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Why does subserous uterine fibroid occur and how does it develop? Why is a subserous node of the uterus dangerous?

A huge section of gynecology is occupied by such a pathological condition of the female reproductive system as uterine fibroids. A large number of women are hostage to this nosological form, which causes a variety of clinical symptoms and complications as the disease progresses.

Uterine fibroids are a hormonally dependent neoplasm of the main reproductive organ of a woman, which has a histological structure similar to the smooth muscle fibers of the myometrium, or rather, originating from it.

There are many classifications of uterine fibroids. According to the localization of the pathological process, that is, where the growth of this pathological neoplasm is directed, fibroids are classified into:

  • Intramural myoma, which is characterized by its localization in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus - in the myometrium;
  • Submucous fibroid, which grows into the uterine cavity, deforming it.

Subserous uterine fibroids, what is it?

Subserous myoma, which is a tumor of smooth muscle fibers, the growth of which is directed towards the serous membrane of the uterus - towards the surface of the uterus facing the abdominal cavity. We can say that this fibroid is located outside the uterus.

According to statistical data, this form of fibroids occurs in most cases of fibroids and the percentage of its occurrence is about 70%. Among age groups, the highest incidence rates are observed among women from 30 to 50 years old. However, recently in the age group of 20 – 30 years, the incidence rate has increased by 30%.

That is, we can conclude that women of reproductive age are most susceptible to this nosological form. This is due to the anatomical and functional characteristics of this type of tumor, which grow against the background of increased estrogen content in the female body, which, in fact, characterizes reproductive age. And during menopause, due to the depletion of the follicular reserve of ovarian tissue, physiological hormonal changes characteristic of the menopause occur in the form of a decrease in the amount of estrogen, which physiologically leads to regression of such neoplasms.

Etiological factors for the occurrence of fibroids

The main pathogenetic mechanism for the occurrence of this disease is endocrine shifts leading to hormonal imbalance towards hyperestrogenism.

The reasons leading to such dysfunctions:

  • Pathological changes in the central nervous system: brain injuries, various neoplasms, psycho-emotional stress. All these factors lead to one result - dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, that is, improper release of hormones produced by brain structures.
  • Pathological conditions characterizing the state of the endocrine system, so-called endocrinopathies. The list of such diseases includes autoimmune damage to the thyroid gland - thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus is also no exception to this list.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body, the manifestations of which are obesity. Adipose tissue in the body is also called estrogen depot. It is because of the ability of fat cells to produce estrogens. In case of obesity of 2-3 degrees, hyperestrogenism cannot be avoided.
  • Malfunctions within the reproductive system, namely ovarian diseases, such as salpingoophoritis, hormone-producing ovarian tumors, that is, all pathological conditions characterized by hormonal imbalance.
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Congestion in the pelvic organs.

The pathogenetic mechanism of the formation of any myomatous node is the influence of an increased amount of estrogens on the cells, as a result of which an increase in metabolic processes occurs in the cell, the cells begin to form cellular foci, which over time turn into microscopic, and then macroscopic nodular neoplasms.

Uterine fibroids: subserous node and its clinical manifestations

Characteristic of this localization of the node in most cases at an early stage of the disease is its asymptomatic course. The clinical picture appears when subserous uterine fibroids become large in size. It begins to compress neighboring organs and tissues, disrupt their trophism and thereby cause a wide variety of symptoms.

Subserous uterine fibroids: size and their effect on the symptom complex.

Subserous fibroids along the posterior wall of the uterus can compress the intestines and rectum, giving the clinical picture of long-term constipation, sometimes intestinal obstruction or colic.

External uterine fibroids are a subserous form of large size, which is located along the anterior wall and gives symptoms of cystitis.

If the myomatous node is broad-based, it can interfere with normal contraction of the uterus during menstrual bleeding, which leads to anemia in the patient, that is, a decrease in hemoglobin levels due to an increase in the volume of menstrual blood loss.

A pedunculated subserous uterine fibroid can twist and give the clinical picture of an acute abdomen; this condition requires urgent surgical intervention in the form of removal of the subserous uterine fibroid.


  1. A bimanual examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist can help diagnose subserous uterine fibroids. When palpating the surface of the uterus, the doctor may note unevenness of its contours, tuberosity, and an increase in the size of the uterus itself.
  2. If this pathological neoplasm is suspected, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is performed, which can be performed either transabdominal or transvaginally.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging, as well as computed tomography, also make it possible to accurately identify the presence and localization of the pathological process;
  4. This diagnosis can also be made using diagnostic laparoscopy, in which an image of the body of the uterus with a node located on its surface growing into the abdominal cavity is visualized on the screen.


Subserous intramural uterine fibroids: what is it?

Sometimes the growth of fibroids can affect more than one direction and layer of the uterus. Such a neoplasm can grow both under the serous membrane of the uterus and into the thickness of the myometrium. This condition is called intramural subserous uterine fibroids.

Uterine fibroids, an intramural subserous form, is also characterized by a benign histological structure and is the most harmless form among uterine fibroids. Since it is located in the thickness of the myometrium and grows towards the abdominal cavity, it does not deform the uterine cavity, does not prevent pregnancy in most cases, and also rarely reaches large sizes, which limits its symptoms.

The clinical picture is characterized by the size of the tumor, which is not in most cases, but can reach large sizes. Symptoms of compression of adjacent organs may also occur, such as pain of varying intensity, dysuric manifestations in the form of pollakiuria - frequent urination, as well as dyspeptic disorders - constipation, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Diagnostic techniques that make it possible to diagnose intramural-submucous uterine fibroids are also the previously mentioned methods, such as bimanual examination during a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, the most common ultrasound examination, diagnostic laparoscopy, and, of course, techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography tomography.

Elimination of these conditions consists in influencing the pathogenetic factor of this disease - restoring hormonal physiological balance.


Interstitial and interstitiosubserous uterine fibroids: what is it and what are the differences?

We have figured out the question of interstitial subserous uterine fibroids: what it is, but what interstitial uterine fibroids are remains to be clarified. Interstitial fibroids are the proliferation of altered myomatous cellular elements that have been exposed to increased amounts of estrogens. Under such conditions, the process of mitotic cell division is accelerated, and the cells themselves undergo significant hypertrophy. Such cellular elements that form the node become even more susceptible to the influence of estrogenic components. Such a neoplasm, when localized in the myometrium, is an interstitial myoma. Sometimes, due to the anatomical structure and location of the node, it is difficult to clearly differentiate subserous interstitial uterine fibroids or intramural, since part of it is immersed in the myometrium, and some extends into the submucosal layer.

