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Rotavirus infection in a nursing mother, treatment. How to recognize rotavirus in infants and children under one year of age: typical signs, first symptoms and treatment. Intestinal flu with hepatitis B

Future mom

29.06.2011, 12:33

29.06.2011, 14:42

Future mom

29.06.2011, 14:51

I was sick when the baby was 2 weeks old, the midwife with whom I gave birth told me to feed more often, because... antibodies in breast milk
The child slept in the same room.
The only thing is a disposable medical bandage on the nose and lips, which was changed several times a day
I was also very afraid - the child did not get sick

Thanks for the answer: flower:!!!

29.06.2011, 15:07

I was sick when my son was 4 months old, the symptoms were almost the same as yours. The doctor said that it is necessary to feed him; milk contains antibodies against this disease. I fed as usual, but I was wearing a gauze bandage all the time, changing it every 2-3 hours. The child did not get sick.
Get well!

29.06.2011, 15:13

Future mom

29.06.2011, 15:14

I had rotavirus, or poisoning is in question. I had fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for a week. I fed my twins in the same way, and did not wear a mask. The children did not get sick.

Did they give the children anything for prevention? We were prescribed Viferon suppositories)))


29.06.2011, 16:04

New life

29.06.2011, 16:13

Please tell me, maybe someone has had a similar experience))) Yesterday I myself got sick - fever, diarrhea, vomiting - I was diagnosed with a rotavirus infection. I have a 3-month-old child. I’m breastfeeding - the pediatrician recommended stopping breastfeeding, switching to formula for 3-4 days... On the Internet they write that you need to continue to feed, and this is not transmitted through milk - only through household contact, but in milk, on the contrary, antibodies are formed. I don’t know - what to do???Should I feed or not???I don’t want to lose milk!!!I really need your advice - who has experienced this?

At 4 months of age the child had rotavirus. She didn’t stop feeding, on the contrary, she fed more often, because... During the illness, milk decreased (I even vomited from water)
The child did not get sick.

29.06.2011, 16:23

Feed more often, your milk is medicine for the baby. There is no point in wearing a mask.

29.06.2011, 19:25

The whole family suffered from this disease:001: (me, my husband and two older children), except for the baby:091:, at that time he was only 6 weeks old, we were completely on breastfeeding: support:

30.06.2011, 00:41

I also caught rotavirus when my daughter was 4 months old, she had diarrhea and a temperature of 38, in the morning she was like a cucumber, she blamed it on poisoning. I continued to feed my daughter wearing a mask, and a week later she got sick: temperature 38.5, green diarrhea. But it turns out my dad brought it... a week before I got sick, he just vomited all night.
Our dad brought the same thing to us when he was 4 months old. I walked around the house wearing a mask, and I took gripferon for myself and my child. Dad was sick during the night and felt sick, but he recovered in the morning. I had a weak stomach for a couple of days, and the child didn’t notice.

30.06.2011, 02:19

Our dad brought the same thing to us when he was 4 months old. I walked around the house wearing a mask, and I took gripferon for myself and my child. Dad was sick during the night and felt sick, but he recovered in the morning. I had a weak stomach for a couple of days, and the child didn’t notice.

Your prevention of rotavirus is very strange: 005: both the mask, and even more so the gripferon, seem completely out of topic to me. Wash your hands after using the toilet, that’s all you need to do. it is not transmitted by airborne droplets


30.06.2011, 12:58

There is power in breast milk! My eldest daughter fell ill with chickenpox, and my baby and I were on breastfeeding and neither of us became infected, although I have never had chickenpox in my life. These are the miracles that breast milk can do.

30.06.2011, 13:01

change pediatrician

30.06.2011, 13:11

Did they give the children anything for prevention? We were prescribed Viferon suppositories)))

Nothing. Viferon ftopka! Do not be ill!

