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How dentures are placed. Methods of dental prosthetics: which is better? Complete and partial dentures

When it comes to the need to restore lost teeth, patients have many questions: which dentures are best to get, how much will the procedure cost, which clinic to go to? We will talk about the features of choosing a prosthetic technique in the article.

Which prosthetic technique should you prefer? To understand this issue, you need to consider several points:

  1. Number of teeth lost

The first thing a specialist will take into account before choosing a prosthetic method is the number of lost teeth. For restoring one tooth, for example, it is ideal.

  1. Comfort level

Please note that removable products must be periodically removed from the oral cavity for cleaning and disinfection.

  1. What can you expect from prosthetics?

The choice of restoration method for the anterior group of teeth and for the chewing one will be significantly different, since for the anterior part of the jaw the aesthetic appearance plays an important role, and for the chewing teeth - the restoration of their basic functions.

Among removable and fixed dentures, there are both expensive and budget options; the choice is quite wide. Therefore, everyone can find the optimal solution for themselves. In addition, many clinics provide the opportunity to

Features of choosing a removable product

If you decide to install a removable structure for yourself, you will probably have a lot of questions. What dentures should I put in this case? Which product will do the job best? Find a good specialist who will select a design for you taking into account your wishes, individual characteristics and, most importantly, financial capabilities.

For dental prosthetics for edentulous patients (read about complete dental prosthetics), dentists prefer to use nylon and acrylic products. To figure out which type of prosthesis is right for you, compare their main characteristics:

  • Material hygiene

Acrylic plastic quickly collects plaque, which causes an unpleasant odor. Nylon is a non-porous material, so with proper care this problem can be avoided.

  • Flexibility and lightness

Nylon, unlike acrylic, is lightweight and flexible. But acrylic has one advantage: the products retain their original shape for a long time.

  • Risk of developing allergies

Numerous patient reviews indicate the high toxicity of acrylic products, since when they are worn for a long time, allergies often develop, as well as prosthetic stomatitis. Studies have proven that acrylic plastic is very toxic and, with prolonged use, releases substances that are hazardous to the body.

A flexible nylon prosthesis is an excellent alternative for patients with allergies to acrylic.

Nylon is an absolutely harmless material that is often used as an alternative to acrylic structures.

  • Aesthetic qualities

Both types of prostheses have good aesthetic qualities.

  • Price

Nylon is much more expensive than acrylic, this is due to the high quality and many advantages of the material.

In addition, clasp products are a popular type of removable dentures. How to make a choice? First, let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of nylon, acrylic and clasp structures:

Type of prosthesis pros Minuses
Nylon dentures · The best option for patients with allergies to metal alloys and acrylic plastic.

· They can restore both one tooth and all elements of the jaw with complete edentia.

· The material is very flexible and elastic.

· There is no need to grind adjacent teeth.

· They are distinguished by high aesthetic qualities.

· Affordable price.

· Long service life - about 5-7 years with proper care.

· There is a risk of bone tissue atrophy with prolonged use of the product.

· The load during chewing is distributed unevenly.

· After fixing the prosthesis, you need to exclude some foods and drinks from the menu.

· The structure will periodically sag, which requires constant adjustments in the dentist’s office.

· To care for the prosthesis, you need to purchase special products.

Clasp designs · Thanks to the metal base, the prosthesis is securely attached to the oral cavity.

· Affordable prices.

· The patient has the opportunity to choose the type of fastening.

· Product service life is about five years.

· Clasp dentures can be used almost always (in the absence of teeth in all parts of the jaw).

· The structure does not need to be removed daily.

· Some patients note a metallic taste in the mouth when wearing a clasp denture for a long time.

· If you decide to install a clasp structure on the front part of the jaw, be prepared for the fact that metal hooks may be noticeable when speaking.

· Affordable price.

· Ease of manufacture.

· People with an increased gag reflex can rarely wear an acrylic prosthesis without discomfort.

· Cases of allergies and irritation to acrylic are common (the risk increases with prolonged use).

· Acrylic products often rub the mucous membrane.

· The base of the prosthesis almost completely covers the palate. Therefore, patients' perception of the taste of food changes dramatically.

· Acrylic does not withstand high chewing loads.

Conclusion: acrylic dentures have the greatest number of disadvantages. Nowadays, dentists try not to work with acrylic plastics, since it is a very toxic material, which, with prolonged use, often provokes the development of allergies. Despite this, many patients still choose acrylic products due to their low cost.

Expert opinion. Orthodontist Korolev A.Yu.: “There is no definite answer to the question of which dentures are best, since when choosing a prosthetic method, many factors are taken into account: the individual characteristics of the patient, general health, his financial capabilities and personal preferences.”

How to decide on a non-removable product?

If you have lost a small number of teeth, it would be advisable to use fixed prostheses: crowns, implants, veneers, lumineers, dental inlays, bridges. In this case, the specialist will focus on size of the defect:

Implantation is the modern and most reliable way to restore teeth.

  • minor defects can be corrected with veneers,
  • It is advisable to correct more significant deficiencies with dental inlays,
  • if one or more teeth are missing, specialists use bridges or implants (note that to install a bridge you will have to grind and remove the pulp from adjacent healthy teeth),
  • Implants are an ideal solution in this case, as they can restore both single teeth and serve as a support for extended bridges. An important advantage of implantation: to restore a tooth, there is no need to grind adjacent healthy teeth.

