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Step-by-step instructions for building an enclosure for your dog. Do-it-yourself outdoor enclosure for a dog: materials, dimensions, diagrams How to make a roof for an enclosure

Such structures are not built for every four-legged friend. If he belongs to large breeds and his main duty is to protect the house and the area adjacent to it, then this building cannot be avoided. It will serve as his home all year round, will help keep everything clean and tidy, and will also create comfortable conditions for keeping the animal. Before starting work, you need to clearly understand what should happen in the end.

We develop a drawing with the dimensions of an enclosure for a dog, taking into account all the nuances

To correctly make a drawing with the dimensions of an enclosure for a dog, you need First of all, find out the pet’s height:

1. 6 m2 of area is allocated for an animal whose height is maximum 50 cm.

2. 8 m2 of space is required for an animal with a height of at least 50 and maximum 65 cm.

3. 10 m2 of space is given to an animal with a height exceeding 65 cm.

The dimensions are given with the expectation that only one individual will live in a given area. If there are more individuals or it is planned to have them, then for each additional resident the parameter increases by one and a half times.

drawing with dimensions of a dog enclosure
outdoor dog enclosure

The following components should be included in the construction scheme:

1. The area in which the winter road will be located (closed room).

2. In the winter road, part of the area will be allocated for a booth (its dimensions should be appropriate to the height of the pet, no more).

3. A platform (raised platform above the ground) will be located next to the winter road.

4. Between the platform and the exit beyond the perimeter of the site there should be a green zone (preferably not bare soil, but with a lawn planted on it).

dog enclosure
dog enclosure with dimensions

Ideally, all three main zones should be equal in area, but if you plan to frequently walk your pet in the yard, then the green zone can be slightly reduced.

Before you build an enclosure for a dog, you need not only figure out with its design, but also with its location:

1. Do not install it too close to the entrance to the yard or too far from it (stick to the golden mean).

2. It is advisable that the site is not located in the lowest parts of the site. Otherwise, in spring and autumn it will be constantly flooded, which will lead to frequent illnesses of the animal.

3. Do not place the platform directly under the edges of a pitched roof. There is a high risk of a large mass of snow melting in the spring.

4. It is advisable that there are either dense bushes or strong and branchy trees nearby.

Step-by-step description of how to build an enclosure for a dog according to a drawing

Having developed a drawing with the dimensions of the dog’s enclosure, you can move on to the main work. Please note that not all materials are suitable for this work. The best candidates for use are:

1. Wood.

For the construction of a winter road, shelter, platform, roof supports.

2. Metal pipes (not aluminum).

As a replacement for mesh, which animals often injure their teeth on.

3. Soft roof.

It absorbs the sound of falling rain best; accordingly, the animal will experience less stress due to the loud rumble of drops, for example, on a metal profile.

Now let's look at how to build an enclosure for a dog, namely, in what order should all the work be performed:

1. Level the allocated area for construction.

2. We install formwork and a grid of beams for the construction of a platform for the platform and winter road.

3. Place a layer of gravel (at least 10 cm) inside the grate.

4. We cover the support beams with cladding made of boards (high-quality polished and treated with special substances).

5. We install corner posts on the boardwalk under the winter road. We cover them with boards from bottom to top.

6. We weld the frame for mounting the fence. We weld the pipes to it, the step should be such that the pet cannot stick its head between them.

7. We install supports under the roof and cover them, for example, with fiberboard slabs. We cover it with a roof. We install it in the winter road and in the door fencing. We bring the booth.

To build such a structure is not at all difficult and not that expensive. Pay special attention to the choice of construction and fastening materials so that the animal cannot accidentally injure themselves or break them.

It would be nice to equip your pet with a comfortable and spacious home where he will live and look after the property.

Having prepared the necessary material, taking into account the peculiarities of the location and zoning of the territory for the dog and using the instructions, building an enclosure will not take much time and will delight you with its beauty and your pet’s convenience.

Read about how to build a decorative and practical structure - a pergola.

Choose a place

Away from compost pits, roads, borders with neighbors, so that nothing frightens or distracts the pet. It is better to place the enclosure close to the gate so that the area is easily visible from all sides. It is not recommended to place it away from home, behind outbuildings and other places where the dog cannot see the house and owners; in this case, it will be agitated and irritable, which will certainly develop into barking and whining.

Choosing a place for the enclosure. It is advisable that it be located in close proximity to the house

Draw a drawing of the future enclosure

It is important to consider the size of the dog: the larger the animal, the more space it needs. For medium-sized dogs (German shepherds, collies), the length of the enclosure is 7-8 meters. For small breed dogs the length is reduced by 2-3 meters, for larger breeds the length is increased.

The area of ​​the enclosure must correspond to the height of the dog

The enclosure should have three main zones:

  1. Rest zone. This zone most often serves as a booth, where the dog can sleep and hide from the cold.
  2. Feeding area. A place where the dog can quench his thirst and hunger.
  3. Walking area. Here the dog will walk around, looking around the property.

Select material

The material used to build the enclosure is mesh, wood or metal.

The drawing is ready, the material has been selected, it’s time to get down to business.

Wood, metal and mesh are most often used in the construction of an enclosure.

Wooden aviary

How to make an enclosure for a dog with your own hands? First you need to pour the foundation.


