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Catozal is a unique stimulator of metabolism in pets. Catozal: first aid for your cat How to inject catozal into dogs

"Catozal" is a complex medicine that is used to treat various diseases in animals. This drug is unique because it has no analogues. The main active ingredient in the composition is butaphosphan.

Composition and pharmacological properties

100 ml of the drug contains: butophosphamide (10 g), cyanocobalamin (0.005 g), methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (0.1 g), water for injection.

Did you know? Butophosphamide is considered a unique active substance, which was discovered in 1926 by specialists from the Bayer company; the surprising thing is that at the moment there are no substances with a similar effect.

The main active ingredient is an organic phosphorus compound. These compounds affect the course of assimilation processes in the body. Thanks to phosphorus, the central nervous system is in normal condition. Phosphorus compounds affect the state of membrane intracellular systems and muscles, including the heart.

Phosphorus provides energy for vital processes. Together with creatine phosphate, this component accumulates energy that will be used for muscle contractions, conduction of nerve impulses, biosynthesis of other substances and active transport of substances across the membrane.

Phosphorus compounds, in addition to many positive effects, have no side effects and do not accumulate in the body.

Butophosphamide affects the body through:

  • improving the utilization of glucose in the blood, stimulating energy metabolism;
  • increasing nonspecific resistance of the body;

Did you know? Nonspecific resistance is the body’s ability to resist any pathogenic influences. It can be congenital or acquired.

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • activation of the liver's functions;
  • stimulation of bone tissue formation;
  • restoration of tired heart muscle;
  • stimulation of protein synthesis, which accelerates the growth and development of the animal;
  • stimulation of smooth muscles and increasing its motor activity;
  • normalization of cortisol levels in the blood.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) has the following effects on the animal’s body:
  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • takes part in the creation of creatine, which is a source of energy for muscle tissue;
  • biosynthesizes acetylcholine, which has a positive effect on the animal’s nervous system;
  • participates in the metabolism of carboxylic acids and fats;
  • normalizes the process of food absorption;
  • biosynthesizes methionine.

Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, a pink transparent liquid, which is packaged in sealed sterile glass bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Instructions for use

“Catozal” has the necessary effect on the body, depending on the existing problem and the type of animal, so we will consider detailed instructions for using the drug in veterinary medicine for and.

Important! If animals have chronic diseases that require constant use of the drug, then it is recommended to use the drug in a reduced dosage by half.

The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day. If the drug is administered subcutaneously or intravenously, the procedure is carried out once a week. The treatment period is set individually for each animal and can range from 1 to 5 injections, depending on the course of the disease. It is necessary to take breaks of 5 days between courses. The course of administration of the drug is determined by the veterinarian and may differ from the doses recommended in the instructions, which depends on the disease of the animal and the body’s reaction to the drug.

For dogs

Based on and, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 0.5-5 ml per person.

For cats

For cats, the drug is prescribed at a rate of about 0.2-2.5 ml per cat. It all depends on the age of the animal.

Precautionary measures

As with other medicines for animals, when working with Katozal, it is necessary to observe precautions and personal hygiene.

Important!After using the product, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse with plenty of water.

Contraindications and side effects

The sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug is considered grounds for stopping the use of the drug. A side effect that may occur due to an increase in the dose of the drug is an allergic reaction that goes away after the dose is reduced.

Storage period and conditions

“Katozal” must be stored in its original packaging, in a dark and dry place, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C. The safe use period is 5 years from the date of production.
To summarize, it is important to note that “Katozal” is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of certain diseases, but requires proper prescription and use in order to achieve maximum effect for the animal’s complete recovery.

Name (Latin)

Composition and release form

A complex medicine containing in 100 ml 10 g of butaphosphamide, 0.005 g of cyanocobalamin, 0.1 g of methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, as well as water for injection. In appearance, the drug is a transparent pink liquid. Catozal is produced in the form of a sterile 10% solution. Packaged in 100 ml bottles of dark glass, which are placed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological properties

Catozal has a tonic effect on the body of animals, has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes (protein, carbohydrate and fat), increases the body's resistance to adverse factors, and promotes the growth and development of animals. Low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, in recommended doses it does not have locally irritating, sensitizing, teratogenic or embryotoxic effects, and does not have cumulative properties.


