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Puncture wound with a rusty nail, first aid. What should you do if you step on a rusty nail and puncture your foot? Help with a nail injury

During home renovation or construction, almost anything can happen to a person. Wounds, abrasions and falls - you can’t do without it. But what to do if a person steps on a rusty nail? How to help yourself?


First of all, I would still like to say that in any health-related situation, everyone should seek help from medical professionals, because self-medication often leads to undesirable consequences. But what to do if a person steps on a nail, there is nowhere to expect help in the near future, and the nearest medical unit is very far away? It is important to give yourself first aid. So, a situation is possible if an employee simply steps on a nail, and after that a small wound remains. There was no puncture itself. In such a situation, coping with the problem is very simple. First you need to disinfect the wound and at the same time conduct a small inspection to determine the extent of the injury. If the wound is shallow, it will heal quickly. In other situations, it is better to consult a doctor, at least late.

Wound treatment: rinsing

If a person steps on a rusty nail, what to do in such a situation? At this point, the injury will need to be taken more seriously, because if rust particles remain in the leg, they can bother the person for a long time and even lead to undesirable consequences. So, you also need to start the procedure with disinfection of the wound and its examination. In addition, it is necessary to find out which nail caused the wound - normal or rusty - this information can be quite important. You can rinse the puncture site with ordinary hydrogen peroxide, and you can also do this well with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (it is best to dissolve it in boiled water). Next, around the wound at a distance of about 2-3 cm, you need to treat the area with iodine or brilliant green to prevent infection. This can also be done using an alcohol-containing liquid (cologne, vodka, alcohol) if you do not have the necessary medicine on hand. However, in such a situation, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the liquid does not get into the wound.

Wound treatment: ointments

If a person steps on a rusty nail, what should he do to make the wound heal faster? To do this, you can use various ones (Levomekol, Streptonitol, etc.) It is also good to make it from sea salt, so the healing process will go faster. However, this advice is valid in a situation where the wound has not been neglected. And after all the manipulations, the puncture site should be bandaged with a sterile bandage and, if possible, visit a traumatologist.


If a person steps on a rusty nail, what should he do to protect his health? In such a situation, everyone should also remember about tetanus. If a person is not vaccinated, he will definitely need a vaccine, and for this he will need to seek medical help. After all, this disease affects muscle tissue and affects the nervous system. It takes quite a long time to be treated for tetanus in a hospital, and the consequences of the disease can be observed for a couple of years after recovery. So there is only one true piece of advice if a person steps on a rusty nail. What to do in such a situation is to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Unfortunately, no one is insured against accidents, and sometimes even shoes cannot protect their feet from punctures by sharp objects. Most often, the culprits of injury are nails that a person steps on without noticing them. The main danger of this situation is that dirt and infection can get into the wound. Therefore, when I pierced my leg with a nail, what to do, how to treat it at home - these are the main questions, well, let’s try to answer them in as much detail as possible. Below you will find information on first aid for piercing your foot with a nail. What to do if you pierced your leg with a rusty nail and it is swollen, especially first aid for a child if he steps on a nail. Consequences of injury and antibacterial therapy.

In medicine, there are several characteristic signs of such limb damage:

  1. Its depth, in most cases, is much greater than the width of the puncture, which makes the movement of blood difficult, and therefore a tumor appears.
  2. The puncture site becomes a favorable environment for the life of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. The outflow of blood is also hampered by the rough and thick skin of the foot, and rust can provoke the development of a purulent process.
  4. Often with such an injury, nerves, tendon tissue and large vessels are affected.

The best solution in such a situation would be to contact a specialist. The injury can be serious if the sharp object goes too deep, then, even more so, medical attention will be needed. In addition, the doctor will be able to assess the severity of the injury and advise how and by what means the injury can be cured.

If it is not possible to get to the emergency room quickly, you need to know the rules of competent first aid:

  1. First of all, the bleeding should be stopped. When an artery is damaged, the wound literally gapes, and blood flows out of it with sudden movements. In this case, it is necessary to compress the lower leg area.
  2. If the damage is small, you need to make a tampon from several layers of bandage or clean napkins and, pressing it to the wound, bandage it. As a rule, ten minutes is enough for the bleeding to stop.
  3. After this, carefully wash the foot with soap, trying not to get it on the puncture site. It is treated with any disinfectant, for example, hydrogen peroxide, diluted manganese or chlorhexidine.
  4. The skin around the wound is lubricated with diamond greens or iodine tincture. If there is a broken piece of nail left in the wound, then it is better not to remove it yourself - the doctor will do this a little later.
  5. After treatment, a clean, preferably sterile, bandage is applied to the leg.
  6. In case of severe pain and in order to prevent swelling, it is allowed to apply cold compresses to the leg. You can also take a tablet of any analgesic. You cannot lean on your leg until it is examined by a specialist; before his arrival, you need to lay the patient down, and the injured limb should be slightly above body level (you can put a bolster or pillow under it).

