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Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics (composition). The originality of the love lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky MKO Zubkovskaya secondary school Sapsay Ekaterina Sergeevna

Lesson in 11th grade. Topic: "Love lyrics by V.V. Mayakovsky."

Goals and objectives :

  1. to give students an idea about Mayakovsky's love lyrics, about how this feeling was perceived by the poet; to acquaint with the facts of Mayakovsky's biography;
  2. consolidate the ability to analyze a lyrical work; be able to generalize;
  3. make students think about what this feeling means to them, how they themselves understand it, how it should be.

Board layout:

  1. lesson topic
  2. lesson caption:

Love is from the sheets
insomnia torn,
break loose
jealous of Copernicus,
Him, and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,
your rival...
(Vl. Mayakovsky “Letter… to Kostrov…”)

During the classes

Introduction by the teacher.

The love theme in world poetry occupies one of the first places. Let us recall the immortal artistic images of Dante (Beatrice), Petrarch (Laura), Pushkin, Nekrasov, Blok and others.

Who among you will not agree that the lyrics are, first of all, poems about love. The best of what is created in poetry is brought to life by this feeling, beautiful and eternal.

In a letter to his beloved woman, Mayakovsky wrote:“Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, that's the main thing. Poems, deeds and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in everything.”It is this kind of “solid heart” that loves and therefore responds to everything in the world in Mayakovsky’s lyrics.

Actually, love lyrics take up little space in Mayakovsky's poetry, but in poems that are about something completely different, the word “love” appears again and again.

So, let's name the main works of Mayakovsky related to love lyrics.

  1. Poem "Cloud in Pants"
  2. "Flute - spine",
  3. "I love",
  4. "About it",
  5. Poems: "Jubilee",
  6. "Love",
  7. "Lilichka",
  8. “Letter to comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”,
  9. “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, etc.


Pay attention to the epigraph written on the board. I would like you to read it. At the end of the lesson, based on the studied poems and the epigraph, you will have to try to answer the question - what kind of love reigns in the soul of Mayakovsky the poet.

Biographical comment.

The poet had no luck with women. Women misunderstood his immensity, which Lilya Brik, the woman who evoked the strongest and longest feeling in Mayakovsky, appreciated too much. So what is this woman? Writer Vasily Shklovsky recalled:“She knew how to be sad, feminine, capricious, proud, empty, smart and whatever. This is how Shakespeare described the woman.A friend of Lily Brik said this about her:“The most feminine woman with a sober mind and sincere indifference to the “vanity of vanities”(reference to illustrations).

Student report “History of the relationship between Mayakovsky and Lily Brik”.

I want to warn you against too literal identification of real people and heroes of the poet's lyrics, because art always strives to comprehend a concrete-single case as generally significant.

Expressive reading of the poem "Lilichka!" (1916)

Instead of a letter

Smoke tobacco air has left.
Room -
head in krunykhovsky hell.
Remember -
behind this window
your hands, frenzied, stroked.
Today you sit here
iron heart.
Another day -
you will expel
maybe scolded.
In the muddy front will not fit for a long time
trembling broken arm in the sleeve.
I'll run out
I will throw the body into the street.
go crazy
excised with despair.
Don't need this
Let's forgive now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
heavy weight after all -
hanging on you
wherever you run.
Let me roar in the last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If the bull is killed with labor -
he will leave
thaw in cold waters.
Except your love
to me
there is no sea
and from your love and crying you will not beg for rest.
A tired elephant wants rest -
regal will lie down in the scorched sand.
Except your love
to me
no sun,
and I don't know where you are and with whom.
If so the poet was tormented,
I would exchange my beloved for money and fame,
and me
not a single joyful ringing,
except for the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into flight,
and I won't drink poison
and I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.
over me,
except for your gaze
the blade of no knife has no power.
Tomorrow you will forget
who crowned you
that the soul blooming with love burned out,
and vain days uplifted carnival
ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves
make you stop
greedily breathing?
Give me at least
spread the last tenderness
your outgoing step.


- Explain Mayakovsky's neologisms that are encountered in the text. Is it possible to understand them? How does a poet create his neologisms? (They explain. You can understand, because they are created using well-known word-formation means: fired (burned), roar (cry, express), etc.)

What is this poem in form (pay attention to the subtitle).(We have before us the hero's appeal to his beloved, a passionate monologue written in the form of a letter).

