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Pig farm business plan. Pig breeding as a business - what you need to consider to achieve high profitability

Most people who have a plot and a house in a rural area, sooner or later begin to think about receiving a certain stable income from the existing buildings and land area, that is, starting their own business. Often the first idea that comes to mind is to keep pigs to sell meat.

Let's look at all the details to understand the likely difficulties of organizing a profitable business based on raising pigs.

Pig breeding as a business has huge prospects. High-quality meat is constantly in demand on the market and has a fairly high pricing policy. Another reason for the popularity of a pig farm as a business is the simplicity of the technological process - you just need to raise the animal and sell the resulting products.

When you are determined to consider pig farming as a business, you need to initially realize one thing - you need to regularly deal with physical and financial investments in this activity, pay attention to your household all the time, and radically restructure your routine.

At the development stage business plan When breeding pigs, you need to realistically assess your capabilities for selling the product you produce. When you are planning to organize a relatively small business in the raising and breeding of pigs, and you can sell all the meat yourself at agricultural fairs or to your friends, then it is quite enough to register your own private household plot.

But in the case of fairly significant pork production, individual status will provide more opportunities for the sale of lard and meat entrepreneur. Moreover, it will be necessary to constantly operate with a large number of permits and pay taxes, but you can safely increase the pig farm to the required number.

First of all, carefully think over the business plan according to which your pig farming enterprise will develop and be formed. You can easily start with 2-3 sows and increase the required number over time.

It is necessary to provide for the use of personal breeding sires, first choosing a specific one breed. Of the two possible directions for the development of the organization of raising pigs at home as a business, the main emphasis should be on the production and sale of meat. The selective direction in keeping pigs should be supported only for your own needs for the reproduction of livestock, since the sale of young animals to the population does not always recoup the funds spent.

Is it profitable to raise pigs: sources of income

In addition to selling the main products of pig farming (meat and lard), select possibilities sales of by-products (blood, skins, etc.). A smokehouse can be an excellent help for larger-scale maintenance of a home pig farm - smoked meats are also in great demand on the market, and their shelf life is much longer than that of fresh products.

All of the above must be combined into a general business plan for breeding pigs at home and raising them, and you need to add here:

  • costs of maintaining and organizing the life cycle of a pig farm;
  • probable feed purchase markets;
  • the opportunity to use the services of specialists – livestock specialists and veterinarians;
  • minimizing and identifying all risks in pig farming.

Required documents

Business on pigs is a responsible and serious step, implying that the entrepreneur has all the packages of documents that permit and regulate the activity. At the same time, the main question “how to open a pig farm” confuses most people. But not everything is as complicated as it might seem.

To obtain documents, you need to decide on the choice of a specific region where the pig farm will develop and your activities will take place, since it is in this area that you will need to communicate with officials. Initially you need approve with the administration of the selected region, the possibility of engaging in pig farming on their site and the specific location of your future pig farm. Already at this stage, it is best to have a business plan to prove the seriousness of your intentions, as well as your competence in this project.

It is no secret that, as a rule, officials view positively the issues of organizing new jobs, which naturally begin to appear after the organization of a new business and the construction of a pig-breeding enterprise.

In this case, the administration provides the entrepreneur with all kinds of options registration of land and opening a pig farm. It is also possible that you will be given an assistant to prepare all the documents: from papers that register your activities and enterprise, to assistance in obtaining various government investments to create a pig farm.

Equipment and premises

Having received all the required documents for running a business, you need to pay maximum attention to the premises, its preparation and construction for moving animals. You may be given an old building that needs to be restored and equipped to meet the needs of your pig farm. A little more expensive It will cost you to build a pigsty from scratch, but in this case you can install all communications taking into account your business plan.

Creating a pig farm for 100 or more heads means hiring workers who will begin caring for the pigs. Therefore, when drawing up a floor plan for a pig farm, it is necessary to include in the plan the allocation of household, office, utility and production premises, a laboratory, etc. For a livestock of 500 pigs, the optimal area of ​​all premises will be approximately 6000 m².

How to raise pigs

The premises of the pig farm must meet all sanitary standards, be bright and clean, great attention must be paid to getting rid of drafts.

Particular attention should also be paid to equipping the pig farm and installing equipment. The cost of purchasing modern equipment will pay off fairly quickly, as it will make it possible to organize the best conditions for keeping each pig and minimize the material costs of organizing a business.

Many pig farms in our country they have equipment that has already served its time and is considered obsolete. Often its age is more than 25 years, a lot of it is in a broken state, which inevitably leads to losses: wasted feed, high morbidity among animals, and so on.

During the modern organization of keeping pigs and piglets as a business, almost absolute automation of the life support process of a pig farm is implied. This is what we need to strive for.

How to choose a pig breed

Today in the world there are more than a hundred breeds of pigs of varying productivity. Therefore, before choosing the livestock of the future herd, decide and carefully think over the choice breeds, which will be the only or predominant basis for pig farming of your individual entrepreneur or private household plot.

Experts who have already gone through the process of developing and starting the business of their pig farm advise to start by purchasing up to 300-400 heads of piglets and pigs. Of which approximately 17 sows and 3 boars. Purchase the remaining piglets for fattening and further implementation so that the business initially has income. The business plan of a pig farm must provide for this possibility, but when there is not enough money for a one-time purchase of a significant number of pigs, you can start with a small enterprise, developing thanks to your own producers.

