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How to free yourself from obsessive thoughts. How to get rid of fears (phobias), obsessive anxious thoughts? What do alien thoughts lead to?

A person may develop a condition in which false ideas and thoughts try to take over consciousness. They attack daily, becoming obsessive-compulsive disorder. This makes life very difficult, but there are ways to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears. Without help, the condition will only get worse over time. It will become increasingly difficult to focus on really important things and find the strength to overcome problems in everyday life. Subsequently, depression sets in, bad thoughts, desires, and sometimes the disorder worsens to schizophrenia.

Why does obsessive-compulsive disorder occur?

The obsessive state of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) occurs in cases where the mind is unable to suppress impulses to take any action. At the same time, they crowd out all other thoughts, even though they are meaningless or groundless at the moment. The persistence of these impulses is so great that they cause fear. The development of obsessive-phobic manifestations and obsessive neurosis is influenced by biological and psychological factors to varying degrees.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder has different manifestations, but they all boil down to the main symptoms of this nature:

  • repetitive actions, rituals;
  • regular checks of your own actions;
  • cyclical thoughts;
  • fixation on thoughts about violence, religion or the intimate side of life;
  • an irresistible desire to count numbers or fear of them.

In children

OCD also occurs in children. As a rule, the causes of development are psychological trauma. Neurosis develops in a child against the background of fear or punishment; this condition can be provoked by unfair treatment of them by teachers or parents. Separation from father or mother at an early age has a strong impact. The impetus for the obsessive state is a transfer to another school or a move. A number of factors in the field of family relationships that form a disorder in a child have been described:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the gender of the child. In this case, qualities that are unusual for him are imposed on him, this causes high anxiety.
  2. Late child. Doctors have discovered a connection between the mother's age and the risk of developing psychosis in the child. If a woman is over 36 years old during pregnancy, then the risk of anxiety in the baby necessarily increases.
  3. Conflicts within the family. Often the negativity from quarrels affects the child, and he feels guilty. According to statistics, in families where a man actively takes part in upbringing, neuroses in children occur much less frequently.
  4. Single-parent family. The child lacks one half of the behavior model. The absence of a stereotype provokes the development of neurosis.

In adults

In the older generation, the occurrence of obsessive-compulsive disorder is influenced by biological and psychological reasons. The first appear, according to doctors, due to disturbances in the metabolism of the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is generally accepted that it regulates the level of anxiety by communicating with nerve cell receptors. The influence of living conditions and ecology is also taken into account, but the connection has not yet been scientifically proven.

Psychological factors manifest themselves in certain life shocks and stressful situations. These cannot be called the causes of neurosis - rather, they become a trigger for those people who have a genetic predisposition to the development of obsessive thoughts and fears. It is impossible to identify such hereditary characteristics of a person in advance.

Obsessive states

People with certain personality accentuations or those who have suffered psychological trauma are predisposed to an obsessive state. They are subject to involuntary intrusion of feelings, images, actions, and are haunted by obsessive thoughts about death. A person understands the groundlessness of such phenomena, but cannot overcome and solve such problems on his own.

The clinical signs of this condition largely depend on what caused the cognitive-behavioral disorder to worsen and arise. At the moment, there are two main types of obsessive thoughts - intellectual and emotional manifestation. They provoke human phobias and panic fear, which sometimes completely disrupt people’s lives and habitual rhythm.


Obsessive states of the intellectual type are usually called obsessions or obsessions. In this type of disorder, the following common manifestations of obsession are distinguished:

  1. "Mental gum." Unreasonable thoughts, doubts for any reason, and sometimes even without it.
  2. Arrhythmomania (obsessive counting). A person counts everything around: people, birds, objects, steps, etc.
  3. Obsessive doubts. Manifests itself in weakened recording of events. The man is not sure that he turned off the stove or iron.
  4. Obsessive repetition. Phone numbers, names, dates, or titles are constantly replayed in the mind.
  5. Obsessive ideas.
  6. Intrusive memories. As a rule, indecent content.
  7. Obsessive fears. They often appear in the area of ​​work or sexual life. A person doubts that he is able to accomplish something.
  8. Contrasting obsessive state. The person has thoughts that do not correspond to typical behavior. For example, in a girl who is good and not evil by nature, images of bloody murder emerge.


Emotional obsessive states include various phobias (fears), which have a specific direction. For example, a young mother experiences unreasonable anxiety that she will harm or kill her child. This type also includes everyday phobias - fear of the number 13, Orthodox churches, black cats, etc. There are many different types of fear, which are given special names.

