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Fasting diet - a fasting menu for every day and permitted foods. Proper nutrition during Lent and an example menu for the week Proper Lenten nutrition

Fasting is a great time to improve the health of your body. And in order to achieve precisely this goal, and not the opposite, it is necessary to take nutrition seriously during this period. Nutrition during fasting should also be balanced. It must contain the required amount of useful substances.

If you do not consider fasting from a religious point of view, then it is something between a raw food diet, vegetarianism, and a low-protein diet. The task of those practicing fasting is to ensure that all the necessary nutrients harmoniously enter the body.

Many people believe that church fasting mainly differs from ordinary eating in that it abstains from meat. But it is not so.

Here are the basic rules that apply to all church posts:

  1. During fasting, you cannot eat eggs, meat, or dairy products.
    Fish dishes can only be consumed on certain days, namely on Palm Sunday and the Feast of the Annunciation. It is allowed to add a little vegetable oil to food on holidays and on weekends.
  2. Smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited during this period.
    Only on weekends and holidays can you drink a small amount of red wine, which symbolizes the blood of Christ.
  3. During fasting, one meal is practiced.
    That is, you can only eat once a day. The exception is holidays and weekends, when you can eat twice a day.
  4. A ban is imposed on the use of substitute products.
    For example, you cannot cook soybeans in an attempt to replace meat products.

The benefits of the Lenten menu

And if we consider fasting as a diet, then how will such a diet be beneficial for the body? Proper lean nutrition means, first of all, limiting yourself to protein foods.

The temporary absence of animal protein foods in the diet helps normalize metabolism. It becomes easier for the body to get rid of waste and toxins. This leads to the fact that a person generally feels better.

Proper lean nutrition is very useful for diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis, such food reduces the load on the digestive organs. But at the same time, there are groups of people for whom lean foods are contraindicated.

For whom is fasting not beneficial?

Such restrictions are undesirable for:

  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • for children;
  • for people who have diseases such as: diabetes mellitus, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, chronic gastritis;
  • elderly people;
  • people who are in poor health, for example those who are going through a post-operative period, or those who have had an infectious disease.

How to fast correctly?

Meal in Lent

In order to fast correctly and turn fasting into the most beneficial diet for the body, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is correct not to overuse raw foods so that you do not have problems with the digestive system.
    Food can not only be boiled, but also baked, stewed, and steamed. You can also eat pickles.
  2. How to compensate for the lack of animal protein?
    To ensure that your body does not starve for protein, it is correct to eat more plant protein. It is found a lot in beans, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, and pumpkin. These are all great alternatives to animal protein.
  3. How to make up for the lack of fat?
    Here again, plant foods come to the rescue. Healthy fats can be found in foods such as walnuts, pine nuts, avocado, sunflower and sesame seeds. It will also be very useful to enrich your diet with different types of oils.
  4. How to compensate for calcium deficiency?
    With dairy products, which are prohibited during fasting, we limit the intake of calcium into the body. Calcium can be found in the following plant foods: legumes, green vegetables, seeds, nuts, and various types of cabbage.
  5. How to compensate for iron deficiency?
    Iron can be found in foods such as yeast, red and white cabbage, dark chocolate, and rye bread.

Christmas post

For example, let’s look at one of the posts, namely the Nativity Fast. The Nativity Fast is needed in order to cleanse yourself before the start of the new year, this is preparation for the Nativity of Christ.

Saints compare the Nativity Fast with Moses' forty-day journey through the desert. It is believed that during the Nativity Fast a person can be cleansed of all the bad things that he has had during the whole year. The Nativity fast fills a person with a feeling of humility and love. The Nativity fast does not have the strictest rules - in its diet you can find dishes that contain butter or fish.

Here is the fasting meal by day:

  1. First day:
    The Nativity fast involves eating vegetable foods without oil on the first day.
  2. Second day:
    It is allowed to eat fish, as well as drink a small amount of grape, apple or rowan wine. It is allowed to eat plant foods and add vegetable oil to it.
  3. The third day involves dry eating.
    You are allowed to eat bread, fruits, dried fruits, honey, vegetables, and nuts.
  4. On the fourth day, you are allowed to eat fish, drink a small amount of wine, and eat plant foods with the addition of oil.
  5. The fifth day involves dry eating.
    On this day you are allowed to eat fruits, dried fruits, raw vegetables, honey and nuts.
  6. On the sixth day, you are allowed to eat fish dishes, drink a small amount of wine, and eat vegetable foods with oil.
  7. On the seventh day it is allowed to eat fish dishes, also drink a small amount of wine, and vegetable food with oil is allowed.

