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Horoscope for April Cancer favorable days

April is generally good for business trips, communicating with friends and expanding your circle of useful acquaintances. By the way, friends this month can play a particularly important role in your life, accidentally giving you a brilliant idea for a business, which later, if successfully implemented, can make you rich.

From the second half of the month, things at work may tend to be delayed, and conflicts with management are possible. Try to remain calm and refrain from violent emotional reactions. It is important for you now to demonstrate dedication and a responsible attitude towards the assigned tasks, and if you do this, then no external circumstances will unsettle you.

Health, beauty

In April you need to take care of your head. Moreover, both from bad thoughts and from all kinds of injuries and diseases. Please note that, despite the arrival of calendar spring, there is no need to rush to take off your hats, and if you no longer need to protect yourself from the cold, then it is certainly better to prevent exposure to aggressive sun rays. Therefore, all kinds of fashionable scarves and hats for ladies, as well as blazers for men, remain relevant throughout April.

It’s best not to experiment with new hairstyles, especially shocking ones, this month.

Cancers, if you manage your time correctly in April 2016, then the middle of Spring will drag on for you
for an eternity, like a sled on asphalt!

Cancer horoscope for April 2016.

In April 2016, Cancers' main friends will be time and telephone. Moreover, if the phone is already in your hands all the time, then over time you will need to make friends in April 2016. Try to feel him, please him, stock up, plan and, most importantly, respect him. And respect means, first of all, not to lose! Therefore, act in the spirit of the time, think in the spirit of the time, respect and take care of it. And if you feel that something is going wrong, then your phone will come to your rescue. Which in April 2016 will keep you in touch with time and reality. Moreover, even among very adult Cancers, and even among very married ones. It’s not for nothing that you can find the following advice on the Internet: “If your husband or wife has been sitting too long in the bathroom/toilet, then it’s enough to say: “Dear, I’ll rummage (play) in your mobile phone.” The speed of getting things done increases significantly!” Moreover, who knows better than Cancer that mobile phones no longer serve us, but control our lives.

But if you manage your time correctly in April 2016, then the middle of Spring will drag on for an eternity. And you will accomplish a lot this month. True, judging by the horoscope for April 2016, many Cancers will want to lie down on the sofa and relax in their second decade. And real rest for Cancers is not 2 miserable days off, but when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one. But as the April 2016 horoscope for Cancer warns, not all representatives of your sign will be able to relax next month. Many Cancers will need to have time to “close” old matters and issues so as not to carry them into the difficult May of 2016. Yes, and as the horoscope for April 2016 shows, the habit of most Cancers - to rest before you get tired, may not work next month. Most likely, there will be very little time for rest. So Cancers, take yourself and something useful in your hands, for example a computer mouse, and finally start doing something! Moreover, your health and vitality in the period until April 17, 2016 will be much above average. The most unpleasant thing for Cancers will be that you will not be able to rely or shift everything to others. There will be too many moments that are tied only to you. Therefore, try to avoid collective decisions and projects in April 2016. All the same, you will need to do most of it, but you will need to divide it among everyone. It's like blowing out candles on a birthday cake - only the birthday boy blows and makes a wish, but everyone gets the cake. Yes, and your birthday is still a long way off. Therefore, the optimal solution for Cancers next month will be to do what needs to be done, and not look for reasons not to do it, and bother. And it’s better for you to look for reasons to pester in other months. For example, in May-June 2016. There will indeed be reasons for this, but more on that in our next horoscope. Yes, and, after all, you don’t want to eat a sandwich with buckwheat on it, do you?

In addition, as we already said in, right up to May 24, 2016, a long favorable period awaits you. Of course, even at this time the potatoes may burn, and the Internet may work intermittently, but the horoscope for 2016 for Cancer does not promise any serious troubles during this period.

Therefore, in April 2016, continue to fight your laziness and empty gatherings on the Internet. Of course, what worries you most is when will the WORLD championship in lying as a vegetable take place? And you will finally lead this country out of the swamp of sporting failures. But, after all, maybe it’s enough to miss favorable moments, days and entire months?

In the middle of Spring, Cancers will experience a rise in romantic mood, hormones and love!!!

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer favorable days are 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 20, 23 and 27.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer unfavorable days - there can be no good without bad, even schoolchildren are given assignments during the holidays, so take unfavorable days as a “test task before the holidays” or favorable days.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer career, work and business. In April 2016, Cancers will face two key moments at work – bosses and compromises. Cancers need to avoid the first as much as possible, and look for the second all the time, and not only look for it, but also be sure to find it. If we already talked above about the birthday cake, then compromise is precisely the art of dividing the birthday cake so that each guest is sure that he gets the best piece! Moreover, as we have already said, before your birthday, it’s like before “the cancer that whistles on the mountain.” Therefore, when sharing the cake with your bosses, you will have no time for compromises. A quarter of the cake, or even the entire half, in April 2016 should go to the management from Cancer. And then everything will be fine for you, so don’t be greedy and don’t be sarcastic.

