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Smoke tricks: spectacular and simple. Vaping tricks How to make smoke rings

Steaming in a Russian sauna - what could be easier? I sat on a bench in the steam room, sweated a lot, whipped myself with a broom and be healthy! In fact, this is an overly simplified idea of ​​Slavic bath traditions. There are a huge number of nuances, non-compliance with which leads to the fact that a person taking a steam bath does not heal his body, but causes harm to it. Do you know how to properly take a steam bath in a Russian sauna? If not, then you have every chance to learn it right now.

Preparation for bath procedures includes two restrictions. Firstly, you should not eat too much before going to the bathhouse. Of course, there is no need to go hungry either; limit yourself to a light snack 1-1.5 hours before visiting the bathhouse. Secondly, if you want to steam with benefit, forget about alcoholic drinks on this day.

Preliminary stage: visit to the washing department

Before entering the steam room, rinse off in the shower. The water should be warm enough (36-38°C) to warm your body and prepare it for more extreme temperatures. It’s not worth washing with soap and using a washcloth yet. The fact is that soap washes away the lipid layer from the skin, which acts as a barrier. And if it is washed off, the high temperatures of the steam room will dry the skin to parchment. Therefore, save the soap until the end of the bath procedure.

When taking a shower, you should not get your hair wet. Otherwise, you may get heatstroke in the steam room. To further protect yourself from this trouble, put a bath hat made of wool, cotton or linen on your head. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to moisten it with water to keep your head “cold.”

Now you are fully armed and ready to meet the hot climate of the Russian steam room. There can be several entries into the steam room, usually 5-7. They differ from each other in their thermal regimes and duration.

First entry into the steam room: adaptation to high temperatures

They enter the steam room for the first time in order to warm up and get used to the heat loads. They don’t use a broom at this stage, although they take it with them to the steam room for steaming. This will allow you to enjoy the fresh aroma of the leaves and calm your nervous system.

The optimal temperature for initial heating is considered to be 60°C - approximately this heat regime is maintained on the bottom shelf of the steam room. Lie down on it and relax. Soon you will feel your skin turning red, your heart beating faster, and sweat gushing out. This means that your body begins the adaptation process. If you wish, you can go up a little higher, to the next shelves, and continue warming up there. However, do not overdo it: the first entry into the steam room should not last longer than 3-10 minutes.

Second pass: heat, steam and broom

The second visit to the steam room is longer - up to 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can not only sweat, but also feel the benefits of broom massage. Of course, it is advisable to steam together - this way the procedure will be more effective.

So, how to take a steam bath in a Russian sauna with a broom? The person who will be steamed is placed on a shelf, after which the steamer begins to perform a complex of broom massage.

Its main actions are:

  • fanning - swinging movements with a broom towards the steamer.
  • shaking - shaking a broom under the ceiling of the steam room (where the temperature is higher) and briefly pressing hot branches to the lower back, feet, and shoulder blades.
  • whipping - whipping blows on the skin with a broom.
  • stroking - slow stroking with a broom along the body.
  • quilting - alternate stroking and whipping blows with a broom.
  • compress - lowering a broom onto the steaming body with firm pressure for 4-5 seconds.

At the end of the broom massage, do not rush to get up from the shelf. Wait a couple of minutes, then slowly rise and exit the steam room.

Third and all subsequent visits

As already mentioned, a visit to the bathhouse usually includes 5-7 visits to the steam room. Moreover, each subsequent time the vaping temperature and duration may increase. Be sure to monitor your feelings and do not try to stay in the steam room by force. The maximum duration of stay there is 20-25 minutes.

What to do between visits to the steam room?

Now it's time to talk about rest. This event should follow after each exit from the steam room and last no less than the soaring process.

Inveterate steamers prefer to use this time for contrasting procedures. After the steam room, they jump into the font, wipe themselves with snow, or, at worst, douse themselves with ice water from the gang. If you have just recently started visiting the bathhouse, then these procedures are not for you yet. It will be enough if you stand in the shower for a minute with a water temperature of 25-30°C. Remember that you need to harden gradually, gradually cooling the water for contrasting procedures with each subsequent visit to the bathhouse.

After washing, wrap yourself in a towel and drink a cup of hot tea to rejuvenate. Lie down, relax, drive away all bad thoughts. Remember that the bathhouse heals not only the body, but also the soul.

Relaxation time in the bathhouse is also perfect for cosmetic procedures. After several visits to the steam room, apply a scrub of sea salt, ground nuts or coffee grounds to your skin. Massage your body with it, leave the healing composition for 5-10 minutes to absorb, and then rinse off. The skin will become smooth and soft, like after using an expensive lotion. A wonderful effect can be obtained from natural masks for the face and body, made with your own hands from honey, fruits, berries, clay, etc.

