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What is seasonal work and what are its features? The most common seasonal workers and their registration

Who are seasonal workers? What is special about hiring them? Each type of worker with whom a contract can be concluded has its own characteristics. Seasonal workers also have some. Their compliance with labor laws must be carefully monitored, because violation of labor laws can easily lead to fines and even more serious problems.

Characteristics of seasonal staff

To understand who a seasonal worker is, you need to understand what seasonal work is. Russian labor legislation gives a clear and precise answer to this issue. These are types of work that are limited in time, usually for a period of six months. That is, an employment contract with seasonal workers is usually concluded for half of the calendar year, and the reason for this is certain conditions for carrying out such activities, usually climatic or other related to nature, for example, the warm season.

It should be noted that the wording “as a rule” appeared in the law relatively recently. Previously, seasonal work, by definition, could not last longer than six months. Now, certain categories of work are still considered seasonal, but allow the conclusion of a contract for a longer period.

The list of activities classified as seasonal is formed by intersectoral agreements at the federal level. The company itself cannot declare certain types of work seasonal or enter into corresponding agreements with employees: this would be a violation of labor law, entailing fines and other sanctions.

Seasonal contracts themselves are a type of a larger group of agreements called fixed-term agreements; they are concluded for a strictly defined period. This is directly stated in the Labor Code. However, when concluding an agreement with such employees, the company must follow the usual requirements, with the exception of some additional ones, which are explained in detail in Chapter 46 of the Code, which describes some other factors regulating the work of temporary workers.

What do you pay special attention to?

First of all, when concluding an agreement with a seasonal worker, you need to indicate the period for which this agreement is concluded. As mentioned above, previously it was limited to six months, and recently, in some cases, it has been possible to conclude an agreement for a longer period.
In addition to the period during which the work will be carried out, the reason why this contract is seasonal is also indicated. It is usually presented in the form of justifying the type of activity as temporary with reference to industry agreements, as well as natural and climatic conditions, if necessary.

It is impossible not to indicate in the contract a mention of the seasonal nature of the work, otherwise this will be a violation of the rights of the employees, and as a result, he will be able to claim compensation for lost profits due to an incorrect agreement. The specific period must be determined during the interview by agreement between the employer, i.e., the company and the employee.

What documents are provided?

Despite the existing features of regulating the labor of temporary and seasonal workers in domestic legislation, they do not address such an important issue as the documents that employees must provide to enter into an agreement. The list of documents is as follows:

  1. A document that identifies the employee. Usually this is a passport, but a driver's license and some other papers can also be used.
  2. A work book must be provided, except in cases where this is the first employment contract for the employee or the work has begun under part-time conditions.
  3. Pension insurance certificate, since the employer is obliged to make payments to the pension fund for temporary and seasonal workers, as well as for permanent ones.
  4. It is required to provide documents related to information about military duty, if the citizen is subject to it. This is a military ID, a letter of service, etc.
  5. If the performance of a work activity requires a person to have some special knowledge, then a document confirming that he or she has this knowledge, for example, a diploma, must be presented.

In addition to the contract itself, following its conclusion, the employer is obliged to issue an order to hire the citizen. According to modern Russian legislation, such an order must include all the features of the contract regulated by the Labor Code, including instructions on hiring workers for seasonal work.

This order must be signed by the head of the organization and certified by a seal, although this can be changed to some extent according to the internal charter of the company on persons authorized to sign such documents.

In labor law, it is possible to hire the majority of workers not by concluding a contract, but by actually allowing them to perform their official duties. But in the case of seasonal and temporary workers, this should not be done. It will be quite problematic for the employer in the future to prove that the work was started on a seasonal and not a permanent basis.

As for such an important issue as the probationary period, innovations have appeared here not so long ago. Previously, employers could not set its duration for more than two weeks, while permanent employees could remain on similar grounds for several months.

Now the conditions are common for all employees, and therefore the probationary period for them is established on the same basis.

Therefore, temporary and seasonal workers may well be on a probationary period of up to several months.

