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Implementation of successful business projects in a garage, with minimal capital at your disposal, based on profitability and knowledge of all the nuances of starting a small business. What kind of business can you open in your garage: profitable ideas

Many businessmen who own corporations once started with. Even without significant initial capital, you can open a small production of any goods or provide services to the population.

It is absolutely not necessary to then expand your financial activities; you can open a garage business in order to receive additional profit and work for your own pleasure. or in a big city, the main thing is that there is a desire to engage in this type of activity.

How profitable is it to run a garage business?

The profitability of this type of income depends on the direction of activity, on the quality of the goods manufactured or services provided, as well as on the amount of time that will be devoted to this business. By running a garage business, you can save on the following consumable items:

  • Renting premises.
  • Hiring workers.
  • Business registration.

Glass workshop of an entrepreneur from Blagoveshchensk.

If the garage is owned, you will not need to pay monthly rent, which can significantly save money.

Most garage self-employment options can be done independently without additional help.

Although working without registering a business with the tax office is unsafe. A garage entrepreneur may be fined for illegal business.

Making brooms from plastic bottles - this type of business is described below.

If the sale of goods or services occurs only to a limited circle of acquaintances, then you can do without registering a business activity; the main thing is, in this case, not to “shine too much” and not talk about garage self-employment to strangers.

By minimizing costs, the profitability of this type of business increases significantly. Entrepreneurial activity will be profitable even if if you devote no more than 3 to 4 hours a day to garage work.

The most common areas of this type of self-employment:

  • Repair of scooters and mopeds.
  • Furniture making workshop.
  • Household appliance repair shop.
  • Garage forge.
  • Production of herbal tea.
  • Production of signs and house numbers.
  • Turner services.

When you can't do without hired employees

Some types of garage business will require additional labor.

Options for running a garage business yourself

This category of garage business is the most common. It is impossible to list all the options for such self-employment, because you can invent some new direction in this business at any time. The most common options:

  1. Furniture making workshop- You can do this business yourself. It is enough to purchase woodworking machines and the tools necessary for this type of activity. Garage furniture production can begin with the manufacture of benches and garden benches. After acquiring the first experience, in order to increase the profitability of production, it will be necessary to expand the range of furniture produced and its quality.

Weak ideas

Not all small business ideas can be implemented in the garage entrepreneurship format. Questionable garage business ideas include:

In fact, it is impossible to say how effective the ideas presented in the video are. It depends entirely on who gets down to business and how. They have lost their freshness and are not relevant for those who are looking for something original, but they can work if the idea is supported by an enthusiast.


In order to organize a garage business you need minimal starting capital and low time costs. If there is a garage that is not being used for its intended purpose, then it is necessary to make a major overhaul, and use this site for the described methods of earning money, you can come up with something original and unusual, in this case there will be a complete absence of competition, which will allow you to become a monopolist in a short time in this area of ​​business activity.

From China

A number of ideas that can be implemented with only a garage at your disposal - in the video selection.

A huge number of people dream of opening their own business all their lives, but in most cases they never do it. The reason for this is only the standard excuses: no time, no money, something later, and the like. In this article we will tell you how to open your own business in a garage, the ideas for which are presented below, and will also help you decide on the choice of your own business.

Small business in a garage is far from a myth. All over the world there are thousands of industries, enterprises, shops that operate in garages and bring considerable profit to their owners. There are a lot of garage business ideas, but you need to understand that not all of them can make a profit.

Small business in the garage, working ideas - content:

Later in the article, we will look at each of these garage business ideas in more detail so that you understand what difficulties you may encounter, how much money you need to invest in a garage business, how long it will take for this amount to pay off, etc.

Tire fitting, service station and car service are, in fact, practically the same thing. Of course, there are differences between them. Tire shops provide fewer services than service stations and car repair shops. A more profitable option would be to open not a simple tire service in a garage, but a service station or car service center.

It will be more profitable to open a car service either on busy highways outside the city or within the city.

You will have to invest a fairly large amount in arranging the garage and completing all the necessary documents. In addition, you will have to hire staff if no one from the family wants to help you. Thus, the approximate amount that will need to be invested is about 100,000 rubles. You will have to purchase equipment, repair the garage itself (if necessary), and fill out the documents correctly. If you want to open a tire shop in your garage, then you will spend less money on equipment. It will take at least a month to complete the paperwork and arrange the premises.

