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Beautiful poses for a standing outdoor photo shoot. Beautiful poses for a photo shoot for girls

Photo session for a pregnant woman

Photo session of a pregnant woman with her husband

Photo session in the studio

Photo session with children

Photo shoot for girls

Photo session at home

Photo session of the bride and groom

Newlyweds photo session

Photo shoot for men

Photo session outdoors in summer

Outdoor photo shoot in spring

Outdoor photo shoot in winter

Outdoor photo shoot in summer

Outdoor photo shoot in autumn

Photo session with a guy

Photo session with flowers

Tango photo shoot

Photo shoot dance

Themed photo shoot

Photo session of a young man

Photo session in the park

Even the smallest and quietest town has a beautiful park where many photographers love to conduct photo sessions. Every season has its own differences, and despite the weather conditions, you can experiment well with…

Photo session with a child

Photo session with a guy

Couple photo session

Photo shoot in a dress

Full length photo shoot

Photo session in the studio for girls

Photo session in the studio for plus size girls

Gothic photo shoot

Photo shoot in grunge style

Yoga photo shoot

Perhaps you have been practicing yoga for many years and can do any exercise without difficulty, perhaps you just recently went to a fitness club to learn all the intricacies of this sport, or perhaps you have never encountered such, at first glance, complex exercises and look with horror at photographs depicting physically developed people...

Photo session by company

Today, there is a wide variety of photographic equipment that allows the photographer to create incredibly beautiful pictures. This is why professional photo shoots have become so in demand in the modern world, because every girl dreams of being a model and feeling at her best. Moreover, due to the large selection of social networks that push young ladies to take beautiful and flirty pictures, girls run to professionals and persuade them to make…

Photo session at sea

Outdoor photo shoot

Sometimes, when we see photographs from a photo shoot in nature, we are truly delighted, because nature is always rich in bright and rich colors that can best complement the image of the model. Nature is especially enchanting in spring. Photo sessions of girls in the spring are always magical and alluring. After a long cold winter, everything around comes to life and blooms, so every young lady wants to plunge into the freshness of spring and capture her beauty. Such photographs always evoked only the most tender feelings...

Child photo session

For a professional photographer, a child's photo shoot involves a fun and carefree job, however, it has its own complexity. Here he can capture truly sincerity in his movements, and reveal all the joy of childhood. Despite all the advantages of working with a child, the work is not so easy at first glance, because everyone must be prepared for unpredictable situations. The most important thing that is required from a photographer is his perseverance and endurance, since he must be able to adapt to the baby’s mood...

Photo session with a friend

Photo shoot standing

Photo session near the car

Photo session by the water

Poses for a photo shoot by the water
s or by the sea have always been divided into all main categories - the first consists of photographing directly in the water, the second - on the shore. Each photo shoot at sea always carries a certain thematic focus. However, often the shooting is presented to everyone in a romantic style, which is harmonious with the marine atmosphere. The atmosphere of the sea has its own characteristics regarding the poses of models... Read more Every professional photographer knows that a large part of the success of photography will depend on how comfortable the position of the model is chosen. All this is quite natural, because if you think about it, it’s true, no matter how skilled the photographer is, he cannot create truly beautiful photographs if his model is not photogenic or cannot take a beautiful pose. If you find a stunningly beautiful building and decide to take photos, you should... Read more

How to pose correctly for a photo shoot is a question that I never asked myself until I was about forty. I didn’t take photos often, sometimes they turned out well, sometimes they turned out monstrously. But I managed to perceive successful photos as a gift of fate, and unsuccessful ones... I simply did not perceive them. And never think about it what am I doing wrong in these unfortunate photos.

Now that I run a fashion blog and take photographs a lot and often, I had to delve into the photography process much deeper. It turned out (that is, I theoretically knew this before, but only now felt it with all my skin) that lighting is critically important for a good photo. In the right light, the most ordinary woman can look like a fabulous nymph in a photograph. And bad light will even turn a beauty into a Baba Yaga during the holidays.

Of course, the quality of the camera is also important, and even more important is the skill of the one who holds this camera in his hands. But! If you are standing in front of a brilliant photographer in the pose of a pregnant porcupine, the best thing he can do is lower the camera and not shoot.

First of all, the model should know how to make a photo successful

To build the body correctly, take a winning pose, “hide” the flaws of the figure and show the advantages - these tasks are solved on this side of the camera, not on the other. Professional models are taught this, but no one teaches us, mere mortals. But for us this is perhaps even more relevant, because we have something to hide, and for us not every pose will be winning.

