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Clear gynecology: the main points that every girl should know. First sex. What every girl needs to know

For a girl at any age, taking care of intimate health is sometimes more important than for an adult woman, because the period of formation of the female body, genital organs and hormonal system begins with the birth of the baby.

Therefore, you need to know when there is a need for a baby to be examined by a specialist and what should a mother pay attention to in her daughter’s intimate health?

The baby will be examined for the first time in the maternity hospital. There they will evaluate the formation of the genital organs and the presence of any obvious abnormalities. And if there are any deviations in the reproductive sphere, the mother should not delay her visit to the pediatric gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine whether there are any more specific abnormalities in the development of the external genitalia and tell about the symptoms that should alert the mother.

Proper hygiene care after birth

After discharge from the maternity hospital, proper hygienic care for a newborn girl falls on the shoulders of the mother. Due to frequent defecation and urination, care of the intimate area must be well organized and safe. For the parents of a girl, this issue is considered paramount, since the protective barrier, which is present in an adult woman, but absent in a newborn, has not yet been formed, and due to the characteristically specific structure of the genital organs, it is quite easy to introduce an infection inside and acquire many diseases. And this will affect the cyclicity of menstruation, the course of labor and childbirth in general in the future.

At this time, a creamy (beige) or light gray coating is noticeable on the labia of the newborn.

This is smegma, vernix, and its presence is completely normal. If there is little plaque, it will disappear on its own, but if the secretion is abundant, it is recommended to remove it.

This must be done due to the fact that after two to three days the fats contained in it will begin to oxidize, which will cause active proliferation of microorganisms and then inflammation. The structure of this plaque is quite dense, so removal should be carried out in several stages. Use cotton swabs or pads and warm boiled water (check the temperature of the water on your wrist). Proceed delicately! The plaque will come off gradually and after 2-3 days it will completely disappear.

How to properly wash a girl

Wet wipes can only be used to remove
feces, after which it is necessary to wash the perineum under running warm water. It is unacceptable to use them in everyday life!

At home, baby girl hygiene is subject to strict rules, one of which is washing throughout the day.

It is necessary to wash the girl after each diaper change, as well as after defecation. Don't forget to wash your hands with hypoallergenic baby soap first!

When rinsing children's genitals, it is important to follow the following rule: from front to back towards the anus.

Particles of feces should not get into the vagina, this will lead to inflammation. For the same reason, girls should not be washed in a basin.

Be careful: excessive zeal for cleanliness can lead to synechia (partial fusion of the labia minora).

This is a consequence of injury to the delicate mucous membrane of the external genitalia due to frequent contact with towels, soap and napkins.

In infancy, the skin and mucous membranes are dry and vulnerable, so we recommend moisturizing them with allergen-free baby cream. Do not wipe the inside of the labia, as this can lead to urinary tract infections.

How a mother’s gynecological “problems” affect her daughter’s intimate health

If there are pathogens in the mother's birth canal, then during natural childbirth the girl's genitals may become infected. A mother can pass on her flora to her daughter. And if a woman in labor has mycoplasma, ureaplasma, and chlamydia in her flora, then the girl can get all this during natural childbirth. And at times when immunity decreases, for example during teething, the baby may develop thrush received from the mother. The same can occur during antibiotic treatment.

It is also necessary to remember that in infants, in preschool and primary school age girls, the mechanism of self-cleaning of the vagina has not yet been formed; it begins to function only at puberty. Therefore, girls often experience inflammatory or inflammatory-infectious diseases of the vulva and vagina. Therefore, you need to know about the symptoms of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis.

First of all, it is leucorrhoea ().

What you need to know about leucorrhoea

A lactic acid bacterium bacillus forms on the epithelium, which suppresses the growth of pathogenic flora. Therefore, the mother of a little girl should especially carefully monitor genital hygiene. The mother should be alerted to any discharge that appears on the child’s panties: not only greenish, yellowish, slimy or cloudy, but also white and transparent.

You cannot try to treat this on your own, using the advice of grandmothers or experienced mothers; you must definitely consult a doctor.

