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A child is vomiting bile - causes, treatment tactics. Vomiting in a child without fever is repeated, continuous or sudden Yellow-green vomiting in a child

Vomiting in childhood is common. It is associated with immaturity of the digestive and immune systems. Vomiting of bile in a child occurs both on an empty stomach and after eating. The process of emptying the stomach is a protective reaction of the body, a response to an internal or external stimulus.

Normally, there should be no bile in the stomach. Its casting can be one-time or continuous. Observation of a child who has vomited has valuable diagnostic value and helps in choosing methods for examining young patients. Bile in the stomach is an unconditional reason to see a doctor.

Signs that indicate bile in the stomach

Vomiting is always preceded by nausea. Small reflux of bile is accompanied by systematic belching. In infants, this condition affects overall physical development - stunted growth, poor weight gain, restless sleep.

Gagging is caused by sharp contractions of the diaphragm, and for children this is a painful process. The discomfort is intensified by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, and heaviness in the iliac region. Children constantly experience a feeling of thirst, general weakness and loss of strength. Physical activity decreases sharply. Periodically, the child vomits bile.

Characteristics and coloring of vomit:

  • green vomit – contains a large amount of bile, occurs during or after eating;
  • if a child vomits yellow liquid - this is a mixture of bile and gastric juice, it happens on an empty stomach;
  • vomit of a dark green hue with brown streaks - the presence of bile against the background of gastric bleeding of low intensity.

The condition may worsen - vomiting with fever, chills appear, the skin turns pale, becomes cold and sticky, and diarrhea occurs. This indicates an infectious or acute inflammatory process in the child’s body. If there is no rise in temperature, functional disorders of the digestive system occur in the body.

Why is there bile in children's vomit?

The reasons for this condition in a child vary. Some are safe for health and easily corrected, while others indicate serious diseases:

  • Acute intestinal infections - salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis. The diseases are accompanied by an enlarged liver and its toxic damage, impaired bile production and reflux into the stomach.
  • Viral hepatitis A is an infectious infection of the liver with increased release of bilirubin into the blood, skin, and mucous membranes.
  • Functional diseases (obstruction) of the gallbladder and excretory ducts - dyskinesia.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive system – cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Sphincter insufficiency - congenital or acquired (disease, surgery).
  • Food, drug, chemical poisoning.
  • Incorrect diet, poor quality or unbalanced food.
  • Neurogenic factors - malnutrition and microcirculation of the brain, nervous strain, mental disorders.

In children in infancy, the cause of bilious vomiting can be a lack of pancreatic enzyme production. Predisposing factors are active physical games, emotional overload, fatty foods. In rare cases, if a child vomits bile, this is a sign of appendicitis.

First aid for vomiting bile

If green vomiting occurs against the background of high fever, diarrhea and poor general condition of the child, you must call an ambulance.

What to do before medical staff arrive? Provide the child with physical rest. He should be in bed, reclining, with his chest raised.

Children should not be placed horizontally. This will provoke re-penetration of bile into the stomach and, as a result, repeated vomiting.

To prevent dehydration, give fluids to drink regularly. If the child refuses to drink water, you can give weak warm tea, compote, or juice diluted with water. The best way to prevent dehydration is saline solutions, which are prepared from special powders (rehydron).

If there are no pharmaceutical drugs, you can prepare a saline solution yourself. Recipe recommended by WHO: dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. baking soda. For maximum absorption, give the drink warm (37 °C). To prevent your child from vomiting, you need to drink often and in small sips.

Until the child is examined by doctors, exclude any food intake. Breast milk is allowed for breastfed infants.

A single vomiting of bile in a child without fever most often occurs due to malnutrition; in this case, the vomiting may be green liquid. To alleviate the condition and relieve the digestive system, stop eating for 4-5 hours and ensure you drink plenty of fluids.

Yellow vomiting in a child is accompanied by symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, bitterness in the mouth. In this case, antacids are given. They regulate acidity in the stomach, coat its walls, and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane.

Antacids are available in syrup form and are well tolerated by children:

  • Almagel.
  • Maalox.
  • Phosphalugel.
  • Gaviscon;
  • Talcid.

School-age children can be offered Rennie lozenges. But they can cause drowsiness, weakness, and belching.

If a child's vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea, the following drugs are indicated: phthalazole, smecta, enterosgel, imodium. This treatment is prescribed if a large amount of bile enters the intestines and the stool turns green.

For abdominal pain as a result of spasm of the bile ducts, sudden movements of the diaphragm, contraction of the stomach walls, the child is given painkillers - no-shpu, nurofen.

In severe cases (acute intestinal infections), the main treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause - a complex of antibacterial and symptomatic therapy in a hospital setting.

