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The reason why the face swells in the morning. Reasons why swelling in the face occurs in the morning. Additional measures

When a person discovers facial swelling immediately after waking up, it can ruin his mood for the whole day. A swollen face looks painful and unattractive. But the aesthetic aspect in this case is not the only trouble. If a person’s face swells, especially after sleep, then this feature may indicate the development of certain diseases in which fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of the soft tissues of the face. A swollen face after sleep is often regarded as a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Why does a person's face swell after a night's sleep?

Errors in lifestyle:

  1. Eating foods high in salt and spices for dinner: lovers of salty foods immediately after a meal are faced with a strong feeling of thirst. The fluid that enters the body after eating salty and spicy foods is retained in the soft tissues, causing the face to swell, especially after sleep, when a person lies down for a long time.
  2. Alcohol abuse: many people who indulged in alcohol the night before find swelling on their face after sleep. Alcohol (even in small doses) leads to intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders, which causes swelling. The problem is aggravated if the person has not slept much after the party.
  3. Errors in nutrition: people who are addicted to diets experience a deficiency of vitamins and microelements necessary for normal metabolism in the body. This leads to disruption of water metabolism in the body, causing the face to become very swollen after sleep.
  4. Crying on the eve of sleep: if a person cried before going to bed, then there is a high probability that after sleep he will be unpleasantly surprised by unaesthetic bags under his eyes. Why is this happening? The thing is that when crying, the lacrimal glands function intensively, which causes vasodilation. In addition, tear fluid enters the nasal cavity, which causes swelling of the latter.
  5. Incorrect pillow height while sleeping: Incorrect head position causes compression of the lymphatic and blood vessels, leading to facial swelling.

Some women experience swelling in their face after sleeping on the eve of their next period. Changes in hormonal levels before menstruation contribute to fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling of the face. However, after the onset of menstruation, the swelling goes away on its own.

If a person is forced to be treated with corticosteroids, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs, then the likelihood that the face will be swollen in the morning increases.


The face may swell in the morning due to a malfunction in the human body:

  1. Kidney disease: a person's lower eyelids swell. The swelling itself is soft and watery. Towards the middle of the day the swelling goes away.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - this disease leads to disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the head and neck, causing the face to swell after sleep.
  3. Allergy: with an allergic reaction to plant pollen, animal hair, cosmetics (especially decorative) and other substances, the face swells significantly. So, a person’s eyelids become swollen, lips and cheeks swell. Swelling appears immediately after exposure to an allergen on the body.
  4. Colds: with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the face swells in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses and lower eyelids.
  5. Infectious eye diseases: Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis often causes puffiness around the eyes.
  6. Dental diseases: with caries, inflammation of the nerve or gums, unilateral swelling of the face occurs.
  7. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: with this disease, the face swells on one side.
  8. Hypothyroidism: with this disease, there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, which negatively affects the course of metabolic processes in the body. This causes swelling.

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Swelling that appears in the morning and lasts until lunch and, unfortunately, does not always go away until the evening. It happens. Trouble.

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This post contains 10 fairly simple actions that will help you cope with fluid retention in the body and improve the functioning of our lymphatic system. But first, let's look at the causes of morning puffiness.

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Causes of morning swelling

We need to figure out why swelling of the face can catch us in the morning. This phenomenon largely depends on the structural features of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the face. The area around the eyes is more prone to swelling than other areas. It is there that loose fatty tissue is located, which can actively accumulate water.



The main causes of swelling after sleep:


Incorrect drinking regime

You can’t just talk about excessive water consumption, since its lack can also lead to edema. It's all about following the drinking regime: you need to drink at least 60 ml of liquid for every kg of body weight. This is the amount that will ensure the stability of the water-salt balance of human blood, which means that water will remain in the vascular bed.

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Excess salt in food

Salt is a product whose excessive consumption can cause fluid accumulation in the intercellular space.

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Frequent stress

Stress and lack of proper rest are factors that contribute to the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands, as a result of which the body does not secrete the proper amount of fluid.



Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol contributes to dehydration of the body. Along with the liquid, some of the salts that are necessary to maintain normal osmotic pressure of the blood come out. This promotes the release of fluid from the vessels into the intercellular space with the formation of edema.

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An allergic reaction can also cause swelling. The next morning you can see severe swelling on the face if something with allergenic properties was taken before bed. This could be any medicine, food, drink. Allergies can also occur to feather pillows.

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There may also be a more severe allergic edema; it is also called Quincke's edema. It is developing rapidly. Most often, such swelling can be caused by insect bites or a burn received in contact with some plant, for example, with the same hogweed. Allergic swelling can also be a reaction to taking certain medications, foods or cosmetics. As a rule, with Quincke's edema, swelling of the upper body, eyelids, ears, nose, lips, eyes is observed, and a rash on the skin, the so-called urticaria, also appears.


The most dangerous thing with Quincke's edema is laryngeal edema. At the same time, the patient suddenly turns pale, his breathing is difficult. In such cases, you cannot hesitate for a minute; you must urgently call a doctor, because swelling may increase or spread to the mucous membrane of the trachea. This in turn causes suffocation and can lead to the death of the patient. Taking this opportunity, I would like to warn young mothers, so as not to provoke this terrible disease: do not give exotic fruits to young children, they often cause very severe food allergies. Genetically, our body is not adapted to eating overseas delicacies, so we need to be very careful with them.

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Wrong place to sleep

The reasons may lie in a low position of the head, in a pillow that is too soft or too hard.