This is approximately what the correct Lenten menu looks like during the Nativity Fast. It's only the last week before Christmas that the rules become stricter.

Summer post

Perhaps everyone knows about the Nativity Fast. Not everyone knows about the existence of Petrov’s summer fast. Petrov's summer fast always begins on Monday, a week after Trinity. And Petrov's fast always ends on July 12, in the name of the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul.

This post, like others, is designed to cultivate will in a person. A will that can defeat egoistic desires and subordinate the desires of the body to its spirit.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

A selection of 100 recipes for Lenten dishes, now you will always know what you can cook and eat during Lent.

Lenten kharcho soup includes rice, potatoes, onions, garlic, nuts, and tomatoes. Kharcho is richly decorated with greenery. It simply smells of sour tomatoes and spicy garlic. You'll lick your fingers!

It is very easy to prepare lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker. The peculiarity of the multicooker is that the vegetables do not boil in it, they remain dense and full of flavor. We will prepare cabbage soup from fresh vegetables.

Lenten dumplings are a versatile dish that can be served in broth, fried and served as an appetizer or side dish. I will fry the dumplings and the entire preparation of the dish will take me 30-40 minutes.

Lenten salad with mushrooms is prepared from champignons, blue onions, spinach, and pine nuts. Dressed with olive oil. The salad turns out fresh, aromatic, satisfying and healthy. Try it!

Lenten borscht with sprat is prepared very quickly and simply. For it you need to chop all the vegetables, fry them, throw them into the pan, add sprat in tomato and cook until tender. You'll lick your fingers!

You can cook Lenten pickle with barley in less than an hour. The rassolnik turns out rich, satisfying, and sour. The pearl barley will need to be pre-soaked for half an hour. And then it’s simple.

Lenten borscht with mushrooms is a fragrant and bright first course that will delight your home with an abundance of vegetables and different flavors. This includes not only beets and mushrooms, but also cabbage, beans, bell peppers, etc.

Lenten pancakes are easy to prepare. It’s very tasty to serve these pancakes with smoked salmon and a sprig of dill. The dish turns out nourishing, beautiful and should appeal to all potato lovers.

Lenten crab salad can be prepared from crab meat or lean crab sticks, add herbs, vegetables, and light yogurt to them. It will turn out tasty, satisfying, bright, beautiful and original. Let's try!

Shchi is a national Russian dish, tasty and loved by everyone. Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms is good for a fasting day. They will restore strength and fill the body with vitamin C, which is abundant in cabbage.

Cooking Lenten gingerbread can turn into a most exciting activity. The dough is easy to prepare, they bake quickly, and I recommend coloring the gingerbread cookies with the whole family; children will especially enjoy it.

As you know, avocado is a very nutritious fruit. Therefore, during Lent, when fasting people lack nutrients, I suggest preparing a lean avocado salad. Both tasty and satisfying.

Lenten salad with squid is prepared from ready-made canned squid, fresh vegetables, herbs and spices. This salad is not only tasty, but also healthy. Plus, it's light and fresh.

Lenten borscht is prepared from vegetables in a slow cooker for two hours. The result is a very tasty thick borscht, filled with the aromas of vegetables. In the slow cooker they open up wonderfully and retain their shape.

If you want chebureks during Lent, don’t despair - they can be prepared with both Lenten filling and Lenten dough. I used lentil filling and it turned out very tasty.

Lenten strudel is prepared without oil. The result is a fragrant pastry with a lot of apple filling, which is ideal for tea drinking. This lean strudel takes about two hours to prepare.

Use this recipe and prepare such lean bean cutlets that no one will distinguish from meat ones. Very tasty and filling.

Bright, tender and aromatic Lenten carrot cutlets will diversify and decorate your table on fasting days. Tasty and healthy at the same time. I'm sharing the recipe.

Very appetizing lean flatbreads that can be served with almost any dish instead of bread. A simple recipe for Lenten flatbreads is relevant not only for fasting people, but also for vegetarians.

During Lent, you also sometimes want to treat yourself to aromatic pilaf - and this is quite possible if you replace meat with mushrooms! Recipe for cooking lean pilaf with mushrooms - for fasting days and not only.

