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Treatment of joints with Chinese onions. Medicinal properties of Chinese onion

A healing plant grown at home, Chinese onion for treating joints is an ambulance for severe pain. The onion tincture recipe is a simple, affordable, safe remedy.

Many plants that came from the East are medicinal. These include Chinese onion, also called poultry onion, brandushka, Indian onion (due to its similarity with hot Indian spices), its parts are used for medicinal purposes. The juice heals wounds and acts as an antiseptic; the leaves reduce swelling.

However, this eastern guest became popular due to its ability to relieve joint pain. Radiculitis, and – the list of diseases goes on. For this, tinctures based on recipes from shoots and onions are recommended; they are mainly made with pure alcohol, vodka, moonshine or water. The alkaloids colchicine and colchicoside, contained in Chinese onions, are optimal for the treatment of joint diseases. They prevent uric acid crystals from accumulating in tissues. Natural antibiotics, essential oils and minerals, which are found in abundance in poultry grass, are also needed.

Use in folk medicine

Compresses, lotions or rubbing are used. Take internally with caution in precise proportions under medical supervision.

Chinese onion tincture recipes are popular due to their ease of production and healing qualities. Moreover, there are many recipes for medicines for the treatment of joints - from arrows, rhizomes, flowers. They are ground to be prepared in pure form or with the use of additives. Home-made tinctures according to recipes are healthier than pharmaceutical ones, due to the fact that all the additives are known and mixed in the correct proportions. When buying ready-made mixtures in pharmacy chains, you cannot always be sure of the quality.

General rules for preparing infusions

Recipes for Chinese onion tincture to treat joints are simple.

In order for the medicine to be healing, you need to know the rules:

  • wash the plant and dry it thoroughly on a napkin or towel (if the raw material is crushed in advance, it is not washed);
  • chop the arrows and flowers with scissors, the rhizome with a knife;
  • use glass, enamel or ceramic containers (aluminum containers are not suitable, as unwanted interaction with the metal may occur);
  • Close the container tightly with a nylon lid or a strong stopper;
  • Strain the mixture through several layers of gauze or a sieve;
  • work with gloves;
  • store in a dark, cool place;
  • add water as the volume decreases.

Cooking options

From an onion

Grind and then mix with vodka, keeping the proportions one to three. Pour the mixture into a wide-necked bottle or jar. Place the container with the concentrated liquid in a closet and store for a month, then strain the tincture through a sieve or cheesecloth in several layers. The remaining time is stored in the refrigerator.

Make sure that the container is not exposed to sunlight. This may cause the content to become unusable.

From leaves

Wash the leaves thoroughly, then dry and chop. Place in a wide-necked jar. Pour one part with three parts of alcohol and let stand for 10–12 days.

Less concentrated infusion

The concentration is not made so strong to try how the drug will work, since there is a danger of getting burns. The solution is made according to the same principle as the first two, however, the proportions are taken not one to three, but one to ten. All other rules are followed - it is stored in a dark cabinet for 10 days to a month, then filtered through two layers of gauze.

It is better to start lubricating the sore spots with a weak concentration of liquid to protect yourself from burns. If side effects do not appear and the result is visible, then next time use a saturated liquid.

From arrows, leaves and bulbs

Take all ingredients in equal proportions. For example, 5–6 arrows, the same number of flowers, one bulb. Chop thoroughly using scissors and a knife, and then pour in a liter of vodka. Keep in a dark place for two weeks. This composition is considered useful for the complex treatment of joints, for relieving pain from gout, arthritis and heel spurs.

During the period of preparation of the composition, shake the bottle to impart quality to the medicine.

With eucalyptus oil

The oil has miraculous properties, and when combined with Chinese onions, the effect is enhanced. Mash the leaves with a mortar, add 20 g of eucalyptus oil and 60 mg of alcohol to this mass. Close the contents tightly in dark glass jars or bottles. This composition is suitable for compresses; the best result can be achieved if you insulate the sore spot, for example, by wrapping it in a woolen scarf.

From aloe and honey

The alcohol concentrate is prepared in the traditional way. Then honey and aloe juice are added. It is prepared in the following proportions: aloe (1 tsp), alcohol tincture of Chinese onion (2 tsp), honey (3 tsp). The main effect of aloe is to destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. Everyone knows the beneficial qualities of honey. The combination of such proven ingredients will give results - cartilage tissue will be restored.

With camphor oil

The oil is extracted from Japanese laurel using steam. Pour 150 ml of alcohol into finely chopped leaves. At the same time, in another container, mix camphor oil with alcohol (one to three). Let stand for two to three hours and then mix. The mixture is stored for two weeks, and then it is used in the form of lotions and compresses.

