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“The heroic past of our Motherland in works of fine art. Loose ruts are broken roads. Announcing the topic of the lesson

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1 Essay on the topic of the image of the homeland in the works of Rasul Gamzatov Main part Chapter I. Pushkin traditions in the works of Rasul Gamzatov. 7 Formation and becoming in Nekrasov’s lyrics images of nature and homeland. The theme of the homeland in Yesenin’s poetry. Reflection in the lyrics of a special connection The image of the muse in the lyrics of Nekrasov (essay) Continuing the traditions of A.S. The essay is distinguished by the author’s interest in Lermontov’s poetry. Material from the student’s personal experiences and understanding of Lermontov’s image is used. The essay provides a complete analysis of the theme of the Motherland in the works of the great Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov. Comparative analysis of the poem by Rasul Gamzatov * Research topic Image of the Motherland in the works of Rasul Gamzatov * 12 Oct Gamzatov, Rasul Gamzatovich Wikipedia * 1950 Collection Homeland of the Highlander, Year and Military Valor became the main source of his poetic creativity. Summary of a lesson on literature in grade 7 on the topic Analysis..grade 7. Written assignments are focused on creating works of a creative nature 55, Evolution of the image of the motherland in Yesenin’s lyrics. 1, Prepare to Write an essay on the topic Quiet Don as a novel about the tragic fate of a person. Ind.: prepare a report on the work of Rasul Gamzatov. Peasant theme in the works of Russian writers Analysis of author's punctuation in the dramatic works of A.P. Chekhov. The image of the Motherland in the works of Rasul Gamzatov, a prominent representative of literature. An essay on the topic of the image of the motherland in the works of Rasul Gamzatov >>>More details<<< О смысле этой..диссертация на тему Проза Расула Гамзатова автореферат. Образ Родины в творчестве Расула Гамзатова * 12 окт Сочинение на одну из предложенных тем (темы на выбор учащихся): 1. Философские размышления о смысле жизни и свободе творчества. Образ Родины. Размышления об истоках и основах жизни в лирике Расула Гамзатова. Особенности художественной образности дагестанского поэта.

2 Analysis of the poem by Gamzat Rasul about the homeland of Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatov, translated into Russian by Naum Grebnev. Subject Lermontov M.Yu. Contents of the destinies of the Motherland. The significance of N.V.’s creativity Topic 1. Heroic epic of Russia. The group is divided into 6 subgroups, each of Khetagurov K. Collected works: in 3 volumes. Topic 5. Poetry of Rasul Gamzatov. History of Avar literature. Expand the theme of the homeland in the poet’s work. How is the historical past reflected in the works of R. Gamzatov? Republican competition of creative works of students on the topic We are the friendship of peoples. Rasul Gamzatov is rightly called the singer of goodness and humanity, because during the preparation of this creative work we, together with my Motherland, for him is not only the embodiment of beauty, but also a source. Topics: 1) The theme of the Motherland and revolution in the works of Blok, Yesenin, Biography of Rasul Gamzatov * The powerful creative energy of the poet inherent in him. life and creativity, about individual works of foreign classics.? mastering the skills of oral and written compositions and characteristics of heroes. - analysis of inventing the ending, based on the logic of the development of the image and events. Rasul Gamzatov. A short story about the Dagestan poet. work. write reviews of works read and essays of different genres. Image. Ivan Flyagin. The theme of the tragic fate of a talented Russian person. Completing written work The theme of the Motherland in the works of A. Blok. Section 6. Topic Rasul Gamzatov. Lyrics (I). Literature about the life and work of Rasul Gamzatov in the Avar language Essay on the topic Motherland - Essay on literature. Methodologists of the PKK carried out an inspection and analysis of the reporting

3 the results of the competition for the best essay on the theme of the Great Patriotic War are summed up. Great talent, titanic abilities combined with creativity It is no secret that Rasul Gamzatov was a true patriot of his homeland. basic facts of the life and work of classical writers of the 1920s, write reviews of works read and essays of different genres on The Image of the Elements. The image of Eugene and the problem of individual rebellion. The image of poets. Rasul. Gamzatov. Information from the biography. The theme of the homeland in the lyrics. Homework on the topic: Distinctive features of Bunin’s prose: Eternal subjects, atheistic theme, image-symbol. The theme of the Motherland in the stories and novels of Dmitry Furmanov, Alexander Life and work of Rasul Gamzatov (review using the author’s works). Rasul Gamzatov: sketches for a portrait I remember how the poet approached a topic that was sensitive for Russians and Caucasians. Once, reviving for me the image of the old sage Abutalib, the hero. How is it there in your homeland? declared from the rostrum that they too had scientists studying the work of this poet: Ours. 2) The image of the Motherland and the fate of the people in the poems of N.A. Nekrasova Written work on the topic Oral folk art Review of the life and work of Rasul Gamzatov. Reading and analysis of poetry Again behind your back. Essay based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev Fathers and Sons. Topic: Image of the Motherland in the poetry of S. Yesenin. Topic: Rasul Gamzatov. The theme of the Motherland in creativity. basic facts of the life and work of classic writers of the 19th century. - basic principles for writing essays on the works you read. - use the main themes, motives and images of Tyutchev’s lyrics. Homeland theme. Man Rasul Gamzatov. Information from the biography. Poems:

4 This is too much for her Homeland - a hand without fingers, like a hotel for guests and a masterpiece translation of Rasul Gamzatov’s poems by Marina Akhmedova: And you can compare this with the work of Miyasat!! You need to abstract yourself from this topic, otherwise you already have a stable image of the enemy. The poet’s homeland is the village of Kakhabroso, Untsukul district of the Republic of Dagestan. The sublime image of the poet appears in the works of Rasul Gamzatov. Analysis of Avar literature of the 19th early. During this period, the theme of Chechnya and the Chechens was addressed in their works, creating an image of Zelimkhan based on real, historical ones. The people's poet of Dagestan, Rasul Gamzatov, did not ignore the Chechen theme in his work. Necessary. Rasul Gamzatov is a dear, close and wonderful person to me. He has three main themes in his work: love for Dagestan, for Russia and Rasul’s deep, soulful poems about the poet’s homeland, the aul of Tsada. We organize exhibitions based on his best essays and drawings based on the works of R. Gamzatov. The image of the Motherland in the works of Rasul Gamzatov * 12 Oct 2012 The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in Yesenin’s work. The theme of the homeland in creativity. Even if incomplete, the collected works of Oralkhan both in Kazakh and in...Terekli-Mekteb. The essay was written in class based on the results of studying the topic. The image of the Motherland in the works of Rasul Gamzatov * 12 Oct Section. Topic, Total number of hours, Of which 12, Poems by M.V. Lomonosov, 1, Life and creativity. 31, The steppe as an image of the Motherland in the story. 1 Draw up an essay plan, express and argue your point Rasula Gamzatova mastery of the elements of analysis of a poetic text. >>>More details<<<

5 Rasula Gamzatova. Exhibitions of folk art and a drawing competition were organized. My Dagestan is my Motherland. and students wrote essays on the topic We are strong together through friendship, My hometown and many other various events. View the embedded image gallery online at:

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TOPIC: “My Motherland in music, literature, fine arts” (integrated lesson)

Goal and tasks:

Show the image of the Motherland in the synthesis of arts;

Introduce students to the poetic and state symbols of Russia;

Arouse interest in studying the history of your homeland, its state symbols;

To foster a sense of love and pride for one’s Fatherland through music, poetry,



Exhibition of books: “Russia is my dear mother, my dear home, my holy land”;

Portrait gallery of Russian poets and musicians;

Exhibition of paintings by Russian artists.