Timely and competently provided assistance is necessary for two important reasons - it helps stop blood loss and prevents the penetration of infection, which causes serious problems.

A child stepped on a nail: what to do at home

If an accident happens to a child, parents need to urgently treat the damage. You need to go to the emergency room urgently, especially if:

  • the baby has a fever;
  • there are complaints that the toes are going numb;
  • swelling is observed;
  • the wound is deep, and its edges are turned outward;
  • the child is in severe pain;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor appeared from the puncture site.

Under no circumstances should you pull out a sharp object if it has pierced the foot - the baby must be immediately transported to a medical facility, where he will be able to receive qualified assistance.

A child stepped on a nail - what to do in other cases:

  • You need to try to calm and distract the child;
  • Before any manipulations, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap;
  • Next, you need to wash the skin of your feet, avoiding the damaged area;
  • the wound is washed with a large amount of hydrogen peroxide and lubricated around with brilliant green;
  • if there is no bleeding, then it must be bandaged with sterile gauze and bandage, firmly and securely.

Applying a cold compress in the form of pieces of ice wrapped in a thick cloth or towel will help prevent the appearance of a tumor and also reduce pain.

Parents probably know whether their child has received one of these vaccinations - Infanrix, Pentaxim, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine. If no attention was paid to such preventive measures, then the baby will have to be administered tetanus toxoid and immunoglobulin in a hospital setting.

Adults will have to take care to regularly change the child’s socks and choose suitable shoes - they should be loose, made of natural material and not put pressure on the sore foot.

What you should not do if such a problem occurs to your child:

  • Do not squeeze out blood if there is no bleeding;
  • pull out a deeply embedded nail with your own hands and remove its parts from the wound;
  • For normal blood circulation, the bandage should not be too tight.

If something bad happens to the baby and he punctures his leg with a nail, only the doctor knows what to do and how to treat it, and this is not an injury that can be treated without his knowledge. Despite the fact that the damage can heal, it is unknown what consequences await the child ahead, so it must be treated and bandaged using sterile tissue.

What to do if you pierced your leg with a rusty nail and it swells: video

Injuring your leg with a rusty nail is an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. If this happens, you should immediately take appropriate measures and first of all disinfect the injured area.

In case of deep penetration of the nail into the tissue, a visit to a medical facility is inevitable. Timely assistance will help avoid many undesirable consequences of injury:

  • suppuration;
  • inflammation;
  • blood poisoning.

The injured leg must be washed and treated with any disinfectant. The wound must be bandaged to prevent dust or dirt from getting on it. A person who has received an injury of this kind should monitor the condition of the damaged area and, if it becomes red, swollen, or increases in body temperature, immediately consult a doctor.

A deep wound resulting from a puncture of the skin with a rusty nail requires not only treatment with an antiseptic drug, but also additional other measures to avoid infection with tetanus (if the victim has not been vaccinated).

Tetanus infection is dangerous because in some severe cases, toxic substances travel through the blood into a person's central nervous system, damaging neuromuscular junctions. The consequences of infection with tetanus can be convulsions, changes in the structure of muscle tissue, as well as disruption of the heart and vascular system. Paralysis of the heart muscle, lack of air caused by spasms in the upper respiratory tract, can lead to death.

To avoid muscle weakness, spinal disease, limited joint mobility, as well as death, people infected with tetanus must undergo appropriate treatment in a hospital for 3 months and be observed by a neurologist for the next two years.

What to do if you pierced your leg with a nail and it is swollen

This happens if assistance was provided without the use of sterile means or too late. The condition of the wound can also be aggravated by the presence of rust on the nail, which may contain pathogenic microbes.

First of all, it is important to assess the condition of the wound and the patient’s general well-being:

  1. Simple swelling can occur due to the accumulation of fluid, and then it will be enough to apply ice to it to make the swelling go down. It is also recommended to apply an iodine mesh to the skin next to the puncture. Troxevasin ointment can also be applied to intact skin around the wound.
  2. Another scenario involves the presence of inflammation and pus. Moreover, there are such alarming symptoms as high fever, intense, sometimes throbbing pain. Here we are talking about sepsis, and ordinary pharmaceutical products will no longer help.

