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Treadmill workouts for weight loss - interval training, walking and exercise. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss

Anyone can have a slim and fit figure, the main thing is not to be lazy and exercise regularly. If you want to get rid of excess fat and improve your health, then running on a treadmill will be an excellent solution to the problem.

To get the most out of your workouts, you should enter your training regimen correctly. If you haven’t worked out on the track before or have had a long break in training, then you should start with light and short cardio sessions. At first, it is recommended to spend no more than 15 minutes running, gradually increasing this time to half an hour. For the first five minutes, start with a brisk walk to warm up your joints and ligaments, and only then move on to an easy run.

To choose the optimal mode, you should pay attention not to speed, but to your own heart rate. Almost all tracks have pulse sensors that display your heart rate on a special display.

Good to know! to the following formula: “220 is the age of the athlete.” For example, if you are 25 years old, then the upper limit of your heart rate will be 195 beats per minute. This is the upper limit beyond which you cannot go. To conduct an effective workout, the pulse is within 70-80% of the permissible limit. If we take the upper pulse as 195 for calculation, then the optimal value will be 140 beats per minute. The average reading for a healthy adult is 120-130 blows; such a load is safe for health and gives a positive effect.

Slow walking on the path has almost no contraindications. But if you have chronic diseases or untreated injury, it is recommended to consult a doctor. But you should be careful with running; it is forbidden to exercise on a treadmill if you have problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, hypertension, asthma, heart defects, mitral stenosis, heart failure and after a heart attack. You should also not run if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, which include hernias, osteochondrosis, sprains and joint diseases. People with varicose veins should also refrain from running.

How to properly run on a treadmill to lose weight?

Health is an important aspect, but most often people are more concerned with the question: how to lose weight on a treadmill? To do this, there are several important points to consider:

  • Loads should be regular. If you exercise a couple of times a month, you will not notice visible results. If you have experience and desire, you can train every day. The most optimal workouts are 3-4 times a week.
  • Before you start running, be sure to warm up for 5 minutes. Warm-up can be done by walking on a treadmill.
  • Often in the fitness room you can see girls holding on to the handrails of the cardio machine. This is a common mistake: by holding with your hands, you remove some of the load, which makes the activity less productive. Also, this position is incorrect for the spine and can lead to curvature.
  • To complicate the workout, you can select the incline mode, you will have to go uphill. Walking on an incline helps to work out the gluteal muscles perfectly, and also gives good results in losing weight.
  • Exercise on the track only in sports shoes. Running barefoot or in socks can be harmful to your health.

  • When losing weight on the treadmill, it is important to take deep breaths and exhale, do not hold your breath.

How much should you run to lose weight?

There is so much different information now being given about training times that many people can’t figure out exactly how much to do on the treadmill to lose weight? There are regular and interval methods of cardio training.

The first complex - if running is forbidden to you or you prefer walking, then you can set the treadmill at a speed of 7-8 km/h and just walk quickly for a long time. Walking can be replaced with light jogging. Beginners should start with 20 minutes and gradually increase the time to an hour. Proponents of this theory claim that fat begins to be burned only after 40 minutes of monotonous cardio exercise.

The second complex is a combination of walking and running. Warm up at low speed for five minutes, and then begin to alternate between brisk walking for 2-3 minutes and light jogging for 5-7 minutes. At first, do not try to run for a long time; gradually reduce the time you spend walking and increase the duration of your run. The optimal time for such training is 20-30 minutes.

Interval training is very popular among athletes. This method allows you to quickly see results in losing weight, but is recommended for people with experience in physical activity. Interval training involves alternating between moderate and high intensity running. Such classes save time, as they last only 15-20 minutes. For example, you can use the following interval training scheme: alternate 3-5 minutes of running at a medium pace with 2 minutes of fast running at high speed, finish the workout with a light jog.

Nutrition before and after treadmill training

To lose weight on the treadmill, it is important to watch your diet. If you neglect this point, you will never be able to achieve the desired result. Weight loss occurs only if we spend more energy than we consume through food. If you eat donuts with sweet tea after a cardio workout, then all your efforts will be in vain.

Exercising on an empty stomach is harmful, and you should not do it immediately after eating. If cardio takes place in the first half of the day, it is recommended to eat complex carbohydrates and protein, for example, porridge with meat or eggs. In the evening before training, you can eat protein and fiber; baked fish and vegetables are perfect.