Intramural myoma is a dense, round-shaped node. Which is located in the thickness of the uterine wall. There can be either single neoplasms or multiple ones. In the presence of several nodular formations, depending on their size, the uterus can increase to an impressive size. This applies to all types of myomatous formations. To simplify the understanding and systematize the size of fibroids, it was decided to compare the size of the myomatously enlarged uterus with the pregnant uterus, since indeed, in gynecological practice there are cases of an enlarged uterus with fibroids, the size of which corresponded to 35-38 weeks of the pregnant uterus. Based on these indicators, an algorithm of actions has been drawn up, or rather, a distinction between the tactics of conservative or surgical treatment.

The clinical picture with a small number of myomatous nodes in the thickness of the uterus, as with the diagnosis of uterine fibroids, interstitial subserous form, as well as their insignificant size, can be quite blurred. From time to time you may experience a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen and minor nagging pain. During menstrual bleeding, pain can increase in intensity, decreasing after menstruation.

Malnutrition of nodes is rare in this form, since they do not have a thin stem capable of torsion.

In some cases, fibroids are accompanied by heavy menstrual bleeding. Due to these characteristics, women may develop symptoms such as general weakness, fatigue, and dysphoric disorders.

Also, the clinical signs of large uterine fibroids can even be disguised as cardiac pathology, causing attacks of shortness of breath, tachycardia - rapid heartbeat. Many women would consult a therapist or cardiologist without hesitation. However, in fact, the cause of these symptoms may be different: an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, resulting in a disruption of blood flow and because of this, a rapid heartbeat occurs, shortness of breath almost to the point of loss of consciousness. in obstetrics, a parallel can be drawn with obstetrics, in which there is such a complication of pregnancy, or rather a syndrome - inferior vena cava syndrome, which consists of the following: when a woman assumes a supine position, her pregnant uterus with the fetus rests on the inferior vena cava and blood flow is disrupted both in a woman with corresponding symptoms and in the fetus, which is confirmed by Dopplerometry of the umbilical cord vessels, lying on the back. When the pregnant woman changes her body position, all symptoms go away.

With large sizes, similar symptoms to serous fibroids occur: compression of adjacent organs, rectum, intestines, bladder, accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

Diagnostic methods do not have any significant differences; the most accessible and one of the first diagnostic methods are a bimanual examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound, which also allows the use of Doppler (interstitial subserous uterine fibroids without atypical blood flow or there is a decrease in blood flow resistance in the uterine arteries)

At the stage of these studies, in most cases, a final diagnosis is made and, based on the data obtained, a management plan for this woman is developed, therapy in the form of a conservative or, if indicated, an operative form of treatment.

Intramural and interstitial subserous uterine fibroids: treatment

Both intramural and interstitial subserous uterine fibroids should be treated based on the pathogenetic mechanism of their occurrence - reducing the influence of estrogens and reducing their concentration.

Subserous uterine fibroids: symptoms and treatment

As you can see, the symptoms of interstitial fibroids, and all types of fibroids, sometimes do not give an exact answer to the question of diagnosis. Therefore, the woman and the attending physician need to cope with this problem together.

A woman should know the signs of such a disease in order to know what to pay close attention to and tell the doctor the clinical picture in full, without missing anything.

Subserous uterine fibroids: symptoms and signs

  • Pain syndrome of varying intensity and localization. Mostly pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • Difficulty in defecation, prolonged constipation, difficulty passing gas, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • Dysuric disorders in the form of frequent urination, sometimes with a pain component;
  • Shortness of breath, tachycardia;
  • Feeling of general weakness, fatigue, feeling tired after sleep;
  • The presence of heavy uterine bleeding during the menstrual period, leading to the onset of anemia in a woman.

The presence of algodismenorrhea - painful menstruation.

All these symptoms can be present either individually or in combination, which significantly worsens a woman’s quality of life, forces her to limit her movements and change her rhythm, which leads to a deterioration in her psycho-emotional state.

A very important point is to convey information to the population about possible diagnoses and their symptoms of common nosological forms, so that a woman can seek qualified medical help as early as possible. Since the complication of subserous uterine fibroids is much more difficult to treat than to influence the root cause of the pathological process.

Uterine fibroids (subserous form): treatment

Treatment of any type of myomatous formations is divided into conservative therapy and surgical treatment.

Strict indications are required to select treatment tactics. If it is possible to manage the patient conservatively, of course, it is better

So the indications for drug therapy are:

  • The size of the uterus in the presence of myomatous nodes does not exceed 12 weeks of pregnancy. Small uterine fibroids (subserous node) - treatment with conservative methods is quite indicated.
  • Woman's age. Over 45 years of age, considered to be approaching menopause. Why is this so? Because during this period, the hormonal picture is characterized by a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the blood, which affects the pathogenetic mechanism of the development of myomatous nodes. For example, subserous uterine fibroids may not be treated at the age of 52 due to their small size. And fibroids will decrease due to age-related hormonal changes.
  • Myoma grows at a low rate.
  • Asymptomatic uterine fibroids are fibroids that are an incidental finding and do not cause any symptoms.

For the treatment of uterine fibroids, the following groups of drugs are used:

Combined oral contraceptives are drugs that contain both estrogen and progestogen, which balance hormonal levels, give the ovaries a “rest” and remove pathological hyperestrogenism, favorably influencing the condition of myomatous nodes in terms of their regression.

Drugs from the group of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. Such drugs can reduce the size of myomatous formations by 50% in a short period of time. Quite often, these drugs are prescribed before surgery to reduce the volume of such tumors and facilitate surgery.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists also reduce tumor size, but have significant side effects after use, so they are not widely used in the treatment of fibroids.

Progestogen-type drugs, that is, progesterone drugs. They can be either in tablet form or in the form of intrauterine devices. The peculiarity of the latter is that the hormonal IUD is placed for a period of 5 years, which provides not only a permanent therapeutic effect, but is also a contraceptive.