Human phobias

  1. Oxyphobia. The problem manifests itself in fear of any sharp objects. The person worries that he may injure others or himself.
  2. Agrophobia. An obsessive fear of open space, attacks are caused by squares and wide streets. People suffering from such neurosis appear on the street only when accompanied by another person.
  3. Claustrophobia. An obsessive problem is the fear of small, enclosed spaces.
  4. Acrophobia. With this obsessive state, a person is afraid to be at heights. There is dizziness and fear of falling.
  5. Anthropophobia. The problem is the fear of large crowds of people. A person is afraid of fainting and being crushed by a crowd.
  6. Misophobia. The patient constantly worries that he will get dirty.
  7. Dysmorphophobia. The patient imagines that everyone around him is paying attention to the ugly, abnormal development of the body.
  8. Nosophobia. A person is constantly afraid of contracting a serious illness.
  9. Nyctophobia. A type of fear of the dark.
  10. Mythophobia. A person is afraid to tell a lie, so he avoids communicating with people.
  11. Thanatophobia is a type of fear of death.
  12. Monophobia. A person is afraid to be alone, which is associated with the idea of ​​helplessness.
  13. Pantophobia. The highest degree of general fear as such. The patient is frightened by everything around him.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts

The psychology of fear is designed in such a way that obsessive states cannot go away on their own. Living like this is extremely problematic, fighting on your own is difficult. In this case, loved ones should help, and for this you need to know how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fear. Support can be provided by psychotherapeutic practices or independent work on the advice of psychologists.

Psychotherapeutic practices

If the disorders are clearly psychogenic in nature, it is necessary to conduct therapy with the patient based on the symptoms of the obsessive state. Psychological techniques are used individually for each patient. Treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder can be done individually or in a group. To cure a person, the following psychological types of therapy are used:

  1. Rational psychotherapy. During treatment, the specialist identifies the “trigger point” of the neurotic state and reveals the pathogenetic essence of the conflict. Tries to activate the positive aspects of the personality and corrects the person’s negative, inadequate reactions. Therapy should normalize the system of emotional-volitional response.
  2. Group psychotherapy. The solution to intrapersonal problems occurs through the development of defects in interpersonal interaction. Practical work is aimed at the ultimate problem to resolve intrapersonal obsessions.

The degree of obsessive states can vary, so the presence of the latter is not a direct path to psychiatry. Sometimes people just need to figure out how to distract themselves from the bad thoughts that arise in the subconscious. To overcome obsessive fear and anxiety, you can use the following techniques:

There are a number of reasons that complicate the recovery process with obsessive fear. For some, this is due to lack of self-confidence and their strengths, others lack perseverance, and others completely expect everything to go away on its own. There are a number of examples of famous people who, on the path to success, managed to overcome their phobias and fears and dealt with internal problems. For this purpose, psychological techniques are used to help a person remove obsessive fear from the path.

Psychological techniques

  1. Fight negative thinking. This technique is called the “switch”, because the essence is to imagine your obsessive fears as clearly as possible, in detail, in the form of a switch and at the right moment simply turn it off. The main thing is to imagine everything in your imagination.
  2. Correct breathing. Psychologists say: “Inhale courage, exhale fear.” Even inhalations with a slight delay, and then exhalations, normalize the physical condition during an attack of fear. This will help you calm down.
  3. Action response to anxiety. A difficult practice when a person “looks fear in the eye.” If the patient is afraid to speak, then you need to put the patient in front of the public. You will be able to overcome fear through “drive”.
  4. We play a role. The patient is asked to play the role of a confident person. If this state is practiced in the form of a theatrical game, then the brain at some point may respond to it, and the obsessive fear will pass.


One of the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder is stress and psychological fatigue. To prevent and treat such a problem, you need to be able to relax and restore your emotional state. Aromatherapy helps with stress or depression. It is necessary to combine it with psychotherapy, because aromatherapy is only a way to relieve tension, but not to solve the root problem.

Video: How to deal with intrusive thoughts

Sometimes people may have a mild form of obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder and not know it is happening. When the condition worsens, they are embarrassed to seek help. The video below shows ways to get rid of worry and anxiety. The recordings will help you work on the problem yourself and improve your condition. There are different methods used, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Prayer for obsessive thoughts

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Obsessive thoughts are thoughts that constantly scroll through the head and haunt a person. In psychiatry, their appearance is defined as (OCD); in neurology, this condition is called obsessive-compulsive neurosis; in psychology, the initial stage of such a disorder is encrypted under the name “mental chewing gum.”

