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What is well water? Purifying water from a well: a review of the best and most effective methods. Is it possible to drink water before donating blood?

Update: October 2018

Water is a unique inorganic substance that determines the possibility of life on earth. It is a universal solvent, the basis for biochemical processes. The uniqueness of water lies in the dissolution of both organic and inorganic substances.

Water accompanies a person from birth to death. Back in school, we were taught that the human body consists of approximately 70% water. Accordingly, without this natural resource, human life is impossible.

What kind of water should you drink?

Water must be physiologically complete for health, that is:

  • have a natural origin from an underground source;
  • do not contain artificial additives;
  • not subject to deep purification by osmosis;
  • be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g/l).

Only drinking water of natural origin contains all the necessary macro- and microelements. This is the most valuable drink for the body, determining health! For information on how to properly drink water in the morning and what temperature the water should be, see the article

How healthy and safe is drinking water in Russia?

Modern purification and disinfection systems bring the water in our taps to safe levels in terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators. However, deterioration of the water supply leads to the fact that the water may contain excess iron, chlorine, and even organic substances and bacteria.

If water enters the water supply system from an underground source, this is a big plus. But most large cities receive water from above-ground sources - rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Yes, it reaches our taps after multi-stage purification, but its quality indicators are far from those of artesian water.

Boiled or raw?

Raw water is preferable for the body because it contains trace elements in the form of salts. It has a peculiar structure of arrangement of water molecules. I often call it alive, and for good reason - only such water helps cells regenerate and prevents the formation of free radicals. But it is not recommended to drink raw (unpurified) water due to the risk of harmful bacteria and toxic compounds in it.

Boiled water is not only useless, but also harmful. “Dead water” - some experts call it this frightening phrase:

  • when boiled, useful salts precipitate into an insoluble precipitate;
  • oxygen content is significantly reduced;
  • chlorine contained in tap water, when boiled, turns into toxic compounds leading to urolithiasis and cancer pathology (see);
  • The structure of water changed as a result of boiling contributes to the fact that within a day this water becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

But the issue of water safety does not go away - it is impossible to guarantee that raw water does not contain harmful microorganisms.

If, for safety reasons, you prefer boiled water, let the raw water sit for 2 hours, then boil and turn off the kettle at the very beginning of boiling: such water will be disinfected, and most of the minerals will remain in an accessible state for absorption. Drink only fresh boiled water, do not allow it to be stored or used for a long time.

What kind of raw water do you need and can you drink?

Tap water

This is raw water, purified at the water utility and brought to the requirements of regulatory documents. Not the best option for health. If there is no other option, then you can drink it after pre-treatment in one of the following ways:

  • boiling with mandatory adherence to the above recommendations;
  • filtering, which we will discuss below;
  • allowing to settle for 2 hours and then using only the top half of the liquid. But this method will not protect against germs and toxic substances.

Bottled water

This is raw water, industrially purified, but meeting all safety requirements. It is packaged both in large bottles and in plastic bottles, which are sold in stores. There are first and highest categories.

  • The first is artificially purified water (tap, from a surface reservoir) using the deep purification method
  • The highest is water from an artesian well, purified using gentle methods and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

How useful is it? When properly purified, such water is truly healthy and safe; it does not need to be boiled before use. However, manufacturers often skimp on water purification steps, with the result that the product sold is far from what the label promises.

How to choose a reputable manufacturer:

  • The longer a company is on the market, the more reliable it is;
  • A reputable manufacturer does not skimp on packaging;
  • There will always be a popular rumor about good water;
  • Advice for the most demanding customers - take the purchased water to a special laboratory and check its quality and safety.

Spring water

This is natural water that has undergone natural purification through layers of soil. Each spring is unique. As a rule, such water not only does not contain harmful impurities, but is also enriched with useful minerals as it passes through the soil. Of course, springs located near cities or within their boundaries are of little use. In Russia there are many springs protected by the state, the water from which deservedly belongs to the highest category. These water bodies have official passports and access is limited.

Spring water can also be seen in retail sales - the manufacturer packages it in the same way as bottled water. However, some of them, for the purpose of profit, sell ordinary artesian water, or even tap water, under the guise of spring water. To avoid being deceived, you should follow the recommendations regarding the choice of bottled water. Also, the specific location of water intake must be indicated on the bottle, i.e. spring.

If you take water from a spring yourself, do not forget to do it in a clean container and periodically check the quality of the water in the laboratory.

Mineral water

This is natural water with a high content of microelements and salts from deep layers of soil. Mineralization of water occurs when it passes through soil rocks. Based on salt content, mineral water is divided into:

  • medicinal (mineralization >8 g/l);
  • medicinal table (mineralization 1-8 g/l);
  • dining room (mineralization less than 1 g/l).

Which mineral water is best to drink?

  • Table mineral water. You can drink table water without any health risks. This water is especially good after prolonged exercise, during the recovery period after poisoning, diarrhea, and acute intestinal infection. But still, you shouldn’t drink it all the time.
  • Medicinal mineral water can only be prescribed by a doctor in a strict dosage and for a certain period of time. It (like medicines) has both indications and a sufficient list of contraindications for use; it cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Medicinal table mineral water is also prescribed by a doctor, but subsequently the patient himself can take a course of this water.

By the way, only in a few countries do people drink mineral water instead of drinking water without restrictions, including Russia. Well, healthy children under 12 years old should not even be given table mineral water.

