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The third is not superfluous: the cat’s nictitating membrane. Third eyelid in cats The cat's third eyelid is inflamed, what should I do?

Cats have a predisposition to. And there are countless such diseases. One of the most common and frightening is the third eyelid in a cat.

It is worth noting that cats always have a third eyelid and this is the norm. They need this education to protect their eyes from injury during hunting or to preserve their vision from infectious diseases. This is a thin transparent mucous film on the cat's eyes. When it is in its normal state, it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The problem is inflammation of the third eyelid in cats. This indicates that the pet’s eyes are affected by pathogenic microflora.

Why is there a problem?

Prolapse of the third eyelid in cats is not an independent disease, but rather a concomitant symptom of the underlying pathology. This is a signal to owners that there is clearly something wrong with the pet’s eyes. A visible third eyelid in a cat, its causes and treatment have been known for a long time. And this defect indicates the presence of one of the problems:

One more problem is worth discussing separately. This is a third eyelid adenoma in cats, which is a benign tumor that looks like a small bean. This problem can be caused by any of the above reasons or hormonal processes in the animal’s body.

Therefore, a film on a cat’s eye is an ambiguous formation, and it is impossible to say for sure why it appeared.

The 3rd eyelid is not a single symptom, most often accompanied by the following signs:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • presence of blepharospasms;
  • mucous and purulent discharge;
  • volumetric formations in the corners of the eyes.

The film on a cat’s eye becomes inflamed for the following reasons:

  • weakening of the ligaments that hold the animal’s eyelid in the correct position;
  • eversion of the cartilaginous base.

Treatment of the third eyelid in cats can be performed surgically, but sometimes conservative therapy is also acceptable. Only a professional veterinarian evaluates all the symptoms of the pathology and chooses the most effective and least risky treatment path.

If the film on a cat’s eye is due to the presence of a viral, fungal or bacterial infection in the body, then the veterinarian may well prescribe conservative treatment.

To begin with, the doctor selects special preparations in the form of ointments that are applied to the eyelid, which allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Also with special antibacterial solutions to disinfect the affected area.

You cannot treat your pet half-heartedly, as the health problem will return again. Therapy should continue until not only the visible lesion, but also the invisible symptoms disappear. Even with a noticeable improvement, you cannot stop treatment, you need to complete it.

Cats' eyes look magical not only because of the incredible combinations of colors, but also because of the bizarre change in the pupil depending on the amount of color. The cat's eye contains a membrane known as the third eyelid. You may have never seen it because it is a sign of health problems. If you notice a third eyelid in your cat, you just need to know about the possible causes and treatment of diseases.

What is a cat's third eyelid?

The scientific name for this membrane, found in the eyes of several mammals, including cats, is the nictitating membrane, which is also known as the third eyelid or fitting membrane. This is the tissue located around the cornea, conjunctiva and mucous membrane. The third eyelid is usually hidden out of sight in the central (also known as medial - near the nose) part of the eye socket. Unlike the other two eyelids, which open and close by moving up and down, the third eyelid slides back and forth across the eye from the center outward. This is a moist membrane that may be pigmented (dark), or may have no pigment and therefore be pale or pink (due to the blood vessels that run through it). The role of the third eyelid is to protect the eyeball from penetration by any foreign object and from various injuries. It is also responsible for the release of fluid, the antiseptic properties of which can fight bacteria and microorganisms that can cause irritation and inflammation. If you notice a third eyelid in a cat, either in one eye or in both, this may indicate a malfunction in the body and disease.

Third eyelid in a cat: causes of prolapse

· Conjunctivitis. This eye infection not only causes a third eyelid to appear, but also causes swelling, redness and watery eyes.

· Dehydration. When a cat is suffering from severe water stress, the appearance of this eye tissue is a sign of a serious health condition that must be treated by a specialist.

· Medicines, especially a tranquilizer called acepromazine, can cause the eyelid to bulge. After stopping the drug, everything returns to normal.

· Bruise. Any head injury (even a seemingly minor one) can affect the eyes.

· Foreign body. Anything that gets into your cat's eyes, be it debris, dust or anything else, will cause this membrane to appear as it acts as a mechanism to prevent further penetration of the foreign body into the eyeball.

· Cancer. The appearance of the third eyelid can be affected by the formation of cancer cells.

· Horner's syndrome. A neurological condition called Horner's syndrome can cause a third eyelid to appear. This condition often occurs after ear cleaning because one of the nerves that goes to the eye also passes through the ear. If the eardrum is damaged during cleaning, the nerve may become irritated, resulting in a syndrome that resolves on its own after some time.

