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Merz vitamins: composition, instructions, reviews. Special dragee Merz for hair: description and reviews Complivit or Merz

Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in online pharmacy website: from 992

Some facts

Merz special dragee is a medical product used in dermatology, aimed at the beauty and health of the skin, giving it a well-groomed and fresh appearance, and preventing its premature aging. The vitamin-mineral complex contained in the dietary supplement will add shine to the hair, make it less brittle, and also improve the structure of the nails.

There are many methods for caring for the skin, caring for it, and preventing it from aging. You can use various creams, tonics or masks for the skin, but skin care will be complete only if it receives the necessary vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the world-famous German pharmacological corporation Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, located in Frankfurt am Main, began developing a product for oral administration that allows achieving a stable and long-lasting effect. The result of such developments, theoretical and practical research, was the release of the Merz Special Dragee - a unique product of its kind, due to the presence in its composition of substances that are not synthesized by the body, but are extremely useful. The product appeared on the domestic market in 2003, and over the years, consumers have managed to evaluate the quality and usefulness of this drug, and its therapeutic effect has positive reviews. In addition, the dietary supplement is available to everyone.

Dosage form and pharmacological properties

Merz special dragees are sold in the form of oval biconvex dragees of pink or light pink shade, which are in a special bottle with a screw cap, white with an orange logo on it. Each bottle contains 60 or 120 tablets for oral use. The packaging with the drug is accompanied by instructions for use to clarify the features of use and composition of the drug.

The Merz Special Dragee includes the following structural components with unique medicinal properties:

  • cystine – a sulfur-containing amino acid to maintain healthy hair and nails;
  • betacarotene is a yellow-orange pigment containing vitamin A to improve metabolism and skin health;
  • retinol is a source of vitamin A with an antioxidant effect;
  • Thiamine mononitrate is a source of vitamin B1, involved in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • nicotinamide – a vitamin supplement, a source of vitamin PP;
  • ascorbic acid to improve the permeability of vascular walls;
  • riboflavin – a source of vitamin B2, important for the normal process of cell respiration;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride – vitamin B6 for better carbohydrate metabolism;
  • vitamin B12 for the normal functioning of the circulatory system;
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate – vitamin E;
  • biotin as a source of nail and hair growth;
  • iron and calcium as essential elements for a healthy body.

This complex of vitamins and minerals is simply irreplaceable in the treatment and prevention of various skin diseases.

Indications for use

Symptoms for which it is advisable to take a dietary supplement: on the part of the hair – hair loss, fragility, disruption of its structure, slower growth, fading; on the part of the skin - impaired elasticity and structure of the skin, lethargy, dullness, unhealthy appearance, poor blood circulation in the capillaries; on the part of the nails – brittleness, roughness, fragility, slow growth.

Regular use of Special Merz dragees will allow you to achieve a lasting visual effect, and also helps to improve the overall well-being of a woman.

Directions for use and dosage

To prevent skin diseases, it is enough to take one tablet twice a day, morning and evening, orally, with meals, with water or other liquid. This dose of the drug, when taken for three weeks, allows one to achieve a visible effect, and in the case of a three-month course of administration, the general condition of the patient is harmonized.

Before starting to take the drug, you should consult your doctor about the dosage regimen of the drug. Also, it is better to take a dietary supplement in combination with a properly formulated diet, which includes a full daily amount of fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, and dairy products. Such a fortified diet will in no way affect your figure and will not cause you to gain extra pounds.

Overdose and side effects

You should remember about possible hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and D, as well as hypercalcemia in cases of violation of the dosage and plan for taking a dietary supplement. The patient may also experience increased sensitivity to the components included in the drug.

The instructions indicate a possible side effect of the dietary supplement, consisting of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, manifested by itching, redness, and hives. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude any possible adverse reactions before starting to take the drug. If an overdose occurs, it is necessary to take activated charcoal and call an ambulance to provide prompt assistance and prevent the condition from worsening.