If you want to lose weight, then after exercise you should limit yourself to only protein foods and vegetables. Immediately after cardio, you can drink a protein shake with water or eat 3 boiled egg whites. Also, do not forget about the drinking regime - when playing sports, the need for water increases, so you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

A treadmill is one of the simplest and most affordable exercise machines that allows even people without significant training to play sports. After all, everyone can walk and run, and the essence of such training is extremely clear.

Experts say that you should take at least 10,000 steps every day to stay healthy. To normalize your body weight, you will need to exercise a little more diligently.

We will tell you further about how to lose weight on a treadmill and how much excess weight you can lose.

The effectiveness of the treadmill for burning fat

In short, this effectiveness is especially high with systematic exercise. Regular jogging on a treadmill will not only improve your well-being, but also:

  • subcutaneous fat burning mechanisms will be launched;
  • metabolism will improve;
  • stress levels will decrease;
  • the mood will rise;
  • the functioning of the main functional systems of the body is stabilized and normalized.

By the way, regular positive mood from exercise also helps you lose weight. After all, many today are “seized” by stress and nervousness. And if you regularly feel good thanks to jogging, you will not eat excessive food and will be able to tone your body.

How much weight can you lose?

It really depends on your goals and needs. As many people know, the most important thing in the process of losing weight is stabilizing body weight: that is, you not only need to lose weight, but also be able to maintain the result.

Therefore, to maintain your figure, you should not only lose weight, but also switch to an optimal diet and cardio training.

There is a lot of confirmed evidence when training on a treadmill and a normal diet made it possible to achieve tremendous results, and people lost tens of kilograms of excessive weight with the help of a set of exercises. Therefore, if you exercise regularly, follow the rules on how to run to lose weight, and put in the right effort, you can achieve the desired result.

Note! You can lose weight to the level you need: you just need to try, exercise regularly and know how to run.

You should not strive to lose a significant amount of weight at once - such overloads are not entirely beneficial for the body. Need to lose weight gradually: 1-2 kilograms per week is a completely normal schedule, which will allow you to move steadily in the desired vector and achieve results. You can create a weight loss schedule and follow your plan, and if your results decrease, simply change your training program a little.

Is it possible to get results quickly?

If you are on a diet and doing intense training, the first results will appear after the second workout. You will notice a decrease in body weight and some fatigue.

What is the first thing you lose weight when running?

When you start your metabolism and anaerobic fat burning mode, subcutaneous fat begins to be burned actively.

Typically, the folds and fat on the belly are the most visible, but in reality the fat is distributed almost evenly throughout the body. If you are overweight, then there is fat on both your hips and arms - it’s just less noticeable there. However, by running you can completely lose your belly fat.

So don’t wonder if running helps with cellulite? Through training, you will notice a uniform decrease in volume throughout your body. Legs and arms will become slimmer, and the stomach will also gradually approach an athletic appearance.

5 options for fat burning workouts

Next, we will consider effective training programs. A special feature of the programs offered is that they are designed specifically for weight loss. If certain parameters, tables or instructions are given in these programs, then they are given for a reason, but precisely because of their effectiveness specifically for losing weight.

For other purposes (for example, to develop endurance - this is especially necessary for men), a different training method is used. Therefore, when creating your own training schedule, try to adhere to the advice of these particular programs.

1. Walking to lose extra pounds - first level

This is a less effective option compared to running, but should also not be neglected:

  • Some people are not allowed to run at all,
  • With proper training, walking also has a significant effect, which helps with weight loss.

Regular walking for an hour is also very useful, but you must maintain the pace. You need to walk a kilometer in a maximum of 10-12 minutes, and for effective weight loss even faster.

Of course, we are not talking about rehabilitation walking and serious stages of obesity; the load should always be chosen according to your own condition. This rule also works in the opposite direction: if during the described exercises your heart rate decreased to less than 60% of the maximum, then you need to increase the incline or load in order to maintain your heart rate in the desired range. Therefore, during exercise, regularly measure your pulse.

  1. 10 minutes – warm-up, easy walking;
  2. 5 minutes – walk at a speed of 7-9 km/h with regular heart rate measurement;
  3. 5 minutes – walking at a calm pace until breathing normalizes;
  4. 5 minutes – we walk at an incline of 6 degrees at an intense pace with pulse recording.

Heart rate data should be recorded at each stage:

  • Stage 1 - walking (intense and calm) without incline,
  • Stage 2 - walking on an incline.

