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Encephalitis tick symptoms in animals. Signs and treatment of encephalitis in dogs. Emergency actions if a dog is bitten by a tick

Dogs can develop a disease called encephalitis, that is, the presence of an inflammatory process and damage to the brain. The disease can occur due to infection, as well as an infectious-allergic reaction.

Depending on which organs are affected, the following diseases are distinguished:

  1. Meningoencephalitis occurs if the brain and its membranes are affected;
  2. Encephalomyelitis, affecting the back and brain;
  3. Meningoencephalomyelitis, damage to the membranes of the spinal cord and brain.

Causes of the disease

What infections can cause encephalitis:

  1. common infections: parvovirus, rabies, plague
  2. mycoses: histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis;
  3. tick bite
  4. untreated inflammatory process of the inner ear;
  5. entry of a foreign body into the body through the esophagus;
  6. head injury.

It is worth noting that primary encephalitis can occur due to viral infections: plague, rabies, toxoplasma, and secondary encephalitis is formed as a result of other diseases: sepsis, head injury or otitis media with pus. An animal can get this disease due to its genetic background. Any infection can cause the inflammatory process.

Some dog breeds are prone to this disease; the risk group includes the following categories:

  • - puppies under 2 years old, infected with various infections;
  • - dogs older than eight years, due to weakened immunity;
  • - animals under six years of age are prone to idiopathic and immune-mediated encephalitis;
  • - small breed of dog;
  • — pugs, shorthaired pointers;
  • - Maltese;
  • - Beagle, Bernese Bouvier.

Animals with weak immunity and those who have suffered a skull injury, resulting in a head injury, are more likely to get sick. This disease is often confused with tick-borne encephalitis, but this is not so; in veterinary medicine there are rarely cases when an animal is affected by a dog tick. In this case, the disease is called borreliosis or piroplasmosis.

The encephalitis tick is a carrier of infection such as piroplasmosis. This disease is very difficult to tolerate. Typically, animals develop a high fever, red urine, yellow eyes, and lack of appetite. In this case, they urgently contact a veterinarian and begin treatment; this disease can cause death. Upon recovery, the consequences of the disease remain for life.

It is important to identify the disease immediately, begin an examination and make an accurate diagnosis. Tick-borne encephalitis and piroplasmosis are two different diseases, and they must be treated in different ways.

Signs and symptoms

In many animals, encephalitis begins to progress as soon as the initial signs appear. Symptoms manifest differently in all dogs, it all depends on the cause of the disease and damage to the membranes of the brain.

General signs of the disease:

  1. - convulsions;
  2. - paralysis;
  3. - movement disorder;
  4. - weakness and lack of appetite;
  5. - depressive state.

Encephalitis can have different symptoms due to different causes of the disease. First of all, locomotor function changes: paresis, ataxia and paralysis. If there is damage to the spinal cord and brain stem, ataxia occurs and a lack of cranial cells appears.

This can be determined by the following signs:

  1. - impairment and loss of vision;
  2. - facial nerve paralysis.

The dog loses its sense of smell and chewing function is impaired. The development of ataxia indicates that the animal has damage to the brain and spinal cord. Frequent signs of the disease are: the dog loses consciousness and signs of epilepsy are observed.

The brain and spinal cord are partially damaged, then the dog’s sensitivity decreases, and other functional disorders occur. If the legs fail, it indicates damage to both hemispheres of the brain. If the encephalitis is complicated, then she cannot control her movements and circles in one place, loses her appetite and taste for life. The central nervous system is very sensitive to various types of infections and therefore its damage can cause severe consequences.

The disease affects the brain, and if the disease progresses, a strong inflammatory process of its membranes may occur, then spread to other organs, the spinal cord. The dog will become paralyzed, and if treatment is not started with potent drugs, the consequences can be disastrous. Encephalitis causes damage to the nervous system, which makes the disease worse, and organs do not work properly. According to statistics, 50% of the causes of death in dogs are complicated encephalitis.

