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Is it true that you can breastfeed with implants, and what are the features of this procedure? Is breastfeeding possible after mammoplasty?

Breast implants can give a woman the breasts she has always wanted. It has long been proven that bust enlargement can change a woman’s self-esteem and make her feel great. However, when thinking about the birth of a child, many women have many concerns related to the fact that the presence of implants may affect breastfeeding.

It is worth noting that implants themselves cannot interfere with a woman’s ability to breastfeed. However, there are a number of nuances. An important role is played by how the operation was performed and where the incision is located - on the fold under the breast or on the areola. In the first case, milk production by the glands should not be impaired. In the latter case, the milk ducts and important nerves responsible for breast milk production may be crossed. But even in this situation, the glands will most likely produce enough of it, but milk may not be able to pass through the damaged ducts to the nipples and be released through them.

It is also important to note that if a woman chose breast implants because her breasts were not fully developed, then her ability to breastfeed is quite low.

Can silicone leakage affect milk quality?

The fact that the material from which the implants are made may end up in the child's digestive system should not cause much concern. Silicone implants are safe for breastfeeding. Silicone molecules are too large to penetrate into mother's milk. In addition, studies have shown that approximately the same amount of silicone was found in the milk of women with implants, women without implants, cow's milk and baby food.

As for silicone leakage, it is worth noting that such a situation can, in fact, only be created by a direct puncture of the chest. Most other influences cannot affect implant rupture. Before being installed in a woman’s body, prostheses undergo a lot of tests, so rupture and leakage of the implant filler is almost impossible.

Will the breasts produce enough milk?

While breastfeeding after implantation is undeniable, it is possible that some new moms may have difficulty producing enough milk. According to several medical studies, women with breast implants may experience a "drop" in milk production of between 28% and 64%. Medical experience shows that after any breast surgery, including implantation, insufficient lactation is three times more likely. Those patients who had implants installed through the nipple circle are ultimately more likely to produce insufficient milk. But it is important to note that this does not mean that a woman with implants should completely give up breastfeeding. It is best for her to more closely monitor how much milk her baby is not receiving, consult with pediatricians, and perhaps supplement breast milk with baby food or use the help of wet nurses. Your child's doctor can help you decide on the best feeding route.

With age, a woman's bust stretches and becomes saggy, this process especially intensifies during breastfeeding. This deficiency can be eliminated with the help of plastic surgery. But women find it difficult to decide to have surgery because they are concerned about whether they can breastfeed with implants.

According to surgeons, breastfeeding is possible after the installation of silicone implants. There is a myth that breast enlargement surgery disrupts lactation, but it is not substantiated. It arose during the advent of the Internet, despite denials, the myth took root, and now many girls are afraid to undergo mammoplasty before pregnancy. Here are answers to popular questions that can dispel any doubts.

Can surgery harm the lactation process?

If silicone implants were installed by an experienced surgeon, then the risk of disruption of the natural process after childbirth is minimal. Because during the operation, muscle tissue is cut, and the doctor should not touch the mammary gland, which is responsible for the formation of breast milk.

Poor lactation can occur if the surgeon damages a nerve during surgery. The nipples will then become less sensitive and feeding the baby may be difficult.

It is necessary to explain to the surgeon in advance that after some time a pregnancy with breastfeeding is planned, so that the doctor takes this into account during the operation. There are minimal consequences if the incision through which the implant is placed under the skin is made under the breast. With this type of incision, there is the greatest chance of not affecting the gland and its canals.

Can silicone get into milk?

No. Implants are made from a safe, durable material that can withstand heavy loads without breaking. Therefore, the likelihood that the implant will burst during breastfeeding is minimal. But even if the integrity of the shell is compromised and silicone enters the body, it will not be able to penetrate breast milk. Experts explain this by saying that the implant filler is insoluble in water and other organic liquids, which means it will not be absorbed into the blood vessels.

How long should it take after surgery to become pregnant?

