It is forbidden to make sudden movements (tapping, pinching, shaking). After the course of therapy, the usual blood supply returns, swelling and other discomfort disappear.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is preferably used in conjunction with other treatment methods. This way a quick positive effect is achieved. At home, they use various rubbings with infusions, ointments, compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs, relaxing ointments with the addition of plant extracts or aromatic oils.

A compress of radish, raw potatoes, rubbing with infusion of birch buds, and heating with paraffin are helpful. You can prepare your own ointments from honey, ginger, and mustard.

Important! Before use, you should consult with your doctor and take into account a possible allergic reaction to the components of the products.


Physiotherapy is an integral part of the course of treatment for back diseases. It enhances the effect of medications and massage, and shortens the healing process. The most popular methods:

  • Electrophoresis. Medicines are delivered to the affected area using currents. Thanks to this, decompression, swelling and inflammation are relieved.
  • Diadynamic currents. They affect nerve endings, relieve spasms, and relieve pain.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It also activates nerve endings and restores metabolic processes.
  • Laser therapy. Restores tissue integrity, relieves pain, activates metabolism.

Wearing orthopedic products

For cervical osteochondrosis, wearing a Shants collar is often prescribed. It fixes the neck in the correct physiological position, preventing sudden turns of the head.

In this way, normalization of blood supply to the brain is achieved.

This helps relax muscles, eliminate numbness and swelling.

The product is approved for use at any age, the method has no contraindications.

You need to wear a collar during the day, while working, doing exercises, to minimize sudden turns of the head.

The corset is removed at night.

The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

Diet therapy

Correction of nutrition is necessary for the speedy recovery of the patient. First of all, drinking regime is important. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This removes toxins and waste products from the body. There are no strict restrictions for the patient. It is necessary to arrange nutrition so that the patient receives the required amount of vitamins, minerals, and calories.

The following products should be excluded from the menu:

  1. Hot sauces, seasonings.
  2. Fried, fatty foods.
  3. Fast food.
  4. Sweet pastries.
  5. Alcohol.
  6. Carbonated drinks.
  7. Strong coffee, tea, energy drinks.

The patient's diet should consist of such products, How:

  • Dairy (cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk). They supply the body with calcium.
  • Bananas, nuts, avocados, legumes. They have a lot of magnesium.
  • Peaches, carrots, and tomatoes contain vitamin A.
  • Lean red meat and milk are sources of vitamin B.
  • Oranges, red peppers, and sauerkraut provide vitamin C.
  • Liver, butter, egg, fish are necessary to replenish vitamin D deficiency.

Please note! It is better to cook dishes by steaming or stewing. Eat small meals, at least 5 meals per day.


Symptoms such as numbness and swelling with cervical osteochondrosis cannot be ignored. Long-term compression leads to chronic disruption of the blood supply to tissues and oxygen starvation. The vertebrae and discs do not receive enough nutrients and continue to deteriorate. This contributes to even greater compression of blood vessels and nerve roots. A vicious circle is formed. Lost sensitivity is not restored.

Muscles that do not receive enough nutrition begin to atrophy. The patient develops chronic headache, hypertension, and vertebral artery syndrome. A further complication is autonomic disorders. The patient will experience heart pain, dizziness, nausea, difficulty chewing food, and difficulty breathing.

Failure to treat osteochondrosis will lead to irreversible disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Another serious complication is blurred vision due to narrowing of the arteries.. Double vision, floaters, and inability to focus may appear. If left untreated, these disorders will become irreversible.


For reference! Numbness and swelling of the upper body and head are common symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis. They cause a lot of suffering to the patient, significantly worsening the quality of life. Ultimately this can lead to disability. You can avoid unpleasant consequences by starting treatment on time.

The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling and numbness in various parts of the body is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle. It can also be caused by overstraining a specific muscle group. However, numbness in the neck often signals serious diseases of the spine or circulatory problems. To prevent the exacerbation of such pathologies, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor when this symptom appears.

The causes of neck numbness often lie not only in the musculoskeletal system, but also in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To answer the question of why the neck goes numb, you should pay attention to the following diseases:

This problem can also arise due to banal overwork or osteochondrosis. For each of these pathologies, a number of additional symptoms are observed.