Otherwise, April 2016 should not be a problematic month for Cancers at work, and even if you fail to resolve some issues, it will not be your fault. In the end, if you believe the horoscope, victory will be yours, but if there is a possibility of compromise, be sure to agree. And if we repeat once again, if you need to divide the cake so that everyone is sure that he got the best piece, then divide, not in front of everyone, but in advance. And then, with your natural persistent confidence in your rightness, you can always prove that you shared fairly. After all, if Cancers want, they can prove that non-alcoholic vodka exists! And it doesn’t matter whether someone believes it or not! Well, unless there are equally stubborn Virgos or Aquarius nearby.

The horoscope advises Cancer leaders and businessmen to prepare for fierce competition, and perhaps even open war. But, as Bernard Werber once said: “War is not for amateurs. It’s a job where you have to be methodical and rhythmic.” So, with the correct conduct of military operations against competitors, in April 2016, Cancers can count, if not on victory, then on a white flag and a truce.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer Finance. In April 2016, money will not drip into the wallets and pockets of Cancers, but will flow in a small trickle, like birch sap, so prepare jars and basins so that you have something to substitute. Especially in the first half of April.

April 2016 for most Cancers will resemble a situation when you are sitting at the computer doing nothing, killing yourself with boredom, when suddenly... Someone asked you to sit down at a computer. And you immediately, oh, no, I need to answer 3 letters, send 15 photos, download two elms and write a letter!

Love horoscope for April 2016 Cancer. Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer Love. In the middle of Spring, Cancers will experience an upsurge in romantic mood, hormones and love. Therefore, it is better for family Cancers to throw it all out on their soulmate - otherwise an excess of love desires can lead you into the darkness of unwanted love adventures. And then, instead of harmony and love, the temperature of your relationship will not even resemble April, but hot July. Moreover, in view of the heavy workload, either in business or in some worries, and due to possible outbursts of jealousy, misunderstandings on the part of loved ones are very likely. It would be better to return to the old formula of family happiness for Cancers. After all, you have admitted before that you cannot build relationships only on deception. Cancers always believe that love relationships need to be built on a strong foundation of manipulation, resentment, reconciliation and sex... So it’s better to stick to the old principles. Moreover, family and adult Cancers do not need to forget about children in April 2016. Even about very adult children. It’s not for nothing that they say that your children have grown up if they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to say where they disappear, but do not forget to ask about money. In any case, give them more attention and freedom in decision-making, and in April 2016 they will give you positive emotions and more.

Well, if a little love for another person is already basking in your head, and if you give it a chance, then already in April 2016, instead of buds on the branches, you will have the first flowers in a relationship.

For lonely Cancers in April 2016 it will be much easier and much more interesting. You will have every reason to fully realize that Love, which itself will look for you in the middle of Spring. What to hide, for many Cancers in the spring the issue of loneliness always becomes even more pressing. Therefore, the search for new acquaintances or a sex partner does not need to be limited to the existing circle of acquaintances. The main thing to remember is that in April you don’t need to look for a special and special occasion for fun and good mood. Spring is already a reason, so smile for no reason, and April and Spring will not pass you by without attention. Also, for lonely Cancers, cupid, spring and love can wink at them on trips and travels. Especially in good company, where you know everyone well, and you can relax, feel Spring and replace your usual “hmmm” with “ggy-gyy-gyyyy.”

So April 2016 for most Cancers will resemble a situation when you are sitting at the computer doing nothing, killing yourself with boredom, when suddenly... Someone asked you to sit down at a computer. And you immediately, oh, no, I need to answer 3 letters, send 15 photos, download two films and write a letter to the President! So this is exactly what April 2016 will be like, which will ask you to sit down at the computer and force you to do what you have been putting off for so long! That is why in April 2016, Cancers’ main friends will be time and telephone!

Have a nice April 2016!!!

Promoting professional ideas and making a profit will be possible thanks to new promising acquaintances.

The horoscope pushes Cancer to experiment - a sharp change in type of activity, place of residence, circle of friends. All innovations will be successful in April.

Luck will accompany enterprising and proactive Cancers, but it will turn away from those who take unjustified risks and get involved in adventures.

Also, April will be a month of new acquaintances and romantic encounters.

Love horoscope for Cancer

In April, Cancers become the center of love affairs and dizzying romances. But in order to meet a serious person and get a chance for a long and lasting relationship, you need to be natural and not let the new person in on your sadness and problems.

Flirting and affairs will surround Cancer everywhere. But in order to single out a worthy party among everyone, he needs to listen to his own intuition. In general, nothing will interfere with Cancer’s romantic mood and plans. Throughout the month he will be surrounded by love and understanding.

Close people will support Cancers in everything, but minor disagreements and quarrels are not excluded. Therefore, it is necessary to control your emotions and even in the heat of the moment control your speech so as not to offend your loved one.

Business horoscope for Cancer

If proactive Cancer made professional plans for April, then everything will work out well for him - both in career and material terms. All transactions, contracts and signing of agreements will go off with a bang! However, you should focus on local partners, without chasing foreign investments and connections.

