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What can you take with you on a trip from food to the bus? What products to take with you on the road

Bus tours are one of the most budget-friendly types of vacation. That is why they are so popular among novice tourists: to see the cities of the Golden Ring or even more - Europe - in, let's say, a full-color version for the price of a three-day holiday on the Black Sea coast, somewhere near Anapa, is quite a tempting thing.

On the other hand, there are plenty of dangers and surprises awaiting you on bus tours. Which side of the scale will tip the scale is up to you to decide. So let’s not bore potential bus travelers with a long prelude and waste the time of those for whom such tours are categorically contraindicated. Let's start with the positive.

Advantages of bus tours

Price. Well, you definitely can’t argue with this: bus tours are truly the most budget-friendly travel option.

No, don’t rush to argue that the price for a seven-day holiday in Turkey is two times lower than a seven-day bus tour. The bus tour includes transfer, a large set of excursions, meals and hotel accommodation. During it you will explore several cities or even countries.

And for the amount for which you ended up on the coast of Antalya, all you can do is lie on the sand and admire the sea. And if you want active recreation, visiting antiquities, entertainment and good alcohol, you will have to pay another tidy sum on top of the ticket.

So the result remains unchanged: of all types of recreation, bus travel is the most budget-friendly.

Attractions. If your primary goal is to explore historical and modern sights, and not to serenely drink cocktails while lying on a sun lounger, then this is indeed a huge plus of such tours.

You will visit many interesting places, and during your travel you will have time to admire a variety of landscapes - none of this you will be able to do when purchasing a regular hotel tour.

Among the disadvantages of bus tourism:

Lack of comfort. Really. Rest, during which most of the time you have to think about which pretzel to twist your legs into in order to somehow stretch them, can be called comfortable with a big stretch.

Among the difficulties and hardships of this type of tourism there are also: poor nutrition, periodic lack of shower, lack of sleep due to night travel and lack of personal space.

Again, the severity of such hardships depends on the type of tour and the type of bus - the higher the class of the tour, the less inconvenience the transfers will cause you.

The above problems are solved and practically nullified if there are no night transfers in the tour program: this means that you will spend the night in motels and hotels. The level of service may also vary, but you will definitely have a horizontal bed and minimal amenities like a bathroom and dinner in a cafe.

Short tour dates. Bus tours really do not imply free use of your own time: in Italy they will take you at a run through the Vatican, in France they will rush you while visiting the Louvre, and in the Czech Republic they will not allow you to quietly snack on a dumpling somewhere on the Charles Bridge. Often you will move almost at a run, and in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold, and even when you have caught a slight cold.

No, of course, sometimes you will have two or three hours to walk, but not everywhere and not always. Sometimes tourists complain that they have to leave cities without visiting one or another attraction that they have dreamed of visiting all their lives.

The tourist bus schedule is quite tight: stay here late, don’t make it there, and the whole tour is down the drain. So if you are not one of those who values ​​punctuality and are not ready to stoically endure viewing the World Heritage from the bus window, such trips are not for you.

Here it is worth remembering that it is impossible to embrace the immensity. Are you ready to come to terms with this fact? Then you can think about taking a bus trip.

In addition (we don’t know whether to write this down as pros or cons, but the fact remains): for a long period you will have to stay in a group of unfamiliar people, among whom there may well be entities that are distant from you in character and therefore extremely annoying. No one is safe from noisy children, drunken men and aunts who are always dissatisfied with everything and everyone. So think three times whether your philanthropy will withstand this test.

The conclusion from all of the above suggests the following: if you are easy-going, easy-going and non-confrontational, and want to see a lot at once - bus tours are definitely for you. Go without hesitation!

A traveler's must-have, or what things you should take with you on board the bus to easily survive the move.

Documents and money. This is the most important thing you have on any trip. Your passport and insurance must always be with you. You can even put them in a separate small bag. The money should be divided into several parts and distributed among different bags. Just don’t put them in a suitcase, which you then check in as luggage. If you have an international card, still take cash with you. It is also advisable to have photocopies of all documents.

What does the concept of documents include?