By the way, many mothers believe that white discharge, or so-called “leucorrhoea,” is a natural discharge that should not be discussed with a doctor. In fact, leucorrhoea can be both physiological and pathological. In two cases out of three, these leucorrhoea are physiological and do not require treatment, but the doctor must determine the nature of the leucorrhoea by performing special tests.

Leucorrhoea can appear in infancy and is the result of the action of hormones from a nursing mother. They can appear both during the introduction of new complementary foods and during weaning. But physiological leucorrhoea that appears in a girl over 7-8 years old is already a sign of the beginning of preparation for puberty. In addition, the causes of leucorrhoea can be diathesis, allergies, stress, and even constitutional features (for example, in overweight girls).

You should not use any ointments, etc. before visiting a doctor, because this can make the smear results unreliable, and the doctor will not recognize the disease in time.

The most common diseases that cause leucorrhoea are vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia) and vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa).

It is impossible to treat these diseases on your own because if the treatment is not professional and comprehensive, it can develop into a chronic stage and also cause an ascending urinary tract infection.

Causes of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis

There are many causes of vulvovaginitis. This disease can have a variety of origins.

Vulvovaginitis can occur as a result of insufficient or improper genital hygiene. It can be caused by insect bites, scratching, wearing too tight clothes, contact dermatitis, and various types of allergies.

It can appear as a result of various extragenital diseases, such as, for example, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus.

Also, the cause of vulvovaginitis can be infection with worms, diseases of the genital organs (erosions, polyps), as well as their anomalies.

Vulvovaginitis can be of mechanical origin (foreign body entry, masturbation). It may be of a fungal nature: well known to everyone, this is a special case of vulvovaginitis.

There are a number of factors that predispose to the occurrence of vulvovaginitis. These are dysbiosis, urinary tract diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, frequent acute respiratory infections and childhood infections.

It should be noted that an unfavorable environmental situation, as well as endointoxication, for example, constant exposure to the role of a passive smoker, can also cause vulvovaginitis in girls.

Intimate health of a teenage girl

When a girl enters puberty, the discharge
secretion is enhanced by the action of female sex hormones. This discharge is called pubertal leucorrhoea. They accumulate on the external genitalia and panties, and if the rules of intimate hygiene are neglected, itching and irritation may occur. We must not forget that such accumulations of secretions are a favorable environment for the proliferation of infectious microorganisms, which is fraught with inflammatory processes. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to teach a girl to take care of her intimate health from a young age.

Before the first menstruation appears, a girl must wash herself at least twice a day - morning and evening. In this case, it is desirable that the water is not only warm, but also running.

Every mother who cares about the health of her daughter is obliged to tell her how to properly wash the genitals: from front to back, with careful, delicate movements of the fingers.

Teenage girls are not recommended to use toilet soap for intimate hygiene - it is better to do without it altogether or use special gels.
Equally important for girls is maintaining intimate hygiene in the chest and armpit area. During puberty, the sweat glands begin to work harder. Failure to maintain cleanliness leads not only to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, but also to clogging of the sweat glands and pores of the skin, and this is fraught with various skin diseases.
To avoid this, the girl needs to be taught to take a shower twice a day and treat her armpits with deodorant. It is also recommended to tell your child what a contrast shower is, that is, alternating warm and cool water. It is especially useful for the breasts - it makes the skin more elastic, firm and increases its turgor.
Another difficulty that many mothers face is increased hair growth on their daughter’s legs, thighs, bikini area, armpits and even on the chest.

Under no circumstances should a child be forced to shave them, pluck them, or remove them with creams without first consulting an endocrinologist. The fact is that intensive hair growth is most often a sign of some kind of disorder in the endocrine system, so it cannot be ignored. The sooner treatment begins, the better.

Hygiene after menstruation

Once born, the girl should more carefully monitor the cleanliness of her genitals, since during this period they are especially defenseless against the infectious “onslaught.” During menstruation, it is imperative to use intimate hygiene products for washing. But there is no need to visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and other public places. It is also undesirable to take a bath - a shower will suffice. Of course, underwear should be changed daily, and during menstruation, if possible, twice a day. The towel should be changed once a week.
Girls during menstruation can use both sanitary pads and tampons. Doctors say that tampons do not threaten the integrity of the hymen. The only thing that is necessary is to choose the right size: for teenagers, it is advisable to use tampons only with a minimum or medium level of absorption, in addition, they must be inserted correctly.

