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What to do if your boyfriend is Nikita. The meaning of the name Nikita

Nikita - “winner” (Greek)

From early childhood he is a smart, quick-witted boy. He does not immediately enter into conversation with strangers; he silently looks closely at them. One gets the impression that he doesn’t want to talk, but for Nikita it is important to get to know the person better, to understand whether he can be trusted.

Rough shouts and spanking have a bad effect on him; the child becomes withdrawn and touchy, which can lead to neurasthenia. Nikita often finds it difficult to make any decisions on her own. Parents should help him understand his childhood problems. Nikita should not be confronted with a difficult choice; he is lost and does not know what to do. At school he studies well in all disciplines, grasps everything on the fly. However, there are subjects that he does with pleasure; he should not be forced to do something against his will; he will do everything himself later.

“Winter” Nikita, especially “December”, does not like to write essays, not because he doesn’t know how, it’s just hard for him to put his thoughts on paper, it’s easier to tell it all. He is a complex, emotional boy, restless. It is difficult for him to do one thing. It is important for him to alternate mental stress with physical stress. Nikita enjoys riding her bike all day, watching cartoons, war films, and programs about animals. He is too energetic, his energy is looking for a way out, if he is limited in something, he can play pranks out of spite, do what his parents don’t like. He is persistent and stubborn. Outwardly he looks like his mother, but his character is that of his father. Growing up, he becomes self-confident, knows his worth, is able to achieve great success, and is purposeful.

“Spring” Nikita is selfish, easily wounded, and squeamish. He takes criticism painfully and does not tolerate comments, although in his heart he agrees that he was wrong. The spirit of contradiction lives in him. He is able to admit his mistakes himself, but if someone points out these mistakes to him, he will vehemently defend his rightness. Parents should carefully lead him to think about whether he is doing the right thing, to make him think about what is happening. All his life he searches for the truth, does not rush to conclusions, is able to put himself in the place of another in order to understand problems. Philosophical nature, very spiritual. He has a literary and artistic gift. Able to deeply empathize. He is very attached to his parents and always finds support in them.

“Summer” Nikita is multi-talented. He loves nature and animals very much. Good-natured, altruistic to some extent. Specific, fair. Somewhat slow. Can't stand pressure, has been too independent since early childhood. He does not know how to adapt to anyone, he is proud and independent. Having started a family, he does not strive to establish his leadership; all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife, but in work he will not allow anyone to be ahead. He is obsessed with ideas, knows how to implement them, easily takes responsibility, and is not afraid of difficulties. Just like the “spring”, “summer” Nikita is a vulnerable person, he is easy to offend, he does not show it outwardly. He is very sociable, willing to make new acquaintances, and has a great understanding of people. As a child, it is very difficult to determine what he is more inclined to - how versatile his interests are. Parents should not direct his abilities in any particular direction; Having matured, he will find his place without much difficulty.

“Autumn” Nikita is the most unique personality of all Nikitas. All abilities are embodied in him. He is a writer, a musician, a dancer, an actor, a director, an artist, a mathematician, a physicist, and a chemist. Everything comes very easily to him. A favorite of the public, not a single celebration is complete without him, he is in great demand among girls, his friends are jealous of each other, everyone wants to get more of his attention than the rest. Nikita is very reasonable, purposeful, and practical. He knows how to give practical advice and support his neighbor at the right moment. Charming, witty, resourceful.

The patronymics that suit “winter” and “autumn” Nikita are: Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Viktorovich, Antonovich, Maksimovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Veniaminovich, Anatolyevich, Vyacheslavovich, Borisovich, Leonidovich, Stepanovich.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 2

Ancient Greek origin: winner. These are men who know their worth. They are selfish and purposeful, they choose a goal for themselves and follow a direct path to it. They do not like to be commanded, they are persistent, stubborn and at the same time sensitive and vulnerable.

Outwardly they look like their mother, but their character is that of their father.

Their family life is difficult, but, loving their children, they prefer not to get a divorce. Very devoted sons.

These men have talent from God. They are leaders, however, this does not apply to seed life. They have few friends, Nikita lacks diplomacy, does not want to adapt to anyone and does not tolerate anyone's superiority.

“Winter” people are difficult to communicate with and are big debaters. They are hardworking and think through their plans down to the smallest detail. They do not tolerate long conversations on the phone.

“Summer” people are not very lucky in marriage, but they are patient. They love animals and often have a dog in the house. They like to go on business trips and drive their own car (but not repair it). Caring sons.

Ada, Veronica, Zinaida, Alla, Irina, Natalya, Lydia, Svetlana, Polina, Tatyana, Eleanor can become a good wife for Nikita, which cannot be said about Agnes, Anna, Vera, Albina, Galina, Glafira, Maya, Ekaterina, Marta, Tamara .

Meaning of the name Nikita option 3

Straightforward, specific. Despite their high sexuality, they are righteous and rich in their inner spiritual world. If they are modest, then they experience neuroses and deep depression on sexual grounds.

In early childhood they are sociable and affectionate. With age, good thinking, memory, and creative abilities are revealed, and for a gruelingly long time.

Unlucky marriages lead to children being born of different sexes, often girls.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 4

Nikita - from Greek. winner; decomposition Nikitin; vernacular Mikita.

Derivatives: Nikitka, Nika, Nikiha, Nikisha, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Olenka in diapers, Nikita at her tits.
  • Nikita was born into red tape.
  • If the ice does not go on April 16-17, then the fishermen will not see their catch.
  • September 28 - Nikita the goose fly, Nikita the reporez, goose fly, hussar. This day has so many nicknames because they start cutting turnips and killing domestic geese; and at this time wild geese are preparing to travel to the southern regions.


Nikita was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, he persistently moves towards his goal. Nikita is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father’s advice. A very talented, hardworking, charming person. Women easily give him their hearts, but Nikita just as easily parts with the vanquished in order to achieve new victories. True, deep down this Don Juan is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 5

NIKITA- winner (Greek).