To attract customers, place advertisements in nearby areas (if the garage is located in the city). A garage located on the highway must be marked with signs, preferably large ones. Place one of them about 300 meters from the garage. Install signs on the road approximately 5 kilometers away (please complete the relevant documents in advance). Advertising the station will cost about another 30-100 thousand rubles (due to the high cost of making a sign).

In total, the initial investment for opening a car service center in a garage is estimated at approximately 130 - 200 thousand rubles.

Before opening a car service center, you need to understand that such an amount may not pay off even within six months of work. Typically, for the first month of operation, the profit from the service does not exceed 30 thousand rubles. But every month it will increase, as your clients will give recommendations to their friends, and your client base will grow.

A workshop for repairing and reupholstering furniture is a very profitable idea for opening a small business in the garage. The only condition for opening a workshop is the consumer factor. Ideally, a workshop in a garage should be located within a residential area of ​​the city. Then there will be no end to customers.

Approximate investments, payback and preparation periods

You won’t have to shell out a lot to open a workshop for repairing and reupholstering furniture in your garage. It will be necessary to purchase materials and tools, as well as take care of advertising your brainchild. To open, 100,000 rubles and two to three weeks of time are enough.

In the first months of work, most likely, there will be no need to recruit staff. One person can handle repairs and reupholstery. But only for now the amount of work will be small. Usually within a few months the business begins to move to large volumes. Then you will have to hire additional staff and, possibly, increase the garage area.

In general, such a business pays for itself in just 1-2 months. This is explained by the fact that the average price for reupholstering upholstered furniture is 30% of its cost. At the same time, real costs do not exceed 15%. The main thing in such a business is advertising. The more clients you have, the faster your investment will pay off.

This garage business idea is very profitable. In urban environments, summer tires and bicycles simply have nowhere to go, so warehouses for storing them are very popular.

Approximate investments, payback and preparation periods

To open a small business storing tires and tires, virtually no investment is required. You just need to buy racks on which tires and bicycles will be stored. In addition, be sure to equip your garage with an alarm and panic button so that the tires and bicycles you store are not stolen. It will take about a week to completely arrange the garage.

In general, the arrangement of a garage will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. Such investments pay off almost immediately. Payment can be taken either monthly or at a time for the entire winter period. Typically, prices for monthly storage of 4 tires in a large metropolis start from 1 thousand rubles.

Growing champignons in the garage

Not every entrepreneur can start such a business. For growing champignons in a garage to be a profitable business, a huge number of conditions must be taken into account. Firstly, the growing space should be properly organized, provided with water and a sewerage system, as well as electricity. Secondly, you should buy quality compost. Thirdly, it is necessary to select high-quality mycelia from which champignons will grow.

Approximate investments, payback and preparation periods

At the initial stage you will have to fork out a lot. It will take about 10,000 rubles and two to three weeks to purchase everything you need. It all depends on the size of the garage. But with proper care of mushrooms, these costs will be completely justified. After all, in 2-2.5 months the mushrooms will have grown and will be ready for sale. The more mushrooms you grow, the more you can earn. As a rule, expenses of 10,000 rubles are recouped after the sale of the first batch of mushrooms.

Chain-link mesh is in great demand in almost any hardware store. Often they simply don’t have time to produce it, which is why customers cannot buy it on time. Its production requires large expenses, which pay off very quickly. It is for these reasons that the production of chain-link mesh is a very profitable business option in the garage.

Approximate investments, payback and preparation periods

In order to open the production of chain-link mesh in the garage, it is necessary to properly equip the room. First, you will have to buy a special machine that will produce the mesh. You may also need plumbing tools. The average cost of one machine ranges from 250 to 300 thousand rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer. In addition, electricity must be supplied to the garage. To minimize the costs of production and delivery of products to hardware stores, it is also recommended to acquire your own vehicle. To work with the machine, there is no need to hire additional workers - you can do it yourself. On average, it takes about a month to open such a business. This is greatly influenced by the registration of individual entrepreneurs and the necessary documents. If you have already opened an individual entrepreneur, then you can open production a few days after purchasing all the necessary equipment.

