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Accounting support for small and medium-sized businesses. What small business support programs are there?

Today, not all people are satisfied with hired work - a small income that cannot be regulated independently. To get maximum profit, many decide to open their own business. It can be controlled, take an active part in any transformations, develop and expand. But any business, even a small one, requires initial capital. For those who do not have enough funds to create an enterprise, the state is ready to provide financial and organizational assistance.

What kind of government assistance can small businesses expect?

Russia has adopted a program according to which everyone who decides to become an entrepreneur has a chance to receive a financial state. assistance to small businesses, completely free of charge. The amount of monetary compensation has certain limits, which differ in different regions. Many people have the right to receive such a subsidy, but due to objective circumstances and subjective reasons, not everyone can secure such support. In addition to financial assistance, funds for which come from the state budget, aspiring entrepreneurs are offered property assistance. This means the state’s willingness to lease certain property to small businesses at low rates or even free of charge: real estate, technical equipment, land use facilities, etc.

Limitations of the government assistance program

Not every entrepreneur can count on assistance from the state in developing a small business. For example, if a person has been registered as an entrepreneur for more than one year, he is no longer subject to this program. The field of small business activity is of great importance, because specially created commissions necessarily consider each application and do not respond positively to everyone. It is also necessary for the entrepreneur to have his own money necessary to start a business. The state will be able to compensate from 40 to 60% of the costs, and often this amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles; the rest will have to be paid from your own wallet. Of course, these are to purchase equipment and create a competitive enterprise, but it is not profitable for the state to fully sponsor businessmen. This is only partial assistance from the state to small businesses, which gives it the opportunity to control the small business system.

Articles for receiving subsidies under government programs

The small business assistance program in Russia includes several articles that involve receiving a subsidy:

  • opening an enterprise;
  • opening a business;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of equipment and computer equipment;
  • obtaining a license;
  • training of specialists;
  • participation in advertising campaigns and exhibitions.

Consultation on these issues can be obtained at employment centers and specialized centers. The regional administration must provide residents with the addresses of these branches.

How to get financial support

If you have already thought about starting your own business, but do not have the necessary amount of money, then you can get help from the state for small businesses. First you need to draw up a business plan and submit it to the employment center for consideration. The amount of the subsidy issued by this organization is 58,800 rubles. (4900 rubles - monthly multiplied by 12 months). The procedure for reviewing a business plan and allocating money can take up to 6 months.

What is needed to receive start-up capital from the state

Firstly, that is, have unemployed status. To do this, you will need the following documents:

  • passport,
  • employment history,
  • educational documents, certificates and diplomas,
  • pension insurance certificate,
  • a completed form confirming the average salary for 3 months at the last place of work.

Note that the following are not unemployed:

  • citizens under 16 years of age;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • old age pensioners;
  • citizens working under an employment contract or registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled people from non-working groups.

Next, at the employment center you need to write an application to receive a subsidy from the state for the development of small businesses. Think through in detail and draw up a detailed business plan containing many calculations, graphs and tables. Having received approval, you should register as a legal entity (organize an LLC or individual entrepreneur). The tax office will give you a list of documents, copies of which you need to provide. After this, the agreed upon funds are credited to your bank account, which you can withdraw and purchase the necessary equipment specified in the business plan.

A very important point: you will need to provide a financial report to the employment center, which should reflect all costs for equipment, wages of employees, contributions to the tax and pension fund. If you received financial assistance for a small business from the state, you need to be responsible for every penny of this amount spent.

Other government assistance options

Possible assistance from the state to small businesses consists not only of issuing money for the creation of an enterprise, it can be repayment of interest on an already taken loan or the bank issuing a new loan with a reduced interest rate. Today, many banks issue loans to entrepreneurs, and they, in turn, prefer to contact the bank. After all, in this case, they will not have to report where they spent the funds received; they just need to pay a certain amount on time.

The state also organizes so-called business incubators, where you can get qualified assistance both in drawing up a business plan and in teaching employees new skills in organizing and running their own business. In addition, in these centers you can rent a room inexpensively and place all your employees there, so they can always turn to experienced professionals for help.

Each of us has the opportunity to receive help and support from the state to create and develop our own business; all that remains is to decide on the direction of activity.

The state annually allocates huge sums to help entrepreneurs. To support small businesses in 2019, a number of state programs are being implemented, the purpose of which is to assist business entities. Many of them have been operating for several years, but still not all businessmen know how to use them.

Small business support system in the Russian Federation

The state provides entrepreneurs with various types of assistance:

  • Financial – small business support programs involve the allocation of subsidies, the amounts of which range from 60 thousand to 25 million rubles.
  • Property – entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use state property free of charge or on preferential terms (rent of premises, land plots).
  • Information - by creating federal and regional information systems, official websites to provide business entities with up-to-date information.
  • Consulting – support for small businesses in 2019 involves providing assistance in the form of professional advice.
  • Educational – development of specialist training programs, advanced training of employees.