This condition exhausts a person, since constant thoughts swarming in his head, negative memories, desires or fears create a painful feeling. It is difficult for him to cope with them alone, so there is a fear that he will never get out of this state.

This disorder can occur at any age and with varying severity. Without the help of a specialist, a person, unfortunately, cannot get out of the vicious circle of his thoughts. Let's find out how to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

The emergence of obsessive thoughts can be sudden after a traumatic situation, and a person can also lead himself to this state with his habits and rituals. What are the causes of OCD?

Obsessive thoughts about any problem can turn into a pathological state of mind, when ordinary health care becomes hypochondria, and caution in the face of a dangerous situation turns into paranoia.

Obsessive thoughts cannot be explained logically. They arise on the basis of emotions and experiences about a situation. These situations are completely different for all people, but they have one thing in common - an emotional connection.

Constant physical or mental stress leads to anxiety, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and neurosis. Hence the emergence of OCD and other disorders. Even with intense work, it is necessary to give yourself a rest, as there may be emotional and mental disruptions in work, expressed through obsessive thoughts.

Reason to worry

Obsessive thoughts can arise for various reasons, even the most illogical. Different thoughts come to a person, do not be afraid of this. This is a reflection of our experiences, incoming information through the media and communication. But what matters is how we treat these thoughts.

When a patient has thoughts of suicide and begins to fear it, this is good and does not indicate pathology. In people prone to suicide or murder, such thoughts will not cause fear or negative emotions. Such people think through ways to do this. A psychologist or psychiatrist can help you get rid of such thoughts in your head. But sometimes you need to help yourself in time. Recommendations for such assistance will be described below.

Suspicious people believe everything, even illogical thoughts that arise in their heads as a result of experiences, analysis of information or events. They begin to believe in their illogical thoughts, taking them for reality. This state also has a physiological and biochemical basis; after prolonged “processing” of thoughts, certain processes begin in the brain:

This is a normal reaction of the body to an anxious state that arises as a result of obsessive thoughts. The brain reacts to both real and imagined threats. It is possible to combat obsessive thoughts and fears; with the help of a specialist, this process will be significantly accelerated.

Manifestations of the disorder

Anyone who has experienced an attack of obsessive thoughts knows their impact on human behavior. The patient himself brings little pleasure from constant thoughts that are not justified by logic. This state is accompanied by illogical actions of a person; sometimes he can whisper to himself, constantly being overwhelmed in his thoughts. He can often be caught at the stage of thinking about something. Physical manifestations of the disorder are also associated; symptoms are characteristic.

It is undoubtedly necessary to get out of this state, since it affects the productivity of a person’s actions. Some people find music to help them sleep from such obsessive thoughts, some people constantly distract themselves with something, but this is just working with symptoms. The underlying disorder must be treated, sometimes with medication.


So, how can you get rid of obsessive thoughts? There is a certain algorithm of actions of specialists that helps in time to stop attacks of obsessive thoughts that lead to anxiety disorders and panic attacks.

Drug treatment

In some cases, it is necessary to remove obsessive thoughts from your head with the help of medications. Medicines for neurosis are used. This is a common method for eliminating the physiological symptoms of a mental disorder. But no drugs can replace psychotherapy, a therapeutic heart-to-heart conversation with a specialist.

Antidepressants help treat obsessive thoughts for good sleep or inclusion in the process of life. This suppresses the disorder, but does not cure it.

Most patients do not like taking such drugs, as they are constantly drowsy, lethargic and find it difficult to concentrate. The medication is prescribed and adjusted by the doctor.


A psychotherapist or psychologist will tell you how to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts at an individual appointment. To overcome this condition requires the professionalism of a specialist and knowledge in various psychological schools. In a conversation with a patient, the doctor uses different directions.

Cognitive direction

Often a person gets used to observing rituals, for example, counting or thinking through the events of the past day before going to bed. When working in the cognitive direction, the specialist focuses on awareness of responsibility for one’s thoughts. The result of the work should be to teach the patient a constructive reaction to such thoughts and ideas that defy logic. A person also learns to do important actions without following the usual rituals.

Area of ​​family psychotherapy

As a rule, a person with a similar disorder lives in a family or has his own environment. It has long been a known truth that our environment influences us.

The psychologist’s work should ideally also involve the patient’s family. Obsessive-compulsive disorder in most cases develops due to problems in relationships with loved ones. The psychologist’s task is to understand the patient’s family relationships and help harmonize them.