· Genetics. Some cat breeds, such as Burmese, are more prone to developing a third eyelid.

Third eyelid in a cat: symptoms

Look at your cat in bright light and examine the eyes. In a healthy pet, they should be clear and bright, and the area around the pupil should be white. Wrap the cat in a towel so that it cannot escape, and gently use your thumb to push back the lower eyelid a little - it should be pink inside. Not red and not white. If during the examination you notice several symptoms from the list, this may indicate problems. The third eyelid may not appear immediately.

· lacrimation;

· red or white inner eyelids;

dried pus in the corners of the eyes;

· slightly open eyes;

· cloudy eyes;

· third eyelid.

Third eyelid in a cat: treatment

Because of the various reasons that can cause the nictitating membrane to take up more space in the eye than it should, there are several types of treatment available, as it all depends on the source of the abnormality.

· If dehydration occurs, you should give your cat plenty of wet food and water to stop the process. It is also recommended that you take your cat to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe maintenance medications and possibly IV drips.

· In the case of conjunctivitis, wounds, foreign bodies in the eyes, only a veterinarian's diagnosis can determine the next step. Eye drops and other medications may be prescribed.

· If the cause of the third eyelid is genetic, your veterinarian will use medical testing to determine whether the third eyelid is affecting the cat's vision and causing discomfort.

A cat's third eyelid: when not to worry

You are most likely to see your cat's third eyelid when she is sleeping. It is not uncommon for cats to sleep with their eyes slightly open and a visible third eyelid covering the eyeball. Some cats have a protruding third eyelid by design. For example, this can be observed in many Siamese. Both of these situations are constant and normal. Owners of such cats usually do not pay attention and do not monitor the age of their pets, because it has been visible throughout their lives. In these situations, there is generally no need to worry.

Cats' eyes are their distinguishing feature. They are expressive, large and mesmerizing. However, they are often exposed to various diseases, and third eyelid adenoma is no exception. Is this disease treatable? Where does it come from and for what reasons? What to do if your pet is diagnosed with a third eyelid adenoma?

What is a cat's third eyelid?

Surely, many did not even realize that a “third eyelid” existed. What is it?

It turns out that this is an incredibly thin fold of the mucous membrane of the eye, located at its inner corner.

Usually it is not visible at all or it appears for a very short time.


All representatives of the cat family have rather large eyes, which in the wild they need for successful hunting, that is, for survival.

Unlike humans, cats blink very little. Because of this, a large amount of dust and tiny debris gets onto the mucous membrane of the eye. It was to protect against it that nature gave furry hunters a third eyelid.

When the cat's head tilts, the fold of the conjunctiva straightens and covers almost the entire eyeball. At the same time, the tear fluid is distributed and all contaminants and foreign particles that have entered the eye are struck. After this, the eyelid is removed back and is no longer visible.

What is a third eyelid adenoma in a cat?

Adenoma of the third eyelid is characterized by a benign neoplasm. It is shaped like a bean and prevents the animal from completely closing its eye. The size of the tumor may vary. The color is usually red or bright pink and due to this it is clearly visible.


Most often, third eyelid adenoma develops in breeds with unnatural eye shapes, for example, Persians and.



The inflammatory process of adenoma is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and purulent discharge from the eyes. The situation is complicated by the fact that due to the almost constantly open eyes, the animal runs the risk of injury or contracting a disease.

In addition, the development of the disease is accompanied by:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • mucous membranes from the eyes;
  • various formations in the corners of the eyes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability and aggression.

In addition to the symptoms, you need to pay attention to your pet. With adenoma of the third eyelid, animals hide from the light, very often wash their faces, squint and blink continuously.

Over time, the adenoma becomes visible and its complexity becomes difficult to confuse with something else. The tumor increases in size and protrudes from under the eyelids.

Causes and diagnosis

Adenoma of the third eyelid is not an independent disease. They can call him:

Diagnosing a third eyelid adenoma in a cat is quite simple. The doctor can easily determine it after a visual examination.



Treatment of third eyelid adenoma in cats must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist! You will not be able to cure the nictitating membrane on your own, and the animal’s condition will only worsen without proper treatment!

To ensure proper treatment, it is necessary to find the root cause of the disease. Most often, cats require surgery to treat the third eyelid. This once again proves the ineffectiveness of self-medication! Only a highly qualified veterinarian, having studied all the symptoms of the disease, can choose the most effective method of treating the disease.