One machine can produce about 100 meters of mesh per day. Thus, the investment can pay off in just 1-2 months of work. But for this it is necessary to find a wholesale market for the goods. Over time, when you develop a clientele, you can buy several more machines.

To start a business producing clothes in a garage, you need to fill out a considerable number of documents and go through more than one authority. Most likely, the garage will have to be renovated. To compete with popular clothing factories, you should hire a good designer to come up with a unique clothing line. This is the only way to somehow compete with large corporations.

Approximate investments, payback and preparation periods

You will have to invest a lot in this business. But it all depends on how automated the production will be. Full automation can take half a million rubles. Typically, private owners make production partially automated. About 300 thousand rubles are spent on partial automation and the purchase of materials. You will also have to spend money on employee salaries. This is about another 50 thousand rubles per month. But with a favorable outcome, the investment can pay off in just 3-8 months. The main thing is to find a market for the goods. To do this, it is recommended to organize various promotions and advertise your products.

It usually takes several months to open a business, prepare equipment, personnel, designer services, etc.

Opening a wholesale store is a great garage business idea. Opening such a small business does not require large financial investments. All you need is to find product suppliers and equip a warehouse.

Approximate investments, payback and preparation periods

To open a store in a garage, you will need to buy various shelving. If you are going to sell perishable products that require a certain temperature regime, you will have to buy special refrigerators. Then expenses will increase significantly. In general, opening a wholesale store will not take much time.

It will take about a month for the arrangement and minor cosmetic repairs of the premises. You will have to invest about 15-50 thousand rubles on the arrangement of the store (excluding refrigerators) and about 50 thousand will have to be spent on purchasing products. To quickly achieve payback, it is necessary that the garage is located in a favorable location. It is also necessary to advertise your wholesale store well. If the garage is located on a busy highway, through which summer residents often pass, then it would be advisable to place a store there selling gardening goods.

The article presents the most popular garage business options, ideas for their implementation and payback periods.

For many people, the main goal in life is complete financial independence - to work for themselves, have their own business and not obey picky bosses. A garage business is the perfect way to make this dream come true.

Converting a garage into an office space is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Even with a small start-up capital and minimal effort, you can start a business that can provide good income in the future. The main thing is to bring one of your garage business ideas to fruition.

To begin with, entrepreneurs should decide on the specifics of their business project and its focus.. It is advisable to choose based on your own capabilities, skills and abilities - if you have creative potential and love collecting antiques, then you should not open a turning workshop, even if such a project can bring excellent profits in the future.

There are several main areas of garage business:

  • production of various goods;
  • provision of services;
  • processing of materials or raw materials.

Each of these areas requires certain equipment and capital investments. Moreover, newcomers to the business will have to develop their client base, which means they will have to conduct an advertising campaign.

Top 10 working ideas

1. Opening a retail outlet.

It is quite possible to open a grocery store in the garage

In accordance with current legislation, a garage is classified as a stationary retail facility, which means that a store can be organized in it. Before creating a business plan, it is advisable to analyze the demand for certain groups of goods. For example, in a large garage complex you can sell auto parts or consumables.

To organize a store, the premises need to be insulated and equipped with high-quality equipment, which will require quite a lot of money, time and effort.

2. Auto repair shop.

By opening a car repair shop, you can help your garage neighbors with repairs for a fee

If you are an experienced car enthusiast and are able to quickly fix even the most serious breakdown, then opening a car repair shop will be an ideal option to start earning money for yourself. To do this, you will need hand tools (spanner sets, screwdrivers, jacks, etc.) and a welding machine. Before starting work, it is advisable to also take care of the safety of the workplace and arrange the premises.

Forge - a promising and low-competitive option

Artistic forging is an extremely popular activity. This idea may seem quite expensive at first due to the need to purchase expensive materials, but, in fact, due to insignificant competition in the market, with the right approach it quickly pays off.

4. Car wash.

For a car wash inside a garage, there is no need to thoroughly re-equip the premises

A car wash can be organized in almost any garage; you just need to arrange the room and the area around it. Provide water and prepare a sewerage system, take care of fire safety and decide on equipment. Additionally, you can organize interior cleaning and engine washing services.

5. Production of decorative sculptures.

Making garden sculptures from plaster and concrete will require minimal costs, but will be an excellent way to create a profitable business. A beginner in this business will need to learn how to prepare a solution and buy molds for casting: foam, wood or cardboard.