The situation depicted in the poem looks prosaic outwardly. The hero is passionately in love, but the lover treats him far from unambiguously and, apparently, can leave him at any moment. But the extremely agitated intonation of the poem allows us to be convinced of the depth and tragedy of the feelings experienced by the lyrical hero.

Find and comment on the lines that convey the inner state of the hero. What figurative and expressive means does the author use?

Which lines confirm the hero's “huge-love”?

(The hero's love is likened to the sea, the sun - grandiose natural forces).

Despite the grandiosity of love feelings, the thought of suicide is tempting for the hero. Pay attention to the listed 4 types of voluntary death. The hero, as it were, “talks” to himself, by all means denies the fatal outcome. As we know, the poet himself still did not leave him ...

Can we talk about the hero's ability to self-deny in love? Why?

So, the love of a hero… What words would you choose to describe it?


  1. Caring for your loved one
  2. Decency
  3. tender attitude
  4. Love (usual, understandable, ugly) lack of reproaches
  5. "Giving" yourself
  6. You are my property donation
  7. I want you
  8. Deal (I love you for...)
  9. Take what I can give and that will make me happy
  10. The desire to make a loved one better than he is
  11. Don't expect anything in return

Tell me, have you met such love in your life?

And what prevails in life?

(The teacher writes the “lower step” on the board)

(i.e. lowest and highest level)

A rhetorical question:

What level are you on?

Everyone answers this question for himself.

The 1st step is easy, it is “like everyone else”, it is jealousy, etc. And, ultimately, when life passes, you realize that you were not happy.

The 2nd step is difficult, it is “not like the majority”. But this is what makes a person feel happy. (It's my personal opinion)

Expressive reading and brief analysis of the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love” (1928)

This poem is inspired by a strong and deep feeling for Tatyana Yakovleva. Mayakovsky met her in 1928 in Paris. Here is what Tatyana Yakovleva herself recalls about this in a letter to her mother:

We met like this. He ... endlessly told about me, and I received greetings from him when he had not yet seen me. Then he invited me to one house specifically to introduce him. In terms of attention and care (even for me, spoiled) he is absolutely amazing. I still miss him. The main thing is that the people I meet are mostly “secular”, without any desire to move their brains or with some kind of flies, infested thoughts and feelings. Mayakovsky whipped me up, forced (I was terribly afraid to seem stupid next to him) to mentally pull myself up ... He is so colossal both physically and morally that after him there is literally a desert. This is the first person who managed to leave a trace in my soul ... "

comrade Kostrov,
with inherent
spiritual breadth,
what part
on Paris released stanzas
for lyrics
beauty in the hall
in fur
and beads set.
got this beauty
and said:
- you said correctly
or wrong?
I, comrade,
From Russia,
I'm famous in my country
I have seen
girls are more beautiful
I have seen
girls are slimmer.
poets are loved.
I'm smart
and vociferous
I speak teeth
agree to listen.
Don't catch
on the rubbish
on a passerby
a couple of feelings.
wounded by love
I'm barely moving.
To me
not a wedding to measure:
fell out of love -
sailed away.
me, comrade,
to the highest degree
don't give a damn
on the domes.
Why go into details
stop the jokes
me, beauty
not twenty,
with a ponytail.
not in that
to boil cooler
not in that
that burn coals,
but in that
what rises behind the mountains of breasts
jungle hair.
Be in love -
this means:
deep into the yard
run in
and until the night of the rooks,
shining with an ax
chopping wood,
Be in love -
it's from the sheets
break loose
jealous of Copernicus,
and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,
not heaven but bushes,
buzzing about it
what now
put into work
exhausted motor.
to Moscow
broke the thread.
Years -
As if
would you
is this state?
On the ground
lights up to the sky...
In the blue sky
stars -
to hell.
If I
was not a poet
I would
would become
Raises the area noise,
carriages are moving
I go,
I write poems
into a notebook.
on the street,
not be thrown to the ground.
smart girls:
Human -
in ecstasy.
Host of visions
and ideas
up to the lid.
Here would
and bears
wings would grow.
And so
with some
penny canteen,
boiled it down
from the pharynx
up to the stars
up the word
golden comet.
Spread out
heaven by a third,
and his plumage burns,
so that two lovers
look at the stars
from them
arbors lilac.
To raise
and lead
and draw
who have weakened their eyes.
So that the enemy
cut off one's shoulders
shining saber.
until the last knock in the chest,
like a date
I listen:
love will buzz -
come up in a murmur.
will be able to cope?
Can you?