Oh, Russia! A country with a difficult fate...

I have you, Russia, as one heart,

I will tell a friend, I will tell an enemy too -

I can’t live without you, like without my heart.

(Yulia Drunina)


Record player




1. Today in the lesson we will take an excursion into the depths of centuries to once again remember our SLAV ancestors, where the name of our state - Rus' - came from. We will learn how poets, musicians, and artists glorified our Motherland in their work. Let's summarize our knowledge about the symbols of our Fatherland (both poetic and state).

To sing about Russia is to strive for the Temple.

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

To sing about Russia is to forget the melancholy,

What is love, to love, what to be immortal.

(I. Severyanin)


It was a long time ago, in the country where we live, there were no huge cities, no stone houses, no villages, no hamlets. There were only fields and dense forests in which wild animals lived. Along the banks of the rivers, far from each other, there were poor buildings. Our distant ancestors lived in them.

What were they called? (SLAVS). This name comes from the word “glory”, i.e. "praise".

Where did our ancestors live in ancient times, what was the Slavic land called? (RUS).

Where did this name come from?

In the Middle Dnieper region, where the Ros River flows into the Dnieper, the Slavic tribe Rus was located. Let us not be embarrassed by the fact that in the name of this people the letters “o” and “u” (“ros”, river Ros and “rus”, Rus) are constantly changing. This is how these letters changed in the old days, and in our time we also speak in two ways: “Russian language”, “Russia”. PoetIvan Savvich NikitinThis is what he wrote about our Rus':

“There’s a reason for it, mighty Rus'

To love you, to call you mother,

Stand up for your honor against your enemy,

I need to lay down my head for you in need.”

2 .SELECT SYNONYMS TO THE WORD “Rus'”. (Rus' – RUSSIA – MOTHERLAND – FATHERLAND) (the word “Russia” is written on the board)

Take a close look at the word... - How do you understand it?

S. Yesenin spoke about this word like this:

"Russia! The word is so clear and clear!

Like spring water! Strong - like a diamond!

Tender - like a baby...Dear, like a mother!”

What poems do you know about Russia?


Dew consists of dewdrops, We are together: Kalmyks, Chuvashs,

From droplets of steam - fog, Buryats, Yakuts, Mordovians.

Sand - from the smallest grains of sand, Our only support

Russia is made up of Russians. Moscow always remains.

We have long been united in spirit, Earth and water are inseparable,

And connected by a common fate, Like a shore or a river,

The Motherland inspired us all, the showers are inseparable,

For feat, for labor and for battle. And the wind and the clouds.

We are together: Volga residents, Ural residents, A rainbow has no halves.

Pomors and steppe dwellers - And if there is a wave, then a wave,

They look like strong fingers and there are no dewdrops,

Big hard working hand. This is how Russia is alone. ( V. Kryuchkov)

“Hello, Russia, my homeland!

Stronger than storms, stronger than any will

Love for your barns by the stubble,

Love for you, hut in the azure field."

(N. Rubtsov)

Today in class we will learn a new song

(THE GUYS ARE LEARNING THE SONG “MY RUSSIA” - music by Struve, lyrics by Solovyova

3. SELECT THE FOLLOWING SYNONYM FOR THE WORD “Rus'” articulatory gymnastics

(the word “Motherland” is written on the board)

Where did this word come from?

What is its original meaning?

Find the "root" in this word?

The ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY gives the following information:

Common Slavic, derived from the word ROD. The original meaning is “family”; hereinafter referred to as “deposits”.


(the guys read out: “homeland” is the place, the country where a person was born) showing the song by trained children

Do you know poems about the Motherland? - Who wrote them?

“If they say the word “homeland,” “Motherland,” we say, worried,

Immediately the distance rises in memory, we see without edge before us,

An old house, currants in the garden, This is our childhood, our youth,

Thick poplar at the gate Maturity will not escape you and me.

There is a birch tree by the river - the modest Motherland! Holy Fatherland!

And a chamomile hillock... Coppices. Groves. Shores.

And others will probably remember the golden field of wheat,

Your native Moscow courtyard... Moon-blue haystacks.

Or the steppe red with poppies, the sweet smell of mown hay.

Golden virgin soil... Conversation in the village in a sing-song voice,

Homeland can be different, Where a star sat on a shutter,

But everyone has one!” Almost reaching the ground.

(Z.Alexandrova) Motherland! Land of fathers and grandfathers!

We fell in love with these clovers

Having tasted the spring freshness

From the edge of a clinking bucket.

“If the holy army shouts: It will hardly be forgotten

Screw you, Rus', live in paradise.” And will remain holy forever...

I will say: “There is no need for paradise, the Earth that was called the Motherland,

Give me my homeland"(S. Yesenin) If necessary, we will protect you with our hearts.

4 . A GAME . People have many proverbs and sayings about Russia, about the Motherland. Do you remember them?

We're going to play a little game now. It's called "Add a Proverb." You will be given 6 proverbs. Whoever puts them together faster is a great guy.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song. On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

Needed where was born. A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her. Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

5 . Russians are a musically gifted nation. With great pride we pronounce the names of Russian composers who sang the beauty and nobility of the Russian soul, the greatness of Russian nature, and the exploits of Russian heroes.

Which of these people can you name?

(children list Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninov, Mussorgsky, Borodin)

What did Tchaikovsky sing in his music?


Which composer is rightfully considered the founder of Russian music? (the guys call Glinka and show his portrait).

THE FINAL FROM THE OPERA “IVAN SUSANIN” IS BEING SOUNDED- showing video material (remember the hero’s aria performed by the teacher, and define music written in the folk spirit).

What do you think: where does the Motherland begin? In one of the previous lessons, you wrote a short essay on this topic. I really liked your thoughts. I decided to read some of them to you.

THE SONG SOUNDS “WHERE DOES THE MOTHERLAND BEGINN?” PERFORMED BY M. Bernes, music by Basper, lyrics. Matusovsky.

The result of your creative work?

6 . Now we will talk about poetic symbols.

Does our Motherland have them?

What is her personification? (this is a birch tree)

What song about a birch tree does everyone, young and old, know?

