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Why the dog began to pee often and what to do. How to stop your dog from peeing at home: from puppy to adult dog. We identify the reasons for incorrect behavior. Why does a dog pee all the time?

For many people, their favorite animal, or even just a four-legged friend, is a dog. Owners try to walk their pets as often as possible in order to avoid such an unpleasant situation when the dog relieves itself in a living room.

Why does a dog urinate frequently, and how to treat it?

There may be several explanations for this: from gaps in education to illness of your animal. To begin with, it is worth noting that as soon as you have adopted a puppy, you need to begin the process of raising it. If you cannot cope with this yourself, contact a dog trainer, who will certainly help teach your pet good manners. The reason why your dog urinates frequently may also be that your pet is a young dog who has decided to mark his territory.

If re-education does not work in this case, then the option of contacting a veterinarian with a subsequent procedure is possible. Another reason why your puppy urinates very often could be due to strong emotions of fear or excitement. Often similar incidents happen to puppies during play or when their owner pets them. To prevent such situations, you need to interact with the puppy after he has relieved himself, so as not to trigger conditioned reflexes in the future. Try not to overstimulate your dog's nervous system.

Also, the reason why a puppy often urinates may be various situations that are unusual for him, when he simply does not know how to behave. Raising a dog in fear, excessive severity and physical punishment can also lead to similar behavior in an animal. Do not forget to have your animal examined by a veterinarian from time to time, since frequent urination can be caused by various diseases, including poor diet for the animal or excess sodium.

In any case, to protect your pet, pay attention to it in a timely manner and provide assistance.

A question arose about urination. A 4 month old puppy urinates too often, regardless of how much water he drinks. This is fine?


If your four-legged friend urinates frequently, according to the owner, there is no need to panic. As a rule, this is normal for a small tailed miracle.

How many times a day does a puppy urinate? It is considered normal if a dog walks for minor needs 10-12 times a day (for a 3-month-old animal); for a 3-6 month old individual the norm is 8 times a day, 6-7 times - older than 6 months.

Puppies pee more often than adult dogs. All owners face this situation. When your pet is excited or scared, the reaction will be urination. What is happening is normal for a tailed baby, there is no need to scold. The older the dog, the less frequent the occurrence of unexpected urination.

The owner must decide on the reasons causing such a situation. For example, eye contact between the animal and the owner, a wave of the hand over the dog, etc. The cause will need to be eliminated. Do not confuse an involuntary reaction with a dog deliberately leaving puddles. In the latter case, the pet needs to be educated and taught to go to the toilet correctly.

Perhaps your little friend has cystitis

You should be concerned if you see symptoms:

  1. The tailed baby pees excessively often, in small portions and whines.
  2. The amount of urine is insignificant, drops of blood and pus are visible.
  3. The dog almost constantly licks in the area of ​​the loop (in females), prepuce and preputial sac (in males).
  4. Becomes lethargic.
  5. Possible increased body temperature.

The signs of cystitis are listed. You need to contact a veterinarian and undergo the appropriate tests.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease in a pet

Look at where your pet sleeps. Sleeping in a draft is unacceptable; the dog must lie on a bedding or rug - this will reduce the risk of illness. Long walks with your pet in damp and wet weather, swimming in cold water can weaken the immune system, and the dog will get sick.

Direct entry of pathogenic organisms through the animal’s urethra (chlamydia and E. coli are common). Occurs if the baby with a tail has already weakened immunity.

Improper nutrition causes the formation of salt crystals in the animal’s urine. It is important that puppies have more concentrated urine, unlike an adult dog, heavy crystals form in the urine. Food specially designed for the growth and development of puppies is rich in minerals and salts, and dogs do not drink enough water. Then a sediment of salts crystallizes in the urine and settles in the bladder. There is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes and the development of genitourinary disease. The animal's behavior is similar to that of cystitis. However, antibiotic treatment will not be enough.

It is important to pay attention to your pet's nutrition. Try to have the dog follow a diet for some time to change the composition of urine: drink vegetable juices, plenty of water. Let your four-legged baby have plenty of water for normal metabolism. Additionally, contact your veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics. It is important to recognize that excessive thirst and frequent urination are a sign of other illnesses, such as kidney failure.

Poor compliance with pet hygiene rules. The puppy gradually learns to properly maintain the hygiene of the external genital organs, while he is small, he needs help, preventing the development of the disease.

Show attention to the dog. If you notice signs of the disease, contact your doctor to get tested, possibly do an ultrasound, in order to accurately diagnose and properly treat your four-legged friend.

