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Frontline spot on dogs instructions. Frontline for dogs: instructions for use. Frontline Tri-Act for dogs of all breeds

(ixodic, cheylitella, otodectos) dogs and cats, by topical (point) application of the drug to the skin.


FRONTLINE® Spot On is an insectoacaricidal drug containing fipronil as an active ingredient, as well as auxiliary substances and solvents.

Release form

FRONTLINE® Spot On is produced in the form of a 10% solution for topical (spot) application, packaged in 0.5; 0.67; 1.34; 2.68; and 4.02 ml in polyethylene pipettes with a break-off tip, placed 3 pieces in a blister, which indicates the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, volume, purpose and composition of the drug, batch number, date of manufacture. Each blister is packed in a cardboard box. Each box is labeled with the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, volume, purpose and composition of the drug, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date.

Directions for use and dosage

Before use, break off the tip of the pipette, spread the fur in the withers area (between the shoulder blades) and, pressing the pipette, completely squeeze out the contents onto the skin at one or several points. After application, the drug spreads independently throughout the animal’s skin within 24 hours. Depending on the type and weight of the animal, pipettes are used FRONTLINE® Spot He of various volumes:

The drug FRONTLINE® Spot It is used to treat otodectosis (ear scabies).
For this purpose, instill in each ear
4-6 drops (drops must be administered into both ears). To distribute the drug evenly, fold the auricle in half and lightly massage its base; apply the remainder to the skin between the shoulder blades (one-time treatment).

Contraindications and precautions

Only for animals. Only externally. Keep out of the reach of children.
Not for use on rabbits.

A drug FRONTLINE® Spot It is not allowed to be used on puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age.

When working with the drug, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions,
intended for use with veterinary medicinal products.

Pharmacological properties

Duration of protection of animals from fleas: for cats - 2 months, for dogs - 3 months.

Repeated treatments of animals are carried out after the specified period.

FRONTLINE® Spot In terms of the degree of impact on the body, it belongs to the group of low-hazard substances - according to GOST it does not have skin-resorptive, sensitizing, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects.
In case of contact with eyes, it causes mild irritation.


Is Frontline® Spot On safe for pregnant and lactating animals?

FRONTLINE® Spot It has passed numerous laboratory tests. It has no side effects on pregnant or lactating dogs and cats. This is the only drug recommended for the treatment of lactating and pregnant dogs and cats.
For the treatment of kittens and puppies from the first days of life (under 8 weeks), it is recommended to use Frontline® Spray.

If my pet starts licking itself after treatment, is this dangerous?

Apply FRONTLINE® Spot It is in those places where the animal cannot lick it.
If the drug gets inside, short-term hypersalivation (increased salivation) may occur. It is safe when swallowed and does not cause intoxication, as it selectively affects the nervous system of invertebrates.

How quickly will FRONTAINE® Spot kill fleas on my pet?

FRONTLINE® Spot It kills 98-100% of fleas in less than 24 hours before the flea lays eggs. It is necessary to remember about regular treatment of the animal, since it is typical for fleas that only 5% of adult individuals live on the animal, the rest is in its environment, therefore repeated reinfestations are possible.

How often should an animal be re-treated?

It is recommended to treat the animal with FRONTLINE® Spot It against fleas: every 2 months for cats and every 3 months for dogs. In the case of treatment and prevention of allergic flea dermatitis or the risk of tick infestation, 1 time per month.

Does FRONTLINE® Spot On repel ticks and prevent tick bites?

No, FRONTLINE® Spot He is not a repellent. It acts in such a way that the tick cannot transmit dangerous diseases.

On average, ticks require at least 48 to 72 hours to transmit pathogenic agents. During this time, Frontline Spot It minimizes the risk of transmitting diseases transmitted by ticks (pyroplasmosis, Lyme disease, etc.)

What should I do if my pet gets wet or I want to wash him?

FRONTLINE® Spot It is resistant to rain, swimming or shampooing after 48 hours
from the moment of processing. When washing with shampoo more than 2 times a month, the interval between treatments should be reduced.

How to use FRONTLINE® Spot On for animals with borderline weight or weighing more than 60 kg?

In case of borderline weight, the dropper should be used in the direction of increasing weight, for dogs weighing more than 60 kg. a combination of 2 types of pipettes should be used: the maximum weight + an additional pipette with the missing weight.

FRONTLINE Spot It is so effective that it does not require the use of additional protective equipment and there is no need to combine it with other drugs.