Group work

Obsessive thoughts also appear from a lack of involvement in actions and lack of communication. Group support for this disorder is very important; the person feels that he is not alone with his situation.

In a group, it is easier for him to admit his problems and he has more motivation to solve them and take responsibility for them. When the patient recognizes the problem, he is already on the path to solving it. Group support also produces results in subsequent individual psychotherapy.

A timely solution to the problem prevents its complication. Many patients and their relatives still have stereotypical thinking that disorders of mental functions and processes must be carefully hidden. Therefore, a person prolongs the problem to such an extent that it is necessary to use both medications and longer therapy.


When obsessive thoughts become the result of a habit of “grinding” and repeating everything in the brain, at this stage a person can help himself overcome this condition on his own. To do this you need to follow the recommendations.

Probably every person has encountered obsessive thoughts at least once. It could be a line from a random song or a more serious problem: an obsession with an idea. Let's pay attention to the latter. Find out from the article how to deal with persistent ideas arising from the desires and anxieties of the individual.

The pathological manifestation of the phenomenon in psychology is called obsessive-compulsive disorder, or (OCD). However, there is no need to be scared right away. I'm sure this is not your case.

Healthy people sometimes become fixated too. We are not talking about the fictitious rituals characteristic of OCD. Healthy people become hostage to their desires, needs, phobias, and expectations. Surely you have encountered something similar: you could not sleep peacefully or think about something else until an important event occurred.

Why is it dangerous?

Even the healthy manifestation of obsessive thoughts is dangerous for a person. Obsession interferes with life, distorts life, and prevents work. Any obsession, even a pleasant one, gradually depletes the body. In addition, when talking about pleasant anticipation of something, it is worth mentioning such a possible option as disappointment.

Reasons for obsession

Negative thoughts take over the mind more often than positive ideas. The most popular obsessive thoughts:

  • The world is dangerous, people are antisocial.
  • Nobody loves me.
  • I don't know what's best to do.
  • This is a hopeless situation.
  • What if I make things worse?
  • I can't get what I want.
  • Maybe they'll take advantage of me.
  • Everyone only wants benefits from me.
  • Why did I do this?

Behind every such negative thinking lies a psychological problem, anxiety, etc. “No one loves me” usually means one specific person. “I won’t succeed” is a typical attitude of a person with low self-confidence. “The world is dangerous” is a consequence of personal negative experience.

The media also contribute: crime news, scary advertising. Thus, adequate concern about one’s health first develops into an obsessive thought, and then into hypochondria. Or a healthy fear for your life - first into an obsessive thought, and then into social phobia.

How to get rid

It will sound banal and ridiculous, but you don’t have to think about it. The more fixated you are on the idea of ​​deliverance, the more fixated you are on the obsessive thoughts themselves. And yes, “how to get rid of it” is a new obsession. What to do? If the problem is real, then solve it. If it is far-fetched or you cannot influence the situation, then accept and worry.

Action plan:

  1. You will have to suffer a little more, since you need to disassemble the thought into its components. Determine the basis of thought: need, condition. After that, work in the identified direction. There is no point in describing all possible options here. As for the need, make a plan to meet it. What tools do you have, which ones do you need to purchase, where can you get them.
  2. Distract yourself by getting your brain to work. Connect. It is better to engage in neutral activities, but if thoughts interfere, then engage in playing with them. The brain has drawn only one scenario for you. Take a piece of paper and a pen, draw or write down several possible scenarios. Pay special attention to the positive scenario, but do not build castles in the air. Have a healthy assessment of your capabilities and adaptive abilities.
  3. Analyze the thought using four questions: “How true is this?”, “Am I 100% sure that this is true?”, “How do I react to these thoughts?”, “Who would I be without these thoughts?” This will help you realize the irrationality of what is happening.
  4. Obsessive thoughts are the result of the work of the subconscious. Analyze whether the situation is so terrible: write down all the real facts and your actions in response to each of them. If you find a hole, then think about whether the result depends on you. If yes, then determine where to get the missing knowledge, skills, and abilities. If not, for example, you cannot bring some event or meeting closer, then you just have to wait and live for your own pleasure.
  5. Try to see the winning conditions for yourself. And think about whether the situation itself will be important in 5 years. Let's say you're nervous about a conversation with your boss. You may be fired. But can't you find another place? You might even get promoted there faster.
  6. Write down on paper everything that brings you joy and satisfaction at the moment. This will help overcome negative thinking.
  7. If you doubt something, do not dare to act, then think about whether your current situation will change in a situation of failure. If you have nothing to lose, then you need to try. If you can lose, then prioritize, determine the value of all the pros and cons.
  8. Think about whether and are bothering you. If this is the case, then it's time to get rid of them.
  9. Is your obsession based on negative past experiences? Find the cause of the fear and get rid of it. Think about a situation from the past that affects you in the present. Analyze it. What has changed in you and your life since then? Are you sure you still can't handle this situation? Think about it, you've probably learned a lot and changed a lot since then.