Filtered water - harm and benefit

A household filter for water purification can be found in every home. This is an economical way to obtain purified water from regular tap water. There are flow-through filters, which are built into the water supply system, and jug-type filters, i.e. mobile.

Since each filter has its own cleaning base, you should initially analyze the water from your tap to know what exactly needs to be purified from the water (excess chlorine, iron, sulfates, etc.). Filtered water is beneficial if the following points are observed:

  • correctly selected filter system for a specific problem;
  • timely replacement of cartridges, and you should not wait for the resource declared by the manufacturer - it is better to reduce this time by half;
  • periodic examination of water obtained after filtration.

Universal filters

The benefits of such water— They completely purify tap water from impurities, incl. viruses and bacteria. Their work is based on the reverse osmosis mechanism; as a result of purification, only water molecules remain.

Harm - Salt-free or distilled water is not very beneficial for the body, so this filter is used mainly in industrial facilities. With regular consumption of such water, demineralization of the body occurs - water deprived of salts will take them from human organs and tissues. All this threatens diseases of the bone and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and premature aging.

Sophisticated filters are equipped with a system for artificial mineralization of already purified water. The digestibility of salts added artificially to water leaves much to be desired. The best water comes from nature, and artificial additives are a blow to the urinary system and metabolism! The next danger is that carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily penetrate through the membrane back into the water. And this is the risk of developing cancer.

Jug filters

As a rule, water is purified only from specific pollutants. The widespread fashion for jugs that are supposedly suitable for any water is fundamentally wrong. Without a preliminary water analysis, the filter may be useless in your particular case. Microorganisms caught from water can multiply in filter cartridges, contaminating drinking water with sources of infectious diseases.

Is it healthy to drink melt water?

Not long ago, there was a real boom among the population about the benefits of melt water. It is impossible to obtain true melt water at home. This method is comparable to settling - after defrosting, only the upper part of the melt water is used, and the harmful sediment is drained into the sewer. But, alas, not all impurities will end up in this sediment.

Myths about well water

Many people bring drinking water from wells from their relatives living in villages. It is supposedly both tastier and healthier. In fact, well water is the most common source of unsanitary water. In the best case, the content of iron, nitrates and sulfates will go off scale; in the worst case, pathogenic microorganisms will be detected.

Well water is obtained from surface aquifers that are most susceptible to contamination by wastewater. Rainwater also often ends up in wells, contributing to pollution. For those who still doubt it, we note that when cleaning wells, the remains of animal corpses, empty bottles and other garbage are often found at the bottom - obviously additives that are not healthy for health.

What kind of water should I give to children?

Children under 3 years of age should use bottled water of the highest category for drinking and cooking, after boiling it in accordance with the boiling rules. Children over 3 years old can already drink bottled water of the highest category without boiling, but by reducing the shelf life of an open bottle by half.

But many doctors consider these restrictions to be somewhat excessive and advise parents to give their children proven, clean water without boiling after a year. As for special baby water, as a rule, it contains very few minerals (0.2-0.3 g/l), which means it will wash salts out of the body.

The result of drinking dirty water from a well can be either simple poisoning or an infectious disease. Such water also harms water intake equipment. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to regularly inspect the well and purify the water. When water is purified, unwanted impurities are removed. These substances, which pollute water and harm human health, vary in chemical composition. Methods for removing them and filtering water depend, accordingly, on the impurities included in the composition, characteristic of a given area.

Signs and causes of well water contamination

The following signs indicate the presence of contaminants in well water.

  1. The pronounced smell of spoiled eggs means a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide, which, in turn, indicates organic decay processes occurring in the water.

  2. The presence of manganese or sulfur can be determined by the black tint of the water. This may also indicate the presence of iron in it.
  3. The maximum concentration of iron can also be indicated by a sharp cloudiness when pouring water into a container, and the metal can also be palpable. Drinking this water is not recommended. And clothes washed in it may change color.
  4. Plaque on household appliances and plumbing fixtures indicates so-called hard water, i.e. containing large quantities of salts.
  5. Cloudiness of the water directly in the well means the presence of silt and clay particles in significant concentration.

Unfortunately, external examination, a taste test or the presence of an unpleasant odor does not always help to detect a harmful impurity. Many types of contaminants may look the same, which can also be confusing. For accurate and effective water analysis, it is necessary to check its composition in laboratory conditions.

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Before conducting such an analysis, it is recommended to investigate the possible reasons for the penetration of contaminants or objects into the well. During this process, damage to the structure of the well may be discovered. You can also detect problems that arise during operation that lead to contamination. All this can be eliminated at this stage.

Important! After preliminary measures are taken to eliminate the causes of pollution, their concentration will noticeably decrease. But this is still not enough to obtain water suitable for human consumption. Additional processing using filters is required.

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These reasons include:

  • penetration of external objects such as sand, pebbles, grass, leaves. A tight lid will reliably protect the well from the wind and, as a result, from the ingress of organic matter, dust and small particles;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which promotes the development of algae, which makes the water look green. In addition, algae gives the water an unpleasant taste and makes it dangerous to drink. This is another reason to cap your well;
  • stagnation of water as a result of the fact that the well has not been used for a long time. As a result, all kinds of microorganisms are born in the water, which, dying, begin to rot there. This gives rise to a characteristic smell. Therefore, if the well has not been used for a long time, it is recommended to clean and disinfect it;
  • breach of well tightness. This can happen over time regardless of what it is made of. Well rings can “walk” due to processes occurring in the soil. This leads to the appearance of cracks. As a result, bacteria and soil get inside. Often this cannot be prevented, so from time to time it is necessary to repair a well made of concrete rings, clean the well and the water in it;
  • a high concentration of salts or iron in the rocks that make up the aquifer.

