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Dual antithrombotic therapy. Prevention of acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Recommendations for antiplatelet therapy. When is a gastrointestinal endoscopy performed?

At the 26-30 August 2017 In Barcelona (Spain), the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) presented for the first time a special update of the ESC position on dual antiplatelet therapy (DAAT) in coronary heart disease. This document was developed in collaboration with the European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons (EACTS) and published online simultaneously in the European Heart Journal and on the ESC website. DAAT is a widely debated topic on which there is a wealth of somewhat conflicting information. This has led to considerable controversy among practitioners, especially regarding the optimal duration of DAPT after coronary artery stenting. At the same time, DAAT is one of the most intensively studied topics in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Opportunities to improve P2Y1,2 receptor inhibition strategies and the optimal duration of treatment are being explored.

This document focuses on the use of DAAT in patients with CAD and includes chapters on DAAT after percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), DAAT in the context of cardiac surgery, DAAT in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) managed conservatively, DAAT in patients with indications for oral anticoagulants, elective extracardiac interventions in patients on DAAT, and DAAT in special patient populations, such as women, patients with diabetes mellitus, and patients with bleeding during treatment.

DAAT reduces the risk of stent thrombosis at any time after implantation, from acute to very late, and after myocardial infarction (MI) or PCI, it reduces the incidence of spontaneous MI. The risk of bleeding in patients who receive DAAT is proportional to its duration. The benefits of long-term DAAT, especially in terms of mortality, depend on prior history of cardiovascular disease (eg, history of previous ACS/MI or stable CAD). The new ESC document recommends the use of predictive models to assess the risk of bleeding during DAPT, as well as an individualized approach based on the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic events in each case.

The most controversial issue at the moment is the need for prolonged use of DAAT (more than 12 months) in patients with ACS who underwent PCI. According to the authors of the document, this is a very difficult decision, which should be considered more than once in order to achieve maximum benefits and minimize risks. In this situation, it is essential to be aware that DAAT is a treatment regimen for the patient, not a stent, and it is possible that the medical community has not yet fully adapted to this paradigm. The ESC Working Group considers that the default duration of DAPT after ACS should be 12 months, regardless of the revascularization strategy chosen (i.e., medical therapy alone, PCI, or coronary artery bypass grafting). In patients with a high risk of bleeding, this period should be reduced to six months. An extension of treatment beyond 12 months may be considered in those patients with ACS who tolerated DAPT well and had no hemorrhagic complications.

The paper emphasizes that indications for short-term DAPT should no longer be considered as a justification for using plain metal stents instead of the latest generation of drug-eluting stents. The duration of DAPT should be determined by the ratio of the risk of ischemic events and bleeding in an individual patient, and not by the type of stent.

Regardless of the type of metal stent used, the duration of DAPT in patients with stable CAD should be between one and six months, depending on the risk of bleeding. A longer duration of DAAT may be considered in cases where the ischemic risk clearly outweighs the risk of hemorrhagic complications.

There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend DAAT in patients with stable CAD undergoing revascularization by coronary artery bypass grafting.

The addition of DAAT to oral anticoagulants leads to a 2-3-fold increase in the risk of hemorrhagic complications. Therefore, in such patients, the need for anticoagulation should be reconsidered and treatment should be continued only if there is a compelling indication, for example, atrial fibrillation, mechanical prosthetic heart valves, or recent deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Depending on the risk ratio of ischemic and hemorrhagic complications, triple therapy (DAAT + oral anticoagulant) should not be prescribed at all after the patient is discharged from the hospital, or its duration should not exceed six months.

With regard to the choice of a specific P2Y1,2 receptor inhibitor, clopidogrel should be the default choice for PCI in patients with stable CAD, those with indications for oral anticoagulants, and patients with ACS who have contraindications to the use of ticagrelor or prasugrel. In contrast, in patients with ACS, in the absence of contraindications, ticagrelor or prasugrel should be used by default. The decision on when to start a P2Y1,2 inhibitor depends both on the specific drug and on the clinical situation (stable CAD or ACS).

The type and duration of DAPT should not differ between men and women, and between patients with and without diabetes mellitus.

Coronary artery stents are widely used to treat coronary heart disease in all its manifestations, from stable angina to myocardial infarction. Insertion of a coronary stent has become a common medical procedure performed on millions of patients every year. Metal stents and drug-eluting stents are commonly used. Although drug-eluting stents show fewer immediate and medium-term vascular complications, there are doubts about the long-term prognosis.

  • stent placement is a common procedure in the treatment of patients with coronary heart disease,
  • compared to metal stents, drug-eluting stents are less likely to restenosis, but more likely to lead to late complications,
  • patients with coronary stents need long-term antiplatelet treatment with two drugs from the time of stent placement,
  • the use of antiplatelet agents increases the risk of bleeding at the site of entry into the vessel, intracranial and gastrointestinal bleeding,
  • gastrointestinal bleeding is treated by restoration of blood volume, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures and the appointment of drugs that protect the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Management of bleeding in patients with stents requires a careful assessment of the balance of risks of bleeding and in-stent thrombosis.

To prevent vascular complications (thrombosis), dual antiplatelet therapy (eg, aspirin and clopidogrel) is used as an important part of patient care after stent placement. Longer antiplatelet therapy is needed to prevent in-stent thrombosis in a drug-eluting stent than after a metal stent. Unfortunately, antithrombotic therapy is associated with an increased risk of bleeding, which can range from minor to life-threatening. This is partly due to the long-term effect of antiplatelet agents, and partly because bleeding and atherosclerosis share many common risk factors. When taking antiplatelet agents, bleeding can develop both at the site of penetration into a large vessel for stenting, and in other organs, such as intracranial vessels or the gastrointestinal tract.

What is a coronary stent?

Coronary disease (coronary heart disease) can be treated by influencing the factors that cause coronary atherosclerosis (smoking cessation, normalization of blood pressure, lowering cholesterol), antiplatelet agents, but in many cases it also requires surgery to restore the patency of the coronary arteries. Such surgeries include coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery. Coronary angioplasty is less traumatic than bypass surgery and can be performed with or without a stent. Stents are devices that are folded through special conductors to the site of narrowing of the coronary artery and straighten out in this place, serving as a vessel frame, which in most cases does not allow narrowing to occur again.

Coronary stents fall into two broad categories:

  • First generation stents – uncoated metal,
  • Second generation stents are drug-eluting.

The main complication after stent placement is restenosis (re-narrowing of the coronary artery), which may require other procedures to restore blood flow. Restenosis causes the multiplication of cells of the inner layer of the vessel and muscle cells of the vessel wall, which, together with the thrombus that occurs here, are able to completely clog the vessel. Reduce the likelihood of restenosis drug-eluting stents that release substances that prevent cell reproduction, such as sirolimus, tacrolimus, paclitaxel, zotarolimus, developed and introduced in the last decade.

What are the indications for antiplatelet therapy after stenting?

In the process of intervention on the coronary arteries, a wide range of antithrombotic agents are used, such as heparin, glycoprotein IIb / IIa inhibitors, direct thrombin inhibitors. In the acute and long-term treatment of myocardial infarction and unstable angina, aspirin is used in conjunction with other antiplatelet agents. such as clopidogrel, reducing the risk of complications. Moreover, in patients with coronary stents, dual antiplatelet therapy is prescribed to reduce the risk of stent thrombosis and restenosis. Such treatment is prescribed for different times, depending on the type and sometimes the location of the coronary artery lesion. Due to the risk of late in-stent stenosis with drug-eluting stents, the use of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with drug-eluting stents is of particular concern. For them, treatment lasts for a year.

Bleeding from a vessel at the access site after stenting

Vascular access for angioplasty can be femoral (at the top of the thigh), radial (at the wrist), and brachial (rarely). Complications at the access site occur in 2-6% of cases and include hematoma, pseudoaneurysm. formation of an arteriovenous fistula, ischemia of the lower limb (with femoral access), infection and retroperitoneal bleeding. Small bruises and hematomas are common, which disappear after a while without special treatment. Large bruises indicate the formation of a large hematoma or other complications and require examination (ultrasound diagnosis). Large hematomas may require surgical treatment.

Retroperitoneal bleeding may occur when using the femoral artery for access, although this complication occurs in less than 1% of cases. Blood entering the peritoneum can cause severe pain in the abdomen or back, accompanied (if not recognized at the time) by a decrease in blood pressure. Treatment of large retroperitoneal bleeding is often conservative with replacement of lost fluid and careful monitoring of important vital signs. In some cases, surgery is required.