6. Laundry.

By opening a laundry, you can attract the attention of students from dormitories who have problems with washing

In small towns it is very difficult to find a public laundry, so such a business, provided there is no competition, can pay for itself very quickly. First you need to acquire the necessary equipment and cleaning products, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign. The best option would be to organize a laundry room in a garage near student dormitories.

7. Tire fitting.

If the garage is located next to a gas station or roadway, then it would be advisable to organize a tire service. The room must be heated, ventilated and well lit. You will also need expensive equipment (compressor, vulcanizer, jack, tire changer), which is better to rent at the initial stage of the business.

8. Car tuning.

Car tuning gives room for creativity, but is only relevant for big cities

Those who love creativity will love the prospect of creating something original and specific out of ordinary cars. But, unfortunately, this type of business will be relevant only for residents of megacities. In small towns, it will not be easy to find consumers for this service, which means, in addition to purchasing expensive materials, you will have to spend a lot on advertising.

9. Glass cutting.

In areas with a large concentration of industrial premises, the garage can be converted into a glass cutting workshop. The operating technology is quite simple, and even a beginner can master it if desired.

10. Fault diagnosis service.

Like its owner, the car also needs regular diagnostics.

This service is very popular among car enthusiasts, so you can make good money by diagnosing car problems. You will need to purchase special software, an adapter and a scanner to determine the machine block code and report errors. Remember that the computer program must be updated regularly, since new car brands appear every season.

Best Options for Beginners

1. Rental of children's goods and toys.

Children's toys are not cheap, so recently their rental services have become in great demand. You can purchase the most popular children's products, decorate your garage colorfully and brightly, and start promoting your services to your target group of consumers.

2. Antique shop.

The business of reselling antiques never loses its relevance. The main thing in this matter is knowing the real market value of an item, because you can earn up to 500% profit on transactions with those who want to get rid of stamps, coins or household items!

3. Pottery.

The pottery workshop may be interesting to visit for both adults and children

Creating clay products will not only increase your income, but also help relieve stress, relax and develop creativity. You should start by making molded ceramics, and after the first customers appear, buy a pottery wheel and molds for blanks. With successful business development, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

4. Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.

A tailoring studio is a great business option for women

One of the best business ideas for women. All you need is a sewing machine, materials and the ability to sew efficiently and accurately.

5. Printing services.

A photocopier or a scanner will not surprise anyone these days, but the provision of printing services can bring significant profits in the shortest possible time. Especially if your garage is located next to educational institutions or administrative buildings.

6. Production of wooden pallets.

Due to the widespread use of pallets in various fields, such a business can be very promising

Pallets can be made manually and without special equipment. If you persistently search for reliable distribution channels, your business will quickly reach net profit.

7. Sharpening tools and knives.

In residential areas, the services of a sharpener will be in great demand. In addition to sharpening kitchen knives, you can also make money by processing tools for beauty salons (hairdressing scissors and nail clippers).

8. Mini-shop for furniture manufacturing.

Handmade furniture will always be in demand

Huge competition in the furniture business should not scare a novice businessman - with a well-chosen direction and a creative approach, you can develop a good client base in a short time. You can make custom-made cabinet furniture (cabinets, walls or beds) or frameless furniture (poufs, armchairs). Additional income can be obtained if you master decoupage, decorating or aging furniture.

9. Repair of household appliances.

This service will be relevant in any city and region. In order to start a business, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and have personal transport in which you could deliver large equipment.

10. Production of products on a lathe.

Turners, as a rule, do not sit idle

Turner services are in demand both from private companies that do not have a specialist on staff, and from car repair shops. To get started, you only need a lathe and a set of standard tools.

Ideas with minimal investment

1. Renting out premises.

This is the simplest and most effective way to receive passive income without investments - you can receive from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per month. The specific rental cost will depend primarily on the location of the garage, the presence of communications in it and its size.

2. Temporary storage service.

A temporary storage service in your garage will help people avoid cluttering their balconies

Many residents of megacities are faced with the issue of storing things that they do not use in the summer - skis, sleds, winter car tires. The garage owner can benefit from this and make money by providing storage services. The profit, of course, will be insignificant, but it can be obtained after the first client.

3. Recycling collection point.

Some types of raw materials can be sold to organizations involved in production and processing. Such materials include paper, cardboard, glass, textiles, rubber and scrap metal.