Harmful impurities can penetrate into the soil from nearby reservoirs into which industrial wastewater is discharged. The well itself may be located at a relative distance from the place of negative impact on the environment, but contaminated water will flow into it through the soil. If such a factor is detected, it is necessary to select a filter that can cope with this harmful impurity.

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Well water analysis

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To detect negative changes in the composition of water, its sanitary and epidemiological analysis is carried out in laboratory conditions.

The correctness of the results when collecting a sample for such an analysis depends on compliance with the following rules:

  • you should use plastic or glass containers, the volume of which should not exceed 1.5 liters;
  • bottles that contained soda are not suitable for these purposes;

  • if a sample is taken from a plumbing tap when supplying water from a well to the house, then the water must be drained for 15 minutes before taking it;
  • Dishwashing detergents must not be used for containers prepared for this purpose;
  • It is necessary to draw water slowly so as not to provoke undesirable reactions of substances with oxygen;
  • a container filled to the top with water must be securely sealed and wrapped in dark packaging;
  • If the sample cannot be sent for analysis within three hours, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for another 2 days, but not frozen.

Once the results of the analysis are in hand, conclusions can be drawn about the preferred well cleaning methods and water filters.

Filters for water purification

The various modifications of filters available on the market differ in their water purification capabilities. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a filter is not its appearance, but its ability to purify water in a particular case.

According to the method underlying the operation of the device, filters are divided into the following types:

  • removing contaminants mechanically. Used to clean water from sand, soil particles and clay;
  • destroying bacteria. Effectively fight microorganisms;
  • eliminating unpleasant taste and odor.
  • softening well water. Their action is based on ion exchange. They are good at removing salts from water that form deposits on household appliances and dishes;
  • directed against excess iron in water. The action is based on the oxidation reactions taking place in them.

The most effective filters are those that can cope with all possible contaminants in water, while restoring its clear color, eliminating odors and bringing it into compliance with sanitation requirements.

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When choosing a filter, it is also wise to consider how often you will need to use it. If the device is purchased to purify water from a dacha well, provided that the dacha is visited no more than twice a month, then an inexpensive filter jug ​​will be sufficient.

For very dirty water, you should prefer a flow-type filter. It performs deep cleaning, which effectively removes all kinds of microorganisms, fragments of fertilizers, impurities of inorganic substances and bad odors.


Signs of contamination

Without even looking into the well shaft, the owners may notice that something is wrong with the water.

The first signs of trouble are:

  • Loss of transparency - the main criterion for drinking water quality. It becomes cloudy. Sometimes impurities are visible to the naked eye. Small particles of silt and organic residues float.
  • Odor occurs as bacteria multiply. A putrid odor is clearly emanating from the container with collected water. People also say that it smells like a bolt. This smell of organic decomposition cannot be confused with anything else.
  • Change in taste. The same putrid, unpleasant smell is present in the taste of water. With one sip it becomes clear that the water tastes like mud.
  • The presence of flowering is the last stage of pollution. The water changed its taste and smell, lost its transparency, and the color became yellowish or greenish. If water is passed through a cloth, organic impurities in the form of lumps and threads will settle on the filter.

Drinking water of any degree of contamination is dangerous to health!

The owner cannot know exactly what bacteria are causing the water to bloom. To determine the source of contamination and the method of combating it, it is advisable to contact the laboratory of the local sanitary and epidemiological station. After laboratory analysis, owners will be given clear recommendations on how to eliminate contamination.

Causes of pollution

The main causes of drinking water contamination include:

  • Loss of tightness of the rings - during the winter period, cracks appeared between the rings due to their displacement horizontally or vertically. Heavy floods, rainstorms, active snow melting are the reasons why the soil shifts and the well shaft is damaged. Therefore, in the spring it is recommended to inspect the well using a powerful flashlight. If cracks or wet spots are found on the upper rings, the shaft should be repaired immediately.
  • Dirt entering through the water layer (vein). This happens if agricultural waste or fertilizers have been washed into the soil. In these cases, the water blooms and loses color very quickly. Disinfection alone will not correct the situation. It will be necessary to install several filters in the water supply system to filter out contaminants.
  • Stagnation is another reason for the proliferation of bacteria. Wells that have not been used for several months in a row become clogged. In still water, bacteria begin to multiply due to natural causes.
  • Failure to comply with operating techniques - there is no protective canopy over the well shaft, and there is no cover.

How to disinfect?

The question of the disinfection method is far from idle. After all, whether the water can be drunk in the near future depends on how and with what disinfection was carried out.

Potassium permangantsovka

The method using potassium permanganate is considered the simplest and healthiest:

  • one tablespoon of crystals is diluted in a bucket;
  • the bucket is poured into the source;
  • the well settles for one day;
  • The water is pumped out twice by a deep-well pump.

But unfortunately, such disinfection is temporary.

Potassium permanganate is not powerful enough to eliminate severe contamination.


