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Vomiting of coffee grounds in gastric ulcer. Characteristics and causes of vomiting in the form of coffee grounds. "vomiting coffee grounds" in books

Every person has experienced nausea and vomiting at least once in their life. This unpleasant phenomenon greatly weakens the body and can lead to dehydration. The process of vomiting itself is a reflex ejection of the contents of the stomach. Vomiting can be painful and excruciating, so it is important to be able to stop it in time and provide first aid.

Possible causes of vomiting

The causes of vomiting can be very different, only a doctor can reliably determine them. Prolonged or regular vomiting requires careful examination. Before vomiting, a person usually feels severe nausea. Already at this stage, you can take antiemetic medicine to avoid dehydration.

After a feeling of nausea, vomiting begins, the abdominal walls begin to actively contract, the esophagus expands and the contents of the stomach come out. Possible causes of vomiting include the following:

  1. Infection. Some infections cause the body to vomit. This may include diarrhea, fever, and other symptoms that require immediate medical attention.
  2. Food and other poisoning. Vomiting in food poisoning is the most common occurrence. In addition to vomiting, it is accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain, prolonged nausea, weakness, chills. You can get poisoned by stale foods, mushrooms, alcohol and other substances. The most dangerous poisoning is methyl alcohol, which leads to serious complications, often it ends in death.
  3. Motion sickness. Vomiting can occur when motion sickness in transport. In this case, the vomiting center of the brain is irritated. A person begins to feel sick and vomit when traveling on any transport.
  4. Toxicosis. Pregnant women often experience toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. A woman is sick and vomits, usually in the morning or in the presence of an irritant (product, smell, appearance). Toxicosis can also manifest itself in the later stages.
  5. Diseases of the digestive tract. Some diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver lead to nausea and vomiting. These include pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastritis, etc.
  6. CNS diseases. With diseases of the nervous system, swelling of the brain, severe migraines, vomiting often appears.

A detailed video will tell about the causes and symptoms of vomiting:

First aid for vomiting

Vomiting is a symptom, not an independent disease. Treatment of this condition begins with finding out and eliminating the causes of vomiting. To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

Severe and persistent vomiting requires hospitalization. Before the arrival of the ambulance, you can take measures yourself:

  • The patient must be put to bed. With a horizontal position of the body, spasms are removed, it becomes easier. If the urge does not stop, the position of the body should allow time to empty the stomach. To do this, you need to provide a convenient container, for example, a small basin.
  • After each bout of vomiting, it is advisable to rinse your mouth and wash your face. No solutions are needed, plain warm water is enough. If the patient is so weak that he cannot rinse his mouth on his own, his oral cavity is treated with a sterile cotton swab with a solution of boric acid.
  • You can not eat anything and warm the stomach during vomiting. You can give clean, cool water in small amounts or an ice cube. This will relieve nausea and quench your thirst. It is impossible to give medicinal, especially carbonated water, without the recommendations of a doctor and until the causes of vomiting are clarified.
  • It is not recommended to wash the stomach on your own, provoking a new attack of vomiting.
  • Do not give water and food when vomiting coffee grounds. This indicates the presence of internal bleeding requiring immediate hospitalization.
  • Any drugs for vomiting are best taken after consulting a doctor. If they have already been taken, you must inform the emergency doctor about this.
  • When vomiting, you can give a solution of Regidron. It restores the water balance in the body and protects against dehydration.

It is worth remembering that self-medication with severe vomiting and nausea can lead to serious complications.

If the patient has a loss of consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure and temperature, pallor of the skin, you should stop self-medication and immediately call an ambulance.


At the moment, in pharmacies you can find a large number of drugs for nausea and vomiting. Most of them are sold without a prescription.

However, taking such drugs in courses requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Permanent elimination of symptoms will not help to cure the disease itself. Remedies for nausea will depend on the cause of it:

  1. Cerucal. The drug is available in tablets and solution for injection. When taking the tablets, the drug begins to act in half an hour. It can be taken in isolated cases of vomiting or courses to prevent nausea and vomiting after surgery and chemotherapy. Cerucal is not prescribed for pregnant women, children under 15, nursing mothers, people suffering from epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.
  2. Motilak. This drug eliminates nausea and vomiting of any etiology. Available in the form of lozenges. It is better to take the drug on an empty stomach, after eating the acidity of the gastric juice decreases, which makes it difficult to absorb the drug. The drug is prescribed for indigestion, reflux, heartburn, vomiting caused by infection or poisoning. Contraindications are internal bleeding, vomiting like coffee grounds, age up to 5 years. For pregnant women, Motilak is prescribed after consulting a doctor.
  3. Hofitol. This drug protects the cells of the liver and gallbladder, it is not an antiemetic, but it is often prescribed to pregnant women whose nausea is caused by abnormal liver function.
  4. Lorazepam. This remedy is a sedative that relieves feelings of anxiety and stress, and it also eliminates various manifestations of this condition such as nausea, vomiting, headache, insomnia. It can not be taken for a long time, as it is addictive. In severe depression, epilepsy, shock, serious brain damage, the drug is not prescribed.

Medicines for motion sickness

Nausea during motion sickness affects many people, including young children under one year old and pregnant women. Motion sickness makes any trips, flights, long journeys unbearable.