  • passport with visa,
  • medical insurance,
  • bus tickets (plane, train),
  • driver's license + car documents and insurance (if you are driving your own car),
  • printouts of hotel, hostel, apartment reservations.

Pillow. In a sitting position, it is not so easy to find a comfortable sleeping position, which significantly overloads the neck. But the cervical spine should rest during sleep. If you don’t give him a break, then after a long bus ride or after an overnight transfer you will no longer have time for excursions. To avoid overloading your suitcase, buy an inflatable pillow.

Plaid. “Do you need to take a blanket even in summer?” – a friend asked me, getting ready for a tour of Europe. Yes, even in summer. Buses are often air conditioned. Moreover, while you can still do something with individual air conditioners, it’s unlikely to be possible with a general ventilation system. I most often take with me a thin sports towel from Decathlon - it is large, but curls into a small convenient “bun”.

Warm sweater. And the best thing is a bike with a hood. It should be taken for the same reason why the blanket appeared on this list. Don't underestimate the air conditioning of modern buses and the cold windows of budget cabs.

Food. Eating on the road is a separate issue. Have you already prepared sandwiches and chicken in foil? Why did you do this?

  • It is best to take light foods with you that will not cause digestion problems. Fruits or vegetables with thick skins (bananas, apples, pears, cucumbers), as well as mixtures of nuts and dried fruits, are excellent for this.
  • Bread should be replaced with bran bread or crackers.
  • Boiled eggs can only be taken on the road with their shells intact, and they must be hard-boiled.
  • Boiled potatoes will be stored longer if you boil them in their skins (foods boiled in water automatically become perishable).
  • Cheese or cold cuts should be vacuum-packed and eaten immediately after opening. Keep in mind that often meat and dairy products cannot be transported across borders, so they will have to be “liquidated” in their home territory (or not taken with them at all).
  • It is more convenient to transport juices and other drinks in single-use packages or small bottles. But this is not fundamental.
  • Try not to take too much “dry” food: cookies, crackers, chips.
  • Instant porridge and mashed potatoes are a convenient meal on the road, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them either.

Wet wipes
. How else are you going to wash your hands on the road?

Power bank (or external battery). Today, many buses already have sockets. In many, but not all. If the road ahead is long, it’s worth having a portable power supply on hand to recharge your gadgets on time and always be in touch. You never know.

Replacement socks. Imagine, you trampled foreign paving stones all day with your favorite sneakers, and then finally got on the bus, sat comfortably in a chair and took off your shoes. Have pity on your neighbors! A pair of replacement socks is unlikely to take up much space in your backpack.

  • A little more about clothing: it’s better to wear comfortable sweatpants on the bus rather than skinny jeans or dresses.

Travel set. Transfer toothpaste, a toothbrush and a small towel from your suitcase to your carry-on luggage. In Europe, gas stations and “mushroom” stops often have civilian toilets where you can brush your teeth and wash.

  • A complete travel kit also includes shampoo and shower gel. You can leave them in your suitcase, but in order not to carry liters of sewing and soap products, I advise you to pour them into small jars. Save a lot of space and lighten your luggage.

First aid kit. Do not leave a first aid kit in a suitcase that you are going to check in as luggage. When you get a headache on the road, a stomach ache, or get motion sick on a mountain serpentine road, you will understand why this advice is correct.

What should be included in a first aid kit (the drugs that I most often take with me are indicated in brackets; your list may be different).

  • Painkillers (No-shpa, Spazmalgon),
  • antipyretics (Paracetamol, Coldrex, Theraflu),
  • powders that relieve cold symptoms (ORVIcold)
  • lozenges or sprays for sore throat (Septolete, Ingalipt)
  • motion sickness remedies (Avia-More),
  • remedy for indigestion (Mezim),
  • food poisoning tablets (activated carbon),
  • anti-diarrhea medications (Smecta),
  • antiallergic drugs (Diazolin, Loratadine),
  • cream for sun protection or burns (Panthenol),
  • individual medications for chronic diseases,
  • patch.