Future mom

30.06.2011, 13:25

I was sick when the baby was 3 weeks old, I fed her, and didn’t stop breastfeeding
change pediatrician

30.06.2011, 13:28

I definitely want to change the pediatrician))) Our insurance aunt is old school, she always suggests weaning me, even during dental treatment. Now I feed the kittens, and the therapist prescribes an antibiotic and the therapist can’t feed them with any antibiotic!!! It’s written on the internet that there are many antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding...

Should I prescribe a/b for rotavirus infection? :001:Why?


30.06.2011, 14:37

I definitely want to change the pediatrician))) Our insurance aunt is old school, she always suggests weaning me, even during dental treatment. Now I feed the kittens, and the therapist prescribes an antibiotic and the therapist can’t feed them with any antibiotic!!! It’s written on the internet that there are many antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding...

I got sick with rotavirus when my daughter was 2 weeks old, breastfed her, and wore a mask. I had fever and vomiting, they prescribed me to take Humana electrolyte, drink Enterol and Hilak Forte, and in the end I got over the infection within 24 hours. My baby didn't get sick. My eldest daughter caught rottovirus somewhere 2 days before I gave birth, she felt very bad, the whole family got infected from her: dad, grandmother, grandfather, I was the last one to get sick.

30.06.2011, 14:54

I definitely want to change the pediatrician))) Our insurance aunt is old school, she always suggests weaning me, even during dental treatment. Now I feed the kittens, and the therapist prescribes an antibiotic and the therapist can’t feed them with any antibiotic!!! It’s written on the internet that there are many antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding...

It's a virus! Antibiotics DO NOT TREAT the virus!

Future mom

30.06.2011, 15:31

it's a virus! Antibiotics DO NOT TREAT the virus!
gentle diet, rehydron, drink more in small portions

30.06.2011, 15:40

The doctor already began to doubt his first diagnosis - I only vomited for the first day. And with rotavirus, according to the doctor, constantly. Now he diagnoses a food poisoning infection of unknown etiology: (High temperature up to 38.5-39 lasts for 2 days, pain in the abdomen and loose stools...) He said that an antibiotic needs to be connected. But my eldest daughter and I have the same symptoms, vomiting too I was only 2 times... My body breaks down like I have the flu. She is now on the mend - no fever for the first day and without an antibiotic (she got sick a day before me...)

Is it true?:073: Replenish fluid loss.


30.06.2011, 16:08

The doctor already began to doubt his first diagnosis - I only vomited for the first day. And with rotavirus, according to the doctor, constantly. Now he diagnoses a food poisoning infection of unknown etiology: (High temperature up to 38.5-39 lasts for 2 days, pain in the abdomen and loose stools...) He said that an antibiotic needs to be connected. But my eldest daughter and I have the same symptoms, vomiting too I was only 2 times... My body breaks down like I have the flu. She is now on the mend - no fever for the first day and without an antibiotic (she got sick a day before me...)

Our whole family suffered from the same virus in different ways: my daughter and I had vomiting and a very high temperature, my husband and my mother had diarrhea and a temperature of 37.2, my dad had diarrhea and vomiting without fever.
If this is really a food poisoning, then yes, you can’t feed him.

Breast milk is without a doubt the most ideal food for a small child. A nursing mother experiences tender and reverent feelings towards her baby. A mutual invisible attraction arises between mother and child. However, everything can be disrupted by any illness, both of the mother and the child. Rotavirus infection can change the usual way of life, which does not go away unnoticed during breastfeeding.

What is rotavirus

Rotavirus causes acute infection when it enters any organism, regardless of age. The main tissue targeted by the virus is the intestinal mucosa. Rotavirus got its name because under a microscope it looks like a spinning wheel with a rim. This pathological agent belongs to the reovirus family.

The main mechanism of infection transmission is fecal-oral. Rotavirus, along with the feces of a sick child or adult, enters the environment. Any failure to comply with personal hygiene conditions will lead to infection. You don't even have to eat. It is enough to rub the eye or mouth area with a mechanical movement - that’s all, rotavirus is in the body.