Catozal is intended for animals and birds: as a tonic during childbirth in cows, sows and the prevention of postpartum complications (tetany, postpartum paresis); as a tonic for overexertion and increased activity in horses 2–3 days before competitions; young animals to increase the body’s resistance to various diseases; as an additional remedy for diseases caused by insufficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body; to increase muscle activity.

Doses and method of administration

Catozal is administered to animals intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously (slowly), and to birds orally once a day. The duration of treatment with catozal is 4–5 days. Single doses of the drug (ml per animal) for acute diseases: horses, cattle - 10 - 25 ml; calves, foals - 5 – 12 ml; sheep, goats - 2.5 – 8 ml; lambs, kids - 1.5 – 2.5 ml; pigs - 2.5 – 10 ml; suckling piglets - 1 – 2.5 ml; dogs - 0.5 – 5 ml; cats - 0.5 – 2.5 ml; chickens, replacement young animals - 1 – 1.5 ml per 1 liter of drinking water; laying hens, broilers - 2 – 3 ml per 1 liter of drinking water. For chronic diseases: half of the above; If necessary, repeat the course with an interval of 5–14 days.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible in hypersensitive animals. With proper use and dosage, side effects are usually not observed.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

Meat, milk and eggs are used for food purposes without restrictions.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children and animals, at a temperature of 5 to 25 °C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Katozal- a unique metabolic stimulator produced by Bayer HealthCare AG, Germany. This is a one-of-a-kind drug that has no analogues. It is based on butaphosphan, an organic phosphorus compound that affects many assimilation processes in the body. Phosphorus compounds play a leading role in the activity of the central nervous system and processes in the membranes of intracellular systems and muscles, and are closely related to the metabolism of substances such as proteins and fats.

At the same time, organic phosphorus compounds do not accumulate in the body and do not have side effects that are usually characteristic of inorganic phosphorus and stimulants. Butaphosphan improves the utilization of glucose in the blood, accelerates metabolic processes, activates all liver functions, increases the motor activity of smooth muscles, normalizes the level of cortisol in the blood, and stimulates the formation of bone tissue.

The second active ingredient of the drug is cyanocobalamin, that is, vitamin B12. Catozal is used in various fields of veterinary medicine. It is prescribed for metabolic disorders, decreased performance of animals, for the treatment and prevention of infertility and postpartum complications. With the help of the drug, they normalize liver function and stimulate growth in children.

It is used for auxiliary therapy for viral and bacterial infections, intoxications, damage to organs and systems. The use of Catozal in therapy improves rehabilitation after illness and surgery, speeds up the dog’s recovery and reduces the risk of relapses.

Instructions for using catozal for dogs, price

The drug is used intravenously, intramuscularly and subcutaneously at a rate of 1.0 to 3.0 ml per 10 kg of dog weight. Catosal is most often administered once or twice at weekly intervals, although there are many different dosing regimens.

For example, a course of 5-10 injections with an interval of 1-3 days between injections is carried out to normalize metabolic processes, improve appetite and the condition of the skin and coat, prevent or treat seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases. In the case of complex treatment of severe conditions, a daily course of injections is possible.

There are no contraindications to the use of the drug. Even with multiple overdoses, no cases dangerous to the dog’s health have been identified. A 100 ml bottle of medicine costs 450-500 rubles.


Review #1

I breed Labradors and in the last litter I noticed, despite excellent care, a delay in development and growth. The tests turned out to be normal, the food was in perfect order. My puppies were prescribed Catozal subcutaneously, 3 ml each, and the bitch 5 ml every other day. In total, each dog received 5 injections. The puppies gained the required weight to normal within two weeks after the start of treatment.