If your heart rate was highest when you walked without an incline, then you will need the first training program, and if your heart rate was highest when walking on an incline, then use the second program.

2. Increase the load - second level

You can gradually increase the load:

  1. warm-up – 10 minutes 4-6 km/h;
  2. the beginning of the phase is 5 minutes 4-6 km/h, but with a slope of 3-6 degrees;
  3. intensive walking – 2 minutes 7-9 km/h without incline;
  4. fast walking – 10-12 km/h per minute without incline;
  5. cool down – up to half an hour of measured or intense walking.

After the second lesson, you should add the number of repetitions of stages 2-4: that is, after fast walking, go back to the beginning of the phase and repeat the stages.

Bring the greatest number of repetitions of stages 2-4 to 6-8.

3. Add a slope to the path - third level

This program uses track slopes:

  1. warm-up – 10 minutes 4-6 km/h;
  2. Stage 1 – 2 minutes of intense walking without incline;
  3. Stage 2 – 2 minutes we walk with an inclination of 2 degrees;
  4. Stage 3 – we walk for 2 minutes with a slope of 4 degrees;
  5. Stage 4 – 2 minutes again walking at an angle of 2 degrees;
  6. Stage 5 – 2 minutes we end with intensive walking without an incline;
  7. Cool down – about 20 minutes of intense walking without an incline.

From the second workout, increase the number of stages, in particular, do the incline in the sequence of 2,4,6 degrees and back. Over time you need to reach 10-12 degrees of inclination, and cool-down walking can be done at a stable incline of 6 degrees, if you need to increase the load for this.

4. Running program for losing excess weight

Let's look at a simple cardio regimen for burning fat:

  1. warm-up – 5-10 minutes;
  2. increasing speed to 7-9 km/h, easy running – 5 minutes;
  3. then gradually increase the speed to 10-15 km/h - increasing the speed every couple of minutes;
  4. maintaining the speed to obtain a heart rate of 60-70% of the maximum - at least 20 minutes;
  5. gradual reduction in speed – 5-10 minutes;
  6. Cool down – 10 minutes, easy jogging or walking.

The total duration of the lesson is optimally less than an hour. You can vary the duration yourself, based on your well-being and capabilities; at first you can train for 30-40 minutes.

If you cannot maintain your heart rate at a high speed, then add an incline. To achieve the desired heart rate and, as a result, burn fat, you will need to run more intensely over time. Don't forget about.

Before starting classes, consider the following recommendations:

  • shoes– for regular training you need normal ones, if you consider this advice to be part of a conspiracy by running shoe manufacturers, work out for 4-5 weeks in a row on flat soles and see what your joints and ligaments on your feet become;
  • restrictions– you definitely need to know about this: if you have diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, you need to run carefully; There are, of course, other restrictions for running (for example, and), so if possible consult a doctor, and if you doubt your own condition, choose walking;
  • mode– nutrition and healthy sleep are integral parts of normal weight loss: after training, you need to recover so that your metabolism works normally and your body burns fat; motivation – sometimes it’s difficult to train, and motivation will help here (for example, the intention to get in shape and gain external attractiveness);
  • Heart rate– the zone of the most active fat burning is located within 60-70% of your heart rate from the maximum: as a rule, this range is about 120-140 beats/min, but it is necessary individually; in all the workouts described below (except for interval training and unless otherwise indicated), you should maintain 60-70% of the maximum heart rate in the active phase of the session;
  • breath– while walking and running, try to breathe evenly and deeply, monitor and control your breathing, this component allows you to improve the effectiveness of your training and make running more enjoyable.

If you miss any point, then training may turn out to be not only useless, but also harmful. Therefore, take your classes completely seriously.

Important! If you go beyond the specified heart rate percentages, then even with heavy loads, fats are burned less efficiently. This is why it is so important to know your body and how to burn fat.

Which route is better to choose for weight loss?

The most common are:

  • – the simplest option: the canvas moves from your effort, you yourself vary the speed of movement, but sometimes jerks are felt, so it can be difficult to maintain smooth movement;
  • – a type of mechanics, but has a smoother running of the blade;
  • – the most modern option: the belt moves thanks to an electric motor; you can not only set the desired speed, but also create various training programs (for example, enter and run an automatic interval training algorithm).

If you want to train at home, then it might make sense to consider mechanics for weight loss: after all, such products are now a little cheaper. It is well suited as an option for home, as it takes up little space.

