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Causes of itching in the anus. Itching in the anus - ointment to relieve it. What to do if there is a burning sensation in the anus

Unpleasant sensations in the anus with diarrhea. Prevention of diseases that cause itching and burning

The impact of feces on the anus during diarrhea causes painful symptoms, burning and itching. A condition in which inflammation occurs in the anus, it burns and turns red, causing inconvenience to a person of any gender and age. Thanks to their spontaneity, children do not hesitate to declare an existing problem immediately after it appears. In a similar situation, adults do not always dare to point out the place that hurts or itches, especially if it is the anus or anus. This often leads to a rather late diagnosis of the disease, when it has already acquired an advanced form. Delaying a visit to the doctor, if there is pain, burning and itching in the anus, causes the development of complications or the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

Discomfort in the anal area, first of all, affects the psycho-emotional state of a person. Inflammation of the anus as a result of prolonged diarrhea causes the patient to become irritable, nervous, and depressed. Painful symptoms that prevent a person from taking a comfortable position and engaging in usual daily activities affect not only his mood and the ability to communicate with others in a good spirit, but also reduces his performance. Irritation of the anus in young children, as a rule, is treated in a timely manner, which avoids unpleasant consequences. This happens because a child, feeling pain and inconvenience, will definitely show it through his behavior or complain. In addition, when changing clothes and bathing the baby, parents will definitely notice redness in their child’s bottom. At the same time, to maintain health, treatment of itching in the anus caused by diarrhea must be eliminated at the first manifestations, regardless of the patient’s age.

Causes of diarrhea, causing pain, burning in the anus

Painful sensations in the anal area after liquid bowel movements, accompanied by burning and itching, are a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the body and the likelihood of pathological processes. Diarrhea is certainly unpleasant for any person, and if it is accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms, the negative features of this condition only intensify. There are many reasons for the appearance of diarrhea and the unpleasant sensations that accompany it, and the patient’s condition depends on them.

Bacterial and viral infection. The source of diarrhea in most cases is an imbalance of intestinal microflora and inflammation of its tissues as a result of infection of the digestive system by harmful microorganisms. Frequent bowel movements caused by their vital activity are complemented by redness of the skin in the anus, itching, rash or burning in the anus. These symptoms arise as a result of intestinal disorders.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. The most common violations of hygiene standards include neglecting the daily change of underwear and irregular hygiene procedures. Without proper hygiene, an infection quickly spreads in the anal area, which externally manifests itself through redness and itching. Painful sensations intensify with periodic liquid bowel movements, since the skin is irritated by feces.

Diseases of the digestive system can cause diarrhea, after which a burning sensation, discomfort and pain, and itching in the rectal area may appear. An intestinal disorder or its disease is a direct harbinger of loose stools with all the ensuing consequences. They can develop under the influence of infections, polyps, tumors, warts, fistulas and cracks in the rectum or anus. There may be irritation around the anus caused by hemorrhoids. In this case, blood will be present in the liquid stool. The appearance of this disease is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle and various perineal injuries.

Venereal diseases. With venereal diseases, increased discharge from the genitals is observed. The burning sensation during bowel movements in this case is due to the development and proliferation of fungi that irritate the skin in the anal area. Women are more likely than men to become infected with candidiasis, which develops into thrush. It is characterized by a white, acrid discharge. Men become infected with candidiasis through sexual contact.

Itching and burning near the anus, mechanical damage to the skin near the anus

The skin in the immediate vicinity of the anus can be damaged by toilet paper or hard or tight underwear. As a result of rubbing during bowel movements, and especially during diarrhea, a person feels burning and itching in the anus. This can cause rashes and pain at the site of injury. Also, micro-wounds and cracks in the skin around the anus are formed when using a razor for depilation. Just as with other mechanical damage to the skin in this area, during bowel movements a person experiences pain and accompanying symptoms.

Why does it burn and itch in the anus after diarrhea, what other causes of diarrhea could there be?