Intracranial bleeding after stenting

Intracranial bleeding is one of the most serious complications of antiplatelet therapy. With such bleeding, mortality and disability are high. Concomitant factors increase the likelihood of bleeding, such as high blood pressure, excessive alcohol consumption, male sex, advanced and senile age, and smoking.

Although intracranial bleeding is uncommon, the clinician should be alert when dealing with patients after stent placement and respond quickly if neurologic symptoms occur. Treatment of intracranial bleeding is carried out by neurosurgeons in a hospital setting. Such bleeding most often requires discontinuation of antiplatelet agents, although further treatment is carried out in close contact with cardiologists.

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract after stenting

The risk of gastrointestinal bleeding is increased in people taking antiplatelet agents. Comorbidities also play an important role. Bleeding can begin anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract being the most common. Patients usually. vomiting of fresh or altered blood develops, or a specific stool occurs, characteristic of blood entering the intestine. Frequent pain in the upper abdomen. However, atypical cases are also possible, when bleeding is manifested by symptoms of an acute loss of circulating blood volume, angina pectoris, dizziness when moving to a vertical position.

Factors contributing to the development of bleeding in patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy are well understood. These include a history of peptic ulcer disease, advanced and senile age, male gender, concomitant use of anticoagulants, steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Helicobacter pylori infection, prior anemia, diabetes, and smoking.

Can the use of clopidogrel with proton pump inhibitors reduce the risk of bleeding?

Current recommendations prescribe proton pump inhibitors for patients at high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding receiving dual antiplatelet therapy. In the recent past, there has been a suspicion of a decrease in the effectiveness of clopidogrel taken in conjunction with proton pump blockers. However, recent studies have established that the interaction of these drugs is minimal.

How is acute gastrointestinal bleeding treated?

Work with such patients is carried out in a specialized medical institution where endoscopists can work with the patient and there is a surgical team. Treatment begins with the introduction of blood-substituting fluids into the bloodstream. It is possible to use donor blood components. Laboratory tests are performed, including a complete blood count, a study of the hemostasis system, a biochemical study, and the determination of a blood group.

What is the role of blood transfusion?

The purpose of blood transfusion is to correct global and local tissue oxygen supply and improve hemostasis (correction of blood clotting disorders). Such treatment is prescribed with a loss of about 30% of the volume of circulating blood, which is determined by special calculations.

When is a gastrointestinal endoscopy performed?

Such a study should be performed no later than a day after the discovery of the fact of bleeding, however, in patients with active bleeding and a violation of vital signs, this should be performed urgently. Studies have shown that endoscopy can be safely performed early after an acute coronary syndrome.

Should antiplatelet drugs be discontinued after major bleeding occurs after stenting?

After the bleeding has been stopped, it is necessary to evaluate the possibilities for preventing its recurrence. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is canceled and eradication (elimination in the body) of Helicobacter pylori is carried out. Although many doctors on an intuitive level seek to cancel antiplatelet agents. However, the cessation of their use is fraught with stent thrombosis. Therefore, within five days after the cessation of bleeding (confirmed by endoscopy), it is advisable to resume antiplatelet therapy under the guise of proton pump blockers. In some cases, aspirin is stopped, but clopidogrel is continued, as a drug that is safer for the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of a patient with a freshly placed coronary stent and gastrointestinal bleeding is to find a balance between the risk of bleeding and the risk of stent thrombosis. Therefore, the final decision on treatment tactics is made individually.

Triple antithrombotic therapy after stenting

Research into the use of dual antiplatelet therapy after stent placement is ongoing. The most difficult issue is the implementation of such treatment in patients with an artificial heart valve and atrial fibrillation, since they are already receiving anticoagulants and their antithrombotic therapy becomes triple, which significantly increases the risk of bleeding.

Our comment

Unfortunately, complications after stenting are quite likely. Therefore, everyone who has undergone stenting should be aware of them in order to:

  • strictly adhere to the regimen of medical prescriptions, which helps to maintain a balance of risks,
  • seek help in case of bleeding

1. General considerations

  • The intensification of antiplatelet therapy with the addition of P2Y12 inhibitors to aspirin, as well as the extension of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAT), naturally leads to a fundamental contradiction between a decrease in the incidence of ischemic complications and an increase in the risk of bleeding. The decision to prescribe DAPT and its duration should take into account the risk/benefit ratio; the patient's opinion should be taken into account.
  • In general, a shorter course of DAPT is indicated for patients with a lower risk of ischemic events and a greater likelihood of bleeding, an extended course of DAPT is indicated for patients with a high risk of thrombotic complications and a low risk of hemorrhagic complications.
  • Previous recommendations for the duration of DAPT in patients after implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES) were based on data obtained in patients with first-generation stents, which are no longer used in clinical practice. The new generation stents have a better safety profile; after their implantation, stent thrombosis develops less frequently.
  • The duration of DAPT is the same in patients with all types of acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
  • In most clinical settings, Class I (“must do”) recommendations are given for DAPT duration of 6–12 months; Class IIb (“may be given”) recommendations are made for DAPT extended beyond 6–12 months.
  • Studies focusing on prolongation of DAPT after DES implantation or myocardial infarction (MI) lasted only a few years. Accordingly, the optimal duration of DAPT in patients in whom the risk/benefit ratio is such that they would theoretically benefit from prolonging DAPT is not known with certainty.
  • Duration of DAPT refers to the use of P2Y12 inhibitors. Aspirin patients with coronary artery disease should take constantly.
  • A lower dose of aspirin on DAPT is associated with less bleeding and a similar rate of ischemic events. Therefore, a dose of aspirin of 81 mg (75–100 mg) is recommended for DAT.

2. Factors associated with an increased risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic complications

*- in 3 or more coronary arteries stenoses ≥70% (translator's note).

3. ScaleDAPT to assess the risk/benefit of prolonging DAPT

An index value of ≥2 indicates a possible benefit from extending DAPT. Index value< 2 говорит о нецелесообразности продления ДАТ.

  • Specific inhibitorsP2Y12
  • In patients with any type of ACS treated with PCI, as well as non-ST-elevation ACS treated medically, the preferred P2Y12 inhibitor for DAPT is ticagrelor over clopidogrel (grade recommendation IIa).
  • In patients with any type of ACS undergoing PCI without a high risk of bleeding and a history of stroke/TIA, the preferred P2Y12 inhibitor for DAPT is prazugrel over clopidogrel (class IIa).
  • Prasugrel should not be given to patients with a history of stroke/TIA (class III).

5. Tests for the functional activity of platelets, genetic tests

  • Currently, the routine use of these tests to optimize therapy with P2Y12 inhibitors is not indicated (class of recommendation III).

6. Proton pump inhibitors and DAPT

  • PPIs should be given to patients on DAPT who have a history of gastrointestinal bleeding (GI) (Class I).
  • The appointment of PPIs is justified in patients receiving DAPT and a high risk of bleeding due to advanced age, concomitant use of steroids, NSAIDs, anticoagulants (class IIa).
  • Routine use of PPIs in patients receiving DAPT with a low risk of gastrointestinal bleeding is not indicated (class III).

7. Triple therapy: aspirin, inhibitorP2Y12, oral anticoagulant
A summary of current recommendations in this regard:

  • It is necessary to assess the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic complications using validated scales (CHA2DS2-VASc, HAS-BLED).
  • Reduce the duration of triple therapy as much as possible; in some patients it is possible to use dual therapy (warfarin + clopidogrel)
  • Target INR 2-2.5 (in case of using warfarin)
  • Among P2Y12 inhibitors, clopidogrel should be chosen.
  • Use low dose aspirin (≤100 mg)
  • PPIs should be used in patients with a history of GI bleeding; their use is also justified in patients with a high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

8. Percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI)
Recommendations for the duration of DAPT after PCI in patients with stable CAD:

  • After implantation of a bare metal stent (BMS), the duration of therapy with P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel) should be at least 1 month (class I).
  • After DES implantation, the duration of therapy with P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel) should be at least 6 months (class I).
  • In patients with stable coronary artery disease who receive DAPT after HMS or DES implantation, who tolerate DAPT well without developing bleeding complications, and who do not have an increased risk of bleeding (eg, with a history of bleeding on the background of DAPT, with coagulopathy, taking anticoagulants), prolongation may be justified. DAPT (clopidogrel + aspirin) more than 1 month in the case of HMS and more than 6 months in the case of DES (class IIb).
  • In patients with stable coronary artery disease who have been implanted with DES, if they develop a high risk of bleeding (for example, due to OAC), a high risk of severe bleeding complications of any intervention (for example, major neurosurgical operations), or if significant overt bleeding occurs, it may be reasonable to cancel P2Y12 after 3 months (class IIb).
  • In patients with ACS (with or without ST-segment elevation), the duration of therapy with P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel, prasugrel or ticagrelor), regardless of the type of stent, should be at least 12 months (class I).
  • Under DAT, the recommended dose of aspirin is 81 mg (75–100 mg) (Class I).
  • In patients with all types of ACS after stent implantation, it is preferable to prescribe ticagrelor over clopidogrel (class IIa).
  • In patients with all types of ACS without a high risk of bleeding and without a history of stroke/TIA after stent implantation as part of DAPT, prazugrel is preferred over clopidogrel (class IIa).
  • In patients with ACS (any form) after stent implantation, who tolerate DAPT well without developing bleeding complications, and who do not have an increased risk of bleeding (for example, with a history of bleeding on the background of DAPT, with coagulopathy, taking anticoagulants), prolongation of DAPT may be justified ( clopidogrel, prasugrel or ticagrelor) for more than 12 months (class IIb).
  • In patients with ACS who have received DES, if there is a high risk of bleeding (eg, due to the prescription of oral anticoagulants (OAC)), a high risk of severe bleeding complications of any intervention (eg, major neurosurgery), or if a significant obvious bleeding, it may be reasonable to cancel P2Y12 after 6 months (class IIb).
  • Prasugrel should not be given to patients with a history of stroke or TIA (class III).

Figure 1. Algorithm for choosing the duration of taking inhibitorsP2 Y12 in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention.

9. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CS)

  • If CABG is performed in patients receiving DAPT after PCI, DAPT should be resumed after surgery and continued for as long as originally planned (Class I).
  • If CABG is performed in ACS patients on DAPT, DAPT should be resumed after surgery and continued for up to 12 months (Class I).
  • Patients with stable CAD may benefit from DAPT (clopidogrel) in the early postoperative period to improve the patency of vein grafts (class IIb).

10. Stable coronary artery disease.

  • Patients with stable CAD who are receiving DAPT for MI 1–3 years ago, tolerate DAPT well without hemorrhagic complications, and do not have a high risk of bleeding may benefit from prolongation of DAPT (class IIb).
  • The use of DAPT in patients with stable coronary artery disease without a previous episode of ACS who have not undergone PCI, and who have not undergone CABG in the previous 12 months, is not reasonable (class III).
  • The duration of DAPT (using clopidogrel or ticagrelor) should be at least 12 months (class I).
  • The drug of choice is ticagrelor over clopidogrel (class IIa).
  • Patients treated with DAPT concomitantly with thrombolysis should continue P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel) for at least 14 days; ideally at least 12 months (class I).
  • In patients who tolerate DAPT well without bleeding and who do not have a high risk of bleeding, DAPT may be continued after 12 months (class IIb).

12. Timing of elective surgical interventions in patients receiving DAPT after PCI.

  • Elective surgery should be delayed for one month after HMS implantation and for 6 months after DES implantation (Class I).
  • If a patient is to receive DAPT due to PCI but requires surgery, the P2Y12 inhibitor should be discontinued, but aspirin should be continued if possible, and the P2Y12 inhibitor should be restarted as soon as possible (Class I).
  • If non-cardiac surgery is required in a patient receiving a P2Y12 inhibitor, a compromise must be made between all involved professionals regarding the degree of risk of surgery, withdrawal or continuation of therapy with a P2Y12 inhibitor (class IIa).
  • After DES implantation, surgery with withdrawal of the P2Y12 inhibitor can be performed after 3 months, provided that the risk of further delay is greater than the risk of stent thrombosis (class IIb).
  • Elective surgeries requiring discontinuation of DAPT cannot be performed less than 30 days after HMS implantation and less than 3 months after DES implantation (class III).

By materials :
Levine GN, Bates ER, Bittl JA, Brindis RG, Fihn SD, Fleisher LA, Granger CB, Lange RA, Mack MJ, Mauri L, Mehran R, Mukherjee D, Newby LK, O'Gara PT, Sabatine MS, Smith PK, Smith SC Jr. 2016 ACC/AHA guideline update focused on duration of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines: an update of the 2011 ACCF/AHA/SCAI guideline for percutaneous coronary intervention, 2011 ACCF/AHA guideline for coronary artery bypass graft surgery, 2012 ACC/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease, 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction, 2014 ACC/AHA guideline for the management of patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes, and 2014 ACC/AHA guideline on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and management of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. circulation. 2016;133:000-000. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000404

The material was prepared by Ph.D. Shakhmatova O.O. (Laboratory of Clinical Problems of Atherothrombosis RKNPC)

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National Scientific Center "Institute of Cardiology named after academician N.D. Strazhesko" of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

Modern principles of antiplatelet therapy in patients with ischemic heart disease. Part 3 Dual Antiplatelet Therapy

V.V. Bugaenko

Antiplatelet agents known to date differ in their points of application and block platelet aggregation through different mechanisms of action.

For many of these drugs, their benefits have already been proven and continue to be studied in specific clinical situations, including in comparison with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

However, the prospects for combining various antiplatelet drugs are of greatest interest. The idea that such combinations are a "remedy of desperation" and should be used only in case of insufficient effectiveness of monotherapy is outdated today. Due to different points of application and mechanisms of action of antiplatelet agents, combinations of these drugs contribute to a faster and more pronounced effect of inhibition of platelet aggregation, while the doses of active substances can be reduced, which improves the safety profile of the combination used. And since one of the main principles of optimal antiplatelet therapy in patients with high cardiovascular risk is the early start of effective inhibition of platelet aggregation, the use of combination therapy from the very beginning seems to be a very promising strategy. This is especially important due to the fact that, despite the proven efficacy of ASA, up to 75% of vascular events still occur against the background of ongoing ASA therapy. This further indicates that the potential of antiplatelet therapy should not be exhausted by ASA.

Among all the studied variants of the combination of antiplatelet agents, the combination of ASA and clopidogrel is most often used today. Its advantages are so significant and promise such wide possibilities of use that the increasingly used term "dual antiplatelet therapy" (DAT) in most cases is understood to mean the combination of ASA and clopidogrel.

Scientists at the University of California (Los Angeles, USA) analyzed the EMBASE, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases up to the end of 2006 and presented a review on the role of clopidogrel in the management of atherothrombotic cardiovascular diseases. They, in particular, analyze and comment on the evidence regarding the advantages of the combination of ASA and clopidogrel over ASA monotherapy, as well as clopidogrel and other antiplatelet drugs.

The advantages of the combination of ASA and clopidogrel over ASA monotherapy are indicated by a number of studies, the most important of which are CURE (2001), CREDO (2002), CHARISMA (2006), CLARITY-TIMI 28 (2005), COMMIT / CCS-2 (2005) . All of these large-scale studies examined different patient populations and assessed different endpoints. The authors of the article presented combined data on the results of these studies.

The greatest benefit of DAPT has been shown in studies involving high-risk patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with and without ST-segment elevation or those requiring percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

The multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled CURE trial was the first large trial to clearly show a significant benefit of DAPT over ASA therapy in ACS—additional efficacy in reducing CV risk without a statistically significant increase in life-threatening hemorrhagic complications. Patients with non-ST elevation ACS who took ASA or DAPT (ASA and clopidogrel) for 3-12 months participated in CURE. According to the results of the study, it turned out that the frequency of the combined end point (cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI and stroke) in the DAPT group was significantly lower than in the background of ASA monotherapy (9.3 and 11.4%, respectively, P<0,001). Такие же результаты были получены и для вторичной конечной точки (кардиоваскулярная смерть, нефатальный ИМ, инсульт и рефрактерная ишемия миокарда) - 16,5 % в группе ДАТ и 18,8 % в группе АСК (Р<0,001). Количество случаев развития застойной сердечной недостаточности, а также появления потребности в проведении реваскуляризации также было достоверно ниже в группе ДАТ. И хотя в целом риск геморрагических осложнений на фоне приема ДАТ был несколько выше, чем в группе АСК (соответственно 3,7 и 2,7 %, Р=0,001), статистически значимых различий по частоте опасных для жизни геморрагий, в том числе геморрагических инсультов, обнаружено не было (2,1 и 1,8 %, Р=0,13).