Name day: April 17 - Hieromartyr Nikita the Albanian, Slav, labored in the Russian-Athos monastery; For preaching Christ and denouncing Mohammedanism, he was subjected to terrible torture and strangled.

June 6 - The Venerable Nikita the Stylite, Pereyaslavl miracle worker, in the world was a tax collector and a great sinner, then he repented, became a monk and labored on the pillar; cast out demons and healed the sick through prayer. Killed by robbers in 1186. September 28 - The Holy Great Martyr Nikita the Warrior, for the faith of Christ, after suffering, was thrown into the fire, but did not burn; buried by Christians in 372.

  • Gemini.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • The treasured plant is the bellflower.
  • The patron of the name is the hedgehog.
  • Talisman stone - garnet.


Nikita has known her worth since childhood. He is selfish and purposeful, and, having chosen a guiding star for himself, he goes to it without doubt or hesitation. He does not like to be commanded, is persistent, stubborn - and at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. Typically hardworking and talented; he is a leader, but he has few friends: he does not tolerate anyone’s superiority except that of his father. He is a man of concrete business, cannot stand empty chatter and boasting, Nikita has a charm that is detrimental to the weaker sex, but for him a woman is only fun, like a beautiful cat.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 6

Nikita looks like his mother. A characteristic feature of a person with this name is lack of composure. It is impossible to force Nikita to focus on one thing, but you can interest him.

Lack of composure is, as it were, a measure of his actions and actions and even, to some extent, predetermines his fate.

Nikita takes on several things at once, but is unable to complete any of them. He is easily carried away by some idea, but just as quickly cools down, although considerable effort and money have already been spent. More active in words than in deeds. Scatteredness prevents Nikita from completely concentrating on one thing: today he is passionate about yoga, and tomorrow he practices karate with the same zeal; studying in the third year of a technical university, he can become passionate about acting or archeology, transfer to other educational institutions, etc. He is talented and can succeed equally anywhere. The problem is different: where to stop? Nikita is just as changeable in his sympathies and affections. He is kind, but quick-tempered and at the slightest dissatisfaction he can instantly destroy previous relationships.

In marriage, a woman should not count on Nikita’s constancy, although he can be a touchingly tender and caring husband and a good father.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 7

Nikita, translated from Greek as winner, was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, he persistently moves towards his goal.

He is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father’s advice. Nikita is a very talented, hardworking, charming person. Deep down, he is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

Meaning of the name: Nikita is translated from ancient Greek as “winner.” Origin of the name: Nikita is of Greek origin. The patron saint of the name is St. Nikita the Confessor, who has been confessing to people for many years. In Christianity he is canonized. In Western Europe, the name Nikita is quite common among women.

Other forms: Mikita, Nikita, Nikitos, Niko, Niki.

February – 13th; March – 4th; April – 2, 16th; May – 13th, 17th; June – 5th, 10th, 30th; July – 4th, 7th; September – 22nd; October – 26th; December – 30th.

Characteristics of the name

People named Nikita are purposeful, selfish, never give up when difficulties arise, always confidently go and achieve their goals. These are men who know their worth, they are persistent, stubborn, but at the same time vulnerable and sensitive.

From early childhood, Nikita's character shows selfishness; he wants to be the center of attention from his parents, and in his absence he can show uncontrollable hysterics. Boys with this name are very capable, have a good memory, and show interest in learning and various sciences. Very often they please their parents with good grades. As a child, Nikita is a very cheerful child and strives for leadership among his friends. He is active in sports games, but in his free time he likes to be creative. Having matured, Nikita turns into a confident man, he is independent and persistent. Outwardly similar to his mother, but has his father's character. Nikita is hardworking and always sets goals for himself.

Personality of the name Nikita

Nikita is a balanced person with a strong character, his tenacity and determination can be envied. He never deviates from his plans, always purposefully moving towards his intended goal. Loves to help another person, but to do this you need to ask him for help.

In addition to strong character traits, Nikita is vulnerable and sensitive, he is easily offended. By temperament, he is reserved, cold, it is very difficult to independently guess his thoughts and emotions. Nikita has few friends; his egoism will not allow a person stronger than him to be next to him.

“Winter” Nikita – capable, reasonable, persistent, stubborn; “Autumn” is capable, reasonable, practical, purposeful; “Spring” Nikita is selfish, touchy, squeamish; “Summer” is talented, good-natured, fair, a little suspicious.

Fate of the name

Nikita's fate depends on his parents' upbringing of their goals and objectives. Little Nikita is a creative person, he loves to draw, read, and play with friends. At school he is an excellent and capable student, his teachers love him. Nikita has been selfish since early childhood, he loves a lot of attention, is a little capricious and hysterical. His egoism is aimed at attracting the attention of other people. It is this character trait that manifests itself in his behavior and manner of communication. Men with this name are quite attractive, they know how to impress a woman, they have good taste, and they love beautiful and original gifts. Nikita is hardworking, has amazing abilities in work, he can work in any field. Nikita is especially close to professions related to creativity; he can be an artist, writer, or musician. Responsible professions are also suitable for him: banker, businessman, programmer. Nikita likes temperamental women, but he is often unlucky in family relationships. Nikita chooses a bright, creative woman as his wife. It is very important for him that his wife obeys him, because it is very difficult to convince him of anything. If he sees that a woman does not support his opinion, or wants to change his plans, he immediately begins to show rudeness in conversation. Living with Nikita is not easy; he is not a constant person in a relationship, so it is very difficult for a woman to rely on him. However, Nikita loves children very much and always maintains good relationships with them, even when she does not live with their mother. Nikita's health is good. However, he needs to avoid physical and psychological stress, not abuse alcohol and take care of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Positive traits of the name

By nature Nikita is independent, purposeful, fair. Loves small children and animals. As a child, he does not give his parents any trouble; he loves outdoor games and sports. Nikita is smart and diligent, knows how to take care of himself. He prefers to be a leader in any business and always achieves the desired goal. He has a well-developed imagination.