This substance is suitable for more serious disinfection. However, it is better not to carry out the cleansing procedure yourself. In the case of chlorine, maintaining proportions is very important. Overdose is fraught with poisoning. Major disinfection consists of:

  • from washing all walls with a solution (use a respirator and gloves!);
  • pouring the solution to the bottom;
  • settling the well for three days;
  • pumping out the water several times until the unpleasant chemical odor disappears.

The solution is usually made in a ratio of 25 g of bleach per liter of water. One standard ring, completely filled with water, contains approximately 700 liters of liquid (width meter, height 90 cm).

The main condition for disinfection is low air temperature. In summer, chlorine evaporates quickly and there will be no expected effect from it. This is especially true for treating the walls of a well shaft. You cannot drink water or cook with it for another month. During this period, the well will become a source of technical water, suitable only for washing and other household needs.


The use of “Whiteness” is an alternative method used when special products containing chlorine are not available (application to the SES is beyond the means of well owners). This household product also contains sufficient chlorine for disinfection. The well treatment process consists of several stages:

  • water is pumped out (if the source is powerful, two pumps will be needed);
  • At the same time, a solution is prepared - 0.5 liters of product per bucket of water;
  • The walls are washed with a solution;
  • silt and sand are removed from the bottom using a shovel;
  • the filter is removed and washed on the surface;
  • the soil located below the filter is also removed with buckets (up to 10 cm can be removed);
  • then the crushed stone or flint is returned to its place;
  • a bucket of water with dissolved “Whiteness” is poured to the bottom;
  • the well settles for three days;
  • the water is pumped out two or three times (until the unpleasant odor disappears).

You can use the water for drinking after a month.

How to clean it properly?

The quality of disinfection largely depends on the thorough cleaning of the entire well. Without thoroughly treating the walls (freeing them from plaque and crumbling parts of concrete), washing the filter and repairing the shaft (sealing seams, strengthening the structure with anchor bolts), the use of a disinfectant will have a short-lived effect.

Obviously, disinfection directly depends on the proper operation of the well. To avoid having to purify water frequently, you must follow these simple rules:

  • The mouth of the well shaft is always protected by a cover, which prevents dust, foreign objects and small animals from getting inside.
  • All sanitary standards are observed. There should be no sewage drains, compost heaps, agricultural warehouses, or livestock yards nearby.
  • The water is regularly tested. The maximum permissible period is two to three years. But it is better to do control sampling more often. For example, every spring.

After disinfection, it is important not to forget about other activities. It is also necessary to properly insulate the well.


In addition to lakes and rivers, we get regular fresh water from wells, artesian wells, springs, as well as by collecting precipitation, filling buckets and barrels with rainwater, or melting ice and snow. Wells are actually used only in rural areas, since a pit with a depth of 5-10 m is not capable of providing a large yield of water - for this it is necessary to drill wells at 20-150 m, depending on the depth of groundwater. Wells are fed by groundwater and can provide water consumption up to 100-150 l/h (in rare cases - up to 500 l/h). They are very vulnerable from the point of view of pollution: everything that gets into the soil - nitrates, nitrites, surfactants, pesticides and heavy metals - can end up in well water.

Water from artesian springs

Deep waters are better protected from various industrial and bacterial contaminants. Special installations are used for drilling, then steel pipes are lowered into the well, a powerful pump is immersed, through which the pipeline is brought to the surface. There are two aquifers: the sandy one lies at a depth of 15-40 m and is separated from the top layer of soil by clay layers, which protect it from pollution, and at a depth of 30-230 m or more there are limestone aquifers, the so-called artesian ones. The composition of artesian waters depends on their depth. Such water may have increased hardness and contain bacteria and organic matter. In addition, due to poor pipe connections in wells, contaminants from higher aquifers can seep into artesian water. Usually this water needs to be filtered and purified, which is carried out using treatment systems for industrial and domestic purposes.

Spring and spring water

A spring or spring refers to a small stream of water flowing directly from the bowels of the earth. Some Russian rivers and reservoirs are generated by precisely such underground sources. Spring water is taken from the very place where it comes from underground. Water can be fresh or mineralized. In the first case, we are talking about springs and springs, and in the second, about a source of mineral waters.

The nature of spring water is the same as that of well or artesian water, as it comes from an underground aquifer or basin.

There are an innumerable number of springs on the territory of Russia; they differ in the quality and composition of their waters. Spring waters have healing properties, they are fresh and pleasant to the taste. But springs, just like artesian wells and wells, are susceptible to pollution. Nowadays, it is impossible to guarantee the constant quality of spring water, since it depends not only on seasonal circumstances (rainfalls, floods, groundwater), but also on emissions from nearby industrial enterprises.

In Moscow there are several springs from which you can drink water: the spring “Sergius of Radonezh” in Teply Stan, “Saint” in Krylatskoye, “The Swan Princess” in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo, “Tsaritsyno” in the floodplain of the Tsaritsynsky pond. Some popular springs from ancient times were closed: in the water of the spring in Troparevsky Park the maximum permissible concentration for chromium was exceeded, in the Filevsky spring - for aluminum, potassium, magnesium, in the spring of the Life-Giving Trinity in Borisov - an excess of iron, in the springs in Sviblovo (in the Yauza floodplain) and " Kadochka" (in Kolomenskoye) exceeded the maximum permissible concentration for heavy metals, and in "Beket" in Donskoy - for cadmium and chromium. The waters of these sources are hazardous to health.