Even before purchasing breeding animals, it is best to visit a couple of farms that are engaged in pig breeding, find out all the characteristics of a particular individual, study pedigrees in several generations, and take a closer look at the young stock on offer.

  • As a result of this study, you will not allow inbreeding of animals.
  • Productive qualities are inherited, and you can only get high-quality offspring from healthy and highly productive pigs.
  • By purchasing pigs for a breed, you will make an investment in your business for several years to come. How your investment will pay off will depend on what breed you buy.

Today, domestic farmers often choose to run a business in fattening and breeding Vietnamese pigs; highly productive breeds are the basis of their business plan. In fact, these animals have all the required qualities to be included in a profitable and successful business plan for a pig farm:

  • high profitability of keeping Vietnamese breed animals;
  • multiple births of sows;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • popularity among amateurs - this helps excellent sales of young animals and meat products, as well as high business profitability;
  • bacon performance direction.

Keeping pot-bellied Vietnamese herbivorous pigs as a business brings excellent profits, provided that the required conditions are created for these pigs (spacious walking and a warm pigsty).

Northern Siberian and Large White pigs are also popular among pig farmers due to their numerous advantages and excellent adaptability to local climatic conditions.

Breeding and feeding

To ensure that the economics of your pig farm do not cause you great disappointments, the farm quickly became profitable and brought income, already at the stage of creating a business plan for a pig farm, you need to think carefully about the possibility of reducing the cost of feeding animals.

Only carefully balanced feed mixtures, as well as feed developed in the correct ratio and of high quality for each specific age group of pigs, will lead to the prosperity of your business and stable high income.

The same principle must be adhered to during reproduction and breeding of livestock. In this direction it is necessary to carry out activities at a high level, purposefully, systematically and constantly.

To work with newborn piglets and sows, choose someone who is responsible and familiar with all the nuances staff. In this case, it is best to hire a livestock specialist for the job.

It is specialists who have the necessary knowledge and experience in the field of pig breeding who will be able to help avoid mistakes when choosing the timing of mating of pigs, assisting animals during childbirth, and caring for sows during pregnancy. And this will reduce the mortality of young animals and, accordingly, increase the profitability of your business.

Business plan financing calculation

To calculate the profitability of a pig farm, we assume that the number of animals will be 300-400 pigs. For this livestock it will be necessary to prepare for a year approximately 32-37 tons of grain and 200-300 kg of various additives. A staff of 5-6 people is also required.

To reduce the cost of feed, you can use your own crop areas to grow potatoes, root crops, grain crops and other additives. Consider registration and receipt of these plots at the very beginning in business plan organizing your farm.

Calculating financial costs and a detailed business plan for a pig farm, we will assume that from 20 sows of a given herd, on average, 200 piglets can be obtained per farrowing. Farrowing occurs twice a year, resulting in approximately 400 finishing piglets annually.

To maintain them up to a live weight of 100 kg, you will incur expenses for fattening for up to one year, taking into account the breed and the created conditions. In this case clean output products will be 55-70 kg. Let's multiply this figure by the market value of 1 kg of meat and the number of piglets raised, and we will get the income of your business. Approximately it will be 3,200,000 rubles annually.

From this amount it is necessary to subtract the expenditure part (the cost of utilities, feed, transportation costs, workers' salaries, etc.) - we obtain the amount indicating the net profit of the pig farm. Approximately it will be about 1 million rubles annually. With this profit business will pay for itself within 2-3 years, and subsequently will begin to generate quite a good income.

Naturally, any pig breeder who has decided to organize a business for breeding and fattening artiodactyls is obliged to carry out the above calculations himself, taking into account the prices and characteristics of the region where it will be founded. pig farm. Having received certain numbers, it is much easier to answer such a pressing question: whether it is worth and whether it is profitable to engage in pig farming.

Attention, TODAY only!

There is an opinion in society that pig breeding as a business is highly profitable and uncomplicated. Is this really true, and why then don’t all pig farmers become millionaires without much effort? If you want to start your own livestock business, raising pigs can be a great option, but you must be prepared for the realities of reality and understand that pig farming also requires investment and labor, like any other branch of agriculture.

Sample business plan for pig breeding

Don't expect pigs to thrive in all conditions and gain weight quickly on kitchen scraps alone. To make good money selling high-quality pork and young animals, you will need to build a good-quality pig barn, equip it in accordance with all requirements, feed the animals a variety of nutritious food, monitor their health, regularly clean the pigsty and pay attention to breeding work.

Pig farming can be a good start for a business from scratch, since to begin with it is enough to purchase a couple of dozen pigs and gradually expand your farm if things go well. Young animals can be sold from the fourth month of life, earning money from the sale of meat, lard and skins. In addition to the farm, you can organize your own smokehouse to also earn income from your own smoked pork.

Video about a business idea for breeding pigs

You can understand whether it is profitable to raise pigs only after drawing up a detailed business plan, taking into account all the features of this livestock industry. Much will depend on which one you prefer. So, with cold keeping, the costs of building a pig farm will decrease several times; another question is whether you will be able to raise a healthy number of pigs in such conditions. There are many options on how you can reduce the initial costs of starting a pig farm, and we will look at some of them below.