We remove the top layer of soil 20-30 cm along the entire perimeter of the enclosure - 5th in length and 2nd in width (for a small dog).

Fill with cement mortar in a ratio of 1:1:2:3 - cement, water, sand and crushed stone, respectively. Leave for 1-2 days until completely hardened.

If the soil is soft and loose, before pouring it is necessary to make formwork: lay boards along the edges of the hole and fasten them with nails or self-tapping screws.


Now you need to knock down the frame, for which you will need 12 beams 2 meters long, 4 beams – 5 m.

3 beams 2 meters long need to be shortened by 10 cm each to give the roof of the enclosure a slope so that water does not accumulate on it. These bars will be the basis of the back wall.

We connect two 5 m beams and two 2 m beams in the shape of a rectangle with self-tapping screws. This is the base of the enclosure. We install shortened beams on one of the long sides: two in the corners and one exactly in the middle - the back part of the enclosure. On the opposite side we strengthen three beams 2 m long - the front part of the enclosure.

Making the top. We screw the remaining two beams, 5 m long, parallel to the lower beams of the same length with self-tapping screws. We do the same with three beams of two meters in length. Two will connect five-meter beams at the edges, and one will be in the middle to support the future roof.

On the left side you need to attach the remaining two-meter beam, shortening it by the required amount so that it fits between the lower and upper beams. It will serve as a border for the door.


We lay boards on the lower beams and attach them with self-tapping screws. The boards must be treated with sandpaper (or a special device) and a solution that protects the wood from insects and rot.

Boards for the enclosure must be of good quality


We make the back side and one side blank and fill them completely with boards. We hammer the other side to the border of the door, leaving an opening for the arch.

We trim the front side with mesh. We nail it to the bars. We knock down the door from the boards and hang it on the hinges.

The door must open inwards. Otherwise, the dog may escape by simply tearing off the hook.


We nail boards onto the upper supports, either horizontally or vertically, over the entire area. We treat with a special solution.


It is necessary to place a booth in the enclosure. It can be knocked down from boards. It is better if the roof is removable so that it can be easily cleaned.

We install the booth, and the wooden dog enclosure is ready

First you need to prepare the drawings. Having drawn a diagram and chosen a suitable location, you need to decide what material you will use to build the enclosure.

The simplest and least expensive option is the Chainlink mesh. It is better to choose a mesh with small cells so that your pet cannot tear it, stretch it, or get stuck in it.

An aviary made of chain-link mesh is a simple and economical option

For the construction you will need metal pipes: 4 pcs. 4 m long; 5 pieces. 2 m long; 7 pcs. 2.2 m long.

We dig 7 holes 50 cm deep, insert 2.2 m pipes into them. The holes should be located in the shape of a rectangle: three on one side at a distance of two meters from each other, then an angle of 90 degrees and after two meters another hole, again straight corner and another hole after two meters, and then two more holes after a meter (there will be a door here).

We give an even position to the inserted pipe, it’s good if someone looks from the side. After making sure that the pipe is level, we fill it with crushed bricks and fill it with cement mortar in a ratio of 1: 3: 3 - cement, sand, water, respectively. We do the same with the remaining five pipes.

We take the Chainlink mesh and tighten it around our pipes. We start from the future doorway (where the distance between the pipes is 1 meter) and end at its second part. The opening should remain intact.

You need to pull the mesh very tightly so that it does not sag.

We fix the mesh with special metal screws, or weld it using a welding machine, or attach it with special hooks. If there is none of the above, we wrap the mesh around the pipes with strong wire in 4-5 places on each support.

The door can be welded from four metal pieces and covered with mesh.

You can use chain-link mesh to build an enclosure only if you have a small and calm dog

Part of the enclosure area can be left untouched; the grass will serve as a place for the dog to walk.

It is necessary to make a platform (flooring) where the dog will rest. It can be built from boards. To do this, the boards need to be treated with a solution that prevents wood rotting.

Take four beams 2x1.5 m long and knock them into a rectangular frame (process the beams in the same way). Lay the boards tightly together and secure with self-tapping screws.

To learn how to make a tire swing, read.

Find out how to make it easily and inexpensively.

A small piece of land can be tiled, bowls can be placed and this will be a place for feeding. Cleaning tiles is easier than wood flooring.

Inside, you need to place a booth that will serve as a sleeping place for the dog and also protect it from wind and precipitation. It is better to place the booth right next to the platform.

If you decide to build an enclosure from a mesh, you need to make sure that the booth is spacious and insulated, since this will be the only place where the dog can hide from bad weather.

The mesh enclosure is ready

Building an enclosure for a dog is not a matter of minutes, but it won’t take years either. Before construction, you should draw a diagram of the future enclosure, taking into account the size of the dog, the area where the building will be located, as well as the type of material required for its assembly.

If there are restrictions on finances and space, it is better to choose a Chainlink mesh and make a small enclosure. If it is possible to build a spacious enclosure, a wooden option is best suited. And if you combine wood with metal, then such a design will be not only durable and reliable, but also beautiful and safe.

Every owner of his own country plot certainly needs a dog for his soul and for protection. For the dog to be in a good mood, he vitally needs his own home with a small area for walking. Anyone can build such a home for their pet; the main thing is to find the materials and follow the instructions.