Widely popular in large cities bottled water- spring and mineral. The springs and wells from which this water is taken must be located away from urban underground communications, landfills and other sources of contamination, and the chemical composition of the water must be regularly monitored by the sanitary service.


    • Natural factor
    • Snow melting
  • How to clean a well

Well water - benefit or harm

Crystal clear, filled with useful minerals, cool at any time of the year - this is the kind of water that people dig wells for, even if there is a centralized water supply. As a rule, water enters the well from the upper aquifers. And if in the past it was indeed characterized by increased purity and did not raise doubts about its beneficial properties, then the rapid development of industry and the general deterioration of the environment have somewhat corrected these indicators. Nevertheless, it is well water, unlike tap water, that contains many substances beneficial to our body.

Good to know: if the biochemical composition is completely normal, then there is nothing better than starting the day with one or two glasses of well water.

However, along with its benefits, groundwater can also pose a number of dangers. All kinds of nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and metals, getting into the upper aquifers, are likely to end up in the well, and then in our body. At the same time, the quality of water often changes during the season, so even after positive laboratory tests it cannot be guaranteed that after six months the composition will remain unchanged and it can be drunk without any harm to health.

Sources of water pollution in a well

A person has the ability to get used to certain foods and liquids, so over time he ceases to notice an unpleasant taste or smell. However, it is not always possible to drink groundwater from a well without additional purification, even if its taste does not cause you any discomfort.

Natural factor

Oddly enough, it is nature that is often the reason for the insufficient quality of well water. The aquifer may be oversaturated with iron or manganese. If in small doses these elements have a positive effect on the body, then their excess often causes serious diseases.

Important! The sanitary standard for iron content in drinking water is 0.3 mg/l, and manganese - 0.1 mg/l.

A large percentage of iron has an adverse effect on human skin, causes an allergic reaction and can lead to changes in blood composition. Manganese has a specific taste, and its effect sometimes results in a mutagenic effect.

Agriculture and industry

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are increasingly being used to cultivate agricultural land. When such elements get into a well along with groundwater, they cause great harm to health, since they can affect any human organ.

No less dangerous is posed by an industrial enterprise that does not care too much about proper waste disposal. Petroleum products and other pollutants cause irreparable damage to all living things, as a result of which the upper aquifers in such areas are often completely unsuitable for drinking.

Snow melting

Spring floods often significantly worsen the condition of well water. Of course, a lot depends on the location of the well and the amount of snow cover. However, experts strongly do not recommend using a natural source during this period without preliminary purification.

Tip: if the color, taste or smell of water changes, it should be boiled before drinking.

Why is the winter-spring transition so dangerous for upper aquifers? Melting snow leads to the entry into the soil of all the waste and harmful substances that accumulated on the surface of the earth during the winter. At this time their concentration is maximum.

How to clean a well

To find out how to purify water from a well for drinking and cooking, you need to analyze it. Only knowing the composition can you choose the right filter and thereby achieve the required quality. The primary task is to maintain the well in proper condition, for which it must be periodically cleaned, consisting of the following steps:

  1. Pumping out water.
  2. Cleaning walls and bottom.
  3. Arrangement of drainage.
  4. Disinfection of the internal surface.
  5. Second pumping.
  6. Filling the well.

The main attention should be paid to drainage, which serves as an additional filter. Large pebbles or stone chips can be used as drainage, but it is preferable to use silicon. In this case, drinking well water will not only be safe, but also beneficial.

All stages of cleaning a well must be performed in accordance with the standards of its operation. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialized company, which, in addition to carrying out cleaning activities, will help you select the appropriate filter element for your conditions.


Well water quality

According to the results of laboratory tests, the water from 70% of wells is unsuitable for drinking, mainly due to the presence of nitrous acid salts (nitrates). Nitrates are especially dangerous for children. The child's body cannot fully process and neutralize nitrates. Nitrates cause disruption of the oxygen supply to tissues. For this reason, many children begin to choke and there are even deaths.

Based on the above, it can be stated that well water contains inorganic substances that are not absorbed by the human body. So, for example, if you drink water from a well dug near iron ore deposits, the amount of iron in your blood will not change. Why? Because iron in water is in an inorganic state. Over time, such inorganic substances begin to accumulate in the human body and lead to various diseases (clogging of arteries, gallstones, kidney stones, arthritis, rheumatism, etc.). The human body does not absorb such iron. But if you eat some fresh blackcurrants, the amount of iron in your blood will change. Iron in black currants is in an organic state and is therefore absorbed by the body.

In conclusion, I would like to note that only we ourselves decide what kind of water we drink. But in order to make the right choice, we need to have the most complete information about the quality of the water we want to use for drinking.

For a more complete picture of the quality of well water, I suggest watching the video

well water

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Well water is a priceless gift from nature

Water from a well goes through a natural filtration system through several layers of soil, in each of which it is cleaned of harmful impurities and saturated with minerals and salts beneficial to the body. It is believed that if you drink a glass of this water before meals, you can prolong your youth and improve your health.

Is water from an underground source always beneficial?

Unfortunately, modern human activity has led to significant pollution of nature. Therefore, water from a well can not only be beneficial, but also harmful. This is due to the ingress of various household waste into groundwater. Moisture from a well can be especially dangerous in the spring when the groundwater level rises after the snow melts.