If you are reading this article, it means that obsessive thoughts regularly torment you. Understand the deeper reasons. Determine which thoughts bother you most often and give them a name. For example, “what if I make a mistake, what if it doesn’t work out” is a fear of failure. And “why did I say that” is excessive self-criticism, a tendency to self-examination. Sometimes you don’t even need to catch thoughts. They speak for themselves: I am ashamed, scared, offended, sad.

Learn to perceive obsessive thoughts as a signal, an indicator of a problem. Determine the main emotion and its cause, fight it. Gradually the thoughts will go away on their own. If you can’t cope on your own, consult a psychologist. He will professionally study your subconscious and help you find the hidden emotion-cause.


An obsession is accompanied by a stressful state. – excitement of the body, accumulation of energy. Spill it out. Physical activity helps you think clearly, frees up your mind, makes you work more actively and find new ways to solve problems. In addition, sport increases self-confidence and stimulates the production of joy hormones and anti-stress hormones.

In addition to this, try to get plenty of rest. A tired brain is capable of various pranks, including obsessive negative thoughts. Try meditating in the morning. To make the task easier, concentrate on the rhythm of the clock or pendulum. As soon as you catch yourself thinking the same thoughts, forcefully return to the metronome. Gradually it will become easier to concentrate, and your psychophysiological state will improve.

Intrusive thoughts are a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and can often accompany generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). A lot of people write and ask us questions about how to get rid of obsessive thoughts. Therefore, I decided to write to describe some ways to overcome obsessions.

Intrusive thoughts and anxiety

Obsessive thoughts appear suddenly in the head and their content is frightening and causes suffering to those who are bothered by them. For example, a young and anxious mother has the thought that she might harm her child, or a deeply religious woman who sits in church has blasphemous thoughts and fears that she might begin to say them out loud. Compulsions make people afraid, ashamed, and feel like terrible people.

If you are bothered by these types of symptoms, then I think you have noticed that you cannot stop thinking about these disturbing thoughts, and the more you try to stop thinking, they become more and more intrusive.

The biggest fear for a person with obsessive thoughts is believing in their ability to do what they are thinking about.


Let's look at what to do about compulsions so you can reduce your anxiety and discomfort. It's time to allow yourself to break out of this vicious circle.

Separation with thoughts

The biggest fear for a person with obsessive thoughts is believing in their ability to do what they are thinking about. And the first step in reducing the impact of intrusive thoughts is to understand the fact that thoughts do not equal action.

Example: Imagine you were given a hammer and nails and told to hammer them into a wall. Most likely you will do this calmly. What if they give you the same nails and a hammer, but at the same time ask you to hammer them into the hand of another person. I am sure that you will have a fear of doing this, which will stop you from this action, because you are aware of the consequences.

It is because of fear that you will never be able to do what arises in your thoughts.

Rest assured, intrusive thoughts are not who you are. Thoughts do not determine a person and his actions.

Useful facts about obsessions

Other ideas that may help you detach from your thoughts:

  • We don't always control the thoughts that appear in our heads. If you pay attention, you will notice that most thoughts come naturally. For example, you wake up in the morning, and a stream of thoughts is already rushing through your head. And only sometimes, by force of will, we direct them to solve a particular problem. But once this problem is solved, the stream of thought begins to flow in its own direction.
  • We have no control over when thoughts come and when they go. In most cases, we don't even know how the thought-producing factory that produces them works.
  • We have no way to stop this factory without damaging the brain with surgery or pills. Our head is constantly thinking about something. Try to get rid of thoughts and stop thinking for at least 10 minutes and, most likely, you will see that you are unlikely to succeed.
  • We cannot delete a thought we don't like, like a file on a computer. Rather, on the contrary, as soon as we try to get rid of it, it will become a constant object of our thoughts.
  • Thoughts will never become reality just because you think about them. For example, you might think that tomorrow you will grow wings. But no matter how much you think, you are unlikely to be able to fly.
  • Thoughts are absolutely powerless. Without your actions, thoughts are nothing. You are fully able to control your actions, so obsessions will remain nothing more than words and images in your mind.