Priority areas for state support in 2019

Many entrepreneurs applied for financial assistance under the 2019 small business support program. But the money is distributed unevenly among applicants. The Russian government identifies priority areas of business that receive support first. First of all, this is the agricultural sector - the production and processing of meat, dairy products, and vegetables. Among other areas that receive government support primarily are:

  • Production of essential products (food and industrial).
  • Health care system.
  • Ecological tourism.
  • Utilities, household and other services.
  • Social entrepreneurship.
  • Innovative technologies.

In some regions, the priorities are different, depending on what area of ​​production or services is considered vulnerable there. Owners of enterprises in these areas can be guaranteed assistance within the framework of regional programs to support small and medium-sized businesses in 2019.

Conditions of small business support programs: who will the government help?

The current small business support programs for 2019 are aimed at companies and organizations with a certain number of employees and annual turnover. Small businesses include enterprises with a staff of no more than 100 people and a maximum turnover of up to 800 million rubles.

Additional requirements:

  • The duration of the company’s activity is no more than 2 years.
  • Mandatory registration of the subject with the tax office.
  • No debts on taxes and social contributions to the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, social insurance.

To receive financial assistance to open or develop your own business, you must provide a detailed business plan. It is important to spend the funds received for their intended purpose. There are several areas of subsidies - for the purchase of equipment, raw materials, compensation for rental costs, etc. Strict reporting to the relevant organizations is required for all types of expenses.

Small business support in 2019: where to go

The assistance provided for by state support measures for small businesses in Russia in 2019 is provided by different authorities. These include:

  • City administration – providing the necessary information.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - free consultation on legal issues, company development, marketing, etc. Providing assistance for the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in exhibitions at the federal and international level.
  • Entrepreneurship Support Fund – conducting professional examination of business projects drawn up by entrepreneurs. If approved, funding will be allocated for the development of the enterprise.
  • Business incubators – creation of effective infrastructure: provision of office space, business consultations, advertising projects, assistance in attracting investments.
  • Venture and guarantee funds - financial assistance to promising startups and young businessmen, allocation of grants.
  • The Employment Center provides support to unemployed citizens who are planning to open their own business.
  • Small Business Lending Fund in Moscow ( Small Business Support Fund) - The Moscow Small Business Lending Fund (Moscow Guarantee Fund) helps small and medium-sized companies attract financing when there is a lack of collateral. The Fund acts as a Guarantor for Moscow SMEs to partner banks and other creditors.

It is also worth noting here that in his message to the Federal Assembly on February 20, 2019, President Vladimir Putin instructed the government, together with the business community, to work on the issue of launching an online platform on which entrepreneurs can report pressure on them. The head of state emphasized that by the end of this year the resource should “operate at least in pilot mode.” It is expected that the platform will become another tool with which an entrepreneur will be able to defend his rights.

Types of state support for small businesses 2019

It is more important for any commercial enterprise to receive “real” money for the development of the enterprise than consultation. State support for small businesses in 2019 provides for the allocation of more than 11 billion rubles to entrepreneurs. There are several options for obtaining financing.

1. Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

Funding from the Ministry of Economy and Development provides for the provision of a free subsidy for owners of companies operating on the market for less than 2 years. Maximum size - 500,000 rubles. Money is allocated on a competitive basis - its terms and conditions are announced in advance.

The funds received must be used for the specified purposes. Inappropriate spending is a reason to return money to the state. Advantage in the distribution of subsidies is given to agricultural enterprises, organizations that are engaged in folk arts and crafts, and the production of consumer goods.

Increased chances of receiving a subsidy are for entrepreneurs developing social or export-oriented projects, as well as for holders of social benefits:

  • people with disabilities;
  • mothers (fathers) raising children alone;
  • if the family income is below the subsistence level.

2. Subsidy from the Employment Center

The State Employment Service provides subsidies to unemployed Russians planning to start their own business. As part of gratuitous financing of small businesses, the state allocates 59,800 rubles for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2019. The amount is modest, but the conditions for receiving it are soft: there is no competitive selection, there are no strict requirements for drawing up a business plan. Important condition: you can apply for financial assistance only until you register as an individual entrepreneur.

3. Concessional lending

Measures to support small businesses in 2019 provide financial support for lending needs. An entrepreneur has three options:

  • Apply for a loan from a bank and then receive a subsidy equal to the interest rate.
  • Apply for a short-term microloan in the amount of 10-100 thousand rubles. at 5-10% per annum. A prerequisite is financial support (equipment, physical assets, real estate).
  • Apply for a preferential loan by applying for a guarantee from the guarantee fund.