When digging and building wells, it is very difficult to determine the location of absolutely clean water. In order to drink from a well without fear for your own health, you need to install various additional filtration systems and conduct a monthly analysis of the chemical composition, since it is impossible to give one hundred percent guarantees that contamination of the source will not occur at all. It is also impossible to guarantee that well water on farms far from the city will be perfectly clean and will not give rise to a whole bunch of infectious diseases, since various chemicals are used to fertilize the land, as well as organic matter (the same manure).

Water pollution

According to the results of recent studies, about a third of the total volume of groundwater does not meet sanitary standards, and this is only in Russia. In some areas of the Moscow region, rates can reach 90%.

If the water in your well becomes cloudy, you need to stop drinking it. Even a slight decrease in clarity can be a sign of serious contamination. And if the liquid has changed color and acquired an unpleasant odor, it is dangerous to use it even as a technical liquid.

The safest is considered to be the aquifer, which is located at a depth of more than 30 meters. This water is called artesian water and is rich in various beneficial microelements. The deeper the well, the fewer harmful impurities. However, digging a well of 30 meters or more is very problematic; it requires significant costs and special work skills.


Have you ever wondered what water is, what significance it has for humanity and all living organisms on our planet?

If such questions have not yet arisen in your head, I suggest you not only think about it, but also decide which water is most beneficial for our body and where to get clean, beneficial water.

With it we get a complex of useful minerals: fluorine, iron, copper, ... half of the periodic table) But if there are too many impurities in the water, then we are not talking about benefits, but about the settling of “garbage” brought by water in our vessels and joints.

To have an objective idea of ​​the importance of water in human life, look at how much water a person drinks in his entire life - about 35 tons!

Probably every person has experienced thirst at least once in his life. Especially in the hot summer, this feeling is familiar to everyone. The feeling of thirst occurs when the human body does not have enough water and when the human body loses fluid in the amount of 2% of its total weight. True, such a loss is quickly replenished, just drink a glass or two of fresh water.

It’s bad when the level of lost water exceeds 2%, while mental and physical performance decreases by 20%.

If the body is dehydrated by 10%, then hallucinations may begin along with general malaise. Failure to take timely measures will result in a hospital bed.

And if the loss of water reaches 20%, then doctors will be powerless, because with such dehydration people simply die.

You can read more about its benefits in the article.

What happens if you drink a lot of water?

If you drink a lot of water constantly, then the body gets used to such volumes and drinking less is already equivalent to thirst.

Too much water in the body can lead to overload of the heart and blood vessels, since human blood is 95% water.

In addition, large volumes of water intensively remove not only unnecessary toxins from the body, but also nutrients and microelements.

What water is better to drink

Is tap water safe to drink?

Is it possible to drink tap water? It would seem that it would be simpler: open the tap, pour water, drink and enjoy life. But it was not there...

Tap water may not always be harmless to human health and even life. Having undergone appropriate treatment at the city water supply enterprises, the liquid that enters the distribution water supply network is again subject to secondary contamination. Such water, having finally reached the consumer, is “enriched” with iron compounds, chloramine, iron oxide bacteria and other suspended substances that are completely unnecessary for the human body.

Even knowing this, not everyone wants to bother looking for ways to purify water. Many people simply drink tap water, sometimes turning it on hot, and believe that such water is free of impurities and can be drunk without fear for their health.

Before risking your health, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out whether you can drink hot water from the tap? The answer to this question is clear: hot water from a tap has the same properties as cold water. This means that it is better not to use it without preliminary purification.

When wondering what kind of water you should drink for health – boiled or raw, we remember that raw water is healthier than boiled water, but only purified raw water provides a complete guarantee of safety for the body.

Young children should not even drink bottled drinking water without boiling.

You can clean it using filters: jug or flow. Jugs, using a carbon cartridge, do not allow organochlorines and heavy metals to pass through, but do not retain useful components.

An even more effective option is reverse osmosis filters that are installed under the sink. They have a membrane installed, the pores of which are approximately equal in size to water molecules and all unnecessary impurities do not pass through the membrane.

Is it possible to drink water from a spring?

Striving for a healthy lifestyle, many have become hooked on spring water. Let's try to figure out what the composition of spring water is, the benefits or harm that come from it to the body can be understood by knowing the location of the spring and where it originates.

Experts say that all springs within the city no longer contain natural spring water, but when mixed with wastewater, they become polluted with pathogens, heavy metals, and industrial oils.

If the spring is located far outside the city and its source is located at a depth of tens of meters, then talking about the purity and benefits of such water is quite reasonable. Substances that pollute the water so deeply are unable to penetrate, and the liquid, having reached the surface, is purified thanks to the sand and gravel that are encountered along its path.

But it still doesn’t hurt to take spring water to a laboratory for analysis in order to eliminate undesirable consequences.

Is it possible to drink water from a well?

The question of the safety of drinking well water remains open. On the one hand, wells and the cold water from them are glorified as a source of clean and tasty drinking liquid, on the other hand, very often water from a well contains nitrates and organic substances. And water in wells is often contaminated with fluorides.

Is it possible to drink water from a well or is it dangerous to health? It is difficult to say with complete confidence without laboratory tests. The quality of well water requires mandatory testing.

Is water from a cooler good for you?

Coolers have recently gained real popularity among office workers. Convenience and affordable price have done their job, and few people think about how harmless water drunk from a cooler is?

If we talk about the quality of water that is sold for coolers, then as a result of inspections it was revealed that while there are practically no complaints about it, they often arise about the container in which it is located.