Birch - white swan,

I'm standing next to you,

To you, my timid one,

I'm singing a song.

(A. Prokofiev)


Russian birch is a symbol of Russian nature. Since ancient times, with the approach of spring, girls glorified the Sun God; the Slavs called him Lel or Lyul. These words - names are used in many Slavic songs. The girls decorated birch trees with ribbons, all sorts of handmade crafts, and tied birch branches together with rings.

What national holiday are we talking about?(TRINITY)

Was it only singing at these holidays?

(the guys say that during the holidays they danced around the birches, glorifying their mighty gods).


7. Birch is the favorite tree of Russian people. Slender, curly, with white trunks, she was always compared in Rus' to a gentle and beautiful girl, a bride. Our poets and artists dedicated their best works to her.

Do you know any poems about the birch tree?

I love Russian birch Again about them, curly and whitish...

Now bright, now sad, And what to do here if in Rus'

In a white sarafan There are birches along all roads,

With handkerchiefs in your pockets, At least a day, at least a year, at least forever.

With beautiful clasps, “Russia” - the birch trees whisper to me,

With green earrings. “Russia” - the reeds whisper,

I love her elegant “Russia” - the key gurgles in the hollow,

Dear, beloved, And I quietly echo them: “Rus!”

Then clear, ebullient, Your burdens are not difficult for me.

Then sad, crying. I grew up in the field, I am Russian with forelock,

I love Russian birch. And I love you in Russian,

She is always with her friends My birch Rus'!

Bends low in the wind(A. Novikov)

And it bends, but does not lie down.


The Russian birch was depicted in their paintings by artists Plastov and Levitan, Kuindzhi and Savrasov.

Writer V.M. Garshin, looking at the pictureA.K. Savrasova “The rooks have arrived”,said: “I would call this picture “Feeling of the Motherland.” And the ringing spring drops, and the haze, and thin birches - all this is so familiar and so dear. This amazing picture gives birth to love for Russia and the Motherland.”

In front of the picture “Birch Grove” by A.I. Kuindzhiyou experience special joy. This is what happens when you enter a birch grove on a summer day and feel the beauty of your homeland. There are green-haired, quiet and silent birch trees around.

Before us is a pictureI.I. Levitan “Birch Grove”. White-trunked birches covered with young bright green foliage, a thick carpet of emerald grass, the sun's rays cannot leave

no one is indifferent. The painting captivates with its freshness and play of colors, the thrill of life itself.

Looking at the picture"Gold autumn" , you involuntarily recall the words of Pushkin:

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...

Levitanov's landscapes, imbued with love for the Motherland, for its forests, fields and meadows, cannot but evoke reciprocal love for what he depicts.

8. And now listen to the song “Why are you sad, birch tree...”, which was written by our compatriot: Petukhova Tatyana Ivanovna, who writes and performs her own songs about her native land.

What is this song about?

CONCLUSION : No matter where the birch grows, everywhere it brings joy and light to people. Birch is a symbol of Russia, our Motherland. And it will be in our open spaces forever, because our people are eternal.

Bread that feeds a person. The land on which man lives. A mother who gives life... It is simply impossible for a person to live without all this, but among all the most cherished things a person has a Motherland. Homeland is the land, city and village where you were born and live, your friends, close neighbors. This is your mother and father, that’s why the Motherland is also called the Fatherland, just like a home is called a father’s house.


"FATHERLAND" comes from the word "FATHER", the Greek word patria (patriot).

I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love!

My reason will not defeat her.

Nor glory bought with blood,

Nor the peace full of proud trust.

Nor the dark old cherished legends

No joyful dreams stir within me.

But I love - for what, I don’t know...(M.Yu. Lermontov)

9. We found out that the poetic symbol of our state is the birch tree. But each state also has official symbols. Every true patriot of his country should know them.

Tell them to me. (the guys name the coat of arms, flag and anthem)

What state symbol did we get acquainted with in our lessons?

Have you completed your homework?

(the guys talk about what the anthem is)

The anthem is a solemn song, a symbol of state unity. The origins of hymns are hidden in the depths of history. For the first time, the need for an anthem in court and military use arose under Peter the Great.

The first official anthem of Russia appeared during the reign of Emperor Alexander the First. The English anthem of 1745 was taken as a model."God, save the King." The Russian text to the English anthem was written by V.A. Zhukovsky. The music was composed by A.V. Lvov. The national anthem was first performed on December 11, 1833 at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. It sounded until February 1917. After the February revolution, the question of new state symbols arose. Composer A.T. Grechaninov and poet K.D. Balmont wrote"Hymn of Free Russia".But the cycle of events of 1917 did not allow this work to be brought to life.

After the October Revolution, it was approved as the anthem of Soviet Russia and then the Soviet Union."International". The Russian text, based on the text by E. Potier, was composed in 1902 by A.E. Kots.

The new national anthem was written by A.V. Aleksandrov to the words of S.V. Mikhalkov and sounded on the night of January 1, 1944. Subsequently, the text of the anthem was revised. In 1977, the most significant changes were made to it.

The idea of ​​creating a Russian anthem arose in 1990. The music for the future anthem was approved"Patriotic Song"M.I.Glinka. But this song did not have a poetic basis and was not legally approved as the national anthem. Deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council made a decision: to approve the Russian national anthem with words by Mikhalkov and music by Alexandrov. The Law “On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation” was adopted on December 8, 2000 by the State Duma, approved on December 20 by the Federation Council and signed on December 25, 2000 by the President of the Russian Federation.


Our journey is over, but it is not the last. Read books about Russia, listen to music about Russia, admire the beauty of Russia! Be real children of your Fatherland!

The international plein air painting “The Image of the Motherland in Fine Arts” opened on September 19 in the exhibition hall of the Mogilev Regional Museum named after. Pavel Maslenikov. This year the plein air is dedicated to the artist Robert Genin and his personal exhibition “In Search of Paradise.”

A unique exhibition has opened in Mogilev: the art museum presents 22 works by Robert Genin. It is no coincidence that we decided to remember the name of Robert Genin - the artist comes from the Klimovichi region, his life and creative work are closely connected with the Mogilev region. About twenty artists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Israel, Armenia, and China took part in the International Plein Air. The name of Robert Genin is little known, and his creative legacy is scattered throughout the world. Only thanks to the collector from St. Petersburg Alexei Rodionov, who agreed to provide Genin’s paintings from his private collection for display in the museum, the exhibition featured 22 unique paintings that the artist created in 1926 on the island of Bali. We owe the collector a biography of the difficult life of this talented idealist and visionary, European aesthete, wanderer and builder of the Palace of the Soviets. He is perhaps the only successful artist who has achieved success in the West and returned from emigration to Soviet Russia.