Make the most of the Russian sauna experience. This is a universal cure for many diseases, but it only works in skillful hands. Therefore, don’t waste your time - go to the sauna and learn how to steam properly!

While society is arguing about the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes, the number of their fans is growing, and at the same time, wiping tricks are gaining popularity. E-cigarette vapor tricks are both simply fun entertainment and a way of self-expression.

Vapers are inventing more and more spectacular tricks. Even stunt vaper competitions are organized. But with desire and perseverance, anyone can learn many of these tricks.

Electronic cigarette tricks

Before we consider what tricks a beginner can do with a vape, let’s clarify what you will need for training:

  1. Electronic Cigarette.
  2. Liquid for smoking.
  3. Suitable premises.

To achieve the best effect, you need to choose a powerful vape with good vaporization. The liquid should have a high glycerin content - it produces a large amount of smoke.

The training room should have minimal air movement - no open windows, fans or air conditioners.

In order to one day surprise your friends with an unusual skill, you need to start with easy tricks with an electronic cigarette, then moving on to more complex ones.

Let's look at a few tricks step by step.

For example, let’s take the “Tornado” trick, which is suitable for beginners, not too difficult to perform, but spectacular:

  1. Get as much steam into your mouth as possible.
  2. Release the steam slowly and smoothly onto a table or other flat surface. Lusatia must be so thick and as motionless as possible.
  3. In one swift motion, cut through the puddle and swing upward. With fast movement, such a maneuver turns steam into a tight spiral, forming a “vortex”.

Now let's figure out how learn to do smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.

How to make smoke rings

There are several ways how to blow smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.

First way:

  • take more smoke into your throat;
  • round your lips in the shape of the letter “O”;
  • press the tip of your tongue against your lower jaw;
  • sharply push out portions of steam from the larynx, while making sounds similar to a slight cough.

Second way to make smoke rings:

  • take steam into your mouth;
  • Roll your relaxed lips into a tube;
  • pronounce a sound like “au” or “eu”;
  • Tighten your lips while pushing out the smoke in portions.

It won’t work out right away, but the main thing is not to despair. Keep trying, and the rings will gradually acquire clear outlines and shapes.

Having figured it out, how to learn to throw rings, you can move on to more complex manipulations with the vapor of an electronic cigarette.

How to make a jellyfish from steam

Having mastered the tricks with tornadoes and rings, it is not difficult to then learn how to create a jellyfish - a spectacular and mesmerizing trick with a wipe.

Before you start releasing and releasing a beautiful jellyfish from the smoke of an e-cigarette, you will have to master ring blowing perfectly. Then you need to learn how to guide them - push them with your hand, creating an air cushion between the ring and your palm.

Now let's look at how to properly make a jellyfish from the smoke of an electronic cigarette.

  1. Gain steam and blow out a tight ring, then follow it with your hand and move with the underside of your palm.
  2. While you lead and the ring expands, take another couple into your cheeks.
  3. Carefully release the second ring inside the first.
  4. The second ring will be wrapped with air flow the first ring around you. You will get a dome of a jellyfish with tentacles trailing behind it.

There are many more simple and complex wipe tricks, and if you practice hard, you can turn the smoking process into an exciting show.

In order to perform all these spectacular tricks with smoke, you will need a hookah, an electronic cigarette or a vape. Some people believe that an ordinary cigarette with a broken filter will do for such tricks, but such smoking will be doubly harmful to your lungs.

Smoke rings

Such tricks with smoke are considered the most spectacular. You can achieve the effect in two ways:

  1. Get more steam into your mouth, then quickly make an “O” shape with your lips, keeping the tip of your tongue close to the lingual frenulum. With short exhalations, push out small doses of smoke.
  2. This method involves the same actions, only in this case you must pronounce the vowel “O” with your larynx. The sound itself will not be heard - only something like a click in your throat. Remember to keep your mouth open in a wide circle.

Practice is important in this matter. Don't be upset if the first rings fall apart quickly or don't work out at all.

Double ghost puff

This trick with cigarette smoke is done as follows:

  1. Take a puff, but don't inhale the smoke into your lungs - hold it in your mouth.
  2. Leaning your head back slightly, slowly exhale the smoke for 1-2 seconds. Keep your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. At the last stage, sharply lower it down.
  3. While the smoke cloud is at a distance of 5-10 cm from your face, with your lips slightly parted and your head tilted towards it, quickly inhale it back, trying to collect it completely.

"French breath", "waterfall"

These smoke tricks are done this way:

  1. Inhale the smoke for two to three seconds. It is important to keep it in your mouth - you can do this by slightly puffing out your cheeks, like a hamster.
  2. Now open your mouth slightly, protruding your lower lip thoroughly, and begin to slowly release smoke. He will rise up.
  3. Once the smoke reaches your nose, begin to slowly inhale the steam back into your nose.

