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Choking, rash and runny nose are typical symptoms of a cat allergy in a child. Cat allergy in infants: symptoms and treatment

Allergy to cat fur is a fairly common problem among pets. This is the human body's reaction to an allergen. It can arise for various reasons and manifest itself in different ways.

The disease may not appear immediately, but only after some time has passed, as a new family member has appeared. More often, children suffer from allergies, while adults are more resistant to it.

People who already suffer from other types of allergies have a high chance of suffering from animal intolerance.

One of the reasons contributes to the development of an allergic reaction:

  • weakened body immunity;
  • presence of somatic disease;
  • lack or very poor cat care;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It's not just wool that can cause allergies. Often its cause is urine, saliva, secretions of the animal’s sweat and sebaceous glands. Cat hair acts as an allergen only in 30% of cases.


Allergies to cat fur and its waste products manifest themselves in different ways. It all depends on the level of damage to the body and the strength of the allergen.

The main symptoms of an allergy to cat fur:

  1. runny nose;
  2. redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose;
  3. constant nasal discharge and tearing;
  4. sneezing, coughing;
  5. a feeling of constant pain in the throat;
  6. difficulty breathing;
  7. My nose itches all the time.

The condition resembles a cold, but is in no way related to it.

Also, human skin reacts violently to an allergen.:

  • redness of varying degrees and localization on the body;
  • A rash may occur, which is localized both in one place and throughout the body. This could be hives, small pimples or large blisters. This is impossible to predict;
  • Such rashes are accompanied by intolerable itching. You want to scratch your pimples all the time, but you can’t do that;
  • Quincke's edema. It occurs when there is a high concentration of allergens and when their effect is strong.

These signs are the most common, but dizziness, rapid heartbeat and breathing, and irregular pulse rhythm are also possible. The child may still experience nausea, stomach pain, and various disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

All symptoms rapidly increase if exposure to the allergen is not stopped and treatment is not prescribed.


First of all, therapeutic methods are aimed at relieving symptoms that interfere with a person’s normal life. Afterwards, it is necessary to limit communication with the cat, or get rid of it completely. General cleaning of the house, which includes treating all corners of the apartment with detergents, and washing carpets and curtains, will not be superfluous.

It is necessary to consult a doctor who, after examining and collecting the necessary tests, will prescribe effective treatment.

It consists of three stages:

  • taking antiallergic drugs;
  • therapy that relieves symptoms. These include eye and nasal drops;
  • taking or injecting immunostimulating drugs.

Danger of disease

Every third person faces the problem of allergy to wool. It is characterized by seasonality and can occur at completely different ages. This is a dangerous disease for adults and children.

Consequences in case of lack or incorrect treatment:

  • constant weakness, loss of strength, severe headaches;
  • severe decrease in immunity;
  • development of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, rhinitis;
  • anaphylactic shock, severe swelling of the larynx and suffocation.


It is worth following several rules of prevention so as not to encounter allergies.:

  • keep the animal at a distance, do not contact it;
  • observe his hygiene in all respects;
  • Carry out frequent wet cleaning in the house, without using a vacuum cleaner;
  • acquire air purification or ionization devices;
  • or get rid of the cat forever, hand it over to good and reliable hands.

Allergy to wool is a complex and dangerous disease. It is dangerous due to its consequences, which threaten human health and even life. You should not delay treatment, and even better, before getting a four-legged friend, go through all the tests for allergies.


Cats can be found in almost every country in the world - they are convenient and pleasant to keep at home, easy to care for and select food. Both adults and children love to play with them; There is an opinion that furry beauties can improve not only mood, but also well-being, and help in healing diseases. However, this statement is not always true: some people develop an allergy to cats, in which close contact with these animals causes a runny nose, skin rash and even life-threatening respiratory problems.


If a cat lives at home, it brings joy to all family members, except those with allergies. Not only a fluffy, but also a smooth-haired pet, and in some cases even a completely hairless Sphynx cat, can provoke adverse reactions from a sensitive organism. To understand how to act correctly and help the patient, you need to know why the symptoms appear.

It’s worth starting with the fact that cat allergies are common. It is explained by the reaction of the immune system to proteins (proteins) that are present:

  1. In saliva.
  2. In feces, urine.
  3. In the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  4. On skin and fur.

To date, researchers know of 12 types of protein provocateurs. The most significant for humans are:

  • major allergen Fel d 1;
  • albumin Fel d 2.

They are found in household dust and settle on countertops, shelves, and remain on bed linen and curtains. The epithelium lining the outer surface of a cat's skin can be detected even in rooms where animals are not kept.

The Fel d 1 allergen also causes a cross-type reaction, the so-called “cat-pork” syndrome.