How can you get infected?

The main causes of infection can be presented as follows:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • eating unprocessed fruits;
  • several people drinking from the same container;
  • use of shared towels;
  • consumption of milk, especially raw milk;
  • ingestion of water from common bathing sources.

The contact route of spread of the virus is also important. It is more important for a nursing mother. If she becomes infected, there is practically no chance that the child will not get sick. The same situation applies to the nursing mother herself, if her infant is somehow infected. The chance of her becoming infected is extremely high, at 95 percent, since there is very close contact between them.

Since at the very beginning of the disease the virus damages the mucous membrane of the pharynx and trachea, there is a possibility of airborne transmission of the agent. However, this method of virus penetration is typical only for mass groups; it does not play a primary role in society.

What symptoms do mother and baby have?

The symptoms of rotavirus lesions in mother and child will differ significantly. As a rule, the nursing mother is already an adult, and therefore the level of acid that is formed due to the work of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa is high. Most rotaviruses that enter the stomach area through the mouth will die instantly, as they are very sensitive to the effects of hydrochloric acid.

If the rotavirus does not die in the stomach, then the nursing mother has another protective factor. We are talking about specific immunoglobulins that were formed in the body in response to similar infections suffered in the past. More than 95 percent of people over 20 years of age have such an immunoglobulin.

Thus, the mother’s symptoms of the lesion will be erased and look like this:

  • slight irritating sensation in the throat when swallowing;
  • change in stool consistency to mushy, possibly once liquid;
  • the frequency of stools per day increases to a maximum of 3 times;
  • slight weakness.
  • The symptoms are nonspecific, and the mother most likely will not pay attention to them. They go away on their own without treatment within three days. However, if infection occurs, which is possible in an erased form, then she will be a carrier of the virus and, without even knowing about the problem, infects the infant.

A child who does not produce enough acid in the stomach and, due to age, does not have protective immunoglobulins, will suffer a classic rotavirus infection. After a short initial period, which lasts no more than 3 days, the main symptoms of the disease form:

  • repeated loose stools;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • febrile fever;
  • the color of the stool is grayish-yellow, similar in appearance to clay;
  • a sharp drop in appetite, the infant refuses to feed;
  • constant anxiety of the baby, which is intensified by crying;
  • runny nose;
  • dark color of urine.

Refusal to eat can be caused not only by intoxication, but also by a child’s sore throat. This is due to the fact that the virus also infects the epithelium of the pharyngeal mucosa.

How to diagnose the disease

The diagnosis is usually not very difficult. A clear combination of respiratory manifestations of the disease with intestinal symptoms confirms that the disease was caused by a rotavirus. This assumption can be confirmed by laboratory methods, which may not always be available in many regional centers. An accurate diagnosis is the polymerase chain reaction to determine the RNA of the virus. The material taken for research is the feces of an infected patient.

If stool examination is impossible for some reason, then determination of acute immunoglobulin in the blood is available. Both tests are very specific and provide reliable diagnosis of pathology. A simple blood test will indirectly help, which will reveal the activity of acute-phase components, for example, leukocytes, neutrophils. Often the diagnosis in provincial settlements is made solely clinically.

Is it possible to breastfeed

The main question that worries a mother, if the baby is sick, is it possible to breastfeed a sick child. The unequivocal answer is yes. If the baby has been breastfed since birth, then this process should not be interrupted under any circumstances.. There are objective reasons for this:

  • through breast milk, the necessary antibodies enter the baby’s body, which help destroy the rotavirus;
  • milk is a necessary liquid to combat intoxication;
  • contains calories and, accordingly, energy, so that the baby’s body quickly removes the rotavirus;
  • milk gives the child calm and confidence;
  • If breastfeeding is stopped, it is often not possible to restore the previous level of lactation after illness.