However, it is mainly electrics that are most common. Such tracks with computers and sensors are much more convenient for losing weight, but using all the functions is not so easy. To get acquainted with the main functions, read the material - It is quite possible to purchase them as a home option for electricians at an affordable cost.

Nutrition when exercising on a treadmill

The essence of losing weight is this: - expend more calories than you consume. In general, for this it is advisable to look at your own regular menu and count your daily calories.

Usually, daily amount is 1500-2500 calories. If you eat more and do not engage in serious sports or active physical labor, then the need to lose weight is understandable. To start, you just need to slightly reduce the number of calories you consume and increase the number you expend.

Eating habits are a separate topic, so we will give here only brief tips on how to effectively normalize your diet. As a rule, people eat out of a feeling of hunger or lack of satiety, which can be caused not only by physical need, but also by illiterate nutrition. Please pay attention to the following details:

  • hearty diet- add to your diet foods that create a feeling of fullness, and long-term satiety: there are simple recipes for this - for example, oat porridge in the morning, which supplies the body with so-called long-term carbohydrates;
  • useful alternatives– this point follows from the previous one: you should look for healthy alternatives throughout your diet (if pasta is made only from durum wheat, if meat is only dietary);
  • water and only water– water is your best assistant in losing weight, try not to drink anything at all other than water, which should sometimes be supplemented with useful ingredients such as a drop of lemon juice or a little ginger; just don’t drink cold water after eating, and in general try to drink water at least at room temperature, since cold water washes undigested food from the stomach and you start to want to eat again;
  • nutrition and training- you need to run with a feeling of fullness, but not on a full stomach - it is best when you have eaten about an hour before training (for example, you ate a plate of hard pasta with diet cheese or a plate of porridge with fruits and berries).

Important! It is best to choose your diet individually, taking into account the condition of your body. It is advisable to once spend money on examination and an appointment with a nutritionist in order to know exactly how you should eat. Always consider your own ailments when creating your daily menu.

In conclusion, the basis of weight loss should be noted - healthy habits. In particular, the diet should simply be made healthy: eliminate alcohol and soda and drink mostly water. Training should be done regularly, the load should be increased only according to your own condition. The essence of a healthy habit is to use adequate exercise.

The ideal is to run about five days a week. However, if you choose interval training, then in the beginning you should perform classes 3-4 times a week.

In addition, we note a very significant detail - your the goal is not exhaustion, but competent weight loss. Moreover, if you overly deplete the body, the body will not get rid of fat, but will instead accumulate it. Therefore, set your goal as a developed metabolism that maintains homeostasis in optimal conditions.

Useful video

In conclusion, pay attention to our video materials:

That's all. Good luck with your studies!

Walking is perceived by us as something simple and ordinary. Nevertheless, this is a great way to improve your figure, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and increase muscle tone. Walking efficiency will be maximized if you purchase a treadmill for these activities.

What muscles work

First of all, let's look at what muscle groups are involved when walking. This type of physical activity is aerobic, consuming oxygen to obtain energy. Accordingly, during exercise, the ability to absorb oxygen from the air develops, which means the heart muscle strengthens.

The muscles of the thighs also work actively - the quadriceps (responsible for extending the knees and bending the leg at the hip joint), as well as the abs. New generation treadmills allow you to set the incline yourself, which makes it possible to work out the biceps muscles, buttocks, calves and even shoulders.

Benefits and contraindications

Thanks to such training, you can not only lose weight, but also:

  • strengthen ligaments and joints;
  • increase overall body endurance;
  • ensure the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system and mood;
  • boost immunity.
And all this without excessive stress, at any time convenient for you, with the ability to regulate the load yourself. There are no age restrictions. As for expectant mothers, only a doctor can answer the question of whether a pregnant woman can exercise on a walking machine. In general, there are no contraindications for this, but everything is individual.

There are a number of diseases for which such physical activity is prohibited:

  • mitral valve stenosis;
  • severe hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • severe damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • complications of varicose veins (thrombophlebitis).

How to walk on a treadmill correctly

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of simulator. Treadmills can be mechanical, magnetic or electric.

  • Mechanical ones allow you to select the incline level, read your pulse, and report your workout time, speed and distance traveled.
  • Magnetic ones contain an additional braking system for more comfortable activities.
  • Electric tracks are good because they can independently change the program based on your performance. In addition, they do not create any noise and are easy to fold.