Which dental prosthesis-implant should be installed in this case? Here everything will be decided by the dentist, taking into account the following factors:

  • cost of the product: if the patient’s financial capabilities are limited, the doctor will focus on budget options for implants,
  • is it possible to implant an implant without bone grafting,
  • how long will the product last,
  • ease of installation.

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in our time, but dentures in the absence of teeth will help solve this problem.

Today, there are several methods of prosthetics, which depend on the patient’s budget and individual characteristics.

What kind of dentures can be installed if there is not a single tooth left in the mouth?

There are practically no people in the world who have not been affected by tooth decay.

At first, a person tries to solve it, goes to the dentist for sessions, looks for the best solutions, but over time, one gets used to this situation, and most often the problem remains unresolved until complications arise.

Everyone knows that our body is perfect, and the loss of any of its organs will sooner or later lead to undesirable consequences.

Over time, the body’s work is restructured, the absence of one organ is compensated for by another.

The same thing happens in the oral cavity: the load of the removed tooth is distributed between the last teeth, and their work becomes more difficult.

Different groups of teeth perform their functions. So, the front ones help to bite off food, and the side ones crush the food and form it into a food bolus of the required consistency.

The absence of at least one tooth in the dentition significantly affects a person’s appearance. The skin at the site of the missing tooth becomes not as elastic as before, and wrinkles appear. The lower third of the face is distorted.

After a tooth has been removed, the bone atrophies and becomes thinner, which disrupts nutrition in the tissue.

This process is manifested by a decrease in the number of blood vessels in the place where the tooth was removed and a weakening of the bone structure. As a result of such processes, teeth can shift and the bite is disrupted.

Due to a lack of teeth, muscle tone is disrupted, wrinkles form, the cheeks can fall inward, and the oval of the face changes.

If the teeth were removed from the front, the lips fall inward, the nasolabial fold deepens, and the corners of the mouth droop. All this leads to facial asymmetry, muscle tone weakens, and signs of aging appear.

The main function of teeth is to grind food. If food is not chewed enough, it can cause digestive difficulties and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently chewed and undigested food is poorly absorbed by the body, resulting in a lack of nutrients, vitamins, and microelements. All this affects the general condition of the body and its protective abilities.

In addition, the absence of teeth also affects a person’s speech. Due to the lack of teeth, articulation is impaired, sometimes a person cannot pronounce individual sounds.

Types of removable prosthetics

Today medicine offers people with edentia. There are removable and non-removable dentures.

The simplest method of prosthetics is a complete removable denture, which is available to almost every patient. Doctors offer acrylic and nylon dentures in the complete absence of all teeth.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is its low price. The product will be affordable for almost every patient. However, the prosthesis also has many disadvantages.

Firstly, the design does not adhere well to soft tissues. The product is fixed by vacuum, sticking to the gums.

When a person moves his jaw, the soft tissues also move, air gets under the suction cup, which is why the denture no longer holds so firmly on the gums.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is its rather large size. Because of this, the patient has to get used to this design for a long time, and diction and taste perception may be temporarily impaired.

Plastic jaws, and especially acrylic ones, can crack and even break under heavy chewing loads.

After such damage, the implant must be repaired in a special laboratory; repairs take not only money, but also time.

A complete removable denture with fixation on ball-shaped implants is a denture with special clamps on which it is securely attached.

The retainers consist of a plastic matrix and a spherical abutment. The matrix is ​​attached to the jaw itself, and the spherical element is attached to the implant.

When the patient puts on the jaw, the matrix snaps onto the ball-shaped element and the structure is securely fixed in the mouth. To ensure that the prosthesis is well secured and does not move out of place, you need to use at least two implants.

This type of jaw rests well on the gums; it does not move or fall off. In addition, this type of implant-based prosthesis is one of the most affordable for patients.

However, the design also has disadvantages. The plastic parts that cover the gums and palate are quite large, so it takes some time for the patient to get used to the new sensations, and diction may be impaired.

The prosthesis does not have a rigid frame; it is made entirely of plastic, so it can become covered with cracks and breaks.

The implants on which the structure is attached can withstand the entire load. If you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations and use the prosthesis incorrectly, the implant can be overloaded, causing the bone tissue underneath to suffer. Such careless attitude to the prosthesis can lead to jaw loss.

A removable denture with beam fixation on implants for edentulous patients is the most comfortable and reliable method of prosthetics for a mouth without teeth.

Making such a jaw is quite difficult - both the doctor and the dental technician must have extensive knowledge and skills.

To make and mill a beam system, you need modern, high-precision equipment. The structure consists of the beam itself on implants and a plastic matrix, which is placed in the removable part of the prosthesis.

To ensure that the chewing load is distributed evenly, the patient has 4 implants installed in the front part of the jaw.

This prosthesis fits perfectly on the gums: thanks to the presence of the beam, the prosthesis does not move, which is especially important for the patient.

The loads are distributed optimally, so the implants are not loaded and the surrounding tissues remain in normal condition.

The jaws are made on the basis of a metal frame, so they are quite durable. In addition, the beam structure perfectly holds the prosthesis, so a minimal amount of plastic is used for its manufacture. The gums and palate remain open.