The financial part of the business plan for breeding pigs is calculated as follows: for the construction of premises and for the purchase of necessary equipment, 1 million rubles will be required, for staff salaries - up to 1.2 million rubles per year, for the purchase of feed - 300 thousand. rub. per year. In total, you will need about 3,500,000 rubles to start. Income from the sale of young animals will amount to 600 thousand rubles. per year, and from the sale of meat - 1.1 million rubles. per year, which together will amount to 1,700,000 rubles. per year. According to these calculations, the payback period for a pig farm will be about two to three years.

Pig breeding

When drawing up a business plan, do not forget to include the costs of veterinarian services and mandatory vaccinations for piglets in order to avoid the spread of infectious diseases that can destroy the entire livestock.

Of course, this is a very rough estimate and the numbers will vary greatly depending on various factors. For example, you can build a pig house yourself from scrap materials or purchase an old pig farm and renovate it. By making, you will significantly reduce the initial costs of equipping the pigsty, and the use of modern equipment will allow you to almost completely eliminate manual labor, reducing the cost of staff salaries. Although most domestic businessmen still prefer to work the old fashioned way rather than spend money on automating a pig farm.

Feeding pigs

As for feed, in the summer you can prepare your own grass for pigs and use root vegetables from your garden as succulent feed all year round. But it will not be possible to do without compound feed, vitamin complexes and special feed additives during industrial breeding of pigs, because the quality of the resulting meat depends on the pigs’ diet.

Secrets of success or how to make pig farming more profitable

Experts estimate the profitability of pig farming as a business at 30%, but this is far from the limit, and if you wish, you can achieve higher figures.

Video about pig farming

To make pig farming truly highly profitable business, use the following recommendations:

  • choose the breed of pigs that is most suitable for your purposes and pay special attention to the selection of piglets - it is better to purchase females and males from different suppliers to avoid genetic mutations, and when purchasing sows, take into account their productivity, milk production, number of teats and the safety of the brood;
  • avoid drafts and dampness in the pigsty, periodically disinfect the premises, destroy insects and rodents;
  • take care to create suitable conditions for pregnant sows;
  • hire experienced, professional workers - for a large pig-breeding complex you will need a veterinarian, livestock specialist, several pig breeders and general workers;
  • provide pigs with high-quality, nutritious, vitamin-rich feed, while keeping in mind that feeding boars, pregnant sows and young animals has its own characteristics;
  • Do not forget about vaccination and regular examination of animals by a veterinarian so as not to miss the first manifestations of diseases.

Provide pigs with high-quality, nutritious, vitamin-rich feed

Taking into account all the recommendations listed above, breeding pigs as a business can be a very profitable business, because high-quality pork is always in demand. The main thing is to competently draw up a business plan, assess all possible risks and think through ways to reduce them, as well as draw up an income plan and calculate the break-even level of sales.

Raising pigs at home as a business can provide year-round profits due to a short fattening period, high profitability and low costs. Mostly, piglet rearing is carried out by rural residents who live in their own house with a plot of land and existing outbuildings.


Why is it profitable to engage in pig farming?

The attractiveness of pig farming is due to the following factors:

  1. Small initial investment. If an entrepreneur has his own farmstead, then in order to organize a mini-farm all that remains is to purchase piglets, feed and other small items. Business profitability is also ensured by small working capital.
  2. High demand for pork. The popularity of this product is due to its affordable price, high taste characteristics and benefits. Pork contains vitamins of group B (1,2,3,4,5,9,12), A, D and E, amino acids, beneficial substances (sulfur, iodine, magnesium, calcium, etc.). There are hundreds of recipes for preparing piglet meat, which are used to produce delicacies both in enterprises and at home. The increase in demand for domestic meat from meat processing industries is also due to the current pork sanctions on products from Europe.
  3. High offspring. A sow can produce a litter of 10-14 piglets in one farrow, and their number reaches 20-30 per year. Depending on the breed, the price for two-month-old piglets ranges from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles. The profitability of the business of keeping sows for the sale of offspring is as high as when raising livestock for meat.
  4. Short fattening period due to rapid growth. By six months, a healthy piglet weighs about 100 kilograms, and by one year it already weighs 250-300 kilograms.
  5. Ease of implementation. Since the weight of a fattened pig is relatively small (about one centner), it will be quite easy to dispose of the meat. One part of the pork remains in the family (for own consumption), and the rest is sold among acquaintances, relatives, friends and neighbors.
  6. Productive digestion of feed. If for a chicken it is approximately 20 percent, then for piglets it is over 30 percent.
  7. High final meat yield. From one pig you can get up to 85 percent of meat (for comparison: from a bull, the meat yield is 65-70 percent).
  8. A simple and easy to understand technology for raising animals. To fatten pigs, you do not need to receive special education; you just need to find topical articles and videos on the Internet that you can study carefully. All materials can be downloaded online for free. You can also buy books on pig farming in special stores, or chat with neighbors who already keep piglets.

What breed of pigs should I choose for breeding?

Today in Russia, farmers successfully breed about 30 types of piglets.

All pig breeds are divided into three groups:

  1. Bacon. Their meat contains layers of fat (there is no thick layer of lard).
  2. Grease-meat. From such pigs you can get excellent lard and good meat.
  3. Meat-greasy. These breeds of piglets allow you to count on maximum meat yield.