Subserous uterine fibroids: treatment, reviews of the FUS ablation method

A new method in the treatment of myomatous formations is FUS ablation. A method of non-surgical therapy, which is the effect of an ultrasonic wave of a certain frequency, which heats the tissue to a temperature of 50-60 degrees and leads to necrosis of the formation. High-precision control is carried out using magnetic resonance imaging.

This method has its undeniable advantages:

  • The method is completely atraumatic, which prevents blood loss, the addition of infectious flora and intraoperative (during surgery), as well as postoperative complications.
  • The uterus remains without invasive intervention, thereby increasing the chance of preserving reproductive function;
  • Highly effective method;
  • No side effects from the use of medications that accompany any surgical intervention, including anesthesia.

Subserous uterine fibroids: treatment with folk remedies

Currently, there are a lot of traditional medicines on the Internet that are recommended for the treatment of uterine fibroids. However, you should think carefully before starting such treatment. After all, folk remedies have any effect only after a long period of time and the effect is unproven and doubtful. But a woman can lose this time and the progression of the disease can lead to serious health consequences. The diet for uterine fibroids (subserous node) according to online recommendations can be followed, but nothing more.

Therefore, you should not look for answers to medical questions on the Internet, and the sooner, the better, consult a doctor.


However, with such diagnoses, doctors are not always able to cope with the problem using conservative methods. Then the most radical therapy comes in the form of surgical treatment.

When diagnosed with “subserous uterine fibroids,” surgery is indicated in the presence of certain conditions:

  • Symptomatic uterine fibroids. That is, fibroids, which give clinical symptoms in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, dysfunction of adjacent organs, as well as heavy bleeding both during the menstrual period and in the intervals between menstruation
  • If there is a diagnosis of subserous uterine fibroids, the size for surgery should reach more than 12 weeks of pregnancy, since drug therapy will not be successful at such sizes;
  • Fast-growing uterine fibroids also require only surgical treatment. Rapid growth for such a pathological formation is considered to be an increase in the size of fibroids by 4 or more weeks in one year;
  • If there is a pedunculated subserous fibroid with signs of torsion, urgent surgery is necessary
  • Submucous uterine fibroids - the location of a myomatous node growing into the uterine cavity is also an indication for surgical treatment.

Surgical treatment of subserous and intramural-serous fibroids includes:

  • Laparoscopy of subserous uterine fibroids - laparoscopic surgery using optical instruments and manipulators allows you to remove uterine fibroids in a minimally invasive way and avoid complications that accompany abdominal volumetric operations;
  • Laparotomy surgical interventions, that is, operations with an incision in the anterior abdominal wall, are performed for large fibroids if laparoscopy is not possible.

Various approaches are used to perform surgical interventions such as conservative myomectomy, hysterectomy with and without appendages. uterine artery embolization is also a fairly effective method.

Video: Subserous uterine fibroids treatment by laparoscopy

Subserous uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that is formed from the cells of the muscle tissue of the uterus and is localized under the serous membrane of the organ. The neoplasm is hormone dependent.

In most cases, there are no symptoms, but other women complain of pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, as well as unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child.

Subserous uterine fibroids or subperitoneal fibroids are most often diagnosed in patients aged 30-35 years. With the onset of menopause, as a rule, involution of the neoplasm occurs due to changes in hormonal levels in the body and a decrease in estrogen production.


There is the following classification of formation, which is based on the size, structure, number and localization of myomatous nodes:

  • Dimensions. Depending on the size of the fibroids, small formations are distinguished - up to 20 mm in diameter, which corresponds to approximately 5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, medium - up to 60 mm and 10 weeks, and large nodes - more than 60 mm in diameter and corresponding to a gestational age of more than 12 weeks.
  • Structure. Depending on the type of smooth muscle tissue cells and their proliferative activity, a myomatous node can be simple, presarcoma, or proliferating.
  • Number of nodes. A subperitoneal tumor can be either single or multiple (i.e., several myomatous nodes progress at once).
  • By localization. Myoma can be thinly stalked or broad-based, directed into the abdominal cavity, or located directly in the muscle tissue under the serosa (intramural or interstitial).

Reasons for development

Most doctors consider hormonal imbalance to be the main reason for the development of subserous uterine fibroids. What can cause it:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Diabetes mellitus, adrenal dysfunction, hypothyroidism and other pathologies can affect estrogen synthesis.
  • Disturbances of central regulation. Malfunction of the ovaries can be caused by the presence of tumors in the body, with damage to the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Stagnant processes in the organs of the reproductive system. The cause of the problem is often a lack of physical activity, irregular sex life or its complete absence.
  • Ovarian dysfunction. The balance of progesterone and estrogen can be disturbed in infectious and inflammatory diseases, polycystic disease.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraception. Artificially suppressing the ovulation process with the help of contraceptive drugs can lead to disruption of hormone production in the body.
  • Excess body weight. Adipose tissue can influence endocrine secretory activity, resulting in the amount of estrogen produced in the body being higher than normal.

It is possible to develop subserous uterine fibroids in the presence of the following factors:

  • Genetic factor. The body's tendency to develop tumors is inherited.
  • Operations on the uterus. Curettage and other manipulations that injure the mucous membrane of an organ are ways to provoke the development of a neoplasm.

Subserous uterine fibroids: symptoms of the disease

In most cases, the presence of small myomatous nodes does not cause any concern, and the woman does not have any. Signs of subserous fibroids usually appear with an increase in the number of nodes or their size, and also depend on the location of the tumor.

How subserous uterine fibroids may manifest:

  • , feeling of heaviness;
  • painful, prolonged and clotty menstrual flow;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Possible complications

Possible complications of subserous uterine fibroids that may pose a danger include the following:

  • torsion of the pedicle of the neoplasm;
  • tumor tissue necrosis;
  • infertility;
  • spontaneous miscarriages with successful conception;
  • development of endometrial hyperplasia in the uterus.

Transformation of myomatous tissue cells into malignant ones occurs very rarely.

Video about subserous uterine fibroids and its dangers

How is it diagnosed?

To make a diagnosis in gynecology, the following methods are used, which make it possible to determine not only the presence of fibroids, but also its location, structure, number of nodes, and nutritional characteristics:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound examination;
  • MRI and CT of the pelvic organs;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy.

Laboratory diagnostics are also prescribed - a general blood test and a blood test to determine the level of sex hormones. If there are indications, the woman is referred for consultation to specialized specialists - an endocrinologist, oncologist, surgeon, etc.