Contraindications for use

The possible negative impact of Merz Special Dragee on the body of pregnant women and breastfeeding women has not been proven, but despite this, caution must be exercised when taking the drug by individuals in these groups.

There are no indications for a ban on driving a car or other vehicles while taking the drug, since it does not affect the reaction rate and does not destabilize the state of the nervous system.

Do not prescribe dietary supplements to persons under eighteen years of age, since there is no data on the effect of the drug on the health of this category of persons.

No other contraindications for taking the drug were found.

Interaction with alcohol and drugs

The drug contains a full complex of vitamins and microelements, so there is no need to take additional vitamin and mineral supplements simultaneously with Merz Special Dragee.

No other clinically documented interactions with restrictions were identified. Any use of additional dietary supplements requires consultation with a doctor.


The special Merz dragee has a unique set of components, so there are no absolute analogues. Some similar components in their composition include such medicines and dietary supplements as Calcinova, Triovit, Fenyuls, Superdzheks, Univit, Supradin and others. Before taking substitutes, you should consult your doctor so that the treatment brings only positive results and is not ineffective.

Terms of sale and storage

Admission does not require a doctor's prescription. The pharmaceutical product must be stored in a place with restricted access for children, where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. It is not recommended to use after the expiration date indicated on the package has expired.

Daily provision of the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful micro- and macroelements is a significant contribution to health and uninterrupted high-quality functioning of all organs.

For women, the role of important substances does not end there. After all, they are the ones who directly affect female beauty: the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

However Often it is not possible to fully obtain all the beneficial substances from the food consumed. This fact is explained by the modern rhythm of life in which we are all forced to exist.

We are talking about bad ecology, and the inability to use quality products in your diet, and a banal lack of time for a healthy snack.

More and more developments from pharmaceutical companies in the field of vitaminology are coming to the rescue. Over the past decades, many vitamin complexes and dietary supplements have been created designed to improve the level of health of every person.

Special dragee “Merz” is a complex of vitamins and other useful substances, designed for women in the 60s of the last century.

The purpose of its use is to maintain health and female beauty. The composition of each of its capsules is balanced in such a way that the use of the drug can significantly improve the condition of hair, skin and nails, as well as strengthen the overall immunity of the body.

Instructions for use

Dragee "Merz" is prescribed by a doctor based on complaints, examination and the results of the necessary examinations. In this case, the manufacturer’s recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug are also taken into account.

  • Seasonal hypo- and vitamin deficiency. In the winter-spring period, when the body has used the vitamins accumulated over the summer, the use of reserves begins. At this time, it is very important to support the body with an additional source of nutrients.
  • Poor nutrition. Not everyone and not always manages to adhere to such a rational menu, in which the supply of vitamins and minerals will be optimal for the normal functioning of all organs, tissues and cells. The problem is especially relevant in the winter, when it is not possible to consume fresh fruits, vegetables and berries.
  • Prevention of damage to hair, nails and skin. Taking the drug has a positive effect on a woman’s appearance.
  • Increased psycho-emotional, mental and physical stress. This includes frequent exposure to stressful situations, as well as active participation in sports and other activities that require huge expenditures of the body’s energy resources.
  • Poor absorption of any vitamins and minerals. This happens with increased sweating and other specific conditions of the body.
  • Recovery period after illness, chemotherapy and antibiotic therapy. At this time, a person needs nutrients in increased quantities.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. When a new life is born in the body, the need for vitamins and minerals increases.

Mode of application

The regimen for taking the special Merz dragee is generally similar to the method for taking similar vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. The dosage can be determined by both the doctor and the patient himself according to the instructions.

Here are the recommendations to follow:

  • The drug is taken twice a day, one capsule.
  • The dragee must be washed down with a sufficient amount of clean still water.
  • The dosage should not be exceeded, as side effects may occur.
  • The course of vitamin therapy is 2-3 months. Noticeable improvements can be seen within 3-4 weeks.