Glass with smoke

Perhaps these are the simplest tricks with hookah smoke. Inhale as much smoke as possible, and slowly, focusing on the edge, begin to exhale it into the glass. You can use a straw for training.

Tornado on the table

Also a fairly easy trick. In a windless room, exhale a large amount of smoke onto the table surface. Then pry it up with your hand and twist it smartly into a kind of thin tube - such as the base of a tornado. To create a real whirlwind, you just need practice.

Smoky soap bubbles

These are very spectacular tricks with smoke. The bubbles burst, releasing clouds of steam. You can do the focus like this:

  1. Mix some dishwashing liquid with a little water in a bowl, find a cocktail straw, or use baby soap bubbles.
  2. The more smoke you inhale, the more smoke bubbles you will see.
  3. Slowly exhale the smoke into a straw thoroughly soaked in the soapy solution.

All tricks with smoke are easy to describe, but to learn how to do them automatically, you need thorough and serious practice. Only by repeating every day and honing your skills will you learn these actions, and will also be able to combine them and transform them into new ones. However, be sure to remember that smoking cigarettes, vaping, and hookah is harmful to your health.

Electronic cigarettes or hookahs are a great opportunity to surprise others with tricks with smoke or steam, called vape tricks. For those who want to master the most popular wipe tricks, the training for beginners and beginners presented in this article will be very useful. Craftsmen easily make double and triple rings, blow out “Dragon” or “Medusa”, turning the smoking process into a real show. You can learn this very quickly.

Training in Russian, vaping tricks using rings as an example

From the outside it may seem that throwing rings is easy and simple - experienced vipers do it too naturally. The smoke forms into figures, as if by itself. In fact, you need to know the secrets and practice a little to make it work. After completing the training, anyone can perform tricks.

Rings are the easiest thing to learn. They are the basis of other, more complex tricks. Let's consider three main ways:

  1. You need to take the maximum amount of smoke into your mouth and quickly round your lips, as if you were going to pronounce the sound “O”. We watch our language. Its tip should be near the lingual frenulum. Now we push out the accumulated smoke from the lungs in small portions. This method is considered the simplest. It's good for learning. The rings are obtained in one go. They are unstable - they quickly disintegrate. But virtuosos recommend starting to master tricks with it.
  2. The second method is similar to the first, but somewhat more complicated. Here, too, you need to inhale more smoke, make your lips like the letter “O” and send the tip of your tongue to his frenulum. Then, with the larynx, make a short and sharp sound “O”, similar to coughing or the exclamation-moan that escapes from people during shock. The mouth is open wide and rounded as much as possible. The rings are thick and strong.
  3. This method allows you to create clear figures of incredible beauty. These are the kind of tricks that real virtuosos demonstrate. It will be easier for those who speak English and know how to pronounce “W” correctly. If you don’t have such skills, you will have to learn. Lips like a tube. We try to pronounce “B”, but we don’t close our mouths, but on the contrary, we slightly expand the tube. It turns out something between “Uo” and “Ua”. To blow a ring, you need to pronounce the English “W” sound backwards. Something between a quick “Aw” and “Ow” should come out. When pronunciation is mastered, we take smoke - not into the lungs, but into the mouth. Roll the relaxed lips into a tube. We pronounce "W". We tighten our lips, simultaneously pushing out the steam in portions. By changing the circumference of the mouth, you can adjust the clarity and size of the figures.

To make it easier to master the skill, we suggest watching a video training in Russian: the author does vape tricks with rings there using the second method. All that is required is to carefully follow the instructions. Next - a little practice, and you can surprise people.

How to learn to throw rings and guide them, features of the technique

Many new vapers are interested in learning how to shoot and guide rings. This is necessary to perform some more complex and interesting tricks. The process of creating rings is described above. Now let's figure out how to lead them.

In order for the smoke ring to move along a given trajectory, you need to release it using method two or three. The first one will not give the desired effect - the figure will be too unstable.

As soon as a ring has formed from the smoke, you should quickly bring your cupped palms to it and push the figure forward. By leaving a distance of five centimeters from the palms to the puff of smoke, you can ensure that the latter will increase in size. The end result is a much larger ring than the output.

There is nothing complicated about this trick. Any more or less experienced vaper will tell you how to learn to launch rings and then guide them. Usually after several attempts he manages to achieve a good result.

How to learn how to make BANE & GHOST from a vape, description of tricks

Now let's figure out how to learn how to make BANE & GHOST from a vape? These are two different tricks, although they have a lot in common. Both are very impressive, and the technology is elementary. There is nothing complicated. So:

  1. "Bane." We suck the smoke into our cheeks and do not let it in any further - it must remain in the mouth. The jaws are tense. The lips are stretched into a malicious smile. The top should be in contact with the bottom, but between them you need to leave several holes for the flow to escape. We push the smoke out of ourselves and at the same time draw it in through our nose. It turns out interesting.
  2. "Gost". In the same way, smoke is drawn in and remains in the mouth. Then it is sharply pushed out. It is advisable to form a ring - this will turn out more impressive. And when the cloud of smoke has moved a short distance, you need to draw it back with your mouth.