Treatment methods

The treatment strategy for subserous uterine fibroids is to preserve the woman’s reproductive function.


  • Hormonal drugs. They are based on progesterone. The action is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels and reducing the size of myomatous nodes.
  • Antispasmodics. Allows you to improve your well-being and minimize pain.
  • Vitamin complexes. Allows you to strengthen your immune system.

If there are indications or if drug therapy is ineffective, surgery is performed. The following options are possible:

  • Abdominal surgery during which subserous nodes are removed. Indications include large uterine fibroids or malignancy of its tissues. Removal is done by making an incision in the lower abdomen.
  • Laparoscopic removal of fibroids. Excision of pathological formations is carried out through punctures using a special device - a laparoscope.
  • Hysterectomy or. It is performed when the uterus is large, there are associated complications and there is a threat to the patient’s life.

Rehabilitation period

During the rehabilitation period after surgery, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. This is the only way to help the body recover faster and eliminate any complications.

  • Ban on physical activity. To avoid stagnant processes in the body, special exercises are shown that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.
  • Prohibition on visiting bathhouses, saunas, solariums. You can't be in the sun.
  • Avoid using sanitary tampons and give preference to pads.
  • Do not take any medications on your own, without consulting a doctor, especially hormonal drugs.
  • A healthy and balanced diet should prevail in the daily menu. Following a diet will help you avoid excess weight and stay healthy.

Subserous uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm with a low risk of becoming malignant. If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, the woman has completed the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, then the prognosis is favorable without subsequent relapses and the need to remove the reproductive organ. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from women after a course of therapy.

Article outline

Most women under the age of 45 have experienced gynecological problems at least once in their lives, which worsened their vital processes, because women’s health completely depends on the functioning of the reproductive system. One of the most common pathologies is considered a benign tumor – subserous uterine fibroids.

What it is

This is a benign neoplasm that appears on the outside of the uterus. Its growth usually occurs in the pelvic cavity. The tumor looks like a node and has a thin stalk through which it is fed. One subserous myomatous node or several may appear in the organ. They can be small or large in size.


There are several types of tumor:

  • Subserous tumor on a pedicle;
  • Subserous-interstitial fibroids appear in the muscular part of the organ just under the serous membrane. If the fibroids are small, periods may be strong and painful;
  • Intramural-subserous uterine fibroids. This species appears and develops under the serous membrane of the female organ.


The doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes what is necessary after collecting data about what worries the patient, as well as whether there are hereditary factors that could influence the onset of the disease. In order to understand that interstitial-subserous uterine fibroids or other types of neoplasm are progressing in the body, you should undergo the following diagnostic measures:

  • Get examined by a gynecologist;
  • Donate blood;
  • Undergo an ultrasound examination;
  • Undergo computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These procedures will help you understand how large the fibroid has reached and where exactly it is located.

Reasons for education

This disease can occur due to hormonal imbalance in the ovaries. Also, the causes of this disease are often problems with internal organs, obesity, mental stress, hereditary factors or injuries to the muscular layer of the uterus. As you can see, the causes of the disease are different in their etiology and pathogenesis.

Symptoms of subserous uterine fibroids

Sometimes the nodes do not cause concern to the woman, and the presence of fibroids is discovered by the gynecologist during a routine examination. Most often this happens when a small intramural or subserous tumor appears. The presence of symptoms occurs due to the number of nodes formed, the size and location of the tumors.

Representatives of the fair sex often experience symptoms such as:

  • Very strong and prolonged discharge with clots during menstruation. As a rule, the period of critical days passes painfully;
  • Between menstruation, spotting appears;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, pain and heaviness;
  • Lower back pain.

Prognosis and prevention

Subserous fibroids are tumors in which the risk of transformation of benign cells into malignant ones is extremely low. Therefore, the prognosis for this disease is quite favorable. If the disease is detected in time and the doctor prescribes the correct treatment regimen, the patient will be able to overcome the disease. As a preventative measure, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist at least once a year.

Women should adhere to the following preventive rules:

  • Proper nutrition, including fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • Moderate physical activity;
  • Regular sex life;
  • Use of COCs;
  • Vitamins that will restore hormonal balance;
  • Ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist once a year.

Possible complications

Subserous tumor often provokes while walking and pain occurs in this area. The disease poses a serious danger if the leg of the node, which provides its nutrition, is twisted. This complication can occur during sudden movements. In this case, the vessels are pinched, provoking the development of tissue necrosis. In a particularly difficult situation, blood poisoning or peritonitis occurs.

Dimensions for surgery

Before raising the question of surgical removal of subserous uterine fibroids, the doctor first determines. For this purpose, an ultrasound scan is performed. Surgery may be required in the following situations:

  • If the total volume of the tumor looks like six to seven weeks of pregnancy, and the size of the node is 20 mm. If the tumor grows rapidly, surgery is required;
  • If the fibroid has reached medium size and resembles pregnancy at eight weeks and the node reaches a size of no more than 40 mm;
  • Large fibroids, which consist of one or more nodes, size is 60 mm. In this case, urgent surgery is required;
  • Surgery is required if the node reaches 50 mm; for larger sizes, other options must be considered to treat the disease.


The doctor prescribes individual treatment for subserous uterine fibroids based on the examination results and the size of the fibroid nodes. Large tumors are removed surgically. If they are small, then sometimes you can limit yourself to conservative therapy, or carry out regular monitoring of the tumor and make sure that it does not increase in size. This procedure is performed approximately four times a year in order to monitor the growth of fibroids.

Conservative treatment

This type of conservative therapy requires the following medications:

  • Combined oral contraceptives, which include progesterone estrogen;
  • Antiestrogens, they are prescribed to patients over 45 years of age;
  • Antigonadotropins and gonadoliberins;
  • Gestagens.

Patients must undergo treatment for three months. In parallel with this, the patient is required to follow a certain diet. At the end of treatment, the woman should be observed by her doctor.

FUS ablation

It is a type of therapy in which tumors are destroyed remotely using focused ultrasound under the control of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Ultrasonic evaporation of tumor tissue occurs. The main advantage of this procedure is that sound waves do not harm the tissues of the human body. Removal of fibroids is thus well tolerated by patients. This type of therapy is the safest in the process of removing formations.