Diabetes. In patients with diabetes, diarrhea begins as a result of metabolic disorders. The burning and itching that accompanies diarrhea is explained by dry skin around the posterior passage, characteristic of diabetes. Overweight problem. A problem such as excess weight can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. In obesity, loose stools occur quite often, causing irritation of the skin near the anus, and with it a sensation of itching and burning. Diseases of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Diseases that cause dysfunction of these organs are accompanied by symptoms such as loose stools. The urge to defecate becomes frequent, sometimes almost never stopping. This may cause irritation to the skin around the anus.

Stress and nerves, nervous diarrhea may appear. Constant emotional overload, stress and tension contribute to dryness of human skin. As a result of a stressful state, intestinal motility accelerates, and accordingly, the process of digestion and elimination of food from the body becomes faster. Due to frequent bowel movements, the skin around the anus itches and burns.

Allergies can cause burning and itching in the anal area. Medicines or foods can cause an allergic reaction in a person, manifested in the form of diarrhea. Allergies can also make themselves felt by rashes, itching and increased sensitivity of the skin to cosmetics.

How to determine the cause of discomfort in the anus, how to understand why it hurts, burning and itching in the anus?

If you discover uncomfortable symptoms in the anal area, including rash and redness of the skin with diarrhea, you should first of all seek help from a doctor. A qualified proctologist examines the patient and, if necessary, prescribes tests and treatment. If the cause of the ailment concerns the genital area, a gynecologist treats women, and a urologist treats men. Dysfunction of the digestive system in patients, regardless of gender, is eliminated by a gastroenterologist. If the cause of diarrhea with its side symptoms cannot be determined independently, it is necessary to describe the essence of the problem in detail to the therapist. If necessary, he will refer the patient to a specialist with a narrower profile; if there is no such need, he prescribes treatment himself.

The first step to curing the unpleasant complications of diarrhea is to eliminate loose stools, as a factor that provokes irritation of the posterior region. Treatment is carried out using ointments intended for each individual disease. So, for eliminating hemorrhoids and rectal fissures, heparin ointment, Relief and Troxevasin are better than other remedies.

Menovazin relieves pain and irritation perfectly. To eliminate itching, Pirantel and Dekaris are very popular. However, before you start using this or that product, you should consult your doctor. This is necessary for the correct selection of the drug, as well as the prescription of complex procedures that promote a speedy recovery. Along with creams and ointments, physiotherapy, a special diet and enemas are usually prescribed. Whatever method of treatment is prescribed to the patient, an unconditional factor that brings recovery closer is strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene: washing with baby soap after each bowel movement, and also changing underwear daily.

Itching in the anus is an irritation accompanied by a burning sensation.

The syndrome can manifest itself either as a mild feeling, which is removed with the help of hygiene procedures, or as a severe burning sensation, which significantly reduces a person’s quality of life.

In most cases, primary anal itching is an independent disease. In cases where discomfort is a symptom of a disease, experts talk about secondary itching.

It itches unbearably, but why?

Itching and burning in the anus can be caused by several factors:

  1. Helminths. Common infestations, especially in children, are caused by pinworms. At night, female pinworms lay eggs in the anus. In addition, unpleasant sensations may occur in the presence of lamblia and roundworms.
  2. Encopresis. If the anal sphincter is insufficient, feces easily penetrate the surface of the skin near the anus, thereby causing irritation and itching.
  3. Liver pathology. In case of liver diseases, the process of removing harmful substances from the body is significantly impaired. Toxins entering the bloodstream irritate the receptors, causing unpleasant sensations.
  4. Incorrectly selected underwear.
  5. Dysbacteriosis.
  6. STD. The most common cause of itching in women is candidiasis. In addition to this disease, discomfort in the anal area can occur in the presence of chlamydia, pubic lice, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea.
  7. Obesity.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Allergy.
  10. Nervous system diseases.

Rectal diseases

Diseases of the rectum are the main cause of itching in the anus.

Among the main ones:

Itching may occur in waves. Most often it is observed after physical activity or drinking alcohol. During the period of remission, no unpleasant sensations are observed.