In order to avoid complications with implants after pregnancy, it is necessary to wait for the rehabilitation period. Doctors constantly argue about this period and cannot come to a consensus. The minimum period required for rehabilitation is 5 months, but it is better to wait up to 20 months to accurately exclude possible complications.

When planning and managing pregnancy, it is important to warn your obstetrician-gynecologist that you are planning to breastfeed with implants.

Can an implant reduce lactation?

It can be observed even when the mammoplasty operation itself was performed correctly and the mammary gland was not affected. This can happen due to the fact that the implant is too large, therefore, it puts pressure on the gland and does not allow it to produce the required volume of milk. This cannot be corrected, but the doctor should not be blamed for this; the surgeon cannot prevent this situation.

The likelihood of breasts with implants sagging after breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the hormonal background in a woman’s body changes, and the bust begins to actively increase in size. This is a natural process, as a woman’s body prepares for feeding a child. As the bust increases in size, the skin stretches, so after childbirth, silicone breasts may lose their shape.

It is impossible to prevent this process and the doctor cannot do anything in advance. This means that after finishing breastfeeding, a woman may need repeated surgery to remove excess skin.

But during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can regularly use products to increase skin elasticity and enhance your bust. They help prevent skin stretching. But only the attending physician can prescribe them; you should not make a decision about their necessity on your own.

Nuances of surgery

Before agreeing to perform an operation, you should discuss the issue of possible pregnancy and breastfeeding with the surgeon.

Because the doctor must understand where it is best to make an incision to insert the implant under the skin. When cutting the areola, there is a high risk of damaging the milk ducts through which milk passes from the mammary gland. The incision is best made in the armpit or under the breast.

When is the best time to resort to implantation?

If pregnancy is planned in advance, then it is advisable to schedule bust enlargement surgery about a year and a half before it. This period is necessary for the scars after the operation to heal and for the implant to take root in the body.

Surgeons strongly recommend waiting this period to prevent even the slightest problems with implants during pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding.

The more time passes after breast augmentation surgery, the less likely it is that the shape of the bust will begin to deteriorate during breastfeeding. In some cases, pregnancy is possible as early as five months after surgery to insert silicone implants. But in such cases, doctors do not guarantee that after childbirth and breastfeeding the bust will not lose its shape.

How to Prepare for Feeding with Breast Implants

Despite the fact that silicone implants do not harm feeding, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Preparation is necessary in order to make the breastfeeding process as easy and safe as possible for both the woman and the baby.

A professional lactation consultant can help you prepare. The specialist, based on the available data, will select a set of recommendations for preparing the breasts for feeding, and will also tell you whether it is possible to feed with silicone breasts in a particular case. But there are several universal recommendations suitable for all girls.

Using skin firming products

Throughout the entire period from pregnancy planning to childbirth, it is necessary to regularly use products to increase skin elasticity. These can be natural oils, creams and other products. But before using them, you must ask the surgeon who performed the operation about the possibility of their use, to avoid side effects.

Using moisturizers

It is also advisable to use moisturizing creams. During pregnancy, the breasts swell and increase in volume, and sores may form, and to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams.

Breast massage

When preparing for breastfeeding, you should massage your breasts regularly. But please note that it is only allowed for those girls whose first trimester of pregnancy proceeded without complications. It is also prohibited if the uterus has increased tone. Massage causes blood flow to the breasts, and also helps to enhance lactation and improve skin elasticity.

Massage is quite simple to do. You need to start with light stroking of the breasts in a clockwise direction; it is advisable to do it on both breasts at the same time. Next, we hold the chest from below with our left hand, and with our right hand we gently press on it from above. In this case, all movements should be extremely careful; at the slightest pain, ease the pressure. Next you need to stretch your nipples. Carefully, with two fingers, you need to take the nipple at the base and pull it in different directions; this exercise must be done extremely carefully. At the end, you can lightly press your palms on your chest and make circular movements clockwise.