With this pathology, a person experiences intolerance to food products of animal origin and cannot work in enterprises involved in the production of sausages and cutting carcasses. The patient reacts not only to pork, but also to beef and veal.

They can be combined with each other, forming different types of clinical manifestations. The most common signs of damage to the upper respiratory tract and eyes. To get an idea of ​​the whole picture of the disease as a whole, several groups of disorders should be considered separately:

  1. Skin.
  2. Catarrhal.
  3. Respiratory.

All of them can occur within a few minutes, and can begin even if the contact with the animal was short-lived. Symptoms increase rapidly and the condition rapidly worsens. Some people experience a delayed type of reaction, characterized by a “waiting period” of several hours after contact with the allergen.

Skin manifestations

The pathological picture may look like this:

  • the patient’s body is completely or in some areas covered with a rash;
  • the patient has been plagued by excruciating itching for several days;
  • the skin becomes dry, crusts appear after scratching the elements of the rash.

The described changes make it possible to recognize atopic dermatitis, which is characterized by a long course and requires not only adequate treatment, but also proper body care. Due to dryness, a person cannot stop itching; he experiences severe flaking; the scales remain on clothes.

In addition, hives may develop. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as numerous itchy pink or porcelain blisters. Some patients have increased body temperature. To make a diagnosis, you need not only to know how cat allergies manifest themselves, but also to conduct special tests in the doctor's office.

Catarrhal symptoms

May manifest as damage to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes:

  • runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • coughing.

The earliest sign is severe itching in the nose, accompanied by paroxysmal sneezing. This symptom indicates allergic inflammation, the occurrence of which is associated with inhalation of allergens or mechanical transfer during touching the face.

Disturbances can appear suddenly and sharply worsen the patient’s previously satisfactory state of health. Due to congestion, he has to sleep with his mouth open.

Respiratory manifestations

An allergy to a cat includes the manifestation of signs of bronchial asthma and can be expressed in symptoms such as:

  1. Shortness of breath with difficulty in exhaling in children and adults.
  2. Paroxysmal cough with the release of viscous glassy sputum.
  3. Whistling sounds heard from a distance.

Attacks of suffocation are of different nature. The patient can learn about their approach by the harbingers of nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, and urticaria.

In severe cases, the allergic person rests his hands on a stable surface to ease breathing and complains of pain and congestion in the lower chest. If airflow is severely restricted, wheezing may not occur. Between exacerbations, without contact with the allergen, patients are not bothered by symptoms. But even in the case when the episode of respiratory disorders passed on its own and the person stopped suffocating, treatment is also required.

Do allergies depend on breed?

There are many varieties of cats, and each person’s choice is based on their own preferences. One person is satisfied with unassuming yard purrs, another may want to have an animal with a pedigree. However, the verdict of experts is unanimous: every cat has the ability to provoke allergies. There are several nuances:

  1. Fluffiness and dark color increase allergic potential.

    This is explained by the fact that wool easily spreads throughout the home, and along with it proteins from saliva, urine, and secretions of the sebaceous glands. Light-colored rocks are preferable because they rarely cause significant deterioration.

  2. Castration reduces the risk.

    The reason is that the amount of certain types of proteins is minimized. However, this does not mean that your beloved cat has become absolutely safe.

  3. Age and gender matter.

    A kitten does not pose as serious a threat to an allergy sufferer as an adult British pet or a mongrel. Therefore, you should not hope that the sensitivity will go away; if you continue contact, it will only intensify. It was also found that males are more likely to provoke intolerance.

  4. There are no hypoallergenic breeds.

    There are only animals that secrete a smaller volume of provoking proteins. However, with severe manifestations, this will not protect the patient from complications (both a British cat and a pet without thick hair can cause them).

Researchers have discovered an interesting fact: even if cats have similar external features, each has an individual protein profile that increases or, conversely, minimizes the risk of intolerance.

Thus, the breed does not play a role in the formation of sensitivity; what matters is the type of protein allergen and its concentration in the room.

How to get rid of cat allergies?

This must be done, paying attention to important features:

  • it is impossible to cure sensitivity forever;
  • the presence of a reaction should be identified before living together;
  • You should not have a pet in a house where there are small children and people suffering from bronchial asthma or food allergies.

Minimizing contacts

To treat allergies correctly, you should first of all take care to stop coming into contact with the dangerous protein, that is, give up the idea of ​​keeping a cat at home. However, not all so simple. Firstly, many people are unable to part with their pet, and secondly, squirrels can be transferred even to rooms where there are no animals, for example, on clothing. Therefore, a number of activities are practiced during which it is necessary:

  1. Get rid of dust.

    It contains a huge amount of provoking substances, so it is imperative to regularly clean the house.