The CREDO study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of long-term DAPT treatment in patients with ACS undergoing PCI and to determine the benefits of using a loading dose of clopidogrel over PCI. After randomization, patients in the DAPT group received, in addition to ASA, a loading dose of clopidogrel (at a dose of 300 mg) 3-24 hours before the intervention, and after PCI, a combination of ASA and clopidogrel was taken for a year (standard daily dose of 75 mg). According to the results of CREDO, it turned out that after 12 months of treatment, the frequency of the combined endpoint (death, MI and stroke) in the DAPT group significantly decreased by 26.9% compared with the control group (8.4% and 11.5%, respectively). In addition, the benefits of using a loading dose of clopidogrel at least 6 hours before PCI were found (the relative risk reduction of death, MI and the need for urgent revascularization within 28 days was 38.6%).

However, in individuals who received a loading dose of clopidogrel less than 6 hours before intervention, early outcomes did not differ from the control group. At the same time, the risk of developing hemorrhagic complications increased slightly over 12 months of the study.

The greatest benefit of DAPT was seen in the CLARITY-TIMI study 28 , in which patients with ST-segment elevation MI received antiplatelet therapy in conjunction with thrombolysis. In the CLARITY-TIMI 28 study, both ASA and clopidogrel were used first at loading doses (150-325 and 300 mg, respectively), then at standard daily doses (75-162 and 75 mg, respectively) for 8 days after MI. The risk of developing the primary endpoint (death, recurrent MI, or occlusion of an infarct-dependent artery) by the 8th day of the study was significantly lower in the DAPT group compared to ASA monotherapy (14.9% and 21.7%, respectively, P<0,001); относительное уменьшение риска на фоне приема ДАТ составило 36 %. Кроме того, ДАТ обусловила преимущества по влиянию на комбинированную вторичную конечную точку (кардиоваскулярная смерть, повторный ИМ и рецидивирующая ишемия миокарда, требующая экстренной реваскуляризации): риск этих событий на 30-е сутки исследования в группе ДАТ был на 20 % ниже, чем на фоне приема АСК (соответственно 11,6 и 14,1 %, Р=0,03). При этом риск развития серьезных геморрагических осложнений, в том числе внутричерепных кровоизлияний, в обеих группах достоверно не отличался.

Simultaneously with CLARITY-TIMI 28, another larger study was conducted, which also considered the advantages of DAPT over ASA monotherapy in patients with ST-segment elevation MI, COMMIT/CCS-2. More than 45,000 patients took part in it. The DAPT vs. ASA arm of the study was somewhat different in design from the CLARITY-TIMI 28 design: COMMIT/CCS-2 did not use loading doses of drugs, and thrombolysis was performed in about half of the patients. This, apparently, explains the more modest advantages of DAT obtained in COMMIT/CCS-2. According to the results of the study, the risk of developing a combined primary endpoint (death, MI and stroke) by the 28th day of the study decreased on the background of DAPT by 9% compared with ASA therapy (9.2 and 10.1%, respectively, P = 0.002). At the same time, patients who underwent thrombolysis received more benefits from DAPT: the frequency of the primary endpoint in the DAPT and ASA groups was 8.8% and 9.9%, respectively. Against the background of taking DAPT, the risk of the secondary endpoint (death from any causes) also decreased statistically significantly - 7.5% and 8.1% (P=0.03), respectively, the relative risk reduction was 7% compared with ASA monotherapy. At the same time, the risk of serious hemorrhagic complications, including fatal hemorrhages and intracranial hemorrhages, did not differ significantly in both groups - neither in all patients in general, nor in high-risk subgroups (in patients older than 70 years; in patients who received thrombolysis).

Thus, the COMMIT/CCS-2 study of a large cohort of patients with ST-segment elevation MI showed clear advantages of DAPT (ASA and clopidogrel) compared to ASA monotherapy - both higher efficacy in preventing cardiovascular events and death, and comparable safety. .

A pooled analysis of data from the CLARITY-TIMI 28 and COMMIT/CCS-2 studies also suggests the importance of using loading doses of ASA and clopidogrel and that patients receiving thrombolytic therapy benefit more from DAPT.

Given the results of the COMMIT/CCS-2 and CLARITY-TIMI 28 trials, DAPT is now also recommended for conservative treatment of ACS. On this occasion, new recommendations were added to the ACC / ANA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-segment elevation MI in 2008.

ACS with and without ST-segment elevation: in acute cardiovascular accidents, it is necessary to use a simple form of ASA, the peak concentration of which in the blood plasma is noted after a fairly short time after taking the drug. If we are talking about the need for long-term use of the drug, then enteric-soluble forms of ASA should be preferred.

In the ATC meta-analysis, the use of antiplatelet therapy in more than 5000 patients with unstable angina was associated with a 46% reduction in the likelihood of stroke, MI, and vascular death compared with placebo and untreated controls (8.0 and 13.3%, respectively; P<0,001).

Thus, from the data presented, it follows that patients with unstable angina and MI without ST segment elevation after destabilization of coronary heart disease (CHD) should be prescribed a combination of ASA and clopidogrel as soon as possible (in the absence of contraindications). The reasonableness of the recommendations is based on the ability of clopidogrel to reduce the risk of ischemic complications, regardless of whether early coronary interventions are performed, and bleeding is mostly reversible. ASA is prescribed for an indefinitely long period, and treatment with clopidogrel is recommended to continue for 9-12 months, possibly longer, depending on the physician's assessment of the risk to the patient.

According to these updates, patients with ST-segment elevation MI should also receive 75 mg of oral clopidogrel daily in addition to ASA, regardless of whether they are on thrombolytic therapy with reperfusion or not (recommendation grade I, level of evidence A). In addition, in patients younger than 75 years of age, it is reasonable to prescribe a loading dose of clopidogrel 300 mg orally (data on the appropriateness of this tactic in people aged 75 years and older are not yet available). DAPT with ASA and clopidogrel in patients with ST-elevation MI should last at least 14 days, and long-term (for example, for a year) combination therapy with these two antiplatelet agents is considered optimal. Data on the maximum duration of DAPT in this clinical situation are not yet available.

If it is necessary to perform coronary artery bypass surgery, clopidogrel should be canceled 5 days before the intervention (preferably 7 days), unless the urgency of revascularization exceeds the risk of hemorrhagic complications.

An updated European Society of Cardiology guideline for the management of ST-segment elevation MI is expected in 2009. It is likely to include the same new recommendations for antiplatelet therapy as the ACC/ANA guideline.

Important for understanding the significance of DAPT in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases was the large CHARISMA study. In this study, unlike the above, studied the population of patients with a wide range of cardiovascular risks. Participants were divided into two main groups: one of them included persons with already existing cardiovascular pathology (documented ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular pathology and/or atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities), the other included persons without known cardiovascular diseases, but with multiple risk factors for atherothrombosis. The first group, respectively, was called symptomatic, or a group of secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events; the second - asymptomatic, or primary prevention group. The median follow-up in this study was also longer than in CURE, CREDO, CLARITY-TIMI 28, and COMMIT/CCS-2, with a follow-up of 28 months in CHARISMA.

According to the results of the study, the frequency of reaching the primary end point (cardiovascular death, MI and stroke) was 7.3% in the ASA monotherapy group and 6.8% in the DAPT group (relative risk reduction - 7.1%; P = 0, 22). However, there were significant differences in efficacy between the symptomatic and asymptomatic subgroups. In the symptomatic subgroup of patients, DAPT had clear advantages: the primary endpoint was 6.9% with DAPT and 7.9% with ASA monotherapy (relative risk reduction, 12.5%; P = 0.046). The secondary endpoint (hospitalization for ischemic events) was also lower in the DAPT group (16.7% and 17.9%, respectively; P=0.04). The risk of developing severe hemorrhagic complications while taking DAPT slightly increased compared to taking ASA (1.7 and 1.3%, respectively, P=0.09), however, in the subgroup of symptomatic patients, this indicator did not have statistically significant differences against the background of DAPT and ASA monotherapy.

Thus, the CHARISMA study showed that in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors, but without established cardiovascular diseases, that is, as a means of primary prevention, DAPT is inappropriate due to the absence of significant differences in efficacy and a simultaneous increase in the risk of hemorrhagic complications. However, in patients with established (clinically manifest) cardiovascular pathology, the superiority of DAPT over ASA monotherapy was proven in the absence of statistically significant differences in the incidence of severe bleeding.

According to the recently updated ACC/AHA/SCAI guidelines for PCI (2007), patients who require PCI should pre-treat with a loading dose of clopidogrel - for most patients 600 mg, and for those patients who receive PCI within 12-24 hours. after receiving thrombolytic therapy, a loading dose of 300 mg may be appropriate. After the PCI procedure, in the absence of contraindications (resistance to ASA, intolerance to ASA and/or clopidogrel, increased risk of hemorrhagic complications), DAPT is recommended for such patients: ASA (162-325 mg/day) and clopidogrel (75 mg/day) daily for at least 1 month after PCI with a metal stent; at least 3 months after PCI using a sirolimus-eluting stent; at least 6 months after PCI with a paclitaxel-eluting stent, and ideally at least 12 months after PCI. After this period, ASA should be taken continuously at a dose of 75-162 mg (I, B).