4. Growing plants.

Growing vegetables or mushrooms in the garage can be put on commercial footing

A heated and well-lit garage makes it easy to grow plants and mushrooms. This line of business will not require significant investments, because it is not difficult for an experienced summer resident to equip a greenhouse indoors, and the harvest can be sold to small grocery stores.

5. Production of decorative products and souvenirs.

You can make festive New Year's goods (for example, Christmas tree balls), magnets, soap and candles, badges and souvenirs. The scale of production in this case does not depend on the amount of start-up capital, but only on your scope of imagination - the possibilities in this field of activity are almost limitless.

6. Sale of clothes.

Garage sales are still not very common in Russia

Garage sales have long gained popularity in the United States, and in recent years in our country, enterprising garage box owners have adopted this experience. Establishing a clothing sale (like a stock store or second-hand store) means providing yourself with year-round income.

7. Computer workshop.

Computer workshop - a win-win direction

If you are good with computers, you can try opening a computer repair shop in your garage. But keep in mind that for this the room must be dry, insulated and well lit.

8. Packaging of goods.

Owners of wholesale warehouses and stores often save on the services of packers, so if you wish, you can easily set up production for packaging bulk products and cooperate with large entrepreneurs, selling them ready-made packaged goods.

Who said that to conduct small-scale agriculture you have to live in a village?

The fashion for healthy eating makes many residents of big cities flock to markets in search of homemade and high-quality products. Caring for a chicken is not difficult, their diet is as simple as possible, and if the size of the garage allows you to accommodate a dozen laying hens, you will ensure a stable profit.

10. Personal trainer services.

Perhaps the most original way to provide yourself with additional income is to organize sports training in your garage. If you are an experienced athlete and can offer original training methods, then you will not have to compete with large gyms - you will be able to quickly develop a client base.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a direction of activity

In order to choose the right direction for your business project and not go into the red, you should follow just a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose the idea that can pay off as much as possible and bring profit in the shortest possible time;
  • Focus on customer needs;
  • Do not enter into competition with large entrepreneurs;
  • At the beginning of your project, try to do without hired labor to save money;
  • Don’t buy expensive equipment to start production;
  • Draw up a business plan, analyzing all upcoming expenses and expected income.

A business in a garage for aspiring entrepreneurs is a great chance to start their own business without significant expenses. In the garage, it is possible to establish the production of goods, organize trade, or equip premises for the provision of services.

Do not forget that the success of your business depends solely on your desire and hard work. And if you still doubt whether it’s worth a try, then remember - the history of the famous Apple company began with the assembly of computers in the garage.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are stopped from organizing their business by the lack of their own premises. It’s no secret that rent “eats up” the lion’s share of revenue, and when things are not going well, it can even lead to a deep negative. Do you have a garage? Then the premises are no longer a problem. Think about the fact that a house for an iron horse can be used not only as a storage facility for all kinds of rubbish. This is a very real “initial capital” for starting your own business. The main thing for a business in a garage is ideas that can be implemented in such a specific room.

Garage business: pitfalls

Enterprising people will manage to organize a business even in their own apartment - from a mini-kindergarten to simple production such as “lunch for the office.” From a business point of view, a garage is an almost ideal option. There is no need to pay rent and at the same time, it is not a problem to set up a workshop, warehouse, or any production that cannot be organized in a residential building.

On the other hand, the legality of such a business remains questionable. In garage cooperatives, entrepreneurial activity is generally prohibited. And if a warehouse in a garage is unlikely to attract the attention of interested authorities, then full-fledged production is another matter.

Another problem is that garages located within the city are the first to be demolished if the piece of land underneath them is of value to local authorities and developers. In place of your boxes, they can pave a road, build a residential complex, or create a park. The cost of the garage, of course, will be reimbursed, but no one is obliged to compensate for the loss of an established business and the money spent on improving the premises.

However, these risks stop few people: business in garages is thriving, since there are no serious sanctions for it, except for illegal business if you “forgot” to register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

How to adapt a garage for business

When considering small business ideas for a garage, start from its location. A premise in the city, near residential buildings, opens up all sorts of prospects for you: from a car wash to a retail store. The box, located in the depths of the garage area, significantly narrows the choice of options: many people, especially ladies, try to avoid such “suspicious” places. In such cases, you have to focus on the local contingent or organize the business so that potential and existing clients do not have to look for your company in garages.