Loyal conditions are provided to owners of enterprises in the agricultural sector: the loan rate for them will be no more than 5%. The rest is covered by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Competitive programs

Significant state support for small businesses 2019 - competitive federal programs, within the framework of which a beginning businessman can count on receiving impressive sums - up to 25 million rubles. The programs are implemented by the Innovation Promotion Foundation, a government organization that has representatives in different regions. You can submit an application on the organization’s website http://fasie.ru/ or at its regional office.

Program Amount of funding Priority directions Conditions of receipt Purpose of the program
smart ass Up to 500,000 rub. Innovative technologies Age up to 30 years Development of research projects
Start Up to 2.5 million rubles. Production of new goods, services, technologies Availability of an investor ready to finance the second stage of the project in an amount equal to the state support Help for businessmen developing new technologies
Development Up to 20 million rubles. Actively developing companies that invest large sums in scientific research during production Experience in creating high-tech products and their implementation, plans for the development of new types of products Development of companies seeking to modernize and create additional jobs
Internationalization Up to 15 million rubles. Companies producing high-tech products Experience in supplying products abroad Increasing the number of enterprises mastering the production of innovative products for export
Commercialization Up to 15 million rubles. Development of import-substituting projects, promising commercialization Completion of the research and development stage Improving conditions for organizations that plan to increase production volumes of innovative products
Cooperation Up to 25 million rubles. Companies with experience in producing and selling their own high-tech products Availability of an agreement between the company and the industrial partner Development of partnerships between small, medium and large businesses

Restrictions on receiving assistance from the state

As part of the implementation of small and medium-sized enterprise support programs 2019, assistance is provided to entrepreneurs in various fields. With the exception of a few areas that will become an obstacle to receiving financial assistance from the state. They will not issue a subsidy for the production of alcohol (including weak alcohol, for example, beer) and tobacco products. When opening an insurance or banking organization, you will also have to rely only on your own strength.

The Ministry of Support and Development of Small Business, Consumer Market and Services of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is an operating body of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, acting to implement the socio-economic policy of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in the field of business development and providing the population with consumer goods and certain types of services.

Events for small and medium-sized businesses

Subsidizing part of the costs of small and medium-sized businesses associated with the acquisition of equipment (including under leasing agreements) in order to create and (or) develop, and (or) modernize the production of goods (works, services). The subsidy is provided to small and medium-sized businesses, including participants in innovation territorial clusters, to co-finance the costs of purchasing new equipment in order to create, develop or modernize production up to 6.0 million.

rubles, but not more than 50 percent of the costs incurred.
Guarantees for small businesses and small business support infrastructure organizations when there is insufficient collateral to obtain a bank loan.
Microloan program for small businesses.

Youth Entrepreneurship

The development of youth entrepreneurship is one of the priorities of the Ministry. The goal of the “You are an Entrepreneur” program is to stimulate youth activity in the field of entrepreneurship by implementing an effective system of measures in the Nizhny Novgorod region aimed at involving young people in entrepreneurial activities. It helps young people create new companies and creates conditions for their dynamic development.

Co-financing of municipal entrepreneurship support programs

The main goal of this event is to intensify the activities of the region's municipalities to support small and medium-sized businesses by providing subsidies from the regional and federal budgets to local budgets for the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses and directing financial flows directly to the level of the region's municipalities.

Other tasks of the Ministry of Support and Development of Small Business, Consumer Market and Services of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Development and implementation of a system of measures to support local producers of consumer goods, preserve and develop folk arts and crafts, and develop tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Development of proposals to eliminate legal, administrative, economic and organizational obstacles in the creation and development of business entities; improving the system and mechanism of financial and credit support for small businesses.
Ensuring the effective use of budget funds allocated to support the development of small businesses, the consumer market and services in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Promoting the development of fair competition in the markets for goods and services in the Nizhny Novgorod region, developing and ensuring the implementation of a system of measures to support the effective development of business activities and fair competition in the consumer market.
Ensuring state policy in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and licensing the retail sale of alcoholic products in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Organization and implementation of licensing of certain types of activities within the scope of authority in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


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In Moscow, there are various programs to help small businesses: from providing benefits for renting office space to guaranteeing loans.

Supporting small businesses in Moscow in 2015 is especially relevant, since entrepreneurship is going through hard times. The consumer market is shrinking, and instability in the monetary and financial sphere complicates activity planning. At the same time, to this day, various programs are in place that allow newly created companies to receive favorable conditions for starting and minimize their costs.

Type of assistance: Assistance to SB lending

  • Organization: MBM Lending Assistance Fund of the relevant Department
  • The essence of support: Loan guarantee
  • Conditions for receiving: To receive support, an entrepreneur must apply to a partner bank for a loan and receive a positive decision, but with the condition of an additional guarantee. Then the financial institution independently turns to the Fund, which is able to provide security up to 50% of the loan amount. After just 3 days, a decision is made on whether the MB representative will receive credit or not.