But situations arise in which the dog believes that he is the leader of the pack. Either the dog is scared, overly happy, or has urinary incontinence. To get rid of the inconvenience, the dog owner is obliged to find out the cause of the disease. There are natural and pathological factors for the appearance of dog urine in the apartment.

Natural causes

These include deviations not associated with diseases:

  • Behavioral features.
  • Age.

Behavioral features

The dog is a predator, which is characterized by marking its territory. Hormonal surges in male dogs are manifested by increased urination during the rut. In dog communities, it is customary to greet the leader of the pack with a paruria. In the absence of other dogs, the owner of the animal is assumed to be the alpha male. Sometimes such habits cannot be corrected, in such a situation it is necessary to make a choice: endure or castrate.

Bitches during estrus, especially the first, are characterized by pollakiuria. This is due to increased pressure from the reproductive organs on the bladder. The duration of estrus is short, and with its end the process of paruria normalizes.


Senile relaxation of the muscles of the bladder and sphincters leads to urinary incontinence in dogs. Urine is released drop by drop, and the elderly pet irrigates everything around with its excrement.

Puppies are accustomed to controlled urination from 3 months. The duration of the training depends on the owner’s ability to explain to the dog where he is allowed to relieve himself. Sometimes a consultation with a dog handler is required. If training does not bring results, you need to undergo examination to detect a congenital anomaly - ectopia, which is corrected surgically.

Pathological causes

A responsible dog handler records everything that happens to his pet: what the dog eats, how much he drinks, how he behaves on walks. Such information helps the veterinarian collect anamnesis (memory) about the development of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Pathological causes of pollakiuria include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Polydipsia.
  • Drug-induced pollakiuria.
  • Injuries.
  • Stress.


Inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the bladder is accompanied by pain during urination. Girls suffer more often than boys due to the structure of the urethra and its anatomical proximity to the anus.

The disease manifests itself suddenly, the dog defecates anywhere and whines at such moments. At this stage, the disease is treatable. If the process becomes permanent, the owner and dog will have to experience the hardships of long-term and costly conservative therapy. Premature discontinuation of medications is fraught with the return of the disease.


Excessive water consumption and frequent urination occur as a result of the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Pyometra is purulent endometritis. The uterus becomes inflamed due to hormonal imbalances in bitches treated with contraceptives. Females who have reached the age of five, as well as those prone to imaginary pregnancy, become ill.
  • Diabetes. Occurs due to the inability of tissues to absorb glucose. The following are considered predisposing factors:
  1. Hereditary anomalies.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Pathologies of pregnancy.
  4. Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Hypercortisolism (Cushing's syndrome) Increased activity of hormones of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland is characteristic of older animals and occurs as a result of tumor formation or for other reasons. The dog loses weight, its belly sag and bald patches form. Thirst and pollakiuria are observed.
  • Kidney failure. Formed in many diseases. The filtration of biological wastes that poison the body is disrupted. To reduce the concentration of toxic metabolites, the animal is forced to consume a lot of water. Observe thirst. The removal of excess fluid is accompanied by an increase in the amount of urination.

Drug-induced pollakiuria

Some medications prescribed by a veterinarian to treat an underlying disease increase water intake and excretion. Pathologies accompanied by pneumonia or ascites require removal of excess fluid. Anticonvulsants, diuretics, anti-inflammation agents, and vitamin D have diuretic properties. After completing the course of treatment, the medications are discontinued and pollakiuria stops.


Pollakiuria occurs as a consequence of the following injuries:

  • Spinal injuries. The spinal canal or nerve receptors are affected. The disease is incurable. Dogs with an elongated spinal column are predisposed - Dachshunds, Scottish Terriers, Pekingese.
  • Birth damage. They involve pinched nerve roots. Correcting the problem is surgery.


A change of scenery, the appearance of unfamiliar people or dogs, a sudden loud noise, a haircut, a visit to the veterinary clinic, or traveling in a car lead to an inadequate reaction of the dog, which may be accompanied by increased urine output.

The problem is solved by the owner's ability to calm the pet. Among medications, Stop-stress, or the phytohormonal drug Kot Bayun, is used.

The appearance of a puppy in the house inevitably entails puddles on the floor. Frequent urination is normal when a dog is just a few months old. But when I'm an adult the dog urinates frequently and a lot, it could be sign not only bad upbringing, but also health problems.