In a child, rotavirus can cause deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down mother's milk. This does not always happen; often digestion suffers only from intoxication. If lactase problems are diagnosed, then a synthetic version of the child’s own lactase, which is sold in pharmacies, can be used.

How to treat mother and child

There is no specific medicine that affects rotavirus in the arsenal of modern medicine. Symptomatic remedies are used to help the patient’s body fight the disease. The basic principles of treatment can be presented as follows:

  • detoxification;
  • replenishment of electrolyte deficiency;
  • combating vomiting and diarrhea;
  • antipyretics.

Any treatment begins with a diet. For a child, dietary issues are clear; breast milk plays this role. If the mother is sick, it will help:

  • drink plenty of sugar-free drinks
  • rice porrige,
  • no spicy seasonings that irritate the digestion.
  • It is advisable to exclude milk and dairy products for the first days of illness. Since they cause putrefactive and fermentative processes in the mother’s intestines.
  • It is undesirable to eat black bread, cabbage, and legumes.
  • You can have boiled or steamed meat dishes, broths.
  • The main method of preparing food is boiling and steaming. Other methods, especially frying, should be excluded.

Medicines to help

Milk alone is not enough for a child to combat intoxication. Intravenous infusions of plasma-substituting solutions in an age-specific dose are required. The usual dose for an infant is 400 ml of solution per day. The dose can be increased individually according to the decision of a specialist. Vitamins and minerals are added to the solution bottles to combat electrolyte imbalances.

Prokinetics will help eliminate vomiting. For the mother, this is metoclopromide, which is taken orally and under the tongue. Previously, it was also used in children, but due to frequent digestive disorders due to the action of the medicine, it is officially prohibited for up to 2 years. There is a suspension of the drug domperidone, which can be given orally to children, calculating the dose strictly individually. If a mother takes this prokinetic drug, it passes into breast milk, which can contribute to an overdose of the drug in an infant while taking an age-appropriate dose orally.

Enterosorbents will help eliminate diarrhea. It can be regular activated carbon, but it is much more effective and safer to use enterosgel. The medicine is used internally from any age. Allowed during lactation, as it does not pass into breast milk. The medicine is non-toxic, even if the dose is slightly exceeded, the baby will not have any serious problems. The dose for infants is usually half a teaspoon 6 times a day. Can be mixed with breast milk. For the mother, any enterosorbent will help quickly restore stool consistency.

Enterosgel's competitors are smectite and neosmectite. These drugs have the same safety as using the gel, but are available in a powder that must be dissolved in a liquid. They have no age contraindications. They win because of a more affordable price.

An important point for the baby is to lower the temperature. A high fever can cause complications such as damage to the liver, kidneys, and pancreas, and doom the child to suffer for the rest of his life. Analgin in an age-appropriate dose injected into a vein or muscle, as well as paracetamol in suppositories, will help in the fight against fever. The latter is allowed from 1 month of life, has a quick effect that lasts up to 4 hours. On each package of suppositories, the dose and the appropriate age of the baby are conveniently written. The initial dose is 50 mg up to 4 times a day.


Thus, rotavirus infection can cause difficulties in the life of mother and child. However, it does not affect breastfeeding and in most cases proceeds favorably. Modern healthcare effectively combats pathology with symptomatic treatment. If you suspect a rotavirus infection, you should immediately contact a pediatric specialist.

Breast milk is rightfully considered the standard food for children in the first year of life, therefore, if a nursing mother gets sick, the question certainly arises whether it is possible to breastfeed with rotavirus. After all, every new mother strives to provide her baby with healthy and high-quality breast milk, and not to infect the child with her own disease. It is not difficult to become infected with rotavirus; it often does not depend on a person’s lifestyle and living conditions. Not all diseases can negatively affect the quality of milk, but when it comes to rotavirus infection, this situation is worth understanding in more detail.