If the plastic bottle in which the water was located was poorly cleaned after use, and then filled again, even with absolutely clean liquid, then microalgae from the walls will begin to release toxins into it, which are so harmful that in this case it is better to prefer boiled tap water.

Based on this, the question of how harmful water from a cooler is can be answered that its harm or benefit depends only on the integrity of the company servicing the cooler.

Bottled water - benefit or harm

Here again, not everything is clear. To understand how to feel about bottled water, it is worth turning to the research of Canadian scientists who decided to analyze how much healthier and safer bottled water is than the same liquid from the tap.

An analysis carried out as part of a study of the most popular bottled water revealed that the drinking liquid, so popular among the population, several times exceeds the permitted standards for salt content, hardness and the presence of foreign microorganisms. And this is from well-known manufacturers! What then can we say about companies without a name and status, which no one checks? It turns out that bottled water, benefit or harm, which is still under supervision, is not as valuable as it is advertised.

However, water produced by respectable producers will definitely bring more benefits than tap water. When purchasing bottled water, make sure that the following is indicated on the bottle:

  • Is it carbonated or not?
  • drinking or mineral, if mineral then what kind: medicinal, medicinal-table or canteen;
  • group, depending on the salt content (for example, sodium);
  • amount of ion content and well no.

How to drink water correctly during the day

In addition to searching for clean water, many of us wonder how to properly drink water so that it brings maximum benefits to the body? Of course, it is stupid to talk about the correctness of drinking liquid if you are thirsty. But still, it will be useful to know when and how best to drink water.

You need to think about water from the very morning. Do you have doubts about whether drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach is beneficial? Then start doing this, and you will understand that water is a real source of health, energy and life.

Drinking water in the morning, on an empty stomach, before eating, can collect the “dirt” accumulated during the night in the form of toxic elements, and also force the body to wake up, preparing it for food and filling it with vigor, like a morning shower.

Related article: about supplements that make your morning drink of water even more beneficial.

Is it possible to drink water after eating?

A large number of people drink water immediately after eating, without thinking, is it possible to put such a strain on their body? Should I load it?

There are a huge number of myths and different opinions surrounding the question of why you shouldn’t drink while eating and immediately after eating, but not all of them claim to be true. And when wondering why you can’t drink water after a meal, it’s worth remembering the following: it has long been proven that liquid drunk after or during a meal does not harm human health. But here, too, there are certain rules.

  • If you want to drink while eating, then you should not consume liquid in large volumes, this is due to the fact that it washes away the enzymes necessary for the digestive process or reduces their efficiency.
  • Foods that are recommended to be completed with liquid: fatty, very spicy and dry.
  • You need to drink it with table mineral or plain water; warm herbal tea without sugar is especially suitable for this purpose, but high-calorie drinks should be excluded.
  • It is not recommended to drink liquid after meals for overweight people food diluted with liquid leaves the stomach faster than usual and the feeling of hunger will appear very soon.
  • Do not drink water after meals if you are predisposed to heartburn, this is one of the factors in its occurrence. And if such a predisposition exists, then you can drink only 2–3 hours after eating, several sips at intervals of 20–30 minutes.
  • A general rule for everyone: after a starchy meal, liquid can be drunk after 1-2 hours, after a meal rich in proteins - after one and a half to two hours.

What else you should remember is that the water should be at room temperature, since ice-cold drinks will not allow food to be fully processed in the stomach. The same goes for drinking water during meals, so cast aside doubts and drink to your health by choosing the right temperature of the drink and eliminating the question from your vocabulary: is it possible to drink food while eating?

Is it possible to drink water during training?

Any doctor or healthy nutrition specialist claims that doing this is simply necessary.

Given the intensity of training, at the time of such stress, a large amount of fluid leaves the body, which must be replenished in a timely manner, avoiding serious thirst and, as a result, dehydration.

Can I drink water before donating blood?

This question has arisen in the mind of almost everyone at least once in their life; so often in the morning you want to drink at least water, knowing that other drinks and food are prohibited before donating blood.

When taking a general blood test, you are allowed to drink water, but not in too large quantities, no more than 100 grams, and only if the water you drink is free of gases and sweeteners.

Is it possible to drink water before donating blood for sugar?

Doctors give the same recommendations before donating blood for sugar: you can only drink clean, still water and only in small quantities. I’ll make a reservation that there are so many doctors, so many opinions, some of the doctors do not advise drinking even plain water before taking the test, so if you are not “dying” from thirst, it’s better to be patient.

Is it possible to drink water before donating blood for biochemistry?

According to many doctors, drinking water on an empty stomach can distort the results, making them unreliable, if you take a biochemical blood test. So, for example, when determining the level of uric acid in the blood, drinking liquid can reduce its concentration, and therefore the analysis may be inaccurate.

Here you can find useful information

Distilled water

Distilled water is pure H2O, or water with negligible impurities of foreign substances. It is used mainly for medical or research purposes. It is produced in special distillers by evaporating ordinary fresh water, followed by condensation of the steam - distillation. In this case, all impurities present in the water remain in the evaporated residue. This process is based on the principle that water is a volatile substance and salts are non-volatile substances. This is also done with sea water to rid it of salts and mineral inclusions. In tropical areas, solar heat heats water in shallow trays (greenhouse effect), after which water vapor condenses. The ideal location for such installations is tropical coastal areas adjacent to arid lands that are in dire need of water. The design of desalination plants must be well thought out to allow for the recovery of the heat generated by the condensation of vapors. The cost of desalinating seawater using the distillation method does not exceed 1 dollar per 4000 liters.