Features of the course of diseases in which the neck becomes numb. With multiple sclerosis, coordination of movements is impaired and visual acuity decreases. This disease is highly treatable only in the early stages. If the blood circulation in the brain is impaired, there is a feeling of numbness in the neck and one side of the head. This pathology develops very sharply and can lead to a stroke.

If the causes of neck numbness lie in primary or secondary oncological lesions of the brain, weakness also appears. In this case, coordination and vision impairments are also observed. If such symptoms occur after injuries to the back, head or neck, this indicates a cerebral hemorrhage and the need for urgent hospitalization.


Having found out the approximate cause of neck numbness, you can only seek help from specialists. You can make an initial appointment with a neurologist or orthopedist. In some cases, such a symptom requires immediate examination and treatment. Diagnosis of diseases leading to such problems can be made using the following procedures:

As for establishing the cause of the disease, doctors usually give directions for:

The accuracy of such examinations depends on the characteristics of the equipment and the skills of the doctors who conduct them. Also, the physiological characteristics of the patient have a huge impact on the information content of these diagnostic procedures. You can undergo an examination using high-precision equipment and get advice from experienced specialists in Moscow clinics.

Which doctor treats neck numbness?

If your neck begins to go numb, you should consult the following specialty doctor.

Increased skin sensitivity is not only inconvenient or uncomfortable, but also quite painful, not to mention irritable. In the medical field, skin soreness is usually defined by one term - allodynia. This condition implies such a high sensitivity that a person can feel pain even from a slight breath of wind.

What is the level of skin sensitivity?

To date, the following types of sensitivity have been established and studied:

  • Mechanical or tactile "triggered" to touch;
  • Static mechanical, when the skin responds with pain to minimal external pressure or touch;
  • Dynamic mechanical. This pathology excludes the possibility of complete cleansing of the skin, not to mention the possibility of peeling the face or body;
  • Thermal pain, in which pain results from the influence of heat or cold.

Abnormally increased sensitivity may well signal serious health problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, viruses or problems with the nervous system, for example.


The increased sensitivity of the whole body or its individual parts that a person has cannot go unnoticed. Local or all-encompassing pain appears immediately after the skin begins to be affected by an irritating factor.

To understand the scale of such a pathology, we can give the following example: a person whose skin gets a piece of cotton wool or a thread from a bandage, a drop of cold or hot water, begins to experience severe pain or an unbearable tingling sensation.

As mentioned above, the pain may not spread beyond the site of exposure to the irritant, but may affect the entire body.

Depending on your skin types, sensitivity may include burning, itching, tingling, or a crawling sensation.

Why does the skin become overly sensitive?

Sensitive skin can be the result of a serious internal disease or a simple sunburn.

Most often, pathology appears due to the following reasons:

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight, which dry out the dermis and make it responsive to the slightest touch;
  • Neuropathy, that is, severe damage to nerve endings. The latter usually accompanies injury, diabetes or vitamin deficiency;
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin to the slightest touch can be a concomitant symptom of migraine. If this is so, then during headache attacks a person cannot even comb his hair, not to mention wearing jewelry, makeup, etc.;
  • Previous chickenpox or treatment for it. Such an infection provokes the occurrence of shingles, rashes, blisters and other skin formations that can withstand even minimal touch;
  • Fibromyalgia is a separate disease that involves persistent fatigue, problems with normal sleep, chronic pain of the entire skin and, as a result, allodynia itself;
  • Internal processes occurring with nerve cells. If their myelin sheath is damaged, then the person begins to feel unpleasant symptoms, and skin sensitivity and soreness in particular;
  • Defects in brain function, when sensitivity to touch results from impairments in the ability to evaluate and sort stimuli.

Treatment Options

Treatment of such a pathology implies the complete eradication of the causes that provoked it.

Again, fibromyalgia and the destruction of the myelin cell sheath are not easily cured, while mild tingling sensations can be eliminated by regular intake of vitamin B.