This process involves a procedure in which the nodes that have formed in the uterus are surgically removed. In this case, the body of the organ is sutured. If a woman wants to preserve reproductive function, then she should choose this technique. This method also allows you to keep your menstrual cycle unchanged.

In some cases, a hysterectomy is required. The procedure involves removing the uterus. It is usually carried out when the subserous fibroid reaches too large a size and there is a threat to life. Also, its use is necessary when it is impossible to eliminate the disease by other means.

Abdominal surgery to remove uterine fibroids

Before the procedure, it is important to follow all established recommendations of the specialist. According to many doctors, abdominal surgery is becoming the only way to effectively treat fibroids. After surgical treatment, you need to be observed by a doctor for a month.

Abdominal surgery is indicated in the following cases:

  • The neoplasm is of medium size, and one node is larger than the others;
  • The tumor becomes larger;
  • Due to fibroids, heavy uterine bleeding occurs;
  • Infertility due to tumor growth;
  • Necrosis of the muscle node.

Folk remedies

Suitable for women with small myomatous nodes. This method is best used exclusively in combination with the main treatment. Before you start taking decoctions, tinctures and other remedies, you should consult your doctor.

Effective recipes:

  • Herbs that stop bleeding . If the discharge during menstruation is very strong, then decoctions of burdock, nettle, barberry, and shepherd's purse help well. They help reduce the amount of blood.
  • Potato juice. Helps get rid of inflammation, spasms, pain. It strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism.
  • Flax seeds . Effectively fights the disease. The seeds balance the balance of hormones contained in the female body.

Postoperative period

After the operation has been performed, patients remain in the hospital for some time to avoid complications. Every woman's body reacts differently to surgery.

During the recovery period, you may experience:

  • Heat;
  • Weakness;
  • Swelling of the limbs.

To recover faster, you need to adhere to a balanced diet (it is very important to include proteins in your diet). You should also spend more time outdoors and limit yourself from physical activity. It is highly recommended not to sunbathe and visit SPA salons, beaches and saunas. Sexual rest should last for 2-3 months. In addition to the rules described above, to avoid relapses, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications.

Subserous uterine fibroids and pregnancy

During pregnancy, subserous myomatous nodes are quite common. In this situation, it is necessary to follow all existing doctor’s recommendations. Any self-medication, in this case, is extremely contraindicated. Danger arises when multiple fibroids appear, the size of which exceeds 5 cm. This can provoke deformation of the fetus. During pregnancy and childbirth, the following problems sometimes arise with fibroids:

  • Difficulties arise in feeding the nodes, which can provoke a miscarriage;
  • Sometimes late toxicosis appears, which has a bad effect on the child’s health;
  • The interaction between mother and fetus is disrupted.


A woman needs to regularly visit a gynecologist, be sure to have a pelvic ultrasound, eat right, get enough sleep and rest, and worry less. Reliable prevention against subserous uterine fibroids is timely conception of a child and childbirth.


Diet for fibroids is very important. The diet should be varied and include vegetables, fruits, fish and beans. It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, sweets, sausages, and other foods that provoke tumors. Diet helps a lot if the nodes are small, and you should also stick to it after surgery.

April 25, 2017 58552 2

Most women are frightened by the “terrible” diagnosis – subserous uterine fibroids. Surgery to remove the uterus seems inevitable to them, and therefore infertility is inevitable. Is this really so and is it worth panicking? In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to have an understanding of what fibroids are, why they occur, and what treatment methods currently exist.

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General information about uterine fibroids

The development of uterine fibroids is caused by impaired regulation of myometrial cell growth. The formation of myomatous nodes is most often associated with hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body and damage to uterine tissue.

Hormonal disorders that provoke the development of a tumor can affect both the reproductive system and the endocrine sphere. Thus, decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism) and obesity lead to increased estrogen levels, which, in turn, is a predisposing factor in the occurrence of fibroids.

The regulation of cell growth can be disrupted due to damage to smooth muscle cells, which often happens during curettage of the uterine cavity, abortion, inflammatory processes in the uterus and long-term use of intrauterine contraceptives. In addition, the development of a tumor may be due to hereditary predisposition, unfavorable environmental situation, frequent stress and decreased immunity, which increases the body's susceptibility to damaging agents.

Myoma nodes can be single or multiple, their sizes can be several millimeters and tens of centimeters. Myomatous formations are localized mainly in the body of the uterus; in some cases, the disease affects the cervix of the organ and its ligamentous apparatus.

Prevalence of the disease

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the female genital area. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women aged 30 to 48 years.

There are also cases where myomatous nodes were found in younger women, under the age of 20 years.

Localization of uterine fibroids

Fibroids can affect different parts of the uterus. The following localizations are considered the most common:

  • subserous - begins development from the outer part of the uterus and continues to grow outward into the pelvic cavity. This type of pathology, as a rule, does not lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle, but can cause some discomfort associated with its size and compression of surrounding tissues by the knot.
  • intramural - grows in the middle muscular layer of the uterus and leads to a significant increase in its size, the appearance of pain and a feeling of pressure in the pelvis, and also disrupts the menstrual cycle. This type of tumor is the most common;
  • submucous (submucosal) uterine fibroids - occurs deep in the uterus, under the thin layer of endometrium lining its cavity. This type of disease manifests itself with severe symptoms and is less common than others.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

More than a third of cases of uterine fibroids occur without characteristic symptoms and the disease is detected only during a routine visit to the gynecologist. This is especially true for small intramural and subserous nodes.

The intensity of fibroid manifestations depends on factors such as the size and number of nodes, their location and morphological features.

Women may complain of the following symptoms:

  • heavy, prolonged menstruation with severe pain;
  • intermenstrual spotting and bleeding;
  • clots in menstrual flow;
  • pain in the abdomen, lower back and above the pubis;
  • sensations of pressure and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

The most pronounced manifestations are observed in women with multiple or large uterine fibroids.

In addition, with fibroids, the functions of nearby organs are disrupted, problems with pregnancy arise, and infertility develops.

The pain syndrome accompanying the pathology has a different origin.

Interstitial uterine fibroids of small size are manifested by long, heavy and painful menstruation.