Mask for sleep. This item is optional - for those who cannot sleep without a mask and at home. On the road, she is unlikely to save the situation. I usually don't take it.

  • Bus life hack: Sometimes bus seats not only recline, but also move further apart, resulting in more space between adjacent seats.

Notepad and pen. You just can't always rely on technology.

I'm like Monica from Friends - I love lists. Especially when it comes to travel. I have a universal list of what I need to take with me, which helps me out every time. I simply make a photocopy of the list and then cross off all the items on it as I move things into the suitcase. This helps you get ready quickly and not forget anything.

If you are too lazy to make lists or don’t know what you might need on the road, I can recommend several services that will take on the work of making lists.

www.v-dorogu.com – creates a list of necessary things based on where you are going, what you are driving, for what purpose and where you will be staying.

www.spisokvdorogu.ru – offers a universal travel list that can be adjusted. You can select ready-made lists depending on what holiday option you prefer or what country you are going to.

www.lifehacker.ru/special/travel-checklist – checklist from Lifehacker.

Bus tours in Europe have long occupied their large-scale niche in the domestic market of tourism services. Many of our fellow citizens, mainly those who are especially easy-going and prone to pleasant adventures (to which, by the way, I count myself), are happy to go on excursion-rich and completely easy-on-the-wallet trips to various countries of the world (Europe - in particular).

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Bus tourists(hereinafter referred to as “us”) are not stopped either by imaginary bus inconveniences, or long journeys, or numerous and, as a rule, long excursions. After all, the most important secret of a successful bus tour is our positive attitude throughout the trip. And in order for some everyday difficulties that could spoil our rest to not cause us inconvenience, we have learned to competently adapt to them.

Do you want to follow our example and spend unforgettable days in European countries and cities? Then our “tourist tips” and the list of necessary things that you should take with you on the road when traveling by bus will be very useful to you!

So what to take with you on the road?

For maximum comfort on the bus, your luggage must have a small pillow (the most convenient is an inflatable one in the shape of a crescent). In the cool season, don't forget to take a blanket.

Shoes It should be comfortable, as you will have to walk a lot. For cool evenings, you should take warm clothes, and for bad weather, a windbreaker and an umbrella. In winter - a hat, in summer - sunglasses. After all, as the Scandinavians say: “There is no bad weather, there is only the inability to adapt to it correctly.”

To take a shower at the hotel you must take rubber slippers(flip-flops). You should also take into account that soap and towels, as a rule, are present in all hotel rooms, but an iron, hair dryer and shampoo are not provided in all hotels. True, your own towel and bathing suit will be useful to you if your tour program includes visits to baths or water parks.

Before your trip, be sure to make your own personal first aid kit with the medications you usually use. Wet wipes for your hands are also very useful.

From products It is best to take dry soups, vegetables, fruits, sliced ​​bread, cheese and meat products in vacuum packaging, as well as tea bags, coffee, sugar.

During the hot season, we recommend taking your favorite cold drinks. beverages– mineral water, juices – for the entire route (5-10 liters per person), since they are much more expensive abroad. Water in plastic bottles can be “stored” in the luggage compartment of the bus, and you will not have to carry your water supplies from hotel to hotel.

Dishes It is best to take a light, unbreakable one. So that you can have a snack and drink hot tea in your room, you will need either a boiler or a small electric kettle (1-1.5 liters).

Don't forget all yours charging device for mobile phones and cameras, as well as spare film, cassettes, flash cards and batteries (if necessary), as well as a player, notebook and pen. If you take another small bag, you will not have problems with placing numerous purchases and souvenirs.

And, most importantly, don’t forget money. For personal needs (not counting optional excursions, which are better included in the amount of expenses in advance), it is recommended to have at least 100 euros per person in Eastern Europe and at least 300 euros in Western Europe.

Oh, yes... and still try to take as little unnecessary things with you on the road as possible (this already applies mainly to us, the fair sex), otherwise endless transfers from hotel to hotel will turn your trip into a nightmare.

Towels you don’t need to take them with you, since they will be in every hotel, and there’s no need to take an extra thousand.