The main disadvantage of such prosthetics is its high price. This method is the most expensive among removable prosthetics, but the result of the work is worth it.

The jaw should be removed twice a day during hygiene procedures.

Fixed prosthetics

The name of which indicates the main principle of this method.

Such a jaw is quick to make, it is convenient for the patient, and it is also affordable. In this case, the prosthesis is non-removable and is fixed on 4 supporting implants.

Such prosthetics do not in any way affect the patient’s food tastes or diction, and does not cause any unpleasant phenomena.

With this technology, posterior implants are implanted at an angle, so vertical bone restoration is not required.

This suggests that such prosthetics are performed quickly enough and are not delayed.

This latest technology allows you to perform prosthetics on a completely empty mouth according to an exact plan that the doctor draws up in advance.

The installation process of such an implant takes place in 4 stages:

  • At the first visit, the doctor takes an X-ray of the jaw, consults the patient in detail and takes impressions, while the tone of the teeth is also selected;
  • at the second visit, the doctor will model the chewing planes and form the correct support for the lip;
  • during the third visit, the doctor will make the necessary correction and give recommendations for further treatment;
  • At the last session, the doctor will install a prosthesis, which will be made according to the patient’s individual parameters.

Another option is a fixed metal-ceramic prosthesis on implants in the absence of teeth.

To install such a jaw, the doctor places four or more implants in the patient’s mouth in a special way, which will serve as a support for a stationary prosthesis.

This design is much more convenient than plastic removable analogues, since it feels more like natural teeth.

There are no plastic additives in metal-ceramic structures, so they are comfortable and compact.

If the patient has gum deficiency in some places, it is replenished with ceramics, which are painted to match the color of the soft tissues.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is ease of use. It does not need to be removed every day.

In addition, diction and taste sensations are not impaired when worn. The soft tissues in the mouth remain completely open, which is very important.

Metal-ceramic prostheses are very durable, made on the basis of a chrome-cobalt frame, which is resistant to damage and deformation. In addition, the prosthesis will last for many years, remaining in its original form.

Metal ceramics perfectly imitate natural teeth, which looks very aesthetically pleasing.

A technician with extensive experience can make the difference between false gums and your own gums virtually invisible to strangers.

The main disadvantage of such prostheses is their high price. To produce such teeth, you need special equipment and highly qualified dental technicians and doctors.

Therefore, in the end, the work is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it. However, the natural appearance of the prosthesis and its quality are much superior to their plastic removable counterparts.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is the presence of metal, to which some patients may be allergic. However, such cases are very rare.

The newest method of prosthetics is a fixed jaw based on zirconium dioxide, which is attached to implants.

This is an innovative, biocompatible, comfortable and aesthetic type of prosthetics for a mouth without teeth. This material is very durable, while the entire structure is quite light, much smaller than metal.

The material allows you to create the most natural imitation of teeth and gums; the prosthesis will look “alive” and natural.

Such a prosthesis is attached according to the same principle as a metal-ceramic one, but in all other respects it is much superior to it.

Which prosthesis to choose?

If a patient is faced with the problem of complete absence of teeth, then the most important thing in this case is to choose the right type of prosthetics.

In recent years, patients have increasingly preferred implant-supported prosthetics.

This design is securely fixed in the mouth and will not fall out while talking or eating, while at the same time this happens quite often with removable dentures.

Doctors recommend securing removable dentures with special gels, but this solution is not suitable for everyone: gels can cause an allergic reaction in the patient, and they only help when the distance between the denture and the gum is minimal.

It is important to note that there are methods that can improve the fixation and stabilization of a removable denture, but no matter how experienced the doctor is, the removable denture still significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.

In addition, when wearing dentures, the bone tissue atrophies over time, so future implantation may be difficult.

Another disadvantage of wearing complete removable dentures is the gag reflex, which is an individual reaction of the body to a foreign body.

Often the patient's gag reflex is so strong that even during the taking of impressions the patient feels severe discomfort. In this case, the doctor should raise the question of the reasonableness of installing a removable denture.

As for prosthetics with implants, the patient can grind food much better, which affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body, but owners of removable dentures often complain of discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

Modern dentistry allows you to restore the beauty and health of the oral cavity even if there are no teeth left. A denture in the case of complete absence of teeth is chosen depending on the financial capabilities of the patient and the capabilities of the clinic to which he applied.

Modern dental technologies provide patients and specialists with an impressive range of options in choosing dentures. Broadly speaking, dentures fall into two main categories – removable and fixed. Each of the varieties has its pros and cons.

Removable dentures

Implants are made from different materials, have specific fixation methods and may require regular removal. Removable dentures are special structures that can be removed from the mouth by the patient himself without the use of professional equipment. In most cases, dentists install non-removable structures, but if this is not possible or if there are special nuances of a person’s health, they are replaced with removable options.


The main advantage of a removable denture is its versatility. Such structures can be used as temporary ones if the patient has to wait a certain period of time before the implant is manufactured. They have special fastenings, which ensures their fixation on the gums and minimal discomfort. They are invisible to others.

The advantages include the following factors:

  • ease of removal and installation;
  • Dental prosthetics are allowed if they are missing;
  • various fastening options (prostheses with suction cups, with special locks or butterfly version);
  • the possibility of changing the design if the gums shrink or the patient experiences discomfort;
  • a wide range of options made from different materials (cermets, mixed materials, plastic);
  • removable dentures are made from safe materials, so the risk of an allergic reaction is completely eliminated.