How to learn how to do BANE & GHOST is described and shown in such detail that it is very easy to master the tricks. This will literally take 20 minutes.

Video tricks with the “Medusa” wipe are some of the most popular

Video tricks with the “Medusa” wipe are always of interest to a huge number of people, because it is very beautiful. It is not easy to master them; you will have to make an effort. But it's worth it!

To create a figure out of smoke that looks like a jellyfish, you need to be able to make rings and guide them. If you use an electronic cigarette, you will need one of the advanced models that produces a lot of steam. The battery must be well charged.

The essence of the trick is to blow out a beautiful, clear ring, and then release a puff of steam or smoke inside it. This cloud will begin to move along with the ring, will envelop it and leave a trail similar to the tail of a jellyfish.

So, we collect more steam or smoke, push it out, creating a ring. We catch the figure with our palms (their lower parts) and lead it. At the same time, we inhale another portion of steam, hold it in our mouth for a moment and push it with our tongue, directing the club to the middle of the ring. In order not to miss, you can bring your face close to the figure. If the trick is done outdoors in stormy weather, you need to launch the ring into the wind.

You should start pushing the figure with your hands as soon as it is formed. Many people are afraid to make sudden movements so as not to break the ring. This is mistake. You need to act energetically and confidently. Video “Medusa” tricks from professionals will help you quickly master the technology.

Dragon wipe tricks - a simple and accessible technique

Anyone who studies wipe tricks should definitely master “Dragon”. This is a good way to stand out from the crowd. The technology is painfully simple. You don't even need to know how to create rings, guide them, etc. Everything is elementary!

So, we put more steam or smoke into our mouth. We stretch our closed lips into a wide smile. We leave small holes along the edges of the mouth. Then we exhale the smoke forcefully through the nose and the holes between the lips. It turns out to be a beautiful composition.

“Dragon” tricks delight others. Usually, beginners succeed on their first attempts. It's definitely worth a try!

Tricks with the “Tornado” wipe – creating with a slight movement of the hand

The “Tornado” wipe tricks are very original. In addition to a cigarette (hookah), you will need a table or other flat surface. It is most comfortable to sit during the procedure.

You need to draw in more steam into your lungs, lean over the table and slowly, slowly release the contents in a thin stream, directing the latter towards the surface. When the cloud spreads, remove your face, straighten up and start moving your hand.

We hold the upper limb bent at the elbow almost perpendicular to the table surface at a short distance. The word “almost” means that you need to create a small angle between your hand and the table - about twenty degrees. From this initial position, the limb quickly moves forward and then smoothly upward. It is important that the trajectory is free of sharp turns.

While doctors, officials and manufacturers argue about the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes, YouTube is updated daily with new videos of wiping tricks. Various tricks with smoke from an electronic cigarette are gaining popularity among representatives of a new subculture - vapers. The number of fans of electronic cigarettes is growing rapidly. As does the number of people who want to learn vaping tricks.

Prerequisites to get started

To surprise and delight your friends with your unusual ability to blow a variety of vapor rings, you need very little: an electronic cigarette, a suitable room for training, and persistence.

It is best to start learning techniques without witnesses. In front of a mirror in a draft-free room. Otherwise, the slightest whiff will spoil all attempts to achieve mastery.

In order to release smoke rings easily and simply, it will take some practice. And then the wipe tricks will be perfect.

In the first lesson you can learn a simple combination: releasing rings of steam using your tongue. To do this, you need to draw more steam into your lungs and mouth. Then press your lips together as if to pronounce the letter “O”. Place your tongue in the center of the open mouth. And “cough” slightly, carefully pushing the steam out of your mouth with your larynx. The “cough” should be barely audible, very weak, so that the ring does not come out abruptly, otherwise nothing will work. This vaping trick is the easiest one. You can learn it quite quickly.

A wide variety of circles and jets

You can make rings without using your tongue. Focus in this case will gain speed and clarity. You need to form your lips again like the letter “O” and tense. Now you need to frequently and sharply blow steam out of your lungs. Not all rings in this cascade will be perfect. With regular practice, this technique will look impressive.

Another way to form smoke rings involves pronouncing the English letter W. To do this vaping trick, you need to take smoke into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Then, folding your lips in the usual letter “O”, say “Ou” or “Ew” several times, tensing your lips and cheeks. This sound will help push the steam out and form beautiful rings.

But vaping tricks aren't just about rings. There are other interesting tricks with electronic cigarettes in the form of streams of smoke of various directions.