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Loyalty rating of Zodiac signs: from the most loyal to the most unfaithful. The most faithful and unfaithful zodiac signs

Loyalty in our time is a rare phenomenon, commensurate with the most valuable currency in a person’s life - time. Money can't buy loyalty. Did you know that for some people fidelity is the meaning of life, that is, not a characteristic of moral and ethical standards, but the core. A truly intangible trait was inherited by some from their parents (upbringing), by others as a result of personality formation, and by others from the stars. Ukrainian astrologers conducted a series of social surveys, within the framework of which they managed to compile rating of the most faithful zodiac signs. Remember that, first and foremost, loyalty is a choice, not a characteristic. Therefore, you should not treat the statistics below as truth.

Pisces - loyal within relationships

If you are dating a representative of the Pisces zodiac sign, get ready for unpredictable events. As practice shows, they are true only when they start families. In a relationship, they do not consider it necessary to give up all the benefits of freedom because the partner is not ready for an important step - married life. However, after the wedding you will see completely different people. They begin to completely surrender to their beloved half, stop living only for themselves! Their ego disappears.

Libra - don't like to choose

It is believed that Libra received the gift of love from the stars. Apparently, this is due to the fact that they are not a loyal sign of the zodiac; however, there are also faithful representatives of the constellation, but they are rare. As a rule, girls do not know how to make choices. If they are faced with a choice between choosing one of two guys, they will prefer to stay with the one who wins the duel. Apparently, it was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin who fell in love with Libra. The Libra guy is often too frivolous about choosing a girl, so he often “goes to the left” during marriage. However, a lot depends on upbringing.

Leos are loyal if they have something to lose

It is impossible to call Lviv traitors without debriefing. They can live their whole lives loving one woman or one man. Moreover, they are able to forgive betrayal, understand and find a compromise. Typically, this compromise is a similar action. Leos often follow one principle: you must do the same with people! If you think of deceiving them twice, you can forget about a good relationship. At a psychological level, they develop hostility, not only towards false love, but also towards all representatives or representatives of the sex. Most often, it is the first mistakes in a love relationship that reduce the understanding of fidelity to a given zodiac sign to something unnecessary!

Aries are capable of betraying in the name of...

A good leader is an example to follow. Aries received the gift of creation; they can lead people. If they need to impress their partner, stand out from the crowd, or show who's boss, they can go A extremes. Often this extreme is treason. However, even in friendship everything involves relativity. If a friend is above business, Aries will begin to doubt the need for friendship entirely. Remember the films in which the emperor was ready to sacrifice his own son in the name of the entire nation? It is this heroism, for some nonsense, that explains Aries’ understanding of life. But not always. Among this sign there are faithful people.

Scorpio - always stings first

Oh, you won’t envy the person who dared to betray this zodiac sign. However, this phenomenon is rare, because Scorpios always intuitively sense a threat. Their essence is danger itself. The zodiac sign values ​​fidelity as long as it believes in love. But as soon as Scorpio is faced with the cruelty of people, as if a vampire who has tasted blood, they become the personification of danger. They betray, cheat, deceive, but elegantly. Loyalty is reserved for the few. They can be tyrants towards the whole world. That one/only person is rare, that’s why they betray you. As a rule, Geminis are faithful.

Cancer - does not like conflicts

Cancers are the first to break down when domestic quarrels and conflicts arise! This zodiac sign has no problem choosing one person for life. But the limited view of the majority of representatives of the constellation leads to the fact that they begin to look for a way to relieve tension in infidelity. The signs that remain true are those who have realized that:

  1. Household problems are a temporary phenomenon;
  2. Depression is a temporary condition;
  3. With all zodiac signs, mutual understanding is needed to remain faithful;
  4. It is necessary to fight life's difficulties together;
  5. Everything in the world is relative, but everyone is the same.

Cancers, you can’t be selfish. It’s not just like this with you...

Capricorns - understanding and support

You can remain faithful to the Capricorn zodiac sign through two important psychological components: understanding and support. Even if the whole world criticizes Capricorns, you will say: you are doing everything right. He will prove to the whole world that he was right, and you will receive the honors of his victory. Capricorns are stubborn, sometimes unbearable, but they need support. If you argue and criticize, they are unlikely to change, but they may leave forever!