Valery, Novosibirsk

Review #2

My pug since she was three months old. Throughout life, cystitis also increased and at 3.5 years old there was a difficult birth with a small number of puppies. The new veterinarian suggested that we inject Katozal subcutaneously, 3 ml every other day, for a total of 10 injections. After this and after it, there was no traditional recurrence of cystitis. As a result, our girl gave birth to five puppies completely independently. All of them are active and viable, with standard parameters.

Svetlana, Ekaterinburg

Review #3

Our Faya (boxer, 2 years old) had a very difficult birth. Nine puppies were born, but all were different in weight: from 350 to 600 grams. And even after giving birth, we had no peace. The babies did not have enough milk, the girl had inflammation of the uterus and was treated with antibiotics, and the puppies were fed artificially.

As a result, the children developed severe dysbiosis, they began to lag in growth, and rashes appeared on the skin. It was then that we were offered to try Catozal subcutaneously: 1 ml for puppies, and 5 ml for mothers for 10 days. We noticed positive dynamics after 10 days. And by the date of the first vaccination (8 weeks), all puppies had equalized in size and weight, and the skin rashes had disappeared.

Currently, the market for veterinary drugs is well filled and it is difficult to find a drug that has no analogues. - a rare exception to this rule. This is truly a one-of-a-kind drug. Its uniqueness is Butaphosphan - an active substance discovered by Bayer specialists in 1926 (!) and still has no analogues.

The drug contains two active ingredients: butaphosphan and cyanocobalamin. Butaphosphan - an organic phosphorus compound. Phosphorus compounds influence many assimilation processes in the body. Phosphorus plays a leading role in the activity of the central nervous system. The metabolism of phosphorus compounds is closely related to the metabolism, in particular of fats and proteins. Phosphorus plays an important role in processes occurring in the membranes of intracellular systems and muscles (including the heart). The role of organic phosphorus compounds in the energy supply of vital processes is also significant. Macroergic phosphorus compounds - ATP and creatine phosphate - accumulate energy, which can then be used for mechanical (muscle contractions), electrical (conduction of nerve impulses), chemical (biosynthesis of various compounds) and electrochemical (active transport of substances across membranes) work. With a lot of positive effects on the state of systems and organs, organic phosphorus compounds do not accumulate in the body and do not have side effects characteristic of stimulants and inorganic phosphorus. Butaphosphan has the following effects on the animal’s body:

Improves the utilization of glucose in the blood, which helps stimulate energy metabolism;

Accelerates metabolic processes by stimulating the ADP_ATP cycle;

Activates all liver functions;

Increases nonspecific resistance of the body;

Stimulates smooth muscles and increases their motor activity;

Restores tired heart muscle;

Stimulates bone formation;

Normalizes the level of cortisol in the blood;

Stimulates protein synthesis, accelerating the growth and development of the animal, as well as the reparative properties of organs and tissues.

Vitamin B12

The properties and complex of effects of cyanocobalamin are well known. And yet, for a clearer understanding of specialists about the complex of effects of Catozal, we highlight the following:

Stimulation of hematopoiesis

Participation in the formation of creatine (a source of energy for muscle tissue)

Participation in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, which affects the state of the nervous system

Participation in fat metabolism and carboxylic acid metabolism

Normalization of the process of food absorption

Biosynthesis of methionine.

Indications for use: The complex of active ingredients of the drug allows it to be used in various fields of veterinary medicine and makes it practically indispensable in many treatment regimens.

Catozal is successfully used in the following cases:

For metabolic disorders of various etiologies

When the productivity and performance of animals decreases;

For the prevention and treatment of infertility and postpartum complications;

In the treatment of secondary anemia

To restore animals after stress

To stimulate the growth of young animals

To normalize liver functions

As an auxiliary therapy for intoxication, viral and bacterial infections, damage to organs and systems.

The use of Catozal in the treatment of various diseases accelerates the animal’s recovery, improves rehabilitation after illness and reduces the risk of relapses. Catozal also helps to quickly restore the animal in the postoperative period: to reduce the likelihood of complications after anesthesia and infections.