With the active growth of nodes, a woman experiences constant aching pain. Necrosis of the node is accompanied by severe pain, increased body temperature, and symptoms of intoxication of the body. A similar emergency situation occurs with subserous uterine fibroids with pedunculated nodes. If the leg is thin, torsion of the node may occur, as a result of which its nutrition is disrupted. In such situations, an acute condition occurs - severe pain syndrome. In some cases, a woman may develop peritonitis, requiring urgent surgical treatment.

With large fibroids, the function of nearby organs is impaired, which leads to constipation and increased urination. Sometimes the myomatous node compresses the ureter, as a result of which the outflow of urine from the kidney is disrupted.

Submucosal fibroids with submucosal localization of the node are manifested by heavy menstruation. With large sizes of the submucosal node, which occupies a large area of ​​the uterine cavity, there is a disturbance in the cyclicity of menstrual flow, and sometimes its complete cessation.

The clinical manifestation of subserous (subperitoneal) fibroids is pain. Pain is felt in the lower abdomen or lower back. They arise due to the tension of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and the pressure of the growing myomatous node on the nerve plexuses of the pelvis. If blood circulation in the tumor is impaired, the pain increases and becomes acute.

Uterine fibroids can cause infertility and miscarriage, which is explained by a change in the size of the uterine cavity by a growing node, mechanical compression of the tubal angle and deterioration of local blood flow in the endometrium.

Thus, uterine fibroids can have a varied clinical picture, but most often it manifests itself as a triad: bleeding, pain and dysfunction of adjacent organs.

What is subserous uterine fibroid

Subserous uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that affects the outer side of the uterus, its growth is directed into the pelvic cavity.

Subserous fibroids usually look like a node with a wide base or a thin stalk through which the tumor is fed. Nodes can be single or multiple. A single node in subserous uterine fibroids is covered by a capsule that separates it from the surrounding tissues. The myomatous node can be small or large, but usually no more than 10 cm.

Due to its localization on the outside of the uterus and growth into the abdominal cavity, subserous uterine fibroids are considered one of the most harmless tumors. In women with this type of fibroid, the size of the uterus does not increase and menstrual function is not impaired. There are no problems with pregnancy. Difficulties with conception can arise only in cases where the subserous node is located near one of the fallopian tubes and compresses it. However, the presence of this tumor can cause miscarriage.

Types of subserous uterine fibroids

In modern gynecology, there is the following classification of subserous fibroids:

  • zero type - a subserous node on a stalk that does not contain an intramural component;
  • first type – the size of the intramural component is less than 50% of the volume of the myomatous formation, most of it is subserous;
  • the second type is a myomatous node with an intramural component of more than 50%, with a mild subserous component.

Causes of development of subserous uterine fibroids

The development of this benign formation may be due to the following predisposing factors:

  • endocrine disorders: according to statistics, subserous fibroids most often develop in women before or during menopause, when the usual ratio of female hormones - progesterone and estrogen - is disrupted;
  • hereditary predisposition: if close relatives of the woman suffered from this disease;
  • trauma to the muscular layer of the uterine wall during childbirth, pregnancy or heavy uterine bleeding.

Symptoms of subserous uterine fibroids

Patients with subserous nodes usually complain of pain. Most often, the pain has a pulling, aching character, is localized above the pubis and can radiate to the lumbar region.

The pain syndrome intensifies in case of hypothermia, overwork, being in an uncomfortable position for a long time and after intense physical activity.

Diagnosis of subserous fibroids

After collecting an anamnesis: clarifying the patient’s complaints, genetic predisposition, life history and illness, the gynecologist prescribes a series of laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • blood test (at least three times): general - to exclude inflammatory processes, biochemical and hormonal;
  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound: considered the main diagnostic method;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging: to determine the size and location of the tumor in the uterine cavity and in relation to adjacent organs.


Treatment of subserous uterine fibroids

Treatment tactics for subserous fibroids are selected according to the size of the tumor. For example, the most effective method of treating large fibroids is surgery to remove the nodes. For small myomatous nodes, it may be sufficient to use conservative therapy, embolization of the uterine arteries, or regular monitoring of tumor growth using ultrasound (at least four times a year). Thus, surgery is not the only method of treating this pathology.

Conservative therapy.

Conservative treatment of subserous uterine fibroids involves taking medications such as:

  • combined oral contraceptives (progesterone-containing and estrogen-containing);
  • gestagens;
  • antiestrogens (not used for the treatment of fibroids in patients under 45 years of age);
  • antigonadotropins and gonadoliberins.

The duration of conservative therapy is three months. During this period, a woman must follow a special diet. After finishing taking the medications, the woman must remain under regular supervision of a specialist to monitor the condition of the myomatous node.

Unfortunately, hormonal therapy rarely leads to lasting results; relapses often occur: growth and enlargement of nodes. In this situation, surgical intervention is necessary.

Subserous uterine fibroids: dimensions for surgery

Surgery for subserous uterine fibroids can be a treatment method for large node sizes and in cases where the node grows on a thin stalk. The operation can also be performed in case of infertility and the presence of severe pain, uterine bleeding that cannot be treated with conservative methods.

Abdominal surgery. One type of surgical treatment is abdominal surgery aimed at removing the myomatous node. Indications for its implementation are the large size of the node, as well as malignancy of the process - the degeneration of a benign form into a malignant one. The incision is made in the area above the pubis. Then all layers (skin, subcutaneous fat, peritoneum, etc.) are dissected layer by layer, after which the fibroid is excised.

Hysterectomy. If the fibroids are very large, compressing adjacent organs and it is impossible for one reason or another to remove the myomatous node, the woman is prescribed a hysterectomy. During such operations, the uterus is removed along with the node. Hysterectomy is a radical treatment for fibroids. This operation is used only in cases where the disease threatens the woman’s life.

Laparoscopy. Currently, removal of uterine fibroids is most often performed using the laparoscopic method. A laparoscope is inserted through an incision on the anterior abdominal wall, after which the fibroid is excised and removed. This is a minimally invasive method, after which there are no cosmetic defects - postoperative scars.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE). An effective and safe organ-preserving alternative to surgery is the innovative method of uterine artery embolization. This technology is based on stopping the nutrition of the myomatous node by introducing special balls - emboli, which block the blood flow in the uterine arteries. With the help of UAE, a lasting lifelong effect is achieved, relapses of the disease are excluded. This is the most preferred method of treating fibroids and avoids surgery.