What is rotavirus

Rotavirus is a specific virus belonging to the reovirus family, the causative agent of rotavirus infection. The harmful organism got its name because of its shape: rotavirus resembles a wheel with spikes, and in Latin “wheel” is “rota”. Visible only under a microscope.

This infectious disease is the most common cause of diarrhea in children. Popularly, this infection is often called intestinal flu, although it has nothing to do with influenza strains. This is due to the fact that the manifestations of the disease are similar to an intestinal disorder, and epidemics of rotavirus infection coincide with outbreaks of influenza. This acute intestinal disease is dangerous because the infectious agents are extremely resistant to low temperatures, as well as to various types of antiseptics and disinfectants.

The action of rotovirus is aimed at the intestinal mucosa. Providing its harmful effect, it leads to a number of intestinal disorders.

Symptoms of the disease in adults and children

The disease manifests itself differently in adults and children. This is explained by the fact that the stomach of an adult contains more hydrochloric acid secreted by parietal cells, which has a detrimental effect on the pathogen. When the virus enters the stomach through the mouth, a significant portion dies.

The second level of protection in the body in an adult is the presence of immunoglobulins that arose earlier in response to the disease. But if, nevertheless, the disease strikes a person, then its symptoms will be as follows:

  • General weakness and lethargy.
  • Liquid, pasty or watery stools.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat and pain when swallowing.
  • The maximum number of stools per day is 3.

It follows from this that if such symptoms are not expressed in a nursing mother, she may not notice that she is sick. Moreover, the manifestations of the disease will go away on their own within three days. But this does not mean that the woman has recovered; she is still a carrier of the virus and can infect her child through breast milk.

For a child, things are different. Since the protective mechanism against this infection has not yet been formed, and hydrochloric acid is not enough to neutralize the bacillus, it is easier for the baby to become infected and get sick. After three days of incubation period in childhood, the disease will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Frequent vomiting.
  • Frequent loose stools.
  • Fever.
  • Clay stool.
  • Heat.
  • Lack of appetite, refusal to eat.
  • Frequent whims and crying, complaints of the child.
  • Darkening of urine.
  • Nasal congestion.

The virus also has a pathological effect on the mucous epithelium of the pharynx, so the baby may also have a sore throat. This is also one of the factors why a child may refuse treats.

Methods of infection

It is quite easy to catch rotavirus. Most often it is transmitted through dirty hands. A pathogenic microorganism enters the environment with the feces of an infected person, and then, if the rules of personal hygiene are violated, a healthy person becomes infected. Moreover, it is enough just to rub your eye or run a dirty hand over your face.

Main infection options:

  • Through household items of a sick person (towels, dishes).
  • Swimming in public bodies of water (with swallowing water).
  • Eating unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking unboiled water and raw milk.
  • Contact with skin of an infected person.

It is easy for a nursing mother to become infected, because immunity after childbirth and during lactation is significantly reduced. Therefore, when breastfeeding, you should especially carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and wash your hands again.

Diagnostic methods

To make an accurate diagnosis, you must seek medical help. A competent gastroenterologist will make a diagnosis based on the following examinations:

  • Conversation with the patient, collection of anamnesis.
  • Stool analysis.
  • Blood analysis.

In addition to the main fact (the presence of the virus in the patient’s stool), the disease is indicated by changes in the blood test: an increase in the level of leukocytes and ESR.

According to such examinations, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Rotavirus in nursing

The main question of interest to mothers with the infection is whether the virus can be transmitted through breast milk to their child, and how do rotavirus and hepatitis B interact in general? Is it also worth stopping lactation during treatment? At the moment, official medicine gives a clear answer - it’s possible. If it so happens that mommy has become infected with this disease, this does not mean that breastfeeding is now contraindicated.

If the baby is accustomed to his mother’s breast from birth, then it is not advisable to wean him during treatment. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Breast milk contains antibodies against this disease, which help the immune system actively fight.
  2. Breast milk is a storehouse of nutrients for a baby, so the benefits far outweigh the risk of possible infection.
  3. Milk protects the baby’s body from other diseases.
  4. After a pause in breastfeeding, it is not always easy to restore lactation again.