Hairdryer, if you need a hairdryer, then you need to take it! It is not available in hotels.

What to take with you on the bus?

It is recommended to divide your general luggage into several bags so that one, small and compact, can be taken with you on the bus. Perhaps it will be a very popular beauty case today, which is offered complete with a modern travel suitcase - not so important. The main thing is that the bag you take into the cabin should contain the most necessary things on the bus, since access to the luggage compartment will be difficult until you arrive and check into the hotel.

Take with you on the road a pillow, wet wipes, some food, a bottle of water, a magazine or book, replacement slippers (you can use flip-flops prepared for showering), warm socks for the cold season, and glasses.

By the way, for long journeys it is better to choose clothes made from natural, wrinkle-free fabrics and forget about jeans, because if you have to sit and recline in them for a long time, the road risks turning into real hard labor.

How much money should you take with you?

Approximately the cost of your tour is a rough estimate. In more detail: You look at the tour program where excursions are described, as well as optional ones, indicating their cost, you decide which ones you will participate in, and how much you can spend or save.

First of all, you will expect expenses such as: payment for food, transportation, entertainment, souvenirs, etc. For a full meal in most European countries, you should reserve about 12 € (euro) per person; dinner without alcoholic drinks can cost a little more - 15-20 €. In Eastern European countries, prices are usually 2 times lower. Hotels may not always be located within the city, so you need to include about 40 € in your budget for travel on public transport. The cost of travel on public transport ranges from 0.8 to 5 €, depending on the country and city. The bus you are traveling on takes you to your hotels, where you can take sightseeing and optional excursions. You organize your free time at your own request and, of course, at your own expense. The tour operator from whom you are traveling reserves the right to replace the hotel with an equivalent one and prioritize excursions within the cost of the tour. The cost of entrance tickets to museums is from 2 to 20 €. Ticket prices for concerts and performances range from 25 € and above. We recommend having at least 300-600 USD with you. for personal expenses depending on the route you choose.

In total, you add everything up and get the amount you need to take with you!

You will also need to take more small money (euro) 1.5 - this will allow you to buy souvenirs without any problems and pay!

Private exchange offices charge commissions of up to 10%. In hotels, the commission rate is reduced to 5%. In banks, the commission rate is 2%. Banks and exchange offices are open on weekdays from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. It is recommended to change currency at exchange offices, as they have a more favorable rate. Commission fee from 1 to 10 percent. In exchange offices you should always ask how much money you will receive in return, even if a 0% commission is indicated. collection.
In order for you to feel comfortable in Europe, it would be good to have the currency of all the countries you pass through or the countries where you spend most of the tour, and, nevertheless, if you take the main amount in euros, try to have small bills . Please use the opportunity to exchange on the road, because... Upon arrival in the city, exchange offices may already be closed.
The money exchange system in Western Europe involves commissions. Therefore, try to find an exchange office with the inscription “No commission” (no commission), or inquire about the “pure” exchange rate, only after that you can make an exchange.

How much alcohol and cigarettes can you take with you?

It is allowed to transport 2 liters of alcohol and 2 packs of cigarettes across the border from Ukraine (all things are checked at customs), 4 liters of alcohol per person can be imported into Ukraine.- it is best to put alcohol andcigarettes from the top, so at the border they won’t check every thing. Although they can - especially on the Hungarian border.

Thus, if you adhere to all the tips and recommendations described above, you can spend time on the bus with pleasure and benefit for your horizons. This is what we strive for when going on bus tours, isn’t it?..

Have a nice trip!...

The most

Preparing for your bus trip in advance will help you avoid many inconveniences. The more details you provide, the easier and more comfortable it will be on the road. One of the most important things is proper wardrobe planning. We will help you in this matter.

First of all, you should sort the things that you will take with you on the bus. If you forget a warm jacket in your suitcase, then on the road no one will take your luggage out of the luggage compartment.


On the road you should take only loose clothing. Do not wear tight jeans, trousers, or tight shirts. You should also avoid models with large cutouts and irregular cuts. The simpler the T-shirts and sweaters, the more comfortable you will feel in the salon. You should select 3-4 pieces, starting from a T-shirt and ending with a jacket, which can be worn sequentially on top of each other. Each of these things should be able to serve as outerwear.

