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Average life expectancy of British cats. How long do British cats live at home? How long do sterilized British cats live?

Cats are long-lived among domestic animals. However, the life expectancy of a mustachioed pet depends on its belonging to a particular breed and the characteristics of caring for it. This also applies to British cats.

What does a healthy British cat look like?

Britons are cats with a colorful appearance, but only healthy animals look truly chic. They will be distinguished by a number of external characteristics:

  • thick short hair, shiny and soft, without bald spots;
  • balanced body, strong limbs;
  • developed muscles;
  • clear, clean eyes;
  • nose without discharge;
  • clean ears;
  • the gums are pink and the teeth are white;
  • lack of breath odor;
  • a good appetite;
  • curiosity, moderate activity.

Oddly enough, the color of a cat's fur can be evidence of potential health problems. Colors that produce dominant genes indicate that their owner is likely to be in fairly good health. These colors are most often black and red. But blue and white colors can be associated with genes that weaken the immune system.

It is white cats that most often experience deafness and allergies.

In general, British cats are distinguished by good health and good life expectancy. The longevity of an animal depends both on genetic factors and on living and care conditions.

Factors influencing British life expectancy

In order for a pet to delight with beauty, good health and longevity, it needs breed-specific care, including care for health, nutrition, hygiene, living conditions and communication.

Living conditions

The British are unpretentious in terms of maintenance. However, when entering a new home, a cat first of all evaluates the conditions in which it will live, and, without a doubt, they should be comfortable:

  • All cats are clean, and the British are especially clean. One litter tray is enough for them, which will need to be cleaned regularly;
  • the sleeping place can be a special cat house or bedding. The only condition is not to place them close to the radiator or window. The British have thick fur, which can make them hot near heating appliances, but they also don’t need window drafts;
  • Such cats will not refuse a scratching post. It is necessary to maintain healthy paws and claws, regular care of which will help prevent fungus.

Due to their calm temperament, the British do not need increased activity or walking


One of the important factors influencing a cat's lifespan is diet. Firstly, the body’s supply of all necessary substances depends on it, and secondly, the pet’s weight.

British cats, like many purebred cats, are prone to overeating and being overweight. The latter provokes the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. If necessary, low-calorie diet foods come to the rescue.

The advantage of industrial feed over natural food is balance and enrichment with essential vitamins and microelements

Important! Milk can only be given to kittens under 3 months old; it is better to offer fermented milk products, kefir, natural yogurt or sour cream to older kittens.

It is important for the owner to know the normal weight of the pet in order to notice in time that he has begun to gain it: females of the British breed usually weigh about 5–6 kg, and large males - 10 kg or more. But a “saggy” belly is not a pathology for a British cat. It appears in kittens already by the age of six months, since it is characteristic of the British and cats bred on the basis of this breed. So a “potbelly” is not considered a flaw in appearance or a sign of illness.


British cats do not need any specific hygiene procedures, but even little things like caring for their coat or teeth can affect a cat's lifespan:

  • It is necessary to comb your pet's fur once a week, and during the molting period - more often, as needed. This is necessary so that the animal licking itself does not fill its stomach with hairballs;
  • wash the British as needed - too frequent bathing will weaken the immune system;
  • sunbathing does not negatively affect the health of cats, but it is undesirable for show animals, because the fur can fade and turn red at the tips;
  • claws are trimmed once a month, first inspecting for uniformity of structure, evenness, absence of spots and deformation;
  • British people wipe their eyes once a week with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water. This is done to remove secretions and dark plaque. If your cat's eyes begin to water, you need to contact a veterinarian, since this can be caused by dangerous diseases - allergies, irritation, some worms, chlamydia, liver damage;
  • Ears are cleaned twice a month. In healthy cats, sulfur is light and odorless. A change in the type of wax, the appearance of discharge in the auricle may be a sign of fungus or ear mites, for the diagnosis of which you will need to contact a veterinary dermatologist and get tested;
  • Oral hygiene is one of the primary tasks of the owner of a British cat, because a typical problem for animals with a short muzzle is tartar. It leads to bleeding gums and tooth loss, so from an early age teach your cat to brush its teeth, and your veterinarian will teach you how and with what. If tartar has already appeared, then only a doctor can remove it using special equipment, followed by the use of the necessary medications.

Psychological situation

British cats are animals with a calm temperament, independent, but at the same time friendly. They love attention and affection, but prefer that their owners do not become familiar - they do not squeeze them or pick them up. The animal will let you know at what point it is ready to communicate and will allow itself to be petted.