Bile in the stomach is not a reason for self-treatment. This condition, especially if it is systematic, is fraught with serious complications - a violation of the acidity of the stomach and, as a consequence, gastritis, chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. To prevent their development, treatment of bile reflux into the stomach should be prescribed by a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Vomiting is an unpleasant condition for any person. And its appearance in a child makes parents worry and worry about the baby. There are many reasons for the occurrence of vomiting with bile: from harmless functional disorders to serious illnesses, sometimes requiring emergency medical care. It may be accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or, on the contrary, these symptoms are absent. Understanding what triggered the eruption of the baby’s stomach contents, you can provide him with timely help.

What is vomiting of bile?

Vomiting is a complex reflex process aimed at removing gastric contents out. This condition usually occurs involuntarily. It is not difficult to understand the mechanism by which these symptoms appear.

The center of vomiting is located in the medulla oblongata. His irritation is caused by impulses.

The latter are most often provoked by the following factors:

  1. The impact of toxins on the sensitive area in the area of ​​the bottom of the 4th ventricle of the brain.
  2. Irritation of the balance organ (labyrinth of the inner ear).
  3. Effect on the digestive system (in case of overdistension of the stomach, from the peritoneum, pancreas, bile ducts).
  4. Irritation of the retroperitoneal organs (kidneys) and chest cavity.
  5. The effect of psychogenic provocateurs (type of food, unpleasant odor).

When the vomiting center is irritated, signals from the brain are sent to the muscles of the abdominal wall, stomach, small intestine, and diaphragm. Such impulses cause tissue contraction. The contents of the stomach, duodenum and the initial part of the small intestine are released. That is why vomit contains food fragments, bile, gastric juice, and sometimes blood.

Emergency care for poisoning from Dr. Komarovsky - video

Causes and development factors

Vomiting is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of some pathology.

The causes of this symptom, depending on the mechanism of its development, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Central (with direct effect on the brain):
    • meningitis;
    • epilepsy;
    • migraine;
    • motion sickness, seasickness;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • traumatic brain injury;
    • cerebral circulatory disorders.
  2. Toxic (effect of toxins on the vomiting center):
    • poisoning (drugs, alcohol, household chemicals, etc.);
    • infectious diseases;
    • metabolic disease:
      • diabetes;
      • thyroid pathology;
      • chronic kidney and adrenal insufficiency.
  3. Digestive diseases:
    • gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • biliary dyskinesia;
    • cholecystitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • acute conditions (obstruction, peritonitis, appendicitis).

Severe pain of any origin, as well as coughing, can cause an attack of vomiting.

Vomiting with bile can occur in any of the above conditions as a result of the reflux of bitter contents from the duodenum. But the most common causes of such an impurity are dysfunction of the biliary tract and gallbladder, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and abnormalities of the duodenum.

Features of the symptom

Vomiting in a child can be accompanied by various clinical manifestations. They depend on the source that provoked the unpleasant condition.

  1. An increase in body temperature accompanies vomiting in acute infectious diseases, inflammatory pathologies of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peritonitis). Such conditions require mandatory medical treatment.
  2. A combination of the following symptoms is quite dangerous: vomiting, fever, headache, drowsiness, photophobia, tension in the neck muscles. These clinical manifestations may signal meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) and require emergency medical attention.
  3. Abnormal bowel movements (diarrhea) may be associated with vomiting. Typically, such symptoms indicate intestinal infections. At the same time, the child's temperature may rise. Repeated vomiting and diarrhea are characteristic signs of rotavirus infection.

It is important to pay attention not only to clinical manifestations. The consistency and shade of vomit may indicate a pathology occurring in the child’s body.

So, depending on the disease, vomiting has the following distinctive features:

  1. Pathologies of central origin. Vomiting is scanty, it does not depend on food intake and is often accompanied by headache. The unpleasant symptom is not preceded by nausea. And vomiting itself does not bring relief.
  2. Stomach diseases. As a rule, painful symptoms occur after eating. Vomiting brings relief and is usually associated with abdominal pain. In chronic cases, the child experiences morning vomiting.
  3. Esophageal disorders. In this case, the masses contain little changed food mixed with saliva. Such vomiting is not accompanied by nausea or contractions of the abdominal muscles.
  4. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. This pathology is indicated by profuse vomiting with a sour odor.
  5. Dyskinesia, inflammation of the gallbladder. Vomit contains bile. The child experiences contractions that radiate to the shoulder and under the shoulder blade.
  6. Pancreatitis. The pathology is characterized by repeated vomiting. It is exhausting and does not bring relief. An unpleasant symptom is accompanied by girdle pain.
  7. Pathologies of the biliary tract, duodenal ulcer. In this case, the child suffers from persistent, prolonged vomiting of bile. In this case, the masses have a yellow or green color and may be accompanied by white foam.


If a child is suffering from vomiting, the fight against it must begin by consulting a doctor. After all, quite serious pathologies can underlie the painful condition.

First aid

  1. Do not feed the child.
  2. Drink actively and plentifully, preferably with solutions for oral rehydration: Regidron, water with soda. The temperature of the drink is close to 36.6 C.
  3. Since overdistension of the stomach provokes vomiting, you should offer to drink frequently, but in small portions.
  4. If your body temperature rises (even slightly), give an antipyretic: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

Severe cases

You should immediately consult a doctor in situations where:

  • the child cannot be given something to drink;
  • there is an admixture of blood in the vomit;
  • the main symptom is combined with high fever, headache, rashes, signs of dehydration (dry tongue, mucous membranes, skin, lack of urine for 6 hours, crying without tears).