Nausea and vomiting during motion sickness occur due to the reaction of the vestibular apparatus to various traffic movements. The easiest way to stop nausea is to stay in the air at rest. In cases where it is impossible to interrupt the trip, various drugs for motion sickness are used:

  • Air-sea. The drug prevents motion sickness in any mode of transport by influencing the reaction of the vestibular apparatus. The tablet is dissolved in the mouth immediately before the trip. This procedure can be repeated every half an hour until the end of the trip. There are no side effects, but the drug is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.
  • Dramina. Tablets begin to act 15-20 minutes after ingestion. The effect lasts up to 6 hours. The drug is allowed for children from one year old, but is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Dramina is taken before meals about half an hour before boarding the transport.
  • Kokkulin. The drug can be taken by children from 3 years. Available in lozenges. During pregnancy, the drug is not contraindicated, but is used only after consulting a doctor. Side effects and cases of overdose have not been seen.
  • Bonin. The drug can be prescribed both for motion sickness and for nausea and vomiting of other etiologies. Chewable tablets can be taken by children over 12 years of age, younger children - only on the advice of a doctor.
  • Phenibut. The drug is intended for the treatment of anxiety, it also eliminates dizziness and nausea. It is not recommended to take it when breastfeeding and peptic ulcers of the digestive tract. Phenibut is taken after meals up to 3 times a day.

Other remedies for nausea and vomiting

Any drugs for nausea and vomiting should be prescribed by a doctor. There are some folk remedies that will help relieve nausea, but they should not get carried away before passing the examination.

In some cases, when it is necessary to relieve an attack of vomiting, ammonia helps. It is recommended to inhale it for a short time, this will help prevent vomiting. Ammonia vapor contains a large amount of vitamin C, which has an antiemetic effect.

It is believed that a solution of starch helps to eliminate vomiting. Pour a spoonful of starch with warm water, mix thoroughly and drink.

From vomiting during food poisoning, traditional medicine offers the following recipe: mix a spoonful of salt, soda and 8 teaspoons of sugar, pour water and drink. However, taking such a medicine without determining the cause of vomiting is dangerous because it can irritate the walls of the stomach.

With food poisoning, chicory is useful. However, you need to insist chicory all night, so this method is not suitable in emergency cases. A decoction of blackberry branches will help eliminate vomiting and diarrhea. A tincture of mandarin and lemon peels can also relieve nausea and vomiting due to the high content of vitamin C.

If vomiting is caused by motion sickness in transport, instead of pills, you can try using a special acupuncture bracelet (for example, Travel Dream).

The bracelet can be used even during pregnancy. The bracelet is worn in such a way that it constantly affects the acupuncture point, preventing the occurrence of motion sickness symptoms.

For small children (from one to three) there are special patches for motion sickness. It contains extracts of various herbs, so you need to monitor the occurrence of allergic reactions. Plant components have a calming effect, relieve nausea and vomiting, relieve dizziness and lightheadedness when motion sickness. The patch is applied to the area behind the ears. It works up to 6 hours.

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An attack with a stomach ulcer - signs, measures of help

There are three phases of peptic ulcer - exacerbation, fading exacerbation and remission.

This article is devoted to describing the features of the most unpleasant phase for the patient, suggesting the most pronounced manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.

Exacerbation of stomach ulcers - how does it pass?

The attack of YABZH is most often caused by the action of negative factors:

  • seasonal changes in nature in spring or autumn;
  • admitted excesses in nutrition - for example, overeating during a feast;
  • the use of unacceptable products;
  • alcohol intake;
  • smoking;
  • heavy physical activity.

What are the symptoms of an ulcer? The following symptoms come to the fore:

  • muscle tension in the stomach;
  • strong pain;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspeptic phenomena - heaviness in the stomach, nausea, sour vomiting that brings relief;
  • bowel problems.

In the worst case, perforation, perforation of the ulcer occurs.

What to do at the time of an attack of peptic ulcer?

First aid involves the following measures.

The patient needs complete rest.

During an exacerbation, you should temporarily refrain from eating. When the condition improves, it is important to adhere to a strict diet based on mucous soups and cereals.

You should not warm your stomach. With a serious suspicion of a perforated ulcer, on the contrary, it is advisable to attach a container of cold water to the stomach. The cold will help slow down the bleeding.

It is allowed to take an anesthetic (nabumeton, nimesulide, nise, etc.). Of course, it will not be able to completely “remove the attack”, but it will alleviate the general condition.

With increased acidity, antacids also help well - Maalox, Rennie, Gestal.

Note, however, that it is dangerous to choose medicines at your own peril and risk. It is best to consult a doctor in advance and clarify what exactly is supposed to stop the attacks.

If the attack is sharp and very strong, the main measure of help is to call an ambulance without delay.

It is necessary to urgently call a doctor when a person develops vomiting of “coffee grounds” and defecation with tar-like feces, with a significant increase in body temperature, with unbearable dagger pains (these are characteristic signs of internal bleeding).

Completion of the acute phase

Probably, some readers will have a question: what is meant by fading sharpening?

This term should be understood as the persistence of endoscopic signs of intense inflammation in the absence of corresponding clinical symptoms.

Vomiting coffee grounds occurs when bleeding in the stomach or intestines. At the same time, the vomit has a dark brownish or almost black tint and a specific granular structure. This condition can occur in people of any age and most often indicates dangerous pathological processes in the body. Vomiting in the form of coffee grounds requires an urgent consultation with a doctor and is life threatening.

Main reasons

There are many reasons why brown vomit can occur. These include such diseases and some conditions:

  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological diseases of the stomach and esophagus;
  • erosion of the stomach and outgrowths of polyps on its walls;
  • Mallory-Weiss disease;
  • holes in the cardial part of the stomach;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • deformation of the esophagus or stomach with sharp objects;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, which occurs with impaired blood flow;
  • poisoning with toxic plants, alcohol or chemicals.