Dosage and application features: Catozal is used intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intravenously in the following doses:

  • Dogs: 2.5 - 5 ml (on average 1.0 to 3.0 ml per 10 kg of animal weight)
  • Cats and fur-bearing animals: 0.5-2.5 ml (on average from 0.5 to 2 ml per 5 kg of animal weight)
  • Horses: 10-25 ml (average 10-15 ml per 100 kg weight)
  • The drug can also be used for birds. It is possible to inject the drug or drink it with drinking water at a dosage of 0.1-0.3 ml per 100 ml of water (for ornamental birds).

The instructions for the use of the drug provide for one or two doses of Catozal at intervals of a week, however, as a result of the active use of Catozal by veterinarians, there are many different schemes for its use. Summarizing them, we can formulate the following general recommendations regarding the frequency of use of Catozal.

1. One or two applications with an interval of two to seven days: to prevent or neutralize the effects of stress on the body; to increase the likelihood of egg fertilization in females, to improve sperm quality in males; to increase the activity and endurance of animals before exhibitions and competitions, to improve appetite, as well as restore performance after prolonged or increased stress, in the postoperative period.

2. Course of 5-10 injections with an interval between injections of 1-3 days, if necessary, the course can be repeated after 30 days: to normalize metabolic processes, disorders of the skin and coat, improve appetite; prevention or treatment of seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases; prevention and elimination of ethological problems (correction of nervousness, timidity, sudden changes in animal behavior).

3. Daily course of injections possible in the case of complex therapy of severe conditions of animals: deep metabolic disorders, infectious and viral infections, pathology of internal organs.

Contraindications There is no indication for using the drug. Many years of practice have proven the safety of using Catozal even with multiple overdoses. Catozal is successfully used by many veterinarians as an independent drug, and is also used as part of complex therapy to speed up the recovery of animals.

Experience with the use of Catozal in various pathologies of dogs

Matveeva M.V., head of the educational clinic of the Moscow State University of Public Health, therapist at the veterinary clinic “Na Talalikhina”, Moscow

The veterinary drug "Katozal" has been widely used for a long time in the veterinary clinic "Na Talalikhina". When using the drug, extremely positive results were observed. No manifestations of allergy were observed, and there were no reactions at the injection site.

Case history 1 . A Labrador breeder came to the clinic with a complaint that the last litter of puppies, despite very good care (balanced feeding on an hourly basis, deworming on a timely basis), were lagging behind in growth and development.

The stool analysis showed that the biochemical and morphological parameters correspond to the norm (normal digestibility of feed, absence of an allergic reaction to feed, normal intestinal microflora).

The animals were prescribed the drug "Catozal": puppies at a dose of 3.0 ml, bitches - at a dose of 5.0 ml subcutaneously every other day. The course of treatment consisted of 5 injections. On the 14th day after the start of treatment, the puppies gained the desired weight and, according to parametric data and weight, corresponded to the norm.

Case history 2 . Pug dog, female, 3.5 years old. The animal was observed and treated in the clinic from the age of three months. At 3 months the dog was treated for demodicosis. The life history also includes: chronic cystitis after the first mating; small number of puppies, difficult birth. Before the second mating of the animal, it was necessary to ensure the prevention of cystitis, as well as to increase the likelihood of giving birth to a larger number of puppies compared to the first pregnancy.

The drug "Catozal" was proposed subcutaneously at a dose of 3.0 ml every other day. Course of treatment: 10 injections. After mating, no recurrence of cystitis was observed. The dog gave birth to 5 puppies on her own (without medical assistance). During feeding, the bitch only slightly lost her condition. All puppies were active and viable and met standard parameters in terms of condition.

Medical history 3. Boxer breed dog, female. History of difficult birth, 9 puppies, all different in weight (from 350 to 600 grams). After childbirth, inflammation of the uterus and lack of milk were observed, and treatment with antibiotics was carried out. The puppies received artificial nutrition. As a result, all puppies developed severe dysbiosis, bloating and painful intestines, and, as a result, there was growth retardation and skin rashes over the entire surface of the body.