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Kidney diseases

Poor kidney function leads to salt and water retention in the body, hence edema. They usually appear first on the face in the morning. It becomes pasty (swollen), and the eyelids look swollen. Renal edema can quickly appear and increase in size and disappear just as quickly; When kidney damage is severe, they spread throughout the body. The swelling is soft and loose to the touch, but the skin above it is pale. By the way, with kidney disease, internal organs also swell. It is believed that renal edema appears faster than cardiac edema, which can take months to develop. Many of our patients try to get rid of edema on their own: they start drinking diuretic teas and taking some medications. This is wrong, because we can talk not only about a cosmetic defect, but also about a serious illness that must be treated by a specialist.



Heart diseases

Swelling is also characteristic of cardiac pathology, but it appears on the face in severe cases if treatment does not produce results. In the early stages of the disease, swelling occurs only in the lower extremities and towards the end of the day. As heart failure develops, massive edema may occur. Cardiac edema is characterized by blue discoloration of the lips and hands, as well as swelling of the jugular vein.


Excess fluid can also accumulate in the liver, which becomes enlarged, as well as in the abdominal cavity. As for swelling of the legs, varicose veins are often the cause of their appearance.
What else should you pay attention to if you are prone to swelling? Remember, cardiac edema is dense; when you press on it, a hole remains. Often the person who develops them suffers from shortness of breath and does not tolerate physical activity well.



Fashionable diets

Many girls are addicted to so-called protein-free diets. Wanting to have a good figure, they deliberately do not eat meat, eggs, legumes, milk, cottage cheese... But such restrictions are dangerous, although at first the person will feel good. He will indeed lose weight, but not due to fat, but due to loss of muscle mass. If you stay on this diet for several weeks, you may experience anemia, disruption of the heart, the development of edema, the appearance of excessive fatigue... By the way, self-respecting nutritionists do not prescribe protein-free diets to anyone.

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How to prevent swelling:




1. Eat better

Our intestines and liver directly affect the purity of our lymph and the presence or absence of edema. The more efficiently our digestion works, the less refined, fried foods we consume and the less alcohol present in our lives, the less stress on our lymphatic system, and the less likely it is for lymph stagnation and swelling.

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2. Rub your ears

On our ears, feet and in the center of our palms there are biologically active points associated with the functioning of the lymphatic system and digestive organs. Eating a burger and then rubbing your ears won't help much, but it's good if it becomes a discreet daily habit while working on the computer, while stuck in traffic, or as a daily ritual every time you shower.

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3. Dry massageethis

Just five minutes of massage with a dry brush perfectly stimulates the lymphatic system. Do it before the shower, massaging your dry body with a dry brush in the direction from your toes and hands to your heart. In problem areas, you can massage in a circular motion - this massage perfectly improves blood circulation. The brush or sponge should be of a pleasant stiffness. Do not press too hard - the main thing here is not the pressure, but long movements in the direction of the lymph flow.

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4. Breathe deeper

Lymph flow is connected to our breathing - deep breathing speeds up the process of cleansing lymph. Therefore, when the teacher reminds you about deep breathing again and again during yoga classes, do not resist. And learn not to hold your breath when you are worried, but rather take a deep breath in and out through your nose. Try to breathe deeply while walking and simply take short breaks for deep breathing during your workday. This will only benefit your nervous and lymphatic system.

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5. More movement - less swelling

Daily physical activity is the key to good functioning of the lymphatic system. This can be any exercise you like. An effective remedy for cleansing the lymph and getting rid of the problem of fluid retention in the body is jumping on a mini-trampoline. The mini-trampoline takes up no more than 1 square meter. meters in the apartment, and already 10-15 minutes of jumping on it have a beneficial effect on our lymph flow and are an excellent cardio load. We also get excellent lymphatic drainage while swimming.



6. More water - less swelling

Not drinking enough water can impair the functioning of the lymphatic system. Although many are afraid to drink large amounts of water due to the likelihood of swelling, as a rule, the opposite principle works: the more we drink clean drinking water, the less swelling we will experience.

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7. Green juice in the morning

Chlorophyll, which is rich in fresh greens, helps cleanse our blood and lymph. From freshly squeezed green juices and smoothies, the body easily absorbs the required portion of chlorophyll (as well as a portion of beneficial enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids).

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8. Brrr, contrast shower!

A sharp change in water temperature really accelerates lymph flow, narrowing and dilating our vessels.


9. Mmm, probiotics!

Probiotics do not directly affect the lymphatic system, but they help our digestion and cleansing of the intestines, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the state of our lymph. Eating probiotics does not cancel the habit of eating healthy; rather, it is a good support for our digestion during periods of stress, fun feasts and weakened immunity. It’s best to take a course of probiotics purchased at a pharmacy - store-bought yoghurts with beneficial bacteria in them won’t do any good.



10. For dessert - massage and sauna

Both lymphatic drainage and any other body massage help release toxins and stimulate lymph circulation. Therefore, it is worth adding a massage procedure to your next trip to the cinema on the weekend. Going to the sauna and actively sweating also speeds up the elimination of toxins and helps keep our lymphatic system healthy.

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How to remove swelling from the face

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We already understand why swelling occurs in the morning and how to prevent it, but what can we do to eliminate it?