There is no need to be afraid of breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery. In 90% of cases, women do not experience lactation disturbances, and the shape of the breast remains unchanged. To do this, it is enough to take into account the recommendations of specialists and monitor the condition of the bust. Do not be afraid to undergo mammoplasty before pregnancy; this operation is completely compatible with breastfeeding.

Beautiful lush breasts are the ultimate dream of not only men, but also women. Does this mean that for the sake of beauty you will have to sacrifice the natural function of the mammary glands? When asked whether it is possible to feed a child with silicone implants, experts give a positive answer. If the nerves and milk ducts are not injured during the operation, breastfeeding (BF) can be carried out without any difficulties or peculiarities.

Features of a bust with silicone implants

Today, breast implants are no surprise to anyone. Many girls and women go for surgery without a drop of doubt. Still would! A lush, erect bust of a regular round shape not only attracts men, but also gives confidence to the woman herself. For some, silicone breasts are not just a pursuit of beauty, but a necessity, for example, if they are size zero or after a mastectomy (surgery to remove the mammary gland).

Breast augmentation is available to everyone. There are only a few contraindications: blood clotting disorders, acute infections, mental illness, cardiovascular failure, uncompensated diabetes, cancer.

Silicone bust looks real. A large range of modern anatomical endoprostheses allows you to choose the ideal size and shape. There is no need to be afraid of shell rupture; high-quality implants have a multilayer durable capsule, a cohesive filler and a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.

Is it possible to feed a baby with silicone breasts?

Modern implants do not affect milk production and lactation. The function of the mammary glands after surgery is completely preserved.

Difficulties can arise only when, during breast enlargement, the nerve endings are affected and sensitivity is reduced or the milk ducts are damaged. However, such a risk is negligible when operated by a qualified doctor.

Expert opinion

Neither the material itself (silicone) nor where it is installed affects the feeding of the baby. The implant can be inserted under the pectoral muscle or mammary gland. But it is recommended to make the incision under the breast, and not near the nipple. This option is considered the safest.

Medicine has come a long way. Implants that were installed 50 years ago cannot be compared with the latest endoprostheses. Modern silicone is safe for both women and children, its service life is lifelong, and the likelihood of rupture is virtually eliminated.

Opinion of breastfeeding consultants

Thousands of mothers around the world feed their newborns with their breast milk, and silicone implants do not interfere with them at all. The main thing is the desire of the woman herself, her willingness to cope with difficulties. And they sometimes occur regardless of whether the breasts are natural or silicone.

After childbirth, there is a period of establishing lactation, when there is either a lot of milk or no milk at all. If you have implants in your breasts, it will be more difficult to deal with hardening. Therefore, it is important to avoid overfilling and to latch on to the newborn more often or to express.

If you can’t manage lactation on your own, you can invite a lactation consultant. A specialist will help you find the optimal position for feeding, show you how to properly attach your baby, and care for your breasts.

Opinion of nursing mothers with silicone breasts

Women who have already undergone breast augmentation and have experienced lactation, for the most part, do not regret the operation. Implants do not interfere with feeding the baby and do not affect milk production.

An interesting review is from one mother who had only one endoprosthesis inserted for medical reasons. After giving birth to a child during lactation, she noted that there was even more milk in the silicone breast than in natural breasts.

Are implants safe for a child?

As already mentioned, modern endoprostheses are extremely durable, so the likelihood of rupture is virtually eliminated. But even if theoretically this is allowed, it will not affect the child’s health in any way.

The filler of endoprostheses, silicone, has a high molecular weight and is not soluble in water. This means that it cannot get into milk. And its composition is absolutely harmless; silicone is used to make baby accessories used from birth - pacifiers, teething toys.

How implants affect milk production

Endoprostheses do not have a significant effect on milk production. Its quality and quantity are largely influenced by a woman’s lifestyle, heredity, and the desire to establish breastfeeding.