Features of itching in women

The main causes of itching in the anal area in women are:

Itching in the anal area prevents a woman from leading a full life, hinders movement, and causes discomfort. Itching is accompanied by symptoms such as bleeding during bowel movements, burning, swelling, and pain.

If a man itches “there”

The causes of discomfort in the anal area in men are:

  • heredity;
  • constipation;
  • long periods of standing or, conversely, sedentary work;
  • physically hard work;
  • intoxication;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • infectious diseases.

Itching occurs most often in the perineal area and near the anus. In some cases, eczema develops. In case of skin injuries, infections may occur and purulent processes may develop.

Special attention to children!

The causes of itching in the anus can be:

  • prolonged sitting on the potty;
  • strong straining during bowel movements;
  • constipation;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of a meal plan;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • increased emotionality, prolonged crying;
  • heredity;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • low physical activity.

Children after three years of age can describe how they feel. If a child constantly complains of discomfort in the anal area, you should consult a specialist.

Unpleasant sensations can be in the form of a feeling of a foreign body, tingling, burning, itching. When discomfort occurs in the anal area, a child becomes irritable and constantly touches or scratches his butt.

Primary and secondary itching

Idiopathic – primary itching. It is not always possible to identify the cause of its occurrence. Most often, men between 29 and 59 years old suffer from this form of itching. Coping with the symptom is extremely difficult.

Secondary itching is a symptom of the disease. When it occurs, a thorough diagnosis is necessary to help identify the disease in the initial stages of development. Eliminating unpleasant sensations is not difficult. The main problem should be removed and the symptom will disappear on its own.

Itching can be either chronic, with a gradual increase in symptoms, or acute, of an intense nature.

In acute cases, the skin of the anal area becomes moist, which increases discomfort. In chronic cases, the skin is dry. Unpleasant sensations often worsen at night.

Diagnostics is the first step to getting rid of the problem

Identifying the problem that caused the appearance should begin with a visit to the proctologist.

During the first appointment, the specialist will take a scraping and prescribe tests and studies:

triple stool analysis for the presence of helminths;

help yourself

How to get rid of anal itching using traditional medicine?

Alternative medicine offers a number of effective methods that will help cope with:

  1. Colloidal oatmeal. Fill the bath with water, add colloidal oats. The duration of the session is no more than 14 minutes. The procedure should be carried out daily before bed for 8 days.
  2. Periwinkle. Add 2 teaspoons of medicinal plant to a glass of hot water. Leave for 14 minutes and then clean the solution of impurities. Use as lotions.
  3. Cranberry. Add 25 g of cranberry juice to 100 g of Vaseline. Apply the ointment twice a day in a thin layer to the affected area. Duration of treatment is 9 days.
  4. Veronica officinalis. Pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried herbs and leave for 1.5 hours. Take the decoction 4 times a day, 90 ml after meals.

Traditional Treatments

Depending on the disease that causes itching in the anal area and the treatment methods will differ:

Approach to treating hemorrhoids

When After each act of defecation, it is necessary to wash with warm water without soap.

After a shower, you can use talc, which will reduce the appearance of itching, but, at the same time, will not affect the medicinal properties of local medications.

Preventive measures

In quality, as well as to reduce manifestations, a number of recommendations should be followed:

In most cases, itching near the anus occurs due to the presence of diseases of the rectum. In order to eliminate it, you should contact a proctologist who will prescribe medications for treatment.

Treatment with unconventional methods is possible only after visiting a specialist.

Itching and burning in the anus worsen the emotional state and reduce a person’s performance. The occurrence of such discomfort is often only a symptom of some pathological condition in the body. It is important to determine the cause that caused the discomfort. This can be either ordinary sloppiness, or a sexually transmitted infection, pathology of the rectum, including cancer. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis for recovery is positive.

Common causes of itching and burning in the anus

A patient may be diagnosed with several different pathologies at the same time. The most common are the following:

Inflammatory diseases of the rectum

The appearance of itching and burning around the anus is possible due to pathological processes occurring in the rectum. The anus begins to itch if warts or condylomas appear on the mucous membrane. If traces of blood are visible at the same time, pain is felt, and the formation of fissures, hemorrhoids, polyps, and benign tumors is possible. A burning sensation and a feeling of residual feces after bowel movement are additional symptoms indicating hemorrhoids, inflammation of the mucous membrane, and cancer.