FUS ablation. A method involving exposure of uterine fibroids to ultrasonic waves. The effectiveness of the procedure is high only when treating fibroids with small single nodes.


Diet for subserous uterine fibroids

During treatment, a woman must follow the following nutritional rules:

  • give preference to plant foods high in fiber, which help normalize metabolism;
  • reduce the amount of meat consumed;
  • give up fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • eat vegetables and fruits daily;
  • introduce soy products and bran into the diet, which cleanse the body of toxins;
  • to normalize hormone levels, regularly consume nuts and dairy products;
  • eat dishes made from fatty varieties of sea fish, which have an antitumor effect.

Improper nutrition can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system and the active growth of myomatous formations.


Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has a large number of recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions, with which you can significantly reduce the severity of the symptoms of subserous fibroids, as well as stop the growth of myomatous nodes. However, these drugs should be taken only as an additional method in complex therapy and only after consultation with the attending physician.

Flax seeds. Due to the content of antiestrogens, flax seeds have a positive effect in the treatment of this hormone-dependent tumor. Preparations made from flax seeds help restore hormonal balance, help suppress inflammatory processes and counteract carcinogens that provoke the development of tumors.

Potato juice. This remedy has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic, restorative, immunostimulating effects, and also normalizes metabolism and the body’s water-salt balance. In addition, a decoction of potato flowers also has similar healing properties. However, taking potato juice is contraindicated for patients suffering from diabetes, intestinal dysfunction, and gastritis with low acidity.

Borovaya uterus. This plant is rightly called “female grass”. With the help of boron uterus infusion, many gynecological problems are solved, including uterine fibroids.

Poisonous plants. Due to their antitumor properties, tinctures of hemlock, aconite, hellebore and celandine are successfully used in the treatment of subserous uterine fibroids. It is important to understand that these plants should only be purchased in pharmaceutical packages that contain instructions for use, because Preparations from poisonous herbs must be taken strictly in the indicated doses.

Hemostatic herbs. If uterine fibroids are complicated by heavy uterine bleeding, you can take infusions and decoctions from plants that have a hemostatic effect. The following help reduce the volume of blood secreted: barberry, nettle, shepherd's purse, yarrow, burnet, burdock, cloves.

Leeches. The saliva of leeches contains enzymes and other biologically active substances that help restore the level of hormones in the female body, due to which treatment with leeches has a positive effect on such a hormone-dependent tumor as uterine fibroids. In addition, hirudotherapy helps thin the blood, eliminate congestion in the blood vessels of the pelvis, strengthen the immune system, and reduce inflammatory processes.

There is no need to be afraid to get treatment, you need to be afraid to get sick! In order to prevent fibroids, a woman needs to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, avoid heavy physical activity, abortions, treat her body with care, and if any warning symptoms are detected, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Any disease can be treated more easily and effectively in the early stages, and uterine fibroids are no exception.

We will help you select the best specialists who use organ-preserving methods of treating fibroids in their practice, incl. and embolization of the uterine arteries, as the most preferable way to get rid of fibroids without surgery. Our partners are leading clinics in Moscow and other Russian cities. Contact us to any doctor at the clinic with which we cooperate. . We will provide ongoing support. To all your questions.


  • Sidorova I.S. Uterine fibroids (modern aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, classification and prevention). In the book: Uterine fibroids. Ed. I.S. Sidorova. M: MIA 2003; 5-66.
  • Androutopoulos G., Dekavalas G. Recent advances in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Translation from English N. D. Firsova (2018).
  • Savitsky G. A., Ivanova R. D., Svechnikova F. A. The role of local hyperhormonemia in the pathogenesis of the growth rate of tumor nodes in uterine fibroids // Obstetrics and Gynecology. – 1983. – T. 4. – P. 13-16.

Subserous uterine fibroids are a fairly common diagnosis in the field of gynecology, which is given to women of reproductive age. There is no need to be afraid of this diagnosis: it can be successfully diagnosed and comprehensively treated.

Subserous fibroids that develop in the uterus are a benign hormone-dependent neoplasm that affects the muscle tissue of the uterus. It is formed on the outside of the organ and most often grows in the pelvic cavity. With this pathology, the neoplasm has a wide base, which is connected to the tissues by a kind of stalk, forming characteristic nodes.

Subserous myoma on a pedicle is when the neoplasm is fed through the canal of this very pedicle, and the node itself can be either single or multiple in nature. Its peculiarity is that growth goes towards the abdominal cavity - doctors often call it subperitoneal.

Subserous uterine fibroids


As doctors note, the main factor that provokes the formation and growth of such a pathology as subserous myomatous node is a disruption in the hormonal background of a woman’s body. Predisposing factors for the formation of this pathology are:

  • surgical interventions in a woman’s genitourinary system: this can be abortion, curettage or laparoscopy, which will ultimately injure muscle tissue;
  • genetic predisposition, infectious and inflammatory processes affecting the patient’s genitourinary system;
  • a course of taking hormonal contraceptives and tumors affecting the appendages or mammary glands;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Subserous uterine fibroids can vary in appearance

Subserous myomatous nodes and the fibroid itself, as can be seen, can develop as a result of various provoking reasons.

Symptoms of pathology

When diagnosing other types of fibroids, the consequences of the pathology will be that the woman is not able to bear and give birth to a child, or become pregnant. If subserous uterine fibroids of large size or with small nodes are diagnosed, then the woman’s reproductive system will not be affected.

The characteristic symptoms that myomatous nodes exhibit are palpable attacks of pain, which are provoked by the growth of fibroids. In general, subserous fibroids themselves are characterized by the following features:

Types of pathology

Doctors note that a subserous node in the uterus can be either single or multiple: the first is distinguished by the fact that it has a shell in capsule format, and multiple neoplasms manifest themselves somewhat less frequently, but they have more vivid symptoms.

If multiple fibroids grow and reach large sizes, neighboring organs and systems can be compressed and their integrity and functioning are disrupted. In addition, experts divide them into the following types:

  1. Intramural subserous fibroids are localized on the outer uterine layer. Doctors call this type of neoplasm safe because it does not affect the uterus. The woman's menstrual cycle and reproductive abilities are preserved.
  2. Subserous nodes with interstitial myoma form and grow in the thickness of the uterine wall, developing towards the pelvic cavity. Doctors refer to this type of tumor as a mixed type: it differs from the standard type of subserous tumor. Since it develops in the layer of muscle fibers, the tumor causes a slight increase in the size of the uterus. Such a node negatively affects adjacent organs and tissues, but rarely its size exceeds 9-10 cm.