Who can become a participant?

The conditions are spelled out here, and among them are the presence of Moscow “registration”, an impeccable financial reputation and remuneration transferred to the Fund.

Do you want to know how it all works and what are the benefits of cooperation with the Foundation? Then be sure to watch the video, which talks about this process in an ironic form!

Interesting fact: The number of individual entrepreneurs in Moscow in the first half of 2015 increased by 12 thousand people, while 21 thousand small businesses were registered for the first time. The total number of individual entrepreneurs is thus about 230,000 people, a significant part of which create additional jobs.

Type of assistance: Preferential rental of premises

  • Organization: State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow"
  • The essence of support: Provision of premises from among government facilities
  • Conditions for receiving: An entrepreneur applying for a preferential rental price must carry out a certain type of activity (for example, private educational or medical), for most representatives of the MB - rent space related to the city's capital treasury.
    Having carefully studied the conditions for providing assistance, you need to contact the Property Department of the capital. Please note that we were unable to find a sample application and other essential information on this issue on the Internet.

The preferential cost of premises is 3,500 rubles per square meter per year, while the market price reaches 20 thousand rubles. for a similar period of time.

Who can become a participant?

Only representatives of small businesses and other organizations can apply for preferential, minimum rental rates. Special working conditions are provided for participants of government programs in the field of medicine and education.

Read the detailed conditions for receiving assistance.

Type of assistance: Subsidy for financial and economic activities

  • Organization: State Budgetary Institution "MB of Moscow"
  • The essence of support: Providing free assistance
  • Conditions for receiving: To receive assistance, you should contact the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow City Hospital”, or send an application by mail. The participant must collect a package of documents, including an application, a copy of the charter, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a certificate of no debt to the state and extra-budgetary funds, copies of licenses and approvals of the SRO for this type of organization, a business plan, information about the premises used (rent or ownership).
  • Intended Use: The subsidy can be used for various needs, and in a few months the results will be reported.

The maximum amount of assistance is no more than half a million rubles.

Who can become a participant?

An organization or individual entrepreneur created no more than 2 years ago, with up to 250 employees and revenue of less than 1,000,000,000 rubles.

financial support

The organization's share must be at least 75% owned by Russian citizens. To receive assistance, a company (IP) must be “registered” in Moscow, have no debts on taxes and fees, loans, or overdue obligations to creditors.

Type of assistance: Subsidy for exhibition activities

  • Organization: State Budgetary Institution "MB of Moscow"
  • The essence of support: One-time provision of up to 300 thousand rubles for participation in the exhibition
  • Conditions for receiving: To participate in the program, you should contact the authorities of the State Budgetary Institution "MB of Moscow" in person or via e-mail, providing a number of documents, including an application, a copy of the charter, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, annual financial statements with a tax mark, copies of company participation agreements (IP) in the exhibition.

Who can become a participant?

A legal entity (IP), registered and operating in Moscow, employing no more than 250 employees, with revenues of up to 1 billion rubles, which does not engage in intermediary, trading or agency work. It should also not have debts on taxes or loans, and the organization itself should not be involved in the trade of excisable goods or participate in receiving other subsidies from the city of Moscow.

Type of assistance: Investments in startups

  • Organization:"Fund for Promotion of Venture Investments..."
  • The essence of support: Providing funds to innovative companies.
  • Conditions for receiving: The loan, provided at one and a half times the refinancing rate, is issued for a period of no more than 3 years. The loan amount that a participant can count on is from 0.5 to 8 million rubles. In this case, the participant needs to find an investor, and the Fund will provide the amount of borrowing 2 times that allocated by the private lender. The collateral is a share in the innovative enterprise.

    The entrepreneur's algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Select an investor from among accredited organizations.
  • Reach an agreement with the borrower and prepare a joint appeal to the Fund. You will need an application, constituent documents of the innovative company, cost estimates, business plan, project presentation and some other papers.
  • Presentation of the project at the Foundation office.
  • Receipt of funds after concluding a pledge agreement.

Who can become a participant?

Enterprises belonging to the category of scientific and technical sphere, registered in the city of Moscow.

Type of assistance: Coworking

  • Organization: State Budgetary Institution "MB of Moscow", club "Delovar", center "Start Hub" and other companies
  • The essence of support: Providing an open space for presentations, negotiations, staff training and other needs
  • Conditions for receiving: By paying a certain cost for renting a business space, you can get either a dedicated workplace for the required period of time (from one day to a month), a conference room, or a presentation area. Such organizations always have the Internet, opportunities for doing business (office equipment, telephone-fax), an area for relaxation and lunch, postal services, and also lockers for storing personal belongings.

Who can become a participant?

Any business representative, including an individual entrepreneur, freelancer, start-up company.