All new mothers go through lactation crises, sudden refusal of the baby to breastfeed, cracked nipples and other difficulties. Silicone implants, if chosen correctly, do not affect physiological processes.

The problem may arise if the nerve endings of the nipple were damaged during the operation. Then the sensitivity of the breast will be reduced and little milk may arrive. However, such disorders are usually diagnosed in advance, and after giving birth the woman is immediately asked to take drugs to suppress lactation.

Rules for a nursing mother with enlarged breasts

Breastfeeding with a silicone bust differs little from that with a natural one. What rules must be followed:

  1. Feed your baby on demand, do not take too long breaks.
  2. Give only one breast each time. The second can only be offered when the first is completely empty.
  3. Remember to wear underwear that supports but does not put pressure on your breasts.
  4. Try not to express milk unnecessarily, otherwise even more milk will come in.
  5. If you need to express your breasts, be careful not to squeeze your breasts too hard. From breast pumps, choose a soft mechanical one.
  6. Take care of your skin and nipples.
  7. Give your breasts a light massage before each feeding and wash them with warm water.
  8. Drink enough fluids and follow your diet.

With silicone implants installed, it is important to prevent stagnation of milk (lactostasis) and protect the breasts from hypothermia. If a problem does arise, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

The likelihood of sagging breasts with implants after breastfeeding

Should I get my breasts done now or wait until the baby is born? A question that worries many women. As you know, a natural bust often loses its shape after breastfeeding. However, for breasts with implants this problem is not so relevant. Yes, its outline may change, but not critically. Many, on the contrary, like a more natural look.

Of course, the possibility that you will have to tighten your bust cannot be completely ruled out. Here it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body (how elastic the skin is), how much implantation there is, whether the woman gained weight during pregnancy, cared for her breasts while breastfeeding or not.

Breast surgery is undoubtedly a responsible step, and it is very correct to be interested in the possible consequences.

In general, silicone implants do not affect the ability to breastfeed. They do not change the taste and composition of milk, and do not affect its quantity. But, as with any surgical intervention, complications may arise during the installation of implants, for example, damage to functional tissues. Therefore, breast augmentation should only be done by a qualified surgeon.

Leading surgeons who deal with prosthetics and breast correction agree that it is best to do mammoplasty after breastfeeding, since the bust may lose its shape again after childbirth.

Mammoplasty does not affect the development of the fetus. It does not affect breastfeeding in any way, since silicone cannot penetrate into the milk even when the implant ruptures. The only point to remember is the breastfeeding technique with silicone implants.

How mammoplasty affects breastfeeding

A bust with a silicone insert is no different from a regular one; the implant does not in any way affect the function of milk production or its quality.

In any case, before proceeding with bust enlargement or correction surgery, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.

It happens that a poorly qualified surgeon performs an operation poorly and damages the nerve that provides sensitivity to the mammary gland. This will not bring complications, but the breast function will still be inferior.

Remember! The silicone implant is completely harmless for breastfeeding after mammoplasty, silicone is in no way capable of getting into the milk, and pregnancy after mammoplasty goes smoothly.

Preparing to feed your baby

It is best to resort to the services of a specialist. There are lactation consultants. Most often, their services are used after the birth of a child, but those women who have undergone mammoplasty can ask a doctor for advice during pregnancy.

If the implant ruptures and the silicone leaks out of it, it cannot get into breast milk and harm the baby. But such a situation can complicate the feeding process and force a woman to undergo repeated surgery.

After breast augmentation surgery, you need to consider the following points:

  • How exactly the procedure was done, where the incision was made for integration silicone implant. A doctor who performed the operation or a scar that has not yet healed (if the bust was recently enlarged) will be able to tell you about this.
  • Does the woman feel any discomfort, when the mammary glands fill with milk. The silicone implant itself may not be in a very comfortable position and may put pressure on the mammary glands.
  • How long ago was it done? adjustment, Naturally, you can breastfeed your baby only when the stitches have completely healed.