Encephalitis causes paralysis, the dog has difficulty moving, twitching of the eyeballs occurs, and the animal may even go blind. If the musculoskeletal system is impaired, this indicates damage to the spinal cord. The dog can even develop epilepsy. When it shows signs, the animal immediately loses its chewing skill, and the brain disrupts its functional functioning. The animal becomes lethargic, limbs begin to tremble and convulsions appear. This disease requires treatment, otherwise the inflammatory process will spread to other organs. The brain is an important organ in dogs and is responsible for all its actions.

Diagnosis of the disease and its treatment

If symptoms of encephalitis are detected, the animal should be examined by a veterinarian. An examination is carried out and special biological materials are provided to identify the pathogen.

And if a specialist detects an inflammatory process in the head, he will definitely order a study:

  • - cerebrospinal fluid;
  • - X-ray of the head;
  • - computed tomography;
  • — Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • — EEG;
  • - blood chemistry;
  • - culture of liquor for bacteria.

The purpose of the tests also depends on the breed that is at risk. By carefully studying the history of the disease, the veterinarian can prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Sometimes, even with effective treatment, some functions may be lost. With weak immunity, a relapse of the disease may occur. The central nervous system, after an illness, will lose some functions, so if the disease is not treated in a timely manner, serious consequences may occur.

Is it possible to cure encephalitis? It all depends on the disease and what condition the dog is in. If the swelling of the brain due to inflammation is very extensive, it is difficult to cure. This is a very serious disease, and the dog needs prompt and comprehensive treatment.

The disease is treated with stimulant drugs to stimulate the central nervous system so that it can respond to the environment. The animal needs constant care, take glucose to quickly recover. If there is pus, the disease is treated with antibiotics.

Encephalitis affects the dog's brain and kidneys, and the extent of the animal's disease can complicate the treatment of the disease. The animal weakens and requires effective treatment by a specialist. Therefore, in order not to complicate the process, constantly take your pet to the veterinarian for examination and disease prevention. The disease should be treated promptly and under the strict supervision of a veterinarian to prevent complications of the disease. The disease encephalitis requires prevention, so in the spring, carefully examine your dog for ticks.

Each body tolerates the disease differently, therapy is selected based on the stage of progression. There is no universal treatment regimen even for humans, so when an illness overcomes animals, veterinarians most often resort to symptomatic treatment, which can lead to the death of the animal. Hence the question arose whether cats suffer from tick-borne encephalitis, because even if the diagnosis is established, no one knows what to do next.

Important! Many sources draw parallels and sometimes combine the concepts of encephalitis and piroplasmosis. These are two deadly, but different diseases transmitted by ticks.

Read also: Dermatophytes in cats: routes of infection, diagnosis and treatment methods

Stages of development and symptoms of encephalitis in cats

After removing the “uninvited guest” and treating the wound, monitor the animal; if the cat has become infected with something, symptoms will appear in the next 1–7 days. There are two scenarios for the development of the disease, with one outcome - swelling of the cerebral cortex and death if help is not provided. Signs of tick-borne encephalitis in cats:

  • During the incubation period, symptoms of an acute respiratory disease are observed - weakness, increased temperature by 2-3°, nasal discharge, tearfulness, refusal to eat. Unlike a cold, the condition drags on for 9–14 days, after which the animal shows signs of a central nervous system disorder -

Do dogs get encephalitis? Dogs, like other mammals, have a well-developed nervous system. It is thanks to the brain and spinal cord that these animals are able to learn, play, have social behavior and can become a wonderful friend to humans.

But the brain of dogs, just like the human brain, is susceptible to hostile factors, which leads to unpleasant consequences. Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain tissue, as a result of which the dog develops a complex set of symptoms.