The main symptom of worm infection is an itchy sensation. Itching in the anus when pinworms multiply. These are the most common worms in people of all ages. Discomfort increases at night because females lay eggs at this time.

When infected with roundworms, itching and burning are felt in the anus, the intensity of which increases during bowel movements.

The same symptoms, supplemented by periodic abdominal pain, correspond to the presence of Giardia. Infection is accompanied by frequent diarrhea and the appearance of a small rash, mainly in the groin area.

Intestinal dysbiosis

A favorable environment in the intestines is created by beneficial bacteria. During pathological processes, some of them are replaced by harmful ones, and the balance is upset. As a result, the stool becomes unstable, constant irritation of the rectum causes anal itching and burning.

Sexually transmitted infections are in most cases accompanied by purulent or mucous discharge. Due to the close proximity of the genital organs and the anus, such diseases cause discomfort in the anus in women and men.

Identifying thrush is not difficult. The main signs of fungus are. Hidden sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and ureaplasmosis, which are asymptomatic at the initial stage, but irritate the anus, pose a great danger. When scratching, the skin is damaged, causing pain in the anus in men and girls. As a result, another infection may occur, then treatment will become more complicated and protracted.

Skin diseases and allergic reactions

Allergies can occur to external and internal irritants. The first group includes:

  • components of hygiene products: toilet paper, intimate hygiene gel, pads;
  • material or cut of underwear;
  • laundry detergents;
  • hypothermia;
  • chemical components contained in feces.

Another common reason is a person’s sloppiness, which results in itching of the genitals and anus.

Internal irritants that cause itching and tingling in the anus include oral medications (eg), foods and drinks.

Discomfort in the anus is of a secondary nature if a person suffers from skin diseases. .

Metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system

With such a malfunction of the body, diaper rash often appears in the genital area and groin at any time of the year. As a result, it burns and itches in the anus. Trying to relieve discomfort, a person injures the skin and opens access to infection.

In the genital area is one of the first symptoms. This is due to excess glucose in the urine, the remains of which irritate the mucous membrane. The second reason is increased tissue dryness.

They cause no less discomfort. With pathology, the filtering function of the liver decreases and toxins enter the blood, irritating the skin. As a result, in addition to itching all over the body, the anus itches and hurts.

Stress and depression

Can cause generalized itching. The mucous membranes of the genital organs and rectum are especially affected. When symptoms are severe, the person does not control their actions and scratches the itchy areas vigorously, exposing the body to infection.

The causes of discomfort in the anus can be very diverse. Therefore, diagnosis is sometimes complex and requires examination by specialized specialists. If burning and itching appears in the anus in men, the cause is first determined by a urologist; in women, by a gynecologist. Then consultations with a proctologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, and venereologist are possible. Laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • It is necessary to undergo general urine and blood tests and to determine sugar levels.
  • Feces to test for the presence of worms. Correct results are guaranteed only if no more than 1 hour has passed since the collection.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Feces if dysbacteriosis is suspected.

It is important for the doctor to know exactly when symptoms appear. If there is pain and itching in the anus after defecation, the cause may be an anal fissure or hemorrhoids. If there is constant itching, the presence of worms is suspected; if there is a rash all over the body, an examination of the internal organs is necessary.

In order not to waste time, a colonoscopy, anoscopy, or MRI may be prescribed to identify tumors in the rectum.

After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. Before this, the doctor may recommend anti-itching and healing medications.

Drug treatment for itching in the anus

Treatment of itching in the anus in women and men depends on the cause of discomfort and involves complex therapy.

  • If a crack is detected, healing and antipruritic suppositories Relief, Sea Buckthorn oil, suppositories with propolis, and Methyluracil are prescribed. In some cases, the doctor prescribes Glycelax laxative suppositories.