Important! People with joint problems are advised to choose an electric treadmill. Unlike the mechanical one, it does not create large loads on the legs thanks to the electric motor.

You should also check the coverage before purchasing. It should not be too soft, otherwise it will quickly become unusable. But, at the same time, too hard a coating will cause discomfort.

It is better to give preference to the “golden mean”. Ideally, the surface should have shock absorption. For safety reasons and to prevent injuries, a wide and long blade is suitable for beginners.
Having installed the simulator at home, you should not rush to immediately begin active training. First you need to do a short warm-up lasting 5-10 minutes. It involves stretching the calves and thighs with shallow squats and lunges, as well as gentle exercises to warm up the knees and ankles.

Important! You should always wear sneakers when running on a treadmill. Barefoot training is very harmful to the spine.

The fundamental principle of walking on a treadmill is a constant stride length. You need to maintain the same length and uniform pace. Next, we will study other important parameters that affect the effectiveness of classes.

Tilt angle

Walking along a path with a certain slope will help increase the load, and therefore energy expenditure. Experts recommend alternating walking uphill at a low pace and more intense training, but on a flat surface (a type of interval walking).
For beginners, it is better to set the inclination angle to 3–7 degrees. In different tracks, the maximum angle varies from 6 to 15 degrees.

Did you know? Sometimes this indicator is expressed as a percentage, but this is not the same thing. You need to convert percentages to degrees using mathematical converters.

Frequency and duration of classes

Usually, all beginners are concerned with the question of how much they need to walk to lose weight. The duration of classes at first should be no more than 10–15 minutes. Gradually increasing the training time and observing how you feel, we arrive at the optimal duration - 60 minutes.

It makes no sense to do less, because the fat burning process begins after 30–40 minutes of physical activity. Longer exercises lead to the process of dissimilation in muscle fibers and are useless for weight loss.

To achieve better results, you should train regularly, but not more than 4-5 times a week. Daily exercise will not bring the expected benefits, but will only lead to overtraining.

Pulse and speed

Heart rate during exercise is certainly related to the effectiveness of exercise for weight loss, although it is not the only factor.
There is a formula that allows you to calculate the optimal heart rate for weight loss during moderate-intensity training. To calculate, it is enough to know your maximum heart rate (subtract your age from 220) and your resting heart rate.

The formula looks like this: ((HR max - resting pulse) * 0.6)) + resting pulse. The resulting heart rate value should be observed throughout your workout, with the exception of the first and last five minutes.

Did you know? The pulse can determine a person's temperament. In melancholic people it averages 83 beats per minute, in choleric people it is 76–83, in sanguine people it is 68–75, and in phlegmatic people it is 67.

At the beginning of the training session, walking speed can be no more than 4 km per hour, and then gradually increases.


Breathing should occur with the participation of the lower diaphragm (i.e., the abdomen) and be deep, calm and uniform, preferably through the nose.

There are two ways to breathe when walking on a treadmill:

  • four-stage (four short inhalations and exhalations)
  • two-stage (two short inhalations and exhalations).

Each action is performed in one step.
Shortness of breath should not be allowed to occur. If it does occur, you need to stop, inhale as deeply as possible and exhale just as strongly and quickly. To prevent shortness of breath, you need to gradually increase your speed and not talk during a cardio session.

Treadmill training program for weight loss

In addition to the usual step on a flat surface, there are options for interval patterns. For example, like this:

  1. 5-10 minutes of warm-up walking at a speed of 4 km/h.
  2. Incline 3–6°, same speed for 5 minutes.
  3. Intensive walking at a pace of 7 km/h for 2 minutes.
  4. Repeat points 2 and 3 several more times.
For beginners, you can use an interval pattern without incline:
  1. Walk at a speed of 5–6 km/h for the first 10 minutes.
  2. After this, go to a pace of 8–9 km/h and hold it for 4 minutes.
  3. Then another 2 minutes of fast walking at a speed of 10 km/h.
  4. Repeat all segments 3-4 times.
An interval circuit without incline for those who already have experience in such training might look like this:
  1. 5 minutes at a speed of 4 and 6 km/h.
  2. Then 5 minutes at high speeds of 8 and 10 km/h.
  3. Repeat these 2 points 3-4 times.
For advanced users, a type of training has been invented such as walking with weights, during which dumbbells are used (initial weight - no more than 1 kg).

