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Pros of a trench collar for the neck. Shants collar: soft support for the cervical region. Pros and cons of the Shants collar

Shants collars vary in shape, size, cost, degree of rigidity, and quality of materials used in their manufacture.

Description of the Shants collar


It is a flexible frame of two flat surfaces, between which there is an inflatable mechanism. It comes with 1,2,3 chambers. The product is first attached to the neck, and then air is pumped into it using a bulb. During your appointment, your doctor will demonstrate how to properly inflate the collar. The injected air must be dosed. If there is a shortage of it, wearing an orthopedic device does not make sense. Too much pumped air will cause pain and sometimes progression of the pathology.

The advantage of Shants inflatable collars is their pronounced therapeutic effect. Due to air injection, the distance between the bodies of the cervical vertebrae increases. This becomes an excellent prevention of compression or intervertebral disc of the vertebral artery, spinal roots.


Soft devices are used for both prevention and treatment. For example, it is possible to achieve the correct formation of cervical structures in newborns or reduce the risk in adults. They are elastic, take the desired shape when worn, and limit movement slightly. But they cope with their main task - maintaining the vertebrae and discs in their anatomical position.


The shape and size of hard collars are similar to soft models, but their design is different. The foam base contains hard plastic or metal inserts in the form of rings, plates, and spirals. Not only Velcro, but also buttons, hooks, and sometimes lacing are used as fasteners. Semi-rigid collars fit tightly around the neck and reliably stabilize the vertebrae and discs. Thanks to this, the gaps between them expand, which helps improve blood circulation.

Such orthopedic devices are not intended for long-term wear due to the resulting feeling of discomfort. It is associated with a significant decrease in range of motion.


This is a durable structure that reliably immobilizes the cervical spine. It is usually used for vertebral subluxations, fractures, and acute inflammatory processes. Shants hard collars are made from foamed polymer (polyethylene foam). They serve as a kind of support for the head and are equipped with a hole for tracheotomy. In addition to reliable fixation, the products are designed to relieve the ligamentous-muscular system.

Orthopedic devices consist of two parts, connected by a Velcro fastener. There are 10 small holes on the back surface to ensure effective moisture and air exchange.

What is a collar used for?

It is used in the treatment of pathologies of the cervical spine to prevent displacement of discs and vertebrae, compression of soft tissues, nerve endings and blood vessels. The main indication for the use of an orthopedic device is its dangerous ones (protrusions, hernias, etc.).

  • reducing the load on the neck muscles;
  • increasing the distance between the vertebrae;
  • correction of head position;
  • restriction of movements.

The combination of these effects stimulates improved blood supply to the brain with oxygen and tissues with nutrients. As a result, the severity of neurological manifestations (,) decreases, and regeneration processes are accelerated.

Type of orthopedic device Indications for use
Soft Syndrome of constant neck fatigue, heaviness, prevention of exacerbations of inflammatory or degenerative pathologies, torticollis in newborns, mild vertebral instability
Semi-rigid , frequent infringement of the spinal roots, intervertebral hernia, protrusion, or inflammation of the muscles (myositis) of the neck or shoulder girdle
Hard Cervical spine injuries, including subluxation of the first vertebra (atlas), rehabilitation after surgery, severe compression of the vertebral artery

How to choose the right one

Adult and children's Shants collars come in several sizes depending on neck circumference. If the product is intended to be worn by a child for a long time, then it should not be purchased “for growth.” Your doctor will help determine the size. To do this, he will measure the distance from the collarbone to the lower jaw and the circumference of the neck. Different manufacturers have their own gradation of sizes. You need to show the pharmacist at the pharmacy the measurement results, and he will select the best option.

There are universal products. They are equipped with flexible, stretchable Velcro, which allows you to increase or decrease the diameter of the ring formed during bending. But most collars are of standard sizes, determined by the circumference of the neck:

  • 1 (S) - 35-36 cm;
  • 2 (M) - 37-38 cm;
  • 3 (L) - 40-41 cm;
  • 4 (XL) - 42-43 cm.