There are many ways to do this:

  1. If the causes of morning swelling lie in allergies, then you need to take antihistamines (Zodak, Fenkarol);
  2. You should make masks with a cooling effect, which narrow the capillaries of the skin, as a result of which you can quickly relieve swelling. To do this, use a towel soaked in cold water, special silicone masks, which are applied after exposure in the refrigerator;
  3. You can relieve puffiness by wiping your face with pieces of ice in the morning. This can be ordinary ice, but a better effect can be achieved if you use ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs: parsley, dill, chamomile;
  4. Masks made from potatoes, cucumber, cut into slices, will also quickly help relieve morning swelling;
  5. A canvas bag with crushed buckwheat and boiled for 2 minutes will help relieve swelling. After cooling the cereal, this bag should be applied to the problem area;
  6. Tea bags on the eye area, as well as gauze soaked in cold tea, will quickly relieve puffiness;
  7. If swelling occurs periodically, you can use herbal decoctions internally, thereby improving renal filtration;
  8. Fluid leaves the body faster if you eat citrus fruits, coffee, sour apples;

If the causes of edema lie in diseases of the internal organs, then self-medication is unacceptable! It is necessary to urgently contact your doctor and use clinical tests to determine why this is happening. Adequate treatment of the underlying pathology will relieve the symptom of swelling.


Facial swelling in the morning after a night's sleep occurs to most people from time to time. But it’s one thing if you ate too much salty food or drank alcohol the day before, and another thing if you can’t understand why your face swells in the morning. Fluid retention may be a sign of a serious illness.

Swelling of the face in the morning due to lifestyle

Facial edema is a violation of water metabolism, in which excess fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of soft tissues. Swelling can be either pronounced or subtle, distributed evenly or localized in one area. Based on these characteristics, as well as on the events that preceded the appearance of swelling, one can make an assumption about the cause of facial swelling in the morning.

Facial swelling in itself is not a disease, but it can accompany pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, kidneys, and respiratory tract. At the same time, water retention is a completely natural phenomenon in women during PMS, in pickle lovers, and in people who are chronically sleep-deprived. An examination will help determine whether you should be concerned about morning swelling.

It’s okay if your face is swollen in the morning due to errors in diet and lifestyle. It is enough to adjust your diet and adhere to the optimal daily routine in order to normalize water metabolism.

Such cases include:
  1. Excessive consumption of salt, fatty foods and smoked foods. Salt retains fluid in the body, hence the swollen face the next morning after a heavy meal.
  2. Alcoholic libations also do not contribute to a fresh appearance. Alcohol causes tissue dehydration, and the body fights it by causing thirst and retaining water. If you step on the scale after a night of partying, it can easily show a weight gain of 2–3 kg solely due to accumulated fluid. Due to edema, the face looks swollen and bruised.
  3. Drinking a lot of water at night means that the kidneys do not have time to remove the excess during sleep. Strong thirst is provoked by the already mentioned salty foods, alcohol, as well as heavy foods and sweets. A mistake is a sharp increase in the daily volume of fluid. Following the recommendations to drink at least 2 liters of water in liquid, people who are not accustomed to such an amount find a swollen face in the morning. Swelling persists until the body adapts to new conditions. You really need to drink water, but it’s better to increase the volume gradually. If you are prone to swelling in the second half of the day, the amount you drink should be reduced, and after 18-00 - 20-00 it should be reduced to zero.
  4. A rumpled appearance, bags under the eyes are the result of poor sleep, late night gatherings, and night work. In the dark, the body should rest and recover from daytime stress. If a person does not sleep at night, all metabolic processes slow down, including the removal of fluid. According to statistics, early risers are less likely to suffer from edema than night owls.
  5. Pregnancy and menstrual cycles are natural causes of facial swelling in the morning in women. Monthly fluctuations in hormonal levels cause fluid retention in the body on the eve of menstruation. As bleeding begins, excess water drains away. During pregnancy, the female body requires more fluid, and slight swelling is within normal limits. But if the puffiness of the face persists, the legs swell and the weight increases significantly, we are talking about the fact that the kidneys are not coping with their job and decongestant therapy is necessary.

Physiological edema is relatively easily removed by changing the drinking regime, a salt-free diet and cosmetics. They do not require treatment, and with a healthy lifestyle they are kept to a minimum.

Facial swelling as a sign of disease

If facial puffiness occurs due to a disease, other symptoms should be present:

Characteristics of edema Additional symptoms Possible reason
Puffy face, swelling of the lower extremities Shortness of breath, bluish skin, enlarged liver Heart pathologies, hypertension
Pronounced bags under the eyes, soft and watery; decrease during the day and disappear in the evening; when you press on the swelling, a “dent” from your finger remains Yellowing of the skin, sudden weight gain due to internal swelling Kidney problems
Swelling in the nose area Runny nose, nasal congestion Inflammation of the sinuses, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Swollen subcutaneous tissue, dense swelling, finger pressure leaves no trace Weight gain, cycle disruptions, deterioration of skin and hair Hypofunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders in women
Swollen upper eyelids, swollen lips, uneven swelling of the face Rash, cough, shortness of breath Allergy, Quincke's edema
Local swelling Pronounced borders, asymmetry - only on one side of the face Benign or malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of the face
Swelling of the face and legs during pregnancy; when pressed, a white spot remains Weight gain, blood pressure, protein in urine Preeclampsia, preeclampsia

It is useless to try to remove severe swelling of the face in the morning with masks and cold compresses. Moreover, this may be contraindicated, as is the case with allergies. When encountering an allergen, the body may react with angioedema, with redness and itching of the skin. Such an attack can only be relieved by taking an antihistamine, but sometimes the swelling goes away on its own after some time.