How to walk on a treadmill correctly: video Walking on a treadmill is a simple and surprisingly effective way to lose weight and improve your health. But all this is subject to compliance with certain rules and regular training.

Or get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Regularly performing fast walking on a treadmill gives results comparable to interval jogging in city parks, long cardio sessions on an elliptical or stepper, but for most amateur athletes it is much easier both physically and psychologically.

What muscles work?

Let's start by understanding which muscles work when walking on a treadmill.

During aerobic exercise, we train, first of all, the heart muscle, on the condition of which the lion's share of our health depends. But also, while walking on a treadmill, the abdominal muscles are also actively involved in the work.

If your gym is equipped with modern treadmills in which you can adjust the angle of the moving surface, then walking uphill on a treadmill will additionally strengthen your calf muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and spinal extensors.

@Sebastian Kaulitzki - adobe.stock.com

The benefits of walking on a treadmill

It's no secret that walking on a treadmill is very useful, despite the simplicity of this exercise. In particular, for losing weight, brisk walking on a treadmill is ideal.

The calorie consumption during this type of physical activity is quite high - in an hour of work with average intensity we burn approximately 250-300 calories. This is equivalent to 150 grams of lean boiled beef or a generous portion of buckwheat porridge.

Regularly performing such cardio workouts increases the metabolic rate, which allows us to quickly get rid of accumulated excess fat or gain high-quality muscle mass without increasing the subcutaneous fat layer.

The undoubted benefits of walking on a treadmill also manifest itself in increasing endurance, which greatly simplifies the task when doing CrossFit or during classic workouts in the gym. It’s no wonder that cardio on the treadmill is a mandatory part of the training process of any experienced CrossFitter, bodybuilder, mixed martial artist, cyclist or swimmer.

There is a lot of debate online about what exactly is best to include in your training program: walking or running on a treadmill. It should be said that walking is no less effective in terms of developing endurance and getting rid of excess fat, and is certainly healthier. The fact is that the treadmill is designed in such a way that we do not run along it - we catch up with it. This places unwanted stress on the knee joints and over time can lead to meniscus or hamstring injuries.

  • Walking on a treadmill is recommended for those people who have knee problems. It will help maintain physical fitness and avoid worsening injuries;
  • This is a great exercise for those who are just starting to exercise. By walking on a treadmill from the first days of training, you will gain excellent endurance and save your knees;
  • Interval walking on a treadmill is perfect for athletes suffering from hypertension. It allows us to work at a comfortable heart rate (115-130 beats per minute), while running increases the heart rate to 140-170 beats per minute, which is too much for a hypertensive cardiovascular system;
  • Also, measured walking on a treadmill is good for those people who have only recently quit smoking and started leading a healthy lifestyle, and their respiratory system is not yet ready for serious strength or cardio exercise. After a month of regular walking on a treadmill, their shortness of breath will decrease or completely disappear, the functioning of the cardiovascular system will normalize, their lungs will get used to delivering more oxygen to the muscle cells, and only after that can they begin full-fledged exercise in the gym.

@Kzenon - adobe.stock.com

Rules for effective walking

To get the most out of this type of cardio workout, follow these simple rules:

  1. Always start your workouts with a thorough warm-up. Particular attention should be paid to the knees and ankle joints, and the quadriceps and calf muscles should also be well warmed up.
  2. Consume enough. By drinking at least a liter of still mineral water in small sips, you will protect yourself from disturbances in the layer balance in the body.
  3. Don't change the length of your steps. Try to take steps of the same length throughout the entire workout - this will allow you to maintain a uniform walking pace and increase the effectiveness of your cardio exercise;
  4. Finish your workout with a cool-down. When you are already exhausted and cannot walk at a brisk pace, do another 10-20 minutes of walking at a leisurely pace. Due to the increase in heart rate when walking quickly, during a cool-down, fat burning and metabolic processes in your body will not weaken.
  5. Decide on the optimal workout duration. Scientists believe that lipolysis processes during physical activity begin to occur at full capacity only after 35-40 minutes, but at the same time, too long cardio (more than 80 minutes) can lead to the breakdown of muscle tissue. Therefore, the optimal duration of walking on a treadmill is about 60 minutes.

@elenabsl - adobe.stock.com

How to lose weight by walking?