Over the two years of filming for my blog, I have accumulated so many bumps that there is enough for everyone. I ruined hundreds of frames - it’s good that they are now digital, otherwise it would have been kilometers of wasted film. But now I know exactly how NOT to pose)))

It would seem that the Internet is full of materials on the topic “How to take a good photo” and “How to pose correctly”

But there are nuances that are very important for an adult woman of significant merit, and which I did not come across in any of these articles; I had to figure them out myself. You will save a lot of time and nerves if you simply use my experience and remember ten simple rules for a successful photo. Believe me, the quality of your photos will change dramatically!

All the photos below were taken under the same lighting, with the same camera settings, almost simultaneously. One photographer, one model, the same clothes. Often these are just two adjacent frames. And the result... Judge for yourself.

Rule No. 1. Half-turn pose

You automatically look a size smaller if you stand not facing the camera, but half-turned, with one hip slightly pulled back, and your chest and face turned towards the lens. Plus, if there is a hint of a tummy, then in a full-face pose, the directly incident light makes a molehill out of this. But half a turn - everything is not so critical.

If the light comes from the side, then turn the hip that is less illuminated slightly back. Then the thigh and stomach will seem to go into shadow and the whole silhouette will seem narrower.

Rule #2: When posing in profile, shift your weight back

Everyone recommends taking photos half-turned or almost in profile; this is one of the most popular photo poses. But no one says that the weight must necessarily be placed on the leg that is farthest from the camera. And the leg that is in front should be free, without weight.

On the left, the weight is on the leg in front. And on the right, the leg in front is free

If you lean on the leg in front, your thigh will seem two sizes larger and your butt will look enormous. Lean on the leg that is behind you and move your butt back - this will immediately make you at least a size smaller.

Rule No. 3. Don’t stick out the hip that is closest to the camera and the light.

As mentioned above, if you move one hip back to the “dark side”, the entire silhouette seems smaller. But if you put your weight on the thigh that is lit and closest to the camera, it automatically appears larger than it actually is.

Here the light falls from the left and therefore the difference is very clearly visible

The photographer who is photographing you can determine where the light is coming from. But you should always keep this in mind!

Rule No. 4. Get your butt back!!!

Always! Although on catwalks and in glossy magazines we see a fashion trend every year - walking and posing for photos with your belly stuck out forward. Even mannequins in store windows stand in this pose.

But models and mannequins, no matter how much they stick out, they simply have nothing to stick out, they don’t have bellies. But this pose is absolutely not suitable for a woman with curves!

On the left, the stomach moved forward a little. And on the right everything is in place

Regardless of whether you pose full-face or half-turned, always try to straighten your chest as much as possible, straighten your back and move your butt back - it will pull your stomach back with it. And, of course, don’t forget about the abs 😉

Rule No. 5. Don't slouch!

In continuation of the previous point. Don’t slouch, straighten your shoulders - this is so obvious, without this you will never get a successful photo. But how often do we forget about this! Meanwhile, a hunched back and shoulders twisted forward are a guaranteed kill for a good shot. A stooped back not only makes you shorter, it also nullifies your neck, steals your waist, lowers your chest, automatically brings your stomach forward - in short, it does everything that you absolutely should not do!

A twisted back is a waste of a shot!

When taking pictures, repeat to yourself all the time: “Straighten your back!” Straighten your back!” No matter how smooth it already is, there is no limit to perfection.

Rule No. 6. Don't hide your waist!

The waistline, the narrowest point of your body, must be visible in the photo. That's why models often place their hands on their hips, lift them up, or otherwise move them away from their torso. If you press your arms to your body, the sleeves visually merge with the torso - the lines of the body are dead, no one sees them.

There is no figure on the left at all. On the right is another matter!

Always make sure that there is at least a minimum gap between your waist and elbow.

Rule No. 8. Don't hide your neck!

Especially if your neck is not very long anyway. In an attempt to create a “relaxed”, “lively” pose, we often lower our head to our shoulder - and only memories remain from the neck.

Just like on the right - it’s also not necessary, this is an exaggerated example

Keep your head higher - a double chin will not appear in the photo, no matter what, and your neck will be longer.

Rule No. 9. Hands off!

Not quite, of course)) The insidiousness of the “half-turn” pose is that the forearm and hand are in the foreground, closer to the camera. And what is closer to the camera seems larger, this is a property of optics. Don't forget to move your arms back a little - this will make your arms and shoulders look more graceful.