Entry into force of the agreement

After not just a sample, but a final contract has been concluded between the company and the employee, it becomes completely binding in all its points for both parties. No one can make any changes to it without agreeing with the other party. Such actions will be a violation of certain articles of the Labor Code and will entail punishment.

Last but not least is the issue that we will consider later in our work. This is termination of a contract with a seasonal employee. Unfortunately, it is at this stage that employers often make mistakes by incorrectly terminating a contract with an employee, and as a result, problems may arise during the first check of the company’s documentation.

In order to avoid this, you simply need to follow the requirements established in the Labor Code, namely in 296 work, which is devoted to the regulation of such an issue as termination of a contract.

The main reason for terminating a contract drawn up on a fixed-term basis is the expiration of the period for which it was concluded. But even in this case, the employer is required to take a number of actions, first of all, warning the employee at least three days in advance about the impending termination of the contract.

In addition to the expiration of the contract, those citizens who were hired on a seasonal basis may be subject to other reasons for termination of the employment contract provided for by the Code, in particular, at the initiative of the employer, due to force majeure, and also by mutual agreement of the parties and other reasons . For details, you can refer to articles of the Code such as 77, 78, 81 and 83, where everything is explained.

The employee himself can terminate the contract with the employer on his own initiative. In this case, there are special conditions for him, for example, he must notify the employer three days before the fact of termination, in contrast to the permanent conditions of the working relationship, when a period of at least two weeks is set for this. The employer has no right to refuse him if all conditions have been met.

Mikhail, 25 years old: Good afternoon! I was recently offered a seasonal job. What definition does the legislation give to seasonal work, what are the features of labor relations?

Types of seasonal work

The legislation classifies this type of employment as work that:

  • due to climatic and other natural conditions, last no more than six months, although there are exceptions when such activities can last for more than six months;
  • included in the List seasonal work established at the federal level.

Types of seasonal work are included in various industries, here are some examples:

1. Forestry, fishing, hunting, water, agriculture.

2. Processing industry, peat, medical, light and other industries.

3. All sectors of the economy. Examples of seasonal work are: transporting passengers and cargo, snow removal, crop production, landscaping, mining of precious metals and much more. Now let’s figure out what features labor relations have during the period of such work.

Peculiarities of labor relations for seasonal work

1. A fixed-term employment contract is concluded, which states that the person will be accepted for seasonal work, if possible, the start and end dates of the work are indicated. If the period is from 2 to 6 months, then the probationary period should not exceed two weeks.

2. The documents presented when applying for a job are standard.

3. Typically, seasonal workers do not take vacations; in this case, they must be paid compensation upon dismissal. But if the employee nevertheless decides to take a vacation, then he will be paid at the rate of 2 working days for each month of work.

4. If for any reason an employee wants to terminate the employment contract, he must notify the employer, not 2 weeks in advance, as in a regular job, but 3 days in advance. The employer must notify the employee one week before terminating the contract.

5. The length of service for a pension is calculated depending on the industry of the given activity. Now that you have an idea about seasonal work, what types of activities relate to it, how labor relations are regulated, I would like to talk about the pros and cons of it, which will help you understand whether this type of work is suitable for you.

Pros and cons of seasonal work

The positive aspects of seasonal work include: 1. The opportunity to earn decent money in a fairly short period of time. 2. Additional income while you do not have a permanent job. 3. You can get practice in a foreign language, get acquainted with another culture, and discover new, interesting places if you go to another country for this job.

What are the negative aspects of this kind of work:

1. Of course, this is uncertainty, uncertainty about the future. Such activity will end sooner or later, and you will again find yourself searching.

2. Typically, most seasonal jobs involve heavy physical labor, which not everyone can withstand.

3. If you are in a foreign country, you risk losing your job for any reason and being left without money.

Here is a short guide for people who want to get a seasonal job.