The British are non-aggressive and non-conflicting, so it is better to protect them from the intrusive attention of small children or other animals. In general, British cats get along well in families with children and other pets, including cats. At the same time, they also tolerate loneliness well, and therefore are suitable for people who are often away from home throughout the day.

The British are comfortable alone with themselves, which is why they are called “business cats”

Psychological needs still differ among different individuals, because they are determined not only by breed, but also by upbringing and habits. Psycho-emotional comfort is no less important for an animal than caring for its health. In favorable conditions and in the absence of stress, your cat will delight you for many years.

Predisposition to diseases

Representatives of the British breed, as a rule, have good health and strong immunity, because it is a naturally bred breed. However, the British also get into trouble from time to time.

Incompatibility of parental blood types

One of the most serious genetic problems, but one that can be solved in advance, is the presence of two types of blood, the so-called A and B. If a cat has type B blood and a cat has type A blood (or vice versa), their offspring will have blood two types. Visually, such kittens are healthy, but within three days they still die. This is due to the production of antibodies in the cat's body against another type of blood. Antibodies are passed on to babies through mother's milk, and they destroy the blood cells of newborn animals. To avoid such tragic consequences, when planning a cat's offspring, it is necessary to take tests in advance for the blood type of both potential parents.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is another disease caused by genetics. Not only the British are susceptible to it, but also Persians, Orientals, and Ragdolls. The disease usually occurs in adult cats between the ages of one and 8 years. During this time, it is recommended to have the cat have an echocardiogram or ultrasound of the heart twice a year in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage and, if possible, prolong the pet’s life. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured.


Owners of British dogs have to deal with such an unpleasant illness as diarrhea. To treat it, it is necessary to understand what caused the disease:

  • poor nutrition;
  • the presence of intestinal worms;
  • stress;
  • motion sickness

Diarrhea, especially at a young age, is dangerous to the health of the animal. Even if you know why it occurred, you must contact your veterinarian for competent treatment.


A beautiful fur coat is a special pride of the British. Losing a pet's fur always saddens the owners, because it can not only damage the cat's appearance, but is also life-threatening. Of course, the Briton will experience seasonal shedding twice a year, and hair loss is also triggered by pregnancy and childbirth in females. But if the reason lies elsewhere or the hair loss has become intense, this is again a reason to show the cat to the doctor. He will prescribe treatment according to the cause of baldness, which may be:

  • helminths;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • disturbances in liver activity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • severe stress;
  • weakened immune system;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, fungus).

Hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract

When licking, hairs of the thick undercoat enter the cat's stomach, rolling into lumps there and causing blockage of the esophagus. This problem can be solved surgically, so it is much easier to take preventive measures - give your pet special medications that dissolve hair in the stomach and normalize the digestion process.


Kittens and young cats are vulnerable to infections and viruses. While the baby is breastfed, he is protected by the mother's immunity (who must also be vaccinated). But the animal needs to obtain the necessary antibodies of its own before the maternal protection expires. This usually happens before babies reach 2.5 months. Vaccinations are then repeated every 3-7 weeks until the kitten is about 4 months old. In the future, your pet will need to be vaccinated once a year.

It is imperative to vaccinate your pet against the following diseases:

  • rabies;
  • panleukopenia;
  • infections affecting the respiratory tract (rinotracheitis, calcivirosis);
  • ringworm.

Large, rough-bodied breeds live shorter lives than dry, fine-boned breeds, so the average life expectancy of the British breed ranges from 12 to 15 years. However, there are cases where the British lived to a more advanced age.

Not only care, but also genetics plays an important role in this matter. So, if among your pet’s ancestors there were many long-livers, the chances that he will live just as long increase.

In addition, experienced owners claim that castration has a positive effect on the life expectancy of pets. Veterinarians also support their opinion. This is due to the lack of stress that the animal experiences during the rutting period, not being able to find a partner and satisfy the need. And an uncastrated cat, which is also not used for mating, is at high risk of developing cysts, tumors, including malignant ones, and hormonal imbalances. But even over a female who has given birth, a sterilized one has an additional advantage associated with the absence of gestation, childbirth, the need for recovery after it and feeding of kittens. This is the main reason why domestic British cats and cats (usually neutered) live several years longer than their counterparts from nurseries.

An older cat begins to count after 8 years. At this time, a change in diet should occur. Special feeds are enriched with the necessary elements to maintain a normal skeletal system and internal organs. The amount of fat in homemade food is reduced.

At the age of 12 years, British cats often begin to suffer from excess weight, hearing loss, eye diseases, and exacerbation of chronic ailments. During this period, the cat is often examined by a veterinarian, and they try to protect it from stress. But this does not mean that you need to sharply reduce your pet’s activity. An older Briton will benefit from short games and quiet walks.