If you have allergies, you should not touch puffy skin, apply cold to it or apply cosmetics to it. This can provoke an intensification of the reaction, even leading to deadly Quincke's edema. In an emergency, an injection of Suprastin and immediate contact with an ambulance is required.

Until the cause of edema is eliminated, fluid exchange in tissues will not be restored on its own. Over time, morning swelling can turn into permanent swelling, and irreversible changes can begin in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In addition, some health problems accompanied by severe swelling pose a danger to human life. It is necessary to be examined and treated based on the diagnosis.

How to reduce morning facial swelling

Anyone can experience morning swelling that is not caused by a disease: just overdo it with salty foods, drink a glass of beer with chips, spend the night at the computer - and now, from the mirror, a noticeably enlarged face looks at you from the mirror with narrow eyes.

If you occasionally experience swelling of your face and eyes in the morning, remember these simple tips on how to quickly get in shape:

  • take a contrast shower;
  • moisten a towel with cold water, apply a compress for at least 10 minutes;
  • turn on the cold tap in the bathroom and place your face under the stream;
  • Wrap ice cubes or a freezer bag in a cloth and apply to swelling, but avoid the eye area;
  • Place wrung out tea bags or cotton pads soaked in tea leaves on your eyelids;
  • in the evening, prepare a herbal infusion of chamomile, mint, lingonberry leaves or St. John's wort and put it in the refrigerator, in the morning make a cool compress with the product;
  • drink a cup of warm green tea with milk - it has a diuretic effect and will help get rid of excess fluid;
  • For breakfast, avoid hot food and drinks; do not add salt to your food, so as not to provoke further water retention;
  • massage your face along the lymphatic lines, trying to “disperse” swelling.

These measures will help restore a fresh look after a sleepless night or a festive feast. But if in general you ignore a healthy lifestyle, do not deny yourself excesses and bad habits, it will not be easy to get your swollen face in order. Moreover, with age it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of swelling on the face.

How to get rid of facial swelling

What to do if your face is swollen in the morning? Analyze your diet, level of physical activity, daily routine. Try to adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce the amount to 3 g per day, if possible, switch to a salt-free diet for a while;
  • if you drink less than 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day, increase your consumption to this norm, but not sharply, but gradually;
  • consider only pure non-carbonated water in volume; liquid from soups, drinks, fruits is not considered drinking;
  • give up smoked meats, canned food, industrial sauces, carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, alcohol;
  • do not eat or drink at night at least 3 hours before bedtime;
  • include vegetables and fruits rich in insoluble fiber in your menu;
  • regularly check the condition of your kidneys and clean them;
  • start your morning with a contrast shower;
  • wipe the skin with ice cubes, make cool compresses;
  • wash your face with decoctions of chamomile, linden,;
  • sleep on a high pillow that allows fluid to drain away from your face;
  • use decongestant masks.

If external remedies do not help, try to relieve swelling of the face from the inside using medications and medicinal plants:

  • take a diuretic tablet or infusion of bear ears - the method works if the swelling is not associated with allergies or injury;
  • take an antihistamine (Tavegil);
  • apply anti-edema gel - Lyoton, Dolobene, Troxevasin;
  • drink bay decoction: 3 tbsp. l. crushed leaf per 250 ml of boiling water, course - a week, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

If facial swelling occurs too often or generally persists, it should not be ignored. Normally this shouldn't happen. Be sure to see a doctor, even if you manage to cope with your swollen face during the day, to rule out serious illnesses.

Decongestant face masks

Masks with anti-edematous components help normalize blood circulation, lymph flow of the soft tissues of the face and stimulate the removal of excess fluid. Try one of the folk cosmetics recipes:

  1. Potato mask. Boil the tubers in their skins and mash with a fork. Cool the resulting puree slightly and apply to your face, after 15 minutes remove the mixture and wash with cool water.
  2. Raw mask. If you don't have time to cook boiled potatoes, use the raw option. Cut the tuber into slices and hold on the swelling until the circle warms up from the warmth of the skin. A more effective remedy is a gruel made from grated and squeezed raw potatoes.
  3. Sour cream and dill mask. Chop fresh dill, take 1 tsp. greens and mix with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream from the refrigerator. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with cold water.
  4. Parsley mask. The product does not require greens, but the root of the plant. Scroll the root through a meat grinder and lubricate the problem areas with the paste. After 20 minutes, rinse off and pat dry. You don’t need to use the cream after such a mask.
  5. Cucumber mask. Grate the fresh cucumber that has been lying in the refrigerator, lightly squeeze the mixture and apply to your face. After half an hour, rinse off and enjoy your fresh appearance.
  6. Tea mask. Brew loose leaf tea, black or green to choose from. Wet a cloth with the cooled tea leaves and apply it to the skin until the compress warms up. Repeat several times.
  7. Herbal compress. Use an infusion of sage, chamomile, and birch buds, prepared in a water bath. Strain and cool the liquid, wet the towel and apply to your face several times in a row.
  8. Oil mask. Take any base oil - olive, soybean, sunflower, add 2 drops of rosemary, geranium, juniper essential oils. Lubricate the skin, leave for a few minutes, then massage into the face. Remove any remaining oils with a napkin.
  9. Buckwheat mask. Grind the cereal in a coffee grinder, pour the powder into a linen bag and lower it into a bowl of boiling water for a couple of minutes. Wait until the bag cools down and apply to the swelling for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Cognac mask. The recipe includes: cognac - 1 tsp, yolk of 1 egg, ½ tsp each. lemon juice and green tea, vegetable oil – 5 drops, gel for varicose veins – 1 tsp. Mix the ingredients, apply to face for 15 minutes, then wash and rub with a cube of iced green tea.