Aquarians are afraid of betrayal

Quite often, Aquarians try to seem like hardened machos or heartbreakers, but in reality this zodiac sign values ​​fidelity more, because it is afraid of betrayal. Subconsciously, many Aquarians behave untiedly in order to quickly redeem who they dislike. As a result, they fall in love with the image and picture that they themselves play. In simple terms, Aquarians are more likely than others to experience betrayal when they behave unnaturally. You attract exactly those people whom you initially find unpleasant.

Sagittarius - Cupid of Devotion

Sagittarians know how to instill in people the need for fidelity. They are gifted with an understanding of human error. They can prove to anyone that loyalty is the most important factor in a successful relationship. Quite often, the zodiac sign is the first to refute its statements about fidelity, as a result of which it gains universal hatred. If you raise the bar to this level, live up to it. However, Sagittarians are faithful and you shouldn’t believe every word they say. Everyone makes mistakes. They are just sometimes embarrassed about the fact that they are Old Believers. But not all!

Virgo - playful but loyal

Virgo can be described as a meticulous, necessary person. But have you at least once seen it in action? These are the same heartthrobs:

  • easily seek attention;
  • the ability to flirt is in the blood;
  • capable of leaving everyone bewildered;
  • can simultaneously communicate with 5 people, both Virgo guys and girls;
  • however, they love only once.

In fact, this is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac, which remains devoted in a relationship. But he communicates with many!

Taurus - will never betray you!

Even if 10 out of 10 Taurus partners betray them, they will not stoop to their level. They always remain calm and understand the basic principles of successful relationships. It’s a pity that it is Taurus who often come across unfaithful zodiac signs. At the same time, it is quite difficult for them to form relationships with Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. By the way, Taurus has good compatibility with Taurus.

Which zodiac sign is the most loyal?

Twins - the most faithful zodiac sign. Representatives of the third constellation may seem not at all loyal, “cables”, excuse the expression, and... You get the idea! In fact, they are not like that at all. It’s just that about 30 people live in them at the same time. But in relationships they are faithful.

He who promises a lot delivers little.

This applies to Gemini, but words about fidelity should be taken sincerely, because Gemini does not like traitors. They treat people with an open heart, and this is so because, really! Remember, they don’t know how to prove the truth; they prefer to refute it.

Using the ranking of Zodiac signs, you can find out which sign is the smartest, which is the most faithful, and which is the most dangerous. Relying on statistical data and compiled ratings, one can draw certain conclusions regarding the various characteristics that representatives of all constellations possess.

The smartest signs of the zodiac

In terms of leadership skills, Sagittarius, alas, gives way to the stupidest sign of the Zodiac, Aries, who, according to the rating, has the lowest IQ level. As for the leadership qualities and skills inherent in Aries, they are not always interconnected with the mind. As a rule, they are directly proportional to intuition and the sixth sense, which cannot be developed using logic alone.

Windy Zodiac Signs

Gemini and Scorpio are the leaders of this rating. Fickle signs include Pisces, who are so smart that almost no one ever suspects that they have an affair. Virgos are also flighty, but only until they meet true love.

The most faithful zodiac signs

The most faithful include representatives of the constellations Capricorn, Leo and Scorpio. According to the compiled rating of zodiac signs, these are the most faithful life partners. They will not have love affairs if there is a loved one nearby. However, unfortunately, for some representatives of the remaining signs, physical intimacy means more than spiritual intimacy. Therefore, before making a choice and settling on a specific chosen one, astrologers recommend familiarizing yourself with the rating of husbands by zodiac sign.

Best husbands

Rating of ideal wives

For both men and women, there is a rating of wives compiled by astrologers by zodiac sign.

The most jealous zodiac signs

Such a quality as jealousy is inherent in every person, however, there are zodiac signs that cannot cope with this trait of their character. These are Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Representatives of the Libra sign are also very jealous, but they, as a rule, keep all emotions to themselves.

The most dangerous sign

Scorpio is considered the worst sign of the Zodiac. It is the representatives of this zodiac constellation who are the most hot-tempered and dangerous people. Pushkin also argued that Scorpio combines such qualities as genius and villainy. However, there are also smart people among Scorpios, but they, as a rule, rarely use their intelligence for reasonable purposes. Scorpios have a rich inner and emotional world.