When choosing an orthopedic device, you need to consider the height of the cushion. It is this that serves as the main criterion for wearing comfort. Many pharmacies and specialty stores allow you to try on the collar, since it is placed in a plastic case. You should take advantage of this opportunity, because most often it is purchased for long-term use. It should not rub the skin, put undue pressure on the neck, or limit swallowing or movement of the lower jaw. If the index finger is placed between it and the skin, then the size is determined correctly.

Wearing rules

The wearing pattern is determined by the attending physician. It takes into account the stage of the pathology, the degree of damage to cartilage and bone tissue, and the likelihood of complications. The orthopedic device is used from the first days of therapy. Wearing it is always combined with holding and. During daily activities, the collar must be removed.

Typically, wearing time does not exceed 4 hours a day. The collar must be removed before going to bed or during the daytime rest, since in a lying position it strongly compresses soft tissues and blood vessels. Constant use of the device causes a decrease in the tone of the skeletal muscles of the neck, and in severe cases, muscle atrophy.

But in some situations, the doctor may recommend not to remove it even at night, for example, during the rehabilitation period after fractures. To improve the quality of sleep and prevent compression of the vertebral artery, it is necessary to use it with a recess for the shoulder.

How many days should you wear a Shants collar?

Cervical osteochondrosis is not yet a completely curable disease, the course of which alternates between relapses and remissions. When it worsens, the Shants collar should be worn until it disappears completely (about 5-10 days). Vertebrologists recommend wearing it even when stable remission is achieved to prevent relapses for 3-4 hours daily.

Features of use in the treatment of children

The duration of wearing the device for torticollis in a newborn depends on the speed of recovery (5-6 months). The doctor may discontinue its use if the next examination reveals complete elimination of the pathology.

Soft Shants collars are most often used to treat children, so hypoallergenic materials are used in their manufacture, and the design does not contain dangerous hooks or buttons. If the child experiences discomfort, you should consult a doctor. He will clarify the size of the product and, if necessary, adjust the wearing pattern.

How to make a Shants collar with your own hands

To make an orthopedic device, you will need soft natural fabric 30 cm wide and a length equal to the circumference of the neck, to which you need to add a couple of centimeters.

The piece is folded in half and stitched on 3 sides. Through the fourth, the cover is filled with foam rubber and stitched. To increase the rigidity of the product, sometimes a plastic tape is placed between the foam rubber. The final stage of the work is sewing on the Velcro fasteners.

Contraindications for use

The use of the Shants collar will have to be abandoned if it causes severe discomfort, especially with psycho-emotional instability. Its wearing is contraindicated if there are lesions on the back surface of the skin:

  • allergic rashes;
  • pustules, boils;
  • abrasions, cuts, burns;
  • clinical manifestations of bacterial, fungal or viral infection.

An orthopedic device is not used if the patient is identified as having an individual intolerance to the materials used in its production.

Product cost

The price of Shants collars can vary significantly among different manufacturers. The cost of domestic soft or hard products ranges from 300 to 1500 rubles. And the cost of collars from foreign manufacturers is slightly higher - from 500 to 3000 rubles.

A cervical collar for osteochondrosis is one of the ways to treat this disease. Most often it is used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, prevent its development, and the collar is also worn during the rehabilitation period. By wearing a collar, the cervical vertebrae are gradually elongated, and the space between them increases. This helps eliminate pain, normalize blood circulation and improve the general condition of the patient.

About the benefits of orthopedic collars

Osteochondrosis can be caused by various reasons:

  • insufficient physical activity and sedentary lifestyle;
  • features of the profession;
  • various injuries;
  • frequent muscle tension in the cervical region.

In addition, the development of this disease can be caused by incorrect posture. If the spine is curved and in the wrong position, the head involuntarily tilts to one side. To correct this uncomfortable position, she has to look for a way out of this situation, and she does this at the expense of the cervical spine.