Drug therapy

If vomiting is not associated with a situation where the child needs emergency help, then the following means are used to stop it:

  1. Prokinetics. Medicines that promote the coordinated functioning of the digestive system: Domperidone, Motilak, Motilium, Gastrosil, Cerucal.
  2. Receptor blocking agents. These medications are used for motion sickness: Aviomarin, No-spasm, Riabal, Dramamine.
  3. Antispasmodics. Drugs that reduce the contraction and tone of smooth muscles of the digestive tract: Spasmol, Drotaverine, No-shpa.
  4. Sedatives. They have a calming effect: Persen, Valerian, Fitosed.

Drug therapy - gallery

Motilium ensures the coordinated functioning of the digestive system organs Dramamine prevents motion sickness in transport No-spa reduces spasms of the digestive system Valerian provides a calming effect


Physiotherapeutic methods are used to improve the contractile activity of the bile ducts, stomach and intestines.

For this use:

  1. Applications with paraffin and ozokerite. This heat treatment activates blood circulation, eliminates inflammation, and relieves spasms. In addition, exposure to paraffin and ozokerite helps strengthen the immune system.
  2. Inductothermy. The method is based on treatment with a high-frequency magnetic field. This procedure normalizes the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, improves metabolism, and stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  3. Electrophoresis with Papaverine, Platyphylline, Magnesium. Under the influence of an electric field, deep penetration of medications into tissues is achieved. The procedure allows you to relieve spasms and pain.
  4. The baths are fresh and pine. Hydrotherapy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Such activities relieve spasms, eliminate pain, and help activate metabolism.
  5. UHF currents. With the help of an ultra-high-frequency electric field affecting the body, they provide an anti-inflammatory and antispastic effect. The procedure enhances lymph flow and stimulates blood circulation.
  6. Magnetotherapy. The action of the magnetic field allows you to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, and activate blood circulation. The procedure enhances the synthesis of enzymes, stimulates the process of tissue restoration and nutrition.
  7. Treatment with mud. During the thermal procedure, beneficial substances enter the body, which can significantly reduce inflammatory reactions and activate metabolism.
  8. Balneotherapy. For this treatment, heated alkaline waters of low mineralization are used.

After vomiting with bile, the child should be fed in small portions, and only according to appetite.

Reception is prohibited:

  • cold food;
  • carbonated, tonic drinks;
  • fatty, salty, fried, smoked and canned;
  • food that disgusts the child.

After the attack ends, you can offer rice water, dried fruit compote (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).


This method is used only in extreme situations when drug therapy is powerless to bring relief.

As a rule, surgical treatment is indicated in cases of:

  • abnormal development of the bile ducts;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute surgical conditions (appendicitis, peritonitis).

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are quite widely used for vomiting bile. But the use of any herbal remedy must initially be agreed with a doctor. Especially when it comes to young children.

For vomiting with bile, you can use:

  1. Dill seeds. Dry raw materials (1 tsp) must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. Then you need to strain it. The drink is recommended for use in case of nausea. In case of severe vomiting, give 1 tsp to drink, but often.
  2. Peppermint leaf. The grass (1 tbsp) is poured with hot water (1 tbsp). The product must be infused for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  3. Fresh potato juice. This remedy is very useful for nausea and vomiting. It is necessary to chop the potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Take it 1 tsp. before every meal.
  4. Apple juice (natural) with honey. This medicine perfectly eliminates nausea and is very popular with children. Freshly squeezed apple juice (1 tbsp), mixed with honey (1 tbsp). It is recommended to take the drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day.
  5. Rosehip decoction. Fruits, dried and crushed, in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., pour boiling water (1 tbsp.). Boil the mixture for 3 minutes. Then the drink is infused in a thermos for about half an hour. It is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, maybe with honey.

Folk remedies - gallery

For vomiting, a decoction of dill seeds is recommended. Mint infusion perfectly relieves nausea Potato juice is good for eliminating gagging Rosehip decoction helps eliminate nausea and promotes overall health
Apple juice with honey relieves painful symptoms well

Treatment prognosis

It is quite difficult to predict what vomiting will lead to. The prognosis of treatment depends on what caused the painful symptom:

  1. If vomiting is caused by an acute illness, then it is necessary to take into account the neglect of the process and the amount of assistance provided. As a rule, the unpleasant phenomenon goes away after the underlying pathology is cured.
  2. In chronic diseases of the biliary tract, vomiting occurs during an exacerbation or in case of a diet violation. But if the pathology is under control and all recommendations are followed, then the attacks pass very quickly.