Release form, composition

The drug "Merz" is produced in the form of round dragees, covered with a smooth light pink shell. The packaging is an opaque glass bottle placed in a cardboard box.

Each package contains 60 tablets, which is designed for a two-month course of taking vitamins.

The composition of each capsule is the optimal balance of vitamins necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body, as well as to take care of the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Let us consider in detail the substances included in each pill and their pharmacological action:

In addition, each dragee also contains auxiliary components: purified water, corn starch, castor oil, talc, dextrose syrup, sucrose, red iron oxide, silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, cellacephate, titanium dioxide.

Video: "How often can you wash your hair and what vitamins exist for hair?"

Interaction with other drugs

Positive interaction: Negative interaction:
  • Vitamin E, which is part of the Merz dragee, enhances the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen and diclofenac.
  • Thanks to the content of ascorbic acid, iron absorption is improved.
  • Vitamin A can increase the absorption of tocopherol acetate.
  • Vitamin E negatively affects iron absorption.
  • Some oral contraceptives interfere with the absorption of ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin C enhances the harmful effects of sulfonamides and penicillin.
  • B vitamins can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy based on tetracycline and erythromycin.
  • Action

A woman at any age strives to be charming and attractive. The general impression of the image consists of the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Special dragee Merz - special multivitamins, which have a completely natural composition. The components have a positive effect on the functioning of the body and improve appearance.

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Merz Beauty dragees are round in shape, characterized by a slight convexity on both sides and a pink color. For ease of use, the manufacturer placed them inside a brown bottle, each of which contains up to 60 pieces.

The positive effect of any drug is achieved through a set of ingredients. The composition must be completely balanced. Merz vitamins include:

  • the main amino acid is cystine, which ensures regular growth and strengthening of hair and nails;
  • retinol acetate is necessary to maintain the overall structure of each cell, significantly improves blood flow to the epidermis, due to which the skin regains its firmness and elasticity;
  • to improve the respiration process inside the cell, acetate E was included in the preparation, which additionally performs the function of an antioxidant;
  • Thiamine mononitrate improves protein metabolism, thanks to its action the functioning of the nervous system is strengthened;
  • Riboflavin allows you to improve the respiration process inside the cell;
  • Vitamin B5 is used to normalize metabolism;
  • Vitamin B12 allows blood circulation through the veins to normalize;
  • Vitamin PP helps the skin breathe, takes an active part in the exchange between carbohydrates and fats;
  • vitamin B6 is necessary for the proper absorption of protein in the body;
  • achieving improved hair and nail growth is achieved through vitamin H;

Merz special dragee– a universal source of B vitamins. One of the components is yeast extract, which is responsible for supplying the body with essential vitamins and minerals and has a positive effect on the skin, as well as mucous membranes, hair and nails.

Vitamins for hair and nails

The special Merz dragee is produced by a world-famous pharmaceutical company that devotes all its efforts to creating effective means to improve overall health. Today, two vitamin complexes are produced under this name. One of them is used to improve the functioning of the body as a whole. The second is characterized by a narrower direction. Its composition is ideal for women over 35 years old. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the basic properties of these products.

  1. A person does not eat properly for a long period of time, so the body does not receive all the elements necessary for proper functioning. Against this background, the risk of developing pathological reactions increases.
  2. The patient had to take strong medications for a long period of time. This group includes antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs.
  3. The rehabilitation period after suffering a serious illness.
  4. The human body suffers and becomes exhausted from physical and emotional overload.

These vitamins are also used for hair and nails. The manufacturer also claims that regular use will significantly improve the condition of the skin. The positive effect will also be noticeable in relation to the body as a whole.

Important! The special Merz Anti-Age dragee is recommended for use by women who are over 35 years old. With the help of vitamins, the body is guaranteed to receive all the substances necessary for proper functioning.