In the photo on the right, the forearm looks smaller and the whole silhouette is lighter

Plus, by moving your arm back a little, you provide the necessary clearance between your waist and elbow.

Rule No. 9. Remove your bare hands even more so!

Everything that is said in paragraph 8 is even more relevant if you are photographed in the summer and with bare hands. Everything that is closer to the camera seems larger, and if it is something else that is light, it looks one and a half times wider. Bare hands can look like skinless sausages if you don't move them away from the camera.

The hands are the same. The view is different

Rule #10: Lift your chin

You can write a separate article and even a book about the rules for shooting portraits, there are a lot of nuances there. I will say only one general rule: all other things being equal, a head slightly raised up looks better than a head lowered down. As mentioned above, by lowering your head, you create a double chin, even if you don’t have one.

And here, too, the general principle works: what is closer to the camera appears larger. When you tilt your head forward, your forehead appears larger. When you tilt your head back a little, your lips appear larger 😉

You will say: can a living person remember all this the first time?

And I will answer you: of course not! But, if you systematically don’t like your photos, then maybe it’s time to do something about it? Today everyone has a phone with a camera in their pocket. Practice in front of a mirror, ask a friend to take a photo of you. Take a look at my cheat sheet, try different poses - and you will see what works for you.

With a little practice, you will learn to automatically take a good pose and begin to look at least as good in photos as you are. Or maybe a little better)) After all, photography is not only a technique, but also a little magic 😉

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An outdoor photo shoot looks beautiful, bright and varied. Sunlight, scenery of city or village streets - all you have to do is come up with a theme for the photo shoot and create an interesting image.

Beautiful poses for an outdoor photo shoot. Places for posing.

There are a lot of topics for a street photo shoot. For example, you can arrange a family or children's shoot, “Love story” or “Best friends”. And, of course, an individual photo shoot, where you can surprise everyone with a romantic and feminine look, or, on the contrary, a bright and sexy look. Having come up with a theme and image, the choice of poses is of no small importance. Posing is the basis of all work.

Erotic and daring poses can be achieved on the hood of a car or on a motorcycle. A pose with support on an object is perfect here.

Beautiful pictures can be taken on the steps in the park. Here you can experiment with standing and sitting poses.

Make historical sites and monuments your backdrop. Just think carefully about your look, using interesting clothing details and accessories.

There are so many options for park bench poses. If you want to cross one leg over the other, remember that your knees should be turned away from the camera. If you sit sideways to the camera, the figure will visually become thinner.

Lean against the wall of the house or a street lamp, tilt your head back. This pose will look good both in profile and in front.

You can come up with interesting poses for a street photo shoot while moving. And they are not limited to just walking. You can continuously blow bubbles or experiment with jumping - it's fashionable now.

Take pictures against the backdrop of beautiful buildings, or just in the middle of the road.

You can take beautiful outdoor photographs at any time of the year. You can come up with charming poses for an outdoor photo shoot both in summer and winter. Roll in the snow, or pose next to the snow-covered Christmas trees. Create or Snow Maiden. Show your imagination - experiment!

Professional photographers advise taking photographs outside in the morning or after 17:00.

The best poses for an outdoor photo shoot

Let's look at the most successful and cool poses for an outdoor photo shoot (you can even practice in front of a mirror first):

  1. If you like to be the center of attention, then this pose will show your triumph: bend one leg at the knee and lift it, spread your arms to the sides and lift it up. The chest should be tucked up and slightly tilted forward, you can lift your chin up a little.
  2. A pose that makes you visually slimmer: put your leg slightly to the side and transfer your weight to your thigh, bend one arm at your waist.
  3. The face is directed at the camera, and the body is slightly turned, you can put your hand on your hip.
  4. A daring “criss-cross” pose – one leg in front, the other bent at the knee, with the hands folded behind the head.
  5. It looks interesting if you lean on some object. In this case, you can cross your legs, or bend one, and the other will be straightened.

A few tips, in the photo:

  • clothes should highlight your strengths. Don't choose flashy colors. And remember that the black and purple colors in the photo will add several years to your appearance;
  • In makeup, the main thing is to highlight the eyes;
  • depict different emotions so that the photographs are not monotonous.

To get the expected result and positive emotions from a photo shoot, you need to relax, not be shy and be natural. Fear and stiffness will be visible in the photographs. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself not only externally, but also emotionally.

It's no secret that men usually have a harder time relaxing. Especially in front of the camera. In the photographs, men often either stand at attention, or, conversely, are feignedly relaxed, which reveals even more stiffness.