It is advisable to discuss the issue of lactation with the surgeon who performed the operation.

How long after childbirth can mammoplasty be performed?

Mammoplasty after breastfeeding is possible immediately after lactation stops and the mammary glands lose all milk (to be sure of this, it is better to do an ultrasound). Usually milk completely disappears from the body within six months.

Using various drugs will not speed up the decline in milk levels, and it is strictly not recommended to do so.

It is impossible to perform surgery on breasts that still contain at least a little milk, as there is a possibility of contamination of implant colostrum with microorganisms. In this case, the implant will not be able to take root in the breast and will soon be rejected; treating such difficulties is very difficult, and sometimes impossible (repeated surgery will be required).

Maintaining the effect of breast correction after the birth of a child

Women who are planning to seek help from plastic surgeons should remember that if the operation is performed before the birth of the child, lactation and pregnancy will certainly affect the appearance of the breasts.

If the birth of a child is already planned in the near future, you need to postpone the procedure and wait until the child is born. During pregnancy, the mammary glands swell greatly, the skin stretches and a number of changes occur that will negatively affect the breasts.

It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • state skin;
  • changes weight.

The likelihood of repeat breast surgery after breastfeeding is very high.

The ideal option would be to perform mammoplasty after childbirth, or more precisely after a year has passed since the cessation of lactation.

Breast massage

Proper massage of the mammary glands after childbirth is necessary to activate areas of the breast where milk could stagnate. Blood circulation in the female mammary gland and her skin is greatly toned and improved, and thus the breasts are strengthened.

When massaging, you need to make gentle stroking circular movements, starting from the bottom of the chest and ending with the armpit. It is very good to massage the mammary gland in the bathroom with a warm stream of water (it is better to use different attachments and thus change the type of massage).

Breast enlargement and pregnancy


Breast enlargement and pregnancy are two factors in a woman’s life that, one way or another, influence each other to a certain extent. Women undergo breast augmentation in order to improve their appearance, correct their figure after surgery, or eliminate congenital anomalies. At the same time, pregnancy is one of the most vibrant and unforgettable periods of a woman’s life.

It is very important to know how pregnancy affects breast augmentation results and how breast enlargement affects pregnancy. When is it better to perform breast augmentation - before or after pregnancy and how will breast augmentation affect the feeding of the child? Every patient asks these questions. In principle, many mammologists agree that breast augmentation is best done after pregnancy and childbirth, after the end of the lactation period.

After pregnancy, the breasts change their shape and look less aesthetically pleasing - the same fate can befall breasts that were already enlarged before pregnancy; it is likely that you will have to resort to additional intervention and breast correction. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is better to postpone the operation and perform it after finishing breastfeeding.

Still, if you decide to have breast augmentation before pregnancy, you need to be aware of some things. During pregnancy, a woman may have pain in her breasts and nipples. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have breast implants: any ailments associated with pregnancy and the presence or absence of implants will be examined especially carefully.

Breast augmentation and the presence of an implant do not affect pregnancy. During pregnancy, breasts with an implant will also increase slightly, and then take on their normal shape. Breast implants do not have any negative effect on the developing fetus. This has been confirmed by many years of practice and research. This statement applies to both saline and silicone implants. Of course, rupture or leakage of the implant contents can be dangerous, but not for the fetus, that’s for sure. However, it is advisable to check your breast implants before pregnancy so that you do not have to undergo surgery later.

Performing breast enlargement surgery while pregnant, at any stage, is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to very sad consequences: this is the only and most important obligation. If you come to the clinic and the doctors agree to perform breast augmentation on you, despite your pregnancy, rest assured that these are not specialists in their field who can harm your health.

Breastfeeding after implantation is something to seriously consider when you are considering breast augmentation surgery. Some types of surgery may prevent a woman from breastfeeding. The greatest risk of this is observed during operations involving an incision around the nipple and its removal. Even if you do not intend to have children after breast augmentation, it is recommended to discuss this with your plastic surgeon.