Black vomit can also occur for other reasons, such as certain medications. These medicines include:

  • drugs of the narcotic group;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs that provoke bleeding;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - aspirin, ibuprofen and indomethacin.

Dark brown vomit most often indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, but in order to accurately establish the root cause, you need to consider all possible factors.

If black vomiting is caused by taking certain medications, then specific treatment is not required. Usually, immediately after discontinuation of drugs, black vomiting disappears without any consequences.

General clinical picture

Brown vomiting in a person does not occur unexpectedly, usually this condition is preceded by certain signs in which the state of human health is steadily deteriorating.

  • Unmotivated weakness and dizziness.
  • Strong sweating.
  • Fainting state.
  • An increase in heart rate.
  • Persistent lowering of blood pressure.
  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Severe diarrhea.

With bleeding in the stomach and intestines, some of the digested blood enters the feces, due to which they become black. The consistency of such stools is tarry. Extensive and sudden bleeding can lead to severe anemia and even collapse.

If a person has black vomiting, then you should not waste time calling an ambulance, especially if such a condition is observed in a small child or in an elderly person. The help algorithm looks like this:

  1. The patient is placed comfortably in bed and provided with complete rest. The person should lie horizontally on a low pillow. If vomiting occurs periodically, household members help lift the patient or turn him on his side.
  2. A heating pad with ice water or finely chopped ice is placed on the stomach area. Pre-heater wrapped in a thin towel or cotton napkin.
  3. A patient with dark vomiting is forbidden to eat, drink, and take medications that can smooth out the clinical picture.

Vomit with black clots is collected in a clean glass container and closed with a tight lid, which indicates the time of collection and basic data of the person. This will help to quickly diagnose and organize the right treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since coffee grounds vomiting can occur with a number of dangerous diseases, it is important to quickly determine the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. Arriving ambulance doctors hospitalize the patient to the nearest medical facility. The patient is placed in the surgical department or intensive care unit. Before starting treatment, diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Examine the vomit to determine the origin of the bleeding and possible toxins.
  • Perform endoluminal sonography.
  • Carry out endoscopy of the stomach. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia by a gastroenterologist. The patient is comfortably laid on a couch and an endoscope is inserted through the throat into the stomach cavity - a special flexible tube with a small camera at the end. With the help of such a device, the doctor carefully examines the stomach cavity and reveals even the slightest violations.
  • They take general blood, urine and stool tests to see a complete picture of a person's health status.

Having determined the cause of vomiting of a dark brownish color, the doctor prescribes a complex treatment, which includes not only drugs, but also physiotherapy.

Treatment of pathology

Vomiting of a dark shade is not such a frequent occurrence in medical practice. Treatment must begin immediately, as long inactivity can lead to the death of the patient. The treatment protocol looks like this:

  • With a large blood loss, a blood transfusion is performed.
  • In severe conditions, the patient is connected to oxygen.
  • Injections of hemostatic drugs are shown.
  • To restore strength, glucose and a complex of vitamins are prescribed.
  • Carry out symptomatic treatment.
  • In case of violation of the work of the heart, medicines are indicated to normalize its functions.

If the patient has vomiting of a dark color and lumps, he should be constantly under the supervision of doctors. At the same time, temperature, pressure are regularly measured and the amount of outgoing urine is determined.

Particular attention is paid to young children, pregnant women and the elderly. These groups of patients are most often with reduced immunity, so any illness they have is more severe than other people.

Vomiting the color of coffee grounds can be a symptom of alcohol abuse. People who are prone to this addiction, especially often suffer from disorders of the digestive system, and after drinking heavily, peptic ulcers of various origins may occur. This situation is doubly dangerous, since a person under the influence of alcohol does not always correctly assess the danger of what is happening.

With drunken alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver can develop, which in turn also leads to extensive internal bleeding. Cirrhosis is a rather serious disease in which the destruction of liver cells and disruption of the basic functions of the organ occurs. In this case, vomiting of a brownish liquid occurs due to a violation of the normal blood circulation. The blood flow is completely broken, and the blood begins to exit through the vessels of the abdominal wall or the esophagus. Often the vessels burst, internal bleeding occurs, which causes vomiting of coffee grounds.

In addition, alcohol abuse can cause Mallory-Weiss disease. This is a longitudinal rupture of the esophagus, which occurs due to constant vomiting, which is frequent in alcoholics. As a result of this pathology, the victim manifests weak internal bleeding. Blood slowly passes into the stomach and causes not only brownish or black vomiting, but also black stools. With the achievements of medicine, this pathology does not cause danger, but only if help is provided on time. Otherwise, such a disease causes persistent anemia, collapse and death.

If vomiting of coffee grounds is noticed in a person who suffers from alcoholism, a doctor should be called quickly. In people under the influence of alcohol, pain sensations are dulled, and they lose their sense of reality. That is why many deaths are recorded precisely in a state of extreme intoxication.

Why coffee grounds vomit occurs in young children

Vomiting brownish or even black in a child can drive even the calmest parents into a stupor. And although there are many diseases that cause such a phenomenon, everything can turn out to be completely harmless. Vomiting in babies of an atypical brown color may be the result of such factors:

  • The nursing mother's nipples burst, and the child, in addition to milk, swallowed blood.
  • The child has eaten a lot of chocolate or products containing cocoa.
  • The kid ate bananas shortly before the onset of vomiting. Under the influence of gastric juice, this product becomes brown or black.
  • The child ate activated charcoal if medicines were stored improperly in the home.

In addition, black vomit can occur after eating black pudding or Coca-Cola. To determine the cause, you need to analyze the previous events and the child's menu. If the baby's condition remains normal and nothing bothers him, then it is quite possible that the cause of such vomiting was the banal overeating of certain foods.