Who is Robert Genin? A fourteen-year-old Jewish boy originally from Klimovichi drew so well that his grandfather decided: let him study to become a photographer. Robert was sent to the Odessa Drawing School, but more tempting pictures arose in the imagination of the ambitious young man: enthusiastic articles from critics, beautiful fans. And eighteen-year-old Robert decided to go to Munich.
In 1902, the European stage in Genin’s life began, lasting 34 years, entirely devoted to creativity and filled with a variety of events. Moving to Paris. A trip to visit a wealthy sister in Egypt and return to Paris again. Trips to Italy, strong impressions of Giotto's frescoes. After the publication of the album of lithographs “Figured Compositions” (1912), fame came to him for the first time. An exclusive agreement with the Munich Thanhauser Gallery and the first personal exhibition (1913), when Genin depicts ideal people in a utopian paradise in his monumental paintings. 66 finished paintings and all future works are transferred to the Thanhauser Gallery. The personal exhibition is accompanied by a friendly press. Renowned American collector Arthur J. Eddy acquires the work "Thirst" (currently at the Art Institute of Chicago).
In 1913, a book on the history of art by Professor F. Burger was published. The chapter entitled “Genin and Millet” says: “The young master’s paintings personify the socialist ideal, the happiness of equality and labor. Perhaps Genin is the first artist who makes an artistic ideal out of a social idea, for the art of the 19th century prefers to depict work as the tragic duty of a person who dreams in the depths of his soul about a happy time of idleness; for Genin, work is law and beauty. Perhaps these ideas belong to the near future.”
With the outbreak of the First World War, the themes of his works changed, and the style acquired the features of German expressionism developing at that time. A second solo exhibition at the Thanhauser Gallery in 1917 demonstrates the artist’s rapid development. In the early twenties, Genin worked a lot in printed graphics, illustrating the works of German expressionist writers with his drypoint engravings and lithographs. Genin lives alternately in Ascona, Berlin and Paris. Numerous exhibitions in Germany and Switzerland. In 1926, a trip to the islands of Java and Bali, as a result of which many works from nature appeared. Particularly popular among the public are the graceful “heads” of balijeks with flowers or monkeys. In 1928, Genin’s book “The Distant Island” with his drawings was published in Berlin with a circulation of about 200 thousand copies. A large personal exhibition at the Bonjean Gallery at the end of 1931 was a success; famous art critics Paul Firans and Andre Salmon wrote about it. In 1935, his personal exhibition took place at the Lilienfeld Gallery in New York.
In the text of a small note in one Parisian weekly it is written: “The brilliant, joyful color literally dazzles and reigns in all its splendor on Genin’s canvases; It is through this color that the Russian soul, the delights of Genin’s youth come to life, reborn into a dream - it is through this color, through its enthusiastic chords, and also through the plot. Golden colors, warm cinnabar, exquisite pink, soft red shades flow in his bouquets, alternating in his more melancholic compositions. Genin’s creativity is very Russian creativity.” Paul Firans wrote about Genin’s work in the early 1930s: “It was in Paris that he became a real Russian. The lyrical element appears in his last works, “The Bride,” “The Blonde,” and “The Artist,” in which the author reveals his Russian origin more clearly than at any of the earlier stages of his development. It is in these later canvases that Genin achieves the most harmonious solution to his artistic and emotional problems.”
In the early thirties, the artist began to think more and more seriously about the purpose of his art, under the influence of his thoughts, destroying some of his works. He feels nostalgia for Russia, naively imagining what is happening in the USSR in a romantic light. In his house near Paris, he paints frescoes depicting “happy youth” and the “Soviet sky.” Through the Soviet Red Cross he receives a Soviet passport.
In March 1936, Robert Genin's dream came true: he came to Moscow with a passionate desire to paint frescoes on new buildings, to be a full-fledged builder of a socialist society. He lives wherever he has to, mostly with friends. Receives an order for a fresco for the State Farms pavilion at VDNKh. He has been working on it with enthusiasm for two years. In August 1938, when the huge fresco had already been transferred to the wall, they decided to redo the pavilions. Genin works in a team of fresco artists, decorating the Palace of the Soviets. Two years of joyful collective work pass. With the outbreak of war, Genin falls into a noticeably nervous state. He goes to enroll in the militia, but the military registration and enlistment office does not accept a 57-year-old volunteer with a stiff leg. Genin is on duty on the roof. At the end of September 1941, a high-explosive bomb concussed him, and a few days later Genin committed suicide.

Neither the grave nor the official record of Genin’s death was preserved: the battle for Moscow began, the city was hastily evacuated. Genin's works, scattered across private collections in Germany, Switzerland, France, Holland and the United States, sometimes appear at auction. In 1969, the German art critic Ralf Jentsch became interested in Genin's work. He managed to collect a number of works, which he showed at three exhibitions - in 1970, 1977 and 1980. Some of these works were acquired by German museums. In Russia and Belarus, few people know about Robert Genin. Dmitry Severyukhin wrote a detailed article about him.

During the open-air work, a memorial plaque to the artist Robert Genin was unveiled on the building of the Klimovichi Museum of Local Lore.


Tatyana, thank you, you pleased me with an interesting story! I didn’t know about Robert Genin. An extraordinary person - a romantic in life, a talented artist. In my opinion, he was an innovator in painting, celebrating romance and social harmony. Thanks to the enthusiasts who hold exhibitions of paintings by artists that bring joy to viewers. And thank you again for the valuable discovery!
I wish you happiness and good luck!

Central Russia Its nature. How dear these words are to everyone living in this climate zone! They say that only Russian people can understand this dim beauty.

In 1839, the French writer and traveler Astolphe de Kustin visited Russia. And upon returning to France, he wrote the book “Nikolaevskaya Russia”. In this book he expressed all his impressions of what he saw. But this is not delight, this is disappointment: “There are no distances in Russia,” say the Russians, and all travelers repeat after them. I took this saying on faith, but sad experience forces me to convince me of the diametrically opposite: only distances exist in Russia" (Astolf de Kustin, "Nikolaevskaya Rossiya", 1839). Further, the traveler notes: "in Russia there is nothing but desert plains, nothing grandiose, nothing majestic, everything is bare, everything is pale, nothing enlivens the landscape, an endless, flat, palm-sized plain, without colors, without charms. This is a country without landscapes! " This is how the French traveler assessed the nature of Central Russia.

But we live in this climatic zone of Russia. And we have cherished pictures of our native nature since childhood. Yes, they are not very bright, yes, they are not replete with wonderful shapes and colors. You need to “look closely” at the nature of the middle zone to understand its beauty, and perceive it as an artistic image of Russia. Russian artists and poets who have created works about the nature of Central Russia help us with this. What did they “consider”? What became for them the artistic image of Central Russia? What prevented the French traveler from seeing the beauty of Russian nature? I will try to find answers to these and many other questions.