Well water

In addition to lakes and rivers, we get regular fresh water from wells, artesian wells, springs, as well as by collecting precipitation, filling buckets and barrels with rainwater, or melting ice and snow. Wells are actually used only in rural areas, since a pit with a depth of 5-10 m is not capable of providing a large yield of water - for this it is necessary to drill wells at 20-150 m, depending on the depth of groundwater. Wells are fed by groundwater and can provide water consumption of up to 100-150 l/h (in rare cases, up to 500 l/h). They are very vulnerable

From a pollution point of view, everything that gets into the soil - nitrates, nitrites, surfactants, pesticides and heavy metals - can end up in well water.

Water from artesian springs

Deep waters are better protected from various industrial and bacterial contaminants. Special installations are used for drilling, then steel pipes are lowered into the well, a powerful pump is immersed, through which the pipeline is brought to the surface. There are two aquifers: the sandy one lies at a depth of 15-40 m and is separated from the top layer of soil by clay layers, which protect it from pollution, and at a depth of 30-230 m or more there are limestone aquifers, the so-called artesian ones. The composition of artesian waters depends on their depth. Such water may have increased hardness and contain bacteria and organic matter. In addition, due to poor pipe connections in wells, contaminants from higher aquifers can seep into artesian water. Typically, this water needs to be filtered and purified, which is done using industrial and domestic purification systems.

In some settlements, a well is the only source of drinking water. In addition, well water is considered the basis of a healthy lifestyle and protection against many diseases. However, such a statement is not always true. Negative external factors can turn life-giving moisture into a source of harmful bacteria. To find out whether water from a well can be drunk, it is necessary to do the appropriate tests, and only after a positive laboratory conclusion, use it for cooking and quenching thirst.

Crystal clear, filled with useful minerals, cool at any time of the year - this is the kind of water that people dig wells for, even if there is a centralized water supply. As a rule, water enters the well from the upper aquifers. And if in the past it was indeed characterized by increased purity and did not raise doubts about its beneficial properties, then the rapid development of industry and the general deterioration of the environment have somewhat corrected these indicators. Nevertheless, it is well water, unlike tap water, that contains many substances beneficial to our body.

Good to know: if the biochemical composition is completely normal, then there is nothing better than starting the day with one or two glasses of well water.

However, along with its benefits, groundwater can also pose a number of dangers. All kinds of nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and metals, getting into the upper aquifers, are likely to end up in the well, and then in our body. At the same time, the quality of water often changes during the season, so even after positive laboratory tests it cannot be guaranteed that after six months the composition will remain unchanged and it can be drunk without any harm to health.

Along with its benefits, well water can also pose a number of dangers.

A person has the ability to get used to certain foods and liquids, so over time he ceases to notice an unpleasant taste or smell. However, it is not always possible to drink groundwater from a well without additional purification, even if its taste does not cause you any discomfort.

Natural factor

Oddly enough, it is nature that is often the reason for the insufficient quality of well water. The aquifer may be oversaturated with iron or manganese. If in small doses these elements have a positive effect on the body, then their excess often causes serious diseases.

Important! The sanitary standard for iron content in drinking water is 0.3 mg/l, and manganese - 0.1 mg/l.

A large percentage of iron has an adverse effect on human skin, causes an allergic reaction and can lead to changes in blood composition. Manganese has a specific taste, and its effect sometimes results in a mutagenic effect.

Agriculture and industry

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are increasingly being used to cultivate agricultural land. When such elements get into a well along with groundwater, they cause great harm to health, since they can affect any human organ.

No less dangerous is posed by an industrial enterprise that does not care too much about proper waste disposal. Petroleum products and other pollutants cause irreparable damage to all living things, as a result of which the upper aquifers in such areas are often completely unsuitable for drinking.

Irrigation of fields with chemical fertilizers negatively affects the quality of groundwater

Snow melting

Spring floods often significantly worsen the condition of well water. Of course, a lot depends on the location of the well and the amount of snow cover. However, experts strongly do not recommend using a natural source during this period without preliminary purification.

Tip: if the color, taste or smell of water changes, it should be boiled before drinking.

Why is the winter-spring transition so dangerous for upper aquifers? Melting snow leads to the entry into the soil of all the waste and harmful substances that accumulated on the surface of the earth during the winter. At this time their concentration is maximum.

How to clean a well

To find out how to purify water from a well for drinking and cooking, you need to analyze it. Only knowing the composition can you choose the right filter and thereby achieve the required quality. The primary task is to maintain the well in proper condition, for which it must be periodically cleaned, consisting of the following steps:

  1. Pumping out water.
  2. Cleaning walls and bottom.
  3. Arrangement of drainage.
  4. Disinfection of the internal surface.
  5. Second pumping.
  6. Filling the well.

The main attention should be paid to drainage, which serves as an additional filter. Large pebbles or stone chips can be used as drainage, but it is preferable to use silicon. In this case, drinking well water will not only be safe, but also beneficial.

Silicon has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect

All stages of cleaning a well must be performed in accordance with the standards of its operation. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialized company, which, in addition to carrying out cleaning activities, will help you select the appropriate filter element for your conditions.