Regardless of what menstrual hygiene product a girl uses, it should be changed regularly: pads every three to four hours, and tampons every two to three hours. It is important to remember that during puberty, the child’s body is most susceptible to all kinds of infections, so conditions should not be created for the proliferation of bacteria. If possible, it is advisable to wash your thighs and genitals with warm running water before changing hygiene products.
pediatrician Sazonova Olga Ivanovna

What you need to know about a girl's intimate health

Posted article: 263

Volkova Larisa Valerievna, gynecologist for children and adolescents at the ISIDA clinic, about the important knowledge that every teenage girl needs.

A woman's body goes through a complex developmental path before it becomes ready for motherhood. And every girl needs knowledge about all the changes. Not every mother is able to easily and clearly answer her daughter’s sensitive questions, or she may simply miss some important points in her stories.

So my first and most important recommendation- every modern girl should know the address, telephone number and visiting hours of her pediatric gynecologist, as well as the fact that she can contact him at any time and on any issue without the slightest embarrassment or fear.

A my main recommendation for moms is this: Despite the fact that, according to the order of the Ministry of Health, the first visit to a gynecologist should take place at the age of 12 years, I would insist that the first appointment with a pediatric gynecologist should be at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital. During this visit, the doctor will make sure that the organs are formed correctly and will remove the lubricant between the labia minora and labia majora.

From this moment on, at least once a year the girl needs to be shown to a specialist for preventive purposes.

It is important to know that up to 7-8 years of age, pain in the lower abdomen cannot be associated with gynecology. Most often they are associated with intestinal dysfunction, worms, and infections. However, in case of the slightest redness, itching, etc., you should definitely see a doctor. An important point: there is no need to make any special preparations before the visit; avoid thorough washing and especially lubrication.

Now about what every girl should know about important and natural changes in your body.

At 7-9 years old Endocrine glands begin to develop, and leucorrhoea appears. These are physiological secretions, which normally should be transparent, of a liquid consistency, like saliva, odorless and released throughout the day in a volume approximately equal to one teaspoon. Any changes in the sensation, color and consistency of the leucorrhoea is a reason to consult a doctor. But don’t be scared and immediately think about the bad; the reason for this could even be taking an antibiotic.

Also during this period, the first hair growth begins on the labia, under the armpits, the smell of sweat appears, and the girl begins to actively grow in height.

It is important to know that the mammary glands grow in turn, so a slight difference in their volume is normal.

IN 12-15 years Girls begin their first menstruation. This is the period when a girl turns into a girl. This is exactly how it should be presented to your daughter. The first thing you need to do is start a calendar in which to mark your cycle. You can use one of the existing online applications; the format of the calendar is not important, the main thing is to keep it constantly. The normal cycle is from 24 to 35 days. The duration of menstruation is from five to seven days.

And you need to understand that the first two years are spent in its formation. If there is no pain or discomfort, but menstruation is not regular, there is nothing to worry about. For the body, such a restructuring is stressful, so during this period it is especially important:

- eat normally;
- get enough sleep;
- give moderate physical activity.

Between periods, panties should be practically dry. But on days 12-16 of the cycle, during the period of egg maturation, the amount of mucous secretions increases. There may also be minor pain in the lower abdomen. Discharge with blood or a brownish color is not the norm, but such manifestations can be easily corrected by a doctor.

In order for menstruation to proceed comfortably, you need to choose the right hygiene products.

The norm is three to four pads a day. Be sure to select strictly according to the amount of discharge and change regularly, without waiting for “complete filling”, wash your hands before and after changing.

Many girls and their mothers are concerned about the question: Is it possible to use tampons before sexual activity? My answer is yes, you can. The hymen is very elastic and has holes, so a properly selected tampon cannot damage it. The main thing is to choose the smallest tampon, with an applicator, and insert it only during heavy menstruation in the most relaxed position. You need to change it every two to three hours, just like the gasket.