This poem is not just about love, it is about essence of love.

What does love mean for a poet?

(This is not a passion that blinds a person, but an earthly, joyful feeling that fills with creative power.) This is the unity of the earthly and heavenly.

What lines speak of the scale of this feeling? (What does it mean to love according to Mayakovsky?) Comment on these lines.

"Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva".

If the previous poem acquires a public character (because it is addressed to an official), then this work was not originally intended by Mayakovsky for publication. The theme appears from a different, dramatic side.

In the kiss of hands
in body tremors
close to me
my republics
I do not like
Parisian love:
any female
decorate with silk
stretching, dozing,
saying -
tubo -
ferocious passion.
You are the only one for me
straight growth,
get close
with an eyebrow,
about this
important evening
more human.
Five hours,
and from now on
of people
dense forest,
populated city,
I hear only
whistle dispute
trains to Barcelona.
In the black sky
lightning step,
in heavenly drama -
not a thunderstorm
and this
jealousy moves mountains.
stupid words
don't trust raw materials
do not be afraid
this shaking,
I bridle
I will humble
offspring of the nobility.
passion measles
come down with a scab,
but joy
I'll be long
I'll just
I speak in verse.
well them!
milestones swell,
fit Viu.
I'm not myself
and I
for Soviet Russia.
on the shoulders of the patch,
licks with a sigh.
we are not to blame
hundred million
was bad.
so tender -
straighten not many, -
you and us
needed in Moscow
Not for you,
in the snow
and in typhoid
with these legs
for caresses
give them away
in dinners
with the oilmen.
Don't you think
just squinting
from under straightened arcs.
Come here,
go to the crossroads
my big
and clumsy hands.
Do not want?
Stay and winter
and this
we will lower it to the general account.
I don't care
someday I'll take
or together with Paris.

- Prove with the text that a declaration of love is connected with reflections on life.

It is this duality that determines the compositional structure of the poem.

Summarizing. Conclusions.

- Appeal to the epigraph of the lesson and the answer to the question asked at the beginning of the lesson.

  1. The love theme in the early works of Mayakovsky is romanticized, and after the revolution it acquires a public sound.
  2. The inseparability of the spiritual and physical side of love for the poet.
  3. The theme of love in all the work of the poet plays an important role.

D.Z. Paperwork.

“What in the personality, life and work of Mayakovsky attracted me?”

At the time when Vladimir Mayakovsky began his creative activity, a discussion flared up in literature about whether writers should address the theme of love. Mayakovsky writes and dedicates the poem "I Love" to Lila Brik. In it, the feeling of love is reflected by the poet in a different way than in classical poetry of the 19th century. For Mayakovsky, love is a deeply personal experience that has nothing to do with the opinion of the inhabitants about love. The poet called the first part of the work “Usually so” in order to oppose his own poetic perception of the feeling of love to the ordinary perception of the feeling of love. This is the main conflict of the lyrical in its genre dominant poem. According to Mayakovsky, love is given to every person from birth, but ordinary people who love “between services, other incomes”, “bloom, bloom - and shrivel”:

Love is given to any born, -

But between services

And other things

From day to day

The soil of the heart hardens.

Finally, the lyrical hero meets a woman who


Behind the roar

Behind the growth


I just saw a boy.

Took away the heart

Went to play

Like a girl with a ball.

The conflict in the poem is based on the inseparability of feelings of love. It reaches its highest tension in the chapter "You". The poet gives his heart to his beloved and is happy. In his opinion, happiness does not lie in keeping feelings like capital in a bank, but in giving them to another person without wanting anything in return. Love is selfless, therefore it is eternal. Mayakovsky had a firm conviction that "if you love me, then you are mine, with me, for me, always, everywhere and under any circumstances, even if I am wrong, unfair, or cruel." Love must be unshakable, like a law of nature. “It cannot be that I am waiting for the sun, but it will not rise. It can't be that I bow to the flower and it runs away. It can’t be that I hug a birch, I’ll say: “Don’t.” Love is not scary

No quarrel

Not a mile.

Thought out



Raising solemnly a line-fingered verse,

I swear -

Unchanging and true.

Mayakovsky's love lyrics include two poems created at the end of 1928. These are “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”. The first of them is addressed to the editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, in which the poet, who ended up in Paris, worked. The second poem was not intended for printing - this is a personal message that was conveyed to the beloved woman. In the first "Letter ..." Mayakovsky reflects on the essence of love, its innermost meaning. The poet wants to understand himself, to take a fresh look at the world. Love is so strong that it turned everything in him, created him anew. "Letter ..." is a poetic monologue. The poet's love is "human, simple":

Raises the area noise,

carriages are moving

I write poems

into a notebook.