In order to become more photogenic, you don’t need to strain all your muscles or put on a brutal appearance. It's enough to look confident.

To do this, take a natural pose with a calm expression on your face. Even if you smile, the smile should not be tense. Sometimes it is enough to smile only with your eyes.

A couple more tricks:

  1. To emphasize the masculinity of the figure, the shoulders need to be turned towards the camera, and the hips, on the contrary, should be slightly turned away (we’re talking about a few degrees, a wasp waist is not your goal).
  2. To make your gaze more confident, it should be directed in the same direction as your face.

Photo standing

Take a “closed” pose with your arms crossed over your chest. She will give you confidence. Just don’t forget about your posture: your shoulders should be straightened and your stomach should be pulled in. The pose is good for both portraits and full-length shots.


Lean your side or back against a wall, for example. Hands can be folded on the chest or put in pockets. You don't have to look into the lens; you can turn your head to the side.


Standing facing or half-turning towards the camera, shift your body weight to one leg. Either set the second one aside or cross it with the first one. Hands can be put in your pockets or folded on your chest.


At work

This may not comply with the rules of etiquette, but it often looks good. Of course, you shouldn't climb onto the table with your feet - just sit on the edge. Fold your hands over your chest, put them in your pockets or rest them on the tabletop.


You can lean forward slightly or turn half a turn. Place your hands in front of you or touch your chin with one. If there is an additional object in the photo, pay attention to it - it will be more natural.


Sitting freely in a chair, place one leg on the other. The hand can be placed on the armrest, on the knee or brought to the chin. Just don't support your head.


Sitting on the ground

Without support

Sit down slightly forward. But don't bend over - straighten your shoulders. You can put your feet in front of you and put your hands on your knees. You can cross your legs with your hands in the center.


Supported by hands

Cross your legs. Lean on one hand and place the other on your raised knee. An even more natural pose is with support on both hands. This pose looks great if you choose the right shooting angle.


Lean against a wall or tree. Extend the leg closest to the camera and bend the other at the knee, placing your hand on it. Or cross your legs in front of you. Relax your back using support, but do not spread out.



This is the simplest thing, the pose can be any.

Take many pictures from different angles, with different emotions. If the portrait is frontal, look into the lens. If your head is turned, look to the side. You can tilt your head slightly. You can bring your hands to your face. Smile or make a serious face - just don’t overact.

Be sure to try converting the photo to b/w - it will almost certainly turn out great.


Of course, these are not strict rules. But by following these tips, you can find 2-3 good angles. Then you will feel more confident in front of the camera and will be able to experiment in search of more interesting shots.

If you are suddenly overtaken by a creative impasse, have run out of new ideas, or are just looking for a little hint for photographing a girl, then you can use sketches as a starting cheat sheet, because they are one of the most important stages of preparation. The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photographs you will get as a result of photography. Many professional photographers use this technique when preparing for and during a photo shoot. Poses of girls for a photo shoot This article should be used as a starting point, and it is best to review and discuss suggested angles with your model, especially if she has little experience. This way, you will be able to establish psychological contact with the model. During the photo shoot, do not hesitate to ask the model for her opinion on which poses she likes best. This helps both the model and the photographer feel more confident, and in the end, get decent results. It will be very useful if before the photo shoot the model thinks about what she wants to see in the pictures, what she wants to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Maybe something romantic? Or some special character traits? What types of poses will work best for her? The following poses are a hint not only for the model, but also for the photographer; you can print them out or send them to your phone and carry them with you as a cheat sheet that will help you in difficult times.

In this article, each pose presented has a photograph as an illustration. All pictures are taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //500px.com), copyright belongs to their authors.

So, let's look: successful poses of girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often, when shooting portraits, both the model and the photographer forget about the position of their hands. However, something creative can happen if you ask the model to play with her hands, trying out different positions on her head and face. The main thing to remember is one rule - no flat, tense palms: the hands should be soft, flexible and, preferably, they should not be facing directly into the frame with the palm or back of the hand.

3. You are probably familiar with such a compositional rule as.

4. A very cute pose for a sitting model - with your knees together.

5. Another open and attractive pose - the model lies on the ground. Get down and take the shot almost from ground level.

6. And again, an option for a lying position: you can ask the model to play with her hands - fold them or calmly lower them to the ground. A great angle for shooting outdoors, among flowers and grasses.

7. The most basic pose, but it looks simply stunning. You need to shoot from the lower level; walk around the model in a circle, taking pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the arms, hands, and head.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions of your legs and arms, focusing on the model's eyes.