Using traditional methods and cosmetics for facial swelling, you must understand that this is a temporary solution to the problem. Sooner or later, you will have to deal with the reasons in detail in order to eliminate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. After normalizing the functions of the whole body, you will not have to deal with a swollen face every morning.

Edema is a condition that is not considered a disease in itself, but is a symptom of another illness. To successfully get rid of swelling on the face or limbs, which often occurs in the morning, you must first determine the cause of their appearance, and only then decide what to do with them. But it is worth noting that quite often the eyes of healthy people swell in the morning.

Why do my eyes swell in the morning? As is the case with other parts of the body, edema is a pathological phenomenon that is provoked by the retention of excess fluid in the intercellular space. As a result of this phenomenon, water metabolism is disrupted, and lips or other parts of the face may swell in the morning.

If you regularly suffer from morning swelling on your face, and bags regularly appear under your eyes, you should reconsider your lifestyle. The reasons may lie in an incorrect daily routine, the presence of serious illnesses, etc.

Fluid retention that causes swelling of the lips or upper eyelids along with other symptoms may indicate the following:

Other diseases that cause symptoms include:

  • chronic diseases of the respiratory tract or paranasal sinuses. It is not recommended to relieve the symptom at home, much less apply cold compresses to the nose area. This requires treatment and preventive measures prescribed by a doctor;
  • endocrine diseases- may be accompanied by severe swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, where the mucous tissue is located. The symptom is caused by a lack of thyroid hormones; in this case, the doctor must prescribe hormones;
  • sunburn- they can also cause swelling of the face. To prevent this from happening, the most sensitive areas - the cheeks and nose - need to be covered or protective creams applied. If a burn occurs, in order to prevent swelling, you need to quickly apply a cold compress based on soothing herbs or apply a special cream. It is strictly forbidden to apply oil to the skin.

Allergy as a cause

Sometimes the skin swells due to an allergic reaction, called angioedema. Allergies are indicated by symptoms such as:

  • skin redness;
  • hives;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • sometimes loss of consciousness.

Most often, soft facial tissues swell - lips and eyelids. The tissue may also enlarge on the back of the hand and become pink in color. Typically, these swellings are relieved with a special pharmaceutical ointment, as well as the use of an antihistamine in Suprastin tablets.

Other causes of facial swelling

The face can swell not only due to certain diseases. Other causes of edema include:

Treatment of swelling on the face

In cases where swelling on the face is not chronic and is caused by injuries, allergies or poor nutrition, it will go away quickly; you can speed up the process at home using traditional methods. And if swelling does not go away for a long time, or appears and disappears from time to time, then it can be visually reduced through treatment, but it can be completely removed only after the root cause of its appearance has been cured.

You can treat swelling like this:

Swelling of the hands

Swelling often appears in the hands, especially in the morning or at night. This usually happens due to certain pathologies that also need to be treated. In addition, limbs may swell due to functional impairment. In most cases, the reasons are similar to those that cause swelling on the face. However, they are still worth considering.

Functional and pathological causes

The functional causes that provoke this syndrome are:

As for the pathological reasons, they are indicated by the long time during which morning swelling lasts. This usually indicates ailments of the internal organs.

Hands swell in the morning due to the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • nephritis (kidney disease);
  • cirrhosis;
  • thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance.

If you notice symptoms that indicate the presence of such ailments against the background of morning swelling, immediately consult a physician. You may need to get tested and contact a specialized specialist.

As with the face, swelling of the limbs can be caused by allergies. In particular, tactile or other contact with a potential allergen. They may be:

  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • pet hair;
  • plant pollen;
  • Food;
  • insect bites;
  • taking medications.

Swelling is accompanied by itching and redness of the extremities.

In this case, analyze what exactly could cause the allergy and eliminate interaction with it. If we are talking about an allergy to a medicine, consult your doctor so that he can replace it or change the dosage.

You can relieve the primary symptoms and improve the condition with the help of antihistamines such as Diazolin or Suprastin. Usually improvement occurs within 24 hours, but if it gets worse, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Fingers may also swell due to the development of an inflammatory process. The key symptom in this case is pain. Redness of the skin or a local increase in temperature may also be observed. This mainly occurs against the background of such serious diseases as:

  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis.

If this happens with regular intervals, then the disease has entered the chronic stage.

In addition to the reasons listed, hands may swell in the morning due to heavy physical activity, non-compliance with the rest and work schedule, as well as long, monotonous work.

In such cases, you need to reconsider the conditions and mode of your work. Excessive physical activity can cause not only swelling of the limbs, but also inflammation of the joints and wear and tear of the body as a whole.

Therapy for this symptom largely depends on the causes of their appearance and largely coincides with facial swelling. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water, exercise, walk more, get enough sleep and limit your salt intake.

Drug treatment is prescribed on an individual basis.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes in the morning and swelling in the hands. Many of them indicate that a person is suffering from one or another serious illness. If a symptom does not have a clear cause and does not go away quickly, you should urgently go to the doctor and identify its root cause.

Everyone experiences periodic swelling on the face. Edema is associated with drinking water before bed, sleepless nights, and excessive salt consumption. Rarely occurring facial swelling is not associated with any pathology. But if swelling occurs frequently, then it’s worth thinking about why the face swells? This unpleasant symptom may hide serious health problems.