Aug 5, 2015 Victor Sergeev

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We build an enclosure for a dog with our own hands


Step-by-step instructions for building a dog enclosure yourself. Two options are given - entirely made of wood and using chain-link mesh.

Victor Sergeev

The advisability of arranging a home for your pet on the territory is beyond doubt. Even the only argument that bringing a dog “closer” to nature has a positive effect on its health, activity, and longevity, negates all the arguments that it is hardly worth spending time and money on. If you think about it, a dog enclosure made with your own hands, according to your own drawings, is much preferable to factory-made products. If only because you still have to think carefully about how to place the purchased structure on the site without disturbing the general style of its design.

When erecting this building, you must first think about how comfortable it is for the dog and during what period it will be behind the fence. And there are quite a lot of other nuances. But there are certain requirements for any enclosure that you should know and be guided by in the process of arranging it.

  • Recommended area (m²) depending on the height of the dog at the withers (cm): 6 – for 50, up to 10 – no more than 65. If it exceeds 65 cm, then ten “squares” is the acceptable minimum. But this only applies to male dogs. For the bitch, the enclosure is equipped taking into account the fact that she will have to breed and raise offspring.
  • Good review. The dog must see the entrance to both the site and the owner’s house. Based on this, part of the enclosure fence is made clearly visible. As a rule, in areas adjacent to a residential building, chain-link mesh is used for this purpose. It must be taken into account that it is traumatic for the dog. This applies to ordinary, standard products with standard (average) cell sizes. If you choose it, then only with large ones so that the animal’s paws do not get tangled in it. Otherwise, damage to the dog’s claws or teeth cannot be avoided.

  • Cardinal directions and wind rose. Regarding the last criterion, it is necessary to take into account local features and make the wall in the blown area continuous. Dogs, like people, do not like drafts. In addition, if you choose the wrong site for an enclosure on the territory, it will be systematically covered with snow and leaves, and it will be constantly hot on the site and in the house. Here it is necessary to correlate all these factors with the climate of the region and the specific location of the residential building; whether there are ponds, forest belts or other natural barriers nearby, whether it is in a lowland or on a hill.
  • Location of the house. An aviary is not only a “big box”, but also a platform on which the dog can play, bask in the sun, and so on. Therefore, it is recommended to arrange the open part of the structure where it is illuminated for most of the day. And it is advisable to position the entrance to the house so that it “looks” to the South, South-East or South-West.

  • A place for it is chosen on a hill, or the structure is raised artificially. This precaution minimizes the effect of cold soil on the floor. The flooring should be made of planks; this further reduces heat loss through the bottom. But that's not all. Don't forget about your pet's claws. Concreting the floor or covering it with hard sheets (for example, metal, asbestos-cement) will not lead to anything good. In addition, on a cold basis, the risk of disease in the animal’s joints increases sharply.

However, there is a nuance. There is still no consensus on the issue of gender in the enclosure. Even experts constantly argue about how best to arrange it. The fact is that animals by nature, on a subconscious level, have the habit of relieving themselves on the ground. Therefore, it is better not to cover part of the floor with flooring, but to leave it as is. But you will have to take precautions. The dog can dig a hole and get out of the enclosure.

One of the options for eliminating this problem is to prepare a solid base with a wall (like a pit), and pour a layer of earth on top. It is easy to change when it gets dirty. The advantage of this solution is that if the area in the enclosure is large, then this will be much more difficult to do, since the dog will begin to mark it everywhere.

  • Material for the house. Unlike human habitation, it naturally does not have utilities that provide an acceptable microclimate. Therefore, for such a structure, wood is the best choice. Firstly, it “breathes”. Secondly, it holds heat well. Thirdly, it does not heat up in the sun, therefore, the dog will not feel stuffy in the house.
  • Roof. The preferable option is if it is mounted above the entire enclosure. The dog is unlikely to hide from the sun's rays or precipitation in a house if it's hot outside. The stuffiness in a closed space will force her to seek refuge outside it. So you should think about where and how to organize a place so that the dog can lie down in the shade at any time. A roof over the site solves all these problems. The main thing is to ensure its sound insulation and at least minimal insulation. Then even in late autumn the dog will be comfortable in the enclosure.
  • Tree species. When choosing lumber, it is advisable to focus on 3 criteria - resistance to rotting, ease of processing with conventional tools and reasonable cost. From this point of view, larch is the best option. And if the board is thick enough, then a durable and warm floor (possibly without additional thermal insulation) is guaranteed.

  • Gate. Only opening inward. Otherwise, the dog will be able to get out of the enclosure on its own, and at any time, even the most inopportune. After all, poodles or small Spitz dogs are not kept in such fenced areas. In addition, the latch must be installed not only at a height, but also in such a way that the dog cannot open it under any circumstances. It also needs to be placed on the door of the house.
  • Structural strength. Guard or fighting dogs are distinguished not only by their mobility, but also by their considerable weight. It is unlikely that a “weak” fence will last long if the animal constantly jumps on it - either out of joy when it sees its owner, or out of anger when a stranger appears on the property.

The best option for an enclosure is a wooden house and a forged (or welded) fence. But if it’s not difficult to build the first one with your own hands, then the second one will have to be ordered. Perhaps this is the only disadvantage of this solution.