Orthopedic collars cannot completely cure osteochondrosis. They are considered additional treatment methods that allow the patient to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of the disease for some time. They are used as a natural support for the spine and provide support to the head by redistributing its weight to the collarbone area and base of the neck. As a result, the head takes the correct position, and the muscles of the cervical spine do not suffer from additional stress.

Types of devices

There are many models of orthopedic neck collars for osteochondrosis. But they are united by the fact that they are all dense rollers that are fixed around the neck. Their main purpose is to provide the cervical vertebrae with the desired position during movement, preventing them from moving.

Shants collar

Most often, patients use the Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis. It is a dense structure made of flexible material. Wearing it allows you to provide the affected part of the spine with the correct position and rest, protecting it from various movements. As a result, the pressure on the muscle frame is reduced and the blood supply to the diseased area is improved. In addition, the therapeutic design warms and provides a light massage effect, which only speeds up recovery.

Inflatable device

One of the analogues of the Shants collar is an inflatable device. It consists of two flat strips made of dense material. The mechanism that allows it to be inflated is located between them. First, the device should be secured to the neck and only then inflated using a special bulb.

Its use makes it possible to gently stretch the spine in the cervical region, gradually increasing the distance between the vertebrae. In addition, blood circulation is normalized both in the affected area and in nearby organs.

Another type of such a collar is a soft inflatable device that allows you to securely fix the spine in the desired position and prevent strong tilts of the head. The inflatable collar helps to gently stretch the vertebrae, thereby reducing the symptoms of the disease. The degree of inflation and adjustment of inflatable devices should be carried out by a specialist.

Rules for selecting and using devices

In order for the collar for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine to fulfill its purpose as fully as possible, certain rules must be followed when using it. First of all, you should avoid over-tightening. The treatment device should not put pressure on the neck and cause discomfort to the patient.

It’s easy to check that the device is securely fastened: you need to insert your finger between it and your neck. If the finger fits freely in the resulting space and nothing interferes with it, then the structure is secured correctly.

In addition, before wearing a collar, you need to check whether its size is correct. If the height of the collar corresponds to the distance between the lower and upper parts of the neck, then the choice is made correctly. With its lower part it should rest on the collarbones, and with its upper part it should support the lower jaw.

It is very important to choose a medical collar for your neck wisely. The main factor that must be considered before choosing is the anatomical features of the spine.

The treatment device should follow all the lines of the neck. If you do not follow this rule, you can provoke a deterioration in the condition. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the reason that provoked the development of osteochondrosis.

To correctly choose a medical collar, you need to take certain measurements. The head should be held straight so that the auricle and eyes are at the same level. Using a soft measuring tape, measure the distance from the chin to the chest. The value obtained as a result of the measurement will correspond to the size of the collar.

If difficulties arise with taking measurements, you should contact a specialist. He will conduct the necessary research and determine the structural features of the spine.

In addition, some retail outlets provide demo samples for their customers that can be rented. This allows the patient to choose the most comfortable collar for cervical osteochondrosis.

Adverse reactions

The Shants collar should not be worn for a long time. Maximum use time 2.5 hours per day. Otherwise, you can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • pain in the neck;
  • weaknesses;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • fainting.

If at least one such symptom appears, you must immediately remove the collar and consult a specialist about its further use. The doctor will adjust the degree of inflation of the device and, if necessary, recommend a different model.

Constant pain in the neck, as well as rapid fatigue associated with the peculiarities of the work regime, are effectively eliminated by wearing a Shants collar. The product is used morning and evening and is worn for no more than a month. It has a relaxing healing effect and relieves pain.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very common disease. It is found mainly in the age group over 45 years old, but recently younger people are often affected by this pathology. One of the most effective treatments is wearing a Shants collar. Find out right now what adults and children need it for and how to wear it correctly.