Negative traits of the name

Nikita is stubborn, serious, selfish. He does not tolerate the success of others and always strives to surpass his friends. Compatibility of names Nikita In family life, Nikita does not know how to compromise; he refuses to listen to the opinion of his wife, which is why they often quarrel or disagree.

Nikita can have a successful marriage with Alla, Claudia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Svetlana. Difficult relationships with Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Irina, Nika.

Name - Nikita: kind, beautiful, gentle and unusual! The meaning of the name Nikita attracts him to purposeful activities.

He will not create workarounds to achieve the goal, but will move forward, without doubting the right choice of decisions and means. This is a self-centered and attractive person who is endearing with talent and hard work.

Finding out what the name Nikita means, we discover that its origin is ancient Greek, and we assume the following interpretation: “to win”, “winner”, “victorious”. Throughout his life, a person named Nikita will strive for victory. He has all the abilities for this. Having studied the interpretation of the name, we can conclude that he is a purposeful man who knows his worth.

On the one hand, he is stubborn and selfish, and on the other, he is a receptive, sensitive man with a vulnerable soul.

Nikita's patronymics are: Alekseevich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Viktorovich, Maksimovich, Anatolyevich, Vyacheslavovich, Borisovich.

The meaning of patronymics: Nikitich and Nikitichna - talk about the secrecy and cunning of their representatives. When communicating with them, you will not understand what they are happy about and what worries them, since they are used to keeping their emotions under control.

Would you name your child this name?

In past centuries, names did not gain a place of honor in the world of destiny. This statement confirms the fact that when in the 30s of the last century people were given the opportunity to change their names, one of the first complaints that was abandoned was Nikita. Now this name is back in fashion.

The origin of the name Nikita is indirectly related to the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike, from whom it originated.

The secret of Nika's origin says that she is a young goddess who granted everyone good luck and victory in any matter. Nika stood out on Mount Olympus with courage, fortitude, and goodwill unusual for women, but the main traits of her character were honesty and justice. The owner of the name Nikita also corresponds to these characteristics.

Historically, a prominent representative of this gift of criticism is Saint Nikita the Confessor. He, being the abbot of the Midice monastery, performed the sacraments of repentance and cleansed parishioners from sins.

Nikita of Midiki preached spiritual values ​​and Christianity, and was considered one of the saints.

The history of the name Nikita is closely connected with such famous personalities as Nikita Khrushchev, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, and many others.

Name forms

Full: Nikita Affectionate: Nikitushka Brief: Nick Vintage: Nikita

Since childhood, Nikita has been accustomed to independence and does not cause concern to his parents. Nikita is hardworking and talented, and the secret of his name tells of his practicality, but restlessness.

It is impossible to raise such a child by force, because he can withdraw into himself.

The characteristics of the name Nikita speak of a purposeful and independent man who strives to reach unprecedented heights! But Nikita's persistence and stubbornness masks his lonely and vulnerable soul.

Having decided on his position in life, the owner of the name Nikita strives for a specific goal, and progressively moves towards his dream, without wasting extra time on idle entertainment.

He is able to reach heights in his chosen profession; he can become a traveler, politician or director.

According to Nikita’s characterization, such a man strives for honor, fame, admiration and power, and, driven by the goal and the task at hand, he uses all his capabilities. He can go into business and is able to develop options for increasing personal capital. Men named Nikita have all the prerequisites to become a successful entrepreneur or economist, public figure or popular actor, talented artist or successful writer.

Having read Nikita’s characteristics, we can draw a sad conclusion that the owner of such beautiful and extraordinary charisma has a small circle of friends.

Despite this premature conclusion, Nikita values ​​friendship so much and knows how to attract people to herself that she will always come to the aid of a friend in trouble and will not refuse to help a comrade. Nikita will not conflict, but if his rights to leadership are affected and his freedom of choice is deprived, he loses control over himself..

Nikita has the character traits inherent in leaders, although he is weak-willed. But he, on the contrary, does not tolerate being commanded, does not know how and does not strive to adapt to others, and the superiority of others irritates him extremely. The Nikita man is suspicious and takes small and imaginary problems to heart.

Nikita does not show initiative, values ​​constancy, and does not like changes in life. But an unexpected impulse may flash in his head, which can dramatically change his fate. This is temporary, because Nikita perceives new ideas and projects with caution, carefully considering any decision.

The character of the name Nikita is balanced and calm.

He is silent and does not immediately make contact with strangers. To start a serious relationship, he needs an adaptation period.

In an unfamiliar society, Nikita is a quiet and reserved person, and therefore his colleagues use his gentle character for their own purposes. People appreciate him for his kind and sympathetic nature. And although he is sometimes quick-tempered, this does not bring much concern to those around him.

Nikita is a practical person, and because of this, luck rarely accompanies him. He does not like flattery and lies, lengthy negotiations and useless chatter.

Character traits





Hard work


Excessive seriousness

Obsessive diplomacy


The name Nikita is associated with a charming man. A sort of ladies' man, he does not value women and breaks up with them without regret, perceiving them as a beautiful addition to the interior.

Nikita's ideal compatibility is with an intelligent and beautiful, tactful and correct woman. He builds family relationships with difficulty, because he does not know how to compromise.

Difficulties and quarrels often arise in his family. In marriage, Nikita the husband occupies a subordinate position, he is henpecked, but to spite his wife, he does not deign to pamper her with constancy and devotion. One joy is the children whom Nikita will love more than himself.

A man named Nikita is true to tradition: he loves his parents, recognizes the superiority of his father, looks like his mother, and is a devoted and caring son.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a boy

The origin of the name Nikita is associated with the ancient Greek goddess Nike and translated means “winner”, “victory”. The name has become famous in Russia since ancient times, and is now experiencing the peak of its popularity.
The meaning of the name gives the child balance, hard work, and determination.