In order to enhance lipolysis processes during cardio training in the form of walking on a treadmill, there are several technical subtleties. Here are some of them:

Correct training time

The optimal time to perform cardio workouts for weight loss is in the morning on an empty stomach. At this time, processes dominate in our body, glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles are minimal, and the only source of energy is subcutaneous or visceral fat, which our body begins to actively consume. If you are concerned that fasted cardio will negatively affect your muscle mass, consume a portion of complex amino acids before training.

Combination with other exercises

Walking on a treadmill after strength or functional training is no less effective. Walking at a moderate intensity will increase the fat-burning effect of your workout, as you will burn even more calories.


Regularity of exercise is the key to progress. If, in addition to walking, you exercise with weights, then two hours of walking training on a treadmill per week will be quite enough. If for one reason or another, exercise in the gym is contraindicated for you, walk on the treadmill 4-5 times a week.

Variety in training

Add variety to your training process. Do brisk walking more often, almost turning into running, so you will achieve an even greater increase in endurance and reserves of the respiratory system. Also an excellent way to lose weight is interval walking on a treadmill, in which you alternate between walking at a fast pace and walking at a leisurely pace. Interval walking will be especially effective if you have a fitness bracelet or heart rate monitor - this way you can track your calorie consumption and heart rate at different walking paces and, based on this, make adjustments to your training schedule and try to increase the intensity of your cardio workouts day after day. .

Training program

Below are several interval walking patterns for beginner and intermediate athletes:

First level

Average level

Each scheme should be repeated 3-4 times within one workout. To increase energy expenditure, you can vary the inclination angle of the moving surface of the treadmill, making it larger for low-intensity walking and smaller for high-speed walking.

The article describes in detail how to lose weight using a treadmill: how to exercise, eat properly, choose a running speed, and what mistakes to avoid.

Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight

Many women face the problem that after regular training, the weight remains the same and the centimeters do not go away. Thus, you should reconsider your lifestyle.

Weight may not come off for two reasons:

  • The first and main reason is poor nutrition. If, after working out on the treadmill, you go to the refrigerator, then all the calories will immediately return to their places and weight loss will not occur. It is recommended not to eat one and a half hours before training and two hours after it. It is also worth reconsidering your diet in the evening. If possible, avoid eating before bed.
  • Another reason for lack of weight loss is improper regularity of exercise. Walking or running is necessary at least three times a week for more than 30 minutes. You shouldn’t expect to lose weight by running once a week for five minutes.

What speed should you be during training?

The canvas moves at different speeds. Depending on this factor, the intensity of the workout changes. The higher the speed, the faster the person must perform the movement.

Rules for the training:

  1. You should start training at the lowest speed, more precisely, with easy walking. Once the muscles are warmed up, you can gradually increase the pace. Warm-up can last about 1 minute.
  2. After the muscles have warmed up, you need to do a light jog for three minutes. The canvas should be at an angle of 2 degrees. The speed should be increased by one notch.
  3. After a five-minute warm-up, you can move on to the main set of exercises, jogging or brisk walking, as desired by the consumer. The resistance angle should also be 2 degrees, while the speed should be increased as much as is comfortable. If the exercises are performed with the aim of improving health, then it is enough to stop at an average speed, if for weight loss, then at the maximum possible for the consumer. You should also monitor your pulse (you can do this with a special one), it should be within 130 beats per minute.
  4. To avoid pain in the joint area, After the main workout, you should run for five minutes at the slowest pace until your breathing is restored.
  5. After completing your workout You need to walk at an easy pace.

Nutrition during exercise for weight loss

If the goal of exercising on the treadmill is to lose weight, then you should change. To burn fat, carbohydrate intake should be limited. Proteins, on the contrary, are necessary to restore strength.

Basic principles of nutrition:

  • During intense training, you need to eat meat and fish several times a week. It is advisable to use low-fat varieties. These products are famous for their protein content.
  • It is worth consuming low-fat dairy products, which include yogurt or cottage cheese containing calcium.
  • You need to carefully study what you eat in your diet every day. All fats found in foods should be replaced with plant ingredients.
  • To achieve a positive result, on the day of classes you need to limit yourself in consuming sweets and sugar.
  • Blood pressure may increase during exercise, if this is observed, then salt up to three grams per day should be excluded from the diet.
  • You should use ballast substances, which are found in fresh vegetables, fruits and leaves.
  • During exercise, there is also a loss of fluid in the body, Therefore, on the day of training you need to drink about three liters of water.