Shants collar: indications for use

Questions are often asked how much wearing a Shants collar helps with osteochondrosis, in what cases does it benefit the neck, and are there any contraindications. Before choosing a specific type of product for an adult or child, you should familiarize yourself with those diseases or complications for which the use of a collar (also called a head holder) is prescribed by attending physicians:

  • collar immobilization is often used to relieve chronic neck fatigue syndrome, especially due to systematic tension of its muscles (for example, in the work of a violinist);
  • the product is used in the treatment of subluxation of the cervical vertebra, which is observed when one or more vertebrae are severely displaced; The atlas, the first vertebra that supports the head, is most often affected by pathology;
  • the use of a collar for injury to the cervical spine is always combined with basic treatment methods; the collar in this case serves as a means of rehabilitation;
  • vertebral artery syndrome - in addition to foreign sensations in the neck, aggravated by turning and tilting the head, this pathology is accompanied by severe headaches, dizziness and even attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • cervical hernia is a destruction of the internal structure of the vertebral bone, which occurs due to injury or against the background of osteochondrosis, poor lifestyle, and age-related reasons;
  • myositis – inflammatory processes in the skeletal muscles of the neck, which develop against the background of hypothermia, injuries, infectious diseases, excessive stress and other reasons;
  • after surgery on the bones and/or muscles of the cervical spine;
  • torticollis in newborns is a congenital abnormality in which the neck fully turns to the right, but practically does not turn to the left; boys at risk; often torticollis begins to develop as short neck syndrome;
  • vertebral instability - pathological mobility of the cervical vertebrae, in which severe pain is observed even if the head turns slightly;
  • various complications during and after pregnancy due to complications of the central nervous system;
  • some types of depression of the nervous system.

The Shants collar allows for rapid recovery of the neck after osteochondrosis

Thus, we can distinguish 3 groups of patients who can be prescribed a Shants collar:

  1. A remedy for an auxiliary effect in the treatment of diseases of the cervical vertebrae and muscles.
  2. Rehabilitation measure for rapid post-operative recovery.
  3. A remedy for relieving pain, feelings of rapid fatigue due to an unhealthy lifestyle (long-term work at the computer, constant neck tension, etc.).

Types of collars

Most often, the collar has a soft fixing effect on the vertebrae and blood vessels of the neck, which is why it is often called a soft splint. Some variants use hard tires. This is what the most common classification of Shants collars is based on:

  • soft (most common);
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard.

Depending on the material used, there are the following products:

  • inflatable – made of dense material that has great elasticity;
  • rigid structures made of metal or plastic - for the treatment of more complex cases.

For external decoration there are foam rubber and cotton-gauze collars.

Asymmetrical collars belong to a separate class. They are intended for children (treatment of torticollis). Since such collars are needed to correct the deviation of the neck to one side, they are strengthened on one side, which is why they got this name.

Rules for choosing a collar

To choose the right orthopedic product, you should take into account what stage of development the disease is at, and also take into account the following important points:

  • collar size (determined individually);
  • what are its indications for use and why is the collar needed;
  • how to use the collar depending on the patient’s age and lifestyle;
  • how to properly dress and wear the product during the day;
  • Is it possible to sleep in it without taking it off;
  • is it possible to lie in it;
  • how long to wear the collar to get quick results;
  • how long to wear (i.e. duration of therapy)
  • how to choose a specific product from several types of collars;
  • Are there any particularities in selecting a collar for adults and children;
  • Is it possible to wash the collar, and if so, how to wash and care for it so that the product lasts as long as possible.

Note! To choose the right tire size and take other important points into account, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Self-selection will not help in this case, since cervical osteochondrosis is a complex disease that has its own development characteristics in each specific case. Therefore, all of the above questions should be clarified by a specialist.

Collar prices

One of the most frequently asked questions is: how much does a Chance collar cost, and what determines the cost of such products. Approximate prices for some popular models are presented in the table.

The price depends on the manufacturer, as well as on the purpose of the product - children's tires are cheaper than adults.