Want to know what coworking is? What are its advantages over a traditional office? Then watch the video:

Type of assistance: Free legal assistance during registration

  • Organization: State Budgetary Institution "MB of Moscow"
  • The essence of support: Legal support in preparing documents for registration of a legal form
  • Conditions for receiving: Using the electronic form, you can register an LLC, individual entrepreneur, and draw up an agreement. Having selected the appropriate section, you need to enter your data, including TIN, and scan the documents required for this purpose.

Who can become a participant?

Any person (group of businessmen) who plans to carry out work in Moscow and has a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) can receive legal assistance. It is worth noting that at the time of writing, the service was provided in test mode.

So, support for small businesses in Moscow in 2015 is being carried out quite actively, at least there are quite a few existing programs. In addition, there are many local and short-term promotions that provide assistance to start-up businessmen: consultations, legal support, discounts.

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Help in starting a business

We live in a time when financial independence is the basis for a comfortable life. To achieve this comfort, you can open your own business. When starting a business, you need to take into account many aspects: choose the right niche, find a suitable location, take into account all the paperwork, advertising, team and much more. It will be difficult for a person who encounters this for the first time. You need to start with legal registration. faces, think about advertising, promotion on the Internet, accounting.

  • Registration of a legal entity
  • Website creation
  • Advertising and support
  • Accounting

Opening, running and maintaining a business - all this can be done by different companion organizations. But reporting on current affairs is provided to you by one coordinator.

It's up to you to decide what you want to work with. Our job is to make this happen.

Our work will be as follows. We discuss all the nuances of the product you have chosen. We offer our ideas for implementation. We set monthly costs for maintenance and development. This amount will include the entire range of our work. From registration of a legal entity to promotion on the Internet. Every month we maintain accounting reports. Our task is not you, but our team, to think about how to solve certain issues that arise as you open and run a business.

Help for small businesses from the state: 4 options

We also have a nice bonus - free registration of a legal entity and creation of a website.

Do you want to open your own business and be independent, but don’t know where to start? Start by contacting our company. Our specialists have many years of experience and enough knowledge to help in the development of your business. We will conduct marketing research, competitiveness, market monitoring in your region, and help you decide on a specific niche. Without exaggeration, we will create the most comfortable conditions for starting your business.

Understanding and seeing that a business is starting to work and gaining momentum is the main reward for work. Giants and professionals rise to their feet, overcoming difficulties. Start building your empire by entrusting issues to our team from the very opening.

Discounts and promotions

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By submitting your contact information, you automatically gain access to your personal account on the website, where you can always change or delete your data.

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Microcredit company - Ryazan Regional Fund for the Support of Small Business (ROFSMP) announces a competition for the provision of microloans Ryazan region, within the framework of the subprogram “Development of small and medium-sized businesses” of the state program of the Ryazan region “Economic development in 2015-2020”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Ryazan region dated October 29, 2014 No. 306. Ryazan entrepreneurs are invited to join the project of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. The Russian Ministry of Economic Development is implementing a new stage of the project to reboot measures to support small and medium-sized businesses. This is a new format where the necessary measures are proposed by business representatives and experts. About the annual regional review-competition for the best decorative and artistic design of consumer market enterprises The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Ryazan Region invites all interested small and medium-sized businesses to take part in the annual regional review-competition for the best decorative and artistic design of consumer market enterprises of the Ryazan region (hereinafter - review competition). Ryazan Regional Fund for Support of Small Businesses announces a competition Microcredit company - Ryazan Regional Fund for Support of Small Businesses (ROSFMP) announces a competition for the provision of microloans to small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the Ryazan region, within the framework of the subprogram “Small Development and medium-sized entrepreneurship" of the state program of the Ryazan region "Economic development in 2015-2020", approved by Decree of the Government of the Ryazan region of October 29, 2014 No. 306. In the first quarter of 2017, the Bank of Russia received 29.4 thousand complaints and requests regarding non-credit financial organizations and participants in corporate relations. This, as noted by the Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Ensuring the Availability of Financial Services of the regulator, is 45% more than a year earlier.

Department of Entrepreneurship Development and Competition

Microfinancers under control The next stage of transformation in the financial market has ended: the transition period of division into microfinance and microcredit companies. The Bank of Russia invites entrepreneurs to free webinars. In May, the Bank of Russia began holding training webinars “Financial services for small businesses: opportunities, risks and protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.” Each of the webinars is devoted to a specific topic, and their detailed discussion with the participation of leading market experts will help you better understand the features of various financial instruments and “try them on” for your own business. What should you do if you lose your bank card? Losing a payment card is the most common risk for its owner. But this is not a reason to worry about the safety of your funds. In this case, a person simply needs to immediately contact the bank Credit cooperatives for our country are, in fact, “a well-forgotten old thing.” They were widely developed in pre-revolutionary Russia and during the NEP years. In the Soviet Union, “mutual aid funds” operated within the trade union system, but they were not an independent financial institution. Since the beginning of economic reforms in the 1990s When planning to take a small amount before payday from a microfinance organization, you should be careful and check whether there is a “black” company hiding under the guise of an MFO.