Allow obsessive thoughts to flow freely in your head and they will become the background, and focus your attention on those things that are really important to you


Along with separating yourself from thoughts, accepting (allowing) these thoughts is also important.

Acceptance (allowing) to reduce anxiety and intrusive thoughts

Accepting something that makes you feel pretty bad probably feels crazy, but it's effective. I think you've noticed that the more you fight intrusive thoughts and try not to think about them, the more they overwhelm you. This is because they become the focus of attention and you become trapped by them when you struggle. Gradually, obsessive thoughts absorb almost all your attention.

Instead of fighting them, let the intrusive thoughts just be there. You don't have to love or enjoy them, but don't try to push them out of your mind. Just accept that these thoughts appear without your knowledge and continue with your usual activities.

You can say the following: “I notice a thought in my head...” This will allow you to understand that it is just a thought and separate yourself from it. The main thing is, don’t enter into dialogue with her, don’t argue, in fact, don’t do anything. Allow thoughts to flow freely in your head and they will become the background, and transfer the focus of attention to those things that you are doing at one time or another, to what is truly important and valuable to you.

Thus, you separate yourself from the content of thoughts and agree that they exist, but at the same time they are not real and do not have power over you and the actions that you perform. By ceasing to be a slave to your thoughts, you will free up resources to move towards your goals, rather than remain fixated and stressed.

An interesting metaphor from the movie "Doctor Strange"

The information flow that modern people encounter, on the one hand, provides people with the necessary knowledge, on the other hand, can lead to its incorrect perception. Obsessive thoughts visit everyone, but for some they take on the dimensions of a mental disorder, especially if they are associated with shocks in the past or justified by facts in the present. There are many types of such psycho-emotional disorders; most can be eliminated on your own using simple methods and exercises.


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The Impact of Anxiety on Health

Experts say that the most common causes of illness are the following emotions:

  • anger;
  • resentment;
  • envy;
  • fears;
  • constant worry and anxiety due to obsessive thoughts.

Anxious experiences and obsessive thoughts about failures and horrors that may happen are often caused by emotional turmoil that happened in the past. They may be based on the fear of repeating an unpleasant situation and not knowing how to get out of it. But such thoughts can also arise unfoundedly, in absolutely healthy people. As anxiety accumulates, it leads to nervous tension, which primarily disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. The most common pathology that appears as a result of an unstable emotional state is stomach ulcers.

In second place among “nervous” diseases are disorders of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, constant stress and bad thoughts provoke the following problems:

  1. 1. Addictions: alcohol, drugs, food.
  2. 2. Excess weight, which appears due to overeating or the constant release of large amounts of the hormone cortisol. During emotional distress, cortisol is released into the bloodstream to help the body cope with difficulties. But if the stress is prolonged, then this hormone inhibits metabolic processes.
  3. 3. Diseases of the reproductive system due to hormonal surges. In women, the hormonal cycle and microflora of the genital organs are disrupted, and neoplasms may appear. In men, potency decreases and sperm quality deteriorates.
  4. 4. General immunity decreases, the body becomes more susceptible to infections and bacteria.
  5. 5. Mental problems arise due to depression: complexes, phobias, suicidal tendencies, serious mental illnesses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Experts believe that all mental disorders develop against the background of depression.

One of the serious mental disorders that arise from obsessive thoughts is obsessive-compulsive disorder, the symptom of which is constant anxiety. In addition to the fact that a person constantly thinks about possible danger, he takes the same actions to avoid them. But, according to psychologists and psychotherapists, in some cases such manipulations only intensify the manifestations of the syndrome.

The process of occurrence of obsessive thoughts is associated with the instinct of self-preservation:

  1. 1. A person is initially inclined to enter into internal dialogues with himself.
  2. 2. He develops negative emotions due to a certain problem.
  3. 3. A belief in the validity of these emotions arises.
  4. 4. The brain signals that the problem needs to be solved.

But often the significance of the difficulty that a person constantly thinks about is exaggerated.

The most common types of OCD:

A type of OCD Description, examples
DoubtA person often doubts:
  • in everyday matters: did he close the window, door, taps, turned off the gas, are haunted by obsessive ideas about the dangers that could happen if he did not do this;
  • in the professional field: whether he prepared the presentation, report, report correctly, whether he correctly indicated the information in business papers.