If basic safety rules are followed, the mother does not transmit rotavirus to her newborn. But to do this, you should exclude direct contact between the sick mother and the healthy child (that is, do not kiss the nose, do not give the baby your spoon, etc.), wear a medical mask.

Principles of treatment

Unfortunately, there is no drug that specifically destroys rotavirus. Therefore, it is proposed to treat intestinal disorder comprehensively, eliminating all its symptoms. The medicinal effect of drugs should be aimed at eliminating:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Dehydration.
  • Vomiting.
  • Imbalance of vitamins, salts and minerals.
  • Elevated temperature.

Enterosorbents are often prescribed: Sorbex, Enterosgel, activated carbon.

All these drugs are well compatible with lactation, therefore they are safe for mother and baby.

Domperidone and Metoclopromide are used to eliminate the urge to vomit.

If the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then children's syrups of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol will help.


Rotavirus infection is a dangerous disease that leads to the development of many problems with the gastrointestinal tract and various complications. Therefore, if you suspect the first symptoms of a viral infection, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the disease catches you during lactation, do not despair! After all, with the right approach, the mother’s infection will not affect the baby in any way.

Take care of your health!

Rotavirus infection is a gastrointestinal disease. Children in the first months of life rarely get sick from it, since it is most often caused by non-compliance with hygiene standards, but at the age of 1 to 5 years, literally every child will suffer a rotavirus infection at least once.

Treatment consists primarily of a special diet. Hunger as a therapeutic technique is inappropriate in this case, since it will contribute to a decrease in immunity and prolong the recovery period.

The child’s condition is first corrected with a special gentle diet, which will help the body recover and gain strength to fight infection

How to recognize rotavirus infection?

First, the rotavirus infection develops during the incubation period for several days (1-5). Then it sharply manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • acute abdominal pain;
  • vomiting (3-4 times a day);
  • elevated temperature (up to 38 degrees);
  • general weakness in the body.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) also develops. The stool becomes liquid, yellowish, and acquires an unpleasant sour smell. Diarrhea dehydrates the body, which is the most dangerous during the course of the disease. In addition, the mucous membrane of the eyes turns red and the throat becomes inflamed.

Recovery occurs after 4-7 days. During illness, the body produces antibodies, so it is unlikely that you will get rotavirus a second time.

Is rotavirus contagious? Yes, of course, because this intestinal infection is transmitted in different ways, including airborne droplets and household ones. Children infected with rotavirus become carriers of the disease immediately and remain carriers throughout the entire period of treatment.

What is the treatment?

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Comprehensive treatment of rotavirus infection consists of methods to combat symptoms. This:

  • rehydration of the body (treatment of diarrhea);
  • taking sorbent drugs (Smecta, Creon);
  • normalization of temperature;
  • special diet.

When creating a diet, be sure to take into account the child’s age and types of feeding. Breastfed and bottle-fed babies eat differently, and after 1 year, children already receive adult food.

The main conditions for successfully combating the disease are a strict diet and plenty of fluids. By following them, you will greatly help your baby’s body overcome the disease.

Children's diet for infants in the first year

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection if he is still an infant? More and more experts are coming to the consensus that for breastfed children, there is nothing better than mother's milk. Even if a child has a confirmed intestinal infection, you should not deprive him of this most valuable product, for which there are simply no artificial analogues. Breast milk provides the baby with antibodies against many pathogenic microorganisms, thereby forming immunity. It also contains some hormones that help restore damaged intestinal cells. The transition from natural nutrition to artificial nutrition during illness will not contribute to a faster recovery, but, on the contrary, will slow it down.