Department for Support and Development of Small Business of the City of Moscow (DPiRMP Moscow)

In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 22, 2012 No. 66-PP, a Headquarters for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of investment and business activity in the city of Moscow was created and operates in the city of Moscow.

The Business Protection Headquarters is headed by Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin.


  • creating favorable conditions for conducting investment and business activities;
  • development of legal acts regulating relations in specific areas of economic activity;
  • consideration of appeals from investment and business entities regarding violations of rights and legitimate interests by Moscow city authorities;
  • coordination of activities and ensuring coordinated actions of Moscow city authorities on issues affecting the legal rights and interests of business;
  • development and protection of competition;
  • ensuring guarantees of state protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of investment and business activities in the city of Moscow.


  • subjects of investment and business activities who believe that their rights were violated when interacting with executive authorities of the city of Moscow;
  • Investors and entrepreneurs with proposals for improving the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow that affect their rights and legitimate interests.


  • assistance in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of investment and business activities;
  • assistance in eliminating administrative barriers when carrying out investment and business activities in the city of Moscow;
  • promoting the creation of an open information space for interaction between government authorities of the city of Moscow, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation and investors;
  • coordination of activities, ensuring coordinated actions and developing a unified position of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow on issues affecting the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of investment and business activities in the city of Moscow;
  • assistance in the development and strengthening of cooperation with federal government bodies, the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, government bodies of the city of Moscow, local government bodies, public and other organizations in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of investment and business entities;
  • consideration and preparation of proposals to improve the efficiency of the activities of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities for the development and protection of competition;
  • consideration and preparation of proposals for the development and protection of competition, the development of entrepreneurship in certain areas of activity, including on the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in the procurement of goods, works, services, to reduce excessive interference of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the activities of business entities;
  • coordination of the work of interdepartmental commissions at the prefectures of the administrative districts of Moscow to eliminate administrative barriers in the development of entrepreneurship.

It's no secret that the presence of a well-developed small and medium-sized business provides a number of undeniable advantages for the country's economy. This is the creation of new jobs and self-employment of the population. In addition, this is an increase in taxes and an increase in gross domestic product. The development of small business is an improvement in the quality of life of the country's population, because small enterprises can most quickly adapt to changes in the requirements of the modern market. This is precisely why the government has developed programs for small businesses. With government support, it is much easier to open your own business, however, not all young entrepreneurs are familiar with the intricacies of obtaining it.

Small Business Development Program in Russia

The strategy for socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 states that assistance to medium and small businesses is one of the main elements of the state’s economic policy. According to experts, such measures should promote the development of healthy competition and give citizens the opportunity to improve their financial situation. In addition to already existing forms of subsidies, the new concept adopts qualitatively new types of state support for small businesses, aimed at stimulating the growth in the number of business entities, as well as changing their sectoral structure. Among the new goals of the state development strategy are the following:

  • reduction of bureaucratic red tape when registering a business and its development;
  • simplification of the taxation system for small businesses;
  • reducing the number of products subject to certification;
  • improving the efficiency of state regulation in the field of licensing;
  • possibility of using various sources of financing.

Regional business support program

Along with state ones, there are also regional measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. Such assistance, in particular, can be expressed in the creation of business incubators, venture and guarantee funds, as well as in additional stimulation of enterprises whose activities are export-oriented. In addition, the regions are also adopting comprehensive programs to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, within which funds are allocated for:

  • development of leasing purchase of equipment;
  • support for enterprises engaged in innovative activities;
  • creation of industrial and technology parks;
  • improving the energy efficiency of enterprises;
  • development and support of startups;
  • creation of various guarantee funds;
  • introduction of advanced training programs for young entrepreneurs, assistance in starting a business.

Conditions for granting subsidies

All forms of state support for small businesses represent one-time government assistance that should be used to implement a specific task within the framework of the enterprise’s activities. There will be no need to return such assistance in the future, but the state will control the targeted expenditure of funds.

In order to receive financial support from the state, an enterprise must meet several criteria:

  • be officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (information must be contained in the state register);
  • have a properly drawn up business plan, which outlines specific areas for spending subsidized funds;
  • the owner of the enterprise must be a citizen of Russia, and with shared participation, a resident of the Russian Federation must own at least 51% of the total authorized capital.

Enterprises operating in the following areas cannot apply for government subsidies:

  • insurance;
  • provision of banking or other credit services;
  • release and sale of excisable goods;
  • gambling business;
  • mining;
  • securities market.

Who can apply to?