  • For external hemorrhoids, the effect of ointments is best expressed, for internal hemorrhoids - suppositories. These are Relief, Hepatrombin G, Aurobin, Levomekol, Heparin (suppositories, ointment), Celestoderm B, Procto-Glivenol. To strengthen blood vessels, Detralex and Phlebodia 600 tablets are recommended.

  • To eliminate helminthic infestation, Pirantel, Mebendazole, Levamisole, Albendazole are prescribed.

  • Pubic lice die from ointments Nittifor, Nix, mites - from Crotamiton, Lindana.

  • For the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy, taking the immunomodulators Taktivin, Lysozyme. If the form is advanced, a hospital may be required.

  • For hepatic itching, it is necessary to take medications to treat the underlying disease. Restore the structure of the liver with Essentiale Forte, Gepabene, Heptral. Cholestyramine helps relieve itching.

  • Fungal infections can be defeated with Clotrimazole and Fluconazole creams and suppositories. In case of a complex course of the disease, the doctor prescribes identical medications in tablets.

  • In case of allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the intake of a sensitizing agent or contact with irritating components, take water treatments more often than usual, treat the itchy area with Sinaflan ointment, baby powder. If the burning sensation in the anus does not go away within 2 days, you should go to the doctor.

Any medications can be taken only as prescribed. All of them have contraindications - some patients are completely relieved of the disease, while others can cause complications.


After consultation with a doctor, you can carry out home procedures:

Sitz baths are recommended for anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and fungal infections. The water should be no higher than body temperature. Decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, nettle, and sage should be added to it. The components can be used one at a time or mixed in different proportions. The procedure should be carried out for 15 minutes twice a day.

Herbal lotions. The composition is identical to the previous recipe. The broth can not be diluted, soak sterile gauze in it, and apply to the anus for 15 minutes.

Propolis candles. Suppositories should be prepared independently from the bee product, giving them the form of pharmaceutical preparations. They should be stored in the refrigerator and should not be heated before use. The product perfectly heals cracks, relieves itching and pain in the anus.

Prepare a decoction as a medicinal drink. Take 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical herbs: yarrow, mint, chamomile, linden, add 1 liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain and take 1 glass throughout the day. The drink has a calming and restorative effect.

Prevention methods

If the itching is not associated with pathologies of the internal organs and rectum, it can be avoided by following simple rules:

  • Use hypoallergenic products to care for the intimate area.
  • Monitor your emotional state. If necessary, take light sedatives, soothing infusions, teas, and take walks in the fresh air.
  • It is very rare to include pickles, spicy seasonings, and carbonated sweet drinks in your diet. If the problem already existed after using them, you should completely eliminate them.
  • Monitor bowel regularity.
  • Have a protected sex life.

If you have chronic hemorrhoids or anal fissure, you should not use toilet paper. After defecation, it is necessary to carry out water procedures or use wet wipes, exclude receiving anal sex, and follow a diet.

If there is discomfort in the anus, it can be eliminated, whatever the reason. The main thing is not to try to solve the problem on your own for more than 2 days, and not to use medications learned from loud advertising or on the advice of friends.

Why does the anus itch? There is no definite answer to this question, since a number of diseases can directly or indirectly cause irritation of the mucous membrane in the anus and around the anus. So, in order.

2 Diseases of the rectum

The most common cause of itching and burning in the anus is pathology of the rectum and anus. If a person is worried exclusively about discomfort in the anus, it is likely that these are warts or genital warts. As stool passes through the rectum, they become irritated, injured and infected, which causes itching.

If, in addition to itching, the patient experiences pain during bowel movements, and sometimes notices drops of blood on the toilet paper, cracks in the anus are possible. More serious causes of such symptoms may be anorectal fistulas and rectal polyps.

A burning sensation in the anus is present when infected with roundworms and other types of helminths. In this case, bowel movement is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Giardiasis provokes itching due to irritation of the anus with feces and frequent diarrhea. Giardia can cause rashes to appear on different parts of the body, including the perineum.