It is important in the first two years of the menstrual cycle to be very careful about physical activity during menstruation. In the future, according to individual characteristics.

And finally three golden rules of hygiene for girls:

1. Contact of the genitals with various bacteria should be minimal (you need to choose comfortable underwear that completely covers the labia).

2. It is necessary to monitor the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes.

3. The number of hygiene procedures should be optimal (be sure to wash yourself in the morning, you can just wash with water, and at night).

Any woman wants to look beautiful and fresh. It is for this reason that we are constantly looking for new ways to lose weight, remove cellulite with the help of miracle massages, rejuvenate facial skin with miracle cream, etc. But in maintaining beauty, the most important thing is not buying the next designer shoes or visiting a new spa, but... maintaining your own health! After all, a woman’s beauty comes from within – and naturally only a woman whose health does not have major problems can be beautiful.

Therefore, the secrets of women's health are so important for the formation of female beauty. What are these secrets?

Women's health secret No. 1: Ideal parameters

To understand whether a woman is healthy, you need to know her basic parameters: weight, heart rate and blood pressure.

The ideal weight is different for each woman - and it can depend on the woman’s general constitution, her height, the ratio of bones, muscles and fat in the body, and much more. In this regard, the ideal weight may vary:

As for the ideal heart rate for a young woman, in a calm state its indicators should vary from 65 to 74 beats/min, and after physical activity or excitement - from 120 to 160 beats/min.

Normal blood pressure for a woman under 35 years old is considered to be 100-120/70-80.

Women's Health Secret #2: Physical Activity

Only if you keep your body in good shape can you hope for beauty and health. That is why the second secret of women's health is associated with regular exercise. You should exercise for at least 40 minutes 3-4 times a week. To burn fat, normalize metabolism and tighten muscles, do exercises to train different muscle groups, do aerobics and shaping.

By the way, don’t forget about training even if you are pregnant! The only thing you should pay attention to when playing sports during pregnancy is how you feel - and maybe make your usual exercises a little easier. Remember: if you don’t forget about sports during pregnancy, you will not only maintain your health, but also be able to quickly return to your “pre-pregnancy” size after giving birth!

Women's health secret No. 3: Proper nutrition

To maintain a beautiful figure, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with diets and, especially, starve! It has been scientifically proven that during a forced hunger strike we lose weight due to a decrease in muscle mass - but not fat. And a lot has been written about the fact that normal food, after severe food restriction, is immediately converted into fat.

Therefore, secret of women's health No. 3 involves eating the right foods according to the right regimen. Foods rich in protein and fiber are very useful for maintaining health: legumes, beef, fish, lentils, greens, grain bread, dairy products.

As for the total daily amount of calories, a young woman needs about 2500 calories per day, which should be distributed in the diet as follows:

25-30% - breakfast,

45% - lunch,

25-30% dinner.

No snacking on cookies, chips, and especially shawarma is acceptable in a healthy diet! And in principle, snacking is not a very good solution if you decide to control your diet. The only exception is fruit snacks.

Women's Health Secret No. 4: Prevention of Women's Problems

If you decide to take care of your health, do not neglect timely visits to the gynecologist (at least once a year) and taking the necessary tests (even if nothing worries you). And if you are planning a child, you simply must take these tests!

The list of mandatory “women’s” studies includes:

Blood test for AIDS,

Blood test for syphilis,

Blood test for hepatitis B and C,

Blood test for hormones (which specific ones will be noted by your doctor),

Clinical and biochemical blood tests,

General blood analysis,

Microbiological examination for aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms,

Vaginal smear for flora and inflammation,

Vaginal smear for infections: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes, toxoplasmosis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomonas,

Cytological examination of the cervix (smear for atypical cells),


Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

And remember that self-medication is not the best assistant in the fight for women's health. If you have the slightest suspicion of any problems in the sexual or genitourinary area, consult a doctor. After all, only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment!

Women's health secret No. 5: Proper sleep

Our health depends on how and how much we sleep - not only physical, but also psychological. Therefore, sleep is one of the most important helpers in the fight for women’s health.