Key points in building an enclosure

Selecting a location

It is necessary to achieve the optimal combination of several factors:

  • Minimum extraneous noise. Firstly, the dog, like the owner, periodically needs rest, absolute peace. Secondly, annoying sounds will only distract the dog, preventing it from performing its main function - protecting the territory. Therefore, it is not worth setting up an enclosure near the fences along the perimeter of the site and a residential building.
  • It is necessary to provide the dog with a good view of the approaches to the residential building. That is, on the line between the enclosure and the building there should not be any blocking “objects” in the form of garden buildings, pergolas, sculptures, tall dense vegetation, and the like.
  • For the dog house and playground, you need to choose a place on a hill. If the territory is planned, it should be organized artificially; An “elevated” enclosure will not only provide the dog with a good view of the area, but will also save his home from flooding (snow drifts) during heavy rainfall or melting snow.
  • Maximum distance from segments of the territory where odors may come from - septic tanks of the simplest modifications, cesspools and compost pits, and so on. Such proximity can negatively affect the dog’s sense of smell.

Aviary diagram

When choosing a suitable option, in addition to the size of the dog, its breed, habits, seasonality of residence, and whether the enclosure is a permanent home for it or is only used for walking the dog are taken into account. For example, if the area is densely planted, and there are also a lot of expensive ornamental plants, the owner is unlikely to risk taking the dog out of the house, freeing it from the leash and letting it go for a walk anywhere.

For such cases, the enclosure is made in the form of a mesh fence, but without a booth. The same applies to the roof - it is either installed or not. If, in addition to fencing the site, there is a house for the dog in which he can sit out bad weather, then it is hardly worth installing a canopy. A selection of photographs and diagrams will help you choose the best option for such a building for your site.


The owner decides whether to do it or not. But if you plan to install a dog house, then you will have to install it. There are different recommendations on this issue - slab base (by pouring mortar), columnar base, shallow tape. The most rational option for a small wooden building is to use sleepers (or tarred timber). By the way, many light garden buildings are built using this technology.

There are several advantages:

  • You don't have to do any excavation work. This means limited space in the planted area and the risk of damage to the roots of vegetation. All that is needed is to dig small ditches (10–15 cm) to lay the timber. This will give it stability and protect it from displacement in the horizontal plane.
  • High speed of construction.
  • The costs for the foundation for the enclosure are minimal.
  • On such a foundation it is very easy to fix both the lower crown of the booth and the wooden flooring of the walking area.
  • Good maintainability of the base. Replacing a rotten sample is easy.

All other foundation options are a separate topic, more relevant to the construction of a private house.

Main stages:

  • Marking the territory.
  • Excavating a layer of soil in accordance with the layout of the enclosure.
  • Compacting the soil, adding coarse-grained sand or fine crushed stone, followed by compaction.
  • Laying P/E film as a waterproofing material. It is not advisable to use roofing material - in damp conditions it will last at most 3 years, no more.
  • On top there is a beam. Additionally, its displacement can be eliminated in two ways. The first is to drill 2 holes and drive scraps of reinforcing rod into them. The second is to place them on the sides and ends of the workpieces.
  • After leveling, the elements of the wooden foundation are fastened with staples, corners, and plates.

Dog house and play area

The nuances of its construction primarily depend on the selected materials. If it is wood, then erecting a frame and covering it with boards is not so complicated that you can’t figure it out. You need to pay attention to such moments.

  • All wooden blanks must be processed with high quality. This applies not only to antifungal impregnations, but also to the surface. Readiness for installation is checked by hand; There should be no burrs on the tree, otherwise the dog may get hurt.
  • When fastening parts together, it is better not to use nails. In addition to the fact that they split the wood, they are also difficult to direct accurately along the axis. The result is protruding ends. And the maintainability of such a site is extremely low. Optimally - self-tapping screws for wood, with preliminary drilling of channels and chamfering.

It is not recommended to use plastic panels (at least for external decoration) or other “chemicals” when building a dog house. Animals are very sensitive to the slightest odors, and many of them simply make the dog nervous. He will avoid such a booth.


Before installing it on the foundation beam, it is advisable to make an expanded clay bedding on the ground. Burnt clay granules allow water to pass through well (it will not stagnate under the boards of the site) and are an excellent heat insulator.


Either timber or small cross-section pipes are most often used as supports.

It is not necessary to copy any of the enclosures you like and look for exact drawings. This is just the basis for our own developments. Doing it yourself means doing it in a way that is convenient for the master in relation to a specific area and breed of four-legged pet. The main recommendations are noted, and everything else is a figment of your own imagination, depending on material capabilities and free space on the territory.

From this article you can learn how to make a dog enclosure with your own hands: photos of street and home structures made independently, unusual solutions and useful tips from experts. The text describes in detail the technology of construction of structures intended for keeping animals, with visual materials and a detailed description of the entire process: the choice of drawing, materials and dimensions of the structure, followed by manufacturing instructions.

Any dog ​​that lives outdoors for a long time needs a special place where it can feel comfortable. This area should have a fence and the necessary amenities so that, if necessary, the animal has the opportunity to sleep peacefully, play and hide from bad weather. To organize a space suitable for these purposes, it is enough to build an enclosure for a dog that will meet all its needs.