Natural Causes of Frequent Urination in Dogs

Every pet owner must remember that his pet has its own emotions, feelings, and character. Dogs, especially purebred ones, are very emotional - they show their joy not only by wagging their tail, but also by circling, jumping in place, etc. Such dogs urinate frequently when experiencing joy or extreme fear. For example, if there is heavy rain outside with thunder and thunder. In such a situation, you just need to patiently explain to the animal that this is not necessary, and over time the problem will go away.

Some male dogs urinate at home, because this is how they mark their territory. Unfortunately, there are no conservative methods of treatment or education in this case. Owners of such dogs should contact a veterinary clinic to have the animal castrated. In addition, in some cases you can call a veterinarian to your home and carry out a simple operation at home - this way the dog will be less nervous.

Frequent urination in dogs and age

Sometimes age characteristics are the only answer to the question, why does a dog urinate often. Young puppies, like little children, urinate frequently due to accelerated kidney function and lack of proper education.

Dogs older and elderly urinate frequently due to weakening muscles. In this case, drug treatment may help, but this measure will be temporary, so you should not count on one course of medications to solve all problems.

If elderly The dog drinks and urinates frequently, then this may be a sign of some disease. Frequent urination in this case will be natural due to the large amount of fluid you drink. But constant thirst is a direct symptom of the disease.

Possible diseases in dogs due to frequent urination

If the dog often urinates blood, then this is a sure sign of disease of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs. In this case, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since such urination are accompanied by severe pain and torment the dog.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a veterinary clinic, then you can call a veterinarian at home, describing all the symptoms of the disease over the phone.

An experienced specialist will conduct an external examination at home, take all the necessary tests and alleviate the animal’s condition until an accurate diagnosis is determined and the correct treatment is prescribed.

A considerable number of dog owners have encountered this problem - their pet urinates too often or their pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Contrary to the opinion of many, this reason does not arise at all due to poor training - it’s just that the four-legged friend has developed pathologies and disorders in the body.

Dogs often mark the territory of their habitat - it may be that the dog has an intolerable vindictive character, and he wants to do something bad to his owner, to annoy him. Over time this goes away.

But it is likely that problems have begun with the urinary system. This is not dangerous to the health of a four-legged pet, but it is fraught with many unpleasant troubles in the future. Over time, the disease can also affect the kidneys, and females may well develop dangerous neoplasms. If you notice any abnormalities in your family pet, you should visit the veterinarian as soon as possible. And there it will become clear whether there are health problems and how serious they are.

So, why does your beloved dog suffer from urinary incontinence, what are the reasons for this and what needs to be done?

Natural harmless reasons

Experience and many years of observational practice show that there are several natural reasons why a dog urinates at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

  1. Severe emotion-based stress. When experiencing a feeling of joy or fear, a dog may involuntarily make a puddle.
  2. Uncleanliness. The dog is by nature unclean, has not received proper education and may simply not know how to ask to go outside to go to the toilet.
  3. Fear of other aggressive dogs.

There are other reasons, but these are the most common and owners do not need to worry. Such a reaction is a normal thing for dogs; in this case, the animals are guided by instincts.

Let's say, the instinctive desire to mark territory with urine is very developed - males do this anywhere in the house, but females prefer in the corners. They also mark objects that the animal considers to be theirs with urine. To avoid such incidents, you need to work a little on your pet’s behavior.

Features of age

Urinary incontinence in dogs often occurs due to advanced age - the passing of the years leaves its mark on the body. More specifically, the smooth muscles responsible for excreting urine become weak, which is why the dog often wants to go to the toilet and sometimes cannot wait to go outside. But there are special medications that can reduce such health problems to a minimum. This problem, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated, but a number of special medications have been developed specifically to solve such problems that can be given to your pet.


Estrus, especially in young females who do not yet know a male, is one of the causes of incontinence. The dog experiences constant pain and, trying to eliminate it, goes to the toilet wherever necessary. The problem can be resolved quite simply - you need to take the animal for a walk as often as possible. Of course, you will have to do this at night, but here the choice is between cleanliness in the house and the desire to sleep.


Urination may become more frequent due to injuries received - for example, the dog injured its spine. The likelihood of such injuries is greater in breeds with long, elongated spines. Let's say dachshunds.

Pinched nerve endings

This phenomenon often occurs during or after childbirth. The dog's paws go numb and hurt a lot. The bitch usually refuses children and leaves puppies. A disease of this kind can only be diagnosed by fully examining the pet. Zoo doctors use several treatment methods; if they do not help, surgery is performed.