Lenten coleslaw is very refreshing and light. A godsend for those who are losing weight - a minimum of calories due to cucumber and vinegar. It’s good to include it in a complex side dish for poultry or fish.

If you decide to fast, or just want light, low-fat food, then you should pay attention to this simple recipe for lean cabbage cutlets. Tasty and healthy!

Lenten dumplings with two types of filling - turnips and sauerkraut - are a budget dish that can satisfy a whole horde of hungry adults. A fantastically tasty dish, despite its cheapness.

Lent is the time to cleanse the body. But what to do if your stomach persistently demands rich soups? The simple answer to this question is Lenten solyanka. Well, how to cook it - read on.

Do everyone's favorite and well-known Lenten dumplings with potatoes need any introduction? Despite the cheapness of the ingredients, dumplings with potatoes are always a hit. I'm sharing the recipe.

If you decide to make pies during Lent, then you will definitely need a simple recipe for Lenten dough for pies. It’s quite easy to knead lean dough for pies - I’ll tell you how.

Lenten pies with potatoes are pies that contradict the laws of physics. You can eat more of them than physically fit into a person. Checked personally. A simple recipe for Lenten pies with potatoes - for you!

Lenten pies with cabbage are classic Russian pies that are usually prepared during Lent, although in principle they can be successfully prepared all year round. The recipe is extremely simple, worth a try.

Lenten cabbage soup is an excellent hot soup for those who are fasting or just want to have a fasting day. The cabbage soup is prepared simply and from available ingredients, but the results are simply delicious.

If you love beans, then you will probably like and find this recipe for stewed beans with tomatoes. A simple way to deliciously cook such a trivial product as beans.

Beet cutlets are an excellent low-calorie recipe for anyone who follows a healthy diet. They can be served simply with sour cream as an independent dish, or with any side dish.

Make this easy zucchini appetizer! I offer Algerian zucchini. Zucchini turns out spicy with a sweet and sour taste. All my friends like it, I recommend it!

The recipe for cooking potatoes in Greek will delight all vegetable lovers. This bright, beautiful and tasty dish will fit perfectly into a vegetarian menu, but it will also be quite appropriate on the table of meat-eaters! :)

Fried potatoes, mushrooms... And even sour cream, onions, and fresh herbs... Well, are your mouth watering? Then let's try to cook champignons with potatoes - millet, quickly, very tasty!

The easiest and fastest way to prepare beet salad is in this recipe. Minimum ingredients and lots of benefits!

Borscht with mushrooms and beans is a real storehouse of proteins for vegetarians and a very satisfying dish for those who are fasting. A classic recipe for borscht with mushrooms and beans - from our table to yours!

Rice with corn in a slow cooker will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish, or a completely independent dish on your everyday table. With a multicooker it’s easy to cook, and it’s a pleasure to eat!;)

This beautiful and bright salad can rightfully be considered off-season, but in the fall, when the tomatoes have not yet lost their summer aroma, it turns out to be especially tasty. White bean salad recipe - for you!

This is a simple but bright, beautiful and very tasty salad that does not conflict with the requirements of fasting and is suitable for dietary nutrition and vegetarian menus. Try it! :)

In fact, this wonderful salad is very similar to a vinaigrette, so this is a wonderful combination of sauerkraut, peas and beets, not only very tasty, but also healthy.

A wonderful tasty and healthy side dish that goes perfectly with meat or fish, but at the same time can be an independent dish for every day.

The classic recipe for Lenten gingerbread will be useful not only for Orthodox believers, but also for everyone who tries to limit themselves in the consumption of butter dough. Details are in the recipe!

A simple recipe for lean bread in a bread machine is relevant not only on days of fasting - it will be useful to everyone who monitors their health and weight, regardless of the time of year!

A simple recipe for breaded broccoli will enrich your menu with another light and tasty vegetable side dish. With sesame seeds and soy sauce - it's simply magical! :)

A light, tasty and very healthy carrot dish is suitable for lovers of vegetarian food, as well as those who fast or watch their figure.

Stewed cabbage with carrots is a universal dish that can be prepared both for holidays and on ordinary days. In addition, stewed cabbage with carrots can be served as a side dish.

Korean potatoes are not a hot dish or a side dish, but a delicious spicy salad. Lovers of everything “spicy” should definitely learn how to cook potatoes in Korean!