Love makes it possible to feel the unity of the ordinary, earthly and beautiful, high, and poetry - to express this.

In this "Letter ..." the poet claims that the word of a man in love is capable of


who have weakened their eyes.

"Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." - one of the most lyrical works of V. Mayakovsky about love. The poet talks about the meaning of love in his life. His feelings take on a “universal” scale, so Mayakovsky uses metaphors and neologisms to express them: “From the pharynx to the stars, a light-gold-born comet soars” or “The tail of heaven is spread by a third.”

In "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" love appears as its dramatic side. For some reason, mutual love did not bring happiness to the lovers. The poet promises to pacify the feeling of jealousy. If the poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." has a global, even philosophical character, then the second one is more personal in content. Mayakovsky's soul is open in him, passion and impotence, jealousy and dignity are nearby:

Don't you think

just squinting

from under straightened arcs.

Come here,

go to the crossroads

my big and clumsy hands.

Do not want?

Stay and winter

And it's an insult

we will lower it to the general account.

The form of the monologue gives confidence to the verse, gives the poetic narrative a deeply personal character. The ultimate frankness of the hero comes through in the words about “dogs of brutal passion”, about jealousy that “moves mountains”, about “measles of passion”. Each line of the poem is filled with the power of feeling, like all Mayakovsky's love lyrics, powerful and passionate. The poet was forever wounded by love. The reader cannot but be shaken by the power of this love, which, against all odds, affirms the invincibility of life. The poet had every reason to say:

what I wrote

this is to blame

heaven eyes,

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  • Love lyrics by Vladimir Mayakovsky


    1. Introduction

    2. To whom he dedicated his poems

    3. Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

    4. Conclusion


    Vladimir Mayakovsky is one of the most outstanding and extravagant poets of the 20th century. Starting as a futurist, he created his own and unique literary style that cannot be confused with any other.

    Despite his great popularity in society, Vladimir's life was not easy. He went through many hardships and mental anguish. He especially got from the fair sex - women. It was they who were the medicine and poison for the Lighthouse.

    They caused him a lot of pain, but without them the world would not have seen a number of beautiful works of art. It is about the love lyrics of this poet that will be discussed.

    To whom did Mayakovsky dedicate his poems?

    Vladimir had an extremely unusual appearance. Roughly speaking, he was a tall man with rough features. However, behind the harsh appearance, a vulnerable and sensitive heart was hidden. This is what he attracted women to whom he dedicated his poems. The poet did not fall in love often. Unlike Yesenin, he was extremely selective. You can name only four chosen ones who were able to conquer "".

    The first was Maria Denisova-Schadenko, a well-known sculptor in the USSR. They met in Odessa in 1914 and a long romance began. The poet dedicated more than one poem to her. One of the best is “It was in Odessa”. However, they could not be together for a long time. Different social status, public mores - all this quickly separated this unusual couple. As a result, Mary married another.

    The theme of separation and a broken heart is reflected in the first major work of the poet, Cloud in Pants. All wounds heal sooner or later. Mayakovsky survived the parting and immediately found his main muse -. The relationship between these people was passionate, crazy, but beautiful. Lily was an unusual woman who always strove for freedom. Vladimir, on the other hand, liked such free-thinking, but he suffered from it.

    There is no doubt that Mayak was head over heels in love. It is enough just to read the best work of the poet “Lilichka! instead of a letter." The poet simultaneously enjoyed and suffered from these relationships. He repeatedly talked about the essence of love in his poems (“I love”, “About this”, and so on). Often the author comes to the conclusion that true love is closely associated with suffering. After all, a truly lover is ready for anything, for the sake of the object of his adoration.

    Relations with Lily were too fickle, so the couple broke up. For a long time the poet wandered in splendid isolation. However, in 1928 he met Tatyana Yakovleva, who became Mayakovsky's new lady-in-waiting. They were the perfect couple. As the poet himself wrote in “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, she was the only girl to match him. Unfortunately, Tatyana married another man. Another story of relationships ended tragically for our “bull”. Vladimir's last relationship was with. Many believe that they were just good friends. However, the beautiful poem “Unfinished” was dedicated to her.