  2. Avoid self-walking.
  3. Carry out hygiene procedures.

    This is combing wool and bathing, and it is better if it is carried out by a healthy, not a sick person. In cases where this requirement cannot be met, goggles, a mask and gloves should be worn to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract from allergens.

Although the sensitivity may improve over time in children, adults will need to be aware of the risk of worsening the condition throughout their lives. A person may want to get a pet, but it is still best to avoid contact with cats. The methods presented in the list are auxiliary and do not guarantee health safety.

Antihistamine therapy

Designed to eliminate itching, rashes and other symptoms of the reaction. It is carried out using such pharmacological groups as:

  • histamine H1 receptor blockers (Cetrin, Eden);
  • mast cell stabilizers, or cromones (Ketotifen, Intal).

They are available in different forms, and the tablet can be replaced with syrup if the patient is a small child. Preference is given to those medications that have a minimum number of side effects, but at the same time act quickly enough. The new generation of agents (Lorano, Desloratadine) meets these requirements; The instructions allow you to take the drug no more than once a day. You should pay attention to age restrictions and do not exceed the recommended dosage.


This group includes synthetic analogues of adrenal hormones (Mometasone, etc.). They have a pronounced antiallergic effect and can be used in combination with antihistamines. The most popular are the so-called topical forms intended for local use:

  • ointments;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • drops, etc.

Their use makes it possible to achieve a high concentration of the substance in the affected area and at the same time avoid adverse effects on the entire body. You don't have to wait long to get the desired result. At the same time, the abuse of glucocorticosteroids is associated with the risk of numerous side effects, even the drug prescribed by a doctor should always be used with caution.

Additional Methods

Treatment with pharmacological drugs is the classic approach, but other options exist:

  1. ASIT().

    The method is based on a course of introducing minimal doses of provoking substances into the body in order to create insensitivity to them. With a successful outcome, the patient manages to recover completely; sometimes the reaction disappears for years or even for life. Each injection is performed only in an allergy clinic by a trained doctor.

  2. Use of microdispersed cellulose powder.

    The drug “Nazaval” is presented on the pharmaceutical market; after application to the moist mucous membrane, it turns into a gel and, by creating a barrier, protects it from contact with allergens. Useful for preventing the development of rhinitis (runny nose).

  3. Homeopathic complex.

    There are many remedies (black elderberry, marsh nut, etc.) used to get rid of allergies. However, it is better to consult your doctor in advance; most likely, you will need to use an antihistamine at the same time. If symptoms have already occurred, you should drink it immediately.

A therapist, pediatrician, immunologist-allergist can help cope with the disease. The specialist will select a set of studies necessary for the patient and establish an accurate diagnosis. At the appointment, you need to describe in detail the previous episode of the reaction so that the doctor can get an idea of ​​​​the essence of the pathology and check all significant versions.

The presence of sensitivity should be determined by excluding regular medications, since they blur the clinical picture.

Unfortunately, a completely curable type of reaction to cats is a fantasy, despite the availability of allergen-specific immunotherapy and other methods. Therefore, experts advise: before you buy an animal, you should definitely spend some time next to it. The best strategy is to consult with your doctor and select a test method that will help determine the presence of sensitivity (for example, a blood test to detect specific antibodies).

Do not forget that the cat needs to be shown to a veterinarian, especially if we are talking about a hairless breed, the specialist will recommend the right shampoo and tell you what accessories may be needed to properly care for your pet.

At Allergy to cats symptoms in children resemble the common cold. The condition is accompanied by rhinitis, severe cough, lacrimation, etc. The pathology itself is quite common. Today, every fourth person suffers from allergic manifestations. This could be a reaction to dust, pollen, food or medications. The allergen can be anything.

The disease forever changes a person's lifestyle and behavior. It is important for the patient to avoid contact with the irritant and not to provoke the further development of pathology, which can develop into a more serious disease, for example, asthma. But how to do this if you are allergic to your favorite pet? How can a child say goodbye to a faithful friend? These are the questions often asked by worried parents.

Contents of the article:

Causes of allergies

Very often the disease is hereditary and is transmitted to the child from one of the parents. If both parents have such a pathology, then with a probability of 80% the child will also have it.

If the doctor has diagnosed an allergy to cat hair, then this is not entirely correct. Pathological reactions do not occur due to the length or thickness of the animal's hair. They are caused by a special protein that is found in cat secretions: saliva, urine, skin. Thus, if a child is allergic to a cat, then even hairless breeds of the cat family will provoke an exacerbation of the condition.