Consequences of vomiting

Complications of a painful symptom may include conditions such as:

  1. Dehydration. This pathology leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system.
  2. . It is extremely dangerous for vomit to get into the airways and cause them to become blocked. This can cause severe pneumonia or cause breathing to stop completely.
  3. Mallory-Weiss syndrome. A dangerous condition in which a tear in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach with the development of bleeding is diagnosed.
  4. Boerhaave's syndrome. Pathology characterized by rupture of the esophagus.
  5. Loss of body weight. With regular vomiting, the child experiences weight loss.


In order to prevent the occurrence of vomiting in the future, you need to know the reason that provokes the unpleasant symptom. That is why, if a child develops a painful condition, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo the entire range of prescribed examinations.

In addition, it is important to adhere to preventive measures aimed at preventing vomiting:

  1. Feeding the child only fresh and high-quality products.
  2. In the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the biliary tract, regularly take prescribed medications.
  3. If you plan to travel by land or sea, you must take medications in advance to relieve your child from motion sickness.
  4. After eating, you should not immediately lie down or get up suddenly. It is advisable to sit at the table for half an hour.
  5. The last meal should occur at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Newborns and infants should be kept in a column position for at least 20 minutes after feeding.
  7. The head of the bed should be raised 30 degrees.
  8. Babies benefit from massage and tummy time.
  9. Children of any age should be fed only according to appetite and in small portions.
  10. Reducing stressful situations.
  11. General strengthening activities (gymnastics, hardening, regular walks).
  12. Prevention of infectious diseases (including vaccination).

Features in premature and infants

Newborns, including premature ones, have features in the structure of the digestive tract that predispose them to vomiting:

  • the baby's stomach is located almost horizontally;
  • the cardiac sphincter (the transition from the esophagus to the stomach) is poorly developed;
  • and the pyloric section (exit from the stomach into the small intestine), on the contrary, is strong.

Such features lead to easy release of stomach contents.

In infants, in addition to anatomical features, one more factor predisposes them to vomiting. The nervous regulation system has not fully matured, and the vomiting center is very excitable. For babies under 7 months, periodic regurgitation in small volumes is a physiological process.

It is important to be able to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation. Vomiting is characterized by the release of stomach contents under high pressure (“fountain”) and this condition occurs in the intervals between feedings. In this case, there is a high level of anxiety in the baby caused by muscle spasms.

In the newborn period, vomiting may indicate pathological conditions such as:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • meningitis;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • in the presence of bile in the vomit, intestinal obstruction;
  • congenital malformations.

If your baby is vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

The occurrence of vomiting in a child always causes concern among parents. In order to understand how to help in such a situation, you need to determine the causes of the pathology. A consultation with a doctor will help with this, who will prescribe an examination and, based on its results, determine the correct treatment tactics.

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder. When they appear in a child, parents need to be vigilant and not hesitate to seek medical help. The gag reflex itself is protective, as it helps the body get rid of harmful substances that have entered the stomach.

Bile may be present in the vomit. The production of this substance is constant, so to some extent it is present in the stomach and during vomiting it is released along with the vomit.

Why is he vomiting bile?

Bile is a substance that is produced by the liver to participate in the digestion process. It gives the vomit a greenish or yellowish color. Before vomiting, the child develops a feeling of nausea, and there may be an increase in body temperature.

If a child spits up in the first months of life, then this is a completely normal phenomenon, which is associated with imperfection of the sphincter and incompetence of the diaphragm. After a few months, the organs are finally formed, and physiological vomiting goes away on its own.

You should be wary if your child is vomiting like a fountain with a greenish or yellowish tint, as this may indicate a disorder.

Physiological vomiting of a newborn does not have foreign impurities, unpleasant odor or discolored color. Normally, a baby regurgitates the food it eats, which may have a faint sour odor. Any deviations require immediate medical attention.

In preschool age and older, children are able to talk about their feelings, so the diagnostic search is somewhat easier.

If a child begins to complain of bitterness in the mouth and vomit of a characteristic color comes out, then this may indicate about the following violations:

  • diseases of the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • liver diseases;
  • food or drink poisoning;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • appendicitis;
  • helminthic infestations in the liver and its ducts;
  • bending or kinking of the gallbladder.

All pathological conditions are accompanied by specific symptom complexes, so it is worth paying more attention to the child’s accompanying manifestations and complaints.

Possible diseases

When vomiting bile, treatment tactics vary: while in some cases help can be provided at home, others require emergency hospitalization and specialist intervention.

Disease Features of development Treatment and diagnostic tactics
Pyloric stenosisThis is a narrowing of the stomach, which makes it difficult for food to pass from the stomach further into the duodenum. This pathology usually occurs after an intrauterine infection and manifests itself in the first months after the birth of the child. As the disease progresses, stenosis can worsen. The child loses a lot of fluid through vomiting.This dangerous condition requires hospitalization
PylorospasmThis is a narrowing of the gastric outlet. The baby regurgitates food in the stomach, often with the presence of bile. This occurs in premature babies.After diagnosing the condition, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis under the dynamic supervision of a doctor
Intestinal obstructionThe main reason for this condition is a violation of nutritional rules. Can be observed in children of any age. With an incorrect diet, constipation develops, the intestines do not empty, become clogged with feces and obstruction develops. Boys are more likely to develop intussusception, when one part of the intestine invades and enters the second. This is observed with excessive mobility of the cecumThis dangerous condition requires hospitalization in a surgical hospital; in case of severe pathological process, surgical treatment is performed

Before vomiting occurs, the child usually feels an attack of nausea, turns pale, and has chills. The more episodes of vomiting are repeated, the more it weakens and the risk of developing dehydration increases.