What are the secrets of women's health related to sleep?

Sleep schedule: you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time so that your sleep schedule is developed thoroughly - this way you will never know what insomnia is. By the way, this rule applies not only to weekdays, but also to weekends - the mode cannot be changed;

Before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom well, and at night you can leave the window ajar (if it’s not cold outside) - fresh air is perfect for a pleasant sleep;

Try to sleep on your back - this position is the best for sleeping, because it does not bend or compress various organs. If you still can’t help but sleep on your side, at least lie on your right side so as not to put pressure on your heart, lungs, liver and stomach. But sleeping on the stomach is harmful in any case - because in this position, pressure occurs on all internal organs, neck, spine, breathing becomes shallow, and sleep becomes shallow.

Women's health secret No. 6: Visiting a mammologist

A healthy young woman should visit a mammologist twice a year, even if she has no complaints. If among your female relatives there have been cases of breast cancer, breast health should be given especially close attention.

Between visits to the mammologist, do not forget about breast self-examination methods for the presence of lumps and other neoplasms. And remember that the most important prevention of breast diseases is breastfeeding!

Women's Health Secret #7: Visiting the Dentist

A beautiful snow-white smile has not only aesthetic value - it is also an important indicator of women's health! Can a woman with yellow teeth, plagued by caries, be absolutely healthy? In this case, we are generally silent about beauty!

What is the secret of women's health No. 7? First of all, it involves visiting the dentist at least 2 times a year, daily oral hygiene (in our opinion: brushing your teeth 2 times a day, using mouthwash and dental floss), changing your toothbrush every 3 months. In addition, it is advisable to remove emerging plaque at least once a year.

Women's Health Secret No. 8: Sexual Activity

In the period from 25 to 35 years, female sexual activity reaches its peak. Only workload or an abundance of household chores can force you into a framework. In addition, the birth of a child can also temporarily reduce libido, and marital sex will become rare (up to once a month), but after a few months it will flare up with renewed vigor.

Take advantage of the blossoming moment of your sexuality and have sex when you want it (of course, taking into account that you and your partner are not in a crowded place or do not urgently need to run to work). After all, regular and active sex life makes it easier for you to achieve orgasm, which is important for women’s health. The third trimester of pregnancy can be a particularly rapid flowering of your libido, when the fetus puts pressure on the nerve endings, intensifying sensations.

Women's Health Secret #9: Achieving Emotional Balance

To feel comfortable emotionally, follow these recommendations:

Always put yourself first - direct all your efforts to make yourself better. For example, give up bad habits, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, etc.;

Look for a reason for joy in everyday life, be surprised by every little thing, and the first achievements in personal and professional terms should be replaced by subsequent goals;

Spend more time with your family so as not to be upset and feel guilty for not giving more attention and care to your husband and children;

Learn to masterfully combine the roles of mother, housewife, responsible employee and interesting personality.

Women's Health Secret No. 10: Skin and Hair Care

Lush hair and smooth skin are eternal symbols of beauty and women's health. Therefore, skin and hair care are given special attention in the list of women's health secrets.
To keep your skin smooth and radiant with health, you need to take comprehensive care of it. First of all, you need to moisturize your skin with a moisturizing day cream, which a specialist will help you choose.

In addition to moisturizing, cleansing is important in skin care, because during the day, decorative cosmetics and an unfavorable environment clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing. You need to cleanse your skin morning and evening using special cleansing foams, tonics, gels and other products. And once a week it is useful to do a peeling or cleansing face mask made of white clay.

To reduce the harm from the effects of unfavorable ecology on the skin and help the skin protect itself on its own, use nourishing creams with fruit acids, and take vitamin complexes with vitamins A, C, and E internally.

To tighten your skin and give it a radiant appearance, try applying a special firming serum or creams with collagen and retinol to your face.