Usually, if an animal lives in a family, it leaves traces of its presence everywhere. Tiny dead skin particles quickly settle on the surface of furniture, carpets and clothing. There is a particularly high probability of awakening unpleasant symptoms of the disease if the animal is outdoors. In such a situation, the reaction may not even be to cat fur, but to pollen, mold spores or dust particles that the animal brings on itself.

Infants are especially susceptible to allergies. If a child has not experienced symptoms of the disease until the age of 15, then most likely it will not appear in the future. Concomitant pathological conditions of this disease are often bronchial asthma and dust mite allergy.

To establish the exact cause of the pathological reaction and confirm the diagnosis of cat allergy, special samples are taken from the child. Such tests will help to accurately determine the root cause of the pathology. And based on the results of the examination, if the diagnosis of an allergy to wool is confirmed, parents will decide what to do and where to put their beloved animal.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks in detail about the topic of our article:

Main symptoms

How does a cat allergy manifest in children? This question is often asked in families with animals. There are situations when allergy symptoms are not very pronounced and the disease is confused with another ailment. First of all, this applies to small children, because their body may react to the stimulus differently. The pathology may be accompanied by intestinal upset, bloating or bowel dysfunction.

Only a doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis, and only a specialist, if an allergy to cats is confirmed in children, should prescribe a medication regimen. Self-treatment, especially when treating an infant, is unacceptable.

In other situations, there are almost no problems with diagnosis; usually the pathology manifests itself with well-known symptoms:

  1. The patient experiences spontaneous sneezing for no apparent reason. This is the first sign of an allergy to cats.
  2. The nose is often stuffy and runny. If the allergen constantly affects the body, then a runny nose can develop into a chronic one.
  3. A dry cough, wheezing, or shortness of breath may occur.
  4. The disease can manifest as skin rashes and redness at the site of a scratch or bite.
  5. Drowsiness and lethargy in behavior.
  6. Some experience symptoms such as watery or red eyes.

Redness and watery eyes are a common symptom of allergies.

When diagnosing pathology, first of all, pay attention to external phenomena. Usually, symptoms in the form of a rash or rhinitis are easily relieved and do not pose a threat to life. But sometimes the body reacts very violently to an irritant, which can provoke, for example, swelling of the larynx. This condition is very dangerous for all people, but especially for a newborn, because he cannot talk about his feelings and ask for help.

The reaction usually appears immediately after contact with the animal, although sometimes symptoms can occur after a certain time. In addition, only one symptom or several at once can be observed. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

In the video, a pediatrician talks about the problem of the influence of pets on children’s health:

Treatment methods

Treatment of the body's reaction to an irritant is carried out using standard techniques. They can be used in combination or separately. This will depend on the severity of the allergy.

Typically, the baby is prescribed antihistamines. Such drugs will block the effect of the allergen on the body. If the pathology is accompanied by more serious complications (stagnation of mucus, swelling), then additional symptomatic treatment is carried out.

None of the existing methods can eliminate allergies completely. Treatment of pathology is based solely on symptom relief.

To prevent exacerbation, general recommendations should be followed:

  1. Even short-term contact with an animal can provoke a reaction, so it is advisable to avoid any touching. The reaction will be especially pronounced if the cat often plays with the child.
  2. It is advisable not to contact people who have a cat. There may be fragments of her fur on their clothes.
  3. If parents know that the child will soon have to encounter an allergen (for example, while visiting), then in such situations he must be given a hypoallergenic remedy every time. This preventative measure will help avoid unpleasant consequences.
  4. If the allergic reaction was caused by a domestic cat, then it will have to be given away. Even if you avoid direct contact with the animal, it will not be possible to exclude the occurrence of this kind of manifestation, since the irritant is not the cat itself, but its secretions. And, living in an apartment or house, an animal leaves its traces everywhere.

If an allergy occurs, it is very important to limit the child’s contact with the cat.

Where to put a cat if a child has allergies? This is a very pressing question for many parents. Difficulties arise not only because you need to place your pet somewhere. Usually the family becomes very attached to their beloved pet.

To cope with any allergic manifestations, you must take medications. But which means are best to use? When treating allergies, consultation with a specialist is very important. Only a doctor, focusing on the individual characteristics of the body, can prescribe suitable medications. At the same time, you do not need to take the medicine every day, but only when the allergy manifests itself with unpleasant symptoms.

Allergy to animal fur– the most common allergic reaction, it occurs in approximately 15% of people. Typically, such a pathology does not appear immediately after the first contact with a new animal, but after some time.

It is widely believed that an allergy to animals is caused by their fur. Hence the misconception that the best friends of allergy sufferers are hairless cats.

In fact, if dogs or cats cause someone to itch, sneeze, or wipe away tears, it is because the person is reacting poorly to the protein secreted by the animals. This protein is found in all secretions of the pet’s body: sweat, saliva, sebum, urine, etc. Of course, some protein particles end up on the fur, and with it they are carried throughout the house. Actually, this gave reason to associate the disease with animal fur.