The simplest solution for owners of idle boxes and sheds is to rent them out to car enthusiasts or for storage. True, this option can be called a business with a big stretch. The risks are minimal, but the “exhaust” is the same. If you rent it out, then with a good return, and you can’t do it without investments.

First, the garage needs to be improved: insulated, water and sewer installed, interior and exterior finishing done. For a global renovation you will need: lumber, building mixtures, paint, insulation, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures, tools, materials for finishing (linoleum, tiles, painting, etc.).

A problem may arise with communications: it is not always possible to connect to city channels, then you will have to get out on your own and make local ones. Solve the issue with electricity: agree to increase the power allocated to you and install a meter. As a result, your premises must comply with sanitary and fire safety standards.

The initial investment will depend on the purpose of your garage. For a warehouse, minimal finishing is enough: insulation, painting, filling the racks. It is advisable to make the box for the store attractive both externally and internally. If you have the idea of ​​organizing a photo studio or rehearsal space for young musical groups, you will have to make soundproofing, install lighting, think over the interior, and buy special equipment.

You can’t do without equipment when creating workshops and workshops. The only thing that is not recommended for setting up in a garage is food production. Mini-bakeries, cheese factories, and smokehouses are made in car garages, but it will be difficult to achieve acceptable sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the garage. Rospotrebnadzor is unlikely to approve and will most likely close your “shop” by imposing huge fines.

Registering a business in a garage

A business in a garage often exists without any papers or permits. Remember that this is illegal - with this approach, your case will last until the first police raid or complaint from neighbors. At the start, while your clients will be exclusively friends, acquaintances and neighbors, you can do without registration for the first couple of months. Then you need to contact the tax office and register as a taxpayer.

What is better to choose - individual entrepreneur or LLC? For a small business, an individual entrepreneur operating in a non-simplified format or UTII is more suitable: simple registration, minimal reporting, easy to do without an accountant. If the implementation of your idea requires a lot of expenses, and you cannot do it on your own, attract a partner. But in this case, it is better to register the joint venture as an LLC - this way you will be co-owners of the business officially, and not just by verbal agreements.

LLC is preferable if your business is designed not only to serve individuals. It is better to work with clients-organizations in a similar status.

Garage business options

Car services

The most logical thing that can be organized in a car box is services for the surrounding contingent, that is, for car enthusiasts. If you are considering garage business ideas with minimal investment, a tire shop or car wash may be a good option for you.

Necessary equipment:

  • tire fitting machine – 35–40 thousand rubles;
  • balancing machine – 35 thousand rubles;
  • compressor for inflating tires.

Don’t forget that the profitability of a tire service is greatly influenced by seasonality. Think about what services you can still provide outside of busy times.

For a mini-car wash, you will only need professional car washing equipment. Additionally, you can offer interior cleaning, dry cleaning, and body polishing. A car wash is one of the fastest-growing businesses, but make sure there aren’t several other similar services nearby.

Running a full-fledged auto repair shop is a more serious undertaking. Firstly, this is only for specialists, and secondly, you can’t get away with minimal expenses here. Devices for diagnosing breakdowns, an inspection pit and other equipment for a car service will cost a pretty penny, but the work of a smart craftsman is not cheap. The main thing is to decide on the specialization of your services (body work, engine repair, electrical), because for a multifunctional workshop one garage will not be enough.


If you want to set up production in the garage, pay attention to plastic molding. Plastic products are always popular: they are light, durable, convenient and needed in any home. An automatic thermoplastic injection molding machine costs about 15 thousand dollars. With it you can produce basins, buckets, dishes, kitchen and household utensils, and automobile parts.

If you are comfortable with carpentry tools, start making furniture. In addition to hand tools, purchase a milling machine and woodworking center. You may also need a welding machine for the manufacture of metal structures, equipment for decorative glass processing (sandblasting, matting paste, stencils with drawings).

Another profitable business option is the production of chain-link mesh. The average price for a product is about 100 rubles per square from wholesalers, and the equipment is inexpensive: 40 thousand rubles. semi-automatic machine "Promstroy". Automatic equipment is already more expensive - from 80 to 200 thousand, but its productivity is much higher.