I think this recipe for making Lenten bean soup can be useful not only for those who are fasting. First of all, attention to vegetarians, but everyone else is welcome at our table! :)

The recipe for making Lenten pie with jam without eggs and dairy products will be useful to everyone who observes fasts and also monitors their health and weight.

A wonderful seasonal side dish of fresh vegetables that goes perfectly with any meat. You can also use it as an independent dish, in any case it is very tasty.

Vegetable cutlets can't be tasty? In fact, this is far from the case. Try making cabbage zrazy and you will be surprised how appetizing vegetables can be.

A simple, but no less tasty vegetable salad, which will be an excellent addition to meat and poultry dishes. So, the recipe for salad with cabbage and corn is a tasty, light and healthy dish!

Dedicated to lovers of tasty and healthy food - a simple recipe for salad with mushrooms and champignons with photos!

Beet cutlets are a wonderful alternative to meat cutlets. Moreover, they are much healthier than the latter!

I offer you a simple recipe for Armenian bean soup lobahashu - tasty, healthy and completely vegetarian! At the same time, it’s so filling that even inveterate meat eaters will appreciate it ;).

I suggest you learn how to cook bell peppers with vegetables, and another tasty and healthy dish will appear on your summer menu!

Carrots with cheese and garlic are a wonderful salad with excellent taste and beneficial properties. Plus, this salad is very easy to prepare.

Solyanka is not only a delicious soup, but also a wonderful cabbage side dish, the preparation of which, if you have a multicooker, turns into a real pleasure!

Probably every housewife has her own signature recipe for eggplant rolls. They wrap so many things in them - carrots, cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, tomatoes! - but my favorite thing is these nut rolls. Try it!

Cooking new potatoes in a slow cooker is easy and simple. This is the first dish that I mastered after buying a slow cooker. It turned out great - delicious golden-colored potatoes and all in one bowl!

Champignons are an indispensable product during Lent. There are many recipes for lean dishes made from champignons, and I want to offer you another one - a delicious and nutritious soup. Read the recipe!

For a light dinner or diet lunch, you can prepare stewed celery with vegetables - a simple and very tasty dish.

Beetroot cutlets are very healthy, tasty and satisfying. This dish will please everyone: from lovers of delicious food to people who want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

Many people love Korean asparagus. But usually the price for this salad on the market is quite high. Let's cook it ourselves! And as much as we want.

I bring to your attention delicious, aromatic potatoes with vegetables in a pot. You can prepare this dish from what you have in the refrigerator; the ingredients in this version can be replaced with others.

Salads with beans are always appetizing and satisfying. I suggest you prepare a bright salad that will not leave any gourmet indifferent. I promise it will be beautiful and delicious!

When you want not only healthy, but also tasty vegetables, try cooking spicy carrots with marinade. This dish will be an excellent side dish for meat.

Salad with boiled potatoes is great as a side dish. You can serve it with a meat or fish dish. Or as a snack.

I suggest you cook carrots in tomatoes at home. A universal appetizer - for sandwiches, as a dressing for first courses, and as a sauce for side dishes. And it’s also very tasty, healthy and fast!

Most vegetarians understand vegetables and their beneficial properties better than ordinary meat eaters. This vegetarian broccoli soup recipe was shared with me by a vegetarian friend. Very tasty.

White bean paste is one of the most delicious and healthy snacks I make for my family. The pate contains fresh herbs and lemon juice.

I personally prepare porridge with carrots at home very often; it turns out to be a painfully simple and satisfying dish, so I advise you to try it too. Great for all kinds of salads and cutlets!

A fasting diet is based on the consumption of plant-based foods. It has been established that vegetarian food is a source of renewal and improvement of the functioning of all systems and organs. Those who fast rarely suffer from heart and vascular diseases, and cholesterol is within normal limits. Let's look at how such a menu affects the weight loss process.