Hair care starts from the inside - to avoid premature graying and strengthen your hair, do not forget to eat right. Your diet should be rich in B vitamins and vitamins A, C, E. In addition, adjust your lifestyle: less stress, daily routine, normal sleep and proper hair care. Wash your hair when it gets dirty under warm (not hot or cold) water, choose a shampoo and conditioner or mask specifically for your hair type and strictly follow the instructions for use on the package. Conditioner, as a rule, does not heal or strengthen the hair, but only makes it easier to comb, dry, and gives the hair elasticity.

If your hair is falling out (and this is a fairly common problem in women over 30), this indicates a lack of folic acid in your body. In this case, you should try using a special mask against hair loss and taking folic acid capsules. If your hair is falling out very much, consult a doctor, as this may indicate internal problems in the body.

Let's hope that the secrets of women's health given above will help you always remain an attractive woman with excellent health!

After reading the article what every girl should know you will learn:

  • 1

    Features of a girl's personal hygiene

  • 2

    Beginning of menstruation during puberty

  • 3

    Rules of conduct when engaging in sexual relations with a man

  • 4

    Necessary conditions for pregnancy

  • 5

    Tactics of a woman’s behavior during pregnancy

  • 6

    Situations when you need to contact a gynecologist

The fear of turning to a gynecologist on any issue is common to the vast majority of young girls, because the topic is really very delicate and not every girl decides to trust and turn to a specialist in the field, but seeks advice from friends, older women, in books, on the Internet. Unfortunately, these “recommendations” are not always really useful, and sometimes they can cause irreparable harm to a young female body. In this article we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions of the younger generation to the obstetrician-gynecologist, and give recommendations on what to do in various life situations.

What every girl should know

Personal hygiene for girls, girls, women

The topic of personal hygiene is quite actively discussed in the literature, and is instilled by parents in their little daughters from early childhood, but at the same time there are some unclear aspects that encourage girls to make mistakes in caring for themselves. Girls need to wash themselves under clean, warm, running water using pH-neutral products. It is very undesirable to use soap that has an alkaline environment, since it is possible to shift the normal acidic environment in the vagina, maintained by special bacteria, towards the alkaline side, which will provoke a disruption of the normal biocenosis of the genital tract and the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Be sure to wash yourself with movements " front to back", only the perineum and external genitalia. Many people make the mistake of trying to rinse the vagina for the “best cleanliness,” but this should not be done, again due to a possible disturbance in the composition of the microflora.

Menarche as a stage of growing up

Usually, a girl’s first menstruation (menarche) occurs at the age of 11-13 years, but sometimes menstruation can occur at a later age - 14-15 years. Underweight (weight less than 48 kg with average height) can prevent the onset of menstruation on time. If menstruation does not occur after reaching the age of 16, then it makes sense to contact an endocrinologist and conduct a hormonal profile study.

The formation of a regular menstrual cycle in girls requires different times: but the maximum normal cycle is established within 6 months after menarche. If this does not happen, after six months, menstruation is irregular, then an in-person consultation with a gynecologist and examination is required.

The intensity of pain is different for each girl: it depends on the individual level of pain threshold, lifestyle, nervous regulation, mental factor, etc. Moderate pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region during menstruation is normal. The duration of menstruation is from 2 to 7 days; with longer menstruation there is a real risk of developing iron deficiency anemia, so it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and monitor a general blood test.

Beginning sexual activity: what you need to know

The period of onset of sexual activity in girls usually occurs at the age of 17-19 years, sometimes a little later. Early initiation of sexual activity, especially if psychological readiness has not occurred, can have serious consequences. First of all, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the word “deprivation of virginity.”

Many girls turn to a gynecologist and assure themselves of their virginity if they have a history of one or more sexual acts, arguing that the hymen was not torn and there was no blood during sexual intercourse. The hymen can have varying degrees of elasticity, differ in the number of natural holes present in it, so it does not rupture in 100% of cases during the first sexual intercourse. In most cases, either a partial tear occurs (in this case, bleeding does not always occur, since this depends on the location and size of the blood vessels, on the state of the rheological properties of the blood), or stretching, which is not accompanied by bleeding at all. But the very beginning of sexual intercourse implies the deprivation of virginity and requires a subsequent examination by a gynecologist.