4 Intestinal dysbiosis

With dysbiosis in the intestines, the balance between beneficial microflora, which helps the absorption of nutrients, and pathogenic ones is disturbed. Moreover, the “wrong” bacteria begin to predominate, and this leads to the mucous membrane becoming irritated and inflamed, which is accompanied by problems in the form of constipation and diarrhea. Hard feces and loose stools irritate the anus, which causes itching. Especially if after defecation a person neglects hygiene procedures.

5 STDs and other problems of the genitourinary system

Sexually transmitted diseases cause inflammation in the genitourinary system. Sometimes gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia cause itching of the anus in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, burning when urinating, etc.

A less problematic cause of itching in the anal area can be candidiasis. Thrush can spread from the genitals to the anus, especially if the patient has low immunity. Then it itches in the anus and perineum.

6 Manifestation in young children

Babies periodically experience diaper rash. The cause may be candidiasis or an allergic reaction to medications and food. The entire skin of the anus and buttocks turns red, becomes hot to the touch and causes great discomfort. When urine or feces comes into contact with the inflamed skin, the child reacts by crying loudly.

7 Skin diseases and external irritants

Itching of the anus often bothers people prone to allergies, as well as those who suffer from skin diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • various dermatitis;
  • seborrheic eczema;
  • scabies.

The anus may itch when infested with pubic lice or in those who neglect daily hygiene procedures after bowel movements and wear tight synthetic underwear.

Even a single use of rough toilet paper and scented sanitary pads can cause burning in the anus in people with sensitive skin. Allergies or microtraumas on the skin of the anus lead to irritation and further infection.

8 Some more reasons

  1. Obesity. Overweight people are prone to increased sweating, so they are more likely to experience diaper rash and itching in the anus, buttocks and perineum.
  2. Diabetes. One of the signs of the disease is itching in the genital area and anus.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Serious liver pathology may be accompanied, including in the anus. Itching and burning in the anus occur with pancreatitis and biliary dyskinesia.
  4. Allergy. Food intolerances, alcoholic beverages, preservatives and additives, as well as the use of certain medications can cause itching in the anus.
  5. Depression, nervous tension and excessive hygiene procedures. When a person pays excessive attention to the latter, the anus may develop, defatting, and this gives rise to itching and inflammation. Constant anxiety and depression can cause various problems, including irritants. In this regard, adults who are prone to increased nervous excitability are more likely to experience itching of the anus.

9 Actions required

What should people with itching in the anus do? To make an accurate diagnosis and determine what the problem is with anal itching, you will have to visit a number of specialists. It is necessary to visit a proctologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, for women a gynecologist, and for men a urologist. Each doctor will refer the patient for research:

When interviewing the patient, the doctor will ask:

  • how long has the patient been tormented by itching in the anus;
  • after which it is felt and when it intensifies;
  • is there a burning sensation along with the itching;
  • how long does the discomfort last?
  • what time of day does itching occur?
  • does it intensify after eating any food, etc.

The connection between itching and bowel movements. A possible cause of this symptom may be weakness of the anal sphincter. This is observed with hemorrhoids, postpartum and postoperative damage to the anus, rectal prolapse, or in those who practice anal sex.

Dependence of itching on nutrition. When a patient complains of discomfort in the anus after eating spicy and salty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages, the doctor may suspect proctosigmoiditis, that is, inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Itching that develops after external influences on the anal area. This refers to the impact on a person of harmful gases, chemicals or radioactive radiation in everyday life or at work. Working in chemical plants or in rooms with elevated temperatures and humidity has a negative impact on the skin. Chemicals can settle on the surface of the sweaty epithelium, and the steamed skin in the perineal area begins to rot, and pathogenic bacteria or fungi actively grow in its folds (candidiasis, dermophytosis, etc.). The result is redness and anal itching.

Genetic predisposition. The doctor will definitely ask if any of your blood relatives have endocrine diseases, obesity, diabetes, or nail dyspepsia. All this information, coupled with test results, will help you find the cause of itching in the anus and begin appropriate therapy.

10 Treatments

When the cause of itching is neglect of hygiene rules, treatment consists of daily washing with mild disinfecting solutions (furacilin, infusion of chamomile, sage, etc.). You will have to stop using toilet paper, even soft ones, for a while. Your doctor may recommend using antibacterial wipes after each bowel movement.