Nikita creates the impression of a cheerful, mischievous, creatively developed, bright boy. He has a proud nature.
Often the child shows selfishness. His behavior is aimed at looking decent in the eyes of others. He is practical and has leadership qualities. Cannot stand superiority over oneself.

What will Nikita achieve success in?

There is no need to scream or physically punish the boy. He may become withdrawn, vulnerable, and there will be a risk of nervous diseases. Nikita finds it difficult to resolve issues on her own. Parents are obliged to help him cope with his childhood problems. Direct his inexhaustible energy into a peaceful direction.

What games will Nikita like?

The child loves to ride a bike. He watches cartoons and TV shows about animals. The boy is attached to pets and prefers large dogs. Enjoys playing with cars and strives to drive a car.

Winter Nikita has a rather complex character: for example, it is often difficult for him to concentrate on any one thing, because he is restless and impulsive. His stubbornness, determination and perseverance help him achieve great success in life. Winter Nikita cannot be limited in his actions and influenced by shouting and rough treatment, since he will withdraw into himself.

Spring Nikita - a selfish and easily wounded nature, sensitive to criticism and comments. He has a philosophical mindset and is constantly in search of truth. Nikita, born in spring, is good-natured and sensitive, so he often perceives other people's problems as his own. He is capable of deep empathy, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state.

Summer Nikita very talented and versatile. He is good-natured and does not seek his own benefit from communicating with people. His fairness, self-reliance, pride and independence often prevent him from making a brilliant career, despite the fact that this person is very responsible and disciplined. Summer Nikita is sociable, attentive and courteous with women who do not deprive him of their attention. In family life he is rarely a leader.

Autumn Nikita - this is a truly unique personality, the embodiment of a rational principle and a creative component. All his endeavors are doomed to success, and he easily finds a common language with people, which is why he has a huge number of friends. Autumn Nikita has such qualities as prudence, determination, practicality, charm and wit.

Stone - talisman

Nikita's talisman stones: garnet, carnelian, fire opal.


This is a stone that gives vitality and energy, instills optimism and helps overcome difficulties. In addition, the pomegranate is considered a talisman for lovers, symbolizing strong friendship, passionate and happy love.

A red stone imparts calmness, prudence and wisdom, but a green garnet teaches you how to properly organize your daily routine and distribute funds.

Interesting fact! Pomegranate brings good luck and success to energetic and emotional people, while, on the contrary, it will exhaust the uninitiated and lazy owner mentally, which is fraught with serious nervous disorders.


This is the strongest love talisman that can enhance passion and love attraction. In addition, this stone protects against envy and damage, attracting prosperity, calmness and prudence to its owner.

Fire opal

This is a stone with a dual attitude towards it: for example, Europeans consider it a symbol of love, luck and hope, while residents of the East identify opal with disappointed hopes and a waste of time to achieve an ephemeral dream.

This mineral, which protects against the evil eye and witchcraft, opens the gift of clairvoyance. But it is recommended to wear it only for creative individuals with a strong character, while for weak and melancholy people this talisman will only bring misfortune.






The happiest zodiac signs for Nikita are Sagittarius and Gemini (you can read about these signs in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).

Animal - symbol

Nikita's symbolic animal is a hedgehog.

The hedgehog symbolizes self-defense, since when in danger it curls up into a ball, exposing its sharp spines. Our ancestors attributed to the hedgehog the ability to drive out evil spirits and fight witchcraft.

Easterners consider the hedgehog a symbol of wealth, openness, and friendliness. However, in the Christian tradition, this animal is the personification of greed, hot temper, greed, gluttony and anger.


Plants that bring good luck to Nikita are ash and bluebell.


This plant is a symbol of strength, life, renewal, fertility and immortality.

Ash is a primordial masculine plant, because weapons were made from it, so the tree itself personifies masculinity, strength, war and revenge. It was also believed that this tree contributes to the development of the gift of clairvoyance, since it is a connecting link between heaven and earth, between the material and spiritual worlds.

An ash amulet protects against evil spells and negative influences from outside.


This beautiful and delicate flower is a symbol of talkativeness, frivolity and carelessness. In addition, the bell is the personification of friendly communication and noisy companies.

In the Christian tradition, the image of this plant is symbolically emphasized and resembles a church bell. For this reason, the bell is considered a symbol of spirituality and love.


The metal that brings good luck to Nikita is silver, which protects against vicious thoughts and actions. This metal, symbolizing fidelity, friendship and love, protects against evil spirits and damage.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that kitchen utensils made of silver can protect water and food from the negative effects of microbes harmful to the body.

However, this metal also has a negative property: for example, people whom it protects often have character traits such as greed and idolatry.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Nikita

Name translation

The name Nikita is translated from Greek as “winner”, “victorious”.

History of the name

The name Nikita, which was popular back in the days of Kievan Rus, has ancient Greek roots. The most famous “ancient” owner of this name is the Byzantine writer and historian Niketas Acominatus (or Choniates), from whose pen the work “The History of the Greek Emperors” was published.

Today the name Nikita is one of the three most common male names.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most used forms of the name Nikita: Nik, Nikitka, Mitya, Nikusya, Nikusha, Kesha, Nikitochka, Mikitka, Kita.

The legend of the name Nikita

There is a legend about the Monk Nikita the Confessor, who was raised by his pious grandmother, since his mother died soon after his birth, and his father became a monk. It was his grandmother who instilled in him the love of God, to whom he decided to devote his life, for which he took monastic vows at the monastery of St. Nicephorus.

Monk Nikita led a truly righteous and humble life, thanks to which, after seven years in the monastery, he was elevated to the rank of priest. Moreover, he became the right hand and deputy of the old and sick Nikifor, after whose death the monk Nikita became the abbot (abbot) of the monastery.

God gave the Monk Nikita the ability to heal people from ailments and expel unclean spirits from their bodies. According to legend, the reverend father restored the gift of speech to the mute and treated mental confusion and many other diseases.