How to use a Shants collar

Externally, the collar looks like a collar - it is almost impossible to hide it under clothing. Therefore, when wearing it, you should protect it from exposure to precipitation, dust and other adverse factors. Along with how to determine the size, it is important to immediately understand the rules for wearing a splint, which are always described in detail in the instructions for use:

  1. The collar is always worn on a naked body, while the neck must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  2. You need to put on the splint when pain appears (after a working day) or twice a day: after waking up and before going to bed for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. One wearing session should not exceed 3 hours.
  4. The course of treatment is from half a month to a month.

Note! You should not wear it for too long (more than the period prescribed by your doctor). In this case, the therapeutic effect may be completely neutralized by the fact that the neck muscles will be greatly weakened and then will not be able to perform their functions for a long time.

The collar can be washed only according to the instructions: in cool water with baby soap and only by hand. The collar is dried naturally, without direct sunlight.

Criteria for correct application of the Shants collar

To check whether the splinting technique has been performed correctly, several criteria should be taken into account, which must all be met simultaneously:

  1. Breathing is free, without difficulty. There is no feeling of slight suffocation and/or pressure on the blood vessels.
  2. Any one finger can pass freely between the neck and the tissue surface.
  3. The height of the collar should ideally match the length of the neck: from the base to the beginning of the occipital bone at the back and the jaw bone on the side of the face.
  4. The bottom of the splint should rest completely on the collarbone. The top ensures a normal head position at all times (without straining the neck muscles). That is why the collar is called a head holder - this is its direct function.

It is important to always focus on your feelings. In the first few weeks, a habit will form, so the occurrence of extraneous sensations is inevitable. Subsequently, compliance with the rules for applying the splint practically guarantees comfortable wearing.

How does the Shants collar work and its benefits?

The principle of operation of a soft splint is based on the fact that the collar constantly supports the head in a normal position. As a result of this, the cervical vertebrae and muscles receive additional time to rest and have time to recover from illness or injury.

Therapeutic effect due to the unloading of the cervical vertebrae and soft tissues from constant tension associated with head movements, turns, and also holding it in one position. This explains why such head holders need to be used in the treatment of herniated cervical spine and other diseases.

Using a soft tire provides a number of advantages:

  1. Recovery from serious illnesses, as well as the postoperative recovery period, are significantly accelerated.
  2. The product has no side effects provided that all wearing rules are followed.
  3. The collar does not cause much discomfort - you can get used to it quite quickly.

Note! The Shants collar is always prescribed as an auxiliary therapeutic agent (the main therapy is medications, massage, etc.). You should learn how to put it on and wear it correctly so that the neck muscles and cervical vertebrae receive additional rest during illness or post-operative recovery.

Using a collar when treating children

Congenital pathologies, cesarean section, difficult childbirth can lead to the fact that the child:

  • neck muscles are damaged;
  • cervical vertebrae are injured;
  • torticollis develops.

The course of therapy is applied depending on the specific case, but often children are prescribed to wear a Shants collar. As a rule, purchasing a product of the smallest size is a real challenge. In rare cases (in case of individual characteristics of the neck anatomy or severe injuries), you can order a product specifically for the parameters of the child’s neck.

The choice and rules for wearing a splint are strictly coordinated with your doctor. As a rule, one session takes several hours (up to a day), then short breaks are taken. In the case of newborns, maintaining hygiene of the baby’s skin and the surface of the head holder is of fundamental importance. Delaying the course of treatment is fraught with muscle atrophy, due to which the child will not be able to hold his head above the surface for a long time.

the selection and mode of wearing a collar by a baby requires the approval of a doctor

Shants collar: contraindications and alternatives

There are practically no contraindications to wearing a splint - it is often prescribed even to seriously ill patients who have had a stroke or surgery on the cervical and other parts of the spinal column. However, there are 2 groups of reasons that exclude wearing a Shants collar:

  1. Skin rash, allergic reactions, itching and other skin diseases.
  2. Instability of the cervical vertebrae, which has a strong developmental dynamics. In these cases, more radical measures are resorted to.
  3. Abnormal features of the neck structure (too long or, conversely, too short).