Basic rules of a lean diet

A lean diet for weight loss is based on observing some subtleties. The essence of such nutrition is the partial or complete exclusion of animal products. Therefore, take the following rules as a basis:

  • Limit portion sizes. It is clear that vegetarian food slowly saturates the body, but it is still necessary to comply with the norm. One serving should be no more than 1 glass.
  • Consider carbs. Lenten foods include pasta and potatoes. However, to lose excess weight, you should limit your consumption of these foods.
  • Drink clean, still water every day. The liquid is calculated by multiplying 35 ml by the number of kilograms.
  • Physical activity improves metabolic processes, blood circulation, and cleanses the body.
  • Diversify your menu by preparing different dishes.
  • The source of iron is meat, so the body will experience a deficiency of this element. Introduce legumes, nuts, apples, and cereals into your diet.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Menu for the week

The fasting diet includes a menu, which in the classic version is drawn up for one week. Such nutrition is not simple, since it is necessary to prepare healthy, non-fast meals. Use your imagination, because you can make many delicious and nutritious dishes from vegetarian products.

  • Day 1

Breakfast - black bread, stewed carrots and chicory-based coffee.

Lunch – soup with beans.

Afternoon snack - a drink made from berries.

Dinner – buckwheat porridge, some prunes and black tea.

  • Day 2

Breakfast – rice porridge with pumpkin.

Lunch – lean vinaigrette, cabbage soup and crackers.

Afternoon snack – buckwheat balls, a glass of berry drink.

Dinner – semolina casserole with plums, tea and crackers.

  • Day 3

Breakfast – salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, mint tea.

Lunch – first course with lentils, a couple of slices of lean bread, cabbage salad.

Afternoon snack – baked potato cakes, carrot salad, Lenten cherry dessert.

Dinner – baked young zucchini, bran bread, tea with dried pumpkin.

  • Day 4

Breakfast – bran bread with mushroom or squash caviar, oat drink.

Lunch – salad of radish, carrots with lingonberries, soup with garlic, crackers.

Afternoon snack – pumpkin stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms, apple salad with honey.

Dinner – semolina casserole with raisins, mint tea.

  • Day 5

Breakfast – millet and fruit, a glass of tea.

Lunch – borscht without meat, cabbage salad with carrots and onions.

Afternoon snack – barley and mushrooms, 250 ml of berry compote.

Dinner – stew of onions and carrots, a small amount of cranberries.

  • Day 6

Breakfast – rolled oats, fresh berries, a glass of compote.

Lunch – vegetarian soup, salad with beets, lean pastries.

Afternoon snack – stew with cabbage and beans, baked apple.

Dinner – salted tomatoes with potatoes, a cup of tea and a small amount of dried apricots.

  • Day 7

Breakfast – potato cakes, 250 ml of tea.

Lunch – mushroom soup, apple salad with berries.

Afternoon snack – stewed cauliflower with vegetables, apple compote.

Dinner – cabbage rolls with champignons, oatmeal bun, a glass of tea.

A fast diet for weight loss for 7 days is not boring enough and has a very varied diet. It is possible that you will not find cranberries or lingonberries, since they grow in certain latitudes. In this case, introduce local berries to the menu, for example, black currants, raspberries, gooseberries or blackberries.

Lenten recipes

It is much easier to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner if the options for lean dishes have been studied in detail. Let's look at some of them.

Vinaigrette with salted mushrooms


  • Beetroot – 100 g.
  • Potatoes – 100 g.
  • Canned beans – 2/3 tbsp.
  • Salted mushrooms – 180 g.
  • Onions – 50 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 100 g.
  • Olive oil – 45 ml.
  • Salt – a pinch.


  1. Boil the beets and potatoes, cool and peel the skins.
  2. Remove the skins from the onion, cut it, beets and potatoes into cubes.
  3. Chop the mushrooms into small pieces. Pour the marinade off the beans.
  4. Combine all ingredients, pour in oil, sprinkle with salt. Stir and serve.

Millet soup


  • Millet cereal – 80 g.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 4 teeth.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Dill – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. Sort the millet and rinse with water.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and add the cereal, cook for about 25 minutes.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion.
  4. Add vegetables and chopped garlic to the millet, boil for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Add chopped herbs and salt. Turn off the heat and serve after 15 minutes.

Lenten cabbage rolls


  • White cabbage – 450 g.
  • Champignons – 100 g.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Boiled rice – 1 tbsp.
  • Parsley – 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. Chop the onion and lightly fry.
  2. Add chopped mushrooms, sauté for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Add rice and chopped parsley and mix the filling.
  4. Separate the cabbage into leaves and boil them in water for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Wrap the filling in cabbage and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Serve hot.