What should you do if you pierced your leg with a nail and it is swollen? Doctors, with this complication, recommend:

  • stop doing dressings yourself and visit a qualified specialist;
  • it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pus or make punctures to extract it - this can cause a secondary infection, which will further aggravate the situation;
  • the victim must complete the full course of antibiotics recommended by the doctor;
  • After the acute stage is completed, salt baths should be taken three times a day.

In a hospital setting, the doctor can carry out all the necessary measures, including removing the remains of a sharp object, excision of necrotic areas and suturing after appropriate disinfection with disinfectants. Often it is the nail pieces that cause swelling and inflammation. They can be detected by examination using X-ray equipment.

Along with this, in the hospital the victim will be vaccinated against tetanus to prevent further tissue damage and other serious consequences.

Antibacterial therapy

If treatment is successful, you should not rely on the fact that the wound will heal quickly without any consequences. Although this is possible, the threat of infection still exists. If a person goes to a medical facility immediately after providing first aid, the doctor can prescribe external medications with an antibacterial composition that will help prevent suppuration in the wound area.

These are special ointments that have a certain pharmacological effect:

  1. Antimicrobial drug in the form of ointment or powder Beneocin. The combined product contains two active components at once and has a bactericidal effect on different groups of bacterial microorganisms.
  2. The disinfectant and antiseptic drug Argosulfan (external cream), in addition to protecting against pathogens, promotes the healing of wounds, including purulent ones. The medication also reduces pain during deep punctures.
  3. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent Levomekol can be applied directly to the wound using a sterile napkin. The ointment is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and is applicable in the stage of purulent inflammation.

It should be understood that all of these potent local remedies can only be used individually, in doses and taking into account existing contraindications and unwanted side effects.

If there is a skin infection, then powerful antibacterial drugs of the azalide group, macrolides, and antimicrobial drugs based on Clindamycin and Levofloxacin are used.

In any case, they must be prescribed by a doctor, and after taking them, pharmacological agents are usually prescribed that restore the functioning of the immune system - probiotics, such as Lactobacterin, Bifikol, Linex and many others.

First aid if you pierce your leg with a nail: video

Consequences of injury

The worst thing is that such damage, although seemingly insignificant at first glance, can provoke various problems.

Complications may be as follows:

  1. Infection with a bacterial infection, especially when the nail turns out to be rusty. As a rule, some time later, the leg becomes hot and pain appears, especially when pressed. All this confirms that a purulent focus has formed.

If you pierce your leg with a rusty nail, your doctor will tell you what to do at home. Typically, damage requires regular washing with disinfectant liquids and application of Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment, which draw out the purulent contents. In the acute stage, the inflammatory process is accompanied by hyperthermia, weakness and deterioration of well-being. One thing we can advise is to give up trying to cure yourself and go to a hospital, where doctors will do everything to prevent sepsis - blood poisoning.

If such a diagnosis is excluded, a course of antibacterial drugs will be required, but it is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. These medications should not be taken uncontrollably, as they can reduce immunity and cause unpleasant disturbances in the functioning of the body.

  1. If blood poisoning does occur, hospitalization is carried out immediately. The disease is dangerous due to general intoxication of the body and the rapid spread of infection to all tissues and organs. Therefore, the patient is prescribed blood purification using solutions for infusion, the use of external agents and antibiotic therapy. You should know that such a condition can be very serious and even result in death.
  2. In case of injury, depending on the severity of the injury, bleeding may occur, and sometimes paresis of the fingers is observed. This means damage to the nerve fibers. It happens that large tendons also suffer greatly, and then we are talking about immobilization of the fingers of the limb.

Even if the treatment is carried out on time and sterile available materials are used, you still need to contact a traumatologist, since there is always a danger of tetanus. Infection is especially likely if the puncture was caused by a dirty sharp object. In this regard, the patient will require tetanus vaccination, carried out in a hospital.

If it happens that someone pierced their leg with a nail, what to do, how to treat it - these are the first questions that arise for the victim. This should be done by a medical professional who understands this topic. If such treatment is impossible, you need to at least properly treat the wound, and this can prevent a number of dangerous complications.

Cutting your foot with a nail can happen to anyone. But if we are talking about skin damage while working in the garden or coming into contact with a rusty nail, you cannot limit yourself to just treating the wound with an antiseptic and a bandage.