Central Russia as a geographical concept

“Everyone is especially dear to that corner of the earth where he grew up, where he became a man. And yet, when asked about “the best place on the globe,” I always say: The middle zone. Ryazan fields and birches near the Oka, Kaluga and Tula copses with calm water in small rivers, the Moscow region, Vladimir country roads, the lands of Tambov and Voronezh, where the forests dry up and the steppes begin - we call all this in everyday life the Middle Belt, meaning the wide belt of Russia , coming from the west to the Urals.

I really love this belt of earth. And the explanations for this love should be clear to everyone who managed to take a closer look at the discreet but subtle beauty of Central Russia, understood to the very depths by Levitan, Nesterov, Tchaikovsky, Tyutchev, Fet, Yesenin, Paustovsky.

In the year we know both long nights and long days, when they are separated from each other only by the light of two dawns. We know snow and blue July heat. Every year we see the green smoke of the birth of life and the yellow withering. One of the beauties of life is contrasts and changes. In the summer we look forward to autumn. Then we are glad to see the first snow, the first thawed patches, the first flowers. Continuous chain of change

Snow that covered the ground in one night White snow is almost never white; it can be ashy, pink, or almost blue, depending on what the sky was like at that hour. The snow creaks underfoot like cabbage and smells like watermelon. Snow, snow Short days without shadows. Haystacks at the edge of the forest. A chain of fox tracks. It's deaf in the forest. You are in a hurry to return home before dawn.

How dazzlingly blue are the patches of sky when the days begin to grow longer, how the snow baked by frost rings and how gradually the whole snowy world turns blue!

How many different and different rains I have seen at home! These rains also have names: “torrential”, “mushroom”, “cover”, “long”, “autumn”, “winter”, from which the snow becomes covered with a sparkling crust, and transparent ice beads remain on the trees.

Hail. Frost. Fogs and dew. Clouds as transparent as thin yarn and heavy as lead. Frost, white salt lying on the grass in the morning. Winter pattern on the windows

July with cornflowers, daisies and the yellowness of bread is imperceptibly, completely imperceptibly replaced by a quiet, thoughtful August

Haymaking and leaf fall, river floods, the first snow and the first lilies of the valley There is a magical Middle Zone on earth.”

V. Peskov

These are the lines, full of delight and charm of his native nature, that the Russian writer Peskov speaks about the nature of the Middle Zone. His opinion is completely opposite to that of the French traveler Astolphe de Custin.

He writes in his notes: “What a country! An endless, flat, palm-sized plain, without colors, without outlines, eternal swamps, occasionally interspersed with rye fields and stunted oats; here and there, in the outskirts of Moscow, rectangles of vegetable gardens do not break the monotony of the landscape; on the horizon - low-growing, pathetic groves and along the road - gray village huts that seem to have grown into the ground. Here you have, for the hundredth time, Russia as it is. Huge rivers flow through this country without landscapes, but devoid of a hint of color. They roll their leaden waters in sandy banks overgrown with mossy copses, and are almost invisible, as from the sky, which is reflected in their dull surface. Winter and death, it seems to us, are constantly hovering over this country. The northern sun and climate give a sepulchral hue to everything around us. After a few weeks, horror creeps into the traveler's heart. He imagines that he is buried alive, and he wants to tear apart the shroud that has shrouded him, to flee without looking back from this continuous cemetery, to which neither the end nor the edge is visible” (Astolf de Kustin. Nikolaevskaya Rossiya. 1839).

What is behind one person's delight and another's disappointment? Very contradictory impressions of two people! Perhaps the poet Nikolai Zabolotsky is right when he wrote the following lines:

In the charm of the Russian landscape

There is genuine joy, but it

Not open to everyone, and even

Not every artist has it.

How did poets and artists discover this “charm of the Russian landscape”? Was this joy of discovery “given” to them? What is it, the nature of the Middle Zone in the works of Russian poets? We will try to illustrate the poetic lines with paintings by Russian artists.

Part two

The artistic image of Russia in the works of Russian poets

Poems that depict pictures of nature belong to the genre of landscape lyrics. Nature for poetry is a mirror in which it clearly sees its own appearance. Nature is not only the theme of poetry, but also its ideal - an example of true beauty, harmony, and expediency. Poets turn to the theme of nature not only to depict and capture its beauty, but also to fill the content of landscape lyrics with reflections on very complex issues of human life, human existence. Just as we learn to read the meaning of paintings, so, when reading landscape lyrics, we look for clues to those ideological and moral messages that poets “sent” to us over the years and centuries, or we select clues to unravel eternal mysteries in the lines of our favorite Russian poets. But, above all, the landscape lyrics of Russian poets create an artistic image of Russia.

Russian nature in the works of A. S. Pushkin

A.S. Pushkin treated Russian nature with special trepidation. Like a true artist, he painted beautiful pictures of a winter morning, an evening “muddy sky” of a short winter day, blue skies with transparent forests, “forests dressed in crimson and gold.” The poet even expressed his attitude to the seasons, admitting that autumn is his favorite season . Pushkin the artist can do everything: he skillfully puts “words”-strokes on the canvas of his poems and at the same time conveys the whole gamut of human feelings from the perception of this landscape.

Before us is the poem “Winter Morning”. This is a wonderful lyrical miniature. It is very important that both in painting and in literature these words are used in almost the same lexical meaning.

Compare the lines of the second stanza of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning” with the impressions of the French traveler. The poet creates a gloomy landscape, which seems to be a poetic illustration for the travel diary of a French traveler:

In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the gloomy clouds it turned yellow

If it were not for this stanza, there would not have been that acute perception, the feeling of surprise and delight, the surprise from the picture of nature created by the poet-artist in the following lines:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

How rich is Pushkin’s color scheme! Blue, green, silver, shiny black are bathed in streams of bright sunny gold. The poet uses the same root words “shining”, “shining”, “brilliance”, which add to our images a feeling of the festive elegance of nature, and the epithet “darling” appears twice: “dear friend” and “dear shore for me”, this epithet creates a mood delight and tenderness from what he saw, a warm feeling for his native nature. It’s not for nothing that children in primary school immediately feel this and so easily draw illustrations for the poet’s poem. They saw this landscape. He is close to them. He makes them happy every winter - these are pictures of their native nature. Pushkin emphasizes the peculiarity of the Russian person: to understand his native nature and love it, because it is “dear” to the heart of the Russian person.

The feeling of love for native nature in the works of M. Yu. Lermontov

Two Russian poets perceived pictures of nature in surprisingly different ways: Pushkin and Lermontov. For Pushkin it is delight, jubilation, surprise, comprehension of the beauty and power of nature. Lermontov has comprehension and connection with nature. Lermontov was one of the first to convey with amazing accuracy the mighty scale of Russia, which so amazed our traveler. So in Kusten we read: “Endless, flat as the palm of your hand. A plain stretching in all directions. As far as the eye can see, there is boundless empty space.” In Lermontov’s poem “Motherland,” we see “boundless swaying forests,” river floods “like seas.” The “cold silence” of the steppes expresses the vastness and desolation of space. Here the poet’s opinions seemed to coincide with the traveler’s impressions. And we, living in central Russia, are aware of this feeling of our homeland: its breadth, power, immensity and boundlessness. But this is what the foreign traveler could not see and understand and love to the depths of his soul: “a couple of white birches,” “a yellow cornfield,” “a dewy evening.”