Other symptoms

Nausea and bilious vomiting may be accompanied by associated symptoms. Each of them characterizes a developing pathological process. By observing the child and his condition, one can suspect a type of disorder.

Disease Clinical picture
Pyloric stenosis
  • vomiting like a fountain;
  • characteristic sour smell of vomit;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • decreased urination and darker urine color;
  • rare stool;
  • constipation
  • regurgitation after every meal;
  • attacks of intestinal colic, severe cramps in the upper third of the abdomen;
  • decreased urination;
  • constipation;
  • possibly blood clots in the vomit;
  • sleep disturbance
Intestinal obstruction and intussusception
  • capriciousness, irritability of the child;
  • possibly - loss of consciousness, severe weakness and pallor of the skin;
  • frequent vomiting with bile, which does not bring relief;
  • bloody discharge from the rectum like “raspberry jelly”;
  • increased body temperature;
  • uneven bloating
Acute pancreatitis
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • high temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • foamy stool;
  • yellow coating on the tongue;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • uniform bloating
Intestinal infection
  • increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees;
  • vomiting with foam;
  • bloating, flatulence, pain often appears;
  • loose, foul-smelling stools that appear repeatedly
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • often - temperature rise up to 37 ° C;
  • symptoms of body intoxication;
  • bloating;
  • nausea, repeated vomiting, often in the morning;
  • diarrhea;
  • general deterioration of condition
Bend of the gallbladder
  • lack of appetite;
  • acute bursting pain mainly in the right hypochondrium;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting without improvement;
  • flatulence, no diarrhea

It is impossible to accurately diagnose using the listed symptoms alone. When contacting a specialist, you will need to undergo an additional examination and consult a surgeon to eliminate the need for emergency surgery.

All diseases are united by the presence of one symptom - vomiting bile. The appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth is the first alarming sign indicating that some kind of violation is occurring. As the condition worsens, severe intoxication of the body develops.

How to identify an emergency?

Due to their age and insufficiently developed communication skills, not all children are able to convey their feelings and the severity of their condition to their elders. You can suspect signs of the development of dangerous and emergency diseases by the appearance of the child and the changes occurring in his body.

The main symptom is pain. It develops in almost all dangerous diseases. The child complains of abdominal pain, the anterior abdominal wall is tense. He tries to take a lying position on his right side or stomach, so the unpleasant sensations recede a little.

Increased body temperature, increased sweating, weakness, malaise, increased heart rate and pale skin indicate the development of intoxication and a severe pathological process. The child vomits bile repeatedly, the condition is accompanied by loose stools, even a sip of water provokes a new attack of vomiting.

An emergency request for medical help is also required in situations where dietary errors have been noticed. Prerequisites for poisoning include eating stale foods, eating raw fish or vegetables and fruits that have not been sufficiently processed. Overeating can also provoke bile vomiting when the child does not know how to stop and a single meal is several times larger than the usual portion. These conditions require contacting the infectious diseases service in order to relieve intoxication and identify the pathogen.

A dangerous condition develops after drinking a large fatty meal with plenty of cold water. In this case, vomiting bile is a harbinger of a serious condition, which is popularly called “intestinal volvulus” (intestinal obstruction that develops as a result of rotation of the intestinal loop). Often the pathology is irreversible and death is possible.


First aid must be provided to every child when vomiting occurs. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink enough plain water or diluted with lemon juice. There is a medicinal alternative - this is a solution of Regidron, which has a salt base and promotes fluid retention in the body.

No food or medicine should be given on your own until emergency medical assistance arrives, so as not to erase the symptoms of the disease. The child should lie on his side to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract, as this is fraught with the development of aspiration and asphyxia (suffocation).

After diagnosis, specialists decide possible treatment tactics. For gallbladder kinks, stenosis and intestinal obstruction, surgical treatment is more often performed. Acute pancreatitis, infections of various natures and poisoning are treated conservatively; if a serious condition develops, hospitalization in a specialized hospital is indicated.

There are some folk remedies used for vomiting bile:

  1. 1. Beet juice. The root vegetable must be boiled, grated, placed in cheesecloth and squeezed. Take the resulting juice 3 times a day, 15 ml before meals.
  2. 2. Dill seeds. Take 1 teaspoon of seeds and pour a glass of water, boil. For nausea, take 30 ml 3 times a day.
  3. 3. Vegetable juices. Any freshly squeezed vegetable juices will be helpful for nausea or vomiting.