How to replace animal protein

Animal proteins are very important for the human body to function properly. Therefore, when following a lean diet, it is necessary to replace them with plant components. Protein is found in the following foods:

  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • oats;
  • barley;
  • peas;
  • dried apricots;
  • nuts;
  • prunes;
  • cereal seeds;
  • soy milk;
  • buckwheat;
  • banana;
  • cherry;
  • kiwi.

It should be noted that soybean is the best digestible legume. Sesame seeds replenish calcium deficiency in the body. Soy milk is also a source of vitamin E.

Benefits and harms

The human body is individual, so it can perceive the effects of dietary nutrition differently. A fast weight loss diet for a week will undoubtedly help you lose excess weight. It has both positive and negative sides. Let's look at the benefits of a lean diet:

  • The body is well cleansed of toxic substances accumulated during the period of eating fatty foods.
  • Excess weight, which puts a significant burden on the heart, goes away.
  • The appearance of the skin improves.
  • Cholesterol and sugar levels decrease, excess fluid disappears.
  • Metabolic processes and the functioning of the digestive system are stabilized.

A menu of lean products cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart.
  • Children under 14 years old.
  • Diabetes.
  • This diet is not suitable for athletes or for people engaged in physical labor.

Experts' opinions

Nutritionists say that eliminating meat products does not always lead to weight loss. After all, the Lenten menu should not be rich in plant products that lead to obesity. This applies to pasta, pickles, potatoes, dried fruits, bread and plant-based milk. Therefore, in order not to increase the number on the scale, you need to eat these components in limited quantities.

A fasting diet allows you to lose an average of 5 kg of excess weight. Only with proper diet can you achieve the desired result. Don't indulge in excess food and take care of your health.

The post was not invented for fun and gastronomic delights. But this is not a reason to eat fried potatoes with pickles and pasta with ketchup for forty days. They will not make your soul happier, but your health will be seriously undermined. There is a great variety of healthy and very satisfying food that meets the strictest Lenten rules! In addition, Lent is an ideal time to revive forgotten recipes and find new delights in long-familiar products.

Our Porridge is the best option for a Lenten menu

Russian porridge- this is not food, this is philosophy. It includes our entire history, starting from pagan times; hints at long-suffering and frugality, not to mention hospitability and hard work... For centuries now we have seen porridge in pots, we have to eat it with a large family with wooden spoons - and the instructions are funny to us " pour boiling water over and eat immediately". What kind of philosophy is this, if immediately? Porridge is a leisurely thing that pays for patience a hundredfold. The main idea here is this: porridge is never tasteless. It just needs to be cooked correctly.

Here is the clearest example: pearl barley. Or “pearl”, barley from which noble whiskey is made.

Rinse it, pour plenty of boiling water, wrap it in a blanket and let it stand for 8-10 hours. Then drain the water, pour boiling water over the cereal again and cook for about fifteen minutes. Let's turn to our Middle European brothers, the Lithuanians, for experience - they love " glass porridge"Fry onion rings in vegetable oil, and then add grated potatoes. Add prepared pearl barley and spices.

A similar story happens with buckwheat porridge, which for some reason is eaten exclusively with cutlets or milk. Did you know that in the fashionable West, buckwheat (kasha, as they say) is a newly discovered organic product, along with the ancient Aztec amaranth and quinoa? There, however, for some reason it is believed that buckwheat must be mixed with whipped egg white before cooking - otherwise, they say, it will not turn out crumbly. You can simply fry good buckwheat with vegetable oil - even on a baking sheet - and then let it try not to crumble! I don’t know if it’s necessary to say that buckwheat is very good with fried onions, extremely good with carrots, peppers, eggplants, and just very, very good with mushrooms?

But you probably have no idea that buckwheat is eaten with great pleasure in Korea! It is used to make sae me duk - steamed buns. To do this, take buckwheat flour, a little salt and enough water to make a stiff dough.

It is kneaded, rolled out a centimeter thick and cut into small squares, which must be greased with vegetable oil and placed in a double boiler for 10 minutes. This amazing dish is served warm on major holidays.

The Japanese make noodles from buckwheat, and porridge is extremely popular in Jewish cuisine." Varniškės": you need to fry a little onions (in the original - in chicken fat), cook porridge separately, separately - twice as much fusili type pasta. Combine all this, heat it up, eat it and be surprised. In general, if you are tired of it (and for a long time you can easily get bored during fasting) the usual taste of porridges, mushrooms and vegetables, get yourself a spicy one" berber mixture", which can be sprinkled anywhere.