Shingles can be removed with the help of general or local antiviral and anti-infective drugs in the form of tablets or ointments.

Nipple sensitivity

Along with the sensitivity and soreness of the entire skin, in medicine there is such a thing as increased sensitivity of the nipples. Most often it is applied to women, although it can also apply to representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Since nipples are rich in nerve endings, literally everything can irritate them, from the touch of a sexual partner to underwear, a towel, and even soap.

Provoking factors can be the following irritants:

  1. almost all body care cosmetics;
  2. dyes and chemicals used to treat fabrics;
  3. cleaning products, powders, gels and other household chemicals;
  4. creamy preparations and ointments used to treat cracks and other pathologies of the nipples; they may contain components that cause allergic reactions;
  5. approaching or ending menstruation;
  6. fibrocystic mastopathy;
  7. mastitis;
  8. candidiasis;
  9. psoriasis;
  10. eczema;
  11. herpes;
  12. impetigo;
  13. damage to nerve endings;
  14. pain in the chest muscles, reflected in the nipple;
  15. Paget's disease;

If we talk about men, then their painful nipple sensitivity can be the result of the following processes:

  • puberty;
  • nipple injuries;
  • penetration of infection into them;
  • gynecomastia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • abnormal functioning of the pituitary gland, testicles or adrenal glands;
  • breast cancer;
  • active use of anabolic steroids and steroids.

Tongue sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of the tongue is a rather rare diagnosis associated with chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach, hormonal imbalances and changes in the psycho-emotional sphere of a person’s life. Sometimes the pathology becomes a kind of allergy to dentures and filling materials.

The main reasons for the early development of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • hereditary (genetic) predisposition
  • metabolic disorders in the body, infections, intoxication
  • overweight
  • malnutrition (lack of microelements, vitamins and fluids)
  • spinal injuries (bruises, fractures);
  • poor posture, spinal curvature
  • instability of spinal column segments
  • flat feet
  • unfavorable environmental conditions
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • work involving heavy lifting
  • work associated with frequent changes in body position (turns, flexion and extension, jerking)
  • prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position while standing, sitting, lying down, when lifting and carrying heavy objects, when performing any work that puts stress on the cervical spine and the spine as a whole
  • excessive physical activity with an undeveloped musculoskeletal system
  • nervous tension, stress
  • hypothermia
  • Using the wrong pillows while sleeping.

First aid

When you can’t bear the pain, take a painkiller from your home medicine cabinet (“Analgin”, “Baralgin”, “Tempalgin”). If these medications do not help, you will have to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nise, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac). However, these drugs have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so without consulting a doctor, they can only be used as an emergency measure, and then you should consult a specialist for advice. You can reduce the intensity of pain by using anti-inflammatory analgesic ointments - Diclofenac, Butadione. Or warming and “distracting” - “Finalgon”, “Capsicam”, “Viprosal” (with snake venom), “Virapin” and “Apizartron” (with bee venom). If swelling has formed in the area of ​​inflammation, you can take diuretics or herbal infusions for 3-4 days, unless there are contraindications. During the day you can wear a pepper patch, it also has a distracting effect, but at night it is useless. If problems with the neck have caused numbness or pain in the arm, it is pointless to smear it with any ointments; the medicine should be applied to the affected area - the neck.

If you are using a special Shants collar to immobilize your neck, do not wear it for long periods of time. Being immobile, the neck muscles weaken and atrophy, making it even difficult for them to hold their head on their shoulders.

Physical therapy cannot be done during an exacerbation - it can only be started after the exacerbation has been relieved.


The diagnosis is established using radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. To check the condition of the neck vessels, Doppler ultrasound or duplex scanning is prescribed.


Therapy for cervical osteochondrosis should be as comprehensive as possible, using both drug and non-drug therapy, as well as in the prevention of possible complications.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing drugs that relieve pain and inflammation (Nise, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren), as well as drugs that improve cerebral circulation. In addition, for pathological muscle tension, it is recommended to take drugs for relaxation (“Mydocalm”), as well as vitamins in a therapeutic dose (nicotinic acid, B vitamins - B1, B6, B12), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese preparations.