The main disadvantage of a removable denture is the low level of fixation, in contrast to a fixed structure. After installing them, the dentist introduces significant restrictions on the patient’s diet. Any structures of this type require special attention and compliance with the rules of care. In the absence of such factors, they can cause significant discomfort.

The disadvantages include the following nuances:

  • high probability of gum rubbing under the influence of chewing food;
  • bone deformation is inevitable;
  • cheap designs may lose their appearance over time;
  • violation of diction and taste sensations (a factor characteristic of the process of addiction).


In a broad sense, removable dentures are classified into full or partial options. In the first case, they are used in the absence of teeth in the oral cavity, in the second - when at least one tooth is preserved. The expanded classification is used to characterize the materials from which structures are made. Their range is regularly supplemented and improved.

New generation removable dentures:

  • acrylic options (the most common and affordable type of dentures, this design is installed in case of problems with chewing teeth or their absence in one, specialists often use these structures as temporary ones);
  • nylon models (they have increased elasticity, they are soft, visually differ minimally from real teeth, and do not require a long process of getting used to);
  • removable dentures on implants (the design is used in the complete absence of teeth, fixation occurs through the use of locks or intracanal pins);
  • clasp options (considered the most durable, comfortable and reliable, but the cost is several times higher than their analogues).

Fixed dentures

To restore a damaged or removed tooth, special types of prosthetics are used. In dentistry, such structures are called non-removable. They can be metal, metal-ceramic, metal-plastic, plastic or made from other materials. The key factor in choosing one option or another in most cases is the patient’s financial capabilities.


The advantages of fixed structures include the following factors:

  • long service life;
  • minimum care rules;
  • elimination of defects in the front teeth;
  • formation of correct bite;
  • maximum resemblance to your own teeth.


The following nuances are considered to be the disadvantages of fixed dentures:

  • installation of structures involves a long preparation process;
  • a fixed prosthesis can be inserted if there is a base (it cannot be fixed to the gum);
  • A mandatory stage of installation is grinding, which causes considerable discomfort to the patient.


The main types of fixed prostheses are:

  • single crown (the main condition for using a crown is the preserved root);
  • implants (a titanium root in the form of a cylinder replaces a lost tooth and serves as the basis for a crown);
  • microprostheses (veneers, lumineers, special inlays - types of microprostheses, thanks to which you can restore the shape);
  • dental bridge (this denture is used when several teeth are missing).

What are the best dentures for teeth?

A universal design option used to restore teeth is a plastic (or acrylic) prosthesis. This option has a number of advantages over its expensive competitors. Its main advantage is its affordable price and lack of discomfort. However, the key factor in finding an answer to the question of which modern dentures are best to install is the condition of the teeth and the nuances of the patient’s health.

In complete absence

In some cases, dentists use special methods of dental prosthetics. For example, the answer to the question of which dentures are best to install in case of complete absence of teeth is not very diverse. The best options for their restoration are complete removable structures or non-removable varieties that are inserted into the oral cavity using special fasteners resembling pins.

With partial

If the patient has healthy teeth, but their partial absence is observed, then the specialist places dentures only in empty spaces. Prosthetics in this case can be removable or non-removable. The materials are selected jointly by the doctor and the patient, but the type of construction is determined by the specialist. The answer to the question of which denture options are best to place depends on the specific clinical case.

Features of dentures for partial tooth loss:

  • plastic, metal, metal-ceramic, ceramic options are used (plastic types are not recommended to be placed on the front teeth, their main advantage is considered to be their affordable price, you can see the visual difference in the photo);
  • prosthetics are carried out both removable and non-removable (removable structures are more suitable for temporary wearing while waiting for permanent ones to be made).

How much does prosthetics cost?

Video: what types of dentures are there?

Removable dentures are a unique alternative to dental implantation. Agree, not everyone has the opportunity to get an implant. This is when removable dentures come to the rescue. Their main tasks are to restore the functions of one or even all teeth. They look quite natural. Therefore, they also have an aesthetic function. Today, science and technology are moving forward, and patients are not offered dentures that are “soaked” in a glass of water. Such devices are a thing of the past, but they still frighten people who are afraid to get dentures. Sometimes it is really not possible to install a permanent structure (the reason is their high cost). Removable dentures are an excellent replacement.

Conditionally removable (covering) dentures

Their function is to replace one or more chewing teeth. They are removable because they can be removed and replaced if necessary. The word “conditionally” is not used in vain. This means that you will not be able to remove the prosthesis yourself. This is what specialists do.

Many people believe that one or two lost teeth do not need to be replaced. Actually this is not true. Neighboring teeth begin to shift to the free side, and this leads to malocclusion, periodontal disease, etc.

There are several ways to secure conditionally removable dentures:

Using metal claws to the supporting teeth.

They are glued to the tooth or secured with cement.

Using micro locks.

Two types of conditionally removable prosthetics

1. On implants. In this case, only four implants are sufficient. They are attached to the front of the jaw. This type of prosthetics is an economical option. But despite its low cost, the prosthesis does not rub or move. It is securely fixed.

2. Gluing or cement. This method of prosthetics involves gluing the prosthesis to the supporting tooth or shrinking it into special grooves between the teeth. In this case, additional fixation occurs with a cementing material.