Causes and classification of encephalitis

There are primary and secondary inflammation of brain tissue. Primary encephalitis is caused by infectious agents: rabies virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, fungal infections (Aspergillus), pathogenic bacteria (Listeria), prions and protozoa (Toxoplasma). Secondary encephalitis is a complication of the inflammatory process of another localization: purulent otitis media, traumatic sepsis, bacteremia.

Some dogs are prone to an autoimmune inflammatory response in the brain. There are even nosological forms that are characteristic only of certain breeds: meningoencephalitis in pugs, necrotizing encephalitis in the Maltese and others.

With simultaneous inflammation of the meninges, the process is called meningoencephalitis; combined inflammation of the brain and spinal cord is called encephalomyelitis.

Tick-borne encephalitis

Special attention is paid to the so-called tick-borne encephalitis, which is caused by a dog tick bite. Ixodid ticks carry a virus that damages the brain. In its pure form, the condition is less common than other types of encephalitis, but the consequences of a bite are often sad: mortality reaches 98%.

The encephalitis tick is dangerous only for animals with a weakened immune system. The risk group includes:

  • Animals under 2 years of age. This is due to an insufficiently formed protective reaction to the introduction of infectious agents.
  • Dogs over 8 years old. In older individuals, the activity of the immune system decreases and the likelihood of developing infectious processes is greater.
  • Animals with chronic diseases of other localization. Chronic inflammatory or autoimmune processes reduce immunity.
  • Dogs after skull trauma or long-term treatment.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs are nonspecific and are a combination of damage to the nervous tissue and membranes of the brain. The tick injects the virus into the dog’s body, and within 3-7 minutes the pathogen enters the brain tissue. The first symptoms after a tick bite do not appear immediately; the incubation period can last up to 3.5 weeks.

A sharp increase in intoxication symptoms is the first sign of encephalitis. The disease manifests itself as an increase in body temperature to 41-42˚C and a change in the color of urine. The urine appears dark or greenish, which is not always noticeable in grass. The animal is lethargic, completely refuses to eat, and does not respond to external stimuli. Later, diarrhea or vomiting of blood occurs. When the membranes of the brain are involved in the process, the dog constantly whines, howls in pain, and reacts sharply to changes in body position or to stroking.

Specific signs of an encephalitis tick bite in a dog are seizures, mood changes and impaired motor functions. But, unfortunately, these symptoms indicate severe brain damage and almost one hundred percent death.

Often, if a dog is bitten by an encephalitis tick, the symptoms go away after a short deterioration in the condition, and the improvement is regarded by the owner as recovery. But this is only a sign of suppressed immune response and further progression of the disease.


To make a diagnosis, the animal is carefully examined and the characteristics of its behavior in recent days are clarified. When neurological symptoms appear, a whole range of studies are used to determine the cause of encephalitis:

  • X-ray examination or computed tomography of the head. It is carried out to exclude skull trauma and allows to detect signs of cerebral edema.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid examination. It is carried out if there are signs of infectious encephalitis in a dog.
  • Ultrasonography. Allows you to assess the condition of the animal’s internal organs.
  • Electroencephalography. It is carried out to identify foci of damage to nervous tissue.
  • Blood and urine tests.

If a dog is bitten by an encephalitis tick, symptoms will not appear soon, and the main factor in saving the animal is detecting the tick, removing it and starting treatment measures. The encephalitis tick in dogs in the photo is a large black or brown knot in the fur.


Treatment of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs begins immediately after the tick is detected or when signs of brain inflammation appear. In the absence of therapy or when it is started late, the likelihood of death is high.

What to do if your pet is bitten by a tick? If a tick is found, it is carefully removed using tweezers. It is not recommended to lubricate the tick with oil or alcohol, as this suffocates the arthropod and can regurgitate the remaining pathogens into the dog’s blood. Then the tick is placed in a glass container and the veterinarian is contacted. If necessary, the arachnid will be sent for laboratory tests to identify the pathogen.

Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain.

Most often appears in young and old animals. Distinguish primary and secondary encephalitis.