What feeding plan should you follow? It is advisable to breastfeed your baby more often than usual so that the baby receives food in small portions. In addition, the sucking reflex calms people when they feel unwell and helps them fall asleep. If the baby refuses more frequent feedings, you can let him eat as usual, that is, whenever he asks. When the rotavirus infection is left behind, milk portions during feeding are restored to the usual ones.

In cases where the disease has caused lactase deficiency (milk intolerance), the doctor prescribes lactose-containing drugs for the child: Lactrase (Finland) or Kerulac (Yamanuchi Europe, Japan). The milk is expressed, a few drops of the product are dissolved in it, and after 2-3 hours the mixture is given to the baby.

Children's diet up to one year for artificial babies

If a child is fed formula, the amount of food and the time intervals between meals must also be reduced. You need to focus on 7-8 meals a day, give food every 2.5-3 hours in portions of 60-100 ml. If the baby’s condition is not the worst, you can feed him 5-6 times a day, every 3.5-4 hours, 140-200 ml. Adapted mixtures containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are suitable here: “NAN fermented milk”, “Nutrilak fermented milk”, “Humana LP”, “Humana LP + MCT”. Ordinary porridge with water without milk is also suitable.

If the rotavirus develops rapidly and the baby’s condition is serious, with incessant vomiting and diarrhea, you need to try to feed him more often (see also:). During the day this should be done at least every 2 hours, and at night - every 6 hours. A serving of food should be 10-50 ml. For such an acute process of rotavirus infection, polymer mixtures (hydrolysates) are recommended: Alfare, Tutelli Peptide, Nutramigen, Pregestimil.

If this amount of food is not enough for the child, it is allowed to give him a glucose-saline solution. In 1 liter of clean drinking water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda and 4 teaspoons of sugar (or 1 tablespoon). To make the solution taste more pleasant, you can dilute it with raisin decoction. It is also allowed to supplement the baby with fruit drink.

When the child gets better, he is given more and less food. After 5 days, the porridge can be diluted with vegetable decoctions. New products are introduced into the menu only 14-21 days after final recovery.

The glucose-saline solution performs several functions at once: it replenishes the lost volume of fluid in the body, additionally nourishes a weakened child

What to feed a child if he is already 1 year old?

What to feed a child with rotavirus or other intestinal infection, when he has already switched to an adult diet? Firstly, he should eat only homemade food and only fresh food. Secondly, food should be as gentle as possible physically and chemically. The most acceptable methods of cooking are stewing or boiling, while frying is considered unacceptable. All dishes must be rubbed through a sieve. Thirdly, you need food that is easily digestible. No products that enhance putrefactive fermentation processes and speed up digestion.

The amount of food consumed should be reduced by a quarter, and in the most severe cases - by a third or even half. First of all, the amount of fats and carbohydrates is reduced. Protein, contained in meat, cottage cheese, eggs, should be left as much as recommended for age, since it is this that retains fluid in the body. If you have rotavirus, you should also ensure your child drinks plenty of fluids. Meals should be 5-6 times a day.

There is a list of foods that should be excluded from the diet of children during illness. What not to feed children with rotavirus:

  • sweets (sugar - up to 30-40 g per day);
  • fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits, vegetables;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • whole cow's milk and other dairy products;
  • bakery products;
  • millet, pearl barley and barley porridge;
  • pasta;
  • canned foods;
  • legumes;
  • onions and garlic.

Fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes are very useful, but with this type of infection they should not be consumed, as the child’s condition may worsen

What can you eat if you have rotavirus infection? In the first 5-7 days this is:

  • low-fat broths;
  • boiled meat or fish;
  • semolina, rice or buckwheat porridge with butter;
  • omelette (see also:);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • crackers and savory cookies;
  • drinks: green tea, rosehip, blueberry or quince decoction, liquid jelly, slightly alkaline mineral water, glucose-saline solution, Regidron.

A few days later, forbidden foods are returned to the diet, and dishes are served not pureed, but in the form in which they were prepared. When complete recovery is confirmed, the diet is necessary for another month.