In addition to the conditions listed above, state support for small businesses requires compliance with some more conditions for receiving development subsidies:

  • at the time of submitting documents, the company must be registered less than 2 years ago;
  • the total number of employees cannot exceed 250 people;
  • with share participation, the share of state and municipal partners in the authorized capital cannot exceed 25%;
  • complete absence of tax debt is mandatory;
  • income for the previous 12 months cannot exceed 1 billion rubles.

If a business entity meets all of the above criteria and wishes to receive a subsidy, it must submit an application to the regional institution for the support of small and medium-sized businesses before October 1 of the current year.

What will the money be used for?

Besides the fact that state support for small and medium-sized businesses, as we have already found out, cannot be provided to all enterprises, it will also not be possible to spend it in any way. There are certain parameters for this. So, you can spend the subsidy:

  • for the purchase, modernization and repair of fixed assets;
  • to hire new employees or improve working conditions for existing ones;
  • for the purchase, update and installation of licensed software;
  • for rent for the use of industrial and office premises;
  • to invest money in raw materials and supplies.

If you are just thinking about starting your own business and have not yet decided on the direction, then you should know that the priorities for the allocation of government subsidies are:

  • housing and communal services, transport services and construction;
  • any production (except for excisable goods);
  • public service sector;
  • youth support and development programs;
  • innovative developments;
  • development of the social sphere - sports, culture, education;
  • revival of crafts and original culture of peoples.

If you nevertheless decide to engage in trade, then state support for the development of small businesses is most likely not going to happen to you, although, of course, it’s worth a try. To increase your chances, try to target your products to socially vulnerable segments of the population - low-income families, disabled people, pensioners, and so on. Highlight work with these categories as a separate line in your business plan.

How to get a subsidy

So, how to get government support for small businesses? There are two ways here - it all depends on what kind of help you want to receive: to open a new business or to develop an existing young enterprise. In the first case, you have a direct route to the employment center, and in the second you need to contact the investment department. Before applying, you need to carefully study the procedure for submitting documents and stock up on all the necessary papers.

Employment Center

State support for small businesses for a beginner begins with registration with the employment service and obtaining unemployed status. It is best to contact this institution in advance and receive comprehensive advice on the preparation of the necessary documents, as well as the amount and procedure for payment of the compensation due. However, you can skip this step and prepare the documents yourself. You will need originals and copies:

  • passports;
  • work book (if available);
  • diploma;
  • income certificates, if you were previously officially employed;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce, if this involved a change of surname.

Having prepared everything you need, go to registration. Immediately inform the inspector of your intention to receive a subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur. This will help you not waste time searching for suitable vacancies, but go straight to developing a business plan, which you will subsequently have to defend before the commission. Based on the results of the defense of the business enterprise, a decision will be made to allocate a subsidy in the amount of 58,800 rubles, compensation for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, or refusal of state support. If the latter happened and you were refused, do not be discouraged, the law does not limit the number of attempts. Just make another business plan and go through the process again.


If your business is already operating, you should consider getting some money for its development. In this case, government support for small businesses is provided by the investment department. To take advantage of the subsidy, the regional office must prepare:

  • certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • copies of statutory documents;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming completion of entrepreneurial training;
  • certificates of absence of debts on taxes and fees from the Social Insurance Fund, tax service and other organizations;
  • a certificate stating that the company is not at the stage of liquidation;
  • a document stating that more than 6 months have passed since the registration of the enterprise;
  • a document confirming that no criminal or administrative proceedings have been opened against this organization;
  • passport (original and copy);
  • original and copy of the power of attorney, if the documents are not submitted by the owner;
  • business plan;
  • application for a subsidy;
  • bank statement confirming the opening of a current account.

Submission procedure

After the entire package of documents has been collected, it is transferred to the executive committee. It is best to do this in person, through the office, or with the help of an employment service supervisor.

The consideration and acceptance of documents must be completed within seven days, after which a decision will be made. If you are refused, we go through the entire procedure all over again. If the commission makes a positive decision, your business plan is transferred to the next authority, where it is also reviewed and approved.

The law establishes that commission meetings take place as business plans are received and accumulated, so receiving subsidies can take quite a long time. Usually the date of the next commission meeting is indicated on the official website of the investment department.

As you can see, state support for small businesses is not an easy and rather troublesome matter, but it’s still worthwhile to get it done - if you have a high-quality business plan, the chances of getting money for development are quite high.

Every year Russia becomes more and more attractive for doing business. In the World Bank Doing Business ranking, the country ranks 35th among states that create a favorable climate for the launch and development of projects. In turn, Moscow was ranked second in the national ranking in terms of investment attractiveness and fifth among European cities according to the international publication Financial Times.