In what cases is an outdoor enclosure for a dog necessary?

Medium and large-sized dogs are kept outdoors. Animals of small breeds are less hardy and need to be kept at home.

An outdoor dog enclosure is necessary in the following cases:

  1. The size of the animal does not allow keeping it in the house - experts recommend building enclosures for Caucasian Shepherds, Alabais, Newfoundlands, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Mastiffs and other large breeds.
  2. The need for temporary isolation of the animal - during construction work in the courtyard of the house or in the event of guests arriving, there is a need to protect the animal.
  3. Keeping a guard dog - if the animal performs the function of a guard, the enclosure will serve as a home for the dog living in the yard. This structure will protect the pet from rain, snow and wind.

Many stores allow pet owners to buy an inexpensive outdoor enclosure for a dog of any size or modification ready-made or order its production. If you wish and have minimal construction skills, you can independently build a beautiful and reliable home for your animal.

What types of dog enclosures are there: photos and classification by type of construction

Before starting the manufacturing process, you need to determine what the structure should be that will stand in the courtyard of the house. In the photos found online, the enclosures have different configurations and designs. The appearance of the structure depends on its purpose, the size and breed of the dog, the materials chosen, as well as the personal preferences of the animal owner.

Helpful advice! Regardless of the chosen design, it is worth taking care of wall insulation. Ecowool or polystyrene foam can be used as thermal insulation lining.

The designs of dog enclosures are:

  1. Temporary.
  2. Closed.
  3. Capital.

The structures of temporary enclosures are open. The area allocated for keeping the dog is fenced off with a mesh or fence. To arrange the internal space, a booth is installed and a flooring is formed. Such enclosures do not have a roof, since the animal is in them temporarily.

Closed structures belong to the category of intermediate buildings. For convenience, a flooring is formed inside and a booth is placed. This type of enclosure is considered partially insulated, since the walking area is fenced with solid walls on three sides. The fourth surface has the form of a lattice to give the animal the opportunity to observe what is happening in the yard.

Capital-type enclosures have one translucent wall in the form of a lattice. The remaining surfaces are made solid and well insulated. Such structures have a deck and a roof. A booth is placed inside or a special sleeping place is equipped. For this purpose, part of the enclosure is fenced off.

Features of enclosures for puppies and small breed dogs

In addition to outdoor enclosures, there are also home structures that are used in residential premises for keeping puppies. Such products are small in size and very light in weight. Most of these enclosures have a prefabricated structure.

Inside you must place:

  • soft bedding;
  • a bowl of water and food;
  • a diaper or tray so that the dog can relieve itself;
  • toys.

At home, enclosures are used for Yorkies and dogs of other decorative breeds with miniature sizes. Some owners do not want to limit the freedom of their pet with the help of such a barrier, but there are many situations when such a design simply cannot be done without.

Important! An enclosure is not a place of punishment for an animal, regardless of whether an outdoor or indoor structure is used. If the dog is inside, it should not be punished. The animal should feel safe and have a positive outlook on their time there.

Varieties of home designs for pets, their advantages, tips for choosing and making them yourself.

At least 10 m² should be allocated for the construction of an enclosure for a shepherd dog (Central Asian, Caucasian) or Alabai. It would be desirable if there was more space. Having established the minimum dimensions of the area, you also need to take into account the sex of the animal. Males and females need different living conditions.

For a female dog, it is necessary to provide a vestibule and a maternity area. These structural elements will be located inside the enclosure. When puppies are born, they will not sit in one place, but will begin to move around the territory while playing. For this reason, the structure must be as protected as possible from bad weather conditions.

For a male dog, you will need to install a reliable and large booth. When making an enclosure for an alabai with your own hands, you should remember that males are physically strong, so both the castle and the enclosure itself must be as strong as possible. Otherwise the dog will simply break it.

How to make an enclosure for a dog with your own hands: choosing the optimal place for construction

Choosing the optimal location is an important condition for building a good enclosure for an Alabai or a dog of another breed. The structure should not be installed in a remote location. If the dog is isolated from people, he will bark loudly and become restless. An aviary next to a fence wouldn't be a good idea either. The animal will be constantly interested in people passing by the yard. A large dog can easily jump over a fence, choosing a snowdrift as a support point in winter, for example. This can lead to a lot of trouble.

Important! The enclosure should not be installed near a compost pit or other sources of strong odors, otherwise the dog may partially or completely lose its sense of smell.

The optimal location for the enclosure will be the front part of the yard. In this case, the structure will be located near the gate leading to the house and the path. Thanks to this, the animal will have the opportunity to observe everything that is happening around while in an isolated shelter. It is not recommended to choose a low-lying part of the yard for construction. In this case, the enclosure will be flooded with rainwater. In addition, dogs love an overhead view, so you should give preference to a small hill.

If you place the entrance on the south side of the site, the animal will be hot in the summer. Only in cold regions is this zone allowed to be used. But even in this case, it won’t hurt if there is a tree nearby that provides shade where the dog can hide from the sun.

If you make a dog enclosure with your own hands with a door on the north side, this is fraught with trouble. Precipitation will be the source of these inconveniences. If the region where the site is located is characterized by frequent snowfalls, in winter you will have to constantly clear these drifts in order to enter the enclosure. This requires a significant investment of time and effort, which the owner may not have.