Description of the most popular breeds of pigs for breeding in Russia:

Large whiteThe overwhelming number of farmers prefer to raise piglets of this breed (about 85 percent of the total livestock).

Breed Features:

  • bred in England;
  • meat-greasy type;
  • early maturity, the pig gains 1 quintal weight by seven months of life;
  • a one-year-old boar weighs up to 350 kilograms for slaughter, and a sow weighs up to 250 kilograms;
  • piglets are purchased at the age of two months (their weight is 15-16 kilograms);
  • high fertility;
  • multiple births (average farrowing rate is 12-14 piglets, weighing from one to 1.3 kilograms);
  • milk production of sows is 45-50 kilograms and more.
LandraceIn the bacon class, this breed is the most popular.

Breed Features:

  • bred in Denmark;
  • bacon type (high content of lean meat (65-70 percent) and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat (up to 2 centimeters));
  • the precocity of young animals, animals reach the hundred kilogram mark by six months;
  • in adulthood, wild boars gain weight up to 300 kilograms, and females - 240 kilograms;
  • elongated tarpedo-shaped body (the length of an adult boar is 185-190 centimeters);
  • girth in the chest area of ​​a male is 165 centimeters;
  • flat and wide ham;
  • fleshy long neck;
  • fertility - from 10 piglets per farrowing;
  • The weight of a piglet at the age of two months is 20 kilograms.
Large blackBreed Features:
  • bred in England;
  • greasy-meat type;
  • the weight of an adult boar is about 300 kilograms, and that of a female is about 200 kilograms;
  • a hundredweight is gained in six to seven months;
  • folding of the skin and drooping of the buttocks;
  • easily tolerates heat;
  • suitable for grazing;
  • strong constitution;
  • proportional physique.
Vietnamese pot-belliedBreed Features:
  • bred in Southeast Asia;
  • high price;
  • dietary meat (tender and juicy);
  • earlier maturation of sows (by four months) and boars (by six months);
  • good immunity;
  • the maximum thickness of lard is two to three centimeters;
  • fertility - up to 18 piglets;
  • per year, one sow gives an average of 24 piglets;
  • a two-month-old piglet weighs about 10 kilograms;
  • a seven-month-old piggy reaches a weight of only 60-70 kilograms;
  • a two-year-old boar weighs about 130-140 kilograms, and a sow weighs 150-160 kilograms.

The video materials talk about whether it is worthwhile to breed Vietnamese pigs and what kind of income a farmer can expect. Filmed by the channel: “To the Village!”

Pig breed selection criteria:

  • growing time;
  • growth rate;
  • fertility;
  • dietary value;
  • taste of meat;
  • yield of meat and lard;
  • features of demand in the local market;
  • climate resistance;
  • immunity.

Photo gallery

Pig with piglets of the "Large White" breed Landrace pig with piglets Large black breed Vietnamese pot-bellied pig with piglets

What is needed to organize a farm?

In order to figure out where to start your own pig raising business, you should consider the following points:

  • business format (fattening pigs for slaughter, raising piglets for sale, or both);
  • breed/breeds of pigs for rearing;
  • material capabilities and sources of financing;
  • the area of ​​an existing farmstead or a place to build a new one, from scratch;
  • number of workers;
  • estimated sales volumes;
  • features of demand in the local meat market;
  • number of pigs for breeding, etc.

After each item from the listed list has been thought through, you should begin arranging/building a barn for animals. The pig farm is equipped in accordance with the standards inherent in the selected breed of piglets. To produce quality meat, pigs must be provided with good and balanced feed. The farmer will need to constantly monitor the health and well-being of the piglets.

To implement the business idea of ​​a pig farm at home, you will need investments, most of which will be spent on purchasing animals and equipping a pigsty. If there is a ready-made, capacious pigsty, then a minimal cash injection will be required from the farmer. Beginners and experienced entrepreneurs are recommended to first draw up and calculate a business project for organizing a household and only then begin to implement it.


The pig business has the following features of organization at home:

  1. If a farmer has large production capacity, then he should register the farm as an individual entrepreneur (one owner) or a peasant farm (several founders). This is done in order to legally conduct business, facilitate the process of selling a large volume of products, gain access to government support, etc. Documents are submitted to the tax office at the place of residence of the founder.
  2. If a farmer keeps a small number of piglets for fattening and sells the products on his own (through relatives and friends), then the situation changes. In this case, he does not need to register entrepreneurial activity; the farm will operate in the format of a personal subsidiary plot. There is no need to pay taxes, submit reports to supervisory authorities, etc. However, the systematic sale of products at agricultural markets can be interpreted by tax inspectors as a business. To avoid problems, it is still recommended to register the farm as an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm.
  3. A legally registered agricultural business has the right to pay taxes according to one of the following systems: general system; simplified tax system; Unified Agricultural Sciences.
  4. Basic codes according to OKVED: 01.46.11 “Raising pigs for meat”, 01.46.12 “Raising pedigree pigs”.
  5. A farmer who has registered his entrepreneurial activity must conduct a veterinary inspection of the meat he sells.

In order to register a peasant farm, the following documents must be prepared:

  • applications for the creation of peasant farms;
  • copy of the founder's passport;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty.