He suffered many persecutions, insults and torments from the iconoclast king Leo the Armenian, but these trials did not break his faith and spirit. Confessor Nikita spent the last years of his life in complete silence in the desert located near Constantinople.

The secret of the name Nikita

Patrons of the name

  • Venerable Nikita the Confessor.
  • Hieromartyr Nikita the Slav.
  • Venerable Nikita the Stylite (or Pereyaslavsky).
  • The reclusive bishop Nikita of Pechersk (or Novgorod).
  • Hieromartyr Nikita the New.
  • Confessor and Archbishop Nikita of Apolloniad.
  • Hegumen Nikita of Midiki.
  • Rev. Nikita Nifont.
  • Venerable Nikita of Chios.
  • Confessor Nikita of Chalcedon.
  • Martyr Nikita Nirossky.
  • Bishop Nikita of Remesiansky.
  • Hieromartyr and scribe Nikita of Constantinople.
  • Great Martyr Nikita Gotfsky.
  • Venerable Nikita of Constantinople.
  • Hieromartyr and Bishop Nikita Pribytkov.
  • Hieromartyr and Bishop Nikita of Orekhovo-Zuevsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Protodeacon Nikita Almazov.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 3rd number.

February: 13th.

March: 4th number.

April: 2nd, 16th and 17th.

May: 13th, 17th and 27th.

June: 2nd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 30th.

July: 4th and 7th.

September: 22nd and 28th.

October: 26th.

December: 30th.

Famous people

Famous political figures named Nikita:

  • Prince and Voivode Nikita Odoevsky;
  • Prince Nikita Trubetskoy;
  • Decembrist Nikita Muravyov;
  • Nikita Khrushchev.

Famous actors named Nikita:

  • Nikita Mikhalkov;
  • Nikita Mikhailovsky;
  • Nikita Efremov;
  • Nikita Dzhigurda.

Nikita Bogoslovsky - Soviet composer.

Nikita Dolgushin - Soviet ballet dancer and outstanding choreographer.

Nikita Presnyakov - singer (son of Vladimir Presnyakov).

The meaning of the name Nikita

For a child

Little Nikita is an inquisitive, calm and cheerful child who grasps new information on the fly. However, parents should take into account the fact that shouting, rudeness and the use of physical force as punishment can lead to the boy becoming stubborn and withdrawn. Encouragement and affection are the levers through which you can influence Nikita.

Even in his childhood, Nikita is in no hurry to let people get close to him, so he doesn’t have many friends, despite his sociability. Trust is the foundation on which his relationships with others are built.

Nikita is a real intellectual with an excellent memory, who is interested in everything and everyone, but it is quite difficult for him to concentrate his attention on one thing, and he prefers to combine his studies with walks and games. His seriousness, poise and patience help him gain the respect of both his classmates and teachers. The boy also has a developed creative streak: for example, from early childhood he writes poetry and composes amazing stories, which he happily transfers to paper.

But what little Nikita lacks is self-confidence, so it is extremely difficult for him to make this or that decision (often he turns to his parents for help, who must teach their son independence).

In general, the boy’s contradictory character combines determination and self-doubt, calmness and excessive impulsiveness, generosity and rancor, stubbornness and vulnerability.

For a teenager

Having matured, Nikita becomes more decisive and self-confident, which will subsequently help him make a brilliant career and simply establish contact with others. His balanced and fair character becomes the foundation on which Nikita builds strong friendships. His opinion is often authoritative, and he never tries to impose it on others. It is not surprising that Nikita has many friends who should remember that excessive praise of his positive qualities can lead to the development of vanity and narcissism in Nick (this is what Nikita is often called in his youth).

By nature, Nikita is a leader, so it is extremely important for him to always be the best in everything. At the same time, he should learn to treat himself with humor, otherwise it will be difficult for him to avoid many mistakes in life.

Among Nikita’s negative qualities the following can be noted:

  • pride;
  • self-centeredness;
  • intransigence;
  • impatience;
  • vulnerability;
  • impulsiveness.

His straightforwardness can also create many problems: for example, Nikita can sharply and rudely express his opinion, without thinking that his words may offend a person.

It should be noted that youth is the most difficult period in Nikita’s life (this is the time of searching for oneself and one’s niche in society). But the whole point is that he prefers to learn from his own mistakes, rather than from those of others, while he rejects any offered help.

For a man

Adult Nikita knows his own worth, so he will not tolerate being commanded or pressured. His persistence and stubbornness help him achieve career heights, but prevent him from starting a family. Nikita's leadership qualities must be constantly fed with flattery and praise, and this applies to both work and family relationships.

Nikita has a cheerful disposition, he loves friendly gatherings and noisy parties, and his friends tell jokes about his passion for travel. His charm and charm contribute to the fact that Nikita has no shortage of fans: women fall in love with this impressive and creative man at first sight. Nikita is able to create mystery and mystery around his person, which undoubtedly attracts the fair sex.

It is important for Nikita to make a favorable impression on those around him, who are simply obliged to admire his merits. Otherwise, he will withdraw into himself or will look for a society in which he will be “appreciated.”

In general, Nikita gives the impression of a gentle, good-natured and unforgiving person. But don’t expect him to open his soul to you, because he is controlled by reason, not emotions. In addition, a man with this name is rightfully considered to have a tough and uncompromising character.

Description of the name Nikita


Nikita can safely be called a moral person who builds his life in such a way that his children and grandchildren can be proud of him. He always defends his principles and views on life to the end, regardless of whether his opponent likes his position or not.


Nikita has good health, the condition of which he carefully monitors. Although he is not a fan of physical activity, he tries to lead an active lifestyle, so even in old age he remains in good shape.

He needs to pay special attention to the cardiac system: for example, stress and overwork can lead to heart attacks, stroke and increased blood pressure.


Easy to talk to, charming and cheerful, Nikita enjoys success with women, so he is not used to making special efforts to win over his next passion, who should be beautiful and smart. But still he is attracted to women whose hand and heart he will have to fight for.