On the water

Grind the poultry meat - prepare a homogeneous mass. Pour one part with ten parts boiled water. The mixture should be infused throughout the day, and the mass should be constantly squeezed out so that it becomes concentrated. The mixture is also brewed in a mug; this is a quick method of preparation, but not as effective as prescription tinctures for treating joints with alcohol.

On moonshine

Grind the leaves, poultry bulbs and comfrey in a ratio of two to one, add moonshine (you can use high-quality vodka). Comfrey is a perennial medicinal plant, actively used in both official and homeopathy. Keep the concentrate in a dark place for three days.

Other uses

It is not always necessary to make concentrates; the plant is so healing that sometimes it is enough to simply apply a leaf to a sore spot, and relief will immediately come. To achieve a quick result, you need to wrap the sore spot.

Vaseline-based ointment is popular. To prepare it, juice is squeezed out of the onion, Vaseline is heated to a temperature of 40° (this can be done under steam). Then they begin to slowly pour in the juice, thoroughly mixing the mixture. The finished ointment is stored in the refrigerator and, if necessary, is applied to the joints. An ointment made with egg whites and a ready-made alcohol mixture from the leaves is also effective. After applying the ointment, you can place compress paper on top, insulate it with a scarf or blanket, and leave it for two hours. At the end of the procedure, the sore spot must be insulated again. This ointment is not stored for a long time, so it is not prepared for future use.

Onion tincture can be taken orally with caution and under the supervision of a physician to improve cardiac activity and increase overall tone. At the same time, strictly observe the proportions - one teaspoon of onion infusion is diluted with three teaspoons of water. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals.


When following recipes for tincture of Chinese onion to treat joints, you need to know that it is poisonous. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that drops do not fall on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose.

Recipes for tinctures for treating joints must be strictly followed. Painful sensations appear from small burns, the skin turns red and itches. In this case, treatment of the joints is stopped and the affected areas of the skin are lubricated with sea buckthorn cream or other emollient. If the drops accidentally get into the mouth or nose, they are washed abundantly with water and Taurine or Taufon are taken. Poultry is contraindicated in case of hemophilia, pregnancy and due to intolerance to the substances in the composition. Sometimes unbearable pain can be cured by a simple folk remedy, however, you should not use it yourself, but only on the recommendation of your doctor.

Traditional medicine, unlike official medicine, which is not bound by the narrow framework of using only approved drugs to treat diseases, has in its arsenal a huge number of means for treating various diseases. One of these remedies that has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of joint diseases is Chinese onion.

Amazing properties of the plant

Chinese onion (also often called Indian or Mongolian onion) is a perennial bulbous plant with a unique healing effect on a sick body. Its Latin name is Ornithoqalum, which means “bird-eater”. In hot India and subtropical China it grows wild.

In the temperate climate typical of most regions of Russia, it is grown as a houseplant and can only be planted in the garden during the summer months. Chinese onions appeared in Russia relatively recently - approximately half a century ago. It is popularly nicknamed "hell's root", partly due to the large size of the bulb, but mainly because of the burning sensation on the skin when used for medicinal compresses.

Research into the exact composition of this plant is still underway. It is well established that Chinese onions contain:

  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • various microelements.

The plant contains a lot of colchicine, an alkaloid that has excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and also prevents the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. In addition, Chinese onions have good bactericidal and antimicrobial properties, and also improve blood circulation and prevent blood clotting.

The “hell root” must be used with extreme caution. Although its constituent colchicine is effective in treating various joint diseases, its overdose can cause serious poisoning of the body.

How to use Hellroot correctly

For treatment, you can use almost all parts of the plant: the bulb, leaves and flower arrows. It is better to take raw materials for preparing tinctures during the flowering period of the plant, i.e. in November - December. You need to prepare tinctures and compresses with extreme caution: wear rubber gloves on your hands and under no circumstances allow the plant juice to get into your eyes or mucous membranes. After rubbing or applying a compress to a sore spot, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The toxicity of onions makes itself felt during treatment. When rubbing Indian onion tinctures into the skin, most people experience a burning or tingling sensation of varying intensity at the site of application. Usually, after a few minutes, these sensations go away on their own, so their appearance is not a reason to stop treatment.

But if the discomfort becomes too strong or continues for a long time, then the procedure should be abandoned: it can cause severe allergies. To avoid this, before starting treatment, 2-3 drops of juice from Chinese onion leaves should be applied to the patient’s elbow. If an allergic reaction to the juice occurs within a few hours, treatment cannot be started.

Treatment with Indian onion is strictly prohibited if there are open wounds on the skin at the site where the compress is applied, as well as during pregnancy and if there are problems with blood clotting (for example, hemophilia).