Nervous system disorder

The reason may be some stressful situation that frightens the dog. Treatment in this case is very simple - sedatives that have a relaxing effect on the animal’s muscles. The dog relaxes and calms down.

Sterilization, castration, side effects

To stop reproductive functions, operations are performed to sterilize females and castrate males. However, complications often arise after surgery - animals leak urine, and more such cases occur during sterilization. This happens due to the fact that the bitch’s hormonal levels change, which has a negative effect on the sensitivity of the smooth muscles.

Treatment is carried out in three stages:

  1. The doctor prescribes special hormonal drugs.
  2. A special puncture is made, an endoscopic probe is inserted into the body, the doctor observes the dog’s insides through a camera and administers special medications.
  3. An operation is being performed. The doctor sutures the muscles, injects collagen, and changes the position of the bladder if necessary.

When is this a sign of serious health problems?

Another reason why a dog suffers from urinary incontinence is that some kind of disease has settled in it. Most often, such diseases are accompanied by the presence of inflammatory processes inside the dog. Usually, a specialist, by examining a sick animal and ordering various studies and tests, finds the cause, but it happens that it is difficult to make a diagnosis. A dog breeder can help him with this.

You just need to carefully observe your animal and note all the nuances regarding its content in a special notebook. Frequency and duration of walks, nutrition (full description of diet, feeding time), amount of water drunk. It is quite possible that some event occurred that served as the beginning of such bad behavior in the pet. Based on the information received, the doctor will be able to draw certain conclusions and make an accurate and correct diagnosis.

Inflammatory processes in the bladder or cystitis
It is possible that the bladder has become inflamed and cystitis has become the cause of incontinence. To detect the presence of the disease, it is necessary to have your dog's urine tested. With a strong development of the disease, leaks cannot be ruled out even when the dog is sleeping. Even if he didn't drink much water during the day.

Cystitis is caused by two reasons: either the body has become very cold, or an infection has entered the genitourinary system. Treatment is carried out by taking antibiotics - on the fourth or fifth day, visible improvements become immediately noticeable. If the dog is not treated, blood appears in the urine, the dog begins to whine from severe pain, and it becomes difficult for her to go to the toilet.

When treating cystitis, it is advisable to complete the entire course of treatment, otherwise the disease may return, and repeated use of antibiotics will be ineffective.

When suffering from polydipsia, the animal begins to drink quite a lot, often forcefully, which leads to frequent urination. The owner should be wary if he notices that the dog drinks a lot of water - it is quite possible that he has developed diabetes mellitus, diseases associated with the urinary system have appeared, and problems with blood vessels and kidneys have begun to develop. Kidney failure is quite possible. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after an ultrasound scan. It is important to start treatment on time, otherwise the uterus will have to be removed.

Ectopia is a condition that some dogs are born with. With this disease, the ureter is connected to the rectum or vagina not through the bladder, but directly. This is usually observed in animals that have one kidney. As a rule, the disease is detected in dogs during puppyhood, when the owner notices problems in his pet. In a veterinary clinic, urography is performed and the identified disease is treated through surgical intervention, that is, an operation is performed.

Treatment of pathological abnormalities

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the dog has begun to walk frequently, the first thing you need to do is give some drug that relieves the spasm. At the same time, you need to understand that this medicine will not solve the problem, but will only remove the pain symptoms. Therefore, in any case, especially if the animal has severe unbearable pain, you need to pay a visit to the veterinary clinic and show the sufferer to the doctor.

Under no circumstances should you massage the bladder or provoke the emission of urine. Moreover, there is no need to attempt to insert a urinary catheter into your dog yourself. You should also not give your dog anything diuretic. In general, you should not start treating your pet on your own.

If the animal cannot urinate for a day or more, there is no need to waste time, but you need to take the dog and go to the clinic. If after examination the doctor does not find anything critical, then he can prescribe home treatment. In this case, the dog owner is obliged to follow all the doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate, as this will lead to additional complications.

If a dog has a blocked urethra, it should be immediately taken to a doctor so that he can restore the flow of urine. After the animal receives painkillers and sedatives, a catheter is placed.

We must remember that frequent urination often serves as a signal of the development of a serious problem in the dog’s body. This message cannot be ignored. And as soon as it became clear that the dog began to urinate frequently, and in small portions, you should take him to the veterinarian and let the doctor determine the cause and select the necessary treatment.

Video: signs of cystitis in dogs and cats