It is worth remembering that each animal has an individual set of genes, health and psyche. Even within the same litter, kittens with different characters and stamina are born.

This is what the life expectancy ratio between a cat and a human looks like.

Video: the head of the Artemis cat lovers club about caring for British cats

In order for a Briton to please his owner with his company for many years, not much effort is required. You just need to pay attention to the special needs of cats of this wonderful breed.

The British have many true admirers and connoisseurs of their beauty. Every owner wants his pet to live as long as possible. How long do representatives of this breed live at home?

Carelessness itself...

The British cat did not immediately reach the peak of its popularity. The British brought these beauties from Rome and Egypt. The impeccability of the breed allowed it to be elevated to the rank of exhibition plush creatures. The Queen of England herself acknowledged the existence of the British. Individuals of this breed are large, muscular, with so-called “plush” fur.

The back is wide, the tail is thick, tapering at the end. The ears have a slightly rounded shape. Shades of fur can be very diverse. Cats get along well with everyone in the household, but are wary of strangers. But this lasts only as long as it takes to understand that the guests do not pose any threat. Both male and female cats of the British breed retain their playful character throughout their lives.

What determines the life expectancy of the British?

I'm getting old!

The average lifespan of British cats is ten to fifteen years.

This breed is different from others of its kind health different from nature. And yet you need to know what factors can increase the years of a cat’s life, and what can significantly reduce them.

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity

Vitamins are our everything

Poultry is an excellent food for a neutered cat.

If a cat has suffered a number of diseases, its body is much weaker than that of a healthy animal.

In addition, they can influence genetic characteristics and individual susceptibility to infections. Stress and all kinds of experiences negatively affect the psychophysical state of the cat.

On the street you can get infected from other animals, there is a possibility of participating in fights, and unpleasant acquaintance with dogs walking near the house. Therefore, you should adhere to a certain rule: it is not advisable to let British people out into the street. In this way, their lifespan can be significantly increased. Street cats often lose their lives under the wheels of cars.

Stress in a cat

A Brit's stress could shorten his lifespan!

Fresh air

What about fresh air? It is necessary, a veranda and a balcony are a perfect substitute for being outside. The British breed is active, so the handsome plush should have a whole arsenal of toys at his disposal.

Veterinarian help

In the modern world, consulting a doctor has become a necessity. Man mistakenly thinks that he knows everything about those smaller brothers whom he has tamed. If he has taken the liberty and got a purebred, expensive animal, then he should not ignore trips to the veterinarian for examinations.

Cat physiology is different from human physiology, and only a specialist can determine whether an animal is healthy or not. Vaccinated cats and cats do not get sick and do not cause trouble to their owner.

Owners of the British breed often have questions about sterilization and castration. Should I or not? What can this operation affect? British cats reach maturity before one year, cats are able to give birth three to four times a year. Of course, this is a burden on the body, this is another stress. And it has already been proven that this threatens to shorten the long happy years of life allotted to British cats. A cat that does not need intimacy cannot become infected through sexual contact.

The life expectancy of cats is on average 15-20 years. Some breeds are considered “long-lived” and can live more than 20 years. Usually these are animals with a fragile, graceful physique. British cats live a little shorter - up to 15 years. But your pet’s life can be extended with care and proper care. Sterilization has a positive effect on life expectancy. Pets deprived of the opportunity to have offspring live 2-3 years longer.

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    On average, British cats and kittens live from 12 to 15 years. The figure for a particular animal depends on several factors, including:

    1. 1. Genetics. If the kitten’s ancestors were long-lived, then there is a high probability that he himself will also please his owners with good health for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a baby from a nursery with a good reputation. Owners will be able to show pedigrees of several generations of the selected kitten’s ancestors and talk about their health. In addition, such breeders value their reputation and very carefully select cats and breeding cats. Therefore, the chance of purchasing a sick or weak animal is minimal.
    2. 2. Individual characteristics. According to statistics, lean animals with a graceful physique live longer than large ones. The British breed does not have thin bones, so there are not many long-livers among them.
    3. 3. Content. The cat's health directly depends on this. Thus, obese animals are at risk of developing heart failure at a young age. Improper feeding can cause problems with the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases.

    The third factor is the only one that the owner can influence independently.

    The British breed is in many ways similar to the Scottish one: fold-eared and straight-eared. Therefore, their life expectancy is approximately the same. The color of the cats does not affect this period - blue British cats live as long as pets of other colors (bicolor, tricolor, point, etc.)