Like any swelling, facial swelling is an accumulation of fluid. Moisture fills the intercellular space. Fluid-filled skin becomes puffy. The face takes on an unaesthetic appearance. This is especially evident in. In a dream, a person does not move. Blood circulation slows down, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body. Swelling can appear on the arms and legs, but swelling on the soft tissues of the face is especially noticeable.

Causes of swelling

The causes of swelling of the soft tissues of the face are varied. We can talk about them only in conjunction with other signs. Many diseases manifest themselves as swelling on the face.

  1. Endocrine disorders. They are associated with changes in hormonal levels. Such swelling is typical of young girls and women during menopause. Stress, poor nutrition, and excessive stress lead to changes in hormonal levels.
  2. Problems with the functioning of the circulatory system. The constant movement of blood through the vessels is the main condition for the normal functioning of the body. When blood flow is disrupted, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to individual organs and tissues is disrupted. The vessels are deformed, which allows fluid to penetrate into the intercellular space and accumulate there.
  3. Allergy. This reaction is a protective function of the body. An allergen entering the human body triggers a reaction to produce histamines. These substances increase the permeability of vascular walls. Because of this, some of the moisture leaves the vessels and accumulates in the tissues.

  4. Lack of sleep and overwork. Sleep is a natural state of rest in which the body recovers. Insufficient sleep and overwork lead to disruption of all body systems and cause edema.

  5. Salty and spicy foods. Salt absorbs and retains liquid. By consuming a lot of salt, a person dooms himself to accumulate excess moisture. Spicy foods cause an additional need for fluid intake, which also leads to swelling.

  6. Body position at night. The position of a person during sleep should promote relaxation of the body. Sleeping on a high pillow, bending over and straining, leads to curvature of the spine, muscle and vascular spasms. In this case, blood flow is disrupted, which again leads to the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues.

  7. Heart failure. This serious disease leads to disruption of metabolic processes associated with sodium ions. Because of this, a large amount of moisture is retained in the intercellular space.

  8. Operations. After surgical interventions, lymph is collected in the damaged area. This is a normal action of the immune system, which seeks to protect the body. The accumulation of lymph leads to swelling.

  9. Alcohol. Alcohol is poison for the body. The liver cleanses the blood of all harmful substances. If alcohol was taken in the evening, then the liver, in a state of delayed action, does not have time to cleanse the blood until the morning. It is also impossible to remove decay products during sleep.

  10. may be different. Usually, the body simply cannot cope with the additional load.

    Edema as a symptom of disease

    If you often see a swollen face looking out of the mirror in the morning, it’s time to figure out the reasons. There are many culprits for this unpleasant phenomenon. They even depend on the gender of the person. Facial swelling in men and women has different causes. Swelling of the face due to a large amount of liquid drunk at night is often a male problem. Most men love beer and enjoy drinking it after work. In the morning the result is inevitable. In winter, swelling is worse. In summer - less, because moisture is removed with sweat.

    Frequent causes of edema in women are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. All internal secretion organs that produce various hormones are subject to the activity of the central nervous system. Women are more emotional than men. Therefore, they are more susceptible to hormonal edema.

    Puffiness under the eyes is often caused by cardiovascular diseases that lead to fluid accumulation. They have their own characteristic signs - swelling begins in the legs. With heart failure, the skin becomes pale. The face is the last to swell. But in case of kidney diseases, the swelling comes from above. First, the eye area swells, then the swelling goes down. Kidney failure can be distinguished by the bronze-lemon color of the skin.

    Problems associated with allergic reactions contribute to swelling. Allergic edema is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • rash in the abdomen, back, back of the arms;
  • skin itching, which can be either local or general;
  • breathing problems, spasms, shortness of breath.

Inflammation of the head organs: gums, sinuses, tonsils can also lead to swelling on the face. Many people are familiar with swelling associated with bad teeth.

The face swells in the evening

If your face is very swollen in the evening, then this is an excuse to think about your heart health and consult a cardiologist. One of the signs of cardiovascular disease is the accumulation of fluid in the porous tissues of the face after a busy day. Cardiac edema is accompanied by an enlarged liver and shortness of breath. First, shortness of breath occurs with rapid movements and physical exertion. Over time, a person lacks air even at rest. Cardiac edema can feel very dense to the touch. They cannot be moved.

Swelling on the face in the morning

A swollen face at dawn is a common indicator of kidney disease. Kidney problems are characterized by mild swelling with a lot of fluid. They are mobile and can be moved from place to place, like water in a silicone container. The weight of patients with kidney disease may change over a short period of time. This indicates an accumulation of fluid inside the body. Only a small amount of moisture accumulates under the eyes. The rest is collected inside.

Your face may swell in the morning due to increased blood pressure. But the most common causes of swelling in the morning are lack of sleep, uncomfortable posture, poor rest, overwork and overexcitement. In the morning, swelling of the face may appear, associated with inflammatory processes in the organs of the head.

Local facial swelling

Local edema is otherwise called local. A distinctive feature of local edema is localization in a specific area. This also applies to the face. Most often, local edema is associated with inflammatory diseases of the head organs. They have a clear location:

  1. In case of infectious: deep caries, pulpitis, granuloma, periodontitis, gumboil - swelling appears in the lower part of the chin in the area where the diseased tooth is located. The swelling can be severe. It is clearly visible.
  2. In case of inflammatory diseases of the gums: gingivitis, periodontitis - swelling will be localized above or below the lips. The swelling is mild; the outside of the affected area of ​​the face swells slightly. Most often, swelling is localized in the lower part.
  3. When the sinuses are inflamed, swelling appears in the cheek area adjacent to the diseased organ.
  4. A sign of eye conjunctivitis is swelling of the eyelids.