After reading the ratings presented in this article, we can draw a conclusion as to who is the most faithful sign of the Zodiac and who is the most flighty. However, do not forget that every person cannot fully meet the above characteristics. Date of birth and, accordingly, zodiac sign are, of course, an important indicator, but the above information should not be taken too seriously.

You know firsthand how painful betrayal can be - the last thing you want to do is go through this ordeal again. Forewarned is forearmed. Astrologers have identified a pattern: based on personal character traits, some zodiac signs deceive their significant other much more often than others. Moreover, each of them has their own reasons for this. We give you a few “cosmic clues” that will help you navigate - what can you count on when you meet someone new?


The possibility of betrayal on the part of Aries is 50/50. On the one hand, they do not waste words and always fulfill their promises. On the other hand, they easily take risks and adventures in order to simply dispel boredom. If the energetic Aries is going to cheat, then most likely he lacks bright emotions and dynamics in the relationship. They are very active, and if their partner fails to maintain their rhythm, they easily continue moving forward without him. In addition, Aries are the owners of a solid ego, which requires constant attention. Show him physical affection regularly and do everything possible to maintain the WOW effect in the relationship.


One of the most faithful companions in life. If such a man falls in love, then it is forever. They seriously believe in “love until the grave” and “marital vows.” One gets the feeling that the handsome princes from fairy tales, every single one of them, are Taurus. The only reason why they can cheat is if they suddenly seriously suspect that their partner is cheating on them. This will be a kind of revenge or act of revenge, which they would never dare to do under other circumstances. Show Taurus how much you care about him on a physical and emotional level, and you can rest assured of his devotion.


Keep your ears open - these partners are very fickle and quite calculating. Both qualities constantly introduce them into temptation, which Gemini is unable to resist. Representatives of this sign often require “intellectual stimulation” - they should be interested in talking to you. In most cases, they realize their need for flirting through dating sites, social networks and email, but rarely move from the virtual space to reality. Regularly stimulate Gemini's interest sexually and mentally - you can be sure that it will not go away from you.

Another zodiac sign with a fairly low level of trust. The reasons for infidelity are pickiness and daydreaming. They themselves do not know what they want from life, but they require endless attention. Cancers are extremely insecure and, at times, cheating is a desperate way for them to increase their own self-esteem. Moreover, they manage to blame their inattentive partner for these infidelities, but never admit their guilt. Let Cancer feel most desirable, and he will not escape from you.

At first glance, imposing and self-confident Leos are alpha males who are ready to change women like gloves. In reality, this is not the case at all. They are really “led” by the attractive, bright appearance of the opposite sex, but at the same time, they will be infinitely loyal to their “queen”. They are so principled that it seems that nothing can make them commit treason. This quality makes Leo lovers very reliable partners. With one caveat! Under no circumstances should you be better, richer, more successful or more talented than him. Otherwise, they will run to assert themselves in someone else’s bed. Another lion’s weakness is age; if they commit betrayal, it is with a much younger passion.


Breathe out - you can definitely trust him. Such men are distinguished by a complex character, a desire for loneliness, constant reflection and a rather measured life. They like it when they are loved not for their merits, but just like that. Rest assured, if Virgo chose you as his companion, he came to this decision consciously, after weighing everything well. Another feature of this sign is that it is very squeamish, including regarding casual sexual partners. Therefore, if he ever decides to take a fatal step and commits treason, it will be far from a frivolous relationship.


After all, this is a balanced and fairly fair zodiac sign. Libra men love stability and take on any obligations seriously, so they usually do not cheat. On the other hand, they are no strangers to flirting, so they can (even unintentionally) be drawn into a situation where this very flirting goes too far. If you can become not only a lover for your partner, but also a friend, this will benefit your relationship. Libras do not know how to hide their feelings, so if cheating happens, rest assured, he will admit everything himself.


One of the most passionate, but completely unreliable lovers. This is exactly the case when people commit treason solely out of physiological needs. Therefore, one of the best ways to tie a Scorpio to you, no matter how trivial it may sound, is sex: frequent, varied, inventive... An insatiable partner will be incredibly devoted and will linger in your bed for a long time.