Research into the maximum duration of such combination therapy is ongoing, but there is evidence to suggest that DAPT can be used long-term after stent placement, especially in individuals at low risk of hemorrhagic complications. This is due to the need to prevent late stent thrombosis, which poses a serious threat to patients undergoing PCI, even several months after stenting.

Given the importance of a year of DAPT, it is recommended that selective surgery be deferred during this time. In case of inevitability of surgical intervention, it is necessary to take measures to prevent possible complications.

One of the drugs during DAPT can be a drug containing 75 mg of clopidogrel and 75 or 150 mg of ASA (Clopix forte, Cipla, India).

There have been several studies on the effects of different loading doses of clopidogrel before and during PCI. Studies are currently underway to evaluate the efficacy and safety of high-dose clopidogrel.

The experts agreed that a loading dose of clopidogrel should be given before PCI. It remains unclear the exact time of its introduction in order to achieve the maximum effect.

Compared to a loading dose of 300 mg, a dose of 600 or 900 mg achieves a greater degree of platelet inhibition with less patient variability. Resistance and insensitivity are less common, but there are suggestions that the 900 mg dose may not be as effective as the 600 mg dose.

At a dose of 600 mg, maximum inhibition is achieved faster than at 300 mg. The results of studies indicate a reduction in the incidence of acute MI within 30 days when taking clopidogrel at a dose of 600 mg 2 hours before the procedure. There was no additional risk to patients on fibrinolytic therapy at a dose of clopidogrel 600 mg compared to a dose of 300 mg. Experimental data from the CREDO study suggest that at the 300 mg dose, the minimum time before PCI is 6 hours during which the drug must be administered. With a dose of 600 mg, 2 hours may be sufficient, although maximum inhibition of platelets over 3-4 hours is not maintained.

Long-term therapy with clopidogrel does not achieve adequate inhibition for PCI. In patients on the background of prolonged use of clopidogrel with the introduction of its loading dose, there is a significant increase in the inhibition of platelet aggregation. Loading doses greater than 300 mg of clopidogrel have not been studied in fibrinolytic therapy.

Approaches to the treatment of patients who have experienced repeated vascular events on the background of antiplatelet therapy remain unclear. It is necessary to search for alternative causes of vascular events and individualized correction of risk factors. Alternative therapeutic strategies may include: lifestyle modification, switching to another drug or combination with another antiplatelet drug, oral anticoagulant therapy.

The ongoing ARCH trial is comparing the combination of clopidogrel and aspirin with oral anticoagulants in secondary prevention in patients with atherosclerotic disease.

Therapy with oral anticoagulants after non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke is not superior in efficacy to ASA therapy, but leads to more bleeding.

Oral anticoagulants (MHO 2.0-3.0) reduce the risk of recurrent stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (both persistent and paroxysmal) and most other conditions associated with cardiac embolism. Anticoagulant therapy must be received for a long time or at least 3 months after a cardioembolic stroke that occurred against the background of acute MI. There are conflicting opinions about when to start anticoagulant therapy. After a transient ischemic attack or small stroke, therapy should be started immediately, but in the case of a severe stroke with signs of a massive infarction according to neuroimaging methods (for example, if the lesion size is more than 1/3 of the middle cerebral artery basin), anticoagulant therapy should be started after a few weeks (question should be decided on a case-by-case basis).

In patients with atrial fibrillation and stable coronary artery disease, oral anticoagulants should not be combined with ASA. Anticoagulant therapy may be preferred in patients with aortic atheroma, a fusiform aneurysm of the basilar artery.

Thus, in patients with high cardiovascular risk (with clinically significant cardiovascular diseases, and especially with ACS or when PCI is required), DAPT (ASA and clopidogrel) is significantly more effective than ASA monotherapy in preventing cardiovascular events (MI). , stroke) and death.

It seems logical to also compare two similar combinations - ASA and clopidogrel; ASA and ticlopidine. A meta-analysis of several studies comparing these two combinations in patients who received coronary stents showed that the use of ticlopidine in combination with ASA is as effective in preventing cardiovascular events as the combination of ASA and clopidogrel, but causes more side effects. . In addition, it should be borne in mind that ticlopidine, although cheaper than clopidogrel, has a worse safety profile (in particular, it causes hematological complications - neutropenia), less ease of use (usually prescribed 2 times a day), as well as a slow onset of action, which makes it use in emergency situations impractical. In this regard, clopidogrel is more preferable for both emergency care and long-term therapy, especially as part of a combination treatment.

In this regard, to date, DAT ASA and clopidogrel form the basis of the principles for managing patients with ACS and those undergoing PCI. However, in patients at low risk (for example, with a stable course of coronary artery disease), such a combination, in the longer term, is not justified due to the fact that the potential benefits are offset by the risk of hemorrhagic complications.

Although it has been a short time since clopidogrel was recognized as part of the standard effective cardiovascular therapy, a number of more potent antiplatelet drugs are under development and may become available in the next few years (intravenous compound AR-C69931MX (AstraZeneca , Sweden, UK), drugs have been developed that affect the thromboxane pathway of platelet activation (ridogrel, terbogrel, ticagrelor).

To date, the studies MATCH (2004), CLARITY, COMMIT (2005) have been completed. If the results of MATCH (H.-C. Diener, J. Bogousslavsky et al., Lancet, 2004) showed that the addition of ASA to clopidogrel compared with clopidogrel alone in patients with a history of cerebral stroke or transient ischemic attack does not lead to an additional risk reduction complications (death, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke), then in the CLARITY, COMMIT studies, a significant advantage of the combination of ASA and clopidogrel compared with ASA monotherapy against the background of standard therapy in preventing recurrent MI, death, maintaining an open coronary artery in patients with ST-segment elevation MI after thrombolysis.

Thus, DAPT ASA and clopidogrel proved to be effective and safe in preventing thrombosis of coronary stents, and also provides significant clinical advantages over ASA monotherapy in the case of ACS, regardless of whether the patient has ST elevation or not, and also whether whether the patient is on thrombolytic therapy or not. The main principle of DAPT in these clinical situations is to start both antiplatelet agents (or their fixed combination) as early as possible, using loading doses of clopidogrel or both drugs, if indicated. Maintenance therapy with DAPT (ASA and clopidogrel) should be continuous and last for a sufficient amount of time. The optimal duration of DAPT treatment depends on the specific clinical situation. These principles of DAT are formulated on the basis of convincing evidence based on the results of large-scale clinical studies and are included in all authoritative international guidelines in recent years.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when choosing a drug, the main criterion should not be the price, but its effectiveness and safety.

antiplatelet clopidogel coronary thrombosis


1. Antithrombotic Trialist's Collaboration. Collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials of antiplatelat therapy for prevention of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in high risk patients // Brit. Med. J. 2002. Vol. 324. P. 71- 76.

2. Bhatt D.L., Fox K.A., Hacke W. et al.; CHARISMA Investigators. Clopidogrel and aspirin versus aspirin alone for the prevention of atherothrombotic events // New Engl. J. Med. 2006. No. 20. Vol. 354(16). P. 1706-1717.

3. COMMIT Collaborative group. Addition of clopidogrel to aspirin in 45,852 patients with acute myocardial infarction: randomized placebo-controlled trial // Lancet. 2005 Vol. 366. P. 1607-1621.

4. Chen Z.M., Jiang L.X., Chen Y.P. et al.; COMMIT (Clopidogrel and Metoprolol in Myocardial Infarction Trial) collaborative group. Addition of clopidogrel to aspirin in 45,852 patients with acute myocardial infarction: randomized placebo-controlled trial // Lancet. 2005. No. 5. Vol. 366(9497). P. 1607-1621.

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13. The RAPT Trial Investigators. Randomized trial of ridogrel, a combined thromboxane A2 synthase inhibitor and thromboxane A2 prostaglandin endoperoxide receptor antagonist, versus aspirin as adjunct to thrombolysis in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The Ridogrel Versus Aspirin Patency Trial (RAPT) // Circulation. 1994 Vol. 89. P. 588-595.

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Urgent Unanswered Questions, or How long does a patient need to take clopidogrel after coronary artery stenting?