Both targeted government funding programs and small business assistance programs make a significant contribution to the development of the investment environment. In this material we will tell you step by step what kind of support Moscow offers entrepreneurs today for opening, running and developing their business:

Step 1. Registration. Consultations. Education. Choose one of 15 Business Service Centers (BSC), which are located in all districts of the capital and operate on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution Small Business of Moscow. All services there are provided free of charge. TsUB specialists will help prepare documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or in the form of a limited liability company (LLC). In 2017 alone, consulting support was provided to more than 80 thousand people. Aspiring entrepreneurs will be offered training at the MBM Startup School. You can also learn the basics of starting and developing your own business from successful entrepreneurs and professional business coaches online - at the MBM Online Academy. There are two training programs available at the Academy - Start and Progress. The content of the training program is based on best business practices and cases that are relevant in business.

The Central Management Bureau will also advise entrepreneurs on various issues of doing business: labor and civil legislation, accounting. Here they can prepare an application for the transition of an enterprise to a simplified or patent taxation system.

Step 2. Choose premises for doing business. The center's staff will help you get acquainted with various options and tell you about renting non-residential areas owned by the city of Moscow on preferential terms. Today, the initial preferential rental rate for such premises is 4.5 thousand rubles per sq. m. m per year and 1 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m per year for premises located in the basement. The Central Management Office will help you with information about the availability of vacant premises in city technology parks. There are more than 30 technology parks with various industry specializations in the capital. In addition, if at the beginning of your business journey you do not need large spaces, you can get a workplace for a period from one day to 12 months in one of the six co-working centers of the Small Business of Moscow State Budgetary Institution.

Step 3. Decide on financing. CUB specialists will advise on sources of obtaining business financing at different stages of its development, and invite entrepreneurs to attend special educational programs and events where representatives of financial institutions speak. The city currently provides the following types of financial support; all details on them will be provided to the Central Management Bureau:

  • Subsidy programs, among them subsidies for compensation of interest rates on loans and leasing payments, for compensation of costs for the purchase of equipment, as well as for participation in congress and exhibition events, and others. If your organization meets the conditions and requirements for grants, they will help you prepare a set of documents and fill out an application.
  • Warranty support program in the Capital Small Business Lending Fund. The fund will help attract loans to successfully operating companies if they do not have enough of their own collateral (collateral) for creditors. You can submit an application to the Foundation or through the Central Educational Institution. An entrepreneur can independently contact any of the fund’s partner lenders, including 70 banks and 6 leasing companies. The Fund's guarantees cover up to 70% of the loan. Thus, in the first five months of 2018 alone, thanks to this program, entrepreneurs received financing totaling more than 9 billion rubles. It is important to understand that without government support, the lenders would have refused the vast majority of these borrowers.
  • Preferential long-term investment loans in the amount of 5 to 100 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years, the Moscow Fund for the Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship offers companies working in the field of production, scientific research or software development at a rate of 5% per annum, and for residents of technology parks and industrial complexes in Moscow at a rate 2% per annum.
  • Financing for startups in the scientific and technical field offered by the capital's Venture Investment Development Fund. The fund provides preferential loans to innovative projects that are at the earliest stages of development and registered in Moscow. To do this, the project initiator must attract funds from a private investor, and then apply for additional funding from the Fund. Today, 57 private investors work with the organization. The co-investor must invest from 50% to 200% depending on the size of the Fund’s loan itself, which can range from 0.5 to 36 million rubles, respectively. The loan term is from 3 to 6 years with a repayment deferment of up to 2 years.

Step 4. Entering the government order market. Moscow pays significant attention to protecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses when placing government orders: 90% of purchases are carried out electronically. The Moscow government created a showcase of city orders, where 91 thousand suppliers are registered, of which 70% are SME companies, 15 million contracts worth 80 billion rubles were concluded. On the portal you can use the subscription service for purchases of a certain category. Participants in government procurement can also receive microloans and guarantee support from the funds already mentioned above.

Step 5. Enter foreign markets. When production in the capital is established, you can safely think about this. The Moscow Export Center will advise on all issues of the export cycle, train in foreign economic activity at the Moscow Exporter School, help with promotion on the international electronic marketplace Alibaba.com, as well as with international exhibition activities. In the latter case, the center can finance 100% of the costs of participation in the exhibition. One of the important tools for promoting Moscow manufacturers is a unified export catalog, which contains over 1.5 thousand product items from more than 500 metropolitan manufacturers. The Industrial and Guarantee Funds will also help with financing for export activities.

Step 6. If you encounter administrative barriers when doing business in Moscow, then in this case the city will help protect your legal rights and interests, it will come to the rescue, where the hotline operates +7 495 620-20-45 SOS.SHTAB@site

Entrepreneurs can additionally receive information about these and other areas of support at special financial conferences held by the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” in the series “Finance for Growing Businesses” and #MoscowforBusiness, for which you can register on the portal mbm.ru