In some cases, treatment can be done without surgery. Since cats’ immunity is quite strong, after a week of proper therapy the animal begins to rapidly recover. In this case, ointments, drops, disinfectant solutions and antibiotics are used.

If the case is advanced and the doctor does not see any other course of events other than surgical intervention, then there is nowhere to go.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, very carefully and in no case should the third eyelid be injured. The doctor carefully removes the tumor, after which the operation ends and no stitches are applied. Bleeding from the wound is stopped with a tampon.

After surgery, maintenance therapy and antibiotics are prescribed. In addition, the doctor will prescribe drops (chloramphenicol solution 0.25%, colbiocin, dexamethasone, etc.).


You should trust your animal only to a proven, highly qualified doctor! If the third eyelid is damaged during surgery, chronic conjunctivitis will develop, which cannot be treated.

Remember that under no circumstances should you self-medicate. You should not try to treat your pet with medications intended for other animals or people. Do not try to put the third eyelid back in place yourself - this will lead to injury! And under no circumstances agree to remove the third eyelid. If you receive such an offer, then it is better to look for another veterinary clinic.


To prevent the development of eye diseases and, in particular, third eyelid adenoma, follow fairly simple rules:

  • carefully monitor the hygiene of the animal;
  • ventilate the room daily;
  • behind the cat's eyes every day;
  • provide a nutritious, varied diet and supplement it with vitamin supplements;
  • Wash your pet’s clothes and bedding as often as possible;
  • If you notice signs of the disease, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Useful video

You can learn more about eye problems using the following video:


A cat's eyes require close attention from humans. The health and appearance of the animal largely depend on their condition. By detecting the disease in the early stages and providing your pet with proper treatment and care, you can easily avoid serious consequences.

The inner (third) eyelid is a special thin membrane that protects the mucous membrane of the cat’s eye from dust and various damage. It is a thin light film, on one side adjacent to the cornea of ​​the eye, and on the other, to the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids.

In a healthy animal, the third eyelid can only be seen when blinking, tilting the head, or when the eye is irritated. In this case, the eyelid extends and lubricates the surface of the cornea with tear fluid. But pathologies of the nictitating membrane often occur. These include prolapse, adenoma and third eyelid prolapse.

Eyelid loss

If the third eyelid does not fold, almost completely covers the eye, and causes discomfort in the cat, this is a pathology. The animal begins to hide from the light, rubs its eyes, blinks and squints. Upon examination, you may notice increased lacrimation, redness and pus. This is a signal to urgently contact a veterinarian and prescribe treatment.

It happens that the film appears only on one eye. This happens due to the entry of a foreign body. Constriction of the pupil and drooping of the upper eyelid are the cause of neurological pathology. The third eyelid in both eyes indicates a serious systemic disease.

Most often, the cause is eye damage and infection in the wound (for example, during a fight). An infected wound may develop a creeping corneal ulcer or keratitis. The surface of the eyes becomes cloudy, erosion, white or greenish discharge appears. This condition is extremely dangerous and can lead to the death of the animal.

Causes of inner eyelid loss include:

If your cat experiences eyelid prolapse, it should be examined by a veterinarian.

Treatment of third eyelid prolapse should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. To do this, the doctor may prescribe a general and biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the eyeball, X-ray examination of the skull, MRI and CT tests.

If the disease is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, treatment is carried out using conservative methods (gel or drops, antibiotics, antiviral drugs). Immunostimulating agents (, etc.) are often prescribed. There are cases when surgical intervention is unavoidable.

Important. You cannot self-medicate, use drops and ointments without a doctor’s prescription, put your hands into the animal’s eyes and try to return the membrane to its place. Do not use drops or gels intended for human treatment.

Sometimes eyelid loss goes away without a trace within a day. But you shouldn’t ignore this, because a relapse is possible. Before contacting a veterinarian, you can begin treatment at home on your own. To do this, you need to include plant supplements containing calendula, ivy bud, cornflower and plantain in your cat’s diet.

Eyelid loss may go away on its own, but then a relapse may occur.

If your cat's eyes are watery and purulent, you can wash them with warm water, olive oil or boric acid.

Prolapse: treatment of the disease

With prolapse, the third eyelid covers half of the eye. This disease is often confused with hair loss. Their difference is the color of the conjunctiva. With prolapse, it has a gray or gray-blue tint. The cause may be an allergic reaction or a foreign body entering the mucous membrane of the eye.

Trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations, the cat rubs its eyes vigorously with its paws, which can lead to infection. Purulent discharge, lacrimation and inflammation appear. To save your pet from suffering, use drops or ointments and antibacterial drugs prescribed by your doctor. Usually the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Treatment of third eyelid adenoma

An adenoma is a benign neoplasm in the eye that is bright pink in color and has clear outlines. If measures are not taken, the tumor begins to grow, preventing the eyes from closing. The cat stops eating, becomes lethargic and apathetic.

An adenoma is a bright pink growth in a cat's eye.

Treatment may require surgical removal of the adenoma and nearby tissue. After which anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eye ointments and drops are prescribed.

Important. The animal's lacrimal gland or nictitating membrane should not be removed. This is fraught with serious complications: keratoconjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis or complete blindness.

This pathology is treatable. But it will be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is strictly forbidden to straighten the eyelid on your own. All manipulations with the eyes of a sick cat should be carried out by a veterinarian.

Other causes of eye disease in cats

Inflammation of the third eyelid can be caused by wounds, mechanical damage to the cornea of ​​the eye, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and genetic pathology. But there are still many that cause suffering to furry pets.

These include:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • turning of the eyelids;
  • corneal necrosis;
  • keratitis;
  • retinal detachment;

There are many different eye diseases in cats.

Conjunctivitis is caused by an allergy or viral infection. Keratitis develops against the background of fungal and bacterial infection. Persian, Himalayan and British cats are more susceptible to entropion. The cause can be either trauma or congenital pathology. Lacrimation, retinal detachment and necrosis of the cornea of ​​the eye appear due to mechanical damage and trauma.

Prevention of inflammation of the third eyelid

To prevent inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat, you need to follow a few simple rules:

It is recommended to wash your pet’s bedding more often, regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room, thoroughly wash the tray and change the filling on time. Every day after a walk, rinse your eyes with chamomile decoction or a special liquid. Introduce into your cat's diet all the minerals and vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system. This is the key to your pet's health.

The article contains information about this problem and how experienced veterinarians can advise dealing with it, but you need to understand that only after examining a four-legged patient can you count on receiving the correct treatment regimen.

Third eyelid in cats: what is it, symptoms and signs, what does it look like?

The third eyelid that appears in cats is a fold of the conjunctiva; it is localized near the inner corner of the eyes. It plays an important role when the eyes are open, it is not visible, but in this way the eye is protected.

Its symptoms are as follows: the eye becomes teary. Pus or other mucus may accumulate in the damaged organ of vision. The appearance of the eyelid, of course, immediately becomes noticeable - a thin, light-colored skin is formed, its size varies.

Third eyelid in cats treatment at home, what drugs and tablets to use

First of all, you can pay attention to your pet’s nutrition; it is useful to give supplements that contain the following herbs:

1. Calendula and plantain.
2. Cornflower.

If a problem is detected, you should visit a veterinarian. Under no circumstances should you put drops intended for humans into your eyes. Thus, you can only worsen the situation.

The eyelid may recover within a few hours. If this does not happen, you can use drugs - cycloferon or fosprenil. Thanks to them, the viral infection will be eliminated.

Does a cat have a third eyelid in both eyes or not, and in the corners of the eye?

The disease can affect either one eye or two at once. This is mainly due to the fact that cats fight often. The resulting injury can become an entry point for bacteria and viruses to attach and, as a result, the development of such an unpleasant disease.

The cat's third eyelid drops anandin reviews, price, instructions for use

The cost of one bottle is from 30 to 100 rubles, depending on the region of residence. Drops allow you to suppress the activity of harmful bacteria, stop the inflammatory process, and accelerate the regeneration process.

The lower eyelid of the affected eye should be slightly turned away, then a few drops are dripped. To prevent the medicine from flowing back, it is necessary to lift the animal’s muzzle upward for several minutes.

Review: Ivan, Moscow. Our cat had a problem with the appearance of a third eyelid. The doctor advised me to use anandin drops. After use, everything really returned to normal and the animal recovered.

My cat's third eyelid is inflamed, is it contagious?

In fact, the third eyelid is not considered a disease, which means the animal does not pose any danger to others. You can continue to “communicate” with him and not worry.

Does a cat have a third eyelid after anesthesia or not and what to do, treatment with folk remedies (folk recipes)

A problem can actually appear after undergoing anesthesia. This is a kind of response of the body to medications. But this doesn't happen often. At home, you can give your animal immunomodulatory drugs, this way it will be possible to eliminate the viral infection.