Making an enclosure for a dog with your own hands: photos of designs from different materials

If future construction involves making an enclosure for a large dog intended for permanent residence, care should be taken to protect it from drafts. To do this, it is advisable to block the back and adjacent walls.

In this case, the following should be used as building materials:

  • bricks;
  • type-setting wooden panels;
  • thick tongue and groove boards enclosed in metal frames;
  • monolithic concrete;
  • cinder blocks.

It is better if the open wall faces south, southwest or southeast. To make it, it is advisable to use metal rods. To create a gate, a metal frame and rods are suitable. Dogs have a good mind, so they can open many locks with ease. The locking device on the gate must be reliable.

Important! It is not recommended to use mesh for dog enclosures in construction. Despite the fact that this material is more affordable than metal rods, it will last much less. In addition, the mesh can injure the animal if it breaks.

Comfortable living is only possible if the base is warm and dry. For this reason, experts recommend using wood to make floors in enclosures for huskies and other dogs. A covering formed from thick boards, if properly processed, will last quite a long time and protect the animal from drafts. Antiseptic agents are provided for this purpose. These compounds provide protection against rot and mold. In addition, you need to take care that there are no protruding nails or knots so that the dog does not get hurt.

To build the foundation, you can use concrete. However, in this case, the presence of wooden flooring is mandatory, as is ventilation under it. Materials such as concrete and asphalt should not be used as the sole base without a coating. They can seriously damage the animal's joints and claws.

The roof structure can be anything, the main thing is that it has a canopy. The list of roofing materials recommended for use includes:

  • slate;
  • metal tiles;
  • profiled sheet;
  • soft roof.

When choosing roofing materials, it is better to give preference to coatings that have a high level of sound insulation. Dogs' hearing is very sensitive and during rain the animal will experience discomfort if the drops drum loudly on the roof.

Making dog enclosures with your own hands: photos of designs designed for a pack

To support a whole flock, you can build one structure that will take into account the needs of several animals. Such structures are necessary in cases where there are several dogs on the site or the owner is breeding them. Most often seen in the photo, enclosures for two dogs or more animals have the appearance of tunnel structures. They are good for keeping a pack, but are completely unsuitable for housing one pet.

Such structures consist of several separate sections with semi-winter roads. Each section should be covered with a canopy for 3/4 of its length. In this case, about 4 m² of internal space will be allocated for each dog. The width of the section should correspond to the length of the animal's body without a tail.

To save money, you can make your own dog feeder from wood, using a jigsaw to cut holes for the bowls and a drill with screws to secure the structural elements.

Important! Sections of an enclosure with several dogs must be separated by solid partitions, otherwise clashes between animals are possible during feeding.

The feeder is made in the following order:

  1. To begin with, a drawing with dimensions is selected for making a feeder for the dog’s enclosure.
  2. The markings in accordance with the drawing are transferred to the wood. For this, a furniture board or board can be used.
  3. Using a jigsaw, the material is cut according to the markings.
  4. Holes for screws are formed (3 mm drill).
  5. Using a jigsaw, circles are cut out for the bowls and the corner parts of the parts are rounded.
  6. All elements are sanded and connected with screws, after preliminary gluing.

To make the feeder look neat, all cracks and screw heads must be filled with putty intended for wood. Then the surface is again treated with sandpaper and painted in any color you like. For these purposes, only safe and environmentally friendly compounds are used so that the dog’s health is not harmed during use.

Calculation of the size of an enclosure for a dog based on basic parameters

To create a drawing you need to know the dimensions of the structure. It is not only the area that is important. The size of a dog enclosure also depends on such a parameter as height. The structure is designed in such a way that the animal can stand freely on its hind legs without resting against the roof.

The minimum permissible side length of the enclosure is 2 m. This is quite enough for the animal to move freely, but for complete comfort it is better to increase this parameter. A dog can live permanently in a large enclosure. If it is of minimal size, you will have to let the animal out twice a day or at night so that it can stretch its legs and run around in the yard.

Once the dimensional parameters of the future design are determined, you can begin to develop a drawing of an enclosure for the dog. To do this, you can use ready-made projects or draw up a construction diagram yourself, taking into account personal preferences.

When developing a drawing of an enclosure for a husky or a dog of another breed, you need to add the required elements to the diagram of the future structure:

  1. A place to sleep is an area where a sleeping place is equipped or a booth is installed.
  2. A walking area is an area where the animal can actively move, relieve itself and play. The larger this zone is, the better.
  3. Place for food - a couple of bowls are placed in this area. One of them contains water, the second contains food.

Helpful advice! To simplify the feeding process, you can provide a window in the enclosure to serve food without going inside. If the dog is tall, bowls should be placed on a platform taking into account the height of the animal.

In addition to the dimensions, the drawing must indicate:

  • winter road border;
  • open area for walking;
  • platform border;
  • area for opening a gate or entrance door.

Preliminary drawing up of a drawing will allow you to rationally distribute all the elements of the enclosure and calculate the required amount of materials, as well as avoid mistakes.

Common mistakes when building a dog enclosure and expert advice

You should not skimp on materials, especially when it comes to fasteners and amplifiers. The design must be strong and reliable. It is not recommended to use slats, jibs and similar materials to strengthen the walls. A large dog will break this structure in one go.