Go to the market and enrich the spice merchants there by buying 2 tbsp. l. cumin seeds, 1 tbsp. l. cardamom seeds, black peppercorns, fenugreek (aka fenugreek or shamballa) and coriander, half a spoon of allspice, a couple of dozen clove buds, 5 tbsp. l. red pepper and a tablespoon each of dried ginger, turmeric, paprika and cinnamon. Place the first seven spices in a dry frying pan and fry for 2 minutes, stirring. Then add everything else (and more salt) and put it in the coffee grinder. This wonderful powder will bring you happiness.

We eat fruits dry during Lent and don’t complain

By definition, there can be no fresh fruit in Russia at this time of year. Sauerkraut, of course, is an excellent source of vitamins - but, alas, you can’t make compote from it. We can only rely on summer preparations.

Producers (both branded and Asian brothers) have been doing their best lately: any market is ready to offer at least 10 varieties dried fruits. With the exception of pineapples, which cannot be dried without the use of sugar, other fruits - even kiwi! - simply dry in special drying machines.

The amount of natural vitamin in them, of course, decreases, and sugar increases, but the benefits of dried fruits are still undoubted, because all microelements are retained in the required quantities. In the markets, dried fruits are much cheaper, but branded fruits guarantee freshness and complete integrity of all benefits. Chewing dried fruits just like that, even with tea, is not a very exciting activity.

Any dried fruits, especially figs, cherries and large prunes, combined with red berry juice can turn into a very delicious dessert. To do this, various spices are added to the juice: cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, sugar- and actually dried fruits. All this is boiled over very low heat: first without a lid for about forty minutes, then under the lid for another half hour - until the syrup becomes very thick. Can be served with porridge. In addition, many amazing things are done with dried fruits: for example, they stuff tomatoes, sweet peppers or eggplants with them. Or stewed with onions and red beans.

The main meat is mushrooms

If you don't take into account the newfangled soybeans, mushrooms- the main meat during fasting. They are in winter for most - this mushroom soup. For the especially advanced - mushroom julienne. It's not fair. What about mushroom caviar? A potato cutlets stuffed with mushrooms, with mushroom sauce? What about mushroom risotto? What about dumplings with mushrooms?

All this, of course, can be made from dried mushrooms, lovingly collected with your own hands in the distant summer... But it makes sense to pay attention to the counters with frozen foods. Honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletuses, white...

Japanese ones are also common shiitake mushrooms- world champions in the fight against cancer cells. Even giant portobello mushrooms (which taste like pure chicken) are quite common in supermarkets. This fantastic variety of mushrooms gives rise to almost daily experiments.

Here are some options. You can make sandwiches with tapenade from wild mushrooms: grind capers with olive oil and lemon juice in a mortar and season with salt and pepper. The result is a paste that is wonderfully spread on toasted slices of bread - and between them, impressive slices of mushrooms fried to a crisp.

From oyster mushroom The salad appears as if by itself: fried mushrooms, apples, celery stalks, lettuce leaves and dark seedless grapes. You can top it with a dressing made from lemon juice with crushed pine nuts, salt, pepper and a pinch of cinnamon. For variety, champignons can be fried in a wok with soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds and green onions (serve immediately).

During Lent, eat nuts

Nuts in our diet they play a completely inappropriate role. Either they sprinkle them on cakes, or on beets with garlic... And it seems that everyone only eats peanuts, pine nuts and walnuts. Meanwhile, during Lent, when every protein counts, nuts are an irreplaceable thing. If they are fresh, this is practically a panacea for all the problems of the spring-winter period. And not at all as boring as it seems. They can be sweetened - or, conversely, sharpened.

In the first case, you collect different unroasted nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, pine. In addition, you will need orange juice, sugar, cinnamon and orange zest. From all this a thick syrup is boiled, to which nuts are added. There they need to be mixed thoroughly so that the syrup has time to stick to each, and then transferred to oiled paper and separated with a fork while they are warm.

Spicy nuts ( almonds, pistachios without shell, peanuts) are done in approximately the same way - you just need salt with pepper, chili, cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic powder... with whatever you want - plus delicious vegetable oil. And still a little bit of honey, otherwise the nuts will be separate and the spices will be separate.