Recipes for Chinese onion preparations

Chinese onion leaves are crushed and poured into a glass jar, filled with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:3. The jar is closed and placed for 10 days in a dark and warm place. At the end of the 10-day period, the tincture must be filtered and can be used for compresses and rubbing. But you need to start treatment with a solution of lower concentration, so immediately before use, you need to cast a small part from the resulting tincture and add another 7 parts of alcohol to it, so that the resulting concentration of the solution is 1:10.

Then, directly during the course of joint treatment, if the patient tolerated the previous procedures well, the concentration can be gradually increased: on the second day of the course - 1:9, on the third - 1:8, etc., until the maximum possible concentration of the tincture is determined which the patient can tolerate without harm to health. Although you can immediately prepare a tincture with a concentration of 1:10 and use it to carry out all the treatment. The course of treatment is 1–1.5 weeks, three procedures every day.

There are recipes that use not only leaves, but also other parts of the plant, and also include additional components.



Onion tincture. Take 1-2 large or 5-6 small onions and 0.5 liters of vodka. The bulbs are crushed, poured into a glass jar and filled with vodka. The tincture is left to infuse in a dark place for 2–4 weeks, thoroughly mixing the contents every other day. The tincture is used for rubbing.
A tincture of Chinese onion with eucalyptus oil has proven itself well. To prepare it you will need 1-2 onion leaves, 20 g of eucalyptus oil and 50 g of medical alcohol. The onion leaves must first be mashed in a pot with a wooden mortar. Then add eucalyptus oil and alcohol to the pot. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the resulting mixture in a glass jar, close tightly with a nylon lid and leave for a week in a dark place, vigorously shaking the contents daily. Use this mixture for rubbing, for greater effect, wrapping the lubricated joint in a woolen scarf.

Treatment of joints with tinctures, which contain other components along with Chinese onion, is much more effective, since their components mutually enhance and complement each other’s effects. There are options for using Chinese onions with camphor oil, Vaseline, and egg yolks.

The general rule: before you start treating joints with Chinese onions, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Brandushka, or bird's-eye, Indian, false sea or Chinese onion - these are the names of the same plant from the large lily family. South Africa is considered its homeland. But it is also well known in the Mediterranean countries, Europe, China and India.

Perennial onions have flat, wide leaves and a large green bulb. At the end of the autumn period, seeds ripen on long peduncles. Chinese onion is an unpretentious plant. It is grown in front gardens. It feels good on northern window sills in an apartment. A mixture of garden soil, charcoal and sand is suitable for planting this plant. In winter, the brandushka quickly outgrows it. If you place it in a cool place, this can be avoided. Watering should be moderate. Chinese onions do not like being waterlogged.

This plant can be called a home healer. It has amazing antimicrobial, analgesic and wound healing properties. Phytoncidal activity has a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. Knowledgeable flower growers, growing Chinese onions at home, give them a place of honor. It will help cope with ailments no worse than such well-known plants as golden mustache or aloe.

Well-ripened leaves are used for medicinal purposes. When picked, they release white juice. For this property, Chinese onions are called lactiferous or tailed poultry onion. The medicinal properties are due to the presence of alkaloids and the amazing compound calcium oxalate in the plant. Thanks to them, Chinese onions have found use in medicine. The juice of the plant is used in pharmaceuticals in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of colds. Folk healers and herbalists have not ignored the bird-tailed plant. It is widely used for medicinal purposes in many countries.

Chinese onion treatment has a wide range of effects. There are many recipes for drugs. Thus, it is used to treat migraines and joint diseases, as well as all kinds of bruises and non-healing wounds. Leaves are applied to sore spots or smeared with juice. It is used as an anesthetic for toothache. Onions are effective in the treatment of arthrosis and radiculitis.

Before using this medicinal plant, you should definitely consult your doctor. Possessing amazing properties, potions made from brandushka are still unsafe. Chinese onion can be classified as a poisonous plant. Treatment should not be started without prior consultation with specialists. And you should be careful when growing and using it. At home, children and animals should not have access to the plant.

Treatment with leaf juice is carried out only externally. If the concentration of the drug used is incorrect, burns or itching of the skin appear. Also, one should not forget about individual intolerance. If an allergy occurs, treatment should not be continued. It is best not to self-medicate, but to consult with a knowledgeable herbalist.

The tailed bird was used to treat various ailments back in ancient times: even then doctors knew how useful it was.

Although some people only grow Chinese onions in their garden, growing them at home is also possible, and even more convenient: the medicine is always at hand. You can grow poultry grass on your own windowsill both from seeds and from tiny children - bulbs formed on plants.

How to grow Chinese onions indoors

Growing Chinese onions from bulbs

The easiest way to grow this plant is from children formed on the mother bulbs, where they contain from 2 to 20 pieces. Occasionally they break up into two or three parts, forming not one, but several onions, ready for planting.