Studies have confirmed that taking it restores natural metabolic processes inside cells. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the process of collagen production. For this purpose, these Merz vitamins were developed. It is advisable to use them to eliminate a number of skin defects:

  • while taking the drug, new cells begin to be created, the folic acid included in the composition prevents the destruction of blood vessels;
  • Thanks to zinc, it is possible to increase the elasticity and density of the epidermis several times. After completing the course of treatment, the woman is guaranteed to look younger than her age;
  • Biotin is used as an additional source of sulfur. This component is also directly involved in the process of collagen production;
  • Amino acids are needed to start the process of natural cell regeneration. The vitamin complex contains a sufficient amount of cysteine ​​and methionine.

In the production process of Merz Beauty dragees, exclusively innovative technologies are used. Thanks to this, the component has targeted delivery and reaches those cells that urgently need it. Today, not every vitamin complex has such properties.

Reception features

The Merz dragee will help restore youth and beauty within a short period of time; the instructions for use will tell you how to take this drug. The process should be done after eating. If you need to drink a pill, it is best to use a small amount of clean water. If the patient is already twelve years old, then he is prescribed to take 1 to 2 tablets per day. It is best to take it in the morning and evening.

Important! The frequency of administration is determined depending on the symptoms of the disease and the amount of iron in the blood. The drug is prescribed during the period of vitamin deficiency. Thanks to its properties, it will be possible to quickly get rid of the symptoms of anemia, which arose due to a lack of iron in the body.

A positive effect occurs when taking Merz Beauty dragees for one month. If necessary, hair vitamins can be taken for three months. However, in this case, it is best to first consult with your doctor.

Dragee Merz must be taken for at least a month

Unfortunately, to date there is no information about the effect of pills on a woman’s condition during pregnancy. However, it should additionally be noted that experiments with vitamin A were carried out on female animals. With an excessive amount of the active substance in the body, the risk of having a child with pathologies increases significantly. That is why the special Merz dragee is allowed to be drunk during pregnancy only as a last resort, if the benefits to the mother’s health are fully justified.

Important! The substances of the drug Merz easily pass into breast milk. Only a doctor can advise you correctly on how to take it during lactation. He also evaluates the feasibility of the process.

During the period of administration, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby’s skin. If there are rashes or other unpleasant manifestations, further treatment should be stopped immediately. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to transfer the child to an artificial feeding option. Otherwise, the risk of harming his body increases.

Vitamin hair products are not equally tolerated by different patients. That is why we recommend that you consult your doctor before using them. If the patient has previously experienced hypersensitivity to one of the components, the risk of side effects increases:

  • Allergy manifestations most often occur on the skin. The reaction is similar to dermatitis or a rash. The patient's general well-being is aggravated by swelling, urticaria or itching;
  • swelling on a neurotic background is extremely rare;
  • Some patients experienced dyspepsia, which manifested itself as severe stomach pain.

If the patient experiences these manifestations, it is recommended to stop taking it and immediately consult a doctor.

Talk to your doctor about taking your medication

Indications and contraindications

Before starting any medication, you should consult your doctor. The patient is also required to carefully read the instructions. The drug should not be taken if you have:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • overdose of one of the analogue drugs;
  • hypervitaminosis;

If the patient is under 12 years of age, use should wait.


The drug is universal, but far from unique. Any pharmacy sells its analogues. Among them, the following are very popular: Pikovit, Revit, Vitrum, Complivit, and others. Only a doctor can choose the right drug; you must get his recommendations before starting treatment.

Merz special dragee

30-day transformation course with Dragee Merz from Tatyana Drozd


When purchasing a pill, you do not need to provide a prescription. The drug will retain all its properties if stored in a dark and cool place. The packaging can be stored for two years, but it is not recommended to damage its integrity. If the expiration date has expired, the medicine cannot be taken.