Questions are often asked about how to replace the collar in case of contraindications. Usually, you can order an individual product for specific neck features, which makes the purchase more expensive. At the same time, there are a number of other analogues in the medical equipment store that can be used in the presence of allergic reactions. Again, the choice of another model must be agreed with the doctor.

If you need to relieve tension in the neck muscles after a hard day at work, you can make a corset with your own hands. For this we take:

  • Velcro fasteners (50 mm long and 10 mm wide);
  • natural fabric that will not cause allergies;
  • small plastic jar.

The technology for making your own tire is as follows:

  1. Neck measurements are taken (circumference and height).
  2. A rectangle 300 mm wide is cut out of the fabric; its length should exceed the circumference by 20 mm.
  3. The fabric is folded inward so that its width is within 100-120 mm.
  4. Take a jar and carefully cut a strip out of it, the width of which should be 20 mm smaller than the strip of fabric.
  5. The fabric is applied to the inside (towards the neck), followed by a strip from the jar, and the outer layer is Velcro, which secures the product to the neck. It is important that the edges of the strip are completely covered with fabric to prevent cuts.

This remedy can be used as a temporary emergency measure. In any case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, since constant pain in the neck may indicate the onset of the development of osteochondrosis and other unpleasant pathologies.

The cervical spine is the most mobile in our body and patients quite often consult a doctor with various problems in this area. After an examination and identification of the causes of the disease, the doctor may recommend wearing special orthopedic devices. One of the most common reasons for wearing medical Shants collars is tense neck muscles and.

What is the Shants collar and what effect does it have on osteochondrosis of the cervical spine?

Shants collar (Schants splint, cervical crutch) is a special medical device for correcting various disorders in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. It is made from materials of various densities and compositions, and is selected individually based on the required dimensions and concomitant diseases.

It is worth understanding that the collar does not cure diseases, but is used only for concomitant therapy, helping to reduce the load on the vertebrae and working as a kind of support mechanism that maintains the normal position of the neck. The weight of the head puts pressure on the shoulders and collarbones, allowing the muscles, ligaments and tendons to rest.

Neck pain can also appear from stationary work, in which there is constant fixation in an uncomfortable position.

The collar is used temporarily; it is prescribed for long-term wear in very rare cases. The splint ensures immobility of the neck, prevents its rotation, tilting and curvature, and ensures complete fixation. There is also a physiotherapeutic effect in the form of a warming massage, which stimulates blood circulation. Observations of patients who used the Shants splint showed the following advantages of its use:

  • pain symptoms and muscle tension are reduced;
  • posture improves;
  • eliminates birth defects in children;
  • diseases of the cervical spine go away much faster;
  • the usual rhythm of life does not change, you can go to work and do household chores;
  • numbness of the affected areas is relieved;
  • the frequency of occurrence decreases.

Types of orthopedic collars for the neck

There are several types of collars, which are selected individually for each patient depending on his diagnosis.

Soft hold collar

Its main purpose is to relieve ligaments and muscles, eliminate torticollis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis and help in the treatment of other mild diseases of the cervical spine. The fixation is soft, moderate, and are usually made from various types of foam rubber and cotton covers. Unloading is ensured very carefully and combines the effect of damper traction, which reduces compression of the discs. The most commonly prescribed type of Shants collar.

Medium fixation

It can be used for minor fractures and cracks in the cervical vertebrae, dislocations and more serious diagnoses when enhanced fixation is required. Sometimes an inflatable version is made, which is gradually inflated to stretch the cervical vertebrae. It allows you to eliminate compression of nerves and blood vessels by injured vertebrae and improve blood circulation.

One of the options for an orthopedic collar that can be gradually expanded to stretch the neck

Rigid fixation

This type necessarily combines not only support, but also fixation of the jaw and support from the back in order to immobilize the neck as much as possible. It is prescribed for serious injuries, fractures, severe curvature of the spine and vertebral instability. Since these indications are often combined with the serious condition of the patient, a hole for tracheotomy is provided in the collar with rigid fixation. It is made of hard plastic, which minimizes the possibility of movement.