The wardrobe material you select for your trip should be completely natural or with a minimum content of synthetic fibers. Cotton, linen and viscose products are excellent for these purposes. This will allow your skin to breathe and will not lead to unwanted sweat odors.

Regardless of the time of year, be sure to take a warm sweater or jacket, since modern air conditioning in salons can significantly lower the air temperature even in the hottest time of the year. The same recommendation is given to all travelers who go to the mountains.

When creating your travel wardrobe, try to avoid massive jewelry, short skirts, wide belts and accessories with metal inserts. For example, one uncomfortable buckle can ruin your entire trip.

Thermal underwear

The main difficulty of traveling on a bus is the need to sit for a long time. For some passengers, this leads to exacerbations of chronic diseases or swelling of the legs. Thanks to modern textile manufacturing technologies, you can avoid the symptoms of circulatory congestion. Thermal footwear has a special fiber structure that enhances blood circulation and prevents the formation of swelling. It is designed specifically for people with a sedentary lifestyle or people with vascular disorders. If traveling by bus involves 10 or more hours of travel, then the best option would be to buy yourself thermal socks, thermal socks or gaiters. This will allow you to endure the trip more comfortably and avoid unpleasant swelling.


For bus travel, sneakers, soft slip-ons or comfortable espadrilles are best. Under no circumstances should you wear high-heeled shoes or tight-fitting shoes when traveling. After several hours of sitting motionless, swollen feet may simply not fit into the usual pair of shoes. So take care of this in advance.

Even with a well-chosen wardrobe, a warm blanket and a small pillow in the shape of a horseshoe will not hurt you. These two accessories are an essential attribute of regular bus travelers. The transport company “Viabona express” wishes you a pleasant journey.

Bus tours this is the most interesting type of tourism. During one trip you will have a unique opportunity to cross the borders of several states. You will be able to see the sights of European capitals, compare them, appreciate each on its merits and return here again. In order for you to have a good time while traveling, we have created this guide, in which we give you useful rules and recommendations.

Bus tours have their own specifics:

It is impossible to determine the exact time of arrival at the hotels due to the fact that during the trip we cross many borders, the time of passage of which cannot be accurately determined. Weather conditions, traffic jams and traffic congestion, and border situations play a big role in bus tours. Therefore, we recommend that you be patient, don’t worry, and, of course, take an interesting book, a good magazine and your favorite videotape with you on the road. During the journey, the bus makes technical stops every 4-5 hours, the duration of which is regulated by international rules. The exact time of departures from cities, excursions, breakfast, and additional program is also announced by the group leader. This is the time that is MANDATORY. Organize and plan your time correctly. Try not to be late and arrive at the group meeting place at the appointed time, because the bus waits no more than 15 minutes, because... it is necessary to follow the tour program. Remember, late tourists catch up with the group on their own and at their own expense. The excursion program in the cities is conducted by both local licensed guides and our employees with extensive experience. Getting to know each other and walking around the city is not the equivalent of a sightseeing tour, i.e. the information is given briefly. Free time in cities is provided for sightseeing. Without plunging into the life of the city, without wandering around, without getting lost, without talking with local residents, you will not feel the atmosphere of countries and cities.

What are the restrictions?

If you are over 70 or overweight (clothing size greater than 56), tall (above 195 cm), then you should be prepared for some inconvenience when traveling on a bus. We also strongly do not recommend taking children under 5 years old on the trip. Attention! Due to the fact that some of our compatriots use inexpensive bus tours for the purpose of illegal emigration, please note that information about such tourists is immediately submitted to the police and embassy.

Who is an attendant?

An accompanying person is not only an employee of a travel company whose responsibilities include accompanying tourists on a bus along the route, organizing accommodation, transportation, crossing borders and ensuring meetings with guides, but also your assistant, who will always try to answer any question and solve any problems that arise.

What to take with you on the road?