If parents do not see an explanation for brown vomit, then the baby should be urgently shown to the doctor, even if his condition seems satisfactory.

Reusable vomiting of coffee grounds in adults most often indicates a pathology in the stomach or intestines. In this condition, you do not need to self-medicate, as you can harm the patient. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital and only by qualified doctors.

Vomiting is a reflex protective act, thanks to which the body gets rid of harmful substances. However, if it is accompanied by a change in the color of the vomit, it can be dangerous. In this article, you will learn why coffee grounds vomit occurs and what to do about it.

The appearance of vomiting in black masses always accompanies the development of gastrointestinal bleeding. However, there are many reasons for this state of affairs. Bleeding can be from the upper or lower digestive tract, and the color of the vomit will be different (from black if bleeding from the stomach to bright scarlet if the source is the esophagus). It should be mentioned that lesions of the upper section are more common.

Consider the conditions in which brown or black vomiting occurs from top to bottom:

  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome. It is characterized by rupture of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. It develops with repeated vomiting, most often after drinking alcohol, bulimia.
  • Bleeding from dilated veins of the esophagus. With portal hypertension, which appears in the late stage of cirrhosis, the veins of the esophagus expand and stretch. At some point, the wall of the vessel cannot cope with the pressure and a rupture occurs. At the same time, a person vomits with a liquid of a dark cherry color.
  • Erosive esophagitis. This is inflammation of the esophagus with the development of superficial defects (erosions) on its wall. It is erosion that is the source of blood loss.
  • Stomach ulcer. It is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane with the development of deep defects. With this disease, the vomit is brown, because the blood, interacting with hydrochloric acid, oxidizes and becomes brown.

  • Erosive gastritis. Damage to the stomach, in which erosion appears on the mucous membrane. They are the ones who bleed.
  • Tumor of the stomach. A malignant formation, which can also be manifested by vomiting of coffee grounds in the event of a tumor decay, or corroding a large vessel during tumor growth. Most often, such a symptom is observed with a long-term and running process.
  • Peptic ulcer of the duodenum. As with a stomach ulcer, deep mucosal defects appear, most often localized in the region of the duodenal bulb. The vomit may be dark brown or black, as it is thrown through the stomach and interacts with hydrochloric acid.

Possible consequences

The prognosis for gastrointestinal bleeding can be different, and depends to a greater extent on the volume of blood loss.

Small but prolonged bleeding is usually accompanied by the appearance of chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

With acute and profuse blood loss, hemorrhagic shock develops. A sharp decrease in blood volume leads to the fact that the organs receive less oxygen, which is delivered by red blood cells. In this case, acute hypoxia develops. This is a dangerous complication that requires emergency care.

In addition, massive blood loss can lead to such a formidable complication as acute renal failure. This is due to the fact that the kidneys can only filter blood at a certain level of blood pressure, and if the numbers fall below the kidney threshold, the organ stops working.

In addition, more severe consequences will develop in children and the elderly, since their bodies are less able to adapt. Bleeding is especially dangerous for babies.


If there are signs of acute gastrointestinal bleeding, call an ambulance immediately. Before the arrival of the doctor, provide the patient with rest and bed rest, put an ice pack on the upper abdomen.

Treatment in the hospital will depend on the location of blood loss and severity. To determine the source of bleeding, an endoscopic examination of the digestive system is performed.

Therapy is carried out in two directions:

  1. Stop bleeding. It can be conservative, with the use of medications, or surgical. For conservative treatment, hemostatics are primarily prescribed, for example, "Aminocaproic acid", as well as drugs that stimulate the coagulation system. After the appointment of these drugs, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs, such as "Dopamine". Surgical control of bleeding is used in case of identification of the source. Most often, the intervention is performed endoscopically. Thermal methods can be used, such as electrocoagulation, thermocoagulation, or mechanical methods in the form of clipping, ligation of damaged vessels. If the endoscopic method is not enough, a laparotomy operation is performed. If it was possible to temporarily stop the bleeding, intervention can be carried out in a planned manner, however, urgent surgery is most often prescribed.
  2. Replenishment of blood loss. For this, infusion therapy is used. The choice of solution to replenish the volume of circulating blood depends on the severity of blood loss. For the treatment of a mild course, saline preparations of the Ringer type or normal saline are prescribed. In case of blood loss of moderate severity, saline solutions alternate with colloidal ones, for example, Reopoliglyukin, Gelatinol, Refortan. The latter drug not only replenishes the volume, but also increases the transport of oxygen. In case of severe blood loss, in addition to the above drugs, blood transfusions are prescribed. Moreover, the infusion occurs not in a drip way, but in a jet. In the case of a particularly severe course, access is used in two veins at once to prevent reflex cardiac arrest.

Video "What causes nausea and vomiting"

In this episode of the program, Elena Malyshe and experts will talk about why a person has nausea and vomiting and how to deal with it.

Vomiting of coffee grounds is a reflex eruption of stomach contents in which the vomit has a characteristic black or dark brown tint and a granular texture. This symptom indicates the presence of gastric or intestinal bleeding.

In total, there are several reasons that can lead to such a pathology. But regardless of the type of disease, the appearance in the blood masses indicates a serious violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is worth remembering that at the first signs of the appearance of blood in the vomiting of the patient, it is necessary to be hospitalized, since in this condition he needs professional medical help.

Causes of dark vomiting

Vomiting is called a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach through the oral cavity and nasopharynx. In some pathological conditions, vomit may include the contents of the duodenum. The vomit usually consists of a mixture of recently eaten food, mucus and gastric juices.