Premises and territory

Premises required for breeding pigs:

  • a pigsty is the main room in which a number of piglets are kept (young animals, sows, and adults are housed separately);
  • utility rooms for storing equipment, feed, bedding (straw), etc.;
  • room for cutting carcasses;
  • meat storage room (equipped with refrigeration chambers);
  • a room for preparing semi-finished meat products (minced meat, cutlets, sausage, dumplings, etc.).

Requirements for the premises for keeping piglets and its placement:

  • moderate humidity;
  • absence of drafts;
  • cleanliness of the premises;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • good insulation, which will provide piglets with warmth in the cold season;
  • the ability to maintain a temperature of more than 11 degrees Celsius for grown pigs and from 18 degrees for young animals and sows;
  • the optimal height of the pigsty is in the range of 2-2.5 meters;
  • space (one pig should have an area of ​​at least three to four square meters, and a sow - from six square meters);
  • it is allowed to use various materials for the construction of a pigsty (wood or brick is most often used);
  • it is advisable to make the floor from wood, rather than concrete/reinforced concrete (in winter, such a surface will be cold, which will lead to animal diseases);
  • the floor must have a slope for urine drainage, where a gutter is installed to drain liquid from the room;
  • the presence of windows, ventilation, lighting, sewage or cesspool;
  • the roof should not leak;
  • next to the pigsty there should be a place for walking animals and organizing a pit for swimming;
  • it is desirable that the premises be located at a distance from residential buildings;
  • good entrance.

Pig population

Pig population in Russia:

  • at the beginning of 2017, the number of pigs in farms of all categories amounted to 22,033.3 thousand heads;
  • there is an increase in the number of pigs over five years - 27.7 percent, and over ten years - 36.1 percent;
  • 83.4 percent of pigs are owned by agricultural organizations, 14.6 percent by households, 2 percent by peasant farms;
  • The leader in the number of pigs in Russia is the Belgorod region - 4,137.4 thousand heads at the beginning of 2017 (18.8 percent);
  • The second place in the number of pigs in Russia is occupied by the Kursk region - 1,480.9 thousand heads (6.7 percent);
  • The third place in the number of pigs in Russia is occupied by the Tambov region - 990.8 thousand heads (4.5 percent);
  • in 2016, 3,388.4 thousand tons of pork (slaughter weight) or 4,346.1 thousand tons (live weight) were produced.

Photo gallery

The number of pigs in Russia for the period from 2013 to 2016 Pork production in Russia in slaughter weight for the period from 1990 to 2016 Structure of the pig population in Russia as of January 1, 2017 The number of pigs in Russia for the period from 1990 to 2016

Equipment and equipment

Equipment for a home farm for 10 heads (including one sow):

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Grain crusher3 500
Farrowing pen for sows11 000
Pens for pigs80 000
Drinking bowls20 000
Feeders20 000
Toys for piglets200
Infrared lamp for heating pigs and piglets3 000
Lighting3 000
Ventilation shaft4 000
Slaughterhouse equipment10 000
Equipment and supplies for cutting carcasses10 000
Refrigeration chambers40 000
Cart2 000
Scales4 000
Utility room equipment20 000
Other equipment and inventory9 800
Total240 000

Photo gallery

Grain crusher – 3,500 rubles Farrowing pen for sows – 11,000 rubles Pens for boars – 9,000 rubles Toys for piglets – 100 rubles Ventilation shaft for a pig farm – 4,000 rubles Infrared lamp for heating pigs and piglets – 500 rubles

Pig feed

The efficiency of a pig farm depends on the correct approach to choosing animal feed.

To feed a baby aged one to two months you will need:

  • dairy products;
  • porridge based on milk (or its substitutes);
  • special premixes for piglets (contain vitamins and antibiotics for healthy growth of babies).

To feed a baby at the age of three to four months, the following are introduced into the diet:

  • potatoes, boiled and mashed;
  • root vegetables, boiled and pureed;
  • cooked, pureed vegetables (such as pumpkin and zucchini);
  • fruits;
  • raw carrots, grated;
  • grass, previously finely chopped and brewed with boiling water.

Growing piglets should consume large amounts of concentrated feed. Mineral and vitamin supplements (for example, salt and iron sulfate) must be added to animal food.

To help pigs gain weight quickly, they should be fed grains, including:

  • millet;
  • rye;
  • barley;
  • bran (wheat or barley)
  • peas;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat.

Number of meals and its volume

AgeNumber of feedingsDaily feed rate, kg
Up to four months5 times a day2-4
Five to seven months4 times a day5-6
Eight months and older3 times a day7-8

In addition to food, each piglet should receive about six to eight liters of fresh, good quality water per day.


To organize a mini-farm at home, a few people are enough.

Typically, entrepreneurs cope with the following functions on their own:

  • caring for piglets;
  • their feeding;
  • cleaning the pigsty;
  • slaughter;
  • cutting carcasses, etc.

Pork business at home often involves self-procurement of feed, such as:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • roots;
  • grass, etc.

Traditionally, in Russia there is a “family contract”; both adults and growing children help in caring for animals.

To carry out veterinary control, you should invite a professional specialist from outside. The entrepreneur himself can handle the preparation of tax reporting, or he has the right to contact a specialized company that provides accounting support for the company.

Large pig farms employ the following workers:

  • pig farmers - primarily engaged in feeding, watering pigs, and controlling farrowing;
  • general workers - clean the barns, care for the livestock;
  • livestock specialist - control the conditions of keeping pigs, their fattening, growth rates;
  • veterinarian – examines animals, treats them, controls farrowing, checks meat, etc.;
  • accountant;
  • control.

