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Business plans for agriculture. Farming: where to start and how to succeed

Business form: LPH, KFH, IP
2.5-3 million rubles
Payback period: 1 year

Fish farming as a business

Business form: LLC, IP, KFH
Project implementation cost: from 4 million rubles
Payback period: 3-4 years

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse as a business

Growing various agricultural crops, which include vegetables, is considered quite profitable, although not an entirely simple type of business from the point of view of organization. The grown goods can be sold to specialized retail outlets, shops, and catering establishments. In addition, if your greenhouse operates all year round, this provides an opportunity to receive a constant profit, especially during the cold season, […]

How to start a greenhouse business (business plan)

Business form: IP
Project implementation cost: 470 thousand rubles
Payback period: from 2 years

Greenery growing business (business plan)

Business form: IP
Project implementation cost: 470 thousand rubles
Payback period: from 6 months

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse (business plan)

Business form: IP, KFH
Project implementation cost: 652 thousand rubles
Payback period: 6 months

Growing strawberries all year round as a business

Strawberries are a tasty, juicy and popular berry, eaten raw or used to make jam, cakes or other dishes. She acts as the personification of summer and joy, sun and lightness. It is in demand not only among children, but also among adults, so it is always in demand. Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business is [...]

Business plan for raising chickens and organizing a poultry farm

Currently, poultry farming occupies one of the key positions in the agronomic sector of the country. Breeding chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, and even breeding ostriches today as a small business is very popular among rural and rural residents. First of all, the proposed business plan for breeding laying hens is intended for this category of blog readers.

There are reasons for this. Firstly, the entrance fee to this type of business has been significantly reduced. Secondly, a mini-farm does not require large production areas or financial investments, which makes it possible to quickly recoup investments and begin to expand. Thirdly, maintaining such a farm is quite within the capabilities of an ordinary family of several people, or it will be enough to hire a couple of local residents. In addition, the risk of such a business is minimal. The main thing before starting a business is to think through everything and draw up business plan sample with agriculture calculations.

Business plan

It will take 20-50 cows to create a small farm. In this business plan, we will take 50 dairy cows as a basis. To purchase cows, as well as the necessary equipment, you can get a preferential loan for beginning entrepreneurs in rural areas. It is important to understand that in order to conduct business it will be necessary to prepare a number of documents:

2. undergo a fire safety inspection of the rented premises;

3. examination of cows by a veterinarian;

4. maintain accounting records.

The presence of all permits will allow the sale of dairy products, as well as meat. The cost of organizing a case in this section will be 50 thousand rubles.


The monthly rental price will be 1500*100=150000 rubles. Also, the cost of repairs and other preparatory work will require 300 thousand rubles. In total you will need 450 thousand rubles.


For the successful operation of the business, you will need to purchase machinery and equipment. The following machinery and equipment would be appropriate here:

1. a tractor that will be needed for transporting feed, milk, hay, as well as other household needs. A maintained tractor in good condition will cost an average of 300 thousand rubles;

2. mower for preparing feed – 120 thousand rubles;

3. other attachments and tools that will be needed for harvesting hay and preparing feed. On average, this may require 200 thousand rubles;

4. milking machines to ensure automatic milking of cows – 100 thousand rubles;

5. Gazelle for the transport of dairy products, feed and so on. This will require 400 thousand rubles;

6. auxiliary equipment, as well as all other tools, will require 100 thousand rubles.

In total, 1020 thousand rubles will be needed.

Acquisition of feed, livestock, lease of pastures

Buying 50 high-quality dairy cows will require 2 million rubles. Feed will require investments of 500 thousand rubles a year. Rent of pastures, services of a shepherd will require 300 thousand rubles a year. Veterinarian services, insemination, medications, as well as other expenses will require an investment of 100 thousand rubles.

In total, 2800 thousand rubles will be needed.

Other costs

Taxes, as well as other costs, may require approximately 50 thousand rubles

Total costs and ultimate payback

If you sum up all the costs, you can get the amount that will be required to organize and maintain a farm with a livestock of 50 animals:

50000+450000+1020000+2800000+165000+50000=4535000 rubles.