Diagnosis of pathology

The presence of subserous fibroids can be determined by taking biomaterial for analysis

Before starting treatment, the doctor conducts a full examination of the woman in a gynecological chair and, if the development of subserous myomatous neoplasms is suspected, uses one or another diagnostic method. Modern methods for diagnosing pathological changes in the cavity and body of the uterus are:

  • carrying out echolocation and magnetic resonance examination on a tomograph, together they help to obtain an accurate and reliable picture of the growth and development of the tumor;
  • collection of biomaterial for research using curettage;
  • hydrosonography - with its help the doctor diagnoses the smallest tumors and their location;
  • laparoscopy - it is prescribed if it is impossible to differentiate fibroids according to certain indications and limitations.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of pathology has 2 approaches - conservative and surgical, each of them has its own indications, contraindications, and purposes. A conservative course of treatment basically involves the prescription of hormonal drugs and nutritional correction.

Hormonal therapy for subserous uterine fibroids

Hormonal therapy involves the use of hormonal compounds of 2 groups:

  1. This group of medications is aimed at suppressing the excessive production of female hormones and ovulation, which makes it possible to stop and suppress the development of fibroids, reducing the latter in size.
  2. Group 2 of drugs includes compounds that, by their action, reduce estrogen, which suppresses the growth of the neoplasm itself, but without reducing the latter in its size. These hormonal drugs have a number of restrictions on use and contraindications; they are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the results of examination and examination of the woman.

Among the most frequently prescribed hormonal drugs, doctors identify:

  1. GnRH agonists, for example, the drug Zoladex: it is able to suppress the secretory work of the pituitary gland and, as a result, reduces the natural production of hormones by the ovaries. This will stop the growth and development of the myoma tumor, promoting its destruction.
  2. Antigonadotropic drugs, for example, Danazol, are less effective drugs than those presented above, since they are not able to completely remove the tumor. But for the most part they are aimed at suppressing and destroying the tumor.

Along with a course of hormonal substances, treatment of this type of fibroid requires a mandatory review of your own diet. It is following a diet that will speed up recovery and enhance regeneration at the cellular level. In this case, it is important to remove red meats from the menu and switch to eating fresh vegetables, fruits, and foods of plant origin.

Other therapies

Radical treatment involves surgical intervention to remove fibroids: the question of using this method depends directly on its size. As doctors note, operations can be very different depending on certain factors. In particular, if a woman no longer intends to become pregnant and give birth, the uterus is completely removed.

Endoscopic surgery to remove large subserous uterine fibroids

If the girl still intends to give birth, then the goal will be to preserve the reproductive organ and its functions. Therefore, doctors practice more gentle methods of surgical intervention, for example, the use of endoscopic type, combined with a course of hormonal therapy. After such a surgical operation, doctors recommend planning a pregnancy no earlier than six months later, and the delivery process itself should be carried out by cesarean section.

The most difficult type of surgical intervention is the removal of interstitial subserous nodes, which are small in size. The thing is that they are located inside the muscle, and their contours are very blurred - this complicates not only the operation, but also the entire diagnosis several times. If such nodes do not exceed 2 mm, most often doctors do not operate on them.

Treatment with surgery is indicated in the following cases:

  • in preparation for a subsequent pregnancy - for the purpose of prevention, since all diagnosed gynecological diseases and pathologies should be eliminated in a timely manner;
  • as stimulation of ovarian functions for the purpose of treating female infertility: in some cases, it is fibroids that can cause the inability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

Before the intervention, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination for the patient. This will make it possible to accurately determine, for example, whether it is attached to the anterior wall or to diagnose the size and location of fibroids. In addition, it will help to determine whether pathology is developing along the posterior wall. As a result, surgeons will receive the necessary data.

Use of folk remedies

Treatment of subserous type of uterine fibroids, in addition to a course of hormonal therapy or surgical intervention, also involves the use of remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine. For the most part, this is the use of medicinal extracts from plants and tinctures, vaginal suppositories and ointments, which contain components of plant and animal origin.

Subserous uterine fibroids can be treated with herbal remedies.

Most often, these products should consist of an extract or contain components from poisonous plants that have an antitumor effect. As doctors themselves note, such drugs can have a positive therapeutic effect, but it is recommended to use them only as an additional, but not the main method of treatment in the absence of restrictions and contraindications or individual intolerance to the component.

Possible complications

The most common complication is nutrition of its node. If a woman is diagnosed with a subperitoneal type of fibroid, then it is worth knowing what is prohibited to do in this case. First of all, any sudden movements, since they can provoke twisting of her legs. In addition, a woman with this diagnosis is not recommended to practice any thermal procedures or massage sessions: they all increase blood flow and, as a result, uterine bleeding.

Bleeding may be a consequence of treatment for subserous fibroids

In relation to such a phenomenon as torsion of the legs of fibroids, the pathology is accompanied by pronounced attacks of pain and fainting, excessive sweating and tachycardia. If there is a protrusion of the node towards adjacent systems and organs, they can be compressed or grow together with them. When attacks of pain are prolonged, this may indicate the course of an atrophic process that develops as a result of a disruption in blood flow. Somewhat less often, doctors diagnose situations when the capsule of the node bursts, its contents enter the cavity of the peritoneum and retroperitoneal space. As a consequence, the development of peritonitis, purulent inflammation that affects the woman’s reproductive system, the peritoneal cavity and the retroperitoneal space.

Prognosis and prevention

Subserous forms of myomatous myomas are marked by a high percentage of benignity - they are not prone to malignancy. Doctors' forecasts are positive, and even with this diagnosis, the percentage of all women who recover after a course of hormonal therapy or surgery is quite high.

The main thing in this regard is a timely examination, immediate examination if the development of this type of fibroid is suspected and effective treatment. With an annual gynecological examination, pathology can be recognized and prevented in the early stages of its course. In addition, in order to prevent the development of fibroids, it is worth preventing abortions, giving birth and breastfeeding the baby, promptly treating all gynecological pathologies, and minimizing the consumption of hormonal contraceptives. A balanced diet, moderate physical activity and regular examination by a doctor are the key to women’s health!