Before using these products, you should consult your doctor, because there are contraindications.

– This is a protective function of the body, acting reflexively. Usually, vomiting is first preceded by nausea, stomach cramps begin, and increased salivation appears. The exit to the intestine closes, but the esophagus expands and the inlet opens.

The stomach pushes its contents out through the esophagus and mouth. This process is regulated by the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata. During the process of vomiting, leftover food, gastric juice, mucus, and sometimes bile are thrown out of the stomach. Even less common is blood or purulent discharge.

A healthy child will not vomit!

Vomiting occurs in the following cases:

  • An inflammatory process in the stomach caused by infection.
  • liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased intracranial pressure due to birth trauma.

Vomiting can occur in both adults and small children. She doesn't just appear. There are always reasons, and this is a serious cause for concern. Especially if the child is vomiting.

Vomiting of bile in infants

The cause of vomiting in infants is often an incorrect grasp of the breast when sucking. The baby swallows air, which causes a similar stomach reaction. Vomiting in infants is caused by overeating due to incorrect calculation of feeding rates. Often the feeding rate on the packaging is overestimated. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such calculations together with your pediatrician.

But if a baby vomits like a fountain in the first 2-4 weeks, if the vomit is bilious-greenish in color and exceeds the amount eaten, if the baby’s urine is blood-red, and the stool is extremely rare, there is every reason to be wary. There are all the signs of pathology of the gastric outlet. This outlet, connecting the stomach to the intestines, is so narrow that even the baby's liquid food is not able to pass through it.

Sometimes you can't do without hospitalization

The pathology is very life-threatening for the baby, so you should immediately contact a children's medical facility. Because this pathology can only be corrected surgically. Another, not so dangerous, but extremely unpleasant problem in infants is pylorospasm, or pyloric spasm, which can also cause frequent bouts of vomiting and regurgitation in infants, especially girls.

The cause of this pathology is the immaturity of the neuromuscular ligaments, which lead to premature relaxation of the muscle after feeding. The vomit contains food residues with bile. These babies gain weight very slowly. The only measure to prevent pylorospasm may be frequent feedings, but in reduced portions. And constant monitoring by a pediatrician and pediatric neurologist.

Another serious pathology that occurs in infants, accompanied by vomiting with bile, lack of stool and bleeding from the anus, is intussusception. In other words, obstruction. At the first signs of such a pathology, the baby should be immediately taken to the hospital and operated on. You can also understand that the baby has an intestinal obstruction by the fact that the child turns pale, does not allow his tummy to be touched, and peristalsis cannot be heard.

Every mother should know that vomiting in a baby does not just happen. A healthy child, as a rule, does not vomit. Vomiting in a baby is an SOS signal from his body, and immediate action must be taken.

Do not self-medicate, do not experiment on your baby. Breasts are very delicate creatures; not all of the baby’s organs are fully formed, so raising a healthy child can only be done in close collaboration with a local pediatrician.

It’s great if the mother’s phone number in the first place in her phone book is the phone number of the local pediatrician, and in such cases she will consult first with her doctor, and then only look for answers on forums on the Internet.

Vomiting of bile in young children and adolescents

Elevated temperature during vomiting is an alarming symptom

Vomiting with the presence of bile is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth. The contents are greenish in color. Occurs in the following cases:

  • Abuse of fatty, fried foods;
  • Develops or pancreas;
  • Gastric pathologies;
  • Acute intestinal infections;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Poisoning from chemicals and even alcoholic beverages.

If an infection is suspected, mothers are often given tetracycline antibiotics. But drugs from this group of antibiotics often themselves provoke nausea and vomiting. This must be known and taken into account in the process of treating a child.

What to do?

Did your child vomit bile? First of all, it is necessary not to panic. If you guess the cause of vomiting and suspect poisoning, do a gastric lavage. And then give it to him. If you are sure that there could be no poisoning, then it is better to give him cool boiled water with mint drops. Put the child to bed. If he has a fever, give him an antipyretic. At such moments, people usually do not want to eat.

Do not insist, let the patient’s stomach clear, do not feed for 5-6 hours. If vomiting continues frequently, give your child warm, boiled water to drink to avoid dehydration. You can also, and this is recommended by traditional healers, dilute orange juice with boiled water and give the child this drink. Do not leave your child alone, unattended while he is sick. If within 12-18 hours the little patient’s condition does not improve or begins to worsen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not refuse to admit your baby to the hospital if the doctor recommends hospitalization. In a hospital setting, the correct diagnosis will be made and the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Bend of the gallbladder

A substance called bile is concentrated in the gallbladder and is actively involved in digestion, and in particular in the breakdown of fats. Bile travels through the common bile duct to where it performs its functions.

Often the cause of vomiting with a small amount of bile is a bend in the gallbladder. This pathology has become increasingly common in children aged 6-10 years in recent years. It is often asymptomatic, but if the bend completely blocks the bile ducts, the disease can be accompanied by acute pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting. If a set of such symptoms appears, you should immediately go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe treatment and determine a diet. If a child has been diagnosed with a bent gallbladder, there is no need to panic.