In some cases, vomit may turn black or dark brown. Experts call this symptom coffee grounds vomiting. The appearance of such symptoms clearly indicates the presence of internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

During the development of this pathological process, blood enters the stomach, where it mixes with hydrochloric acid, gastric juice and food debris. For some time, it accumulates in the cavity of the stomach and, due to certain chemical reactions, gradually changes color to dark brown or black. When the amount of blood becomes too large, a gag reflex is triggered in a person, and it erupts outward along with the rest of the masses.

Black vomiting indicates that the patient's gastric bleeding is not intense. Otherwise, the blood accumulates in the stomach too quickly and does not have time to change color. But the presence of internal bleeding clearly indicates that the patient needs immediate hospitalization, otherwise such a pathology can lead to death.

Pathologies leading to the appearance of dark vomiting

There are several causes that cause internal bleeding of the stomach, followed by vomiting of blood. Very often, this symptom is observed with peptic ulcer that affects the gastric mucosa. This is the name of the defect that occurs due to excess pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

With perforation of an ulcer or exacerbation of the disease, blood may flow out of vessels affected by erosion or altered by the pathological process. In this case, the blood enters the lumen of the digestive organs, which leads to the appearance of vomiting of coffee grounds.

Black vomiting often occurs in patients suffering from cancer, when metastases affect the digestive organs. With cancer, the color of coffee grounds in vomit may indicate that the tissue of a malignant tumor has been damaged, which is why internal bleeding has developed.

But this symptom can also appear in people who do not suffer from chronic diseases. The cause of the characteristic vomiting may be alcohol abuse. This symptom also appears when a foreign body enters the gastrointestinal tract, accidentally swallowed by a person and damaged the walls of the stomach. Sharp objects are especially dangerous. For example, pins, bone fragments and fruit stones with jagged edges. The ingress of foreign bodies often causes gastric bleeding in children.

The appearance of dark vomiting after drinking alcohol

Often, gastric bleeding opens after alcohol, as people who abuse strong drinks are especially at risk of developing pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. And after drinking alcohol, peptic ulcers of various etiologies exacerbate in patients. Which, in turn, leads to internal bleeding. This situation is dangerous, since the victims cannot always adequately assess the situation and seek help from a doctor.

Cirrhosis of the liver, often associated with chronic alcoholism, can also cause coffee grounds-colored vomiting. Cirrhosis is a deadly disease during which there is a characteristic restructuring of liver tissues, which leads to a complete disruption of absolutely all functions of this organ.

In this case, the cause of bleeding is that the process of natural blood circulation is hindered in the affected organ. Unable to pass through the standard way, the blood begins to flow through the vessels of the anterior abdominal wall and esophagus. At some point, decompensation occurs. Dilated vessels burst, causing internal bleeding and, as a result, vomiting of coffee grounds.

In addition, alcohol abuse contributes to the development of Malory-Weiss syndrome in humans. This is the name of the longitudinal rupture of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. Such a pathology develops with often repeated urge to vomit or the eruptions of gastric masses themselves, which drunk people often suffer from.

As a result of such a rupture, a person has non-intensive internal bleeding of the esophagus. The blood drains into the stomach, where it accumulates, causing coffee grounds to vomit. At the current level of development of medicine, Malory-Weiss syndrome is not considered a pathology that threatens human life. But bleeding itself can be fatal if its symptoms are ignored and timely assistance is not provided to the victim.

Modern gastroenterologists argue that it is the abuse of alcoholic beverages that most often causes coffee grounds to vomit.

Chronic alcoholism contributes to the development of diseases that lead to severe functional disorders, including gastric bleeding. The best way to protect yourself from such consequences is to limit your alcohol intake.

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First aid for dark vomiting

Since the appearance of vomit with a hint of coffee grounds indicates a serious condition of the patient, the patient must be given first aid before the arrival of doctors. First of all, the person should be placed on a hard, stable surface. Under no circumstances should pillows or bolsters be placed under the patient's back. It is necessary to ensure that the patient's body does not bend at the waist, and the clothes do not press on the abdomen. It is most reasonable to put the patient on his side so that he does not have to move with new urges to vomit.

In no case should you try to alleviate the patient's condition with a gastric lavage or enema. It is also not recommended to take any medication before the arrival of the ambulance team. Oral medication in this situation will be useless.

The patient's condition can be somewhat relieved with a cold compress. To do this, it is recommended to wrap the ice in a thick terry towel and apply a compress to the patient's abdomen, while holding the towel overhead.

If a person has vomiting of coffee grounds, then in no case should he be given food and drink. Even plain water can increase internal bleeding. And ingestion of solid food or carbonated drinks can be fatal. Heating of the affected area can also lead to increased bleeding. Therefore, hot compresses should not be used.

If a person has lost consciousness, it is necessary to ensure that he lies on his side, and nothing interferes with the free flow of vomit. The same rule applies to patients who are under the influence of alcohol. Since an inadequate patient may choke or choke on undigested food residues.

Vomiting coffee grounds: causes, treatment

Why does coffee grounds vomit occur? The causes of this pathological phenomenon will be indicated below. We will also tell you about what diseases are characterized by a similar symptom, and how they should be properly treated.

Basic information about the pathological phenomenon

Vomiting of coffee grounds in a child and adults is a reflex eruption of brown or even black masses from the stomach, indicating the development of internal bleeding.

According to experts, this condition is a mortal threat to the life of the patient. The same applies to vomiting with blood impurities.