In accordance with Article 64 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached list of seasonal industries and activities used when providing a deferment or installment plan for tax payment.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 1993 N 225 “On approval of the List of enterprises engaged in seasonal purchase of raw materials for the purposes of value added tax” (Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 12, Art. 1003);

Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 1993 N 1321 "On introducing additions to the List of enterprises engaged in seasonal purchase of raw materials for the purposes of value added tax" (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 52, Art. 5149);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 1994 N 127 “On introducing additions to the List of enterprises engaged in seasonal purchase of raw materials for the purposes of value added tax” (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 9, Art. 703 );

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 23, 1995 No. 74 “On introducing additions to the List of enterprises engaged in seasonal purchases of raw materials for the purposes of value added tax” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 5, Art. 423).

seasonal industries and activities, used when providing a deferment or installment plan for tax payment
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1999 N 382)

With changes and additions from:

September 4, 2001, October 17, 2003, June 15, 2009, September 3, 2010, February 25, 2014


Crop production

Mechanized work in the field

Procurement of agricultural products and raw materials

Fur farming

Growing commercial pond fish and fish seeding material

Processing industry

Seasonal production in meat and dairy industry organizations

Seasonal production in sugar and canning industry organizations

Production of vegetable oils and fats


Fishery activities on fishing vessels and in coastal processing organizations

Artificial reproduction of fish stocks

Extraction and processing of algae and marine mammals

Oil and gas industry

Development of fields and construction of facilities in swampy areas and under water in the Far North and similar areas

Peat industry

Extraction, drying and harvesting of peat

Repair and maintenance of process equipment in the field

Medical industry

Preparation of herbal medicinal and essential oil raw materials

Forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper industries

Harvesting and removal of wood

Rafting and timber transshipment works, work on unloading wood from water transport vessels and rolling wood out of water

Preparation of resin, stump tar and birch bark

Light industry

Seasonal production of natural fur products in fur industry organizations


Soil preparation, sowing and planting forests, caring for forest crops, working in tree nurseries

Field forest management work

Harvesting of wild forest products

Hunting farm

Hunting and procurement of hunting products

Protection, registration and reproduction of game animals, including biotechnical measures and game breeding

Field hunting management work

Transportation of passengers and cargo, loading and unloading operations in areas with limited navigation times

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2010 N 677, the list was supplemented with the section “Shipbuilding Industry”

Shipbuilding industry

Construction and repair of inland water transport vessels in areas with limited navigation periods

All sectors of the economy

Early delivery of products (goods) to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas

There are many businesses whose activities depend on the season. Accordingly, some personnel of such companies, due to natural conditions, can only work during a certain period of time, for example, exclusively in spring and summer. Ch. 46 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates labor relations with seasonal employees.

Definition and Features

Art. 293 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives a clear definition - work that, due to climatic conditions, is performed in a certain period of time is considered seasonal.

Seasonal work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has the following features:

  • The work directly depends on the climate; it cannot be done all year round.
  • Seasonal work, as a rule, does not exceed six months.
  • Such work is stipulated by industry and interindustry documents.

According to para. 2. art. 293 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, lists of seasonal labor can be valid for a season exceeding 6 months. The longest duration of seasonal work is determined by agreements concluded at the federal social partnership level.

Guarantees for seasonal workers

Seasonal workers are subject to general rights and guarantees defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, the code also provides for a number of specific features for this category.

Payment for the work of seasonal workers is stipulated in the employment contract and cannot be lower than the minimum, excluding bonuses and other additional payments. Also, seasonal workers have the right to claim paid sick leave and take vacations, like other workers. The actual terms of work are necessarily displayed in the work book and serve as the basis for calculating a pension.

For seasonal activities, in the industries specified in Government Decree No. 498 dated July 4, 2002, work for the entire season is added to the length of service to calculate the pension of seasonal workers as for a year.

A seasonal worker has the right to apply for vacation. For each month worked, he is entitled to two days of rest (Article 295 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When calculating vacation pay, average earnings are taken for the last three months. If the duration of work of a seasonal worker is less than 3 months, the average salary is taken for the time actually worked.

Early termination of an employment agreement is permitted. If a worker decides to resign of his own free will, he must inform the organization about this three days in advance. When staffing is reduced, the organization sends the worker a week's notice and is obliged to pay compensation in the amount of two weeks' average earnings (Article 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

List of seasonal work

Lists of seasonal work are determined by industry and inter-industry agreements.