There may be tetanus spores in the soil or on the surface of a dirty old nail. For an unvaccinated person, in a quarter of cases, tetanus infection ends in death (death).

Even now, doctors cannot cure this disease once it has already developed. Therefore, if you puncture your leg with a nail or other object, when the wound is narrow and air access to it is closed, you must urgently go to the emergency room so that the doctor can administer anti-tetanus serum.

Why is tetanus so insidious, and what kind of disease is it?

In the most serious forms of the disease, tetanus toxins manage to enter the central nervous system along with the bloodstream within 5-8 days and damage the neuromuscular synapses. As a result, the sick person experiences:

  • convulsive syndrome,
  • the structure of muscle tissue changes completely,
  • The osteoarticular system suffers.

At the same time, disorders of the cardiovascular system are observed. Death when infected with tetanus can occur due to paralysis of the heart muscle or asphyxia (suffocation) caused by spasm of the respiratory tract.

Treatment and consequences of tetanus

Treatment of tetanus lasts up to 3 months in a hospital setting, but the person who has recovered from the disease must be observed by a neurologist for another 2 years, and for the same time the patient may continue to have residual consequences of the disease: spinal deformity, limited joint mobility, muscle weakness. This is the serious price to pay for lack of vaccination and improper behavior in the event of injuries.

How to properly help yourself or someone else?

What actions can be called correct when piercing a leg with a nail? Firstly, this is washing the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, treating the area around the puncture with iodine or brilliant green, and bandaging the leg. And secondly, this is a visit to the clinic to see a traumatologist in the very near future.

If vaccination against tetanus was carried out more than 10 years ago, the victim will urgently need the introduction of anti-tetanus serum.

For a vaccinated person, foot baths with sea salt are usually sufficient for faster wound healing. At the first signs of suppuration, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics orally, that is, in the form of tablets, and locally, in the form of ointments.

What else could such a wound threaten?

To scare you completely and refer you to a doctor, I note that the wound can fester if an infection gets into it (and it will definitely get there if the wound channel is long and narrow).

The accumulation of pus in a wound does not end well; in addition, among the bacteria there may be the so-called “Pseudomonas aeruginosa”, which leads to rapid gangrene.

Then the person may simply lose his leg. I want to say that a wound with a nail is not, but a rather serious thing. So do not self-medicate, but go to the emergency room, they know how such wounds are treated.

When injured by a nail, you must first disinfect the wound, while simultaneously assessing how deeply the nail has penetrated the body. If there is a deep wound, especially from a rusty nail, you should immediately go to the doctor, in this case only he will be able to assess the extent of the damage and its possible consequences. If a visit to the doctor is ignored, suppuration may begin with serious complications in the form of blood poisoning or. In addition, the nail can hit the tendon and lead to a decrease in the motor activity of the limb.

Help with a nail injury

First, you should immediately rinse the wound thoroughly using a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Then the wound must be disinfected by treating the area around the puncture with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine or a 1% solution of brilliant green. To prevent dirt from entering, a bandage should be applied to the injury site.

If the injured limb at the puncture site begins to swell, hyperemia appears, or the body temperature rises, you should immediately contact a medical facility without waiting for further deterioration of your health. Otherwise, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Injury from a rusty nail

If the wound is caused by a rusty nail, there may be tetanus spores on its surface. Tetanus is a very serious disease, and if a person is not vaccinated against it, it can be fatal, which is what happens in a quarter of all cases of infection. Death occurs as a result of asphyxia due to spasm of the respiratory tract or paralysis of the heart muscle.

Treatment of tetanus is long-term, about three months in a hospital setting. After the end of treatment, residual effects may persist in the form of muscle weakness, deformation, and limited mobility in the joints, so the victim will have to be observed by a neurologist for another two years.

If injured by a rusty nail, in the absence of vaccination against tetanus or more than 10 years have passed since the date of vaccination, the victim must be administered anti-tetanus serum.

If the patient is vaccinated against tetanus, a foot bath with sea salt dissolved in water can be used to speed up wound healing.

When the first signs of wound suppuration occur, the doctor prescribes local application of ointment and oral administration of an antibacterial agent. In the vast majority of cases, a wound caused by a nail ends in suppuration. This is due to the narrow wound channel, into which air access is closed, so infection is sure to occur. Among the bacteria that get into the wound, there may be bacteria, leading to rapid gangrene. In this situation, failure to see a doctor in a timely manner may result in the loss of a leg and disability.