Nikita is an amorous person, so his chosen one will have to make a lot of effort to constantly maintain interest in herself. And he most often treats a woman as just another amusement. But in fairness, we note that Nikita is always honest towards his woman, so if he stops loving, he will say so directly and will not torture himself or his partner.


Narcissistic and independent Nikita is in no hurry to start a family, taking a long time to choose a suitable wife. But if he really falls in love, he will certainly formalize the relationship with his soulmate.

However, his marriage is often not always successful, and his desire to rule and lack of diplomacy are to blame. From his wife, he demands complete concentration on the family and household, while his woman always has a strong and strong-willed character, and therefore will not put up with this situation. As a result, the family will either fall apart, or the wife will take the initiative into her own hands, and Nikita will only have to obey her will.

Family relationships

Nikita can hardly be called an exemplary family man, since the weight of his character will sooner or later be felt by all family members. Everyone must obey Nikita’s will unconditionally.

He is fickle in his affections, and therefore can cheat on his wife, but he will not leave the family, because he loves his children very much and will do everything so that they grow up in a calm and comfortable environment.

It is important that Nikita seriously cares about the future, and not only about his own: for example, he tries to provide financially not only for his family, but also for all his relatives.

If Nikita wants to create a strong and happy family, then, firstly, he should choose a gentle, affectionate and calm woman, whose priority is family, as his wife; secondly, you need to learn to be softer and compromise.


For Nikita, sex is not only a physiological need, but a whole ritual from which he receives true pleasure. He is an attentive and sensual partner who tries to give his chosen one unforgettable pleasure. Moreover, the degree of his satisfaction largely depends on how deep his love for his partner is.

Despite his amorousness, he classifies relationships as intimate only with a woman whom he has known for more than one day or even more than one week, and Nikita loves thoroughness in everything: for full sex there must be an appropriate environment and ambiance that is conducive to intimacy.

Mind (intelligence)

Nikita has a sharp mind, excellent memory and the ability to think analytically. He not only thinks through his plan of action down to the smallest detail, but also knows how to highlight the main thing.


Nikita is a purposeful and responsible man who gladly shows his leadership qualities at work, and often does this harshly, which is why he is considered a real tyrant. But he is fair and smart, so his opinion is always authoritative.

For the owner of this name, a creative profession is more suitable, in which he can discover more and more new facets every day. Nikita will make an excellent geologist, director, advertising agent, image maker, TV presenter, writer, journalist, photographer, artist, actor or musician. But if he chooses the path of a politician, public figure, lawyer, mathematician or engineer, he will also not be mistaken.


Despite the fact that Nikita is a man of not only words, but also deeds, he is not always ready to manage a business on his own due to his indecisiveness and self-doubt. At the same time, he has a negative attitude towards partnership, because he does not like it when his mistakes are pointed out to him or his point of view is imposed on him. But still, if Nikita can organize his business correctly and does not give up halfway, he can achieve success.


His hobbies are reading books and listening to his favorite music. He loves animals, so you can definitely meet a dog or cat in his house. In addition, he also gets pleasure from the process of driving a car, although he is unlikely to repair his “iron horse” on his own.

Character type

According to Nikita’s character type, he is most often melancholic (you can read about the features of this type of thinking in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Nikita is hot, impulsive and persistent. He loves praise, but knows how to distinguish flattery from well-deserved recognition of his merits. He will not tolerate two-faced people and flatterers in his environment.

This is a person who is used to calculating his every step, so any changes bring dissonance into his life. However, if necessary or under the influence of a sudden impulse, the uninitiative Nikita is capable of actions that can radically change his life.

Nikita's selfishness often hurts the feelings of those close to him, but don't expect the culprit to come with a guilty head: on the contrary, Nikita will be able to convince both himself and those around him that he is right.

In general, Nikita is a kind, gentle, unforgiving and hospitable person who strives to look after his family and patronize the weak. He is energetic and has an enviable sense of purpose, while his willpower is not always enough to complete the work he has started.


People named Nikita have well-developed intuition, which can transform into clairvoyance if directed in the right direction.

Horoscope named after Nikita

Nikita - Aries

This is an emotional, assertive and selfish nature that loves to be the center of everyone's attention. The main disadvantages of Nikita-Aries are tactlessness and persistence: thus, it will not be difficult or arrogant for him to impose his friendship or communication. This manner of behavior often repels people, so Nikita, born under this sign, has practically no real friends. He is also too pushy towards women, which can repel the fair sex.

Nikita - Taurus

This is a strong man who is stubborn and self-willed, purposeful and calculating. He is not used to deviating from the intended path and avoiding obstacles: Nikita-Taurus goes ahead, often without taking into account the interests of the people around him. Such egocentrism can harm both your career and building a happy family life. Nikita-Taurus is very amorous and loving, so he has countless novels, while he tries not to start a serious relationship.

Nikita - Gemini

The charm, charisma and intelligence of Nikita the Gemini help him achieve great heights in life. The main thing is not to overdo it in the desire to be the first and the best, otherwise you cannot avoid the development of such qualities as vanity and pride. Nikita-Gemini knows how to use his charm, so he basks in the rays of female attention, love and affection. But at the same time, he treats his companions carelessly, whose love he does not know how to appreciate.

Nikita - Cancer

Independence and pride are the character qualities that Nikita-Cancer cultivates in himself, not realizing that arrogance repels people, causing only irritation and hostility. For Nikita-Cancer, everything must be perfect: his appearance, his home, his work, and his beloved woman, whom he tries to “adjust” to his high standards. If this fails, he will break up with his beloved, no matter how deep his feelings are.

Nikita - Leo

This is an exalted, eccentric and witty personality who is always in the center of attention (and it doesn’t matter whether Nikita-Leo wants this attention or not). He knows how to manipulate people, so his life is often a bright kaleidoscope, full of idleness and fun. From his chosen one, Nikita-Leo demands not only complete obedience, but also praise of his virtues. In return, he will give his beloved incredible tenderness and love.