"MERIAL S.A.S", France, 69007, Lyon, Avenue Toni Garnier, 29
Moscow Representative Office of the company "MERIAL S.A.S."

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Home > Instructions for medications > Frontline drops on the withers

  • fleas;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • cheilitels;
  • otodexodes;
  • lice eaters;

Frontline is produced in several forms, allowing you to choose the one that will be convenient to use for the animal owner.

Frontline composition

The main substance that provides the insecticidal effect of the drug is fipronil. In addition, in various forms of release, Frontline can be supplemented with several substances to enhance effectiveness. Among them:

  • butylated hydroxyanisole;
  • ethanol;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene;
  • excipient.


Fipronil, which is the basis of the drug, affects insect receptors, disrupting the movement of impulses. This causes paralysis and subsequent death of the arthropods.

Contraindications and side effects

After the studies, no obvious side effects or contraindications to the use of the drug were identified. The manufacturer recommends refraining from treating kittens weighing up to 1 kg with the universal product to avoid overdose. If there is a need to process them, it is better to use Frontline, created for small animals. The concentration of the active substance in such preparations is significantly lower than in products for adults. They have a gentle effect on the still fragile body.

It is also recommended to avoid using the product on animals with damaged skin. Multiple wounds can lead to penetration of the active substance into the blood. This will not cause any negative effects on your pet, but may cause minor short-term deterioration in well-being.

Instructions for use and precautions

Treatment is carried out outdoors and indoors with open windows or a ventilation system that provides a good flow of fresh air. It differs for different release forms.

Drops are applied to the animal’s withers, after spreading the fur. You need to try to get the liquid directly onto the skin. Sprays are sprayed against hair growth. Tablets are given orally.

When treating, a few drops are instilled directly into the animal's ear. After this, the ear is folded in half and lightly massaged for better penetration of the substance. When applying the composition, it is necessary to avoid getting it into the animal’s mouth or eyes. To do this, before using the spray, moisten the area around the eyes, nose and mouth with clean, cool water. If trouble cannot be avoided, you should rinse off the remaining substance with plenty of water to relieve your pet of the tingling sensation caused by the substances included in the composition.

After the product is applied, the animal is held until the fur dries. This will avoid the transfer of active substances to pieces of furniture. You should also isolate the animal from contact with children for a day. At this time, it is better to refrain from playing with your pet and stroking it.

The maximum effect is achieved one day after application. It is allowed to wash your pet no earlier than 48 hours after the end of the procedure.

If there are several animals in one apartment, it is better to carry out preventive procedures for all on the same day. For prophylaxis, Frontline is used every 4 weeks. If the animal is bathed daily, it is recommended to reduce the time interval between treatments.

If the drug comes into contact with exposed skin of the person carrying out the treatment, the stained area should be washed with plenty of running water. Empty Frontline bottles are strictly prohibited from being reused for storing any substances or for other household purposes. After use, the empty container is tightly closed with a lid, packed in a plastic bag and thrown into the trash.

Video - Techniques for treating animals against fleas and ticks

Types of Frontline

Table 1. Main types of the drug Frontline.

Name of the drugRelease formPurpose of the drugWhat animal is it intended for?Mode of applicationprice, rub.
Pipette with dropsTo eliminate and prevent the appearance of fleas, ticks, mosquitoes.DogsExternalfrom 600
Frontline NexgarDChewable tabletTo eliminate and prevent the appearance of fleas, ticks, lice.DogsOrallyfrom 1500
Frontline ComboDropsDogs, cats, rodentsExternal to withersfrom 500
Frontline Spot-OnPipette for topical (drop) applicationTo eliminate and prevent the appearance of fleas and ticks.Dogs, cats.External to withersfrom 450
Frontline SpraySprayTo eliminate and prevent the appearance of fleas, ticks, lice, lice.Dogs, cats (including puppies and kittens)External for complete treatment of the skin surfacefrom 1500

The drug is distinguished not only by its release form, but also by its adaptation for different pets. With the help of Frontline you can protect not only cats, but also dogs, puppies and even ferrets and rats from insects.

Frontline for cats and cats

Before use, cut off the upper part of the cap and, pushing back the hair on the withers with your fingers, apply a few drops to the skin. There is no need to rub the preparation or distribute it over the surface. Over the course of 24 hours, it will be absorbed into the skin on its own and spread over its entire surface.

It will take 24 hours to kill fleas; ticks will die after 48 hours. After killing the insects, it is advisable to wet clean the house, vacuum and clean the bedding on which the pet sleeps.