Fastening technique

How are conditionally removable dentures attached to implants? The first option is a ball-shaped lock. Ball-type supports often fail, so this type of fastening is not reliable. The second option is fastening with a beam. It is attached inside the structure. This mount will provide a more reliable connection between the implant and the prosthesis.

Is it worth getting conditionally removable dentures?

The prices for such a design are not too high. When restoring the dentition, dentures of this kind will cost less than permanent ones. However, on average, after a year, the fastenings are destroyed.

A conditionally removable denture cannot be installed in persons suffering from drug addiction or mental illness, having inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pregnant women, people after radiation therapy, having exacerbations of chronic diseases, as well as those who have an allergic reaction to anesthesia or materials from which removable dentures were made.

What are the best structures to install? To answer this question, we should note the pros and cons of conditionally removable dentures. Among the advantages, the following aspects stand out:

  1. An optimally distributed load on the prosthesis ensures a longer service life and makes it resistant to wear.
  2. It is light and comfortable, and fits well.
  3. If necessary, it can be removed.
  4. There is no possibility of de-cementing.
  5. The absence of parts of the prosthesis that would be visible to outsiders.
  6. Dentures help avoid deformation of the dentition.
  7. The function of missing teeth is not impaired.
  8. No additional care is required for removable dentures.
  9. Relatively low price.

The negative points include the following:

  1. Quite a labor-intensive process.
  2. Additional parts increase the cost of the prosthesis.
  3. The fragility of individual parts of the prosthesis and the need to replace them.
  4. There is a possibility that the placement of the implants will not allow you to achieve a beautiful appearance.
  5. Regular maintenance of removable dentures is necessary.

Caring for conditionally removable dentures is not very difficult. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the oral cavity (together with the denture) with toothpaste and a brush. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places - between the denture and the gum. After eating, it is necessary to rinse your mouth. You should visit the dentist several times a year. It will help further clean the denture by removing it.

Another type of design

Removable dentures: which are better? Partially removable designs should be considered. To attach this type of prosthesis, at least one healthy tooth is required. Attachment occurs not only to the gum, but also to entire teeth. Plastic and nylon are used to make such prostheses. A metal frame is also used.

Partially removable dentures are divided into separate subtypes.

Plate varieties of design

One important advantage should be highlighted when describing what such partially removable dentures are: their prices are the most affordable. In addition, they are the simplest in design. They quickly get used to them. Such prostheses are installed when it is impossible to use a bridge frame. Clasps are used as fastening. They are located at the base of the tooth and are practically invisible to others. The orthopedic design is attached quite reliably. There is another fastening option - attachments (special locks). This method is much more reliable in operation and looks more aesthetically pleasing.

What other partially removable structures are available?

  • Immediate dentures are placed as a temporary structure before installing a permanent prosthesis.
  • Sectors (segments) are installed in case of loss of chewing teeth. Installation takes place on one side of the jaw using clasps.
  • Bugel dentures are the best removable dentures available today. Reviews from many people demonstrate this very well. The main advantage compared to plastic prostheses, judging by the reviews, is the presence of a metal frame. It determines the strength and wear resistance of the denture. In this case, there is no that massive bridge between the artificial teeth, but there is a metal arch. Since there is no such plastic structure, wearing a clasp prosthesis becomes more comfortable. It is thanks to the absence of a plastic bridge that taste sensations are not disturbed and there are no problems with diction. This reduces the risk of the prosthesis falling out due to awkward tongue movement. The wear resistance of such a prosthesis is higher than that of its analogues. The reason for this is the material used in the production of the prosthesis. Plastic quickly leads to tissue atrophy. This causes pain and discomfort. On average, a clasp denture is replaced after 4-5 years. The analogue becomes unusable almost twice as fast. Due to the cast metal frame, this prosthesis remains one of the most reliable.

Main features of the clasp design

What is the difference between these types of removable dentures? Reviews from numerous people demonstrate the following positive aspects:

  1. They have no age restrictions. They are absolutely safe. The exception is acrylic models, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Almost any dental defect can be eliminated.
  3. Affordable (relative to alternative options).
  4. High wear resistance.

However, there are also negative aspects. So, you should not eat viscous foods. This leads to structural failure.

It is easy to care for such dentures. They should be removed regularly and rinsed with water. Sometimes patients remove the prosthesis at night. However, professionals do not advise taking such a step, since addiction will seriously slow down.

Fully removable dentures

This type of prosthesis is used if teeth are completely missing. Complete removable dentures are a curved plastic plate. Artificial teeth are attached to it. It is fixed, as they say, “on suction cups,” that is, due to the suction effect of the gums. The service life reaches five years. It is during this period that in most cases these types of dentures wear out. Removable structures, however, with good care and adjustment by a specialist, can last a longer period of time.

How does the manufacturing process work?

Removable dentures are produced quite simply. First, the specialist takes an x-ray. An impression of the patient's jaw is then made and sent to the laboratory. Dentures are made there using special equipment. Removable structures, thanks to modern technology and three-dimensional imaging, are manufactured based on the characteristics of each individual person. This factor is positive.

Which designs are better?