    Features of love lyrics

    The poet dedicated the same wonderful verses to these beautiful ladies. Their main distinguishing feature is sincerity and sincerity. The poet was not shy about his feelings, so he put all of himself into them. Each work is a real ode to the beloved. All these works are filled with incredibly powerful metaphors. What is the phrase “I’ll take you all the time someday - alone or together with Paris.” Love poems have an unusual and complex rhythm. The author never aspired to poetry in their classical style. He has always experimented with sound. That is why, all love lyrics have short but catchy stanzas.


    Love is an amazing feeling. She brought a lot of pain to Vladimir Mayakovsky, but she also forced him to create. If not for all these women, no one would ever know about the rich inner world of this good-natured giant of a man.

    At the time when Vladimir Mayakovsky began his creative activity, a discussion flared up in literature about whether writers should address the theme of love. Mayakovsky writes and dedicates the poem "I Love" to Lila Brik. In it, the feeling of love is reflected by the poet in a different way than in classical poetry of the 19th century. For Mayakovsky, love is a deeply personal experience that has nothing to do with the opinion of the inhabitants about love. The poet called the first part of the work “Usually so” in order to oppose his poetic perception of the feeling of love to the ordinary perception of the feeling of love. This is the main conflict of the lyrical in its genre dominant poem. According to Mayakovsky, love is given to every person from birth, but for ordinary people who love “between services, other incomes”, “it will bloom, bloom - and shrink”:

    Love is given to any born, -
    But between services
    And other things
    From day to day
    The soil of the heart hardens.

    Came -
    Behind the roar
    Behind the growth
    I just saw a boy.
    I took
    Took away the heart
    And just
    Went to play
    Like a girl with a ball.

    The conflict in the poem is based on the inseparability of feelings of love. It reaches its highest tension in the chapter "You". The poet gives his heart to his beloved and is happy. In his opinion, happiness does not lie in keeping feelings like capital in a bank, but in giving them to another person without wanting anything in return. Love is selfless, therefore it is eternal. Mayakovsky had a firm conviction that "if you love me, then you are mine, with me, for me, always, everywhere and under any circumstances, even if I am wrong, unfair, or cruel." Love must be unshakable, like a law of nature. “It cannot be that I am waiting for the sun, but it will not rise. It can't be that I bow to the flower and it runs away. It can’t be that I hug a birch, I’ll say: “Don’t.” Love is not scary

    No worries,
    Not a mile.
    Thought out
    Raising solemnly a line-fingered verse,
    I swear
    I love
    Unchanging and true.

    Mayakovsky's love lyrics include two poems created at the end of 1928. These are “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”. The first of them is addressed to the editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, in which the poet, who ended up in Paris, worked. The second poem was not intended for printing - it is a personal message that was given to the woman he loved. In the first "Letter ..." Mayakovsky reflects on the essence of love, its innermost meaning. The poet wants to understand himself, to take a fresh look at the world. Love is so strong that it turned everything in him, created him anew. "Letter ..." is a poetic monologue. The poet's love is "human, simple":

    Raises the area noise,
    carriages are moving
    I go,
    I write poems
    into a notebook.

    Love makes it possible to feel the unity of the ordinary, earthly and beautiful, high, and poetry - to express this.
    In this "Letter ..." the poet claims that the word of a man in love is capable of

    and lead
    and draw
    who have weakened their eyes.

    "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." - one of the most lyrical works of V. Mayakovsky about love. The poet talks about the meaning of love in his life. His feelings take on a “universal” scale, so Mayakovsky uses metaphors and neologisms to express them: “From the pharynx to the stars, a light-gold-born comet soars” or “The tail of heaven is spread by a third.”
    In "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" love appears as its dramatic side. For some reason, mutual love did not bring happiness to the lovers. The poet promises to pacify the feeling of jealousy. If the poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." has a global, even philosophical character, then the second one is more personal in content. Mayakovsky's soul is open in him, passion and impotence, jealousy and dignity are nearby:

    Don't you think
    just squinting
    from under straightened arcs.
    Come here,
    go to the crossroads
    my big and clumsy hands.
    Do not want?
    Stay and winter
    And it's an insult
    we will lower it to the general account.