If local swelling of the face: eyes, lips, cheeks is accompanied by skin irritation, then this is a serious signal. These are manifestations. Allergic edema may be accompanied by difficulty breathing, itchy skin, and rash. If such edema is detected, you should immediately take antihistamines: Suprostin, Tavegil, Diazolin. If swelling spreads, call an ambulance.

A constantly swollen face in the morning is a sign of serious illness. This symptom cannot be ignored. You should definitely consult with an allergist.

Swelling after alcohol

A swollen face after heavy libations is familiar to many lovers of cheerful companies. But few people know what exactly causes swelling after drinking a decent dose of alcohol.

Due to the fact that alcohol has a wide negative effect on the body, there are several causes of edema:

  1. The body cannot quickly process decay products and remove them. This leads to the accumulation of fluid, which is absorbed into the soft tissues and lingers there. As a result, swelling occurs.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart. When sober, a person may not notice minor problems in the functioning of this organ. Alcohol aggravates them. The result is characteristic cardiac edema.
  3. Violation of metabolic processes. Toxic substances included in alcoholic beverages destroy beneficial microelements, leading to disruption of water-salt balance and edema.
  4. Avitaminosis. In a body poisoned by alcohol, vitamins are poorly absorbed, which leads to disruption of the functioning of various systems. This may cause swelling.

You should always remember that ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages disrupts many body functions. It is necessary to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages. A moment's joy cannot be compared with the damage done.

Other reasons

There are other causes of edema. Accumulation of moisture on the face occurs after some cosmetic procedures.

Facial swelling is possible after biorevitalization. This cosmetic procedure is aimed at improving facial contours and smoothing out age-related changes. It is an injection of hyaluronic acid. The product is removed into the deep layers of the skin. But in the first days after the procedure, swelling on the face is possible. Over time, it disappears on its own.

The face also swells after lipolytics. This is also a cosmetic procedure. Lipolitics dissolve subcutaneous fat, converting it into acids. Excess acid, which cannot be eliminated by the body in a short time, leads to the accumulation of fluid and the formation of edema. Mesotherapy is the introduction of medications under the skin or into nearby tissues. The procedure is local in nature. But, if the injected drug does not resolve in time, then swelling after mesotherapy cannot be avoided.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a series of destructive changes in the cervical spine. They disrupt the flow of blood to the organs of the head. With cervical osteochondrosis, swelling of the facial area is possible. Nervous tension leads to spasms of muscles and blood vessels, disrupting proper blood circulation. Swelling of the face due to nervousness is the lot of easily excitable people.

The trigeminal nerve has branches that extend to the lower jaw, nose and eyebrows. Hypothermia of the head leads to triangular neuralgia. Inflammation with ternary neuralgia is the cause of swelling on the face. Everyone is familiar with the swollen face when you have a runny nose or a cold. Swelling affects the upper part of the face. Chronic rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. With this disease, the nasal passages widen and the mucous membrane becomes thinner. One of the signs of chronic rhinitis is swelling in the upper part of the nose.

Improper nutrition leads to disruption of water-salt balance. People with poor diet suffer from a puffy face. An abundance of salty and spicy foods requires more moisture consumption. To get rid of edema, you should follow a diet based on the exclusion of certain foods. What foods should you avoid? It is necessary to limit the consumption of salted fish, smoked meat, and spicy foods.

Swelling during pregnancy is a common occurrence in the last trimester. They are associated with a large load on the body. Such swelling disappears immediately after childbirth.

Swelling on the face can be a consequence of various neoplasms, from minor benign to dangerous malignant. New growths of the nasal passages are manifested by swelling in the nasal area. If you find even a slight swelling of an unknown nature on your face, you should consult a specialist.

Treatment of facial swelling

Swelling on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon. They spoil your appearance, cause discomfort when communicating with other people, and draw the attention of others. Getting rid of edema can be as simple as it can be difficult. It all depends on what caused them. If swelling is a symptom of a disease, then first of all it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. Diet-related changes in appearance can be easily corrected by changing your diet.

There are many ways, if not to get rid of swelling on the face, then at least to tidy up the appearance. There are options based on medications. There are old folk remedies.

Diuretics for edema

How to get rid of severe swelling on the face using diuretics? There are medications that can help you do this quickly:

Herbal medicine will help with facial swelling. An effective remedy for getting rid of edema is horsetail. Brew a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water as tea. Let cool and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Traditional medicine offers many varieties of plants that help get rid of swelling. This:

  • lingonberry leaves;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • bearberry;
  • corn silk;
  • lemon zest.

They should be consumed in the form of infusions or drunk as tea. You need to remember one rule. Any diuretic is taken in the morning. Taking diuretics in the evening is unacceptable.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures will help remove puffiness:

There are many facial care cosmetics in pharmacies and stores. Among them are those that help lift the skin and reduce swelling. These are creams and masks. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions. Masks are applied to a cleanly washed face and require some time. Creams with a lifting effect are most often daytime. Their application should become a daily morning procedure. This will help eliminate swelling and make your face more attractive.

Regular visits to the gym and physical activity are effective means of getting rid of excess salt. By regularly playing sports, you can reduce swelling throughout the body, including on the face.

Ointments for swelling

Among the ointments that help relieve swelling, the following give good results:

  • heparin ointment has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, helping to reduce swelling;
  • Lyoton gel resolves hematomas and helps relieve swelling;
  • indovazine ointment gives excellent results - after several times of use, the swelling disappears.