Features of pig breeding

Specifics of the pork business:

  • several sources of income: piglet meat, lard, bacon, skins, offal, young animals, as well as semi-finished meat products;
  • It is better to breed purebred piglets purchased from trusted breeders;
  • it is recommended to purchase young animals from different farmers, this will prevent the degeneration of the breed;
  • pigs should be walked both in summer and winter (this improves their health);
  • to obtain maximum income, pigs should be fed high-quality products in abundance;
  • when producing young animals on your own, it is not necessary to have your own boar; you can rent one from a neighboring farm;
  • average profitability in the industry is 25-30 percent;
  • in order not to lose piglets, it is important to maintain hygienic conditions for keeping them;
  • it is important to castrate growing boars on time, otherwise the meat will be spoiled;
  • the room for keeping pets must be clean and treated with disinfectants;
  • Periodic preventive measures against animal diseases/vitaminosis are required.

How matings are carried out

Most breeds of pigs are ready for breeding at eight to ten months of age. However, young sows give birth to fewer piglets (for example, a pig gives birth to eight piglets at six months, and twelve at one year). The success of mating depends on the correct determination of the heat period of the future queen.

Signs to determine whether a sow is ready for mating:

  • redness and swelling of the genitals;
  • presence of outflows;
  • restless behavior;
  • loss of appetite;
  • falling into a kind of “stupor”.

The duration of the hunting period for queens is 1-3 days, its frequency is 17-24 days.

Pregnancy and childbirth

In order for a pregnant pig to produce healthy offspring, the farmer must provide it with high-quality feed and decent living conditions. A sow's pregnancy lasts approximately 114 days. In the second half of the term, food for the female should be especially nutritious; they are saturated with a large amount of grains. The temperature in the room where the pig is kept should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. You should also not give your animal cold water.

Features of pig farrowing:

  • birth in pigs is accompanied by attempts that occur approximately every ten minutes;
  • during farrowing, each contraction is accompanied by the birth of a new baby;
  • duration of labor – from 1.5 to 6 hours;
  • newborns need to wash their snout and clear their mouth and ears of mucus;
  • after the piglets are wiped dry, their umbilical cord is tied (about five centimeters from the belly);
  • the end of the canal is cut and cauterized with iodine;
  • if the piglet is not breathing, then you can try to blow air through his mouth and/or lower his body into warm water for a minute;

It is important that farrowing occurs in the presence of a person who knows how to behave and what to do during the birth process of a pig. In this case, the number of surviving piglets will be greater, since they will be provided with qualified, timely assistance.

How and where to sell meat from a pig farm?

Sales channels for pig products:

Farm scaleSales channels
Household (up to 10 animals)Direct sales to relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and visitors to agricultural markets.
Mini-farm (from 10 to 100 heads)
  • sale of meat and live piglets at the local agricultural market;
  • cooperation with retail food stores;
  • cooperation with public catering establishments (canteens, cafes, snack bars, kebab houses, etc.);
Large farm (more than one hundred animals)
  • organizing your own network of retail outlets;
  • sale of live piglets at agricultural markets;
  • direct sales of live piglets to farmers and rural residents;
  • cooperation with retail/wholesale food chains;
  • cooperation with public catering establishments (canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, kebab shops, etc.);
  • cooperation with meat processing enterprises.

The following will help increase sales:

  • advertisements in local newspapers;
  • advertisements on regional bulletin boards on the Internet;
  • own information website;
  • groups in popular social networks;
  • advertising on thematic websites/forums, etc.

Financial development plan for a pig farm

A business plan is an important document for starting your own home business; it identifies the key points that will allow you to profitably raise pigs.

Financial planning for a pig farm is based on the following basic data:

Number of purchased piglets at the age of two months9 pieces
Number of sows purchased1 piece
Expected offspring per year24 pigs
Maximum farm capacitySimultaneous raising of no more than 15 pigs for slaughter
Pig breedLarge white
Products for saleAssorted meat, lard, offal, skins, piglets (young animals)
Own breeding of young animalsSupposed
Business formatSmall peasant farm, farm opened from scratch
Farm locationRussian Federation, Central Federal District, village with a population of about 2 thousand people (distance from the regional center - 50 kilometers).
Premises with adjacent territoryThe building for keeping pigs will be converted from an old farmstead, previously used for keeping livestock. The total area is 80 square meters, there is a hayloft. Redecoration, disinfection, and redevelopment of the premises are required. The area of ​​adjacent land is 30 acres. It is necessary to organize a pen for grazing pigs, part of which will be equipped with a canopy.
Own feed procurementAssumed (vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, grass, legumes, etc.)
Form of ownership of premises and landOwned
Access roadsgood
Sales channelsOwn consumption, sale to friends and visitors to the agricultural market, cooperation with grocery stores, cafes and canteens.
StateFamily contract - three people

How much money do you need to open a pig farm?