Nikita - Virgo

Pragmatism, prudence and restraint of Nikita-Virgo take precedence over his emotionality. He is always polite and benevolent, but you should not think that this person will allow himself to be offended (under the mask of good nature lies a strong-willed and strong personality, capable of much to achieve his goals). With women, Nikita, born under the sign of Virgo, is reserved and cold, because he is afraid of being disappointed in the relationship. In general, he is monogamous, so he has been looking for his soul mate for a long time.

Nikita - Libra

This is a pampered man, spoiled by female attention, who is extremely impressionable and emotional. Nikita-Libra has a refined taste; he is disgusted by everything connected with violence and human pain. Therefore, he will make an affectionate, caring and gentle husband who will try to protect his beloved from all troubles. But in the professional sphere, the gentleness of his character can only do harm.

Nikita - Scorpio

Nikita-Scorpio's impulsiveness and hot temper bring a lot of trouble into his life. He is irritable and prone to rash actions. In addition, he does not want and does not know how to hear other people, believing that only his opinion is true and undeniable. As a result, Nikita-Scorpio often changes jobs, and women are completely afraid of his difficult temperament. But if the partner can be lenient towards the manifestation of his character, then Nikita will become a sensitive husband and grateful friend for her.

Nikita - Sagittarius

He can confidently be called a person of mood, whose actions and reactions to what is happening around him are unpredictable. Nikita-Sagittarius is sometimes difficult to understand even for those closest to him, not to mention his work colleagues and acquaintances.

But the originality of his thinking and unpredictability make Nikita-Sagittarius an interesting figure for both men and women (the latter are attracted by his mystery, but at the same time they must come to terms with the fact that Nikita does not like to talk about his feelings, and is also in no hurry to show them ).

Nikita - Capricorn

Strength of spirit, masculinity and toughness are the main characteristics of Nikita-Capricorn, who prefers to build an impregnable fortress around himself. He is important, taciturn, restrained in expressing feelings and emotions. His woman should be a balanced, calm and homely person, unquestioningly accepting the fact that the head of the family is exclusively a man.

Nikita - Aquarius

This is a sentimental, sensual and insecure person who often judges people superficially. Nikita-Aquarius is a pessimist, for whom life is painted in dull gray shades. Even such a bright and bright feeling as love must, in his understanding, carry a connotation of suffering and doom. Nikita-Aquarius needs a cheerful woman with an active life position who can bring new positive emotions into his life.

Nikita - Pisces

This is a dreamer who is often dissatisfied with life and his place in it. He likes to engage in soul-searching and create problems where they do not exist. However, the philosophical attitude of Nikita-Pisces attracts women who, as you know, “love with their ears.” Only Nikita, even in relationships with women, is in an eternal search for ideal love, so he experiences truly deep feelings extremely rarely.

Compatibility of the name Nikita with female names

Nikita and Olga

This vibrant union, formed by people of different characters, is often successful and long-lasting. Thus, it is in the cheerful Nikita that Olga finds an outlet, while the practicality of the woman in this tandem guarantees the stability and well-being of the marriage.

Nikita and Anna

Nikita and Marina

This fragile union is bright and hot, it contains love, hatred, passion, and jealousy. The only thing missing in this tandem is stability and mutual understanding, which becomes the reason for the collapse of the relationship between Marina and Nikita.

Nikita and Maria

Both in this couple have a rather complex character, which at the beginning of the relationship gives them novelty and passion. However, subsequently, reluctance to compromise can destroy this tandem (especially if falling in love does not develop into love).
Maria - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Nikita and Svetlana

Absolute trust reigns in this union. Nikita and Svetlana understand each other without further ado and try to do everything possible to diversify their relationship. They have no time for quarrels, because both are moving towards the same goal - building a friendly family.

Nikita and Christina

This tandem is far from being called “ideal,” but as long as there are feelings between Nikita and Christina, they will cherish them. Both partners in this union have different temperaments and characters, principles and views on life, which will ultimately lead to the breakup of the couple.

Nikita and Victoria

Crazy love rules these relationships, but often the passion between Nikita and Victoria quickly cools down, not having time to develop into a long-term relationship. The independence and love of freedom of both partners also do not contribute to the stability and harmony of this union.

Nikita and Ksenia

Nikita and Evgenia

Nikita and Alena

Nikita, despite her practicality, knows how to surprise her beloved, which is appreciated by Alena, for whom it is extremely important that life be like a holiday. But this union may not withstand material difficulties.

Nikita and Margarita

Nikita and Valeria

This is a promising tandem working for the benefit of the family. Nikita and Valeria adore each other; it is extremely important for them to create a trusting atmosphere in the family.

Today we will give the meaning of the name Nikita, which, by the way, is of Greek origin and is translated as “winner.” In our country, boys began to be called Nikita in the very heyday of the Orthodox religion, along with other Byzantine names that are known and are very popular today, but at first only priests were called this way.

In the XIII-XIV centuries. A significant number of Russian public and government figures who held the rank of priest were ranked among the saints. In the 18th century The name Nikita began to be called for boys in ordinary families and remained so until the end of the 19th century. In the 30s of the last century, the name somewhat lost its former popularity, since it belonged to the category of simple ones, not at all related to the revolutionary movement.

And only in the 80s of the last century the name Nikita began to regain its popularity. History knows many outstanding people who bear the name Nikita. Among others, we should note our composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, political figures Nikita Trubetskoy and Nikita Khrushchev, director Nikita Mikhalkov, actor Nikita Vysotsky. Let's consider how the meaning of the name Nikita affects the character of a man.

Characteristics of the name Nikita

A man named Nikitka is gifted by nature with amazing talents, as well as unpredictability; he is born with only one goal - to become a winner, a leader. A man named Nikitka is distinguished by an assertive, strong and balanced character; he likes to stand out among the gray masses, while feeling that he is chosen.