Thus, the list of seasonal work approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 498 dated July 4, 2002 (as amended on June 10, 2014) includes areas of activity where people work at a certain time:




Bog activities, extraction and drying of peat, equipment maintenance.


Extraction of resin, spruce sulfur, tar.

Timber rafting

Throwing wood into water bodies, rafting, sorting in water, rolling out onto land, loading onto ships.


Reforestation and restoration.


Activities related to dairy products and canned products.

Production and processing of meat products.

Fishing, seafood and their processing.


Activities for the production of granulated sugar and refined sugar.

Fruit and vegetable

Growing and processing of vegetables and fruits.

There are also certain types of activities performed regardless of industry affiliation:

  • landscaping: tree pruning and landscaping, snow removal;
  • carrying out external repairs of buildings;
  • blanks;
  • labor related to industrial mountaineering;
  • laying and repairing roads.

For example, city landscaping is carried out exclusively in spring and summer, and snow removal in winter and early spring.

Labor legislation includes two types of seasonal work: lasting up to six months and more than six months. The deadline applies to certain seasonal work established by law. Any lists of seasonal work are established at the federal level as part of the social partnership.

Seasonal work is regulated by Ch. 46 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, in Art. 293 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives their definition: seasonal work is recognized as work that, due to climatic and other natural conditions, is carried out during a certain period (season), not exceeding, as a rule, six months. But sometimes the season can last longer. In this case, the list of seasonal work, which can be carried out over a period (season) exceeding six months, is determined by industry (inter-industry) agreements concluded at the federal level of social partnership. The same documents also establish the maximum duration of these individual seasonal works.
For example, the Industry Agreement on the timber industry of the Russian Federation for 2009 - 2011 stipulates that the specific duration of the season is determined by organizations together with the elected body of the primary trade union organization based on climatic conditions at the location of the organization in a particular region and is included in the terms of the collective agreement or established in local regulatory act (if there is no collective agreement), adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization. At the same time, the following are recognized as seasonal work in the forest industry:
- logging industry (extraction of resin, barras, stump tar and spruce sulfur);
- timber rafting (discharge of wood into water, primary and raft timber rafting, sorting on water, rafting and rolling out wood from water);
- loading (unloading) of wood onto ships.
Seasonal services also include the transportation of passengers. At the same time, in resort areas, the season is considered to be the summer-autumn period, and when transporting to recreation areas, holiday villages and gardening associations - from May to October.

The industry tariff agreement in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation for 2008 - 2010 establishes that the duration of seasonal work in life support systems for the population is determined by the period of provision of the corresponding services. The peculiarity of such seasonal work is provided for by regional industry tariff agreements and collective agreements of organizations. This Agreement also establishes a list of seasonal work, which can be carried out during a period (season) exceeding six months, which includes the production, transmission and sale of thermal energy. The duration of these works is determined by the heating period, approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If the duration of seasonal work is exceeded for a period of more than six months due to climatic and other natural conditions and if this work is not included in the specified list, the employer has the right to conclude a new fixed-term employment contract with the employee for the required period of provision of housing and communal services.

As quite often happens, along with documents issued recently, old regulations that have not lost force continue to apply. For example, you can use:
- List of seasonal work, approved by Decree of the People's Commissariat of the USSR dated October 11, 1932 N 185;
- A list of seasonal industries, work in organizations of which during the full season when calculating the insurance period is taken into account in such a way that its duration in the corresponding calendar year is a full year, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2002 N 498 (hereinafter referred to as Decree N 498 );
- A list of seasonal work and seasonal industries, work in organizations of which, regardless of their departmental affiliation, for a full season is counted towards the length of service for granting a pension for a year of work, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 07/04/1991 N 381 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 381);
- A list of seasonal industries and types of activities used when providing a deferment or installment plan for tax payment, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/06/1999 N 382.
Traditionally, seasonal ones include:
- agricultural work (harvesting agricultural products, fur farming);
- crop production;
- extraction, drying and harvesting of peat, repair of equipment in the field;
- field forest management work, sowing and planting forests, work in tree nurseries;
- mining of precious metals and precious stones;
- logging operations, timber rafting, afforestation and reforestation;
- production of canned milk and meat;
- fishing and seafood production and processing;
- production of sugar, canned fruits and vegetables, etc.;
- production of products from natural fur;
- bottom and bank protection works.
So, based on the above, we can say that seasonal work includes work that, due to climatic or other natural conditions, is performed only during a certain period and cannot be performed throughout the entire calendar year. As a general rule, the duration of the season cannot exceed six months.