Can you make the same mixture from seeds - pumpkin and sunflower. It makes sense to keep spicy nuts and seeds in the refrigerator for a couple of days - let them smell the spices.

Another option for enthusiastically consuming nuts is in a paste or sauce. Peanut butter, a cult product of American teenagers, has long been known to fans of the TV series. It’s easy to make at home: take roasted and peeled peanuts, put them in a meat grinder and grind them with a little water and salt. It is better to store in the refrigerator. Spread this paste on your cookies every morning, because nuts make you smarter - it’s been proven. Healthier snack option: sesame seeds, honey, cinnamon and salt.

If guests are going to come over and everyone is fasting, ask them to bring fresh apples, carrots and celery stalks with them. While they're running around town in search of these scarce foods, calmly grab your stash of raw almonds, lemon juice, honey, fresh basil, salt, garlic and ginger. Proportions are up to your taste. Pass it all through a meat grinder, adding water as needed to get the consistency of thick sour cream. When guests show up, cut the fruits and vegetables they brought, and let them dip them in your sauce themselves. Soon they will have enough to eat, become kinder and begin asking you about the secrets of mastery...

Great or strict fasting in the Orthodox Church is considered the longest. Lent begins seven weeks before Easter. What is Lent and what are the rules of human behavior at this time? Let's figure it out.

Great Lent is, first of all, a cleansing that should be not only physical, but also spiritual. This is a time of repentance before the Lord, reading prayers, spiritual literature, as well as confession and communion. A fasting person is instructed to curb his anger, lust, greed, envy and rudeness. Slander, slander and anger are strictly prohibited.

The true meaning of Lent is the spiritual elevation of man. The diet of the fasting person also plays an important role here, since it is easier for the soul to cleanse itself in a clean body. Diet restrictions are quite strict and seem overwhelming to many. However, if you look at it, the Lenten menu is reminiscent of the newfangled diets that modern girls are so eager to follow. However, diet is just a way to give your body the desired shape. Fasting has a much deeper spiritual meaning.

Lent: how to eat right?

The most difficult days are considered to be the first day of Lent - Clean Monday, as well as Good Friday and Great Saturday - the last two days before Easter. On these days you should completely abstain from food. On other days, dietary restrictions are expected.

How to eat healthy during Lent? It is necessary to exclude meat, milk and dairy products, as well as eggs. These products, as well as any dishes that contain the above, should be completely excluded from the diet. Fish and fish products are allowed only on the Annunciation, Palm Sunday and Lazarus Saturday. On other days, fish should also be avoided.

If you break down proper nutrition during Lent day by day, it will look like this:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday - you are allowed to eat cold food without vegetable oil, once a day in the evening.
  • Tuesday and Thursday - it is allowed to eat steamed food (boiled, stewed, baked) without adding oil, also once a day in the evening.
  • Saturday and Sunday are more gentle days of fasting, you are allowed to eat twice a day in the morning and evening, you can eat vegetable oil, and you are also allowed to drink a glass of red grape wine (once a day).

List of products allowed for consumption during fasting:

By eating all of the above foods, you can get a fairly good and varied diet for every day. The main thing in the Lenten menu is not to overeat, since the true meaning of fasting is to give up any excesses, especially in food.

The post is not useful for everyone. It is recommended that pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, and children under 14 years of age refrain from observing strict fasting. However, true believers try to observe fasting from beginning to end under any circumstances.

How should one enter and exit a fast?

Despite the tangible benefits of Lent for cleansing the body and soul, a sharp refusal of the usual foods included in the daily diet can negatively affect the condition of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to start fasting gradually. A week before the start, it is recommended to give up egg dishes, and a few days later - from milk and dairy products. It is preferable to use lean meat (poultry, turkey, beef). In the first days after the end of fasting, it is also better to use food that has become familiar over the previous seven weeks. To vegetable dishes, you should gradually add low-fat meat dishes first, then milk and eggs. For the first week after fasting, it is recommended to abstain from dishes such as dumplings, soups with fatty broth, fried pork, and pancakes.

Thus, we can conclude that following the nutritional rules during Lent brings only benefits to our body. A lenten menu significantly reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, stroke, removes waste and toxins from the body, and promotes cleansing. In addition to cleansing the body, a person, having passed the tests of Lent, overcomes the path of spiritual cleansing, and “spiritual purity” is much more important than “physical purity.”