Obsessive-compulsive doubts are not justified logically: the sufferer can check many times whether he has completed the necessary action, but this does not make him less worried

AttractionsFrom time to time a person is tormented by thoughts of committing a dangerous action: throwing himself under a train or car or pushing a loved one, throwing someone around him out of a window, hitting a relative, raping someone. Such desires cause torment and fears that something like this might someday happen. There is scientific evidence that people who suffer from obsessive compulsions are not capable of committing terrible acts, otherwise they would not be afraid of thinking about them. In addition, this has been confirmed experimentally: not a single case has been recorded in which obsessive thoughts about causing physical harm resulted in actions
  • pictures appear in your head about the results of the actions of obsessive drives;
  • absurd, unsubstantiated fears: they buried a living person, and at the stage of exacerbation of the disorder, doubts about the implausibility of the idea disappear and the patient is completely confident in the reliability of his belief
AntipathyA sharply unfounded negative attitude arises towards any person from the environment, most often close ones. Annoying, angry thoughts about his bad qualities appear
ActionsDriven by fear of contracting some disease, a person can wash his hands 40 times a day, endlessly clean the house or meticulously put everything in its place, change clothes, avoid shaking hands, contact with money, sinks and other potentially dangerous objects.
FearsThe most common phobias:
  • hypochondriacal - fears of contracting serious diseases such as AIDS, syphilis, cancer, an eloquent symptom - frequent appeals to medical staff for help and unreasonable use of a large number of medications;
  • mysophobia - fears of contamination by clay, sand, feces, poisoning, penetration of microorganisms and insects into the body;
  • isolated - associated with the fear of being in certain conditions: in an enclosed space, in the dark, at a height, in a crowd of people, at a doctor’s appointment, on the street during rain and thunderstorms, etc.

A common symptom of obsessive phobias are rituals that people perform with the belief that they will help protect them from terrible events: prayers, spell casting, spitting, various gestures.

Affectively neutralThe patient suddenly has memories of some things that he learned before: formulas, wise sayings, rules from a school textbook, quotes from films, lines of poetry. They have a globally neutral emotional coloring, but interfere with the normal thought process
AggressiveSuch thoughts are associated with attractions, phobias and actions. Most often they concern:
  • malicious unfair characterization of another person;
  • the desire to finish or comment on another person’s phrase with your own with a sarcastic negative meaning;
  • desire to shout cynical and contrary to the rules and norms of morality phrases;
  • fear of causing physical harm and injury to oneself and loved ones - then a person is afraid and avoids contact with weapons, projectiles and sharp objects;
  • obsessive thoughts about perverted sex: pedophilia, violence, bestiality

To cope with obsessive-compulsive disorder, you need to make sure that the person has obsessive thoughts and not schizophrenia or Tourette syndrome. In the first case, the person’s state at the time of the attack is characterized by panic and the association of random objects, events and things with his phobias. In the second - uncontrollable facial tics, tongue sticking out, grimaces. A qualified professional can diagnose the disorder.

For severe mental illnesses, the patient is individually prescribed treatment, which consists of taking medications and psychotherapy sessions of various directions.

How to deal with intrusive thoughts

To treat a disorder in which paranoid thoughts and ideas are a symptom, it is better to seek the help of a specialist. But you can try to get rid of it yourself. To do this you need:

  • realize the nature of many obsessive thoughts - namely, the emotions of fear, understand that they cannot be removed with the help of logical arguments and rational thinking, this is possible only at the level of the emotional sphere;
  • find out whether obsessive thoughts are based on a real problem (for example, a fear of repeating a situation from the past, the manifestation of symptoms of a serious illness) or are absurd;
  • work on yourself every day.

If fears have grounds, you need to fight them according to a scheme that involves logical thinking:

Advice Implementation
AnalysisWhen the panic attack has passed, you need to be alone with yourself, your thoughts and emotions, put aside fear and evaluate the overall situation:
  • what are the real reasons for the worst development of events;
  • what can happen in the worst case scenario: dismissal, contracting a disease, having a disease, falling and other consequences
AdoptionCome to terms with what can happen and evaluate this development of events: “is this really the worst thing that can happen, can it be corrected or can we continue to live a full life?” The author of the book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living,” Dale Carnegie, claims that it is at this stage that peace occurs, and the situation ceases to be beyond a person’s control. It’s as if he “experiences” her and defeats her
ActionsNext, you need to plan adequate actions that will help prevent the worst-case scenario:
  • visit a doctor if you suspect the presence of an illness;
  • think about ways to earn a living in other activities if you are fired;
  • analyze debt repayment options other than existing ones.