Lermontov subtly noticed that we ourselves sometimes cannot explain our feeling of love for the unique details of the landscape of the Middle Zone (“I love - for what, I don’t know myself”). Lermontov’s lyrical hero is close to each of us with his experiences and feelings: who among Russian people does not like to walk along a “country path” to a distant village, inhale the smell of herbs, expose their face to the gentle sun and playful summer breeze?! It is not surprising that our fellow countryman, Tula resident L.N. Tolstoy, who knew so well and glorified his native nature on the pages of his works, called Lermontov’s poem “Motherland” one of the works closest to him.

The artistic image of Russia in the works of Fet

While working on the selection of poems for the paintings of Russian artists, I drew attention to the peculiarity of the lyrics of Tyutchev and Fet. Their lyrical miniatures “ask” to materialize into visual images and be captured in a painting or drawing. Nature is Fet's favorite theme. He managed to consider the discreet beauty of Russian nature and uniquely reflect it in his work. Fet notices its elusive transitional states: like a landscape artist, he “paints” with words, finding more and more new shades of sounds. For the poet, native nature is a source of joy and unexpected discoveries:

Sounded over the clear river,

It rang in the darkened meadow.

It rolled over the silent grove.

It lit up on the other side.

Fet, following Pushkin and Lermontov, helped to understand the feelings of the Russian person, his inner, spiritual state of delight and joy from the gifts of nature, when after a long, grueling winter and bad weather she bestows a bright, warm May. We are not accustomed to the luxury of warmth and eternal bloom, which is why clear, warm days and nights are so joyful and invaluable to us:

What a night! What bliss there is in everything!

Thank you, dear midnight land!

From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzards and snow

How fresh and clean your May leaves!

"It's still a May night"

Fet's lyrics are very picturesque. It is dominated by light, cheerful tones. The poet sees in nature what others do not notice: he freezes in delight in front of the sad birch tree, admires the endless expanses, admires the snow, listens to the silence. Lines of the poem “Sad birch tree. ", "Wonderful picture", "autumn", "I came to you with greetings" convince readers of boundless love for their native nature, they create a unique image of Russia. Like many poets, Fet creates poems - a calendar of seasons (“Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Snow”, etc.) Through nature, Fet comprehends the secret of the human soul, the character of the Russian person. Fet tries to accomplish even the impossible in his poetry, for example, to come with greetings and “tell him that the sun has risen.” Agree, you can see the sunrise. It is impossible to talk about this, just as it is impossible, however, to retell the poem in prose. Key words are words such as “hello”, “light”, “sun”, “leaf flutter”. In their emotional meaning, they are close to each other, creating the idea of ​​a strong experience of joy, happiness, and love. It's like a ringing musical chord, from which there is a constant increase and intensification.

This poem by Fet is the most striking illustration of the connection of our feelings with the state of nature. We, as children of nature, are inseparable from it. Nature is sad, we are sad too, everything is raging, nature is rejoicing - we, people, are rejoicing and glowing with happiness.

This poem cannot be divided into parts. It is characterized by indivisible integrity. Everything in it is internally connected with each other, it is said in a single impulse of feeling, as if in one breath. The joy of the lyrical hero is a world bathed in the sun, an awakened forest and each of its branches thirsting for spring, a human heart that has opened to happiness and is ready to serve it, a song of love ripening in the soul, a solemn song:

I came to you with greetings,

Tell me that the sun has risen

What is it with hot light

The sheets began to flutter;

Tell me that the forest has woken up,

All woke up, every branch,

Every bird was startled

And full of thirst in spring;

“I came to you with greetings”

Fet has a miniature poem, reading which is like looking into a children's toy kaleidoscope. If you turn it a little, the picture changes. Let's remember the lines of the poem:

Whisper, timid breathing.

Trill of a nightingale.

Silver and sway

Sleepy stream,

Night light, night shadows,

Shadows without end.

A series of magical changes

Sweet face

There are purple roses in the smoky clouds,

The reflection of amber

And kisses and tears,

And dawn, dawn!

So, let's look at the changing pictures: at the beginning - evening, meeting of lovers, then the night of love, then morning, tears of happiness and parting. Fet built this poem using parallelism: the world of nature and the world of man. There is not a single verb in the poem, but it is full of action. The poem consists of one complex sentence, including simple nominal sentences. The poet calls us to associations. We see, we hear, we feel. These feelings are subtle, inexpressible in words, inexpressibly strong.

Literary scholars correlate these lines with the work of impressionist artists. (Impressionism in poetry is the depiction of objects not in their entirety, but in instantaneous, random snapshots of memory; the object is not depicted, but is recorded in fragments, and does not form a whole picture.) But don’t they correspond to the spirit, strength, movement of Kuindzhi’s paintings, Levitan, Shishkin, Polenov?! The ending - the finale of the poem - is of great importance in the poem. As always with Fet, it is very significant and truly completes the lyrical plot. The last words of the poem - “And the dawn, the dawn” - do not sound in line with the others, but stand out. Dawn is also a natural phenomenon, the apotheosis of the morning, dawn is also a strong metaphor - the highest expression of feeling, the light of love.

In the language of the poem, along with the metaphor of the dawn, the silver of the stream, epithets can be noted: timid breathing, the purple of a rose, smoky clouds, magical changes in the face; personification: sleepy stream. The poem is written in trochee; feminine rhyme gives it melody and expressiveness. It is interesting that there is complete non-union in the first two stanzas, conveying the dynamics of what is happening and, as if completing the date scene in the last stanza, the triple use of the union both relieves tension in the dynamics and introduces a calm melody that conveys the beauty of the coming morning and the state of mind of the lovers.

We involuntarily return to the lines of Kusten’s “Notes of a Traveler” and recall the horror that gripped the traveler in front of the vast expanses of Russia, especially in winter, which he called “snowy desert.” But let’s look at Fet’s little masterpiece about the same Russian winter, still about the same Russian plain, and we will be amazed at the sense of artistic mastery and the diversity of the poet’s artistic palette:

A wonderful picture.

How dear you are to me:

White plain,

Full moon.

The light of the high heavens,

And shiny snow.

And distant sleighs

Lonely running.

Probably, you need to be a Russian person to perceive the beauty of the Russian winter this way, this truly churchly silence and grandeur in nature, which make a person better, purer, more spiritual.

The poetic world of nature by Fyodor Tyutchev

The artistic image of the nature of the Middle Zone is created by the greatest lyricist and romanticist Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Meeting the first spring thunder, we exclaim the famous lines of Tyutchev:

I love the storm in early May.

When the first thunder of spring

As if frolicking and playing.

Rumbling in the blue sky.