This collar is used for particularly serious conditions when complete neck fixation is required.

Indications and contraindications for use

The main indications for wearing a Shants collar are the following pathologies and conditions:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • mild to moderate injuries to the cervical spine;
  • inflammatory processes in the neck muscles ();
  • recovery after various injuries and surgeries;
  • dizziness, headaches due to neurological diseases;
  • posture disorders;
  • minor destruction of the vertebral body;
  • concussion, rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury;
  • long-term static loads on the neck muscles;
  • compression of the spinal cord by the vertebrae.

The Shants collar is used not only in the treatment of adult patients. A huge number of birth injuries lead to damage to the cervical spine in newborns, and a neonatologist may prescribe the use of this device for the following problems:

  • torticollis in infants;
  • Klippel-Feil syndrome or short neck;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • disturbances in the motor sphere;
  • central nervous system depression syndrome.

The Shants collar is especially useful for torticollis syndrome, it helps straighten the position of the head and gradually fixes the correct position of the neck

This invention is quite harmless, but it also has its contraindications:

  • various dermatological diseases;
  • open wounds;
  • severe instability of the cervical spine;
  • tumor formations in the neck area.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the device, it is very important to follow the recommendations for its use:

  1. The collar cannot be worn constantly; this will inevitably lead to muscle atrophy, as they stop working. Wearing time is selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition and averages two hours a day.
  2. For infants and small children, it is better to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures or therapeutic massage before wearing. The duration of wearing varies depending on the pathology.
  3. The collar must be kept clean and can be washed by hand in cool water. Do not dry it with a hairdryer or battery or wring it out, as it may lose its shape. It is very important to rinse off the detergent completely, as it can cause allergies if worn frequently.
  4. When worn, the collar should be dry and no water should penetrate into it.
  5. It cannot be worn by healthy people; it can harm your health and weaken your muscles.

Before use, it is necessary to prepare the skin of the neck, it must be clean and dry. After preparation, the following instructions must be followed:

  1. The collar should not pinch the neck or hang loosely. Reliable fixation without squeezing is necessary. To make sure that the splint is applied correctly, insert your finger between it and your neck; normally it should fit freely. It is easy to put on and fastens at the back with Velcro.
  2. The height of the device is selected based on the following parameters: it should be the length from the bottom to the top of the neck. Using a ruler, this distance is measured and the tire is selected on this basis.
  3. The upper part should support the lower jaw, and the lower part should rest on the collarbone. If the collar is installed correctly, there should be no discomfort.

Video about the correct selection of Shants collar

Possible consequences and complications

Most often, complications can arise when the collar is selected incorrectly. Typically the following consequences may occur:

  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • irritation on the neck;
  • dizziness;
  • presyncope and fainting;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • painful sensations during wearing and after removal.

If you notice the above signs, you should not immediately stop using the collar. You need to see a doctor again and either replace or adjust the level of inflation.

B I had suffered from pain in my neck before, but I never dared to go to the doctor and get checked. Due to a lot of stress over the past year and a job that involves a lot of sitting, the pain began to bother me more and more. Painful muscle spasms, headaches and dizziness appeared. It became impossible to tolerate this anymore, and I realized that I could no longer cope without qualified medical care.

ABOUT An examination by a neurologist and studies of the neck of the head (X-ray ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head) showed that I have an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, protrusion, and possibly even a herniated disc (I have not yet done an MRI of the cervical spine). Due to this, compression of the neck vessels occurs, poor blood supply to the brain, which causes severe dizziness and nasal congestion on the affected side. Medicines alone cannot help you here; you need to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem that has arisen. Medicines can only temporarily improve blood supply and metabolic processes in the brain, but vascular compression by 40% (while in a healthy person this figure is only 5-7%) will not go away. It is necessary to train the neck and strengthen the muscles. Since my complaints were not without reason, and the reason was really serious, in addition to drug treatment, the doctor recommended that I buy a “Shants” type collar and an orthopedic pillow.