We conclude an employment contract

A feature of seasonal work is its specific duration, therefore, to perform it in a certain period (season), contracts are concluded with employees. Let us remind you that the contract must be drawn up in writing, and the condition regarding the seasonal nature of the work must be indicated in it by virtue of Art. 59 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the condition regarding the seasonality of work must be reproduced in the employment order (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
In accordance with the requirements of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment contract must indicate its validity period or specific start and end dates of work. But, since the duration of the season sometimes depends on natural and climatic conditions (for example, the weather) and it is not always possible to determine its duration in advance, the term of the employment contract may not be specified in the text. One thing is obvious: an employment contract for seasonal work, as a general rule, cannot last more than six months (another period is established by social partnership agreements concluded at the federal level).
According to the general rule enshrined in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to conclude an employment contract, the employee must present the necessary documents:
- passport or other identification document;
- work book, with the exception of cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee starts working on a part-time basis;
- insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
- military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
- a document on education, qualifications or special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training.
Sometimes the question arises: do the rules for concluding an employment contract by actual admission to perform seasonal work apply? We answer. Indeed, the norms of Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that an employment contract that is not properly drawn up is considered concluded if the employee began work with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer or his representative. But we believe that this rule cannot be applied when hiring for seasonal work. Let's explain why. Persons hired for seasonal work must be warned about this when concluding an employment contract. And when actually allowed to work, it may turn out that the employee will not know about the seasonality of his work. If the actual admission to perform seasonal work is carried out, then in the future it will be quite difficult for the employer to prove that he wanted to hire a seasonal worker, and as a result, the employment contract can be qualified as concluded for an indefinite period.

Note! If an employee is hired for a season not exceeding two months, according to the rules of Part 4 of Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a test cannot be assigned to him.

The probation clause (if it is intended) must also be included in the employment contract. Until 2006 in Art. 294 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contained a restriction: the probationary period should not exceed two weeks. Now seasonal workers are subject to the general rules on the probationary period established by Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: the test period cannot exceed three months. When concluding an employment contract for a period of two to six months, the probationary period cannot exceed two weeks.

Features of providing leave

For seasonal workers, a special rule has been established regarding the provision of leave. In particular, employees engaged in seasonal work are provided with paid leave at the rate of two working days for each month of work (Article 295 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If an employee has worked for half a month, he is given one working day for vacation. Let us recall that according to the general rule established by Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of annual paid leave is 28 calendar days.
Average daily earnings for payment of vacations granted in working days, in cases provided for by the Labor Code, as well as for payment of compensation for unused vacations, are determined by dividing the amount of accrued wages by the number of working days according to the calendar of a six-day working week (Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .
Typically, seasonal workers do not use paid leave, but upon dismissal they receive compensation for it. When calculating compensation, the legislator also deviated from the general norms, according to which employees are entitled to compensation in the amount of 2.33 days for each full month worked. In this case, it takes two working days to calculate it.
In addition, employees can write an application for leave with subsequent dismissal according to the rules of Art. 127 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the day of dismissal will be the last day of vacation. Despite the fact that the vacation time goes beyond the term of the employment contract (and may go beyond the six-month period), the contract will not become open-ended.
If an employee has the right to additional paid leave (for example, for work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, irregular working hours), they must be calculated according to the general rules.