    How to extend your pet's life

    Caring for a British or Scottish kitten at home is not difficult. Basics of good content:

    1. 1. Proper nutrition.
    2. 2. Physical activity and active lifestyle.
    3. 3. Routine vaccination and regular visits to the veterinarian.
    4. 4. Castration and sterilization.

    In good conditions, male cats can live much longer than the average.


    British breed animals have weak kidneys and liver. Therefore, it is especially important for them to receive only high-quality food.

    There are two ways to feed your cat:

    • natural food;
    • industrial feeds.

    Types of meat that can be given to a British cat:

    • chicken;
    • turkey;
    • rabbit;
    • beef and veal;
    • lean lamb.

    In addition to protein foods, the British cat’s diet must include:

    • fiber (vegetables and fruits);
    • carbohydrates (cereals, except semolina and oatmeal);
    • egg yolk;
    • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir).

    Good quality ready-made feed is also acceptable. They contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in exactly the proportions that cats need.

    Top pick for Brits:

    • Royal Canin;
    • Eukanuba;
    • Hills;
    • ProPac;
    • Acana;
    • Chicken Soup;
    • Eagle Pack.


    High-quality nutrition is not enough if the animal leads a sedentary lifestyle. To maintain health, British cats and kittens need regular exercise. The easiest way to provide them is to buy your pet a scratching post complex on which the animal can climb at any time.

    If the cat does not want to exercise on his own, the owner’s task is to help the animal. The easiest way is to play with your pet with special teasers, mice or balls.

    Health care

    In general, the British have fairly good health. But such cats are prone to kidney, liver and joint diseases. Therefore, you should definitely visit the veterinarian regularly with your pet. A urine test is often ordered to evaluate kidney function. Its results well characterize the functioning of the kidneys and the rest of the excretory system.

    Another important component of maintaining your pet's health is preventive vaccinations. Transmitted viral diseases greatly reduce life expectancy, and some even lead to the death of animals (rabies, panleukopenia).

    In Russia, vaccinations against major viruses (calcivirosis, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis) and rabies are mandatory. They are required to be done annually. At the owner's request, a British cat can be vaccinated against lichen and viral leukemia. This is best done if there are contacts with other animals with unknown viral status.

    Castration and sterilization

    Unmet physiological needs for reproduction cause severe stress in both male and female cats. And in females, estrus that does not result in pregnancy also provokes the development of tumors and inflammation of the uterus. Therefore, an animal that will not be bred must be castrated.

British cats are distinguished by good health and, with proper care, often become long-lived. At the same time, content errors can significantly reduce the time allotted to them. Let's find out how long British cats live and what factors influence their life expectancy.

What affects a pet's lifespan?

At home, the average life expectancy of British cats is 10–15 years. They have a fairly high immunity to infections, and the breed is less prone to the appearance of malignant tumors. With proper care, your pet is quite capable of surpassing the 15-year mark while remaining healthy and vigorous.

There are a number of factors that significantly influence the life expectancy of British cats:

  1. Nutrition – its balance, calorie content, regularity. The British are prone to gaining excess weight, and this negatively affects the cardiovascular system, liver and stomach function.
  2. Physical exercise. A sedentary lifestyle worsens the tone and general health of the animal.
  3. Stress. It can be psychological (noise, screaming, etc.) and physical (injuries from falls or fights). In fact, sexual life, as well as pregnancy and childbirth in cats, is stressful for the body. Frequent stressful situations negatively affect the health of pets and significantly shorten their lifespan.
  4. Genetic data. There are diseases that British cats are predisposed to, so when choosing a kitten you need to carefully study its pedigree and the medical records of the parents.

How to extend the life of a pet

First of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition. Industrial food should be premium or super-premium, and it is advisable to choose one intended specifically for the British - they have small jaws, so the pieces of food for them are made small.

When feeding naturally, the basis of the diet should be lean meat, boiled or scalded with boiling water. Beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey are suitable. Boiled offal can be given regularly. Fish (sea, boiled) is allowed once a week - its excess in representatives of this breed provokes urolithiasis. The diet should also include vegetables and porridge cooked in water (buckwheat, oatmeal).

You should not treat animals with human food, especially fatty, sweet and smoked food.

It is also advisable to add vitamins to your diet. This should be done after consultation with a veterinarian. It is important that your pet always has access to clean, fresh water. Food bowls and drinking bowls should be washed and disinfected regularly.

Weigh the animal periodically. For cats of this breed, the normal weight is 5–8 kg (10–12 kg in case of castration), for cats – 3–7 kg. If your pet becomes overweight, you need to put it on a diet (after consultation with a veterinarian, so as not to harm the animal’s health even more).