Just like Aries and Leo, fiery Sagittarius is constantly in need of action and adventure, including in the bedroom. If you share Sagittarius' adventurous spirit and don't restrict his freedom too much, he can be a very loyal partner. He is ready to give you his attention, but, at the same time, he categorically does not believe in love, he rarely becomes attached to someone with all his heart, and if he enters into an alliance, it is with the amendment “the time has come.” If a Sagittarius flirts too much, it could end up accidentally leading to trouble.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to evaluate the fidelity of women only by their belonging to a certain Zodiac Sign, many still show a desire for betrayal more often than others.

Astrologers have identified 6 Signs whose representatives cheat most often. The stars have distributed everything so that in each element there is at least one or two Signs, belonging to which can show that a woman is more predisposed to cheating. From this article you can find out which ladies are most difficult to call the most faithful.

Sixth place - Capricorn

Despite the fact that Capricorn is an earthly sign, women and girls born under this constellation are not distinguished by fidelity. More precisely, they will always be with you if everything suits them. For example, they have a rich husband and stability. Once that's gone, they'll leave. No matter how much they swear their loyalty to you, they are not marrying your soul and character, but rather your money, position or something else. They themselves will not like what they do, so Capricorns choose their husband very carefully. Many men will say that Capricorns are the most faithful ladies in the world. This is true, but only because you did not have a chance to test their love for strength and themselves for this very loyalty.

Fifth place - Taurus

The second earthly sign on our list of the most unfaithful wives and girls. Taurus are ambitious ladies who have a clear predisposition to cheating because they are always looking at other men. While they are in love, they belong to one man, but then they become more susceptible to compliments and attention from others. They have a love of dynamics in their blood. Taurus women do not stay long with rich but boring men. They are not interested in consistency. The only way to keep a Taurus woman is to constantly stir up her interest. You need to show that you are easy to lose, then the Taurus lady will be with you. True, there is one big disadvantage in this method of retention - jealousy. Taurus is a bundle of jealousy. They can fight, scream, be hysterical. These are perhaps the largest owners in the world. Having children will also help keep Taurus, because family comes first for them.

Fourth place - Pisces

This is a typical representative of the Water Signs of the Zodiac. Pisces may not cheat on you in the literal sense of the word, but they will definitely flirt. Girls born under this Sign can cheat on a man with whom they do not have a very long relationship or are unclear in some way. If Pisces are not confident in their partner, then a violation of fidelity cannot be avoided. Of course, some factor may hold them back, but this is unlikely. If it consoles you, then representatives of this Sign do not feel anything towards those with whom they cheat on you. It's not normal for them, no. They are simply monogamous, but cannot restrain themselves from the forbidden fruit. Mostly Pisces do this quite carelessly, because they do not know how to lie well enough, so you will immediately find out about their lies. A little more observation will help you understand that the girl of this Sign wanted the attention of another man.

Third place - Libra

This airy Zodiac Sign is very emotional, very dynamic, jealous and prone to affairs on the side. Libra girls do not consider cheating a problem, unless, of course, their man finds out about it. The overwhelming share of Libra's infidelities occurs during the premarital period. If you are not married to a Libra, then such ladies will constantly look for another man. Of course, this does not happen on purpose, but automatically. It’s just that Libra is very susceptible to flattery and compliments. If you don't do them, someone else will do them. Do not suggest testing the relationship, separating, separating for a while. During this period, Libra women will not waste time. They, like Taurus, are stopped from cheating only by marriage, children, increased control and constant love. If you are ready to work for such a relationship all your life, then get ready for difficulties. You'll have to keep your fire burning.

Second place - Scorpio

The Scorpio girl is something. Of course, they are beautiful and charismatic, emotional, but their betrayals defy logical explanation. There are, undoubtedly, representatives of this Sign who will never lie to their man, but among the Scorpio ladies there are more than half of those who can cheat just like that, without any second thought. Sometimes they test their feelings in this way, which makes no sense. Scorpio women are very dangerous players in love, because they lack the acuity of feelings and lightness. Astrologers and astropsychologists do not undertake to give a clear answer to the question “why?” and for what?". You won't understand Scorpios, you can only love them.