Frontline spot On classic is also designed to combat blood-sucking insects in cats. This type of drops is adapted for animals weighing more than 1 kilogram, and can be used for pregnant and lactating cats. Release form - drops on the withers.

Excellent for protecting against fleas and ticks for those animals that react restlessly to treatment with a spray or wearing an anti-flea collar. Frontline spot It retains its protective properties for a month and can be used to treat otodectosis. Recommended for use on animals older than 1 month.

Frontline for puppies and kittens

Also used for small smooth-haired animals and pets who have previously had an allergic reaction to flea drops.

Spray the preparation on top of the pet's fur, slightly moistening it. In long-haired animals, the fur is slightly lifted by hand. After spraying, no additional manipulations are required; you just need to wait for the product to dry completely. The protective properties of Frontline spray appear as soon as the animal's fur dries.

Table 2. Spray dosage depending on the weight of the animal.

Pet weight, kgFrontline spray, number of sprays
Short-haired animalsLong-haired animals
0,5 1 (1.5ml)2 (3ml)
1,0 2 (3ml)4 (6ml)
3,0 6 (9ml)12 (18ml)
5,0 10 (15ml)20 (30ml)
10,0 20 (30ml)40 (60ml)
20,0 40 (60ml)80 (120ml)
30,0 60 (90ml)120 (180ml)
40,0 80 (120ml)160 (240ml)

Frontline Tri-Act for dogs of all breeds

After proper use, fleas die within 5 minutes, and ticks die after 6 hours. The drug is available in 5 versions adapted for dogs of different weights. For animals weighing more than 60 kg, it is recommended to use 2 pipettes designed for large dogs.

Apply the composition dropwise onto the head, approximately between the ears and at the withers. Frontline Tri-Act is not dangerous and can be used during pregnancy and lactation of the bitch. The product was developed specifically for treating dogs; it is not recommended for use on cats or ferrets.

The main effect begins 30 minutes after the animal swallows the tablet and lasts for at least a month. The drug is adapted for puppies and adults without restrictions on breed.

Frontline is a unique composition for animals, the safety of which is confirmed by the results of studies in France. During the testing of the drug, more than 3 million treatments were carried out on dogs and cats of different weights, ages and breeds.

  • cats;
  • dogs;
  • puppies and kittens.

During testing, animals were treated with the maximum recommended doses of the product for a long period. After completing the treatment cycle, blood tests, skin biopsies and a full clinical examination were performed. The results obtained were compared with the material from the control group of animals that were not treated with the drug. The data from the studies of the two groups did not have any significant differences, which allowed the scientists to make an authoritative statement about the safety of the drug.

Puppies in the Frontline-treated group showed a slight increase in eye tearing. During the research, it was also discovered that getting the drug into the animal’s mouth or accidentally swallowing it causes a temporary increase in salivation. Based on the results of the studies, it was found that Frontline is well tolerated by animals of any age and does not cause side effects.

After completion of the treatment cycle, a skin biopsy and a full clinical examination were performed

Advantages of Frontline

  • ease of use provided by various release forms;
  • maintaining effectiveness even after several baths;
  • protecting your pet for a long period of time;
  • protecting the apartment from the appearance of insects carried by animals from the street;
  • ease of application;
  • the ability to use for animals prone to allergic reactions;
  • high degree of safety even if the composition enters the esophagus;
  • a huge range of action providing protection against fleas, mosquitoes and various types of ticks;
  • safety when treating lactating bitches and newborn puppies;
  • superficial action without penetration of the drug into the bloodstream makes it possible to treat pregnant animals;
  • the effectiveness of the drug ranges from 98 to 100%;
  • suitable for animals that react nervously to a flea collar;
  • safe for people.

Video - Treating a dog with Frontline Tri-Act

Every day we take care of our pets, and in return they respond to us with their boundless love and devotion, joyfully and cheerfully waving their tails when greeting their beloved owner from work. Playing games together and taking daily walks together, and with the onset of the spring-summer season, trips out of town bring us a lot of pleasure. However, relaxing in the forest or in the countryside is not only a great opportunity to have plenty of frolic for the dog and enjoy nature for the owner, but also a real threat of bites from ticks, fleas and all kinds of insects.

Frontline is one of the products of the Merial company, specializing in the development and manufacture of vaccines and veterinary drugs for livestock farming and pets.

This French company was founded in 1997 as a joint venture between the veterinary and sanitary subsidiaries of Merck & Co and Sanofi-Aventis. In January 2017, Merial was acquired by the German corporation Boehringer Ingelheim and merged with the veterinary division of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica.