Onion planting technology

We provide drainage

Before planting the bulbs, we cover the bottoms of deep flower pots with expanded clay, broken bricks, coarse sand or pebbles: the plants need drainage, otherwise the bulbs will become damp and rot.

Preparing the soil

We fill the pots with light fertile soil such as “Universal” or for onion plants, or prepared with our own hands.

To make your own substrate, mix the following components:

  • 3 part garden soil;
  • 1 part humus.

Or use the following composition:

  • 1 part fine-grained sand;
  • A little charcoal;
  • 1 part turf soil;
  • 1 part garden soil.

Planting bulbs

We bury the onions in the substrate to a depth of 9 cm, water them and put them on a bright windowsill.

In the future, we regularly water the plantings as soon as 3 cm of soil has dried out.

Growing poultry from seeds

To obtain Chinese onions from seeds, do the following:

  • At the beginning of winter, we prepare a plastic container with drainage.
  • We fill it with universal soil or prepared with our own hands according to the recipes described above.
  • We make grooves 5 cm deep, place achenes in them and sprinkle with earth.
  • We water the crops.

At the end of winter - beginning of spring, sprouts will sprout in the container. When they have grown five to six leaves, we transplant them into flower pots.

The tailed poultry plant does not require particularly complex care. Like any other plant, it will need timely watering, sufficient lighting, washing the leaves, replanting and fertilizing. The main thing is to avoid drafts, especially in winter.


Bird breeders love bright light: in the shade they wither and grow for a long time. The ideal place for growing Chinese onions at home is southwestern or southern window sills.

Occasionally we turn the pot towards the window with the other side, otherwise the crown will develop unevenly. In winter, we provide the plant with additional lighting.


Since this is a bulbous plant, you cannot fill it with water, otherwise the bulb will rot and die. We water the onion as it dries, without fear that it will die from drought: the onion contains a lot of water.

If the onion “retires” for the winter, we put it in a dark corner and stop watering, only occasionally spraying it with warm water.

Washing leaves

Dust prevents the leaves from breathing and receiving enough light, so as they become dusty, wipe them with a damp cloth.

Top dressing

Feeding Chinese onions is done during the growing season and during flowering no more than once a month. For fertilizing, we use ready-made fertilizer for bulbous plants or mullein.


We transplant the poultry plant into a larger pot as soon as the distance from the bulb to the walls of the old container decreases to three centimeters.

With proper care, Chinese onions, which do not cause much trouble when growing at home, will live for about ten to twenty years. Over the years, it will come in handy more than once for medicinal purposes and will produce a lot of baby bulbs, from which you can grow a whole garden of useful poultry plants.

Brandushka, or ornithischium, Indian, false sea or Chinese onion - these are the names of the same plant from numerous plants. South Africa is considered its homeland. But it is also well known in the Mediterranean countries, Europe, China and India.

It has flat, wide leaves and a large green bulb. At the end of the autumn period, seeds ripen on long peduncles. Chinese onion is an unpretentious plant. It is grown in front gardens. It feels good on northern window sills in an apartment. A mixture of garden soil, charcoal and sand is suitable for planting this plant. In winter, the brandushka quickly outgrows it. If you place it in a cool place, this can be avoided. Watering should be moderate. Chinese onions do not like being waterlogged.

This plant can be called a home healer. It has amazing antimicrobial, analgesic and wound healing properties. Phytoncidal activity has a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. Knowledgeable flower growers, growing Chinese onions at home, give them a place of honor. It will help cope with ailments no worse than such well-known plants as aloe.

Well-ripened leaves are used for medicinal purposes. When picked, they release white juice. For this property, Chinese onions are called lactiferous or tailed poultry onion. The medicinal properties are due to the presence of alkaloids and an amazing compound in the plant. Thanks to them, Chinese onions have found use in medicine. The juice of the plant is used in pharmaceuticals in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of colds. Folk healers and herbalists have not ignored the bird-tailed plant. It is widely used for medicinal purposes in many countries.

Chinese onion treatment has a wide range of effects. There are many recipes for drugs. Thus, it is used to treat migraines and joint diseases, as well as all kinds of bruises and non-healing wounds. Leaves are applied to sore spots or smeared with juice. It is used as an anesthetic for toothache. Onions are effective in the treatment of arthrosis and radiculitis.

Before using this medicinal plant, you should definitely consult your doctor. Possessing amazing properties, potions made from brandushka are still unsafe. Chinese onion can be classified as a poisonous plant. Treatment should not be started without prior consultation with specialists. And you should be careful when growing and using it. At home, children and animals should not have access to the plant.

Treatment with leaf juice is carried out only externally. If the concentration of the drug used is incorrect, burns or itching of the skin appear. Also, one should not forget about individual intolerance. If an allergy occurs, treatment should not be continued. It is best not to self-medicate, but to consult with a knowledgeable herbalist.