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Merz dragees, which are offered by the pharmacy industry, are a vitamin complex. It is designed specifically to improve skin condition, beauty, hair thickness and strengthen nails. In addition, taking the drug has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body, strengthens the immune system and activates metabolic processes.

The drug prevents the development of vitamin deficiency and eliminates negative conditions associated with a deficiency of nutrients in the body. The drug Merz is often included in the complex treatment of a variety of diseases. This complex includes specially selected components. Its course intake improves mental ability and increases physical performance. The drug reduces the likelihood of cancer and activates all types of metabolism. As a result of this effect, memory, quality of vision, condition, appearance of the skin, hair, nails, as well as the skeletal and muscular systems improve.

Today we will talk about Merz tablets, consider its use, composition, contraindications... We will find out all this and find out under what circumstances doctors recommend taking this vitamin complex.

What is the composition of Merz as a vitamin complex?

Merz is a combined remedy where each of the active substances plays its own important role. Let's list the main substances that are part of each pill and their effect on the human body:

Cystine is a very important amino acid. It activates the growth and strengthening of hair and nails.

Vitamin A (retinol) - helps to activate the blood supply to the epidermis and skin. This vitamin strengthens skin cells, restores firmness and elasticity.

Provitamin A (beta-carotene) - has an antioxidant effect.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - improves cell “respiration” and has antioxidant properties.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - strengthens blood vessels, reduces the permeability of their cells.

B1 (thiamine) - takes part in carbohydrate metabolism. It is necessary for the health and normal functioning of the entire nervous system.

B2 (riboflavin) - is a catalyst for full cellular respiration, improves cell health.

B5 (calcium pantothenate) - this substance activates water metabolism in skin cells.

B6 (pyridoxine) - this substance activates protein metabolism in the body.

B12 (cyanocobalamin) - takes an active part in hematopoietic processes.

PP (nicotinamide) - takes an active part in the processes of cellular and tissue respiration. Normalizes the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

N (biotin) - plays an important role in activating the growth of hair and nails.

The Merz complex also includes iron, a mineral necessary for the process of erythropoiesis. It also contains natural yeast extract. They are a source of B vitamins, as well as many minerals and vital amino acids. These additional active substances improve the health and condition of the skin. Improves the health of hair and nails. They also improve the condition of the epithelium of the mucous membranes.

The drug is sold in pharmacies, where it is presented in the form of pills, which are packaged in glass bottles of 60 pieces.

What are Merz's readings?

The Merz complex instructions for use allow the use of:

For the prevention of vitamin deficiencies in the spring and winter. It is recommended to take it during neuropsychiatric disorders and during intense physical activity.

For various diseases, acute and chronic, when the human body’s need for vitamins is increased.

When taking antibiotics, during chemotherapy during treatment of cancer.

By following diets that limit the consumption of various foods.

During adolescence, as well as during menopause, when hormonal levels change.

To improve the condition of skin, hair, nails.

What are the uses of Merz? What do the instructions say?

Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day orally. Visible results appear within 8-12 weeks from the start of the course. The dosage should not be exceeded, as this will not enhance the therapeutic effect. But it can cause unwanted reactions in the body that are caused by excess vitamins.

What are the side effects of Merz?

What are the contraindications for Merz?

The drug should not be taken together with other products rich in vitamins A and D to avoid overdose.

There are contraindications for the use of the drug in patients whose bodies are especially sensitive to its components.

Please note that Merz contains iron. In large doses, this mineral can cause negative effects. Therefore, never exceed the dosage. And remember that before using this complex you need the approval of your doctor. Be healthy!

Why is the dietary supplement "Special dragee Merz" needed? The composition, indications and contraindications for use will be discussed in the article. We will also tell you how the vitamin complex should be taken correctly and in what dosage.