All ointments and gels are applied to the skin around the eyes in the morning. Apply with light circular movements to a cleanly washed face.

How to quickly relieve facial swelling at home

Over the years of struggle for beauty and aesthetics, people have accumulated many home remedies to eliminate facial swelling. It should be remembered that traditional medicine works, although true, but slowly. To maintain beauty and health, you need to pay due attention to home procedures and perform them regularly. Only under this condition can one expect an excellent result and complete victory over edema.

Fresh cucumber

How to remove swelling and tidy up a swollen face using fresh cucumber? The excellent results from using fresh cucumbers in cosmetology have long been known. There is a completely logical explanation for it. Cucumber contains two acids: ascorbic and caffeic. Both elements help draw moisture out of the skin. The recipe for using this vegetable for swollen eyelids is simple. Pieces of fresh cucumber are applied to closed eyelids for a few minutes. The swelling disappears.


If your face is very swollen, baking soda will help. It is used in the form of lotions. Dissolve 5 grams of soda in a glass of warm water. The solution is cooled. Cotton swabs are soaked in it and applied to closed eyes for a few minutes. If necessary, tampons can be changed and the process repeated. The swelling goes away.

Cold compress

Swelling of the face is well eliminated by a cold compress. The rejuvenating effect of cold has been known for a long time. The use of compresses is one of the simplest methods of relieving swelling. A cold compress gives excellent results. It is enough to cool the water very much, moisten a towel in cold water and apply it to the eyelids for a few minutes.

There is another way to quickly get rid of swelling. This is a contrast compress. For this you will need two towels. First, one of them is soaked in hot water and applied to the face. The skin steams, the pores open. Then the second towel is soaked in cold water and placed on the face again. Thus, alternating heat and cold several times, a good cosmetic effect is achieved. The skin takes on a healthy appearance, swelling disappears.


Ice has the same effect as a cold compress. It has a stronger effect and is great for swelling on the face. How to quickly remove swelling? To do this, just take a few ice cubes and apply them to your swollen eyelids. You need to hold the ice until the cube melts. If necessary, take a second cube. Cold will help get rid of swelling.


How else can you relieve swelling and tidy up your swollen face? Potatoes will help. There are three ways to use it:

  1. Fresh potatoes are cut into circles. A cup of the vegetable is applied to the eyelids for 5-15 minutes.
  2. The potatoes are grated on a fine grater. The pulp is carefully placed in a gauze swab. Tampons are applied to the eyelids.
  3. Jacket potatoes are also used to eliminate swelling around the eyes. Boiled potatoes in their skins are cut into circles, cooled in the refrigerator and applied to the eyes for 5-10 minutes. After the specified time, the swelling will begin to subside.

Black bread

The recipe for eliminating facial swelling with bread is both simple and complex. The thing is that for the procedure you need fresh warm bread. The recipe is good for village beauties who bake their own bread. Beautiful city women can be advised to heat up fresh crumbs in the oven or microwave. This is how you treat swelling with bread: A crumb of fresh black bread is taken, heated and applied to the eyelids. Warm bread has a sucking effect. It will help get rid of swelling after peeling.

Green tea

Green tea treatment is an old remedy for removing puffiness from the face. You can use it simply:

  • Brew strong green tea, cool, soak tampons in it and place on your eyelids for a few minutes;
  • Take green tea bags left over from drinking tea and place them on your closed eyelids.

With regular use, swelling of the eyelids will disappear without a trace.

Herbal decoctions

Herbal decoctions will help remove swelling from the face. In folk medicine they are often used to combat swelling on the face. The most common remedy is a decoction of bay leaves. To prepare it, take 100 grams of the product and pour boiling water over it. The leaf is left in a water bath on fire and kept for 5 minutes. Then cool. The decoction is used to wipe the skin of the face and apply lotions to the eyes.

Herbal decoctions will help in the fight against puffiness of the eyes:

  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm;
  • sage;
  • cumin seeds.

Decoctions are prepared from them, compresses and lotions are made. This technique is one of the simplest means of maintaining the attractiveness of the skin on the face and eliminating swelling.


Regular massaging actions help improve blood circulation and lymph flow. This is another way to deal with facial swelling. It's not difficult to do. You will need a tablespoon of vegetable oil. It's better to take olive oil. If you don't have it, you can use sunflower. You need to moisten your fingertips in oil and, without pressing, draw a line from the inner corner of the eye towards the temples. Then close your eyes and perform tapping movements along the same line. What follows is an interesting exercise. You need to put your fingers on your eyelids and in this position try to open your eyes. Last appointment. The eyes are closed, but the eyelids are slightly pulled back with the fingers. Simple exercises will help get rid of swelling.

Prevention of edema

Swelling of the face causes a lot of trouble. This is especially true for women. The right lifestyle will help you avoid edema:

  • physical activity and drinking enough clean water will help remove salts and avoid swelling;
  • moderate proper nutrition will not allow salts to accumulate in the body;
  • a sober lifestyle is the key to a healthy body and the absence of edema;
  • combating stress and relaxation will maintain the functioning of the nervous system;
  • orthopedic bedding will help to avoid incorrect posture during sleep and the resulting swelling.

Remember - healthy people do not have edema.

Watch your health. Consult a doctor in a timely manner and treat emerging diseases. Limit your skin's exposure to external factors. If edema constantly appears, use diuretics regularly. One of them is a decoction of bay leaves. A few leaves are brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk in small sips throughout the day.

It is difficult to immediately eliminate swelling on the face. But preventative measures taken regularly will help get rid of them forever.