The following treatment was proposed: and - subcutaneously (from 5 days of age) at a dose of 1.0 ml for puppies, and at a dose of 5.0 ml for bitches subcutaneously daily for 10 days. Positive dynamics were noted after 10 days. However, since both the bitch and the puppies still looked unsatisfactory, a second course of treatment with Catozal was administered after 14 days at a dose of 2.0 ml for puppies, and at a dose of 5.0 ml for the bitch subcutaneously daily for 10 days. By the date of vaccination (2 months), all puppies were equal in parametric data and weight, skin rashes disappeared, and after weaning the puppies, the bitch quickly regained normal condition.

The drug Catozal was used in the clinic as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of other diseases, such as demodicosis, anemia (in this case, Catozal was prescribed as a rehabilitation drug after piroplasmosis and babesiosis), streptoderma, skin diseases (including allergic ones), kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestinal dysbiosis, after operations. The described clinical data indicate the multifaceted positive effect of Catozal on the animal body and allow us to recommend wider use of this drug to veterinarians and breeders.

When a pet begins to feel unwell, weakens, or gets sick, every loving owner is tormented by questions about what he did wrong, how he missed the moment when the pet’s health began to crack. Sometimes an animal can actually suffer due to the fault of the owner, even unconsciously (poor nutrition, prohibited “snacks”, chemicals, toxic substances carelessly thrown into the public domain, and much more). Sometimes a pet is overtaken by an insidious infection, from which it is difficult for people to protect themselves from injury. Sometimes this can be a malfunction in the body at the cellular level, exhaustion as a result of pregnancy, feeding, difficult childbirth, surgery, or stress. There are a great many reasons for deterioration in health, but our task is, if not to eliminate them completely, then at least to minimize them. We will do this with the help of Catozal, a broad-spectrum drug with powerful support for our four-legged charges.

What does Catozal consist of and how is it useful?

The drug is nothing more than an injection solution, and it contains only two active components:

  1. Butaphosphan is an organic phosphorus compound. Has a lot of useful properties:
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves liver cells;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • has a general strengthening effect on cells as a whole;
  • regulates the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • stimulates bone tissue growth.
  1. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Vitamin BB is known for its beneficial effects on the body:
  • tones the circulatory system;
  • supports the body during pregnancy and lactation;
  • regulates the process of food absorption;
  • affects the causes of infertility.

Neither butaphosphan nor B12 tend to accumulate in the body, and therefore do not have any toxic effect on the dog as a result of oversaturation with the drug. Residues of the drug are excreted in the urine during bladder emptying.

In what cases is Catozal prescribed?

The medication is used only as prescribed by a specialist. There are many indications for use:

For bitches, Catozal is used in the following cases:

  • diagnosed infertility;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • complications after childbirth.

Depending on the severity of the caudate patient’s condition, Catozal is prescribed as a separate therapy or in combination with other therapeutic measures. A doctor may recommend it as a prophylactic to prevent relapse of a treated disease or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Instructions for use

The package annotation contains detailed explanations of how to use the drug, calculate the dose and course.

Catozal allows three types of administration:

  1. Intramuscular;
  2. Subcutaneous;
  3. Intravenous.

The dose of medication is calculated based on the dog’s body weight: for every 10 kgweight - 1-3 ml of solution. For puppies with low weight, the dosage should not exceed 1 ml.

The course depends on what goals are pursued during treatment with Catozal:

  • Prevention - 1 injection per week.
  • Diseases of moderate severity - 1 injection every 2-7 days.
  • Serious internal and infectious pathologies, as well as poisoning - 1 injection per day.

Important! Only a specialist can prescribe a treatment regimen. Self-determination of dosage is prohibited!

When is Katozal contraindicated?

The good thing about this drug is that it poses virtually no danger to your pet. It has no age restrictions. There is no risk of side effects in case of overdose, even regular. Sometimes (extremely rarely) an animal may experience an allergic reaction. This happens when the body is individually intolerant to any component of the drug.

Price and analogues

A 100 ml bottle will cost you 800 rubles. It is produced by Bayer. At the moment, the drug has no analogues.