Major diseases

Usually vomiting of coffee grounds occurs with bleeding (gastroduodenal) of various origins. In addition, the following diseases can lead to the development of such a symptom:

  • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome;
  • erosion of the stomach;
  • malignant tumors and polyps of the stomach;
  • cardia or the so-called openings in the stomach (in the cardial region);
  • varicose disease of the esophagus;
  • damage to the esophagus by foreign bodies;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, occurring with impaired blood circulation;
  • poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, chemicals, alcohol surrogates and others.
  • Causes

    Most often, vomiting of coffee grounds is observed with gastrointestinal bleeding. This happens due to prolonged intake and accumulation of blood in the stomach. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, the plasma begins to produce hematin chloride, which has a brown tint, similar to black coffee.

    Characteristics of vomiting

    Vomiting coffee grounds does not occur on its own. Usually, its formation is preceded by a pathological deterioration in the patient's condition.

    Depending on the cause of the bleeding (gastrointestinal), the main signs of this pathological condition are the following:

  • black stool, which indicates the passage of blood through the entire digestive tract;
  • pain in the epigastric region (as a rule, such a symptom indicates the presence of a bleeding ulcer in the stomach);
  • fainting, a sharp drop in blood pressure, tachycardia (such signs indicate heavy gastrointestinal bleeding).
  • It should also be noted that very often dark red or scarlet bloody clots are found in the brown or brown vomit that the patient vomits. Usually, after such an observation, hematemesis opens, which threatens the life of the patient.

    Treatment process

    Vomiting the color of coffee grounds is a fairly rare occurrence. But if it has arisen, then it is not recommended to delay its treatment. This is due to the fact that such a condition can lead to the death of the patient.

    If you or someone close to you has been vomiting coffee grounds, you should urgently call an ambulance. Until this moment (that is, until the doctors arrive), the sick person should lie on the bed in a motionless state. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to take any food or drink ordinary water.

    To alleviate the patient's condition, it is required to place a tight ice pack on the area of ​​​​his abdomen. This procedure should significantly reduce bleeding.

    As soon as the patient is transported to a medical facility, the specialist must immediately begin to find out the cause that caused the accumulation of blood in the stomach. The sooner it is detected, the sooner the patient's condition will return to normal.

    Thus, it can be safely noted that it is not the symptom in the form of vomiting that is treated, but the underlying disease that caused it.

    Typically, the actions of medical specialists in relation to a patient with a considered pathological phenomenon include the following activities:

  • the process of replenishing blood volume, especially with large blood loss for a long time;
  • identification of the causes of vomiting and the source of bleeding;
  • the process of stopping bleeding.
  • The latter include the use of various medications prescribed by a doctor. In case of urgent need, the patient is prescribed surgery.

    Vomiting occurs after involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles. The reflex process helps to cleanse the digestive tract if the body has been poisoned, infected or exposed to toxins.

    Factors causing vomiting

    Vomit, similar to coffee grounds, with the presence of blood has a rich brown color. This means that the blood in the stomach has had time to "curl". The density of the contents of the stomach resembles a granular fine sediment in the form of coffee.

    The cause of vomiting with blood clots is dysfunction of the internal organs. A pathological failure in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract provokes an uncontrolled eruption. The disease of the upper (stomach, duodenum, esophagus) or lower (large, small, rectum) sections is characterized by the release of blood. The amount of blood affects the nature of the vomiting process. Allocate blood loss:

    1. Hidden - found in the laboratory.
    2. Acute (single occurrence of more than half a liter of biomaterial).
    3. Chronic - the body loses about 50 ml of biological fluid every day.
    4. The color of the thick varies from scarlet to black-brown. When vomiting with red contents, they talk about bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. A dark shade indicates a prolonged presence of blood in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid, the contents of gastric juice, is involved in the reaction with the blood. The iron of erythrocytes carrying hemoglobin sticks together with chlorine. Hematin chloride is formed. A brown-colored compound precipitates in the stomach cavity.

      Symptoms of the gag reflex

      Nausea is a symptom preceding an eruption. The reaction of the human body with internal bleeding, accompanied by vomiting:

    5. The skin turns pale;
    6. The pulse quickens;
    7. Increased sweating (cold sweat);
    8. There is epigastric pain;
    9. There is tachycardia;
    10. Dizzy;
    11. Legs wobble.
    12. Under what circumstances does he vomit coffee grounds

      Bleeding that provokes vomiting, the color and type of coffee occurs as a result of diseases:

    13. Gastritis, ulcer, duodenitis.
    14. Erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa.
    15. Inflammatory processes of the esophagus, stomach.
    16. Cirrhosis of the liver. A black admixture in the vomit may indicate irreversible changes in the liver tissues. The organ is modified, the blood supply changes its course to a non-standard one. Blood flows through the walls of the esophagus, the vessels of the liver are damaged. Cirrhosis rebuilds the liver cells, bringing death closer.
    17. Oncological disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer cells spread rapidly, damage nearby organs, spreading metastases.
    18. Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), duodenum (pancreatitis).
    19. Volvulus.
    20. Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Reception of plentiful food, alcoholism lead to a longitudinal rupture of the surface of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. The process is accompanied by bleeding. Eruption of vomit of a recurrent nature.
    21. Toxin poisoning after drinking alcohol, expired food. In people who abuse strong alcohol, there is a predisposition to exacerbate chronic diseases. An intoxicated consciousness makes it difficult to adequately assess what is happening. A person in alcoholic intoxication is exposed to impaired functioning of blood in tissues and organs. Even a bloody trail when emptying the body by means of a gag reflex does not sober up the patient.
    22. Physical impact that provokes damage or rupture of tissues. Swallowed objects with sharp, jagged edges (bones, needles, small parts) often provoke bleeding in children. Babies need constant supervision. A foreign body that has got inside the child's body easily damages the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.
    23. Nosebleeds also cause vomiting mixed with blood clots. Children often swallow body fluids.