Common drugs (mainly dietary supplements), which are called chondroprotectors and promise to restore intervertebral disc tissue, according to doctors, are useless. There is no clinical evidence of their effectiveness.

A major role in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is given to physiotherapy - electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, water procedures (various medicinal baths, showers), paraffin baths...

Alternative therapy methods are also widely used - reflexology, manual therapy, massage, hirudotherapy, apitherapy, osteopathy. However, therapeutic exercises are of greatest importance for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis.


To avoid problems associated with cervical osteochondrosis, you should remember the reasons for its development and complications and, if possible, prevent them. Since the main reason for the development of cervical osteochondrosis is a sedentary lifestyle and an unphysiological position of the body in tension, it is necessary to do daily exercises for the neck, including them in morning exercises or performing them at the workplace. At the same time, remember that doctors do not recommend making circular rotational movements of the head; their implementation is fraught with injury to the neck.

Exercises while sitting and standing

1. Place your palm on your forehead, press your forehead onto your palm, straining your neck muscles. The palm should resist the pressure of the forehead for 7-10 seconds. Do the exercise 3-4 times. Repeat the same exercise by placing your palm on the back of your head 3-4 times.

2. Place your left palm on your left temple and press it on your palm, straining your neck muscles for 7-10 seconds. Do the exercise 3-4 times. Repeat the same exercise, pressing your right temple onto your right palm.

3. The two above exercises can be done differently: rest your forehead against the wall and press on it, straining your neck muscles. Then press the back of your head against the wall, then the left, then the right half of your head.

4. Tilt your head back a little. Overcoming the resistance of tense neck muscles, gradually lower it. Finish the exercise by pressing your chin to the jugular fossa. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

5. Stand straight with your shoulders turned. Slowly turn your head as far as possible to the right 5-6 times, then to the left.

6. Lower your chin to your neck and in this position slowly turn your head: 5-6 times to the right, then to the left.

7. Tilt your head back a little. Try to reach your right ear with your right ear, then your left ear with your left ear. Repeat each exercise 5 times.

8. Interlace your fingers at the back of your head, bring your elbows together, and place your chin on your folded forearms. Interlace your fingers so that the edge of your palm rests against the back of your head, and lift your forearms together as high as possible. Stay in this position, without straining, for 10-15 seconds.

Exercises in a lying position:

1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs, extend your arms along your body. Bend your knees and clasp them with your hands, pull them towards your stomach, in this position raise your head and touch your forehead to your knees. Slowly straighten your legs and raise your head. Do the exercise 4-5 times.

2. Bend your knees and grab the edge of the sofa or headboard with your hands. Slowly raise your torso, reaching your feet to your hands. Do the exercise 4-5 times.

3. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight. Hands lie along the body. Using your legs, stomach, and lower body as your support, lift your head and shoulders. Do the exercise 4-5 times.

4. Lie straight, spread your arms to the sides. Lifting slightly off the floor, turn your torso to the left and reach your left palm with your right hand. Do the same, reaching your left hand to your right palm. Do the exercise 4-5 times.

5. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your torso, palms up, chin at the same level as your torso. Relax and slowly turn your head to the right - to the starting position - to the left. Try to turn your head so that your ear touches the floor. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

6. Lie on your stomach, rest your chin on your palms, relax your neck muscles. Turn your head left and right, trying to touch your ear to the floor. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Regularly performing a set of exercises will help relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the collar area, as well as improve the mobility of the vertebrae themselves. However, when performing exercises, you should monitor your sensations - do not increase the intensity of movements and tension if pain occurs. In such cases, exercises should be performed with great caution and not for long.


To prevent osteochondrosis, doctors recommend regularly visiting an orthopedist from early school age and, if necessary, correcting spinal curvatures and postural disorders. To form a muscle corset - play sports, primarily swimming. Consume foods that provide the body with calcium and magnesium (fish and seafood, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, peas, wholemeal bread, dairy products, cheeses) and vitamins.
Avoid accumulating excess weight. Follow doctors' recommendations when working at the computer. Do not carry bags hanging over your shoulder.