During the first sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use a barrier method of contraception if pregnancy is not yet desired, since even unprotected open contact of the genitals without ejaculation can lead to pregnancy and infection with STIs. The most acceptable method of contraception for adolescents and young couples is the use of condoms, since it has virtually no contraindications and is quite reliable (if used correctly).

When to see a doctor?

There are several situations when a woman simply needs the help of a gynecologist, and delay in seeking it can have bad consequences - even the development of infertility in the future, and sometimes death.

  1. Acute abdominal pain. Typically, the appearance of severe pain accompanies many acute gynecological diseases that require immediate treatment or surgical intervention. These conditions include: acute salpingoophoritis, necrosis of the myomatous node, torsion of the ovarian cyst, interrupted ectopic pregnancy. The cause of pain can also be surgical pathology, for example appendicitis. In all cases of severe pain, an emergency visit to a gynecologist or an ambulance call for hospitalization or examination in the emergency department of a multidisciplinary hospital is indicated.
  2. Long delay of menstruation. Slight delays in menstruation can also occur in healthy women and do not always require correction of the condition. If the delay in menstruation exceeds 14 days, then it is important to consult a specialist in person and undergo an examination to identify the cause.
  3. Signs of infection. If there is itching, burning, pathological discharge from the vagina or rashes on the external genitalia, then the first task is to see a gynecologist and do a simple test - a smear for microflora, in some cases - a test for STIs. Even if the girl has not had sexual intercourse, the appearance of signs of inflammation is still an indication for a microflora analysis, this will help determine treatment tactics. Self-initiation of treatment with drugs for the sanitation of the genital tract (antibiotics, antifungals, antiprotozoals and antiseptics) can complicate diagnosis, leading to incorrect treatment and failure to achieve the desired results - the infection will become chronic and its treatment will become long and difficult. Chronic infection can lead to the formation of adhesions, and this is one of the main factors of infertility in young women.
  4. Current pregnancy. If a woman becomes pregnant, she should definitely consult a gynecologist. If the pregnancy is unwanted, then early treatment can make the consequences of termination of pregnancy not as serious as at a later date. It should be remembered that any attempt to independently provoke a termination of pregnancy or an abortion outside the walls of a gynecological hospital is regarded as a criminal abortion and is a criminal offense. Such actions can lead to the death of a woman or serious consequences for her health and future reproductive function.
  5. Uterine bleeding. The appearance of bloody discharge (with the exception of scheduled menstruation) is a serious signal of a malfunction in the genital organs. If spotting appears during pregnancy, then this is a reason to call an ambulance, as it is a signal of the onset of spontaneous termination of pregnancy or the threat of termination.
A little about pregnancy and ways to prevent it

For pregnancy to occur, only two factors are necessary: ​​the presence of a living, active sperm and a mature egg. The egg is released into the fallopian tube from the ovary only during ovulation, that is, fertilization can occur only during this period. Based on these data, many people believe that they can only get pregnant during ovulation and do not use contraception at other times of the cycle. This is wrong, since there are several subtleties that every girl who enters into an intimate relationship with a man should know:

  1. The calendar method of contraception is not accurate. In practice, pregnancy can occur from sexual intercourse on almost any day of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation does not always occur on a certain day; even in women with a regular menstrual cycle, slight shifts towards early or late ovulation are acceptable.
  2. Sperm viability. Spermatozoa are destroyed very quickly in the air in the environment, but they can remain viable in the female genital tract for quite a long time - this period reaches a maximum of 5-7 days. Consequently, with a shift in ovulation in one direction or another and maximum sperm viability, fertilization can occur after sexual intercourse on relatively “safe days.”
  3. Smegma and its features. The gynecologist receives many questions about the possibility of pregnancy after petting. This possibility actually exists. During sexual arousal, a man secretes a special lubricant (smegma), in which sperm can be found. Their concentration is very low, but it should be remembered that for pregnancy to occur, one, but active, sperm is enough.
  4. Postcoital contraception. Pregnancy can be prevented even if you have already had unprotected sex. Within 48-72 hours you can take the drug (Escapelle, Zhenale, Postinor, etc.). The sooner the drug is taken after sexual intercourse, the higher its effectiveness. These drugs do not interrupt an existing pregnancy, contrary to popular belief, but simply prevent its onset (since after fertilization there is still quite a long way to go before pregnancy occurs - the fertilized egg from the fallopian tube descends into the uterine cavity and is attached to its wall, implantation occurs. This path takes 6-7 days).
If pregnancy occurs