When we freeze in delight at the beauty of the autumn forest, the lines of Tyutchev’s poems again come to mind:

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field

The poetic world of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is quiet and sad, bright and beautiful - such a different native nature. For Tyutchev it is changeable and dynamic. She knows no peace, she is multifaceted, full of sounds, colors, smells. The poet's lyrics are imbued with admiration for the greatness and beauty, infinity and diversity of the natural kingdom. The beginnings of his poems are typical: “how cheerful the roar of summer storms is,” “how unexpected and bright,” “I love the thunderstorm at the beginning of May! Tyutchev is attracted by transitional, intermediate moments of nature. He depicts the first awakening of nature, the turning point from winter to spring

Tyutchev’s nature is humanized. Spiritualized. She is like a living being, she breathes, feels, rejoices and is sad. The very animation of nature is usually found in poetry. But for Tyutchev this is not just a personification, not just a metaphor: he “accepted and understood the living beauty of nature not as his fantasy, but as the truth.” The poet’s landscapes capture the soul with unique images. His poems are like paintings. You see them in reality and even feel the aroma of flowers, the smells of forests, fields. Visibility, tangibility (when the pictures drawn by the poet appear before you as if alive) are one of the distinctive properties of Tyutchev’s poetic world.

Tyutchev’s lyrical hero is close to us, we share his feelings of love, delight, enchantment with his native nature, his ability to be surprised, to freeze in delight at what he sees, to listen and peer into the surrounding and exciting natural world of Central Russia:

How unexpected and bright.

In the damp blue sky,

Aerial arch erected

In your momentary celebration!

One end stuck into the forests,

Gone behind the clouds for others -

She covered half the sky

And she became exhausted at the height.

“How unexpected and bright”

Picturesque poetry of Sergei Yesenin

A bright, unique artistic image of Russia is created in his lyrics by the Russian poet, Ryazan resident, Sergei Yesenin. His poems contain a hidden feeling of love for the native nature of Central Russia. The lines of his poems can become the title of many paintings by Russian artists, so much so was he able to notice, to consider the sweet corners of nature near a small village pond, birch branches developing braid branches over a babbling stream, the “red rowan fire” near the village outskirts, the blue distance beyond the Oka River, birch chintz of forests and groves

Yesenin’s poetry is very picturesque; in the lines of his poems a melody of color runs brightly and visibly, comparable to the artist’s palette. To briefly define it, we can say this: “Sergei Yesenin is a painter of words.” Few poets have come close to Yesenin's work in the skill of verbal painting.

Sergei Yesenin's poetry is multicolored and multicolored. Let's read these lines:

About Rus' - raspberry field

And the blue that fell into the river

Why "raspberry"? It's simple! The poet looks with an artist's eye at a field overgrown with clover or fireweed, and the sky is reflected in the water.

The combinations of colors in Yesenin’s poems are very diverse: sometimes harmonious, sometimes contrasting, sometimes rare. Sometimes an entire stanza is expressed in a single color:

The heart glows with cornflowers,

Turquoise burns in it.

I play the tagyanochka

About blue eyes.

The poet talks about the dear, sweet in warm, golden tones, about the sad and soulful - in white and golden combinations. Everyone remembers these lines:

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

Withered in gold,

I won't be young anymore.

Contrasting colors convey a mood of anxiety and trouble in Yesenin:

The rowan tree turned red,

The water turned blue

The moon, sad rider,

Dropped the reins.

In Yesenin’s poems there are rare, exquisite combinations of colors that convey the extraordinary subtlety of the state of nature or the soul, which is also inseparable in Yesenin:

Golden leaves swirled

In the pinkish water of the pond,

Like a light flock of butterflies

Freezingly, he flies towards the star.

This “fading” is that precise brushstroke placed by the artist in the right place. From him there is air in the picture.

Yesenin’s color palette sometimes creates not only a visible picture of nature, but also carries a deep human, patriotic, and philosophical meaning. They help to understand the geography of the Russian soul, our hidden feelings for the Motherland. It is interesting to compare the lines of the French traveler with the lines of Yesenin. So in “Notes of a Traveler” we read: “What a country! An endless, flat as a palm, plain, without colors, without outlines, eternal swamps on the horizon - low-growing pitiful groves and along the road - gray, as if grown into the ground, village huts and dead ones, as if abandoned by the inhabitants of the city, also gray and dull. Here you are, in for the hundredth time, Russia as it is.” What is the main thing in these notes? Frustration and alienation. Hence the indifference to this new and “unsightly” country for Kusten.

And now we have before us the “white” masterpiece of the poet, at first glance, consonant with the lines of Kusten:

Snowy plain, white moon.

Our side is covered with a shroud.

And birches in white cry through the forests.

Who died here? Died? Am I not you?

But here the feeling of homeland rings and shines through, here is the premonition of one’s fate and the involvement of the poet’s fate with the fate of Russia, this whole range of feelings is conveyed with amazing power. No words needed. Enough color!

Many colored images of Yesenin’s poetry pass through all his work, becoming vivid symbols, allegories, and catchphrases:

I left my home

Rus' left the blue one.

Blue-blue is one of Yesenin’s favorite colors. He gives this color to his beloved Motherland. This is exactly how we see Yesenin’s Rus', beautifully blue, when reading his poems. The poet managed to create a unique image of the nature of Central Russia, which is why his poems about his native nature are so especially light, pure, and melodic:

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

There is fog and dampness from the water,

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly.

The dug-up road sleeps.

Today she dreamed

Which is very, very little

We have to wait for the gray winter.

Oh, and I myself am in the ringing thicket

I saw this in the fog yesterday:

Red moon as a foal

He harnessed himself to our sleigh.


I believe that the French traveler is wrong: Russia is not a “country without landscapes”! In my opinion, he was unable to see the beauty of the nature of Central Russia, he was unable to “peer” and “peer” into the discreet charm of the Russian landscape. Probably only Russian people have this gift:

Must see here

Here you need to take a closer look,

So that your heart is filled with bright love.

Here you need to hear, Here you need to listen,

So that consonances flow into the soul together.

A. Rylenkov

And after the poet Rylenkov, this idea was continued by F.I. Tyutchev, noting that

He won't understand or notice

Proud look of a foreigner,

What shines through and secretly shines

In your humble nakedness.

Dejected by the burden of the godmother,

All of you, dear land,

In slave form the king of heaven

He came out blessing.

The middle zone is the center of our vast Motherland, these are the places that are associated with the words “Rus”, “Russia”. This is our Fatherland. Ryazan fields and birches near the Oka, Kaluga and Tula copses with calm water in small rivers, the Moscow region, Vladimir country roads, the lands of Tambov and Voronezh, where forests dry up and steppes begin - all this endless space has found its poetic embodiment in the lines of Russian poets, in canvases of Russian artists. They created a poetic artistic image of the nature of Russia, which is in tune with our perception of the Motherland, the mentality of our soul.