To be fair, it should be noted that genuine allergies to wool do exist, but they are extremely rare. If a person develops a rash after contact with a pet, but can calmly wear a woolen scarf or sweater, then we are talking about a reaction to irritant proteins secreted by the animal.

Based on the following symptoms:

  1. Cough– inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. A dry or wet cough is possible.
  2. Nasal congestion– this is the most common symptom of the disease, observed in 3/4 of patients. Accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, difficulty breathing.
  3. Hoarseness of voice– the shape of the vocal cords is disrupted, and this affects the frequency of vibration of the voice.
  4. Dyspnea– different types of shortness of breath may develop, characterized by swelling of the airways and palatine tonsils. It is a sign of allergies in the presence of bronchial asthma.
  5. Ear congestion is an inflammatory process that occurs in the eustachian tube, which causes pressure changes in the inner ear.
  6. Cyanosis– blueing of the epidermis due to a change in the color of the blood flowing in its integument. Cyanosis is a symptom of damage to the respiratory system.
  7. – abundant spots several millimeters long. There is local irritation (where contact with the allergy trigger occurs) and a reaction throughout the body.
  8. - a consequence of the rash.
  9. Rapid breathing and heart rate– the autonomic nervous system reacts to a sharp drop in pressure.
  10. Dizziness– lack of oxygen in some areas of the brain, resulting from pressure changes.
  11. Diarrhea and vomiting- a very dangerous symptom that can cause ulcers.
  12. Abdominal pain- the result of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.


An allergy to animal fur is not a normal reaction of the body, although it occurs as a protective reaction to interaction with an allergen. The immune system begins to work against itself, and the body tries to destroy the allergen, causing harm to its own tissues and cells.

Main allergens on wool:

  1. Saliva– There are many more enzymes in the saliva of animals, since animals have to eat roughage, and too high a protein and amylase content makes the saliva dangerous.
  2. Directly myself wool– here the allergen is carotene, which has a different structure in different animals. For this reason, a person is usually allergic to only one type of pet - most often it is an allergy to the hair of dogs or cats.
  3. Skin scales- the most dangerous allergen, invisible to the eye, so it is extremely difficult to treat. Particles of animal skin are exfoliated, crushed and acquire a semblance of dust. This dust is spread during the activity of pets and settles on interior items, furniture and clothing.
  4. Urine– differs from human ones in being more acidic, so when it gets on the skin, it can cause irritation and reduce the protective function of the epidermis. Particles of urine are spread through the pet's fur during its “washing”, after which they cause allergies.
  5. Feces– have a high level of immunoglobulin, which is dangerous for humans.

Natural defense of the body

Previously, it was widely believed that an allergy to wool is a pathology, and the body has no protection against an allergic reaction.

The development of the disease requires the allergen to enter the blood or lymph, but before this happens, any allergen encounters the natural defenses of the human body:

  1. Saliva– maltase, which is contained in saliva, breaks down carbohydrates and can destroy the allergen.
  2. Gastric juice is an aggressive environment that destroys the irritating factor.
  3. Bile– crushes substances, breaks down fats, and as the allergen disintegrates, it loses its ability to have any effect on the body.
  4. Intestinal microflora– helps maintain balance in the immune system, which minimizes the risk of allergies.
  5. Epidermis– has a protective function that protects a person from contact with the pathogen. The epidermis also removes harmful waste products from the body.
  6. Sebaceous and sweat glands– form an impermeable thin film, which is additional.

Stages of development

The mechanism of development of the disease includes the following stages:

  1. Immune reactions. This is the first stage of the disease. The immune system absorbs the allergen, providing protection to the body. After the destruction of the agent, the cells create an antigen by absorbing part of the allergen molecules. Through blood circulation, information about the causative agent of the reaction is carried throughout the body. Upon repeated interaction with the agent, other organs and cells are already “notified” of the upcoming threat and proceed to immediately eliminate it.
  2. Biochemical reaction. Lymphocytes, upon repeated interaction with the allergen, “flock” to the site of the threat.
  3. Clinical manifestations. An allergic reaction to wool is characterized by damage to the respiratory system, and less commonly, the digestive system. Symptoms of the disease can affect the epidermis, causing redness and irritation. The speed of the body's reaction depends on its characteristics.


Diagnostics is the most important aspect in the treatment of allergies, since timely identification of the essence of the problem makes it possible to avoid contact with the pathogen and undergo treatment that will prevent complications of the disease.