Authors: O.N. Lazarenko, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. P.L. Shupyk, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Department of Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics; T.A. Alekseev, Institute of Metal Physics named after A.I. V.G. Kurdyumov NASU, Department of Medical Materials Science

print version

In 1986, the first coronary stent was implanted in Toulouse by Jacques Puel, which gave rise to a new problem in endovascular surgery - stent thrombosis (TS), the incidence of which reached 9% before the advent and development of dual antiplatelet therapy.

Why is dual antiplatelet therapy needed in the prevention of thrombosis after stenting?

Stent thrombosis develops most frequently during the first month after stenting and usually ends in Q-myocardial infarction (MI) or death of the patient. With the gradual improvement of stent implantation technology and the mandatory intake of dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin + thienopyridine) for 1 month, followed by continued aspirin intake without time limits, the incidence of TS decreased to an acceptable 1%. Given the importance of taking aspirin, in the case of a known allergy to it during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the use of IIb / IIIa receptor antagonists is mandatory. There are also various ASA desensitization protocols to overcome allergic reactions.

While the need for aspirin during and after PCI is undeniable, the dose that provides the optimal efficacy/safety ratio has not yet been definitively established. Already at a dose of 30 mg/day, aspirin inhibits the production of thromboxane A2, which is the main mechanism for reducing the incidence of thrombotic complications. Thus, the dose of 75 mg / day used in clinical practice provides almost the maximum pharmacodynamic effect. According to the latest recommendations of American experts (AHA / ACC / SCAI, 2007), aspirin is mandatory during the procedure, but its dose and duration of administration depend both on the type of stent and on the risk of bleeding in a given patient. The duration of taking clopidogrel also depends on these two factors.

Given the importance of dual antiplatelet therapy, it is recommended to postpone elective surgery until the end of the course of clopidogrel. If it is not possible to postpone surgery, it is recommended to continue aspirin therapy whenever possible, and resume clopidogrel as soon as possible.

Recently, in connection with the emergence of data indicating a possible increase in the incidence of late thrombosis after implantation of drug-eluting stents, special attention has been paid to antiplatelet therapy. The most common reason for discontinuation of the drug is the development of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders due to the irritating effect of aspirin on the gastric mucosa, which can be manifested by discomfort in the abdomen, heartburn, nausea, etc. Long-term, without time limit, taking aspirin imposes increased demands on the tolerability of the drug. This issue can be resolved by creating more secure forms. Non-absorbable antacids are often used in the treatment of peptic ulcers.

What happens to the patient if he stops taking dual antiplatelet therapy?

Discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy is an important factor in the development of late thrombosis in patients with a bare stent (NaS). In one study in patients with angiographically documented late HT, none of the patients who continued dual antiplatelet therapy developed thrombosis. In another 9-month study, where 14 subacute and 15 late thromboses were reported, the most important risk factor for these events was the premature discontinuation of antiplatelet drugs, which increased the risk of thrombosis by 90 times. Premature discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy was also a significant risk factor for subacute and late thrombosis in a registry of patients who were implanted with a drug-eluting stent at the site of a vessel bifurcation, a 17-fold increased risk.

In an analysis of a large registry of 4666 patients undergoing stenting in a US hospital, Eisenstein showed that long-term use of thienopyridines does not affect the incidence of death and MI in patients with HMS. However, in patients with drug-eluting stents, treatment with clopidogrel for more than 6 and 12 months resulted in a significant reduction in both death and the combined point of death/MI.

In addition, despite taking dual therapy, in some patients a sufficient antiplatelet effect is not observed due to inadequate doses, drug interactions, differences in the effect of the drug at the receptor level, and an increase in the contribution of other pathways of platelet activation. Several studies have demonstrated an important contribution to the pathogenesis of TC resistance to clopidogrel.

Development of resistance to aspirin and clopidogrel. What to do?

In the group of patients who underwent elective PCI (75% used drug-eluting stents), increased platelet aggregation before the stent procedure led to an increase in the frequency of ischemic events over the next 12 months. At the same time, combined resistance to aspirin and clopidogrel is quite common. In aspirin-resistant individuals, resistance to clopidogrel was also noted in 47.4% of cases. This may be the reason for the development of TS, despite taking antiplatelet therapy. In one study, 14 of 61 patients (23%) developed late TS despite receiving dual antiplatelet therapy, while only 26% (16 patients) were not receiving antiplatelet agents at the time of development of late TS. In 31 patients, late TS developed while taking aspirin and in the vast majority (97%) occurred after the end of the recommended period of taking clopidogrel.

According to the CHARISMA study, longer-term dual antiplatelet therapy does not lead to a decrease in ischemic events among patients with atherothrombosis and those with risk factors for its development. Such therapy was accompanied by an increased risk of bleeding. In the CREDO study, which included patients with elective PCI and HMS, there was no difference in the combined endpoint of death/MI between the clopidogrel and placebo groups (all received aspirin) at 1 and 6 months. Thus, the question of longer duration of clopidogrel after PCI than currently recommended remains open. One of the possible ways to overcome late TS is to use inhibitors of platelet aggregation, such as prasugrel, that are more potent than clopidogrel.

In the TRITON-TIMI 38 study, in a general population of 13,608 patients with moderate-to-high-risk acute coronary syndrome (ACS), prasugrel resulted in a greater reduction in the risk of ischemic events than clopidogrel, although it was associated with an increased risk of bleeding. Separately, 12,844 patients who underwent stenting during the study were analyzed. Among them, 5743 patients were implanted with a drug-eluting stent, and 6461 patients used only HMS. Against the background of prasugrel, the incidence of cardiovascular complications, non-fatal MI, and acute cerebrovascular accidents in patients with ACS during implantation of both BMS and drug-eluting stents decreased. The use of prasugrel also reduced the incidence of certain HT according to the ARC classification, regardless of the type of stent, but more frequent bleeding was noted.

Effects of clopidogrel in stenting with metal and coated stents. What is the difference?

Clopidogrel has attracted the attention of doctors after its long-term use in patients with implanted drug-eluting stents. When installing stents coated with antiproliferative drugs, prolonged use of dual antiplatelet therapy is recommended. In particular, when stenting with sirolimus-eluting prostheses, the duration of taking clopidogrel should be at least 3 months, after implantation of paclitaxel-eluting stents, at least 6 months. However, a number of recent observational studies have shown that even these regimens may not be sufficient to prevent late thrombosis.

A group of American scientists from the Duke Heart Center conducted a study on a population of patients who subsequently entered the Center for the first PCI using HMS (from 2001 to July 31, 2005) or drug-eluting stents (from April 1, 2003 to July 31, 2005) .

Patients with congenital heart disease, moderate to severe valvular disease, previous PCI and coronary artery bypass grafting, and significant (≥ 75%) stenosis of the left coronary artery were excluded from the study. Follow-up ended on September 7, 2006, thus amounting to at least 12 months for each study participant. The two main events analyzed were mortality and non-fatal MI, as well as the use of 2 drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel. Clinical outcomes were approved by the central committee in case of death or based on the diagnosis of the attending physician in case of MI. The use of antiplatelet agents was determined by questioning patients at follow-up visits 6, 12, and 24 months after PCI. Verification of adherence to antiplatelet therapy was not carried out. The follow-up used 2 time points: 6-month clopidogrel use (yes/no) and 12-month clopidogrel use (yes/no). Patients who did not tolerate coronary events during the first 6 months (death, MI and repeated revascularizations) were divided into 4 groups: 1) drug-eluting stent with clopidogrel; 2) drug-eluting stent without clopidogrel; 3) "naked" stent with clopidogrel; 4) "naked" stent without taking clopidogrel. Their outcomes were followed up to 24 months of follow-up. A similar analysis was carried out in 4 similar groups in patients who did not have coronary events during the first 12 months after PCI.