Now they are one of the world leaders in the veterinary industry, and are actively engaged in research activities, as well as the creation of innovative drugs in the field of animal health.


Today, there is a whole range of products aimed at protecting animals from fleas and ticks, produced under the Frontline brand.

Frontline spray

A classic product containing fipronil, in the form of drops for application to the skin. Used against fleas, lice, lice, ixodid and scabies mites, mosquitoes. Available in blue tubes sealed in blisters. In terms of volume, Frontline Spot-On is divided into four varieties, depending on the weight of the pet:


Drops on the withers, like Spot-On. It differs from the previous one in that it contains a second active substance (S)-methoprene, which also kills flea eggs and larvae. This product is produced in green pipettes and is also packaged in four types of packaging depending on the weight of the dog: S, M, L, XL.


A solution that is also applied to the withers. Their main difference is active protection not only from fleas and ticks, but also from flying insects: mosquitoes, midges, and burn flies. In addition to fipronil, the formula includes the substance permethrin, one of whose properties is repellent (repels insects). Available in five types of pink pipettes, designed for different dog weights: 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 ml, at the rate of 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of pet’s weight.


The drug is in the form of chewable tablets, which is designed to rid your pet of fleas and ticks. To ensure that your dog eats it himself, the tablet has an attractive beef stew flavor. The main active ingredient in it is afoxolaner, it begins to act almost immediately - 30 minutes after eating. After just 6 hours, all fleas are completely destroyed, and after 24 hours, all ticks are completely destroyed. The protective effect lasts one month. Chewable tablets come in four dosages: 0.5, 1.25, 3 and 6 g, for dogs weighing from 2 to 50 kg.

Description and effect of the drug

One of the most famous medicines in this series is Frontline Combo drops on the withers for dogs.

All Frontline brand drops for dogs have the same operating principle, so their instructions are almost identical. Immediately after contact with the animal’s skin, the substance begins to distribute and gradually cover the entire skin and coat. This process is completed within 24 hours. The medicinal substance does not enter the blood, but accumulates in the outer layer of the skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, creating a protective barrier. This kind of shield protects the dog from ticks for four weeks, and from fleas for 4-12 weeks. The duration of the protective effect can only be affected by frequent bathing of the pet with shampoo (more than 2 times a month).

Instructions for use

The first step before treating with Frontline for dogs is to remove the collar from the pet and make sure that there are no damages or wounds on the skin. It is also worth making sure that the coat and skin are dry. Next, break off the tip of the tube and, dividing the fur on the back between the shoulder blades with your hand, squeeze out all the liquid onto the skin in the withers area in one or several places so that the animal cannot lick off the product. For some time (about a day) there will be damp or oily hair at the application site. Until it is completely dry, it is better not to pet or touch the dog, and also to keep it away from small children.

If your pet weighs more than 60 kg, then the instructions for using Frontline Combo or Tri-Guard for dogs prescribes combining a tube marked XL with a pipette in volume corresponding to the missing weight. Also, the required volume of an additional pipette can be calculated based on the calculation of 0.067 ml per 1 kg of dog’s body weight.

For two days after treatment, the pet must be protected from swimming in a pond or from home water treatments with shampoo or soap. It is strictly prohibited to use this product on puppies under two months of age, animals weighing less than 2 kg, and also during illness. Treatment should be repeated no earlier than after three weeks.

Price of Frontline for dogs

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

Having analyzed the price tags of several online stores, we can say that the average cost of one Combo pipette is 100-150 rubles higher than Spot-On.

The cost of Frontline Combo for dogs depends on body weight:

  • from 2 to 10 kg – from 550 to 690 rubles;
  • from 10 to 20 kg – from 610 to 780 rubles;
  • from 20 to 40 kg – from 680 to 870 rubles;
  • from 40 to 60 kg – from 750 to 975 rub.

Frontline spray will cost 950 - 1200 rubles for a 100 ml bottle, and a 250 ml bottle costs between 1600 - 2000 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that the drugs in the Frontline line are quite expensive, but a high quality product always comes with a high price. And the products of a world-famous company do not raise doubts about their reliability and efficiency. In addition, if you have a small, short-haired dog, you can save a lot if you use a spray rather than drops, and be sure that it is not in danger of any blood-sucking parasite.

(Frontline spray)


Frontline spray contains fipronil as an active ingredient (chemical formula: C 12 H 4 CL 2 F 6 N 4 OS) in a 0.25% concentration, as well as excipients. In appearance, the drug is a colorless transparent solution with a specific odor for external aerosol use. Produced packaged in bottles with a spray of 100 and 250 ml.