A wound caused by a nail, especially a rusty one, is a dangerous condition, and the retribution for incorrect behavior can be serious, so you should not self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

I am very glad to welcome you again, dear readers! Today we will talk about household injuries, about what a person needs to do if he steps on a rusty nail. What happens to us in life! Such injuries can occur during the construction of a house, doing home repairs or while working on a summer cottage.

It is very important to provide first aid correctly and in a timely manner in order to get out of this situation without consequences. It is believed that the most dangerous complication of dirty wounds is infection with tetanus. Let's touch on this topic a little. So, first things first.

When the skin is damaged by a nail or any sharp long object - a sharpener, a knitting needle, an awl, a piece of reinforcement - a puncture wound is formed. The hole can be superficial or deep. With a minor injury, it seems that there is no significant danger for the victim. However, it is not.

With any violation of the skin, blood vessels, nerve endings, and nearby tissues are damaged - this leads to additional problems. How to act and what to do if you accidentally hurt your leg with a nail, especially if it is rusty?

The specificity of the injury depends on how deep the nail went and whether it remained in the leg or not. Despite the small entrance hole and the satisfactory condition of the victim, high vigilance must be exercised.

Types of nail damage by depth of damage:

  • Blind;
  • Through.

According to the nature of the damage and the presence of complications:

  • With damage to soft tissue only;
  • With penetration into bone structures.
  • Without severe blood loss;
  • Complicated by heavy blood loss.

The hole caused by a nail wound is small, round in shape, with clear boundaries, skin damage is insignificant. But in this case, internal tissues often suffer, since the depth of the damage is much greater than its diameter.

First of all, don't panic. Carefully assess the condition of the injured person's wound. If a nail has wounded your leg all the way through, you cannot pull it out yourself. The only correct decision in such a situation would be to go to the nearest emergency room.

Most likely, the person was wearing socks and shoes; if wounded, microscopic pieces of clothing and shoes could get into the wound. Such a puncture must be processed by a surgeon, this is important, and we will discuss why later. If the bottom of the wound is bone, a joint cavity, or a foreign object remains, an x-ray must be taken.

You can deal with minor minor damage at home. To do this, you need to know the rules of providing first aid to the victim.

How to provide first aid?

Even the most minor cuts, scratches, and wounds should be lubricated with an antiseptic. Wounds that were treated in the first two hours heal faster. It is necessary to pay attention to both deep wounds and minor ones: any splinter or abrasion serves as an entry point for infection. Especially if sand, earth, clothing fabrics, glass, etc. get into the wound.

By treating the wound with antiseptic solutions, we kill viral, fungal, bacterial and mixed flora. In addition, anaerobic microorganisms, tuberculosis bacillus, protozoa and other microbes die.

Common antiseptics accelerate and also slow down the healing of the wound surface. It all depends on what phase of the process they are used at. Therefore, each solution, antiseptic powder or spray has a specific role for proper use.

Washing the wound

First, the wound must be washed. To do this, we take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and a solution of furatsilin. In some sources you can find information that the wound can be washed with water. I would not recommend doing this, since our water is far from ideal.

Water can only wash off significant stains and so that the liquid does not get into the wound. For example, a child was running barefoot on the ground and stepped on a nail with his heel - in this case, it is the child who needs to be washed, not the wound. We carefully wash off the dirt from his legs with water so as not to cause an infection. After this, we wash the wound with the antiseptic solutions indicated above.

What do these solutions do? They soften blood clots, wash away dirty contents, and separate damaged tissue from the living surface. After washing the wound surface, it should be dried with a swab of sterile bandage.

Shallow damage cannot be treated with peroxide and furatsilin, since the substances affect not only microorganisms, but also living cells. A softened wound heals more slowly, and then noticeable scars form.

Treatment with antiseptics

After washing, the wound should be treated. To do this, we use any alcohol-containing liquids:

  • Vodka will do;
  • medical alcohol;
  • moonshine;
  • any alcohol tincture.

From medications:

  • 5% iodine solution;
  • Brilliant green solution;
  • Miramistin solution;
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Under the influence of these solutions, local immunity is strengthened and regeneration processes are accelerated. Next, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound. Do not forget that the bandage should always be kept clean and should be changed twice a day or when soiled.

Next, apply cold on top of the bandage; to do this, take a frozen bag of vegetables from the refrigerator, fill a bottle of ice water, or apply a cold metal object. You need to keep the ice on the surface for at least 15-20 minutes; the cold constricts blood vessels, prevents internal bleeding, and reduces the likelihood of swelling and hematoma.

How to heal a wound faster?