      Medical rationale for the process

      Vomiting coffee grounds is almost asymptomatic. The patient's condition worsens suddenly and is accompanied by lethargy, dizziness. Blood pressure drops against the background of a rapid heartbeat. A person can lose blood during a bowel movement, in addition to the discharge of red blood cells with vomiting. The stool with blood has a greasy texture with blackness. The brighter the blood clots, the closer the damaged organ. Such discharge may indicate diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract.

      Abundant blood loss often provokes posthemorrhagic anemia. The consequences are acute vascular insufficiency. Symptoms: shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, fainting.

      What will relieve the patient's condition

      When a person vomits coffee mass, the body is in serious danger. First of all, an ambulance is called. Before the arrival of doctors, the patient needs first aid. Washing is prohibited.

      How to help a person suffering from vomiting of a dark, sometimes black, color:

    24. Ensure the patient is in a supine position.
    25. Lay the patient on his side. Raise your legs above head level.
    26. Eliminate psychological and physiological discomfort.
    27. Do cold compresses on the epigastric zone.
    28. Ventilate the room.
    29. Protect from food, liquids, medicines. The stomach needs rest.
    30. Calm down a person who is frightened by his condition.

    It is important to collect the vomit slurry with bloody flakes in a sterile dish. Close the lid tightly and write down when and what time the biomaterial was collected. The patient's personal information is required. Thus, the cause of vomiting will be determined in the laboratory.

    Diagnosis in the hospital

    Urgent hospitalization in a medical institution will help to determine the diagnosis as soon as possible. The phenomenon, when a person vomits with a thick chocolate shade, signals serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The cause of the pathological condition in an elderly or young patient will be established in the laboratory at the hospital. The doctor will prescribe an endoscopy of the stomach under pain medication. The introduction of a thin tube with a video camera may indicate changes in the mucosa, disorders in the esophagus.

    The second procedure for examining the gastrointestinal tract in humans is endoluminal sonography. Examination of the rectum using ultrasound by inserting a camera at the end of the tube through the anus.

    Blood is taken from the patient to determine liver damage. The study of feces helps to identify hidden bleeding. A barium study is carried out so that an x-ray image excludes or shows the presence of tumors in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor prescribes treatment, determines the regimen of restorative procedures and nutrition after identifying the true cause of vomiting with granular blackness.


    Prevention of diseases that cause involuntary eruption of the stomach with brown liquid is almost impossible. Analyzes, examinations do not predict the time of the risk zone of such a process.

    How to help in the hospital

    The doctor diagnoses the factors causing bleeding by studying the anamnesis. A person should talk about chronic diseases, how he eats, the presence of bad habits, hereditary pathologies and other information.

    The body needs to stop bleeding, replenish the lost volume of blood. Droppers with solutions of medicines will help to normalize blood pressure, support the body. The patient is taken out of a state of shock, digestive functions are normalized.

    The first day the patient was put on hunger. The strictest diet is based on eating light food for the body. Liquid food, low-fat dairy products, egg white, all kinds of jellies are indicated during the recovery period.

    Vomiting blood - causes, diseases and first aid

    Vomiting blood

    The admixture of bright red blood in the vomit indicates bleeding from the esophagus. Vomiting, resembling ground coffee, occurs after a change in the blood under the influence of gastric or intestinal juices. Coffee-colored vomiting can also occur after eating chocolate or other foods. In this case, the presence of blood can be confirmed using a chemical analysis. Therefore, if you suspect that the vomit contains blood, it should be stored until the doctor arrives.

    The most common causes of vomiting blood

    hiatal hernia

    Hiatus hernia is a common cause of hematemesis in children. The blood in this case has the appearance of streaks in the vomit. Help: the child should be shown to the local pediatrician.

    Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus

    The admixture of fresh blood in the vomit often occurs with the expansion and rupture of the veins of the esophagus. This happens in children with abnormal development of the vessels of the liver or spleen, as well as in those suffering from cirrhosis of the liver (www.diagnos-online.ru/zabol/zabol-185.html). Blood streaks may also appear in the vomit after strained vomiting, when small tears in the esophageal mucosa occur.

    Help: in case of vomiting with an abundant admixture of fresh blood, it is urgent to call "emergency help". Before the arrival of the doctor, the child must be calmed, put to bed, put a bubble with ice or chilled water on the abdomen. You can not give to drink.

    Foreign body in the esophagus

    A nail, a pin, a sharp bone, a piece of glass, if accidentally swallowed, can damage the esophagus and cause bleeding. Help: the same as in the previous case.

    stomach ulcer

    With severe mental stress, and sometimes after infectious diseases or taking aspirin, bleeding ulcers may appear on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. In this case, vomiting takes on the appearance of coffee grounds.

    First aid for vomiting blood

    If the bloody vomiting is not the result of a recent nosebleed, call an ambulance immediately. While waiting for the arrival of medical workers, lay the patient down and raise his legs. The patient may be very agitated. Try to calm him down. If you know where the source of the bleeding is, apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding.

    If there is a lot of blood in the vomit, there is a danger of shock from blood loss. Cold wet skin, dizziness, rapid pulse means that the shock has already set in. While waiting for the arrival of help, lay the patient down, preferably with raised legs - this will ensure the maximum supply of blood containing oxygen to the brain.

    Physicians compensate for the loss of fluid to maintain the patient's blood pressure. The hospital continues measures to stabilize the patient's condition: blood transfusion, oxygen supply and monitoring of the blood's ability to carry oxygen. When the patient's condition stabilizes, the contents of the stomach can be pumped out. Your doctor will insert a thin tube called an endoscope into your digestive system to determine the location and amount of bleeding.