Another simple and profitable production is gypsum products: sculptures, decorative elements for private homes and landscape design. Your initial cost for purchasing molds and materials will be no more than $2,000.

Crop production

The garage can be converted into a greenhouse or conservatory. You will have to install large windows, install heaters, an irrigation system, and additional lighting (phytolamps with blue and red filters).

In such conditions, dwarf roses, orchids, cucumbers, and vegetable herbs grow well. This option is especially relevant for the winter season, when the price of products increases many times over.

Living space

This business is an improved idea of ​​“simple” rental. The idea is to turn the garage into a living space. Oddly enough, this housing option is gaining momentum in the capital’s garage communities.

One more floor is built above the box: using a ready-made cabin, or a structure is erected using frame technology. The further destiny of such a garage is to serve as a comfortable hostel for guests from neighboring countries, students and other unpretentious residents.

A more “respectable” version of such a business is to design a garage “apartment” in a fashionable “loft” style and rent it out at the price of a “normal” apartment. Given the incomparable cost of these real estate properties, a good return is obtained, especially when it is possible to inexpensively purchase several more garages. Suitable for rooms located in “decent” places.

There are many options for how you can use your garage to benefit your pocket. But remember: like any type of business, services and production in a garage require detailed study and analysis of all risks.

Skillful men's hands need an exciting and profitable activity. Are you looking for a business in which you can invest energy, talent and knowledge? It’s simpler to use an empty garage or a garage filled with all sorts of unnecessary things for this purpose. The area seems to be small, but quite acceptable for starting an activity. Clear your garage of everything that gets in the way and get ready to get to work!

Option first and most attractive

Since you have a garage, it means that you enjoy working with equipment. It’s not difficult to adapt your garage for the repair of any household appliances - there is electricity, there are plenty of shelves on the walls, open the wide garage doors and accept bicycles that have been involved in an “accident” first. The fame of a master with “golden hands” is spreading faster than you imagine. As soon as you fix the iron for a lonely grandmother, her neighbors and acquaintances will flock to you. It’s clear that you won’t earn a lot of money from this, but we all start small, and word of mouth works better than any advertising.

After grandma, other users will come to you. Nobody is going to repair expensive foreign cars in your garage - the owners of such cars have enough money to take their “iron horse” to an expensive service. But all your neighbors will become not just your first clients, but also advisors.

So the most important thing has been achieved - you have found a real job “to your liking” and what could be more important for a man - a good friendly company of like-minded people, the opportunity to communicate and show your skills. Lefty didn’t live in a mansion either, but he was able to shoe a flea.

The area even in the smallest “shell” can be planned rationally - you will have enough space for any repair work, the main thing is to start and not spread out, do not take too unreasonable and expensive orders.

Option two - for artwork

The more people build around private residences, the more in demand landscaping, gardens and porch decorations become. No one is in a hurry to buy cheap plaster Polish figurines for the garden anymore - they last exactly a year, and then they lose their bright attractive appearance, the paint is washed off by rain, you can’t leave the figurines under the snow - they crumble into dust. It is also impossible to repaint them, so the demand for these inexpensive garden decorations is falling sharply.

Create such products from concrete with your own hands or cook them from metal - then you decide for yourself. Forged products can also be made in a “shell” - you need a small electric smelter, so why not at least start producing children's toys - soldiers and little animals? They sell out quickly, but you can make exclusive door handles, sinkers for fishermen - here you will definitely be in huge demand. It’s important to start, if you fish yourself, then we won’t even talk about the interest of avid fishermen in such accessories.

The only condition for installing even a small electric melter is three phases. You will do everything else yourself - desktop, shelves and boxes for metal and finished products

Idea three – original gift magnets

It's best to settle on the idea of ​​gifts. Each person buys a hundred souvenirs a year - for relatives, colleagues, friends. Thank God, there are many holidays a year, so people buy trinkets, so let’s try to displace them and offer our products, beautiful and unique.

Magnets are in constant demand among buyers - they are used both at home and at work. Beautiful magnets are bought as a gift, with an original personal inscription - as souvenirs; for large companies you can make a lot of trinkets with logos. Take up this task, you will enjoy the process of creation itself, and the magnets will sell like “hot cakes”.