Of 4666 HMS patients, 3165 were implanted, drug-eluting stents were implanted in 1501 patients. After 6 months, 3609 patients remained without complications. All 4 groups were comparable in age, gender, and race, but with minor differences in incidence of diabetes, heart failure, history of MI, income level, and frequency of regular aspirin use. Multivariate analysis (proportional risk model according to Cox) showed that over the next 2 years, patients with drug-eluting stents while taking clopidogrel (group 1, n = 637) had a significantly lower risk of clinical events than patients with the same stents without taking clopidogrel (Group 2, n = 579): respectively 2 vs. 5.3% for death (risk ratio [RR] 2.43; p = 0.03) and 3.1 vs. 7.2% - for the combined point (RR 1.93; p = 0.02) with a comparable incidence of MI (1.3 vs. 2.6%; p = 0.24). When comparing both groups of patients with HMS (group 3, n = 417, vs. group 4, n = 1976), drug-eluting stent groups with clopidogrel and HMS with clopidogrel (group 1 vs. group 3) no differences in clinical outcomes were noted. Only when comparing the group of drug-eluting stents with clopidogrel with the group of HMS with clopidogrel, statistically significant differences were found in favor of the 1st group in terms of mortality (p = 0.01) and the combined point (p = 0.02). 2518 patients remained without complications 12 months after PCI. Participants in all 4 groups were comparable in terms of gender, age, race, and socioeconomic status. In a multivariate analysis, patients of the 1st group (n = 252) again had a lower risk of death and a composite point (death / MI) than patients of the 2nd group (n = 276): 0 vs. 3.5%, respectively (p = 0.004) and 0 versus 4.5% (p< 0,001), но уже с меньшим риском развития нефатального ИМ (0 против 1,0 %; р = 0,047). Вновь не обнаружено различий по клиническим исходам между 3-й (n = 346) и 4-й (n = 1644) группами. Однако между группой drug-eluting стентов с клопидогрелем и группой ГМС с клопидогрелем выявлено значимое преимущество в пользу первых по частоте смерти (0 против 3,3 %; р = 0,002) и комбинированного исхода (0 против 4,7 %; р < 0,001). Эффективность drug-eluting стентов с клопидогрелем в сравнении с ГМС без клопидогреля оставалась достоверной по всем клиническим точкам (для смертности — 0 против 2,7 %; для ИМ — 0 против 0,9 %; для точки смерть/ИМ — 0 против 3,6 %; все р < 0,001). Внесение поправки на использование аспирина не изменило основных результатов проведенного анализа .

The results of this observational study suggest that patients with a drug-eluting stent implanted on long-term therapy with clopidogrel have a significantly better long-term prognosis than similar patients without long-term drug use. The investigators believe that it is highly likely that all patients with a drug-eluting stent should receive clopidogrel for at least 12 months after PCI. At the same time, HMS may be a more appropriate choice for those patients who are not able to take clopidogrel for such a long time. The scientists argue that an urgent randomized controlled trial is needed to determine the optimal duration of clopidogrel therapy after PCI with drug-eluting stent implantation. In such a trial, the authors propose to compare the outcomes of 3 groups of participants over 3 years: with discontinuation of clopidogrel at 12, 24 and 36 months, which would require enrollment of approximately 10,000 patients.

To the question of the interaction of clopidogrel and statins. What is the role of the cytochrome isoenzyme CYP3A4?

Almost all patients after stent placement are prescribed statins. Recently, the issue of a possible interaction of clopidogrel and atorvastatin at the level of CYP3A4 has been widely discussed in the literature (Fig. 1). The antiplatelet agent clopidogrel is a prodrug that is metabolized by CYP3A4 to the active 2-oxaclopidogrel, which blocks platelet ADP receptors. Moreover, it has been proven that the higher the CYP3A4 activity, the more pronounced the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel. Thus, inhibition of CYP3A4 (eg, ketoconazole) significantly reduces the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel when used in both low and high doses.

The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor atorvastatin is also metabolized by CYP3A4, but to inactive metabolites. Biotransformation to inactive metabolites are active metabolites of lovastatin and simvastatin (b-hydroxy acids). For the first time, the interaction of atorvastatin and clopidogrel was described in a study by T. Clarke et al. in vitro, performed on liver microsomes; demonstrated that atorvastatin inhibits the biotransformation of clopidogrel to the active 2-oxaclopidogrel by 90%. The authors explain this phenomenon by the existence of "metabolic" competition between clopidogrel and the b-hydroxy acid metabolite of atorvastatin for CYP3A4.

At the same time, W. Lau et al. showed that in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) after coronary stenting, atorvastatin significantly reduced the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel. At the same time, pravastatin did not give a similar effect.

In the study of N. Neubauer et al. demonstrated that previous use of statins metabolized by CYP3A4 (lovastatin, simvastatin and atorvastatin) in patients with coronary artery disease contributes to a less pronounced suppression of ADP-induced platelet aggregation when using clopidogrel on the 1st day.

A subgroup analysis from the same CREDO study showed no difference in the effect of clopidogrel on endpoints in the CYP3A4 metabolizing statin group (atorvastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin, cerivastatin) and in the non-CYP3A4 metabolizing statin group (pravastatin, fluvastatin) .

Since 2004, the publication of a series of works began, completely refuting the existence of an interaction between atorvastatin and clopidogrel. So, J. Mitsios et al. did not find differences in the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel with its long-term use (5 weeks) in patients with ACS taking atorvastatin or pravastatin (not metabolized by CYP3A4).

Similar data were obtained in the studies of M. Piorkowski et al. and S. Smith et al. in patients after stenting of the coronary arteries, R. Wenaweser et al. in patients with TS of the coronary arteries, Y. Han in patients with ACS who underwent stenting of the coronary vessels. The study by V. Serebruany compared the effect of clopidogrel on platelet function (estimated 19 characteristics of aggregometry) in groups of patients with coronary stents, taking atorvastatin, taking other statins and not taking statins. It turned out that in these groups, the dynamics of platelet function indicators during treatment with clopidogrel did not differ. O. Gorchakova et al. showed no difference in the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel at a high dose of 600 mg / day in patients before coronary artery stenting, taking statins (atorvastatin, simvastatin) and not taking them. Against this background, the results of the study by S. Gulec et al. . The authors studied the effect of clopidogrel therapy on the risk of myonecrosis (by increasing the level of troponin T above 0.1 ng / ml) after coronary stenting in groups of patients receiving atorvastatin and simvastatin (114 people), pravastatin and fluvastatin (37 people) and not receiving statins (60 people). It turned out that myonecrosis occurred in the group of patients receiving atorvastatin or simvastatin more often than in patients receiving pravastatin or fluvastatin (41.6 vs. 8%; p = 0.004). In the statin-free group, the incidence of myonecrosis was also higher than in patients treated with pravastatin or fluvastatin (32.5% vs. 8%; p = 0.001). The authors attribute these results to the mutual "weakening" of the effects of clopidogrel and atorvastatin or simvastatin due to competing interactions at the level of CYP3A4. Apparently, the clinical consequences of this phenomenon were also demonstrated in a large pharmacoepidemiological study by J. Brophy et al. which included 2927 patients after coronary stenting, 727 patients were treated with clopidogrel and atorvastatin, and 2200 patients were treated with clopidogrel without atorvastatin. The frequency of adverse cardiovascular events (MI, unstable angina, sudden death, stroke, need for repeated revascularization) within 1 month after the procedure was higher in patients treated with atorvastatin (4.54%) compared with patients who did not receive it. (3.09%). However, the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events within 6 months after the procedure in patients who received and did not receive atorvastatin did not differ. A group analysis of the large multicenter CHARISMA study, which included 15,603 patients, also found no difference in the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events over 28 months in patients treated with statins metabolized and not metabolized by CYP3A4.

Thus, data on the interaction of clopidogrel and statins metabolized by CYP3A4, including atorvastatin, are contradictory. In our opinion, “negative” research results do not mean at all that such interactions have no clinical significance. Apparently, the interaction still exists, but its clinical manifestations depend on various factors, including changing CYP3A4 activity. Currently, V. Kukes et al. study the clinical significance of the interaction of clopidogrel and atorvastatin at various doses (10; 20; 40 and 80 mg/day) in patients with unstable angina, investigating the effect of atorvastatin on the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel in terms of the dynamics of induced platelet aggregation. They measure CYP3A4 activity by the ratio of 6b-hydroxycortisol/cortisol in urine.

It is necessary to conduct serious studies involving both therapeutic and surgical departments to address the issue of long-term use of clopidogrel with the development of methodological literature that will help doctors avoid mistakes in difficult clinical situations.

References / References

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Transluminal balloon angioplasty (TLBAP) and coronary artery stenting or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Preparation for surgery, surgical technique, recommendations after surgery

How to prepare for coronary artery stenting surgery.

In cases of myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, coronary artery stenting operations are performed on an emergency basis. With stable CAD, it is scheduled ahead of time, giving you time to prepare. The operation is performed in an X-ray operating room.

General principles include:

On the night before the operation, bowel cleansing is performed.

In the morning, the abolition of medication.

Particular attention should be paid to the mandatory intake of the following drugs before surgery:


Aspirin reduces the incidence of ischemic complications after PCI. The minimum effective dose of aspirin for PCI has not been clearly defined, and traditionally it is recommended to take an empirically adjusted dose of 80-325 mg at least 2 hours before the intervention.