Primary ones arise as independent diseases, for example, as stages of canine distemper (canine distemper), listeriosis, cat toxoplasmosis, etc.

Secondary ones accompany a number of diseases: sepsis, purulent inflammation of the ear (otitis media), skull injuries.

The most common people who suffer from encephalitis are dogs, cats, and tame rats.

Encephalitis in animals is mainly recorded from March to October. However, the disease occurs at any time of the year.

Inflammation of the brain can also affect its membranes. This disease is called meningoencephalitis. The disease can affect the spinal cord: this disease is called encephalomyelitis. If inflammation affects the brain and spinal cord along with the membranes, the disease is called meningoencephalomyelitis.

It is difficult for animals to walk, their paws cling to each other.

Encephalitis is a very serious disease. If your pet's coordination of movements is impaired, trembling of the muscles of the paws and lower jaw appears, immediately contact your veterinarian. The animal needs help.

Main signs of encephalitis

In the early stages, coordination of movements is disrupted, trembling of the muscles of the paws and lower jaw occurs. Over time, the signs of encephalitis are supplemented depending on the damage to different parts of the brain

Blindness and deafness may occur. Animals move little and reluctantly. Sometimes they sit or lie shaking their heads. Twitching of the eyelids, facial muscles or paws may occur.

At the final stages of the disease, partial or complete paralysis and breathing problems appear. Sometimes seizures resembling epilepsy occur. In some cases, sensitivity in parts of the body changes. The strength of reactions characteristic of the manifestation of reflexes increases or decreases.

Causes and course of encephalitis

Encephalitis is caused by:

  • purulent otitis;
  • skull injuries;
  • some worms;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hereditary factors;
  • autoimmune disorders;

Infectious diseases lead to encephalitis when the pathogen enters the brain through the blood, lymph, or other routes. Thus, the canine distemper virus (canine distemper) is introduced into the brain along with the blood. And the rabies pathogen is able to move along nerve fibers. The causative agents of infectious diseases, once in the brain, destroy nerve cells and feed on the substances intended for them.

Purulent otitis in some cases leads to destruction of the structures of the ear and skull. The pus penetrates directly into the brain. Microbes begin to feed on substances intended for nerve cells and destroy them.

In these cases, the immune system cannot destroy pathogens without destroying brain structures. Thanks to the protection of immune system cells from the effects of the immune system, microorganisms quickly multiply in the brain and sometimes the spinal cord.

Autoimmune disorders are characterized by a severe disorder: the body's defenses destroy cells of the body's own, in this case the brain. Such disorders are caused by viral infections, chronic diseases, and the use of a number of medications without a veterinarian’s prescription.

Hereditary factors have not been fully studied. However, in some breeds there are hereditary diseases characterized by inflammation of the brain, and sometimes the membranes, for example:

  • beagle meningoarteritis;
  • pug meningoencephalitis;
  • small white quivering dog syndrome;
  • necrotizing encephalitis of Maltese dogs;
  • meningoarteritis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and blood vessels) of the Bernese Bouvier;
  • necrotizing (with death of nerve cells) encephalitis of Yorkshire terriers.

In addition, a tendency to encephalitis has been found in dogs of the Golden Retriever breed.

Trauma to the skull causes blood to flow to the site of injury. Blood comes from both the skin and the brain. Swelling occurs, compressing the nerve cells and damaging them.

These reasons lead to inflammation of the brain. Neurons and surrounding cells are damaged. A thick liquid is released. Blood flow to the site of inflammation increases.

An increase in the amount of fluid in a very limited space of the skull leads to compression of nerve cells. The functioning of neurons is disrupted. The nervous reaction to processes in the body changes. Including normal ones.

Coordination of movements is the first to suffer. It is difficult for animals to walk, their paws cling to each other. Compression damages nerve cells even more, and the causes of the disease continue to operate. Sensitivity changes in different parts of the body. Reflex actions change.