9. Cute and playful pose. Great for almost any setting: on the bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a photo of the model from a low position, focusing on the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to show off your model's beautiful figure. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette against a bright background.

11. Another friendly pose for a seated model. Position the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest and the other leg, also bent at the knee, lies on the ground. The gaze is directed into the lens. Try using different shooting angles for better results.

12. A great way to demonstrate all the beauty and plasticity of the model’s body. Can be used as a silhouette pose against a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with big amount possible options. Let the model experiment with the position of the hips, arms, and head.

14. Simple and at the same time elegant pose. The model is turned slightly to the side, hands in the back pockets.

15. A slight forward tilt can unobtrusively emphasize the model’s shape. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. A sensual pose with raised arms emphasizes the smooth curves of the body. Well suited for slim and fit models.

17. The options for posing in full height are simply endless; this position can be taken as a starting point. Ask the model to easily turn her body, change the position of her arms, head, direction of gaze, etc.

18. This pose looks quite relaxed. Don't forget that you can lean against the wall not only with your back, but also with your shoulder, arm or hip.

19. Full-length shots are quite specific and are better suited for tall, slender models. Here's a little secret: the model's body should resemble the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the arms are in a relaxed state.

20. One of the best poses for slim models with a huge number of possible options. To get the best position, ask the model to slowly change the position of her hands and continuously bend her body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and draperies. With their help you can get sensual photographs. It is not necessary to expose your entire back: often, even a slightly bare shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. A good pose for a photo shoot and an excellent angle from which the model appears slimmer. The model stands sideways, with her chin slightly down and her shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often, ordinary poses are the most successful. The model should transfer the weight of the body to one leg, while bending the body into an S-shape.

24. The model touches a vertical surface, such as a wall or tree, lightly with both hands. The pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model has beautiful long hair, be sure to show it in motion. Ask her to quickly turn her head to allow the hair to develop. Experiment with shutter speed to get clear or blurry shots that highlight movement.

26. In the next pose, the model is sitting on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, you can get a thematic photo (for example, the girl was cold, and now she is resting and warming up).

27. An excellent and comfortable pose that is suitable for a photo shoot in the house, studio on the couch and more...

28. A beautiful pose for a model sitting on a sofa.

29. Excellent for photographing a model sitting on the ground. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. You can experiment in a sitting position; you should not limit yourself only to certain subject poses.

31. It is believed that crossing legs and arms between people creates a certain psychological barrier, and this is not recommended when taking photographs. However, this is not always the case. The photographer should try to take a photo where the model's arms are crossed over her chest. This is a great pose for a women's photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy

32. It’s not always worth coming up with a certain hand position. It is completely normal to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing to remember is that while standing, the model must transfer her body weight to one leg.

33. Another example of a full body photo pose that is perfect for a photo shoot. The girl's hands, fully or partially, are in her pockets.

34. This pose is perfect for a summer photo shoot. Ask the model to take off her shoes and walk slowly.

35. The model’s hands behind her back, an unusual, but very open and sincere pose. The model can also lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, a very simple, and at the same time, effective position is suitable. The model stands slightly sideways, with her face turned towards the photographer, her head tilted slightly to the side.

37. The model will look very harmonious in the frame if you place both hands on your waist. The pose is suitable for half-length and full-length portraits.

38. If there is any tall piece of furniture nearby that you can lean on with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create a formal, but at the same time free and inviting pose.

39. Another good position is to sit on something. Well suited for both indoor and outdoor shooting.

40. An example of a feminine and winning pose for a full-length shot of a model.

41. A rather complex pose, due to the fact that you need to convey the movement of the model. However, if done correctly, the reward will be a great, elegant fashion shot.

42. Great pose, although it will require certain camera settings: the girl is leaning on a fence or bridge railing. A large aperture will provide shallow depth of field and a blurry background.

43. A great pose if done with its features in mind. The correct placement of the arms and legs plays a decisive role here. Ideal for any body type. Please note that shooting should be done from a slightly elevated position.

44. A great pose for intimate photography. Well used in various environments, bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting pose. We take the angle from the bottom point. The upper part of the model's body is slightly raised, and the head is slightly tilted down. The legs are bent at the knees upward, the feet are crossed.

46. ​​This pose is not the easiest. There are a few things to pay attention to: the arm the model is leaning on should be facing away from the body, the abdominal muscles should be under control, and the legs should be extended. The pose is ideal for a sporty body type.

47. The next difficult pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For a successful final result, he must take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, arms, waist (there should be no folds in the skin!), hips and legs.