Investments in opening a home farm for breeding piglets:

Cost itemsApproximate prices, rub.
Registration of a peasant farm10 000
Space planning, construction work, repairs, disinfection measures30 000
Purchase of pig farm equipment240 000
Purchase of piglets and sows50 000
Vaccination of piglets5 000
Purchase of feed, straw and other consumables15 000
Other expenses5 000
Total355 000

Main sources of start-up capital:

  • own funds;
  • loans from relatives and friends;
  • attracting partners with capital;
  • bank loan;
  • subsidy from the labor exchange;
  • grant from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Regular expenses

Estimated costs of maintaining a domestic pig farm:


The following information will help you decide how much you can earn from pigs at home:

A rural pig breeding business will have the following performance indicators:


Project implementation schedule for marbled beef production:

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month5 -8 month9-12 month
Choosing a pig breed for growing and business format+
Business project calculation+
Preparation of documents for registration of peasant farms and its registration+ +
Carrying out preparatory work on the premises (redevelopment, construction, repairs, laying communications, disinfection, etc.)+ +
Negotiations with potential partners on product sales + + + + +
Search for piglet breeders +
Purchase, delivery, assembly and installation of equipment for the pigsty and utility rooms + +
Purchase and delivery of piglets and sows +
Purchase and delivery of feed and other raw materials and materials +
Mating of a sow +
Getting the first offspring +
Getting your first profit from the sale of meat and other products +

Risks and payback

A home enterprise raising piglets has the following risks:

  1. Veterinary/animal science. Untimely detection of the disease, done/not done vaccination, improper conditions of fattening and keeping piglets can lead to their death and losses. The farmer must buy strong and healthy animals from trusted breeders who guarantee the quality of the young animals sold.
  2. Increase in prices for feed, seeds, straw, etc. Despite the increase in feed prices, an entrepreneur should not skimp on the quality of piglet nutrition. In this case, it is better to take care of developing your own food production (vegetables, fruits, legumes, etc.).
  3. Difficulties with selling products. If an entrepreneur takes care of establishing distribution channels in advance, then he will be able to handle the sale of a small volume of meat products without any problems. Pork does not belong to the category of expensive meat and is in great demand among the population. Therefore, the main problems with the sale of pork will most likely be associated with poor sales organization.
  4. Economic crises. A decrease in the purchasing power of the target audience may lead to a slight decrease in demand. In such a situation, sales can be increased by slightly reducing the price.

The profitability of the business of raising piglets suggests its high profitability, which makes it possible to recoup the starting investment in 18-20 months.


The video explains how to open a profitable and profitable livestock farming business at home. Filmed by the channel: “Peasant”.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 6 minutes


Pig farming as a business is probably one of the most common and productive types of livestock farming. Raising pigs for meat is quite profitable and not the most difficult task. In the current economic situation, the government of our country began to pay increasing attention to the development of domestic agriculture.

It follows from this that if you choose an industry such as pig farming for your business activity, it is quite possible to receive government support when organizing and developing your business from scratch.

Pig farming as a business. Where to start?

First of all, you need to decide what kind of pig farming you plan to do. Based on this, you should choose the breed of pig that is best suited for the chosen direction.

Currently, the choice of such breeds is truly huge, however, all varieties of these domestic animals are divided into three main areas (depending on the type of products obtained): meat and tallow, lard and meat (bacon).

Of course, you don’t have to focus on one thing and choose several pig-breeding areas at once.

However, for example, these types of animals, such as meat and fat, produce two types of products at once, so it’s worth first taking a closer look at these breed groups.

On the territory of our country, the most popular meat and fat varieties of pigs are: Liven, Northern Siberian, Ukrainian steppe and Yorkshire. In addition to the direction itself, when choosing the breed of the future herd, you need to take into account the availability of food supply and the climatic conditions of your region.

Required documents

Once you have decided to engage in commercial pig farming, it is worth thinking about the legal registration of your business so that it is legal and meets all legal requirements.

Any registration requires a certain package of documents, a list of which you can obtain from the tax authorities at your place of residence. If you consider yourself a legally savvy person and have enough free time, then you can put together this package and register a business yourself. If any difficulties nevertheless arise, it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist (their services are usually not very expensive).

The easiest form of registering your business to register your business and in terms of subsequent reporting is the individual entrepreneur. However, it should be remembered that such registration is only necessary if your planned livestock number exceeds 100 units. If your initial plans are more modest than the stated figure, it is easier to register the simplest household plot, which will still allow you to sell the surplus products received.

If you still need individual entrepreneurship, remember the OKVED code (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities), which must be indicated at the time of registration. Its number is 01.46.11, which means “raising pigs for meat.” If you are planning in advance to receive additional income from the cultivation and subsequent sale of breeding animals, immediately enter another code - 01.46.12, meaning “breeding pig breeding stock”. The number of such codes for one entrepreneur is not limited, so if you have another type of business in your plans, then specialists will help you choose OKVED for it.

Many people, when the word “pig” is mentioned, immediately think of dirt and sewage. This is a common and common misconception. In fact, these are very clean animals.

In addition, they grow and reproduce much better in a clean and relatively warm room. Pigs really don’t like drafts and dampness. The optimal temperature regime for them is considered to be one in which the ambient temperature does not fall below 12 degrees Celsius. When keeping young animals, this indicator should be no lower than 16 degrees.

What is the first thing you need for pig farming?

A novice pig breeder must remember that before purchasing a herd, it is necessary to arrange a good room for it in advance.