The swelling increases and compresses the capillaries. The supply of nerve cells is disrupted. Neurons begin to die. At this stage of the disease, partial or complete paralysis occurs.

As a result of disruptions in the functioning of nerve cells, the body ceases to sense some organs and even parts of the body; Over time, their death develops. Associated diseases arise.

Death occurs as a result of disturbances in breathing control, heartbeat or irreversible damage to the brain. Even with timely assistance, the mortality rate from encephalitis reaches 50%.

Neurons and surrounding cells are damaged. A thick liquid is released. Blood flow to the site of inflammation increases.

Treatment of encephalitis

Treatment of encephalitis largely depends on the cause of the disease and the condition of the animal. Manipulations are aimed at:

  • eliminating the causes of the disease;
  • elimination of concomitant diseases;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • elimination or reduction of edema of the brain (and, if affected by the disease, the spinal cord).

Restoring the functioning of the nervous system is achieved through a set of measures. At the beginning of treatment, stimulants (proserin, etc.), acupuncture and its version of laser puncture can be used. At the final stages of treatment, or in cases of severe illness, darsonvalization, electrophoresis, and massage are used.

Elimination of the causes of the disease depends on the nature of encephalitis. For infectious and purulent lesions of the nervous system, antibiotics are used. Aztreonam, ampicillin, and ciprofloxacin are widely used. The main purpose of using antibiotics for viral diseases is to contain microbes that feed on the products of cell destruction. After all, viruses destroy a lot of body cells.

Elimination or reduction of edema of the brain (and, if affected by the disease, spinal cord) is achieved by using diuretics. 40% glucose solution, diacarb, mannitol are widely used. Magnesium sulfate solution is usually not used to treat encephalitis in animals: the drug can cause cardiac arrest. In rare cases, Lasix or Veroshpiron are used.

Elimination of concomitant diseases depends on the nature of the emerging disorders. For example, to eliminate nervous skin disorders (so-called neurodermatitis), locally irritating agents (clove essential oil, menthol-containing ointments) and other drugs can be used.

Additionally, hormone preparations (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.) can be used to stop inflammatory processes and reactions.

Faithful four-legged friends are exposed to various diseases. The most serious of them is encephalitis in dogs. You can hope for a favorable outcome only with proper and timely treatment.

What is meant by this concept?

The term “encephalitis in dogs” refers to a dangerous inflammatory process. The lesions are the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Zoologists have identified two main forms of this disease:

  • Initial form: the disease appears and progresses as a separate component.
  • Secondary form: the disease appears as a result of complications after a viral infection enters the body.

The inflammatory process is also classified according to the type of lesion: meningoencephalitis (involving the brain or its membrane), encephalomyelitis (involving the spinal cord), meningoencephalomyelitis (involving both the spinal cord and the brain).


Any disease, even a common cold, cannot appear on its own. Certainly some provocateur enters the body, which gives impetus to its development.

Encephalitis in dogs can be caused by:

Every summer, tick-borne encephalitis in dogs is recorded (hundreds of cases). It appears only after an insect bite.

How to recognize the disease at an early stage?

It is important to determine the signs of encephalitis in dogs (if bitten by a tick) at the very first stage of development of this disease. The sooner a caring owner does this, the more chances his pet will have for a positive outcome.

You should be wary if the following symptoms appear:

  • Suspicious movements. They signal the possible occurrence of seizures and paralysis.
  • Changing the dog's behavior. He becomes lethargic, drowsy and inactive. A characteristic sign is lack of appetite and restless sleep.
  • Significant increase in body temperature.
  • Change in urine color to a bright green hue.
  • Severe itching that constantly bothers the dog.

The most serious symptom is excessive vomiting or severe diarrhea. They serve as a sign that the disease is actively progressing in the body.

What actions should you take?