When developing a project, you should not delve into the design. Decor that a person will like will create inconvenience for an animal. It is highly undesirable to use forged elements and other decorations that can become a source of injury to the animal. A dog's head or paw can easily get stuck in metal curls, which will lead to a fracture and other unpleasant consequences. The enclosure must be installed so that the dog has an overview and can control the situation.

The presence of a flower garden, alpine hill or flower bed near the enclosure is undesirable. Flowering plants emit aldehydes and ethylene. These substances cause irreparable harm to the dog's health, disrupting its sense of smell.

When building walls for an enclosure, it is imperative to take into account the size of a shepherd dog or other breed if these surfaces are lattice. In this case, metal rods are installed in increments of 5-10 cm. After construction is completed, it is imperative to check whether there are any defects left on the surfaces of the structure that could injure the animal. In metal enclosures, where elements are fastened by welding, be sure to inspect the seams for reliability.

To reduce the likelihood of injuries during operation, during the construction process it is advisable to use other types of fastening elements instead of nails.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • bolts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • screws.

It is very important that the roof has a good rafter system and is sloped. Thanks to this, the structure will be reliably protected from the wind, and precipitation will not accumulate on its surface.

Before making an enclosure, it is advisable to make a foundation or form a base so that the wooden flooring is not subject to shrinkage and rotting. The presence of such a hill will provide the necessary ventilation.

Helpful advice! In addition to the shutter, it is advisable to install eyelets on the door to the enclosure. When it breaks, these elements can be used to install a padlock.

How to build an enclosure for a dog in the yard of a private house

Large dogs require a permanent enclosure that will last for many years.

For construction you will need:

  • sand and cement;
  • boards and metal profiles;
  • corners and channels;
  • pipes and rods;
  • roofing material for the roof.

The simplest base option for a homemade enclosure is a strip foundation.

Its construction is carried out in the following order:

  1. A trench 0.5 m deep is dug.
  2. A simple formwork structure with a height of 0.2 m is made.
  3. A gravel cushion is formed.
  4. The filling is prepared using water, sand and cement.
  5. The formwork is filled with mortar.

When the fill dries, a layer of waterproofing material is laid. Roofing felt or polyethylene film is suitable for these purposes. The waterproofing material will protect the metal parts of the structure from corrosion, and the wooden elements from fungus.

Flooring manufacturing technology:

  1. Channels are laid on top of the strip foundation and connected by welding into a rectangle.
  2. The flooring boards are treated with an antiseptic and laid in this rectangle.
  3. Insulating material (roofing felt) is laid.
  4. A gravel bed is formed and concrete is poured.
  5. When the solution reaches half its strength, logs made of wood are embedded in it.
  6. A covering is formed from wooden boards, which are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Between the floor and the ground surface you need to leave 15 cm for air circulation, which will contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture. It is advisable to tilt the floor 2° towards the front door. This will make the process of cleaning the enclosure easier.

How to build an enclosure for a shepherd dog with your own hands: assembling the structure

As a basis for the construction of walls, a profile pipe is suitable, which is bolted or welded to the channels. The rod is laid inside the enclosure from one corner to the other. You need to ensure that all elements are positioned evenly. You can use a building level for this. Next, vertical rods are attached in increments of 5-10 cm. Then the door is made. To install it, you need to leave an opening in the welded frame of the enclosure.

Helpful advice! Square metal rods are stronger than round ones.

Depending on the purpose of the enclosure, the structure can be lined with one, two or even three walls. Any material you like can be used for exterior finishing. On the inside, the walls must be insulated and sheathed with wood.

Roof construction technology:

  1. A metal corner or pipe is attached on top of the walls around the entire perimeter, which will serve as a connecting link.
  2. A channel is installed in the central part between the side walls, which will strengthen the structure.
  3. The resulting frame is used to secure the boards. Recommended size: 5 cm.

The structure is covered with corrugated sheets, slate or soft roofing (the latter option is more desirable). The aviary is almost ready for use. All that remains is to equip it by installing a booth and a feeder.

Making a dog house with your own hands: drawings and description of technology

To properly make a dog house, you need to determine the optimal size and shape. You should not select an overly complex design. The presence of elements such as ladders, ledges and partitions will create inconvenience for the animal. The ideal option would be a rectangular kennel with a pitched roof. It is better to place the entrance on the side.

Helpful advice! It is advisable that one of the walls or the roof be removable. This will make the structure easier to clean and disinfect.

DIY doghouse construction: drawings and dimensions

The size of the structure is selected taking into account the needs of the dog. In this case, the basic parameters of the animal are taken into account.

These include:

  • height at withers;
  • length from nose to tail;
  • total height of the animal;
  • chest size (width).

Size of the booth taking into account the height of the animal at the withers:

Height at withers, cm Booth dimensions, cm
<50 60x70x50
50-65 80x120x80
>65 100x140x100

How to determine the parameters of the frame part of the booth:

  • the width and height of the structure corresponds to the height of the animal;
  • the depth corresponds to the length of the animal;
  • the width of the manhole is equal to the width of the chest;
  • the height of the hole corresponds to the height of the animal at the withers.

You must add 5 cm to each value. Once the dimensions are determined, they are plotted on the drawing.