Patients are always trying to find the best removable dentures by asking questions. There is no clear answer here. It all depends on what price the patient is willing to pay for the prosthesis and whether he has an allergic reaction (mainly to acrylic). And the presence (absence) of your own teeth also affects the answer. All indications and contraindications must be taken into account. First you need to consult with a specialist and decide what exactly you need. In any case, you cannot do without consultation. It is worth considering some of the most popular subtypes of prostheses separately and comparing them with others.

Main features of clasp dentures

They are placed if natural teeth remain. They are used if there is a defect in the outer teeth, there are no front or lateral teeth, as well as in case of inflammation in the gums. There is no need to constantly remove these devices. When choosing these types of removable dentures, you need to pay attention to the fastening. Which mount is right for you largely depends on what teeth you plan to restore and your financial capabilities. The service life of such a prosthesis reaches five years. Due to the presence of a metal arc, it is stronger than its analogues.

We should not forget about the disadvantages that clasp dentures have. Removable structures of this type are attached using hooks. Accordingly, they can violate the aesthetic appearance. Hooks may be visible. If you install better options, their price will accordingly increase. Metal can sometimes interfere with the sense of taste.

Distinctive aspects of nylon structures

The manufacture of removable dentures of this type is made of plastic (soft). The method of attaching them is with suction cups. Due to the absence of metal in their composition, nylon prostheses are excellent for people with an allergic reaction to this material. A significant advantage is that there is no need to grind the supporting teeth for such a prosthesis. It is attached using a suction effect, but sometimes you can use special fixing gels and creams. Additional fastenings in the form of plastic hooks can also be installed. Nylon dentures can be used for the loss of either one tooth or an entire row of teeth. They are also indicated for people with sensitive or inflamed gums and those who have defects in the final teeth. Accordingly, soft plastic does not rub or irritate the gums. The dentures are securely fixed. Their strength is beyond doubt, despite the soft and elastic frame. False teeth are matched to the color of real teeth, so they cannot be distinguished. If treated properly, they can last up to seven years.

The disadvantage of a nylon denture is the uneven chewing load, which is not very convenient. As a result, there is less possibility of chewing solid food. The alveolar process may atrophy. Because of this, the prosthesis sags, so it requires correction by a specialist. The cost of a removable denture and dentition made of nylon is higher, in contrast to clasp structures. In addition, the price of the prosthesis directly depends on the number of artificial teeth.

It needs to be cleaned only with special means. If you use a nylon prosthesis, you will have to give up tea and coffee, dishes that contain bright colors (the material tends to stain), strong alcoholic drinks, and smoking.

Acrylic (plate type)

They are very easy to manufacture and install. Acrylic dentures are also affordable. They do not require special care at great expense. However, they have their own characteristics.

They are made of hard plastic and may cause chafing and sores. This causes discomfort. Taste sensitivity is reduced, since the prosthesis completely covers the palate. Diction is broken. Patients experience nausea or even a gag reflex. The tissue under the prosthesis begins to atrophy, and this leads to the need for regular correction. For better fixation, metal crowns are sometimes installed (grinding of the teeth is required). Chewing hard food may cause the denture to break. The monomer contained in the material can cause burning and inflammation in the gums.

Cost of dental structures

The price depends on the material from which the prosthesis is made. For example, nylon dentures are more expensive than acrylic ones. This is explained by the fact that the first ones are manufactured abroad. The price depends on the number of supports and much more. There is no exact figure for the price minimum and maximum. In the regions, dental prosthetics are cheaper than in the capital.

Plastic removable dentures are priced from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Partial removable dentures cost approximately 3,000-4,000 rubles.

Nylon prostheses will cost 15,000-25,000 rubles.

Clasp dentures - from 11,000 rubles.

Nylon prostheses - their price starts from 15,000 rubles. The more artificial implants, the higher it is.

Acrylic dentures - their price is around 10,000-15,000 rubles.

Is it difficult to get used to removable dentures?

Removable dentures - how to get used to them? In any case, at first, when wearing a removable denture, there will be problems with diction. But you can speed up the addiction process. Initially, you need to choose the right prosthesis. You need to put it on and listen to your feelings - how comfortable it is. Then we can talk about adaptation. To do this, you need to constantly pronounce phrases clearly. You can try reading aloud.

Chewing function must be developed gradually. In the beginning, it is advisable to bite off less and eat soft foods. Then you can increase the load. And the most important thing is the psychological aspect. How quickly a person gets used to the prosthesis determines how quickly his speech abilities will be restored. Try smiling at yourself in the mirror more often. Moral support from loved ones won't hurt either.

Orthopedic prosthetics is like an equation with many unknowns. The patient is concerned about which prosthesis is better, removable or fixed, which crowns are preferable and why, and what microprosthetics is. The beauty and health of your smile for many years depends on the correct choice of prosthesis.

The age of “golden” crowns is gone forever; now the patient has a much wider choice than before. This can be an implant, a single crown, a bridge, conditionally removable, partially removable and complete removable prosthetics. And there are also veneers, lumineers, inlays, adhesive bridges... Such a list will make anyone confused.

Removable or fixed dentures: which is better to insert?

All dentures are divided into removable and non-removable.

The name of each of them speaks for itself - removable dentures are those that can be removed from the mouth by the patient himself. And fixed structures usually remain on the teeth until their service life expires.

Which prostheses are the best is up to the patient to decide together with the doctor.