Usually, a woman finds out about pregnancy after a delay in menstruation by taking a pregnancy test and seeing a positive result. But often a woman begins to suspect a possible pregnancy even before a delay in menstruation occurs, especially if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred. In view of these situations, the issue of the earliest and most reliable diagnosis of pregnancy becomes urgent.

The earliest diagnostic method is a blood test for hCG. It can detect an increase in hCG above the threshold level already 6-8-10 days after fertilization (ovulation).

The pregnancy test is also based on detecting the concentration of hCG, but in the urine. In urine, the increase occurs somewhat later, so a urine test is optimally done 12-14 days after fertilization, and this occurs on the 1st day of delayed menstruation or 1-2 before it. Taking a pregnancy test earlier is not justified; the result will be unreliable.

Some women, suspecting pregnancy, immediately go for an ultrasound. But, unfortunately, the ultrasound method for determining short-term pregnancy is illogical, since thickening of the endometrium is a very indirect sign of pregnancy, and the fertilized egg begins to be visualized a little later.

You should know that if you receive a positive test result for the hCG hormone, you should, if possible, contact a gynecologist for an in-person examination and registration for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic.

A few pesky pounds don't mean you're not exercising enough or dieting poorly. It is possible that there are hormonal imbalances in your body that are preventing your metabolism from returning to normal. Here are a few hormones whose changing levels affect your weight.


Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. When there is some external threat, it increases the heart rate and blood pressure, and also activates muscle function. It is effective in treating a short-term disorder, but when the body is in a constant state of stress, then it works to its detriment - for example, it reduces glucose consumption in the muscles, borrowing it from other organs.

If there is a sharp increase in cortisol, it can trigger an “inflammatory mode” in the body, which leads to cancer, diabetes and the development of autoimmune diseases. An increase in its level leads to excessive production of insulin and fat cells, resulting in an increase in body weight.

How to control: Make sure you have at least seven hours of sleep a day, learn yoga, and avoid drinking alcohol.


Everyone knows that problems with the thyroid gland lead to unexpected weight gain, but few people think about how exactly this happens. The gland, located in our neck, produces hormones that control metabolism, heart rate, growth, sleep and many other processes in the body. If the thyroid gland does not produce enough of a certain hormone, hypothyroidism occurs, which leads to the accumulation of water in the body, which is why there is a feeling that the shape is round.

How to control: consult a specialist to prescribe special medications for the thyroid gland, add iodized salt to your diet and avoid raw vegetables.


Do you know the feeling of being full? It occurs because leptin signals the entire body that it is time to stop. If you eat too many sugary foods or processed foods with added fructose, your body stops producing it. This, in turn, reduces the body's sensitivity to leptin, and the brain stops receiving signals that it's time to stop eating. In addition, leptin tells the brain about the amount of fat mass and even affects reproductive function - if you have eating disorders, you are more likely to get pregnant.

How to control: eat a little every two hours, don’t eat a lot of fruit, drink more water.


Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, and it helps us fall asleep quickly and, in principle, maintain a stable sleep pattern. Melatonin increases in the evening, and by morning its amount in the body decreases. Since our bodies need to repair themselves, a lack of melatonin can also cause weight gain.

How to control: sleep in a dark room, avoid eating at night, add goji seeds, almonds, cherries, sunflower seeds and cardamom to your diet.


The main female hormone is produced by the ovaries, and its amount depends on many factors, including the state of adipose tissue. At some point, a vicious circle may set in: the higher your weight, the more problems with the thyroid gland, and due to its improper functioning, it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight. In addition, you get extra estrogen from foods that contain pesticides or other substances with growth hormones. When estrogen levels are high, you become more resistant to the effects of insulin, which also causes you to gain weight.

How to control: Avoid alcohol, add whole grains to your diet and exercise regularly.