Cutting out decorations from foam plastic - idea four

Very light and pliable material - foam. It’s a pleasure to work with, it doesn’t freeze your hands and doesn’t require fire, just a jigsaw and a sheet of foam plastic. What you will cut out depends on your taste and interest. After work, you can coat the finished product with gold or silver in a couple of minutes. For example, the most beautiful and sought-after platbands for private houses! Everyone will take them, and orders will pour in like from a cornucopia - as soon as you make just one sample, as soon as the owner of the house installs it on the house (here you can also offer your help), the neighbors will want to have more beautiful platbands. Larger and more interesting interior decorations include columns and bas-reliefs.

Start your business with polystyrene foam - the material is inexpensive, accessible, and lightweight. Lots of waste? But they are perfectly recyclable; invite your neighbor to create three-dimensional decorations for the same landscape filled with foam chips - such toys for children have not yet received their recognition, but you just have to start. Soft “cheesecakes” that children ride with such pleasure. Yes, they are inflatable, but what if we offer an analogue? Fill the same “cheesecakes” with waste from your production? Cheap and cheerful - a lightweight product will never get lost and will never “get bumped” like a nail or glass. Yes, it takes up a lot of space, but it is reliable, like no other device for snow fun - both warm and soft for the child’s bottom.

Working with glass - idea five

There is so much broken glass around, you don’t even have to buy it. You can always learn how to work with a glass cutter; you can cut glass to the size you need. For small stained glass works, you will only need paints and baguettes - but this is the sixth idea. For now, just about stained glass and glass processing using sandblasting tools.

You can draw anything you like on glass: landscapes, portraits, original compositions. Once you start, you will begin to look for sources of inspiration in everything that surrounds you.

It’s the same with stained glass – it all starts with a little work, you will make the first small decoration as a gift, and the second is already brewing in your imagination. So you can do stained glass work in the garage as much as you like.

Idea six – framing workshop

How many talented people live around us! Some paint, some knit, some make tapestries, others make stained glass. But every work, in order for it to look complete and beautiful, needs to be designed accordingly.

The craftsman himself simply does not have time to tinker with wood; such work requires special tools and devices. It is not even possible to make the desired angle of a baguette frame without special devices. So take up such a profitable business - making baguette frames.

You will need good equipment: a guillotine for cutting baguettes, wood processing devices, various encryption machines. The work is not regulated by time, you need to place an order - you work, so this is a very profitable business in your own garage.

Idea seven – production of building materials

We have already talked about the fact that you can make garden decorations in the garage. But there is also an unfilled niche - the production of paving slabs. And not only private traders can buy and order such beautiful products from you! Paving slabs and road curbs are a very popular product. What industrial manufacturers offer us is not distinguished by a variety of designs. Remember the luxurious parks of Versailles and offer something similar.

There are so many building materials that you can create unique paving slabs and border decorations. Enter into a mutually beneficial agreement with a neighboring manufacturer of granite monuments, and you will not have problems with the source material. You will have plenty of granite and marble chips, and pouring paving slabs to unique orders is very interesting.

You only need shelves and containers in which you will “knead” the material, and the finished tiles will dry on horizontal shelves; installing them will not be difficult. Create your own exclusive designs for such paths, and you will not end up with customers.

Sidewalk paths made of pebbles - idea eight

You didn’t pay attention to the fact that you won’t find a stronger and more reliable material for paths than pebbles. But what a shame when, after a rainstorm, puddles and smudges appear on the path, pebbles clump together, and small pieces of pebbles sometimes fly out from under the users’ feet. Beautiful expensive pebbles are scattered throughout the garden. There is a way out - to make ready-made coverings from pebbles, which are then laid on a sand cushion.

The pebbles need to be sorted by size and color, and then the pebbles are placed into ready-made flat forms filled with concrete mortar according to a template. Imagine that the pebble pattern will become the decoration of the paths - it is much stronger and more reliable than the concrete coating, the pebbles practically do not wear out, will last for centuries, and you can always install a new one in place of a fallen pebble. So start making these templates - pebble paving slabs can have a variety of shapes, any configurations, any colors.

There are a lot of options and ideas for business in your own garage - you don’t have to pay for renting a room, there are no problems with garbage with access to fresh air. All that remains is to make a choice and work, taking into account the minimum investment, you will get the optimal result with minimal investment.

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