At the same time, the meaning of the name Nikita helps a man to realize his worth, to be purposeful, even selfish, to have the opportunity and be able to confront the entire society. A man named Nikitka realizes that he is the master of his own destiny, and therefore cannot stand dictatorship or pressure on his personality at all.

At the same time, he is quite reasonable and is sometimes able to listen to the smart advice of an outsider. Characterized by touchiness, it is difficult to get along with strangers, and will spend a long time looking closely at you. The man so named achieves his intended goal with all possible determination, steadily, persistently, sometimes going straight over his head.

A man named Nikitka understands perfectly well what he needs and is used to taking care of himself on his own, thereby not adding unnecessary trouble to his family. Sometimes, under character traits such as self-will and stubbornness, a man named Nikita hides a lonely, vulnerable soul.

The man named Nikita is not a diplomat, it is impossible for him to adapt, he always tries to “bend” the world around him to suit himself, but he himself bends with great difficulty. Therefore, Nikita has few friends, despite his charm, wit, resourcefulness, he is loved by the surrounding public, especially women.

In general, the meaning of the name Nikita endows this man with negative traits, which include firmness in judgment, straightforwardness and intolerance at a subconscious level of superiority of outsiders. A man named Nikita always tries to impress strangers, otherwise he will switch to searching for a society that would admire him.

Character traits

Another characteristic feature of Nikita is his lack of composure. The man, named Nikitka, has great difficulty collecting his thoughts and also focusing on something specific; the situation is similar with his sympathies and affections, in which he is also not constant. Such a man can easily destroy long-established relationships with one blow and end a long-standing romantic relationship.

In general, the man named Nikita is a gifted, attractive and hard-working man who is led by the brain, and not by emotional feelings. When performing any action, the man named Nikita is guided by reasonable arguments, to which he listens.

The man named Nikita can be described as an uncompromising, tough personality, who at the same time is a vulnerable, sentimental, deeply emotional person.

Nikita's childhood

Now let's look at how the meaning of the name Nikita for a boy affects his childhood. The child Nikitka is a cheerful, calm person, but since he was born to become a leader, already at this time leadership traits in his character are clearly manifested. The child is hardworking and moderately curious, and has significant creative potential.

A man bearing such a name has a willful spirit, for this reason it is not recommended to put pressure on Nikita, and it is necessary to achieve something with the help of persuasion and agreement. Nikita is just such a case when a child does not need to be raised, but slightly directed in the right direction, because the boy himself understands perfectly well what is truly best for him.

Parents during Nikitka’s school years do not experience any difficulties with their child, since any knowledge is given to the child with considerable ease. For the harmonious development of Nikita’s personality, the best option is to alternate mental stress with physical stress.

As a teenager, a guy named Nikitka is a very vulnerable person, so this age is the most difficult in his life. During this period, Nikita is looking for himself, his place in society, and such a choice will be difficult for him. Nikita's character will acquire such traits as eccentricity, excessive pride, and a significant amount of problems can be created by the boy's straightforwardness.

Nikita prefers to learn independently from his own mistakes rather than those of strangers, thereby gaining painful bumps. However, if Nikita’s parents show delicacy and sensitivity, the boy may listen to the advice given. Thus, the meaning of the name Nikita for a boy has a significant impact.

Nikita's intimate life

A man named Nikitka has sexuality, which is inherent in nature itself, and its awakening occurs very early. A man bearing the name Nikitka has no difficulty in conquering a girl; he has the ability to romantically court and express exquisite compliments. With ease, a man named Nikita can break a woman’s heart, doing it with simplicity and ease, while not feeling any remorse at all.

In general, the name Nikita, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, places serious demands on the appearance of the future passion; she must be characterized by impeccability. Nikita likes the girl’s simple attitude towards intimacy, her intelligence, and active intimate behavior.

A man named Nikitka can experience true affection for his partner only when he receives love and sexual pleasure from her. A man named Nikitka understands orgasm as the highest level of bliss, especially if he has some feelings for his partner.

Nikita's health

The man named Nikitka carefully monitors his own health, does not abuse alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, and tries to lead a healthy, intense lifestyle. For this reason, a man so named has every chance of living for many years to a ripe old age, without experiencing significant difficulties with his own health and body condition.

However, a man named Nikitka should be wary of overwork, control his own blood pressure, and also follow a proper diet. A man named Nikitka is predisposed to the formation of neurasthenia, so in all cases of life he strives for smooth and sensual comfort.

Compatibility, marriage and family

The rebellious, narcissistic Nikita, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is described, is in no hurry to embarrass his own person with family life. And even after getting married, he finds it difficult to fit into the category of an exemplary family man. Usually this man’s marriage is bursting at all the seams, which is explained by the love of a man named Nikita to use his power without any diplomatic deviations.

For the most part, Nikitas get married several times. At the same time, he does not like divorce proceedings, for this reason he strives to save the family by any means. Nikitas are not known for their constancy, so the main reason for divorce is his infidelity. However, the man himself is characterized by significant jealousy and will not tolerate flirting from his wife.

A significant reason for Nikita to preserve the family are the children to whom the man is attached. The man strives to do everything to ensure the calm growth of children in the most comfortable environment. A happy marriage is available to him with Polina, Svetlana, Natalya, Lydia, Lyudmila, Irina, Veronica and Alla. You need to be afraid of Tatyana, Ekaterin, Zhann, Galin, Valery, Angelique, Ann, Anastasy.

Career, business

A man named Nikitka is a gifted, talented person, and how his talents will be realized depends only on him. Today the name Nikita, the origin and meaning of which is described, makes a man very responsible and purposeful in achieving his goals, he is a complete workaholic.

Directly at the workplace, his leadership qualities are fully revealed, since Nikita’s opinion enjoys authority and carries high weight. Sometimes he chooses a creative profession, where he can achieve fame and fame.