Features of termination of an employment contract

Let us remind you that an employment contract for seasonal work is a fixed-term one, therefore the rules of Art. 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: an employment contract concluded to perform seasonal work during a certain period (season) is terminated at the end of this period (season). But other grounds for termination of employment relations are not excluded.
For example, seasonal workers can terminate their employment contract at their own request before its expiration date. The employee must notify the employer of such a desire not 14 calendar days in advance, as established by Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and not less than three calendar days. The employee must do this in writing, for example in a statement. The notice period for dismissal begins on the next day after the employer receives the notice of dismissal (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Abandonment of work without a good reason by a person who has entered into a fixed-term employment contract before the expiration of the contract or before the expiration of the notice period for early termination of the employment contract is considered as absenteeism (clause “d”, paragraph 39 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 N 2 “On application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation").
For the employer, some deadlines are also determined with deviations from general norms. In particular, in accordance with Art. 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation about the upcoming dismissal due to the liquidation of the organization, reduction in the number or staff of employees, the employer must notify seasonal workers at least seven calendar days in advance (usually this period is two months). The employer must also do this in writing. This notification must be presented to the employee against signature. Please note that upon termination of the employment contract in this case, by virtue of Art. 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a seasonal worker is entitled to severance pay in the amount of two weeks’ average earnings. But the preservation of average earnings for dismissed seasonal workers for the period of employment Art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not provided for.
There are no other specifics for terminating an employment contract with seasonal workers; for other reasons, termination of employment relations is carried out in accordance with the general procedure. For example, when dismissing a seasonal worker at the initiative of the employer for absenteeism, the procedure for bringing to disciplinary liability, provided for in Art. Art. 192, 193 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also, an employment contract can be terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, established by Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for example, death of an employee).

How is seasonal service for a pension calculated?

When assessing the pension rights of insured persons, when assigning them a labor pension, the total length of service is taken into account. Basically, periods of work included in such length of service are calculated calendar based on their actual duration. But exceptions are made for certain types of activities. In particular, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" when calculating the insurance period, periods of work during the full navigation period on water transport and during the full season in organizations of seasonal industries determined by the Government of the Russian Federation are taken into account with in such a way that the duration of the insurance period in the corresponding calendar year is a full year. Currently, the Pension Fund of Russia uses Resolution No. 498, according to which the List of such seasonal industries includes:
1) peat industry (swamp preparation work, extraction, drying and harvesting of peat, repair and maintenance of technological equipment in the field);
2) logging industry (extraction of resin, barras, stump tar and spruce sulfur);
3) timber rafting (discharge of wood into water, primary and raft timber rafting, sorting on water, rafting and rolling out wood from water, loading (unloading) of wood onto ships);
4) forestry (afforestation and reforestation, including soil preparation, sowing and planting forests, caring for forest crops, work in forest nurseries and field forest management work);
5) butter, cheese and dairy industries (seasonal work in organizations for the production of dairy products and in specialized organizations for the production of canned milk);
6) meat industry (seasonal work in organizations for the production of meat products, poultry processing and the production of canned meat);
7) fishing industry (seasonal work in organizations for catching fish, catching whales, sea animals, seafood and processing these raw materials, in fish culinary, canning, fish flour, fat and flour organizations and refrigerators of the fishing industry, in aerial reconnaissance);
8) sugar industry (seasonal work in organizations producing granulated sugar and refined sugar);
9) fruit and vegetable industry (seasonal work in organizations producing canned fruits and vegetables).
Work for a full season at enterprises in the seasonal fisheries, meat and dairy industries, at enterprises in the sugar and canning industries is counted towards the pension for the year of work starting from the 1967 season (clause 2 of Resolution No. 381).
For employees of enterprises - shipowners of the fishing fleet of the fishing industry, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 28, 1994 N 87 "On adjusting the average number of employees of enterprises (associations) - shipowners of the fishing fleet of the fishing industry" stipulates that since 1994, if the actual number of hours worked exceeds the normal the number of working hours at enterprises (associations) - ship owners of the fishing fleet, where, due to the regular (seasonal) nature of work, a summarized accounting of working time is established, the average number of employees of these enterprises for the reporting period, when calculating the standard value of labor costs, is adjusted by a coefficient characterizing the ratio of the actual number of hours worked to the normal number of working hours established by law. The procedure for determining the average number of employees of these enterprises in statistical reporting remains the same.