In addition to cost, the choice of one or another orthopedic design will be influenced by indications and contraindications for this type of prosthetics.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of prosthetics

Each orthopedic product has both its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Fixed prosthetics. The obvious advantage is the maximum possible fixation in the mouth. However, this method cannot be used if a large number of teeth are missing.
  • Removable prosthetics. The main advantage is its almost complete versatility. The main inconvenience of this design is that it can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Video: types of prosthetics

Which non-removable ones are better?

Fixed prosthetics are used in cases where there is relatively little tooth loss. Fixed structures are also used for aesthetic purposes to cover frontal defects, change the color and shape of teeth, and after root canal treatment to strengthen the tooth.

Fixed prostheses include:

  • Crowns. Placed on your own teeth or on implants.
  • Bridge structures. They are supported by your own teeth or implants.
  • Tabs. Usually used instead of a filling.
  • Veneers and Lumineers. As a rule, they are used on the frontal group of teeth.


The simplest type of prosthetics is covering teeth with crowns.

They can be:

  • metal, now they are used less and less and only on the far teeth;
  • metal-ceramic;
  • ceramic (zirconium).

Video: metal-ceramic crowns


Metal crowns have, perhaps, only two advantages - an attractive price and the absence of the need to heavily grind the teeth on which the structure will be placed.

Metal-ceramic crowns are very durable, have low thermal conductivity and are resistant to high loads when chewing food. Thanks to these qualities, the service life of such crowns is on average 10–15 years.

Photo: Metal-free ceramic crown

The main advantage of ceramic crowns is the fullness of color rendition and the natural, vibrant shine of teeth.

In addition, the frame of such crowns is relatively thin, so very little tissue is removed from the tooth.


Crowns made from different materials have different disadvantages.

  • Metal crowns. Low aesthetics and short service life, approximately 4–5 years.
  • Metal-ceramic crowns. The main disadvantage is the thickness of their frame, which makes it necessary to remove a large amount of tissue from the tooth. Due to the metal base, the crowns on the front teeth may differ slightly in color from the rest of the teeth.
  • Ceramic crowns. They are more fragile compared to metal ceramics, and they are much more expensive.


If one or more teeth are lost, the most appropriate option would be to install a bridge. There are several varieties - based on your own teeth, with the installation of an implant and an adhesive bridge structure.

Video: bridges


Among the obvious advantages of a bridge on your own teeth are strength and good fixation in the patient’s mouth.

This design can completely replace your own teeth - it also copes well with any food, and also does not change its color from coffee, tea and other food dyes.

Photo: Bridge prosthesis on your own teeth

The bridge does not require long-term adaptation and does not change the taste of food. In shape and color, artificial teeth do not differ from natural teeth, because they are made from impressions taken from the patient’s mouth.

As for the price, it can vary depending on the material of manufacture, but bridges are cheaper than implants.

Photo: Implant-supported bridge

The main advantage of an implant-supported bridge is that it can be placed even if there are no chewing teeth, or if there are no teeth on the jaw.

An adhesive bridge, which is attached to the teeth using a special adhesive, has its advantages.

  • It performs not only a cosmetic function, but also fully participates in the chewing process.
  • For an artificial tooth, materials are used that are intended for aesthetic restoration of teeth, so the color of the tooth is as close as possible to your own.
  • Replenishment of a missing tooth occurs in one visit, which means there is a significant saving of time.
  • The cost of such a bridge is significantly lower than any other permanent bridge structure.


The only disadvantage of bridge structures based on your own teeth is the need for grinding and preliminary endodontic preparation of adjacent teeth.

The disadvantages of a bridge supported by implants include long installation times, a large number of contraindications and the high cost of the structure.

An adhesive bridge is characterized by a fragile structure. The average service life of the product is 4–5 years.

Due to the lack of load on the jaw, the bone under the hinged tooth gradually weakens - it resolves and its thickness becomes smaller. Therefore, the longer such a structure exists, the less chance there is of installing an implant in its place in the future.


Microprosthetics include:

  • veneers,
  • lumineers,
  • tabs.

They allow you to give a beautiful appearance to individual teeth. Veneers and lumineers perform a purely aesthetic function; inlays are usually used instead of fillings.

Veneers and Lumineers can be compared to false nails. Essentially, these are the same onlay plates, which are made of ceramic or porcelain and are fixed to the front (vestibular) part of the tooth. In this case, the back of the tooth remains intact.

Ceramic inlays are non-removable microprostheses that are designed to close a cavity in a tooth after treating caries, filling canals, or to eliminate an enamel defect due to increased tooth wear.

Video: microprosthetics


Veneers and lumineers allow you to even out the color and correct the shape of teeth, and hide enamel defects. With proper care, veneers and lumineers can last for more than a decade, while they do not change their color and are resistant to food coloring.

The service life of a tooth with an inlay is much longer than that of conventional fillings. This design completely repeats the shape and color of the tooth, so it is indistinguishable from your own teeth. Using inlays, you can close significant cavities in teeth even in cases where fillings are not indicated due to their ineffectiveness.


Microprosthetics has a number of disadvantages.

  • Veneers and lumineers cannot be used for large fillings or carious lesions on teeth to be restored.
  • Veneers are fragile.
  • With some types of caries, this type of prosthetics, such as inlays, is impossible.