If you have experience getting out of such a situation, then annoying memories need to be used with maximum benefit for yourself: take into account the pros and cons of behavior at that moment, learn lessons, reassure yourself that the difficulty has already been overcome once, which means it will work out in the future

Expert advice will help you free yourself from absurd obsessive thoughts:

Advice Explanation
Do not believeNot everything that comes to a person’s mind reflects the characteristics of his personality. Some thoughts arise under the influence of many external factors:
  • events that do not concern him personally, but which he witnessed;
  • movies watched, books read;
  • advertising or news on various websites, social networks;
  • living conditions at the current moment.

The subconscious, consciousness, emotional sphere and memory constantly interact, storing a lot of information that only at first glance suddenly appears in thoughts. She can mirror phenomena that are not related to a person’s real views, if now there are favorable conditions for this at the level of feelings and sensations, so not everything that comes to mind is true and a reason to fear for your condition

Don't fightPsychologists say that attempts to resist ideas and thoughts will never succeed, just as the command “you can’t eat” causes appetite. You need to come to terms with them and allow their existence in consciousness. Let thoughts appear, but what meaning to attach to them depends on a person’s self-control and ability to abstract
Observe and feel emotionsIt is very important to allow yourself to experience your fear, to feel all the emotions that appear along with the thought. When the attack passes, you can analyze them and try to connect them with the circumstances: often an observant person notices that they arise in typical situations. Knowing what events and conditions provoke the emergence of fears and worries will allow you to control these emotions. In addition, according to psychologists, the sensations will be sharp and painful only the first time, then the nervous system will adapt, and the thought will no longer cause so much horror, and over time it will become obviously absurd
Go inside yourselfExperts do not recommend sharing the problem of obsessive fears with others due to their subjective assessment. You need to fight this disorder yourself by analyzing, changing your type of thinking and trusting your emotions.
Change your attitudeConcentrating on one fear leads to its constant appearance. You need to learn to think bigger by comparing the problem that has arisen with something more serious:
  • fear of death - imagining how great it will be to live happily ever after with your family, take care of your grandchildren and how important this is for loved ones;
  • fear of illness - how good it is to be healthy today and stay so for a long time
ChangesIf the monotony of life is the conditions in which obsessive thoughts arise, you need to try to change them: move, get another job, go on a trip. Being busy with interesting changes will help you switch your focus and forget about the problem at least for a while
RestThis disorder develops against the background of depression, and it occurs when a person is too overworked emotionally or physically. Adequate regular rest will minimize the risks of this condition. You definitely need to get enough sleep and do something enjoyable on the weekend.
Spiritual practicesMeditation is recognized as the best method for preventing neuroses and other mental disorders. They help restore the nervous system and organize all thoughts, making them positive. How to organize a meditation:
  1. 1. Take a comfortable position with your back straight.
  2. 2. Close your eyes, slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth 6 times, and try to relax with each exhalation.
  3. 3. Focus as much as possible on your body, “scan” it, but avoid tension.
  4. 4. All beginners are distracted by their thoughts from this concentration, this is normal. They must be returned to body parts without mental leaps - slowly and carefully.
  5. 5. Don’t try to do everything “right” the first time, ask yourself the questions “Am I doing everything this way?”, just observe.

This practice, along with awareness and the ability to focus attention, develops silence in the mind - this is the main goal for a person suffering from obsessive thoughts

Capture the stream of consciousnessA very effective exercise for getting rid of obsessive fears. Its essence is to write on paper every thought and word that arises in the mind during an attack until the negative emotions disappear. Experts say that all feelings written down on paper are visualized and begin to seem insignificant and insignificant, sometimes even funny
Art therapyOne of the best and most economical methods of treating any mental disorder, which is used both as a primary and as an auxiliary method. You can implement it in many ways without resorting to the help of specialists. Art therapy includes:
  • watching films;
  • listening to music;
  • Reading books;
  • visiting exhibitions and galleries;
  • drawing, including coloring anti-stress coloring books;
  • singing;
  • modeling;
  • creating a collage using magazine clippings;
  • sewing;
  • making any crafts;
  • writing stories, poems, etc.

Constant development, proper rest and saturation of life with vivid emotions are the main conditions for getting rid of obsessive thoughts. The more varied and interesting a person’s life, the less often he experiences fears. Severe forms of the disorder should be corrected only under the supervision of specialists.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered my personal...