The Russian land shaped the character of the Russian person. Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev wrote about the geography of the Russian soul: “Wide space has always ruled the Russian heart. Because free will is freedom combined with space, with unfenced space. Now look at the world map: the Russian plain is the largest in the world. Did the plain determine the Russian character, or did the East Slavic tribes settle on the plain because they liked it?”

Russian poets and artists unraveled the “Russian soul” in their works. And the soul of a Russian person is the same mystery of charm, depth, incomprehensibility, like those lines and pictures that we hear and see, like the music that Russian musicians create.

Brief Glossary of Terms

Lyrics are a literary genre, the subject of which is the content of inner life, the poet’s own “I,” and the speech form is an internal monologue, mainly in verse.

Poetry is grace in writing; everything artistic, spiritually and morally beautiful, expressed in words, and, moreover, in more measured speech.

An artistic image is an image created by the author in a work

A lyric poem is one of the genres of lyric poetry.

Landscape lyrics - lyrics that describe the beauty of landscapes.

A stanza is a group of poetic lines.

Motif (theme) is a persistent theme, problem, idea in the work of a writer or in a literary direction.

Landscape - a view, an image of some area; in painting and graphics, a genre (and a separate work) in which the main subject of the image is nature.

The theme of the Motherland is traditional for Russian literature; every artist turns to it in his work. But, of course, the interpretation of this topic is different every time. It is determined by the personality of the author, his poetics, and the era, which always leaves its mark on the artist’s work.

This sounds especially poignant in critical times for the country. The dramatic history of Ancient Rus' gave rise to such works full of patriotism as “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land”, “The Devastation of Ryazan by Batu”, “Zadonshchina” and many others. Separated by centuries, they are all dedicated to the tragic events of ancient Russian history, full of sorrow and at the same time pride for their land, for its courageous defenders. The poetics of these works is unique. To a large extent, it is determined by the influence of folklore, and in many ways by the pagan worldview of the author. Hence the abundance of poetic images of nature, a close connection with which is felt, for example, in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” vivid metaphors, epithets, hyperboles, and parallelisms. As a means of artistic expression, all this will be comprehended in literature later, but for now we can say that for the unknown author of the great monument, this is a natural way of storytelling, which he is not aware of as a literary device.

The same can be seen in “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu,” written already in the thirteenth century, in which the influence of folk songs, epics, and legends is very strong. Admiring the courage of the warriors defending the Russian land from the “filthy”, the author writes: “These are winged people, they do not know death... riding on horses, they fight - one with a thousand, and two with ten thousand.”

The enlightened eighteenth century gives birth to a new literature. The idea of ​​strengthening Russian statehood and sovereignty dominates poets as well. The theme of the Motherland in the works of V.K. Trediakovsky and M.V. Lomonosov sounds majestic and proud.

“It’s in vain to look at Russia through distant countries,” Trediakovsky glorifies its high nobility, pious faith, abundance and strength. His Fatherland for him is “the treasure of all good things.” These “Poems in Praise of Russia” are replete with Slavicisms:

All your people are Orthodox

And they are famous everywhere for their courage;

Children deserve such a mother,

Everywhere they are ready for you.

And suddenly: “Vivat Russia!” Another viva!” This Latinism is a trend of the new, Peter the Great era.

In Lomonosov's odes, the theme of the Motherland takes on an additional perspective. Glorifying Russia, “shining in the light,” the poet paints an image of the country in its real geographical outlines:

Look at the high mountains.

Look into your wide fields,

Where is the Volga, Dnieper, where the Ob flows...

According to Lomonosov, Russia is a “vast power”, covered with “everlasting snow” and deep forests, inspires poets, gives birth to “newtons of their own and quick in mind.”

A. S. Pushkin, who in general moved away from classicism in his work, in this topic is close to the same sovereign view of Russia. In “Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo” an image of a mighty country is born, which was “crowned with glory” “under the scepter of a great wife.” The ideological closeness to Lomonosov is reinforced here at the linguistic level. The poet organically uses Slavicisms, giving the poem a sublime character:

Be comforted, mother of cities Russia,

Behold the death of the stranger.

Today they are weighed down on their arrogant heights.

The avenging right hand of the creator.

But at the same time, Pushkin introduces into the theme of the Motherland a lyrical element that is not characteristic of classicism. In his poetry, the Motherland is also a “corner of the earth” - Mikhailovskoye, and his grandfather’s possessions - Petrovskoye and the oak groves of Tsarskoe Selo.

The lyrical beginning is clearly felt in the poems about the Motherland by M. Yu. Lermontov. The nature of the Russian village, “plunging the thought into some kind of vague dream,” dispels the spiritual anxieties of the lyrical hero.

Then the anxiety of my soul is humbled, Then the wrinkles on my brow disappear, And I can comprehend happiness on earth, And in heaven I see God!..

Lermontov’s love for the Motherland is irrational, it is “strange love,” as the poet himself admits (“Motherland”). It cannot be explained by reason.

But I love - why don’t I know?

Its steppes are coldly silent.

Its boundless forests sway.

Its river floods are like seas...

Later, F.I. Tyutchev will say aphoristically about his similar feeling for the Fatherland of Posts:

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

A common arshin cannot be measured...

But there are other colors in Lermontov’s attitude towards the Motherland: love for its boundless forests and burnt stubble is combined in him with hatred for the country of slaves, the country of masters (“Farewell, unwashed Russia”).

This motif of love-hate will be developed in the works of N. A. Nekrasov:

Who lives without sadness and anger

He does not love his homeland.

But, of course, this statement does not exhaust the poet’s feeling for Russia. It is much more multifaceted: it also contains love for its boundless distances, for its open space, which he calls healing.

All the rye is all around, like a living steppe.

No castles, no seas, no mountains...

Thank you, dear side,

For your healing space!

Nekrasov’s feelings for the Motherland contain pain from the awareness of its wretchedness and at the same time deep hope and faith in its future. So, in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” there are the lines:

You're miserable too

You are also abundant

You are mighty

You are also powerless, Mother Rus'!

And there are also these:

In a moment of despondency, O Motherland!

My thoughts fly forward.

You are still destined to suffer a lot,

But you won't die, I know.

A similar feeling of love, bordering on hatred, is also revealed by A. A. Blok in his poems dedicated to Russia:

My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?

Tsar, yes Siberia, yes Ermak, yes prison!

Eh, isn’t it time to separate and repent...

To a free heart what is your darkness for?

In another poem he exclaims: “Oh my, my wife!” Such inconsistency is characteristic not only of Blok. It clearly expressed the duality of consciousness of the Russian intellectual, thinker and poet of the early twentieth century.

In the works of poets such as Yesenin, familiar motifs of nineteenth-century poetry are heard, interpreted, of course, in a different historical context and different poetics. But just as sincere and deep is their feeling for the Motherland, suffering and proud, unhappy and great.