Depending on your symptoms, you can contact:

  • see an allergist if there are obvious symptoms of the disease;
  • see a pulmonologist if asthma occurs or worsens;
  • see a dermatologist in case of manifestations of .

At your appointment, you must describe all your symptoms as specifically and in detail as possible. The doctor may ask additional questions, which must be answered truthfully to make a correct diagnosis.

If a rash is present, the doctor should examine the affected areas. If the patient does not have clinical symptoms, medical diagnosis is carried out:

  • general blood analysis– determines signs of inflammation and the presence of an irritant, characterized by a high content of leukocytes;
  • blood chemistry– increased content of immune complexes and protein;
  • Analysis of urine– an increased protein concentration is a sign of the presence of inflammatory processes inside the body, and the presence of destroyed blood components indicates impaired kidney function;
  • immunogram– increase in class E immunoglobulins;
  • scarification tests– damage to the skin of the forearm, where different types of allergen are applied to detect a reaction.

Types of allergies

Allergies are not limited to dogs and cats. An undesirable reaction can be provoked by any animal: a small mouse, a large cow, etc. However, most people very rarely come into contact with artiodactyls and rodents, and reactions to dogs and cats are much more common. Let's take a closer look at them.

Allergy to cat hair

This type of illness is much more common than a reaction to dog hair. Cats regularly lick their fur, leaving saliva particles that are a strong allergen. And this fur subsequently remains everywhere where the pet was, it accumulates especially quickly on carpets and upholstered furniture.

Thus, hypoallergenic breeds are simply less allergenic due to the characteristics of their fur or its complete absence. For example, a Cornish Rex cat, which has fine hair, sheds much less than a British cat with fluffy and thick fur that scatters throughout the house.

It is also believed that light-colored animals produce fewer allergens than dark-colored animals. Gender also plays a role: cats are more allergenic.

Allergy to dog hair

In the case of dogs, the recommendations for choosing the safest breed are the same as with cats: pets with coarse, short hair are preferable. It is also advisable to choose a small dog, for example, a toy terrier produces much less irritation than a St. Bernard.

Puppies of the same breed can provoke different reactions, since all dogs produce different amounts of allergens. And this is important, since a reaction will not occur until the substance exceeds the permissible threshold, which is also different for any allergy sufferer.

The choice of a pet should be approached rationally. If you are going to get yourself a pet, then ask the seller for permission to interact with the puppy you have chosen at least a few times. If as a result of contact with the animal there is no negative reaction from the body, you can try to live together.


Treatment of allergies is an extremely difficult task that requires discipline and self-control of the patient. The main emphasis is on lifestyle changes.

So, first it is recommended to change the interior to a more comfortable and simple one, which can be wet cleaned. The patient is also required to limit contact with allergens as much as possible. Prescribing an individual diet and changing the diet will significantly reduce the number of inflammatory processes that occur.

Allergy is a pathological disease, so it cannot be completely cured. Doctors recommend (a course of potent drugs) that will reduce or eliminate the manifestations of the disease. However, when interacting with the allergen, symptoms will appear again.

The following drugs help fight the disease:

  1. WITH systemic medications– they eliminate shortness of breath, itching, skin irritation, cough, nasal congestion, abdominal pain. They have an immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effect. Used intramuscularly several times a day.
  2. Antihistamines– eliminate swelling, cough, hoarseness, skin irritation, shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort. The effect of the drug slows down the human body's reaction to an irritant and accelerates decontamination. Medicines of this type can be produced in the form of tablets, injections, syrups, and gels.
  3. Mast cell stabilizers- these remedies eliminate the main symptoms allergies, and their main effect increases the excitability of mast cells. Stabilizers are available in the form of tablets that must be taken several times a day.
  4. Topical corticosteroids- a product with a strong anti-inflammatory effect, available in the form of gels and tablets.
  5. Local adrenergic agonists– eliminate the simplest symptoms (cough, hoarseness, nasal congestion). Reduce swelling and have a vasoconstrictor effect. Produced in the form of drops.
  6. Bronchodilators– help to avoid attacks of shortness of breath, produced in the form of injections and sprays.
  7. Antispasmodics- These are remedies against diarrhea and abdominal pain, relax the muscles of the organs, and reduce painful manifestations. Produced in the form of injections.
  8. Enzyme preparations– replenish the lack of intestinal and pancreatic enzymes, fight against intestinal inflammation. Produced in tablet form.

Allergies in children

In a child, allergies manifest themselves very quickly; 15-20 minutes of contact with an animal is enough for him to experience an acute allergic reaction. The symptoms of an allergic reaction in children differ significantly from those in adults. Most often, children under 5 years of age suffer from animal allergies.

The main signs of allergies in children:

  • , the child develops redness on the skin;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • the child sneezes often.