    The form of the monologue gives confidence to the verse, gives the poetic narrative a deeply personal character. The ultimate frankness of the hero comes through in the words about “dogs of brutal passion”, about jealousy that “moves mountains”, about “measles of passion”. Each line of the poem is filled with the power of feeling, like all Mayakovsky's love lyrics, powerful and passionate. The poet was forever wounded by love. The reader cannot but be shaken by the power of this love, which, against all odds, affirms the invincibility of life. The poet had every reason to say:

    what I wrote
    said -
    this is to blame
    heaven eyes,

    Lecture, abstract. Features of the love lyrics of VV Mayakovsky - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

    At the time when Vladimir Mayakovsky began his creative activity, a discussion flared up in literature about whether writers should address the theme of love. Mayakovsky writes and dedicates the poem “I Love” to Lila Brik. In it, the feeling of love is reflected by the poet in a different way than in classical poetry of the 19th century. For Mayakovsky, love is a deeply personal experience that has nothing to do with the opinion of the inhabitants about love. The poet called the first part of the work “Usually so” in order to oppose his own poetic perception of the feeling of love to the ordinary perception of the feeling of love. This is the main conflict of the lyrical in its genre dominant poem. According to Mayakovsky, love is given to every person from birth, but ordinary people who love “between services, other incomes”, “bloom, bloom - and shrivel”:

    Love is given to any born, -

    But between services

    And other things

    From day to day

    The soil of the heart hardens.

    Finally, the lyrical hero meets a woman who

    Came -


    Behind the roar

    Behind the growth


    I just saw a boy.

    Took away the heart

    Went to play

    Like a girl with a ball.

    The conflict in the poem is based on the inseparability of feelings of love. It reaches its highest tension in the chapter “You”. The poet gives his heart to his beloved and is happy. In his opinion, happiness does not lie in keeping feelings like capital in a bank, but in giving them to another person without wanting anything in return. Love is selfless, therefore it is eternal. Mayakovsky had a firm conviction that “if you love me, then you are mine, with me, for me, always, everywhere and under any circumstances, even if I am wrong, unfair, or cruel.” Love must be unshakable, like a law of nature. “It cannot be that I am waiting for the sun, but it will not rise. It can't be that I bow to the flower and it runs away. It can’t be that I hug a birch, I’ll say: “Don’t.” Love is not scary

    No quarrel

    Not a mile.

    Thought out



    Raising solemnly a line-fingered verse,

    I swear -

    Unchanging and true.

    Mayakovsky's love lyrics include two poems created at the end of 1928. These are “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”. The first of them is addressed to the editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, in which the poet, who ended up in Paris, worked. The second poem was not intended for printing - this is a personal message that was conveyed to the beloved woman. In the first "Letter ..." Mayakovsky reflects on the essence of love, its innermost meaning. The poet wants to understand himself, to take a fresh look at the world. Love is so strong that it turned everything in him, created him anew. “Letter…” is a poetic monologue. The poet's love is “human, simple”:

    Raises the area noise,

    Crews are moving

    I write poems

    Into a notebook.

    Love makes it possible to feel the unity of the ordinary, earthly and beautiful, high, and poetry - to express this.

    In this "Letter ..." the poet claims that the word of a man in love is capable of


    Who weakened the eye.

    “Letter to Comrade Kostrov ...” is one of the most lyrical works of V. Mayakovsky about love. The poet talks about the meaning of love in his life. His feelings acquire a “universal” scale, therefore, Mayakovsky uses metaphors and neologisms to express them: “From the throat to the stars, a light-gold-born comet soars” or “The tail of heaven is spread by a third.”

    In "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" love appears as its dramatic side. For some reason, mutual love did not bring happiness to the lovers. The poet promises to pacify the feeling of jealousy. If the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov ...” has a global, even philosophical character, then the second one is more personal in content. Mayakovsky's soul is open in him, passion and impotence, jealousy and dignity are nearby:

    Don't you think

    squinting just

    From under straightened arcs.

    Come here,

    Go to the crossroads

    My big and clumsy hands.

    Do not want?

    Stay and winter

    And it's an insult

    We will lower it to the general account.

    The form of the monologue gives confidence to the verse, gives the poetic narrative a deeply personal character. The ultimate frankness of the hero comes through in the words about “dogs of brutal passion”, about jealousy that “moves mountains”, about “measles of passion”. Each line of the poem is filled with the power of feeling, like all Mayakovsky's love lyrics, powerful and passionate. The poet was forever wounded by love. The reader cannot but be shaken by the power of this love, which, against all odds, affirms the invincibility of life. The poet had every reason to say:

    What did I write

    Said -

    That's the fault

    Heaven eyes

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    Features of the love lyrics of V. V. Mayakovsky