1. All patients should take aspirin at a dose of 81-325 mg daily before coronary artery stenting surgery.

2. Patients who do not regularly take aspirin should be given aspirin enteric insoluble form (acetylsalicylic acid) at a dose of 325 mg at least 2 hours before coronary artery stenting surgery.

3. After coronary artery stenting surgery, aspirin should be taken indefinitely (permanently)

Platelet P2Y12 receptor inhibitors: clopidogrel, prasugrel, ticagrelor, ticlopidine.

Ticlopidine was originally used during intracoronary interventions. Ticlopidine has many serious side effects, including gastrointestinal disorders (20%), skin rashes (4.8% - 15%), pathological reactions from the liver and blood (severe neutropenia, thrombocytopenic purpura), so in most cases it is recommended to take clopidogrel.

Clopidogrel at a loading dose of 600 mg before surgery with a transition to a maintenance dose after surgery of 75 mg daily for 1 year. To achieve the maximum antiplatelet effect, clopidogrel should be administered at least 72 hours before the procedure.

Platelet P2Y12 receptor inhibitors. Recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology, 2013. Evidence class I.

1. Before coronary artery stenting surgery, all patients should take a saturating dosage of drugs from the P2Y12 platelet receptor inhibitor group:

A. Clopidogrel 600 mg (for both acute coronary syndrome and stable coronary artery disease);

b. Prasugrel 60mg (for acute coronary syndrome);

V. Ticagrelor 180mg (for acute coronary syndrome).

2. Patients after fibrinolytic therapy before coronary artery stenting should take a saturating dose of clopidogrel:

A. less than 24 hours from fibrinolytic therapy - 300 mg;

b. 24 hours or more from fibrinolytic therapy - 600 mg.

3. After coronary artery stenting, drugs from the group of inhibitors of P2Y12 platelet receptors should be taken according to the following schemes:

A. For patients who are implanted with stents (metal or drug-eluting stents) during PCI for ACS, the recommended time of dosing is at least 12 months. The dosage of clopidogrel is 75 mg per day, prasugrel is 10 mg per day, ticagrelor is 90 mg 2 times a day.

b. Patients receiving drug-eluting stents for stable coronary artery disease should take clopidogrel 75 mg daily for at least 12 months unless there is a high risk of bleeding.

V. Patients implanted with metal stents for stable coronary artery disease should take clopidogrel 75 mg daily for at least 1 month, optimally 12 months.

Dual Antiplatelet Therapy

The use of antiplatelet therapy in patients with a high risk of cardiovascular disease reduces the possibility of their occurrence by 25%. To date, a number of large randomized trials have demonstrated that the combination of two drugs with different mechanisms of action - aspirin and clopidogrel - reduces the risk of ischemic events with comparable safety. The greatest benefits of dual antiplatelet therapy were found in patients with ACS (reducing the risk of cardiovascular events: recurrent myocardial infarction, stroke, death) and after coronary artery stenting operations (reducing the risk of stent thrombosis and restenosis inside the stent). One of the most common side effects, in 1.7% of cases, of dual antiplatelet therapy is hemorrhagic complications (bleeding): gastrointestinal, craniocerebral, bleeding from the puncture site.

Patients should be informed of the need and risks of dual antiplatelet therapy prior to coronary artery stenting, especially for drug-eluting stents. If patients are unwilling or unable to adhere to the recommended duration of dual antiplatelet therapy, alternative therapies (CABG or risk factor modification drug therapy) should be considered.

Statins or cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Treatment with statins after surgery results in a 30% reduction in all cardiovascular complications and overall mortality. The goal is to achieve the target level of total cholesterol - 4.6 mmol / l and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

Balloon angioplasty and stenting of coronary arteries

Coronary angioplasty- endovascular surgery aimed at eliminating stenosis in the coronary artery and restoring blood flow in it.

Doctors call this procedure "percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty". which means:

  1. Percutaneous - the operation is carried out by puncture of the skin and catheterization of blood vessels.
  2. Transluminal - no incision or open surgery required.
  3. Balloon - blood flow is restored by inflating the balloon located at the end of the catheter.
  4. Angioplasty - eliminates stenosis, obstruction, blockage of the vessel.

At the present stage, angioplasty is almost always accompanied by stenting - the installation of a metal frame, a tubular shape (stent) in the expanded section of the artery. Stenting prevents the development of re-stenosis of the coronary artery after balloon angioplasty.

Balloon angioplasty and stenting are new and at the same time effective methods of treating coronary heart disease.


In 1977, a real revolution took place in endovascular surgery, which changed the entire strategy for the treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. It was then that the Swiss cardiologist Andreas Gruntzig performed the first coronary angioplasty using a balloon designed by him at home. With his filing, angioplasty began to spread rapidly throughout the world. And really, who does not want to recover from coronary artery disease without surgery?

However, some time later it turned out that in half of the operated patients, restenosis occurred already in the first year - re-narrowing of the vessel. Then it was proposed to use a special metal frame that would prevent the dilated artery from falling off. In 1986, the first stenting was performed almost simultaneously by Sigvard in Lausanne (Switzerland) and Puel in Toulouse (France).

Method Essence

Coronary angioplasty with stenting is a minimally invasive intervention and is a recognized alternative to medical and surgical treatment of coronary artery disease. The intervention is performed in a specially equipped operating room under the control of fluoroscopic equipment.

The essence of the method is to eliminate obliteration and stenosis of the coronary artery using an inflated balloon located at the end of the catheter, which is delivered to the heart vessels through a peripheral artery (usually the femoral one). In the future, a stent is installed at the site of the dilatation of the vessel, preventing restenosis of the coronary artery.

Stents come in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on the site of implantation and the diameter of the vessel. They can be self-adjusting or can be installed with a spray can. Currently, drug-eluting or biocompatible stents are preferred. Of course, such devices are more expensive, but they function longer and are less likely to undergo thrombosis.

Indications for angioplasty and stenting

  • Stable exertional angina, not amenable to drug therapy.
  • Hemodynamically significant stenoses of the coronary arteries, even if they are asymptomatic.
  • Acute myocardial infarction (as an alternative to thrombolytic therapy).
  • Stenosis of venous shunts after CABG.


  • Diffuse lesion of the coronary bed.
  • Acute gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Recent stroke.
  • Fever and infectious disease.
  • Severe anemia.
  • Severe systemic or mental illness.
  • Intoxication with cardiac glycosides.
  • Having an allergy to the contrast agent.

Operation technique

Before surgery, the patient must be hospitalized for a complete cardiological examination, including physical and laboratory-instrumental methods. Coronary angiography is mandatory. Only she can clearly show the localization, extent and nature of stenosis.

Before the operation, it is forbidden to eat and drink, the medications that the patient took earlier (perhaps not all) are canceled.

  1. Local anesthesia of the skin in the puncture area.
  2. Femoral artery puncture (most common) and cardiac catheterization.
  3. Promotion of the catheter to the site of stenosis and balloon dilatation (expansion) of the coronary artery.
  4. Installation of a stent in the area of ​​dilatation.
  5. Repeated coronary angiography to evaluate the results of the operation.
  6. Removal of catheters, application of a pressure bandage to the puncture site of the vessel.

After the end of stenting, the patient must stay in the hospital for some time under round-the-clock medical supervision. On the first day, bed rest is prescribed. The leg on which the bandage lies must be kept in a horizontal position (not bent) for 12-24 hours. On the second day, the patient can get up, walk, perform normal work, without particularly exerting himself physically. On the 3-5th day, if everything is in order, the patient is discharged with recommendations.

Benefits of stenting before surgery (coronary bypass grafting):

  • Minimal risk of complications (less than 1% in large medical centers).
  • Reduced duration of the operation.
  • Relative cheapness of the procedure.
  • Performed under local anesthesia.
  • No need for cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegia.
  • The ability to use in emergency situations and, thereby, quickly restore blood flow.
  • The possibility of use in severe patients who are not able to endure a complex operation.
  • Rapid rehabilitation of operated patients.
  • No incisions or postoperative scars.

Despite the advantages described above, stenting should not be considered a panacea for coronary disease. No, it's not. Like any invasive intervention, this method has clear indications, contraindications, disadvantages and can lead to various complications (bleeding, arteriovenous fistulas, restenoses, allergic reactions, etc.).

Angioplasty and stenting are preferable to use for single stenoses of the arteries of the heart. With narrowing of the trunk of the left coronary artery, multivessel lesion, as well as concomitant diabetes mellitus, coronary artery bypass grafting is recommended, which has better long-term results.