As a rule, the child outgrows this pathology. The internal organs also grow and usually straighten out. Diet is important to ensure that the gallbladder does not work with overload, does not produce more bile than it can dump into the intestines, and that stones do not form.


A child should not be left unattended when vomiting.

Poisoning can be caused not only by accidentally drinking chemicals, but also by simply stale food. Therefore, when buying products in a store, always check the expiration dates and release dates of the products. Before giving anything to your child, make sure of its quality for yourself. The younger the child, the more care must be taken when choosing food.

Keep chemicals and medications away from the child's eyes. It’s better if the cabinet with chemicals is locked with a key. Having barely learned to crawl, small children strive to explore the world. And the only source of such knowledge for them remains the mouth. They try to taste everything that falls into their hands. Remember this and choose safe toys for kids. Wash them often. Remove anything that could harm your baby from sight.

The child's menu should contain as little fried, smoked and fatty foods as possible. The children's digestive system is not adapted to frequent stress.

Feed your children soups with meat or chicken broth, fish soup. Give more fruits, boiled or raw vegetables. And let such dishes as cutlets, fried fish, or even fried fish become a Sunday delicacy. For children who have problems with the gallbladder and pancreas, these products should be excluded altogether.

Traditional healers recommend giving a child prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. spoon of chopped rose hips per 1 cup of boiling water. This infusion must be boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into a thermos, where it will infuse for 3-4 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Vomiting, regurgitation in a child in the first month of life, what diseases need to be excluded? Answers in video consultation:

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Hello, dear parents. Today we will look at a condition such as vomiting bile in a child. You will learn what symptoms may accompany this phenomenon. Find out possible factors influencing the occurrence of vomiting. Let's talk about ways to help the baby, as well as possible treatment for such vomiting.

Why does it occur

The reason may lie in problems with the functioning of the gallbladder.

Many reasons can influence the occurrence of bile in a child, in particular, bile. It is worth considering that this process in itself is not a disease. This is a symptom indicating the presence of some disease in the child’s body.

There are groups of factors influencing the occurrence of such a condition.

  1. Central, which affects the brain:
  • epilepsy;
  1. Toxic:
  • result of poisoning;
  • infection;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  1. Gastrointestinal diseases:
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcer;
  • peritonitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • appendicitis.

Additional symptoms

Bouts of vomiting may be accompanied by severe abdominal pain

Based on what disease provokes vomiting, the type and nature of vomit may differ.

  1. In the presence of a disease associated with the brain, vomiting will be scanty, there will be no dependence on food intake, and it is almost always accompanied by pain in the head. It is also worth considering that in this case, vomiting occurs suddenly, without nausea and does not bring relief.
  2. For pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It mainly appears after eating, brings relief, and is accompanied by abdominal pain. If chronic gastritis occurs, vomiting may occur in the morning.
  3. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease - profuse vomiting, sour smell.
  4. Inflammation of the gallbladder, dyskinesia. Pain occurs in the right hypochondrium and can radiate under the shoulder blade and into the shoulder.
  5. Pancreatitis is characterized by repeated vomiting that does not bring relief. There is a girdle pain.
  6. Diseases of the biliary tract, the presence of a duodenal ulcer are accompanied by prolonged vomiting. The color of the vomit is green or yellow, and there may be white foam.

It is worth considering such characteristic symptoms as the presence of fever, diarrhea or repeated vomiting. These signs can narrow the range of possible pathologies.

  1. If this condition is repeated many times, this may indicate both the presence of an intestinal infection and gastritis. But most often the problem is the syndrome of cyclic vomiting, which develops mainly due to physical fatigue, stress or an infectious disease.
  2. If vomiting with fever, this is most likely a sign of an infection in the body, an inflammatory process, or intestinal poisoning. Appendicitis, pancreatitis, and peritonitis may occur here. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. If there is vomiting and fever, along with severe headaches, meningitis may occur.
  3. If vomiting without fever, then most likely poisoning or a viral infection can be ruled out. But it is also worth considering the likelihood of a weakened immune system, in which the temperature will not rise, even if there is an intestinal infection. In most cases, this condition is observed with helminthiasis, liver diseases, and gastritis.
  4. If, in addition to the actual vomiting of bile, there is diarrhea, then there may also be several options that provoke this condition:
  • gastritis, accompanied by abdominal pain and general weakness;
  • , develops more often if preceded by antibiotics;
  • pancreatitis, with this condition, remnants of undigested food are noticeable in the stool.

If vomiting and diarrhea are also accompanied by a high temperature, then there is an intestinal infection or serious poisoning, for example, as a result of eating fatty foods. Diarrhea and vomiting help remove toxins. Parents should understand that in such a situation it is extremely important to replenish the water-salt balance in order to prevent the development of dehydration.