It is important to provide your pet with a sufficient number of toys and to play with him from time to time, provoking him to be active.

An abundance of fresh air and sun are very important for the health of the animal, but at the same time, letting these cats out of the house for independent walks is highly not recommended. They are not well suited for street life, they can get hurt by dogs or other cats, get hit by a car, etc. At home, a Briton can get enough light and fresh air while walking on the balcony.

Don't forget about hygiene procedures. The health of these organs largely depends on timely cleaning of the ears, teeth and eyes.

Many owners whose cats are not intended for breeding prefer to castrate them. On average, under generally equal conditions, this can extend the life of an animal by 2–3 years. As for cats, childbirth, especially frequent ones, is a serious burden for their body. At the same time, if you simply do not allow the female to give birth, this can lead to illness, including the development of malignant tumors.

If you do not intend to use the cat for breeding, it must be spayed or neutered (in the first case, only the ovaries are removed, in the second, all reproductive organs are removed). The second method is preferable: without the ovaries, the uterus will still no longer perform any functions, but at the same time, like any living organ, it can get sick.

To protect your pet from the development of dangerous infectious and physiological diseases, it is important to vaccinate it in a timely manner, as well as conduct preventive examinations at a veterinary clinic.

As you can see, to provide the animal with proper care, there is nothing particularly difficult. But following these rules will give your pet many years of a full, happy life.

Those who have seen a British cat at least once become true admirers of these graceful animals endowed with aristocratic habits. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by excellent health and resemble teddy bears in appearance. After reading today's article, you will find out what British cats look like and how many years they live.

A little history

Today, there are several versions of the appearance of this breed. Professional felinologists are still arguing which one is more reliable. Those who want to understand the British will be interested in the most mysterious story. According to some reports, these are the same animals that once lived in Rome and Egypt. They were brought to the territory of the British Isles by legionnaires.

Despite the fact that the British for a long time considered them ordinary yard animals, these aristocratic beauties managed to climb to the very top of the feline class system. On July 13, 1871, the first cat exhibition took place in London, which won the approval of the Queen of England herself, who owned two blue Persians. One of the participants in this event was a mouse-colored English Shorthair. It is from this moment that we can talk about the appearance of the British breed.

Exterior Features

Those who want to know how long British cats live at home would do well to familiarize themselves with the breed standard. These are medium or large, broad-boned, squat animals with well-developed muscles. A distinctive feature of these individuals is their beautiful plush fur. On the large round head are widely set, slightly rounded ears. The color of the eyes depends on the shade of the fur.

The standard provides several possible coat tones. Representatives of this breed can have tortoiseshell, bright red, lilac, black, white, chocolate, cream and blue-gray fur. A characteristic feature of the British is considered to be a muscular body with a wide back, turning into a thick, tapering tail.


Those who want to understand how long a British cat lives will be interested in how these animals behave. Let us immediately note that the luxurious handsome men have a rather friendly disposition. But, despite their easy-going nature, they have their own opinions.

During the first meeting, this aristocrat can give the impression of an extremely unfriendly creature. But once she understands who she has to deal with, she will become more sociable. In addition, representatives of this breed are very freedom-loving and will not tolerate inconvenience. They will never lie next to their owner against their will. The British are very active and playful. Even at an advanced age, they will not refuse to run after the ball.

Factors influencing their lifespan

Those who want to understand how long a British cat lives should remember that this period is on average about ten to fifteen years. Representatives of this breed are naturally endowed with excellent health. But still, there are several factors that can prolong the life of your pet. It is important to provide your pet with constant care and regular, properly balanced nutrition. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed the animal. Because this can lead to obesity, which leads to a host of other health problems.

Castration also has an effect. It has been proven that cats who have undergone such an operation die much later than their relatives. This is due to a reduced risk of developing cancer. There are known cases of people living up to the age of twenty.

Nutrition and care

Having figured out how long they live, you need to pay attention to their diet. It is quite enough to feed an adult animal twice a day. In addition, you need to provide him with round-the-clock access to a bowl of clean drinking water. As a rule, these cats are not picky eaters. But this does not mean that they can be given food from the human table. It is important that the animal receives complete, balanced nutrition and mineral and vitamin supplements.

Those who decide to give their pet industrially produced food should opt for super-premium food. Because they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Those who have already understood how long a British cat lives will probably be interested in what kind of care this animal requires. Let’s say right away that representatives of this breed are quite unpretentious and do not cause any special problems. It is enough to brush your pet a couple of times a week and also keep his eyes and ears clean. In addition, they need to trim their nails periodically.