In a team you need to be calm and optimistic, not give in to provocations and not quarrel with colleagues. The Cancer boss needs to be more supportive of his subordinates, otherwise competing companies will quickly lure away valuable employees.

Health horoscope for Cancer

Nothing threatens the health of Cancer in April. He will be cheerful and energetic, which will positively affect all areas of his life. But at such a dynamic pace, it is important to have proper and quality rest. If possible, it is recommended to do Raku as often as possible in April. But the intensity of work (or entertainment) with the computer should be reduced, because there is a high probability of vision problems.

Rakov in April 2016 There is a special period ahead of the year. They will be able to rethink life, set priorities, cope with their own shyness and uncertainty, and draw the right conclusions based on the experience gained. If difficulties used to frighten you, now you will stop being afraid. Success will accompany you in all areas of activity. But you will have to make serious decisions, sacrificing something dear to your heart.

Professional activities will develop successfully. You will overcome the obstacles that arise easily. By focusing on your goal, you will be able to avoid problems. Try to finish unfinished tasks so you can take on new ones. Don't put off routine work until later. Management will definitely reward your responsibility and coordinated actions with an increase in salary or promotion in your career. Conflicts with colleagues should be avoided this month. Envious people do not sleep; one must not succumb to provocations. Perform your job duties at the highest level, there will be no complaints from your superiors.

Despite successful things at work, the financial situation cannot be called stable. If you want to achieve stability, plan a budget for the month, save, don’t buy anything unnecessary, manage your money wisely. Don't make any major purchases for a month. Better put them off until next month. If possible, pay off your loans, pay off your debts to friends.

The personal life of Cancers in April should be successful. Single representatives of the sign can count on making new acquaintances thanks to their attractiveness and charisma. Take advantage of this opportunity to fall in love and start a romantic relationship.

Cancers in long-term relationships will face some difficulties due to impulsive behavior and excess emotions. It is worth curbing your jealousy and refraining from unnecessary accusations of your loved one. After a while you will realize that you were wrong, but it may be too late. Avoid scandals and mutual claims.
To avoid liver problems, Cancers need to monitor their diet, avoid spicy, fatty foods, and stop drinking alcohol. By taking a complex of vitamins and minerals, you can strengthen your immune system and avoid spring vitamin deficiency. It is worth limiting the time you spend at the computer to prevent your eyesight from deteriorating.

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Inga Polonskaya.

Alas, April 2016 promises to be a rather difficult month for Cancers. The horoscope for April 2016 Cancer reports that representatives of this sign, unexpectedly for themselves, may find themselves in a situation that can be called hopeless. More precisely, a way out of which will not suit them. Most likely, you will have to make some kind of sacrifice, but even in this case it is not a fact that the situation will somehow improve. The best thing you can do is not to give up in despair, but to continue to act, no matter what. Your worst enemies will be your insecurity and spinelessness, especially if time is running out and you need to act quickly.

Horoscope of love and marriage for April 2016 for Cancer

Yes, circumstances in April will clearly not be in your favor, and you will be going through a very difficult period, including in the area of ​​your personal relationships. Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer warns you that now you will be completely under the influence of others. Those Cancers who are in a long-term relationship or marriage will feel the constant pressure of their significant other. It is very likely that you will have to endure unreasonable jealousy from your spouse.

Cancers should, if possible, avoid new relationships or even just dating. The fact is that the person you meet is actually deceiving both you and those around you, and you may unwittingly find yourself in a rather delicate situation, if not just downright criminal.

Show more confidence when you communicate with your loved one or your spouse. If you are absolutely sure that you are right, be sure to insist on your point of view. Otherwise, it will not be taken into account and the consequences may be very dire. And you will be the one to blame, because you did not make sure that you were heard.

Horoscope of profession and finance for Cancer for April 2016

The difficulties of April for Cancers will certainly affect their professional activities. But here they will most likely be associated with the displeasure that your work gives you. However, it will be easier for you here, since you will be able to rely on support from both your colleagues and your immediate management.

During this period, be careful with office equipment and any equipment in general. It is unknown for what reasons, but now she will completely refuse to obey you. And this will be another disadvantage in this area.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer advises you to listen to the advice of those people who surround you. Perhaps they will help you see that things are not really as they seem to you.

However, in order to slightly soften the overall negative picture of April, it should be said that right now your salary may be increased or given a bonus. Try not to advertise this for now, so as not to arouse envy among those who were bypassed. If you have planned large acquisitions, it is better to postpone them to the second half of the month.

Health horoscope for the Cancer sign for April 2016

In the area of ​​health, Cancers should pay attention to the genitourinary system, which during this period will be susceptible to various infectious diseases. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out that some old sore will simply worsen. If you have another examination scheduled at this time, try not to neglect it. This will help to identify the existing problem in time.

Favorable dates for April 2016: 5, 7, 12, 23, 24 28.

Unfavorable dates in April 2016: 2, 8, 10, 15, 20, 26.