At first, my leg hurts a lot. Despite this, in addition to dressings and treatment, it is not recommended to apply any ointments in the first 2-3 days. They create a protective film on the surface, thereby promoting the development of anaerobic infection, which multiplies without access to oxygen. This is fraught with the development of gangrene.

When three days have passed, you can use any anti-inflammatory and antibacterial local medications.

The most effective ointments for the treatment of non-infected wounds, burns, bedsores are Actovegin and Solcoseryl. The gel is applied in a thin layer, and a sterile bandage heavily soaked in ointment is applied on top. Change the bandage once a day.

In addition to these external agents, you can use new generation ointments: Bepanten, Bepanten plus, D-Panthenol, Panthenol spray, ointments promote collagen synthesis, accelerate tissue epithelization, and protect the wound from infection.

If your leg is swollen

If a person steps on a nail, it will not be possible to recover quickly; very often such injuries fester, and treatment will take longer. If your leg is swollen and it becomes difficult to move your foot, what helps in this case? In such circumstances, the following remedies are suitable:

  • Levomikol – anti-inflammatory effect, increases regeneration, does not cause resistance of microorganisms;
  • Baneocin is a combined antimicrobial drug for external use that contains several antibiotics that are harmful to bacteria. Before applying to the skin, it is advisable to do an allergic sensitivity test;
  • Gentamicin sulfate – helps well with inflamed wounds, has a wound healing effect;
  • Lincomycin and Erythromycin ointments have an antimicrobial effect, have an inhibitory effect on bacteria, and accelerate the recovery process.

If your surface does not heal for a long time, redness appears, and pus begins to ooze, such consequences should be shown to a specialist. Which doctor should I contact?

You should visit your local surgeon; if necessary, he can schedule a consultation with a traumatologist. The specialist will perform secondary surface treatment, remove dead tissue, and treat the wound well. After this, the wound will heal quickly.

Tetanus shot

Without the right preventive and therapeutic measures, this disease can be fatal, you can’t argue with that. But the disease is rare, and the risk of infection does not depend on vaccination. It becomes doubtful whether the likelihood of an imaginary infection justifies the real one.

Tetanus is indeed a big problem, but in developing countries, which do not ensure sterility even when cutting the umbilical cord, when treating the umbilical wound, which leads to the death of newly born children. The disease develops due to the fact that tetanus bacilli penetrate into the wound cavity.

These are not ordinary abrasions or cuts that children receive, but deep injuries, bites of wild or domestic animals, thermal and chemical burns that heal without access to air.

Wounds from which blood flows are not dangerous for infection, so the blood fluid should be allowed to flow freely for a little while if the bleeding does not pose a threat to life. For serious wounds, seek medical attention quickly.

I found the following interesting information: in the Russian Federation, the death toll from tetanus is 12-14 cases per year. Of these, 50% were not vaccinated against tetanus, and 50% were vaccinated, but still became infected. These statistics are given by the former sanitary doctor of Russia G.G. Onishchenko.

In one scientific study, I read how, after a tetanus revaccination, a healthy person had a sharp decrease in the number of immune cells, that is, the numbers of T-lymphocytes dropped to the level of AIDS patients. This suggests that after vaccination the immune system is not able to function normally even against simple infections.

The health care provider will give you tetanus toxoid, tetanus human immunoglobulin, or tetanus serum. It's up to you to decide whether to inject or not. But do not forget to ask about what drug you are injecting and what it is for. If unpleasant consequences occur, you will at least know what caused them.

Treatment of puncture wounds using traditional methods

After a short digression, let's return to our topic. How to treat a leg using folk remedies? What can be processed?

I found the following recipe interesting, used for purulent wounds. When gangrene develops, the surgeon almost always uses a knife. Doctors of Russian medicine act differently:

  • You need to take black rye bread that has just been baked, salt it generously, then chew it for several minutes;
  • Cover the affected area with a thick layer of chewed bread and salt and bandage it.

M.P. Kurenkov, the author of a folk medicine, describes this remedy as uniquely true and strong. Several Russian doctors from traditional medicine tried to improve the wild folk method by adding apothecary wisdom to replace chewing bread. The attempts were unsuccessful.

In conclusion, it is worth summing up our conversation. Everyone needs to remember that any wounds, cuts, or scratches must be treated well, even if they seem very minor. This will get rid of infection, prevent suppuration, and promote rapid healing of the wound.

And if you notice the first signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, local increase in temperature, discharge of pus, immediately contact the nearest medical facility to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. See you again and be healthy!