Just in case, it is better to switch to dietary food, that is, remove from the menu pickles, hot sauces, seasonings, peppers, pickled vegetables and other products that can irritate the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus. In addition, try wearing only cotton underwear.

If the patient is allergic to anything, he may be prescribed a course of glucocorticosteroid hormones. For topical use, corticosteroid ointments, solutions containing menthol, Anestezin, Lidocaine or Novocaine are recommended. treated with a suitable remedy: Hydrocortisone, Triderm, Candide, zinc or salicylic ointment. For fungal diseases of the skin of the anus, creams and ointments are used that are active against the identified types of fungus: Clotrimazole, Triderm, Posterizan, Onabet and others.

Depending on the stage of severity of hemorrhoids, Gepatrombin, Aurobin, Bezornil, Relief, Ultraproct, Detralex and others can be used. Complex ointment Menovazan has a cooling effect, softens and eliminates pain. It is convenient to use for dry skin of the anus. If hemorrhoids have reached stage 3-4, surgery will be required.

If helminthic infestations are detected, careful personal hygiene is recommended. After each bowel movement, the anus area should be washed with cool water and baby soap, and then treated with glycerin. Naturally, after each visit to the toilet, hands should be washed with antibacterial soap. Underwear should be changed every day. Panties should be washed in hot water with laundry soap, and after drying, ironed. This strategy will help avoid re-infection.

A very important component of getting rid of worms is drug therapy. Depending on the pathogen, Albendazole, Pyrantel, Dekaris, Vermox, Vormil, Metronidazole, Nemozol and others can be used.

When a patient is diagnosed with internal diseases, all efforts are directed towards curing them. Otherwise, simply relieving the itching will be a temporary measure, the effect of which will disappear very quickly.

Many people experience intestinal dysbiosis. After frequent diarrhea, the skin of the anus burns, and then itching appears. To avoid the aggressive effects of diarrhea or constipation, you need to be treated with pre- and probiotics (Acipol, Bifidolactobacterin, Linex, Bifiform and other similar drugs). For people prone to increased nervous overexcitation, the doctor may recommend drinking mild sedative medications for a month: Novo-Passit, motherwort tincture, Calm, Tenoten and others.

As you can see, itching in the anus develops for a reason. Without a doctor and a normal examination, you will not find the cause, so go to the doctor and together with him try to figure out the disease or the factors that caused such discomfort.

Update: November 2018

A very sensitive topic - but a fairly common discomfort that can occur in every person - is itching in the anus. The reasons for this inconvenience can be either minor, trivial factors such as diarrhea or poor hygiene, or very serious diseases of the rectum. For obvious reasons, this situation has a very negative impact on a person’s mood, psychological state, negatively affects his performance, communication with people, etc.

Rarely does anyone want to tell anyone about any unpleasant symptoms and diseases associated with the anus and rectum. And if a burning sensation or itching appears in the anus, the cause of which is not clear to a person, he often delays visiting a doctor. This problem stops many people, not only because of embarrassment, but also because they do not know which doctor to go to with such an incomprehensible symptom. A doctor who deals with all problems related to the rectum is a proctologist or coloproctologist, as well as a woman should consult a gynecologist, a man should consult a urologist.

Main possible causes of itching

Diseases of the rectum

This is the most common cause of itching of the anus. If nothing bothers the patient except itching, it could be genital warts or warts. However, if there is pain and bleeding, it is possible that the cause may be fissures in the anus, anorectal fistulas, and benign tumors - polyps in the rectum.

Diarrhea and constipation, which accompany many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, quite often cause discomfort in the anal area. With, for example, a violation of the microflora leads to irritation of the intestinal mucosa, frequent diarrhea (), which causes itching in the anus. ().

Gynecological diseases in women, prostatitis and urethritis in men

Another cause of itching in the anal canal in women is various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Any STI, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, can cause any discomfort in the groin, itching, burning, pain. The most common and most harmless cause of itching of the anus is because the vagina is located next to the rectum, and fungal infections can spread in this area. Vaginal candidiasis is quite easy to treat and does not present serious difficulties in diagnosis, unlike other hidden infections and gynecological diseases. Sometimes the presence of pubic lice contributes to the appearance of itching throughout the perineum.