Your luggage must include a small pillow, a blanket and comfortable shoes, as well as an umbrella for changeable weather. It is better to divide your luggage into several bags: with food and things you need on the bus, as well as things that you will only need at the hotel. The best products to take are dry soups, vegetables, fruits, sliced ​​bread, tea and coffee, packaged in bags, and refined sugar. You must have dishes with you. It is very convenient to use wet alcohol wipes when traveling. Take a personal first aid kit. When visiting the water park, you must have swimwear; on tours with seaside holidays, glasses and a hat are recommended for protection from the sun.

How to plan your expenses?

You paid the travel agency for the trip, but this is only part of your expenses. What other expenses await you? First of all, this is payment for food, transport, entertainment, souvenirs, etc. For a full meal in most European countries, you should reserve about 12 € (euros) per person; dinner without alcoholic drinks can cost a little more 15-20 €. In Eastern European countries, prices are usually 2 times lower. Hotels may not always be located within the city, so you need to include about 40 € in your budget for travel on public transport. The cost of travel on public transport ranges from 0.5 to 5 € depending on the country and city. The bus you are traveling on takes you to your hotels, where you can take sightseeing and optional excursions. You organize your free time at your own request and, of course, at your own expense. The company reserves the right to replace the hotel with an equivalent one and prioritize excursions within the cost of the tour. The cost of entrance tickets to museums is from 2 to 20 €. Ticket prices for concerts and performances range from 25 € and above. We recommend having at least 3 00600 USD with you. for personal expenses depending on the route you choose.

Border control and customs.

In each country you will go through customs and border control. When crossing the border, it is strictly prohibited to get off the bus, enter into negotiations with officials at the border, or take photographs or film a video camera. In this case, the cameras may be confiscated by border guards and cannot be returned. At border control, a foreign passport with the necessary visas is presented. If your passport and visas are in order, then you will pass border control, as evidenced by the stamp in your passport about crossing the border at this border point. If your passport is false or expired, as well as if your passport is missing a visa or contains erroneous data, which can happen, you may be removed from the route. At Russian customs, you, your luggage and your hand luggage are subject to inspection. At the same time, you present a customs declaration. At each border, the procedure for passing through customs and passport control is repeated. You can export up to 000 (with filling out a declaration), and up to 00 (without filling out a declaration) or the equivalent in any other currency, including Russian rubles, without a certificate. For the surplus, a certificate is required, which is obtained from any bank when purchasing currency. We recommend having an internal Russian passport or a copy of it with you. Since 2005, the import of animal products into the territory of EU countries (including Poland and Finland) has been STRICTLY PROHIBITED. For violation of the rules, customs will levy a fine.

Which currency is more profitable to take?

In order for you to feel comfortable in Europe, it would be good to have the currency of all the countries you pass through or the countries where you spend most of the tour, and, nevertheless, if you take the main amount in euros, try to have small bills . Please use the opportunity to exchange on the road, because... Upon arrival in the city, exchange offices may already be closed.

How to navigate the city?

If you get lost in an unfamiliar city in a foreign country, we recommend several options:
1. Take a taxi, for this you just need to know the name of your hotel and the street where it is located. When staying at a hotel, do not forget to take a business card or hotel brochure with you.
2. Get to a place from which you know the way.
3. Find out the way from passers-by or find your way on the map.

How to protect yourself from theft?

Almost every city has crime-prone areas that you simply don’t need to visit. They steal from tourists and in crowded places (in the subway, at train stations and while sightseeing), especially handbags. To avoid losing your money: do not keep all your cash together, break the amount you have into several parts and store it in different places. Do not carry money in open pockets or wallets in transparent bags; do not leave valuables and money unattended in a visible place in a hotel room, bus, or restaurant; You must always have your passport with you. REMEMBER that if you lose your passport, you will have to deal with its restoration at the Russian consulate on your own (the accompanying person has no right to violate the tour program) and at your own expense.

How to exchange currency?