Composition, description and packaging

The dietary supplement "Special Dragee Merz", reviews of which will be presented below, includes a large number of active ingredients. These are retinol acetate, cystine, ascorbic acid, betacarotene, riboflavin, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, nicotinamide, alpha-tocopherol acetate, cyanocobalamin, calcium pantothenate, biotin, yeast extract, colecalciferol and iron fumarate.

It should also be noted that the product in question also contains such additional substances as purified water, microcrystalline cellulose, castor oil, colloidal silicon dioxide, carnauba wax, acacia gum, corn starch, indigo carmine, talc, cellacephate, sucrose, red iron oxide and titanium dioxide

"Special dragee Merz" is a vitamin complex that is available in bottles of 60 dragees.


What features does the dietary supplement “Special Dragee Merz” have? The instructions for this combination drug state that its high effectiveness is due to the properties of the components included in the composition. Let's look at them in more detail.


Is the dietary supplement "Special Dragee Merz" absorbed into the systemic circulation? Experts say that the effect of this vitamin complex is achieved through the combined activity of all its components. In this regard, conducting kinetic studies of its pharmacokinetic properties is not possible. All features of the absorption of substances of this drug cannot be traced using bioresearch and markers. For the same reason, it is impossible to identify its metabolites.

Indications for use

Why is Merz Beauty Special Dragee prescribed? As a rule, such a vitamin complex is taken to prevent hypo- and avitaminosis. In addition, it can be prescribed for a lack of iron in the body and other vitamin deficiencies.


In what cases should you not take such vitamins? "Special dragee Merz" is not prescribed for an overdose of vitamins D and A, as well as for hypersensitivity to the substances of the dietary supplement.

"Special dragee Merz": instructions for use

How should I take a multivitamin complex? There is no need to consult a doctor to prescribe this drug. You just need to carefully study the instructions. According to it, adults need to take the pills orally every day (one piece twice a day).

The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition. As a rule, the drug is used for one to two months.

Adverse reactions

Usually, "Merz Special Dragee" does not cause undesirable symptoms in patients. However, it should be noted that in some cases people do experience allergic reactions. In this case, taking the vitamin complex should be stopped.


Before using Merz Special Dragee for preventive or therapeutic purposes, you should consult your doctor. This is required in order to exclude cases of overdose of any substance included in the dietary supplement.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Is it possible to take Merz Special Dragee during lactation and pregnancy? Reviews from experts say that when using the drug in recommended dosages, the risk to the fetus and newborn baby has not been proven. However, it should be noted that due to the fact that vitamin A, taken in large quantities, can cause a teratogenic effect during pregnancy, it is highly not recommended to combine the dietary supplement in question with other products containing the mentioned component.

Special instructions for taking a multivitamin complex

"Special dragee Merz" should be taken only taking into account a person's daily need for vitamins. At the same time, I would like to note that the drug in question contains iron, which in large dosages can have a harmful effect on human health. In this regard, it is highly recommended not to exceed the daily dose of vitamins recommended by the doctor or instructions.

If you accidentally ingest a large amount of pills, consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination.

Features of dietary supplement storage

The drug in question should be stored in a cool and dark place, out of reach of small children. The shelf life of the multivitamin complex is three years. After this time, the tablets should not be taken.

You can purchase Merz Special Dragee in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Price and analogues of the vitamin complex

How much does the presented drug cost? In pharmacies, 60 tablets can be purchased for an average of 450-500 rubles. It should be noted that for most patients this cost of the vitamin complex is too high. However, experts say that this drug is highly effective in cases of reduced immunity. In this regard, its use quite often helps with diseases, the appearance of which directly depends on immunodeficiency.

What can replace "Merz Special Dragee"? Analogs of this vitamin complex are known to many people due to their widespread advertising. You can replace the dietary supplement with such drugs as “Vitrum”, “Multi-Tabs”, “Complivit”, “Duovit”, “Kaltsinova” and others. The cost of the presented products in comparison with the price of the multivitamin complex in question can be either higher or lower.