Removable dentures

If the situation in the patient’s mouth is such that it is impossible to use fixed prosthetics, then removable structures are used.

Partially removable dentures

Partially removable dentures make up for the lack of two or more teeth in one jaw.

In this case, defects can be on one side of the jaw or on both. The main thing is that at least a few natural teeth remain in the mouth, which will serve as support for the prosthesis.

Partial dentures have the form of a plate that resembles gums with artificial teeth. The prosthesis is fixed to your own teeth using hooks or locks made of metal or plastic.

Below we will look at the existing partially removable dentures, which is better - it is not difficult to understand based on the specific situation.

Video: partial dentures

Acrylic dentures

Acrylic dentures are commonly called plastic dentures. This is the most affordable and therefore the most common type of prosthesis. It is used most often for the loss of chewing teeth or for the loss of teeth after one.

Another option for using an acrylic prosthesis is to use it as a temporary structure during the period of implant healing or the manufacture of a more complex orthopedic structure, for example, a clasp prosthesis.

The acrylic prosthesis is attached using special metal fasteners in the form of hooks.


Advantages of acrylic dentures:

  • Acrylic dentures have no contraindications, so they can be recommended to any patient.
  • They are easy to use and unnoticeable to others.
  • If necessary, the patient can independently remove the structure from the oral cavity.
  • If the prosthesis breaks, it can be repaired; if the gums shrink, the design of the prosthesis can also be changed for a tighter fit.
  • Affordable price makes the prosthesis attractive to all segments of the population and is an alternative in cases where permanent prosthetics are not possible for some reason.

Main disadvantages:

  • The process of getting used to the prosthesis can last from several days to a week. During this period, there may be increased salivation, impaired diction, and changes in taste sensitivity.
  • May cause allergic reactions in sensitive people.
  • It is not advisable to use artificial teeth to gnaw hard food, chew gum, or sticky candies such as toffees.

Nylon dentures

Nylon dentures are called soft, and for good reason - they are flexible and elastic, so they follow all the contours of the gums. Nylon is a translucent material, due to this the prosthesis has a more natural color and resembles your own gum.

The nylon prosthesis is attached not with metal hooks, but with soft nylon clasps, which do not require protection of the supporting tooth with a crown.

Photo: Nylon partial denture

Nylon partial dentures, like acrylic dentures, are used to replace missing teeth on one or both sides of the jaw.


Advantages of nylon prostheses:

  • do not rub the gums;
  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • do not require a long process of getting used to;
  • practically invisible in the oral cavity;
  • do not absorb moisture, since the material has no pores;
  • have antimicrobial properties.

There are also disadvantages.

  • Incorrect load distribution. This is the main design flaw. All the pressure that falls on the prosthesis also transfers to the gum, because of this it atrophies faster and decreases in height. And this entails a new problem - injury to the supporting tooth by the clasp and inflammation of the gums near it.
  • Elasticity of the material at the same time it is also a disadvantage of a nylon prosthesis. Due to the flexibility of the base, the load during chewing is transferred only to the area where food is currently being chewed, and this leads to painful sensations when eating, accelerated atrophy of bone tissue and the need to replace the prosthesis.
  • Short service life. Nylon prostheses cannot be repaired; their service life is on average about 3–4 years.
  • High price. They cost much more than acrylic ones and a little more than a simple clasp prosthesis, but it is incomparably better in its characteristics.

Clasp dentures

Of all the removable structures, clasp dentures are the most comfortable, unnoticeable and meet all the requirements of modern orthopedics.


Advantages of a clasp prosthesis:

  • High aesthetics and absolute inconspicuousness in the mouth. Clasps are made using complex technology that allows you to accurately recreate all the structural features of the jaw and teeth. The color of artificial teeth is practically no different from your own.
  • Load distribution. Clasp dentures evenly distribute the load between all teeth on both sides of the jaw and do not lead to a decrease in bone thickness.
  • Reliable fastening of prostheses and suction effect. Thanks to this, the structure is tightly fixed in the oral cavity.
  • Wide range of applications. Using this product, you can fill both end defects and missing teeth in any part of the jaw.
  • Quick adaptation and ease of care. Clasp dentures do not require long-term adaptation and are easy to care for.
  • Long service life. Significantly superior to other designs and lasts an average of 10–15 years.

The main disadvantage of a clasp denture is the need to cover with crowns, and in some cases, remove nerves in the supporting teeth.

The disadvantages include the fact that making a clasp denture is a rather lengthy process and requires repeated visits to the dentist.

Which completely removable dentures are better?

Fully removable dentures are those that replace all the teeth in one or both jaws.

Photo: Fully removable denture

Types of plate prostheses

Fully removable dentures are made from acrylic or nylon and are supported by the gums or hard palate. Dentures are held in the mouth due to the suction effect, and sometimes special creams for additional fixation.

Video: removable dentures


There are not many advantages to completely removable dentures.

  • This is one of the most inexpensive orthopedic structures.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Large margin of safety.
  • If necessary, the prosthesis can be adjusted.

It is quite difficult to get used to the prosthesis, it rubs, an increased amount of saliva is released, diction is impaired and the sensitivity of taste buds decreases.

When using a complete denture, bone will inevitably be lost and over time there will be much less bone. In this case, you need to visit a doctor to change the configuration of the prosthesis or replace it with a new product.