If you suspect an allergic reaction to pet fur in your child or yourself, the first thing you need to do is get examined and diagnosed by a doctor. If the allergy is confirmed, the doctor will make prescriptions that will depend on your well-being and the severity of your symptoms.

Interesting fact! According to the results of the experiments, 13% of the subjects were “cured” of an allergic reaction to animal fur using a placebo, simply by “persuading” the immune system. However, the practical usefulness of this method remains questionable.

If the presence of an allergy is confirmed, someone chooses to undergo a therapeutic injection course, someone chooses to give their pet into good hands, and someone tries to find a compromise: leave the animal and not suffer themselves. If you are one of the first, then prevention becomes of paramount importance to you.

So, you can reduce the number of allergens in the following ways:

  1. Bathe your pet every week. According to the results of research by American scientists, it is best to wash cats this way: you need to dip your pet up to the neck in a container of water at 38°C, hold for 3 minutes, and then immerse it in a container of clean water for another 3 minutes. Following these steps reduces the number of wool allergy pathogens by 84%. True, the creators of the method are silent about how you can force an animal to remain calmly in the water for 6 minutes.
  2. Pet stores offer special shampoos that reduce the number of allergens.
  3. Use high-quality litter for the tray, which should not crumble and absorb well - for this reason, pieces of newspaper and sand are not suitable. The fact is that cat urine contains many allergens (they remain on the paws and are spread throughout the house if insufficient quality litter is used).
  4. Keep your pets off the bed.
  5. Avoid stuffed pet houses and plush pillows, as they accumulate large amounts of allergens from pet fur.
  6. Monitor your pet's health. Problems with the genitourinary system and intestines increase the number of allergens.
  7. Do wet cleaning as often as possible.
  8. Install an air disinfectant/purifier. It reduces the content of allergens in the air.

There are cases when allergic symptoms disappear in allergy sufferers as a result of prolonged interaction with animals. This indicates that the body gradually ceases to consider the stimulus foreign.

By the way, it is known that children who grew up with pets from the age of one year have a lower risk of allergies. Their immunity does not perceive allergens as irritants, since they have always been present in the environment.

According to available statistics, every fifth of our compatriots exhibits symptoms of an allergy to animal fur. Moreover, not only adults, but also children are susceptible to this common disease. In today's article you will find detailed information about this disease.

Stages of disease development

An allergen that enters the human body is immediately attacked by the immune system. After this, the cells absorb some of the molecules of the destroyed foreign agent. Thanks to this, they produce an antigen and, with the help of circulating blood, distribute information about the allergen to all systems and organs.

In case of repeated contact with the agent, the body's cells immediately begin to fight it. In the area of ​​contact with the allergen, blood vessels dilate, causing lymphocytes to gather towards the dangerous area. The more of them there are at the point of contact, the more pronounced the symptoms of an allergy to animal fur will be.

At the stage of clinical manifestations, damage occurs to the respiratory and sometimes digestive system. Human skin may experience redness and irritation. The speed of the reaction directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Typically, the first symptoms of an allergy to animal fur begin to appear within an hour and a half from the moment of contact.

How does this disease manifest?

The main symptoms of this disease are in many ways similar to those characteristic of allergies to pollen. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by lacrimation, sneezing, nasal congestion and even asthma attacks.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, symptoms can appear in a period from several hours to six months. It is important that during this entire period the patient is under the supervision of specialists. A person prone to allergies to animal fur may develop eczema, urticaria and neuroderma. In most cases, such patients experience severe itching, swelling of the eyelids, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.

Allergy to cats: symptoms in adults

The cause of the development of this disease is usually not the animals themselves, but the secretion that is secreted by their skin. Representatives of the cat family carefully monitor the cleanliness of their bodies, so they constantly lick themselves. As a result of these actions, the allergenic protein ends up not only on their fur, but also where they sit or sleep.

It has been proven that males secrete more of this substance than females. Symptoms of cat allergy in adults include nasal congestion and itching. Patients also experience increased lacrimation, swelling of the face and a frequent dry cough. Often such patients complain of a sore throat, hives, hoarseness and difficulty breathing. In especially severe cases, it comes to an asthmatic attack and Quincke's edema.

Allergy to dogs

The skin of these domestic animals secretes Can F1. High concentrations of this allergen are observed in representatives of short-haired breeds. It is present on the body of furry dogs, but not in such quantities. Even with careful care of the animal, its skin will not stop producing a substance that causes a negative reaction in the human body. This allergen accumulates on furniture, carpets, curtains and toys. Moreover, its viability remains for a fairly long period.