Money is exchanged either in banks (savings banks) or in exchange offices. Small amounts can always be exchanged at the hotel for the first time, but the rate may be lower. Upon exchange, a receipt is issued. It is not recommended to exchange money by hand You may be deceived. The money exchange system in Western Europe provides for commissions (any). Therefore, try to find an exchange office with the inscription “No commission” (no commission), or inquire about the “pure” exchange rate. Only after this make a currency exchange.

If YOU fall behind the group...

It is sad. However, do not lose your head and panic. We considered the simplest case above. It’s worse if it happened outside the city or in another city. You will have to catch up with the group on your own. At such distances, a taxi will cost you a pretty penny, so you need to find a way to get there by train or regular bus. If you find it difficult to do this, then contact the police station or the Russian Embassy.

1. The bus will become a second home for you and your neighbors during the trip, so in order for the trip to pass in an unforgettable atmosphere, find a little patience, think not only about yourself, but also about others and concentrate your efforts on receiving only positive emotions .
2. We ask you to handle equipment on the bus with care, and put garbage in individual bags and throw it away in the parking lot.
3. Avoid walking around the bus while driving - in case of emergency braking, this can cause injuries and bruises and is strictly prohibited by traffic rules.
4. Unfortunately, toilets on buses have a limited capacity (about 20 liters), so they are intended for emergency situations, since on high-speed roads it is not always possible to stop immediately. In winter, the toilet can only operate at above-zero temperatures. Please use the restrooms in the parking lots. We recommend budgeting around 10 € for visiting the toilets along the way. In the toilet, you must throw paper and hygiene bags into the trash container and never into the toilet. It is strictly forbidden to stand with your feet on the toilet; a group of tourists is traveling on the bus, not just one person.
5. The shelves above the seats are intended only for light items: outerwear, pillows, blankets and washing supplies; heavy items may fall while moving and injure you or your neighbors.
6. If you need to recline the seat back, warn the neighbor behind you about this so that this does not come as a surprise to him. Try to do this smoothly so as not to cause injuries or bruises to tourists sitting behind.
7. You can use boiling water only with the permission of the group leader at a certain time (2 times a day). Since the capacity for boiling water is limited (about 5 liters), we recommend taking a thermos with you and periodically refilling it in cafes and hotels, but under no circumstances on the bus, think about your neighbors. Please note that in winter (at sub-zero temperatures) there may be interruptions in the supply of hot water. And don’t forget that excessive fluid consumption while traveling leads to swelling of the limbs.
8. It is strictly forbidden to place bags in the aisle. For traffic safety reasons, the passage must be free.
9. After 10 p.m., we ask you to remain quiet on the bus; your neighbors may need peace.
10. Drinking alcohol and smoking on the bus is strictly prohibited!
11. Please note that the bus makes stops in accordance with traffic rules. In large cities there are pedestrian zones where vehicle traffic is prohibited, so walking tours are held.
12. In European countries, the rules of conduct may differ slightly from those accepted in Russia, for example, you may
fine for throwing garbage (a cigarette butt), smoking in public places or crossing the road in the wrong place.

Tourists who grossly violate the rules of behavior on the bus and threaten the safety and good mood of others with their actions are disembarked without compensation for the cost of the trip.


1. Hotels must be kept quiet and clean, and household waste must be thrown into trash bins.
2. It should be borne in mind that hotel check-in is carried out after 14:00, and check-out time in most European hotels is 10:00 am, regardless of the time of arrival at the hotel.
3. If you use a minibar, telephone, or video channel in your room, do not forget to pay for these services at the reception.
4. Do not use excessive force when using the room equipment; treat it with care; the costs of compensating for possible damage can amount to a significant amount.
5. In many hotels during the autumn-winter season, the desired temperature in the room is set by a special thermostat on the heating radiators.
6. Remember, taking food away from the buffet (spoil the opinion of Russian tourists) is prohibited, otherwise hotels may impose large fines on violators.
7. Before you take brochures, postcards, etc. from the hotel stand, find out their cost.
8. You must come to breakfast at the time appointed by the group leader yourself.
9. Be attentive and try not to forget anything anywhere. The hotel administration, as a rule, is not responsible for the loss of valuables, money and documents left in the room.