Technology for building a dog house with your own hands from scrap materials

Wood is the most accessible of available materials. To build a booth, you will need bars with a section size of 40x40 mm and boards (25 mm).

Construction is carried out in the following order:

  1. Based on wooden blocks, a frame part is formed, equipped with both vertical and horizontal stiffeners.
  2. An area is being formed where the manhole will be located.
  3. The bottom of the booth is knocked together.
  4. The walls are being covered.
  5. A retractable roof is being manufactured. It can be flat or gable.
  6. From the outside, the wood is impregnated with drying oil.

The opening of the manhole must be protected from wind and drafts. To do this, just secure a piece of foam rubber, tarpaulin or thick fabric in the upper part of the outlet.

For the construction of do-it-yourself enclosures, any available materials can be used. On the Internet you can find a lot of visual photos and videos with detailed descriptions of the technologies for creating these structures. By following these instructions and the advice of professionals, you can create a beautiful and comfortable enclosure in your yard that will become a wonderful home for your dog and protect it from bad weather.

How to make an enclosure for a dog with your own hands: video instructions

  • When building an enclosure for a dog, the size of the pet is one of the determining factors. There are minimum standards area enclosure, which depends on the height of the dog at the withers:

Height 45-50 cm - area not less than 6 square meters. m.,
- height 50-60 cm – area from 8 sq. m.,
- height above 60 cm - area of ​​at least 10 square meters. m.

Advice! You shouldn’t save space for your four-legged friend, but you don’t need to allocate too much space either. Even enclosures for large dogs should not be very loose, otherwise the extra space will prevent the concentration of heat in winter, causing the dog to freeze.

  • Thinking through floor and choosing material for a dog enclosure, it is worth resolving a difficult issue on which even experts have differing opinions. It is usually proposed to make the floor entirely from a certain material (most often boards), but it is unusual for dogs to relieve their natural needs in such a pen. It is better if only part of the enclosure is equipped with a floor, and the other part remains free of boards and foundation, although in this case the dog may start digging holes, after which it will be able to escape from the enclosure. You need to take into account the habits of your pet to choose the appropriate option.
  • Walls There should be no deaf people in the dog's home, since our terribly curious four-legged friends want to observe what is happening around. It is advisable to make at least two walls (at least one - the front one) from lattice material: these can be forged, welded parts or mesh. Many dog ​​lovers do not advise making an enclosure for a dog from a chain-link mesh if it is represented by ordinary cells, since the dog can get caught in its weaves and damage his teeth or skin. For blank walls, you should choose a material with breathable properties: tree or brick .

Advice! The best option would be a dog enclosure made of wood and a forged lattice, since wood, as a natural material, is familiar to pets, and forged parts are very reliable.

  • The roof can be done not over the entire territory of the enclosure, although most often they try to protect their pet from rain and other natural phenomena from all sides. You can choose any roofing material, but the roof structure must include a base made of wood (necessary for thermal insulation) and a layer of soft material (for sound insulation).
  • Door should open inward, but even in ready-made models this rule is often not observed. For safety reasons, it is important that the door is equipped with a reliable lock-lock on the outside and on the inside.
  • Availability booths- one of the mandatory conditions for keeping a dog, however, in some cases the booth becomes part of the enclosure, and therefore it is not built separately. How to calculate the size of the booth and build it correctly - watch the video:

Advice! Everything described concerns situations when we make an enclosure for a dog with our own hands. dacha or in a country house. If you need an aviary for apartments, which is used for short-term isolation of a pet, the rules for its arrangement are not so strict. Typically, such indoor enclosures are intended for small dogs and consist only of walls (lattice or mesh). Such a dog's home must include a sleeping place, dog toys, diapers or a tray as a toilet.

Preliminary work

Before building an enclosure for a dog, it is worth choosing the right future location for the pet. In terms of choosing a location, there are also a number of conditions that must be met:

  • You should not place the enclosure near a source of noise or fence if there is a busy street nearby (the dog will be constantly distracted by passers-by);
  • it is better to place the dog's home close to front door at home (the door must be within the dog’s visibility range);
  • it is better to place the enclosure on a hill so that the dog can see what is happening on the site (it cannot be placed in a lowland, otherwise in case of rain the space will be flooded);
  • As much as possible, you need to remove the space for your pet from compost pits and other foul-smelling places, otherwise the dog’s sense of smell may suffer;
  • It is better to place the entrance on the western or eastern side, since on the southern side the dog may be too hot (although this is acceptable in cold climates), and on the northern side in winter you will have to frequently clear the snow.

To provide for all the details during construction, you need to prepare a drawing of an enclosure for a dog. It necessarily stipulates whether the dog will have a permanent home or not, which determines the presence or absence of a foundation. Also in the drawing it is worth delimiting the zones and determining the dimensions of the wooden platform (it is on its territory that the booth will be located), places for food (to be laid out with wood or tiles) and areas for walking with soil or grass.

It is imperative to determine whether there will be a separate booth in the enclosure, since in some cases it is possible to make an enclosure for a dog without it. The booth is necessary in completely open enclosures, where only walls are provided, as well as in partially insulated enclosures, where three or two lattice walls and a roof are provided. When an enclosure with an insulated block is built, a separate booth is not needed: an insulated block takes its place.