ABOUT Because of the pain in my neck, I simply climbed the wall, I could neither sit, nor stand, nor lie down. All the time I was looking for a comfortable position for the neck, so that the spasmed muscle on the right side of the neck would be as relaxed as possible. Only relaxation brought me into a more or less normal person, and not a lump of pain. There’s just one big BUT... I can’t stay in one position all the time (or rather, lie down), and be afraid to turn my head so that it doesn’t get dizzy and hurt. Having read about the Shants collar on the Internet, I realized that I simply needed it. Without delay, I went to the orthopedic salon as soon as possible.

IN The collar is selected individually, depending on the length of your neck. When purchasing, be sure to try on the collar so that it really supports your head and relieves tension from your neck. When I put on the collar for the first time, I was completely uncomfortable and did not understand its purpose. There was a feeling that this was not a collar, but just some kind of thick scarf with Velcro, the sales assistant put it on me very loosely, that my chin always wanted to hide inside this collar. I even managed to feel like a turtle that saw danger. After trying on a few more options (a little higher and a little lower), I finally settled on the first option. It cannot be that not a single collar from the entire size range is suitable for my neck. The seller also told me that I need to get used to it; at the beginning it always seems uncomfortable.

P bought in the orthopedic store "Salamat" in the city of Kazan. Price - 450 rubles.

P Coming home, having studied and become familiar with the collar, I decided that I needed to make friends. Why did I feel uncomfortable in the store? As I understand, all collars have the same length - 53 cm. They are attached with Velcro, which is what needs to be adjusted. You can even overlap it so that the chin sticks out a little. In order for the collar to be put on correctly and to prevent it from moving in circles, there is a special recess for the chin. Velcro fastens at the back. Since my neck is not wide, I have to attach the collar with an overlap. At the same time, you need to regulate it so that it does not choke, leaving space for air circulation.

What does this collar (properly worn) give me?

  1. Fixes the neck. Not completely, as a Philadelphia collar would do, but you won’t be able to turn your head in all directions to the fullest possible amplitude. All the vertebrae seem to be returning to their places (which is not actually visible, but this is how it feels).
  2. The feeling of elongation of the neck, the spine as if by itself comes to the correct position, which, of course, cannot but rejoice.
  3. Due to the fact that the neck is fixed in one position, there is no compression of the blood vessels. Thanks to this, dizziness disappears. This was especially noticeable before I started taking medications that improve blood flow to the brain.
  4. The collar is made of material that warms the neck. This is a very important point, since during osteochondrosis the muscles spasm, and heat helps to relax them. Another discovery of mine: a warm shower in the area of ​​the sore muscle. A hydromassage effect is created, which softens and relaxes. This collar is also good to wear when you have a sore throat.

How long to wear?

D The duration of use is determined by the doctor. In my case, it’s 2 hours a day (for life!). In this case, these 2 hours need to be divided: 4 times for 30 minutes, 8 times for 15 minutes - according to your desire. It is advisable to wear a Shants collar when you work at a computer, watch TV, that is, you are in a sitting position for a long time. In addition, due to the presence of a subluxation of the cervical vertebra, I need to wear this collar while driving a car, if the driver is Schumacher - this can save my life.

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Purpose, indications for use, contraindications, use, washing and care:


polyurethane foam 100%

IN made of dense but at the same time soft material, the outer material is very pleasant to the body and does not irritate the skin.

WITH link to a splint-collar like Shants on - calms and improves brain function, helps to adapt to stressful situations.

Solpadeine - helps me with neck and head pain.



IN Shantz's orotnik is a very necessary thing for neck pain, osteochondrosis, subluxations, hernias. It makes your neck and spine much easier, relieves tension, stabilizes the cervical spine, warms you up, and reduces fatigue when working at a computer and sedentary work. Thanks to it, blood flow through the vessels of the neck improves.

WITH It starts off awkward and you feel discomfort, but you get used to it very quickly. Sometimes I even forget to take it off, but it’s not advisable to wear it for a long time.