Why do you need to know your heart rate and how to apply this knowledge?

While exercising on a treadmill, you should also pay attention to your heart rate, namely your pulse.

The outcome of the training depends on this factor.

  • There is a maximum heart rate value. During warm-up, this figure should be no more than 60 percent of it.
  • During training, the heart should beat faster; if you want to achieve weight loss, then the pulse should be 70-80 percent of this value.
  • The treadmill may have a red line showing your maximum heart rate. This means you should slow down. Otherwise, you may harm your health.

Training intensity

How to train for a beginner

A person who has just purchased a treadmill should begin training on it by walking. It is enough to set the speed on the equipment within six kilometers per hour. The slope of the canvas should be minimal or the track should be level.

A beginner needs to practice in the following order:

  1. Warm-up performed with the canvas level for five minutes.
  2. Main part Also performed with the blade positioned evenly, the speed should be increased by one notch. For the first time, the training can last for 20 minutes.
  3. Next, a cool down is performed, which will be 5 minutes at the slowest pace.

How to train as a professional?

Advanced users can begin a more intense workout on the treadmill as their body is already able to withstand greater stress. They can already set the angle of inclination of the canvas.

The workout should proceed at the following pace:

  1. Warm-up performs at medium speed, while the blade should be in a level position.
  2. Next, you should complete the preparatory part, This might be a brisk walk or a light jog. It is enough to move at this pace for four minutes.
  3. The main stage of training is a fast run or the most intense walking, while you should pay attention to your pulse. The duration of the workout can be about 30 minutes.
  4. Finish your workout follows with an easy step, performing it for five minutes.

How to train to lose weight?

If you need to reduce body weight, then you need to train at an advanced pace, and the following conditions must be met:

  • Hands must be on the handrail. In this position, they will not help the body move. This way, fat will be burned as much as possible.
  • Every workout should be about 40 minutes.
  • In one lesson You need to burn between 300 and 700 calories.
  • You should exercise with a frequency of 2–3 times a week.
  • Need to pay attention on the diet.

Interval training

Every athlete is familiar with the concept of interval training. It involves alternating classes at a maximum and minimum pace. If we are talking about a treadmill, then you first need to run at an intense pace, and then change this action to a fast step.

There are several reasons why you should give preference to interval training:

  • maximum fat breakdown occurs;
  • good heart function;
  • excellent blood circulation.

Interval training should be performed at the following pace:

  1. 3 minutes warm-up at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour;
  2. 3 minutes of running, at the same pace;
  3. 2 minutes of running, at a speed of 8 kilometers per hour.

When not to run on a treadmill


  1. Even if you feel well, you should not exercise in late pregnancy.
  2. People who have any diseases in the legs, joints and lower back should not run on the treadmill.
  3. People who have problems with blood pressure can exercise at a slow pace.
  4. People with varicose veins should not exercise.
  5. If during training a person feels overworked, the training must be stopped.

Should you choose running or walking?

When choosing whether running or walking is better, you need to pay attention to the purpose of the training. The speed of a fast step is up to 6 kilometers per hour, everything above that is running. If its goal is to create tone, strengthen muscles and improve health, then it is better to stop at walking. In the case when you need to reduce body weight, you need to run intensely.

Pros and cons of training on a treadmill

Benefits of running on a treadmill:

  1. You don't need to leave home to exercise. You can do this while watching your favorite TV series in any weather conditions.
  2. Treadmill for home workouts- this is a great way to get your figure in order without spending money on purchasing a ticket to a sports club.
  3. There are several modes which allows the user to choose a pace that is convenient for them.
  4. The treadmill improves your health person at any age.
  5. The display shows all the necessary information about how long a person has been running, how many calories he has lost, his heart rate, speed and distance traveled.
  6. The treadmill has several programs with varying levels of difficulty. The user can start with the most gentle workout, gradually increasing the load.
  7. Comfortable on the treadmill exercise at the correct angle.

There are some disadvantages of a treadmill:

  1. Not everyone is comfortable running on a small surface, since each step is shorter than when training on the track.
  2. The absence may be confusing natural road irregularities.
  3. If you don't know the safety rules there is a possibility of injury.

What muscles are involved?

During a workout on a treadmill, a whole group of muscles is used to achieve a positive result, namely:

  • leg muscles;
  • buttock muscles;
  • calf muscles;

Less involved:

  • back muscles:
  • shoulder joint.