  1. If the condition is accompanied by abdominal pain, problems with the gallbladder cannot be ruled out, namely, an inflammatory process or difficulties with the patency of the ducts. When bile is released into the stomach, a state of nausea initially occurs, followed by vomiting, attacks begin to recur, a new portion of bile is released, and the patient’s health condition worsens. In addition to problems with the gallbladder, it may also indicate the presence of:
  • intestinal blockage, particularly observed in newborns;
  • gastritis.

These symptoms can also be observed in preschool children if there is no normal diet. That is why children before the age of seven are not recommended to consume foods such as canned food, smoked sausages, spices, and spicy foods.

When you need to urgently call a doctor

There are a number of conditions in which calling a doctor is vital. Parents should pay attention to these warning signs:

  • complaints of very severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • strong increase in temperature;
  • repeated vomiting, which was preceded by eating spoiled foods or taking medications;
  • vomiting accompanied by diarrhea;
  • the appearance of signs of dehydration (dry tongue, skin, mucous membranes, crying without tears, lack of urine for more than six hours);
  • blood is found in the vomit.

First aid

The child should be given something to drink, but in small portions

  1. First of all, you need to think about the importance of maintaining complete calm. You should make sure that your baby calms down too, because vomiting will cause him considerable anxiety.
  2. Call the doctor. While you are waiting for him, do not leave your child’s side for a minute.
  3. It is important that the little one does not lie on his back, otherwise you risk vomit getting into the respiratory tract. It is recommended to maintain an upright body position or have the baby lie on its side, or at least turn its head to the side.
  4. It is important to give fluids if you are vomiting to prevent dehydration. In such a situation, solutions of salts and glucose are recommended, which can be prepared at home using pharmaceutical preparations in powder form. You can also make this product at home from salt, sugar and soda. It is important that drinks are given in small portions, but often.
  5. Before an examination by a specialist, it is unacceptable to give the child any medications, including antiemetics.

Treatment options

Based on the diagnosis, the type of therapy will differ. The following groups of drugs are most often used.

  1. Prokinetics. Such drugs are prescribed to coordinate the functioning of the digestive system. This could be Motilak, Cerucal, Motilium.
  2. Receptor blocking drugs. For example, Dramamine, No-spasm.
  3. Antispasmodics. Medicines that can reduce contraction and reduce the tone of smooth muscles of the digestive tract, for example, Drotaverine, Spasmol or No-shpa.
  4. A sedative to calm the condition, for example, Persen.
  5. Sorbents that allow you to accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body.
  6. If there is an intestinal infection - antibiotics.
  7. Regidron can be used to restore water balance.
  8. Antiemetic drugs, for example, Motilium.

Surgery may be used. Only in situations where conservative therapy is powerless, in particular, with cholelithiasis, if the duct is clogged, with abnormal development of the bile ducts, peritonitis or appendicitis.

Diet features

Probably every parent knows that after such a malfunction in the body it is necessary to follow a certain diet.

  1. After such vomiting, you need to feed him only when he asks and in small portions.
  2. The following is prohibited:
  • cold food;
  • soda;
  • salty;
  • fatty foods;
  • smoked;
  • fried foods;
  • conservation;
  • food that is unpleasant for the child.
  1. The diet should include:
  • rice broth;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • Rye bread;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish.

Folk remedies

You can also alleviate the child’s condition using traditional medicine.

  1. Beetroot juice. Boil the beets until half cooked, grate them, and squeeze the juice out of them. The child is given a teaspoon three times a day.
  2. Peppermint infusion. The plant is crushed, poured with hot water, boiling water, and left to infuse for two hours. Use a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. A decoction of dill seeds. Take a teaspoon of seeds, add water (one glass), and bring to a boil. After cooling, give a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Freshly squeezed potato or carrot juice.

Despite the fact that folk remedies are natural and do not pose any threat, it is still not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor. Do not forget about possible serious conditions that vomiting bile may indicate; the child may need emergency help.

Precautionary measures

Particular attention should be paid to the child’s nutrition

  1. In order for parents to take care of preventing possible vomiting in their child, special importance must be given to proper nutrition of the toddler.
  2. You cannot force feed your baby.
  3. Meals should include only high-quality and fresh foods.
  4. In the presence of chronic pathologies of the digestive system, in particular, diseases associated with the gallbladder and biliary tract, it is necessary to take medications regularly.
  5. After the child eats, it is not recommended to get up suddenly or lie down immediately. You need to sit in an upright position for at least half an hour.
  6. It is important that the last meal occurs no less than three hours before going to bed.
  7. The baby, as well as the newborn, must be held in an upright position for 20 minutes after feeding.
  8. It is important to take care of a favorable climate in the family, minimize the impact of stress, and not overstrain the child.
  9. You need to think about general strengthening activities, hardening procedures, gymnastics, and regular walks in the fresh air.
  10. It is important to observe the prevention of infectious and viral diseases, in particular, through timely vaccination.

Now you know for what reasons vomiting of bile may occur, and what the treatment may be for this. As you can see, serious health problems are often to blame. Therefore, you should not hesitate, try to do something yourself. It is better to immediately seek help from a specialist rather than waste precious time.