If several signs of encephalitis appear in dogs at the same time, then you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

The specialist will perform an initial examination of his patient, determine the coordination of his movements and general well-being. Next, you will need to conduct a number of diagnostic studies: ultrasound diagnostics, CT, EEG or X-ray, blood test, urine test, cerebrospinal fluid test. If the inflammatory process is confirmed, then there will be a need to undergo complex treatment.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of encephalitis in dogs is selected depending on the degree of damage. First of all, you need to remove swelling from the brain area. Only strong medications (Pirosan, Veriben or Piro-stop) can do this. Simultaneously with this measure, measures are taken to eliminate the source of inflammation.

Another mandatory measure is taking anthelmintic drugs. Medicines that restore the functioning of the nervous system are also used. In case of serious complications, a course of massage will also be required.

As soon as the dog’s condition returns to normal, the treatment complex will require the addition of biologically active supplements that support the functioning of the kidneys, heart and liver.

A symptom of encephalitis in dogs, which can only be detected by ultrasound, is the accumulation of fluid in the spinal cord or brain. This is very dangerous and is fraught with the development of even more serious diseases. A mandatory treatment measure is its removal from the body. To do this, the pet is given glucose or mannitol.

The main symptom of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs is skin irritation. Additionally, you will need to treat the affected areas with ointments, oils or creams.

Where is the best place to do this?

Caring dog breeders are wondering where it is better to treat their pet: at home or in a clinic. It is worth noting that inflammation of the meninges is a serious disease that can cause a number of negative consequences. It is very important to track each stage of treatment and its effectiveness. Transporting the patient over long distances is not recommended. The best option is to find a facility with 24-hour hospitalization.

What will happen if measures are not taken in time?

Encephalitis is a disease in which every day is important. It is worth finding a good specialist as soon as possible and undergoing a diagnostic examination. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • Due to the large volume of fluid, the load on the kidneys increases several times. They have to do double work. Accordingly, a few days after the onset of this disease, an ailment such as renal failure will make itself felt.
  • The infection can enter the blood. It is imperative to carry out an event to clean it.
  • With encephalitis, the level of hemoglobin in the blood sharply decreases. The body perceives this change as oxygen starvation. Within a few hours after its appearance, the heart’s function will be disrupted.
  • The most common complication is chronic anemia.
  • Brain edema is the most dangerous stage of the disease; it is very difficult to eliminate and can lead to the death of the animal.

As it turned out, the consequences of encephalitis are very diverse. It is recommended to always monitor the health of your animal and immediately contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear.

Who is most affected by the disease?

Are all dogs equally susceptible to developing encephalitis? Of course not. First of all, those individuals who have a weakened immune system are at risk. We are talking about the smallest (up to two years old) and older (from eight years old) pets. Small breeds of dogs suffer from any diseases to a lesser extent than large dogs. It's also worth considering where your dog's breed came from. The warmer the climate, the stronger their body reacts to infections. These include the Bouvier, Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier.

Are there any preventative measures?

Dogs suffer from encephalitis very acutely. They practically do not eat, constantly whine and lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is unlikely that a caring owner would want his animal to suffer like this. There are a number of preventive measures to help prevent the development of this disease.

Unfortunately, a sufficiently effective preventive vaccine has not yet been developed against tick-borne encephalitis. Therefore, you need to actively use special collars and drops on the withers.

Many dog ​​breeders do not want to spend money on visiting clinics. It is worth noting that treatment of encephalitis is not a cheap pleasure. Accordingly, the question arises: can it be cured with folk remedies? Experts do not recommend doing this, as independent measures can aggravate the situation. Remember that in the case of such a disease, the clock sometimes counts; delay can simply kill the animal.

You should carefully observe the dog's behavior. With inflammation of the brain, complications progress very quickly. If new symptoms appear, you should report them to your veterinarian.

It is required to measure body temperature regularly, at least once a week.

Encephalitis in dogs is a very serious disease that can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Unfortunately, many animals are exposed to it. A loving owner should take preventive measures in advance, monitor the dog’s well-being and, if necessary, contact a professional clinic; only in this case can unpleasant consequences be avoided.