Most often, an allergy to dogs manifests itself in the form of a dry cough, redness of the eyes, swelling of the nasopharynx and increased tearing. Patients often experience severe skin itching and hoarseness. These symptoms are felt especially acutely by people suffering from bronchial asthma. Such patients may experience an attack of suffocation and Quincke's edema.

Diagnostic methods

Having figured out how an allergy to animal fur manifests itself, you need to say a few words about what tests and studies are prescribed to identify the problem. In most cases, patients are recommended to undergo prick skin tests. This analysis is performed using a special instrument that is used to make a notch on the inside of the forearm.

Patients are also prescribed prick testing. The technique for performing it is similar to the scarification test. But in this case, a needle with a limiter is used as a tool.

Intradermal tests are considered a good method for identifying an allergen. In this case, the reagent is administered using an insulin syringe. The presence of an allergy is judged by the size of the blisters that appear.

The Voll computer technique is recognized as one of the most accurate and effective diagnostic methods.

To obtain reliable results, you should stop taking antihistamines several days before visiting the treatment room. Contraindications to testing are: tuberculosis, pregnancy and infectious processes. Such tests should not be performed during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Principles of therapy

Those who want to figure out how to cure an allergy to animal fur need to remember that when the first symptoms of this disease occur, you need to consult a specialist. This is the only way you can completely eliminate the health problem and prevent the development of serious complications.

As for treatment, doctors distinguish three main stages, including:

  • Antiallergic therapy. It involves the use of antihistamines.
  • Symptomatic therapy, involving the use of anti-asthmatic drugs, eye drops and nasal sprays.
  • Immunotherapy, which consists of subcutaneous injection of small volumes of antigen.

The most effective tablets for allergies to animal hair include drugs such as Suprastin, Loratadine, Claritin, Nasonex, Astelin, Zirtek, Zyrtek and Flonaz.

How dangerous is this disease?

Wool allergies are considered one of the most common health problems. It is not seasonal and can appear at any age. This disease is dangerous not only for adults, but also for children.

If treated incorrectly or untimely, an allergy to pet hair can have serious consequences. At best, it will cause constant stress, irritability, fatigue, headaches and decreased immunity.

In particularly advanced situations, it leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis or asthma. Theoretically, anaphylactic shock, ending in laryngeal edema and death of the patient, cannot be ruled out.

To prevent animal dander allergy symptoms from returning to your life, you need to follow a few simple rules. First of all, we need to avoid all contact with our smaller brothers. If you already have a furry pet, it is advisable to rehome it in good hands.

If you plan to visit friends who have dogs or cats, start taking antihistamines shortly before your planned visit. Additionally, ask your host not to allow their animals into your designated area.

Do wet cleaning more often, paying special attention to corners and hard-to-reach places where allergens can accumulate. Try not to use a vacuum cleaner, as this device picks up tiny dust particles that can linger in the air for a long time. Instead of thick curtains, hang light curtains on your windows. Ventilate your living spaces more often and, if possible, get an ionizer, a powerful ventilation system or an air conditioner equipped with an air purification function.

Animals that do not cause allergies

As a rule, it is very difficult for people suffering from this disease to find a pet. Therefore, many of them are interested in what kind of animal to get if they are allergic to wool. In such cases, experts recommend keeping aquarium fish, hairless guinea pigs or chinchillas at home.

The list of permitted animals also includes exotic specimens, such as Madagascar cockroaches, snakes, lizards, frogs and turtles. However, all these animals, frankly speaking, are not for everyone. After all, not everyone will agree that a reptile will exist next to them.

Cats and dogs for allergy sufferers

If, despite everything, you still decide to get a dog, then pay attention to the Mexican hairless breed. There is no hair at all on the body of these animals. But this does not mean that they cannot cause allergies. To minimize the risk of exacerbation of the disease, wash your animal regularly and make sure that particles of its saliva do not get into your nose.

Hypoallergenic breeds also include Yorkshire Terriers, Poodles, Shorthaired Schnauzers, Miniature Spitz, Papillons, Chinese Crested, Shih Tzu, Samoyed, Bichon and Maltese.

As for cats, you will have to choose between the Devon Rex, Javanese, Cornish Rex, Don and Canadian Sphynx. In addition, hypoallergenic animals include representatives of the Siberian, Russian Blue, Oriental and Balinese breeds. Many of them have a very specific appearance and have practically no undercoat, and some representatives are completely bald.

Before purchasing a four-legged friend, be sure to consult with your doctor. But even in this case, you are not immune from the appearance of symptoms of the disease. Therefore, when you get a dog or cat from the above list, forget about taking precautions. Regularly bathe your pet using special shampoos, trim and comb its fur. Try to ensure that the animal does not enter the room in which you sleep. Systematically do wet cleaning in the house and periodically ventilate the rooms.