The best option is a building with brick walls at least 50 centimeters thick and a floor covered with boards (or concrete). There should be no gaps on the surface of the flooring to avoid possible injury to animals. The floor should be insulated by pouring a mixture of clean sand and sawdust onto it, with a layer thickness of at least 20 centimeters.

In fact, in many cases, building a pig barn from scratch is not necessary.

It’s cheaper and easier to find a more or less suitable abandoned premises (of which there are quite a lot in Russia) and make repairs to it. If you decide to build your own building, then you should pay attention to prefabricated buildings made of metal frames and sandwich panels. Such structures are cheaper than brick ones and are built much faster. You just need to choose the right contractor company with a good reputation in the market and a large number of buildings it has built and is already operating.

An important point when building or arranging a pigsty is the ability to conveniently and quickly carry out regular cleaning in it, and therefore usually sewage and water supply are immediately provided in such a room. If you plan to keep animals in a pigsty all year round, you will need a heating system. A prerequisite is the presence of correct drinkers and feeders.

If you plan to keep a herd of more than 100 animals, you should take care of automating the distribution of water and feed.

Otherwise, a large number of workers serving the pigs will be needed. When breeding these domestic animals, it is necessary to have a separate room for pregnant sows. It must be well heated to provide comfortable conditions for the birth, growth and normal development of newborn piglets.

It is necessary to provide an area for walking animals next to the pigsty.

Regular outdoor exercise promotes rapid weight gain and reduced morbidity. In addition, having a walking area makes it easier to keep the area clean, since pigs are more likely to defecate in an open space.

At least once a month, it is necessary to carry out measures to disinfect the pigsty.

During the cold winter period, for this purpose, you can remove all adult pigs from the premises to the street several times in one week and ventilate it well, lowering the internal temperature down to minus. This simple but effective method helps get rid of most of the pathogenic bacteria and viruses.


In order for pigs to quickly gain weight, it is necessary to correctly approach the issue of compiling their diet.

Until the age of three months, piglets need to be fed 5 times daily; from the age of three to the age of five months, they need to be fed 4 times a day, after which they are transferred to three daily feedings.

After each feeding, you should carefully clean out any uneaten food leftovers from all feeders.

Feed for feeding pigs is also available for sale in the form of ready-made mixtures, but in order not to overpay for them, it is better to prepare them yourself.

To quickly gain live weight and improve the quality characteristics of meat, the following types of products must be included in the animal diet: grain feed (barley, millet, rye), root vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes), legumes (peas). Pumpkin is also good for these purposes. On some farms, pigs are given corn and buckwheat. Wheat and barley bran must be present in the diet.

Feeding foods such as oats, soybeans and cake has a negative effect on the quality characteristics of lard and meat.

The main key to a successful pig-breeding business is the production of offspring, so when choosing the breed of your herd, pay special attention to its food preferences, resistance to the climate of your region and immunity to various diseases. It is very important that the animals purchased do not have even the most distant degree of relationship, since inbreeding often leads to non-viable offspring.

Puberty in pigs occurs at six months, but animals should not be allowed to breed before they reach the age of 10 months. The weight of an animal allowed for mating must be at least 100 kilograms. Pregnancy lasts approximately 110 days. The duration of labor is from one and a half to six hours. The fertility of these animals is at a high level. Females up to one year old usually give birth to up to 8 piglets at a time, after a year - from 10 or more. Despite the fact that sows give birth without outside help, it is still advisable to have people present during farrowing, since the animal may need help. During the period of gestation, females are transferred to increased nutrition with a predominance of grain feed.

Hired personnel

If your herd has more than 20 animals, you need an assistant. Typically, the number of pig farmers is calculated according to the scheme 20 pigs - one worker. The rest of the staff is assigned to the entire herd.

Such specialists include:

  • vet;
  • livestock specialist;
  • general workers (depending on the number of animals and the volume of the premises for keeping animals).

Pig farming as a business. Where to start and how to succeed?

All of the above features of running this business require certain costs.

Therefore, before you start organizing your business, you should definitely draw up a business plan, the essence of which is to compare initial capital investments and current expenses with expected income.

This will allow you to evaluate the payback period and overall profitability. A successful project should always start with a business plan.

As an example, let’s look at the expense and revenue side of a pig-breeding business per 100 pigs.

Main expense items:

  1. construction and equipment of a pigsty - from 1,000,000 rubles;
  2. staff remuneration – from 800,000 rubles/year;
  3. purchase of animals – from 500,000 rubles;
  4. costs for purchasing feed – from 200,000 rubles/year.

In total, the minimum investment for the first year was 2,500,000 rubles.

The income part consists of:

  • income from the sale of meat – from 600,000 rubles/year;
  • proceeds from the sale of offspring – from 300,000 rubles/year.

The total planned income for the first year of operation was 900,000 rubles.

Even this very rough calculation shows that the payback period is at least three years, subject to a gradual increase in income due to the growth of the livestock.


Pig farming as a business is a promising idea for several reasons:

  1. There is a consistently high demand for these products.
  2. a mini-farm does not require any ludicrous initial investment. You can even start with a small herd.
  3. Pigs do not need special housing conditions. Their care requirements are minimal.

The disadvantages of this business idea include a two to three year payback period for a livestock of 100 animals or more. If you start with several animals, you can break even in about six months (maximum - a year), but the income will be insignificant.

In general, with a competent approach and good organization of the economy, profitability starts at 30 percent.