    Questions and answers on the topic "Vomiting blood"

    Question: My 2 year old daughter has a bad cold, stuffy nose, "wet" cough. Since she herself does not know how to get rid of sputum accumulated in her throat, for the second night she vomits a clear mucous liquid mixed with nodules of brown clotted blood. Today she vomited while eating, and again there were brown bloody nodules. We called the doctor and did a fluorography - nothing in the lungs. About five days ago she swallowed a plum stone, but it seemed to me that the stone had already cleared naturally a long time ago. Other than that, my daughter is fine. She does not refuse to eat, sleeps, plays, laughs, the temperature is normal. Is it necessary to sound the alarm? With what such phenomenon can be connected? Thank you very much.

    Answer: Be sure to consult with a gastroenterologist.

    Question: After eating, I felt heaviness and slight pain in my stomach, I felt sick. An hour later I decided to induce vomiting and went to the toilet. The extraction of the mass took place in several stages and the last selection was stained with blood. What measures to take? Is it serious? A year ago, I had abdominal pain and heaviness, I was diagnosed with gastritis with a predisposition to an ulcer. I took a course of antibiotics and there were no problems after that.

    Answer: Go to a gastroenterologist. Do a fibrogastroscopy.

    Question: Good afternoon. I am 32 years old. After food poisoning, he vomited some blood. The stomach does not hurt, only weakness in the whole body from poisoning. Please tell me what's the matter. Thank you.

    Answer: If this happened to you for the first time and it was only a slight discharge of blood, and not massive bleeding after vomiting, then most likely it may be due to irritation of the throat or esophagus after prolonged vomiting. It is recommended to conduct an X-ray examination to exclude the presence of a foreign body in the esophagus. Also, this condition can be caused due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus or stomach, in which case a sparing diet is important, the exclusion of alcohol, smoking, caffeine, spicy and fatty foods. Taking antacids. For more detailed advice, contact your therapist, as the data you provide is not enough to make a diagnosis.

    Question: Hello! A friend of mine has been drinking alcohol for over 20 years, and recently he got very drunk. After vomiting, he saw that she was covered in blood and even a little dark in color. Could you tell me what this could mean and what should be done? At the same time, he was already observed by a doctor with a diagnosis of gastroduodenitis.

    Answer: Vomiting dark blood may be a manifestation of gastric and duodenal ulcer, complicated by bleeding from the ulcer. As soon as possible, you need to seek qualified medical care in a hospital. Along with a general examination (general and biochemical blood tests and a general urinalysis), fibrogastroduodenoscopy will be required to clarify the diagnosis, as well as ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Based on the examination data and after analyzing the results of the examination, the attending physician will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and agree on further treatment tactics with the patient.

    Ask a question on the topic "Vomiting blood"

    July 18, 2016

    Why does coffee grounds vomit occur? The causes of this pathological phenomenon will be indicated below. We will also tell you about what diseases are characterized by a similar symptom, and how they should be properly treated.

    Basic information about the pathological phenomenon

    Vomiting of coffee grounds in a child and adults is a reflex eruption of brown or even black masses from the stomach, indicating the development of internal bleeding.

    According to experts, this condition is a mortal threat to the life of the patient. The same applies to vomiting with blood impurities.

    Major diseases

    Usually vomiting of coffee grounds occurs with bleeding (gastroduodenal) of various origins. In addition, the following diseases can lead to the development of such a symptom:


    Most often, vomiting of coffee grounds is observed with gastrointestinal bleeding. This happens due to prolonged intake and accumulation of blood in the stomach. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, the plasma begins to produce hematin chloride, which has a brown tint, similar to black coffee.

    Characteristics of vomiting

    Vomiting coffee grounds does not occur on its own. Usually, its formation is preceded by a pathological deterioration in the patient's condition.

    Depending on the cause of the bleeding (gastrointestinal), the main signs of this pathological condition are the following:

    • black stool, which indicates the passage of blood through the entire digestive tract;
    • pain in the epigastric region (as a rule, such a symptom indicates the presence of a bleeding ulcer in the stomach);
    • fainting, a sharp drop in blood pressure, tachycardia (such signs indicate heavy gastrointestinal bleeding).

    It should also be noted that very often dark red or scarlet bloody clots are found in the brown or brown vomit that the patient vomits. Usually, after such an observation, hematemesis opens, which threatens the life of the patient.

    Treatment process

    Vomiting the color of coffee grounds is a fairly rare occurrence. But if it has arisen, then it is not recommended to delay its treatment. This is due to the fact that such a condition can lead to the death of the patient.

    If you or someone close to you has been vomiting coffee grounds, you should urgently call an ambulance. Until this moment (that is, until the doctors arrive), the sick person should lie on the bed in a motionless state. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to take any food or drink ordinary water.

    To alleviate the patient's condition, it is required to place a tight ice pack on the area of ​​​​his abdomen. This procedure should significantly reduce bleeding.

    As soon as the patient is transported to a medical facility, the specialist must immediately begin to find out the cause that caused the accumulation of blood in the stomach. The sooner it is detected, the sooner the patient's condition will return to normal.

    Thus, it can be safely noted that it is not the symptom in the form of vomiting that is treated, but the underlying disease that caused it.

    Typically, the actions of medical specialists in relation to a patient with a considered pathological phenomenon include the following activities:

    The latter include the use of various medications prescribed by a doctor. In case of urgent need, the patient is prescribed surgery.

    Source: fb.ru