Itching in babies

When diapers are changed infrequently, young children experience staphylococcal diaper rash or itching in the bottom can be caused by candidiasis.

Skin diseases and some irritants

If the body is prone to various allergic reactions and skin diseases, such as various types of dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus, seborrheic eczema, scabies, pediculosis (pubic lice), after violations of personal hygiene rules (lack of opportunity to take a shower for several days), using rough toilet paper with dyes and fragrances, wearing synthetic underwear with rough seams, thongs that cause skin irritation also provoke itching and discomfort. At the same time, scratching creates microcracks into which pathogenic bacteria can easily enter, causing a more serious infection.

Excess weight - obesity

In people who are overweight or have excessive sweating, rubbing and rubbing cause diaper rash and irritation of the skin, which also causes itching.


There may be itching in the anus, since this disease is often accompanied by constant itching in the genital area, in the anus.

Liver diseases

Also, unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the rectal area may indicate diseases of the liver, pancreas (), and biliary dyskinesia.

Allergic reactions

If you are allergic to certain foods, alcohol, chemical additives, as well as when taking certain medications (), itching in the anus may also occur as a side effect.

Depression, anxiety, mental disorders

Some neuropsychiatric diseases that occur in people with an obsessive desire to always be perfectly clean force a person to thoroughly wash the anal area with soap several times a day, this leads to degreasing and drying of the delicate skin, leading to itching and infection with pathogenic bacteria. Anxiety, stress or depression also create conditions for itching in any part of the body, the skin becomes sensitive from the slightest irritation.

What to do if you have an itchy anus

Only based on a series of tests and examination by doctors - proctologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist - can the true cause of such symptoms be established. Therefore, in order to determine the diagnosis, doctors can refer the patient in the following directions:

  • examination of the skin by a proctologist, gynecologist, dermatologist
  • General analysis of urine and blood
  • blood chemistry
  • or anoscopy

If itching is the patient’s only complaint, then the doctor finds out the following features of the appearance of discomfort. Firstly, you should establish the type of itching, whether it is a primary symptom or a secondary one, secondly, determine the form - wet or dry, and also:

If itching is associated with bowel movements. This may be a sign of weak function of the anal sphincter, which happens with hemorrhoids, postoperative, postpartum injuries, rectal prolapse, nervous diseases in children, and anal sex.
Depends on food. If the itching intensifies after salty, spicy foods, or alcoholic drinks, this indicates proctosigmoiditis.
Harmful external influences. Perhaps the cause of itching in the anus is household or industrial harmful chemical and radiation exposure. If a person is forced to work in a chemical production facility, in a very polluted, dusty room with high air temperatures and other unfavorable conditions, this can affect the condition of the skin and perineum, causing similar discomfort.
Availability of pets- may be the cause of helminthic infestation.
History of the patient's genetic characteristics. You should find out whether close relatives have endocrine diseases, diabetes, fungal infections, etc. And only after receiving the results of all examinations can the disease that caused this discomfort be determined and treatment begin.

Treatment of anal itching

If it turns out that the cause of itching is secondary, then the underlying disease that caused it should be eliminated. That is, this is the treatment of STIs, dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, helminthic infestation, treatment of pediculosis and scabies, liver failure, etc. If the diagnosis reveals anal fissures, hemorrhoids, papillitis, rectal prolapse or proctosigmoiditis, then appropriate comprehensive treatment of these pathologies is carried out.

There are cases when, in addition to the patient’s complaints of itching, no disease tests are detected; in this case, a latent course of proctosigmoiditis is suspected, and dietary nutrition, skin ointments, and microenemas with collargol are prescribed. In case of manifestation of neuritis and psychosis, sedatives are prescribed - valerian, bromine, Corvalol. For allergic causes, antihistamines are indicated, that is. To prevent itching of the anus, the cause of which has been established and treatment has been carried out, you can use.