Frontline spray is used externally as an aerosol. Animals are treated outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Before treatment, shake the bottle thoroughly and, pressing the spray head, direct the aerosol torch from a distance of 10-20 cm onto the animal’s body against the growth of the fur. The bottle should be held vertically, spraying the animal's body, including the stomach, neck and limbs with the drug so that it evenly and sufficiently moistens the skin and hair, after which, to speed up its penetration into the skin, the drug should be lightly rubbed (it is recommended to use rubber gloves). To prevent the drug from getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes, the drug is applied around them with a moistened cloth. When treating long-haired animals, the hair is lifted by hand, directing the aerosol torch against the growth of the hair. The dose of the drug is 3-6 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, depending on the length of the coat. One press on the spray head of a 100 ml bottle provides a dose of 0.5 ml, one press on the spray head of a 250 ml bottle provides a dose of 1.5 ml of the drug, in accordance with the table:

Animal weight, kg

Number of presses on the sprayer of a 100 ml bottle

Number of presses on the sprayer of a 250 ml bottle

Short hair

Long wool

Short hair

Long wool


Allergic reactions are possible in hypersensitive animals.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


When handling the drug, it is recommended to use rubber gloves, especially if there are abrasions and other skin damage on your hands. During treatment, drinking, smoking and eating are prohibited. Do not pet the animal or allow it near small children or heating devices for 24 hours after using the drug. If the product accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be immediately washed off with a stream of water or removed with a swab and then washed with water. At the end of the treatment, hands should be washed thoroughly with warm water and soap.


With caution. In the manufacturer's packaging, in a dry place, protected from light and inaccessible to children and animals. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from 0 to 50 °C. Shelf life: 3 years.

The chewable tablet Frontline NexagrD is a unique development from the manufacturers of the product. The main active ingredient, afoxolaner, actively fights ticks from within the body. According to the manufacturers, the tablets are coated with a flavored coating and are suitable for both dogs and cats.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any drug, Frontline has contraindications for use and side effects. Any type of medicinal product cannot be used if the animal is individually intolerant to the active ingredient, or in case of an allergic reaction.

Drops for external use should not be given to puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age and to sick animals. The drug rarely causes side effects. When applying, avoid contact with eyes.

Chewable tablets have no contraindications or side effects. They can be used at any age and even during pregnancy. Frontline does not accumulate in the pet’s body, and therefore does not lead to negative consequences.

  • newborn kittens and puppies;
  • individual intolerance;
  • an animal that is sick or in recovery.

Side effects include itching and local hair loss. There may be food poisoning if the spray enters the body. Rarely encountered: increased salivation, vomiting, various neuralgic reactions, asphyxia.

Directions for use and precautions

The drug in tablet form should be used based on the weight of the animal. If you weigh up to 50 kg, one tablet is given, over 50 kg - 2 tablets. The pill must not be broken! Veterinarians recommend taking the product every month. There are no special precautions for humans.

The use of drops to combat ticks should be carried out as follows. Part the fur and apply a few drops to the affected area. After this, you cannot wash the animal for 2 days. In cats, the effect of the drug lasts up to 3 weeks, in dogs - up to 1 month. The interval can be reduced to 3 weeks if the pet is bathed more than 2 times a month. If the animal has an allergic reaction, the product should be immediately washed off with water and an antihistamine should be given.

Precautions for humans when applying drops are as follows:

Frontline spray is sprayed onto the entire coat at a distance of 10-20 cm. It is necessary to ensure that the entire coat is saturated to the skin. You can apply the spray to a gloved hand and gently rub the drug, avoiding it getting into the animal’s eyes. The dosage is calculated based on the pet's weight. Per kilogram of mass there are about 3 clicks on the bottle. The spray is active for 5 weeks. If the animal goes outside, it is recommended to reduce the application interval to 4 weeks.

Precautions for humans:

  1. Do not eat or smoke while spraying.
  2. Do not allow the spray to come into contact with the eyes, skin or respiratory system. If this happens, wash the affected areas with plenty of clean liquid, possibly with detergent.
  3. Do not use in case of allergies.
  4. Do not allow children to play with animals after wool has been treated.
  5. Do not touch your pet until the spray is completely absorbed.

Veterinarians recommend carrying out the spraying procedure in the evening. After this, the animal should not be allowed to sleep with its owners or children. Do not spray the spray near open bodies of water. Finopril negatively affects the condition of water and the organisms living in it.