The monthly profitability can be determined by assessing the productivity of the dairy herd, including the selling price of dairy products. On average, about 250,000 liters of milk can be obtained from 50 cows per year. Taking into account wholesale purchases of 15-20 rubles per liter. As a result, it will be possible to receive 5 million rubles in a year. The offspring of calves can provide additional revenue of approximately 300-400 thousand rubles. In total for the year the farm will be bring 5,400,000 rubles. From this amount you will need to subtract all periodic costs to find out how much net profit remains.

On average, the payback for a dairy farm, taking into account the listed costs, will be almost three years, after which the farm will begin to generate a stable profit of about 2 million rubles per year. After some time, revenue may increase if you constantly expand. Profit can come not only from milk and calves, but also from meat, because the herd will need to be gradually renewed. In addition, it will be possible to think about processing milk into various dairy products. To do this, it will be possible to purchase a small processing plant. Such factories cost on average about a million rubles. This approach will allow you to reach a new level of receiving.


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Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Before drawing up a business plan for a peasant farm, you need to choose the direction in which you will conduct your activities. You can, for example, grow:

  • – grain crops (millet, buckwheat, barley and oats, sunflower and corn);
  • – greens (dill, garlic);
  • – fruits and berries (cherries, pears, strawberries);
  • – vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants).

If cultivation doesn’t appeal to you, then you can write a business plan for a farm where the main focus of your activity will be breeding. The following animals can be bred:

  • – birds (geese, turkeys, laying hens, ostriches);
  • - bees;
  • – pigs and goats, rabbits and cows;
  • – fish (silver carp, carp, carp, pike).

Let us dwell, for example, on pig farming, because the idea of ​​​​creating a pig farm is perceived by many as one of the best. Before you begin to implement your plans, you should take a serious approach to drawing up a business plan.

This will make it much easier for you to plan all the necessary investments.

If you are new to this business, then it is difficult to create a farming business plan yourself.

The sample posted on our website will help in solving this difficult task.

It is possible to recoup the investments that were necessary in order to establish your own farm only after selling two or even three generations of pigs.

First you need to start building a pigsty, but since this is a very expensive and time-consuming undertaking, it is best to rent it, because we have plenty of empty farms.

Of course, you can’t do without repairs, but you won’t have to start from scratch, and this is already important.

It is necessary to establish a ventilation system and take care of heating the pig farm.

Next, you should purchase equipment designed for feeding pigs. It can be divided into dry and liquid feeding equipment. It is best to go with the first one, it is not so expensive and, moreover, its use has a more favorable effect on the sanitary and hygienic condition of your pigsty.

In addition to the usual feeders, you also need to buy drinking bowls and zootechnical products. In order to keep pigs, you will need machine equipment, as well as feed loaders.

You can easily download the approximate farm business plan you need from us, but first you need to familiarize yourself with the approximate amount of livestock you will need to buy to create a real pig farm.

In total, you should purchase at least 300 heads, or better yet, about 350. You need to buy about 150 sows, as well as about 10 boars, the rest will be intended for sale.

It is necessary to choose female and male individuals from completely different suppliers - this is a guarantee that you will not allow inbreeding. Otherwise, the young animals will be too weak.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchising basis. We invite you to get acquainted with.

Why starting a business with a franchise is easier and more convenient can be found out from a selection of articles published in the section:

For 350 pigs, at least 30-35 tons of grain are needed, as well as feed additives - 300 kg. It is best to buy feed from trusted, experienced pig breeders. Always approach his choice with particular seriousness, because the health of the animals depends on it.

A ready-made farm business plan necessarily includes an estimated amount of total costs. In order to serve a herd of 350 heads, it is necessary to spend about 4-5 million rubles, taking into account the rental of a pig farm.

These costs will also include the purchase of feed and payment of wages to 7 employees (general workers, manager, livestock specialist, accountant and veterinarian). The equipment will cost approximately 2 million rubles.

  • Profitability is 25%.
  • A pig farm will pay for itself in 3-4 years.

If this business does not appeal to you, you can start sheep farming, raise rabbits or grow peppers. In any case, with the right approach, you will soon receive the long-awaited financial profit.

Watch video: “Business Secrets: Oscar Hartmann”