Honored Leader - Gemini

Geminis can get tired of the game of love at any time. These ladies are so unpredictable that you are simply amazed. They can change at any stage of the relationship, even if you are married or just been together for a long time. If you have children, then know that this will not stop Gemini girls from searching for new adventures and sensations. They come back, and not only to you. It feels like they want to own all the men at the same time. When they are abandoned, they fill everything with tears. They take revenge, do nasty things, but then they can still come back to you if you want them to. Loyalty for such women and girls is a temporary and very fragile concept. They are smart and interesting, but this is not something you should focus on for yourself. Don't expect honesty from them. They will lie to your face and think everything is fine.

Other Signs

You can put in sixth or fifth place those you didn’t see on the list Sagittarius and Aries. These fire Signs are mistakenly perceived by many people as not very true, but this is not so. Fire Signs, especially women, are people of principles. Although they are flighty and independent, they will not lie to you. They will tell you straight up that they don't want to see you or that they don't like you. Of course, not everyone has the courage to do this, which is why they are located almost in the same place as Capricorns, but still a little lower. The men of these Signs are a different matter. And Leos, and Aries, and Sagittarius are still ladies' men, womanizers and "Don Juans".

Leo and Cancer- the most faithful wives and girlfriends, because the former believe that “queens” should not look for love on the side, and the latter simply love their men too much. Cancers will never be able to change on an emotional level. These are pathological family men. You can trust these women, as well as Lionesses, without any problems.

Virgo They respect their time too much, so they will not date those men who, at least theoretically, can be cheated on. Virgos walking to the left are like water flowing back into a faucet. Aquarius in this regard, they are similar to Virgos, because they can only flirt with other men, but they will not touch someone else’s property even at gunpoint.

The main reason for adultery is the lack of understanding of your other half. When there is no mutual understanding, discord begins, which is why betrayal becomes so harmless at first and painful later. Learn to put yourself in your spouse's shoes. Be diplomatic and flexible, and also remember that love should inspire you, give you something, and not only demand return. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

True zodiac sign - Not every family is ready to remain faithful in marriage, perceiving the devotion of the spouses as a limitation. Not only men, but also women think this way. But it turns out that there are people who value fidelity in relationships and are ready to be devoted and loving throughout their lives. Only able to respect and show feelings of love even in difficult circumstances.

Astrologer's advice: By observing the planets and stars above our heads, it is possible to realize the correct solution to complex problems, even without having any special knowledge. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

Anyone can be faithful

Most often, women suffer from adultery. It is they who become interested in who is the best in the family.

What woman does not want to build strong and long-term marriage relationships? After all, each of them dreams of a happy marriage, which will be based on love and mutual understanding.

In fact, absolutely any zodiac sign can become faithful, but not everyone finds it easy and simple. Many people work on themselves and make incredible efforts to become worthy for their other half.

Astrologer's advice: Be sure to take into account that a personal horoscope from an astrologer provides a lot of data that cannot be obtained from general characteristics. .

Who is the leader in marital fidelity among men?

To the very true zodiac signs There are three leaders - Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo.

Capricorn always pragmatic and not an adventurer. He will not waste his energy on temporary and useless connections on the side. Capricorn is a little reserved, inclined to practicality and would rather immerse himself in work than break his devotion to his loved one.

Despite his sexuality and lustfulness Scorpion is also a faithful man in marriage. He values ​​strong family relationships and is unlikely to be attracted to fleeting connections. Especially considering that Scorpio treats others with distrust and suspicion.

A lion - Samoyi is very different from other zodiac signs in that he is monogamous. This man has the correct idea of ​​a happy marriage in which the woman has one husband and the man has one wife. Leo is a passionate sign of the zodiac, he is very well versed in love affairs, but, nevertheless, having affairs on the side is not his element. He primarily values ​​spiritual intimacy, so he spends most of his time with his beloved wife.

Who is the leader in marital fidelity among women?

Woman- a lion is a faithful wife and will never allow herself even flirting and coquetry, not to mention any kind of love affairs. She will always be devoted to her loved one, because cheating on her husband is beneath her dignity. Lionesses are very beautiful and majestic women whom you just want to admire.

Woman- Capricorn prefers stability in marital relationships, so she is not ready for any changes. Still, betrayal can be called a turn to something new, but since Capricorns are not inclined to change, then love relationships on the side are impossible in their case.

Woman- Scorpion always knows what she wants in life, she is a devoted wife to her man. But if her husband is unfaithful to her, she will feel it, so it’s better not to risk it.